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View Full Version : Price check: a scintilating scales ring

2009-12-12, 04:35 PM
As the title suggests, I am tired of being hit with touch attacks but I don't want to cover my bagel in cheese for this campaign. Is it too much to just price it as a level 2 spell for MiC or is it too good?

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-12-12, 04:37 PM
It seems as if your ring would be expensive, and only worth it if you had a large amount of natural armor.

2009-12-12, 04:41 PM
I'm playing a momf so the NA is pretty high. I'd only need 3/day at most so no need for it to be ongoing.

We're fighting a lot of casters lately and the 15 NA from the War troll and whatnot would seem to be quite useful to avoid the touch attack spam I'm going to be facing now that I pissed off an archmage and co.

Your Op-fu is far greater than mine though, so any comments or opinions on the matter is appreciated.

2009-12-12, 04:48 PM
By the guidelines it's 24K.

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-12-12, 04:52 PM
I'm playing a momf so the NA is pretty high. I'd only need 3/day at most so no need for it to be ongoing.

We're fighting a lot of casters lately and the 15 NA from the War troll and whatnot would seem to be quite useful to avoid the touch attack spam I'm going to be facing now that I pissed off an archmage and co.

Your Op-fu is far greater than mine though, so any comments or opinions on the matter is appreciated.

How about a Ring of Spell Storing? You could store the spell in the ring and activate it when necessary. It's only 18,000 gp.

We'd need to get the spell in there somehow. I suggest you get a 3/day wand of Scintillating Scales and have someone activate it to refill the ring as needed. A 2/day wand is 4,420 gp. Not sure about the cost of a 3/day wand, but it can't be too much more.

2009-12-12, 04:55 PM
My problem there is that we dont have any person capable of casting it into the ring and our DM has a low magic fetish so finding anyone able to do so wouldnt be available.

Maybe it isn't worth it.

Edit: Actually, I think that'd work wonderfully.

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-12-12, 04:56 PM
No one can UMD it?

2009-12-12, 04:59 PM
We have a player so counter optimized I can't even begin to describe him so I generally forget he exists. Fortune would have it he could use the wand, so now I only need to keep his ass alive for more than a single combat.

He seriously has died every combat for three campaigns. Maybe I could stick him in a bag of holding with a bottle of air...:smallamused:

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-12-12, 05:02 PM
Find the price of a 3/day eternal wand (follows the item creation guidelines in the SRD for a 3/day magic item, and is in the Ebberon campaign setting), buy one, and obtain a minor ring of Spell Storing.

It's not quite the same, but it works. End cost to you should be slightly cheaper. Still has a jury rigged feel to it though.

On the plus sides, you can store an additional first level spell, like Obscuring Mist, which will help protect your death prone friend.

2009-12-12, 05:04 PM
Thanks guys.