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2009-12-13, 05:11 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134929)
Dice Rolling Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=134931)

Recruitment Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=133395)

Our Heroic Ensemble
{table="head"]Character|Player|Race|Class|Paragon Path|Role
Móea (http://www.tangveje.dk/pbp/asod/sheets/moea.pdf)|Anonomuss|Human|Monk/Bard/Cleric|Radiant Fist|Striker/Leader
Ngeri (http://www.tangveje.dk/pbp/asod/sheets/ngeri.pdf)|Ipphli|Lycan|Cleric|Compassionate Healer|Leader
Ericr (http://www.tangveje.dk/pbp/asod/sheets/ericr.pdf)|nepphi|Lycan|Paladin|Justiciar|Defender
Grimnir (http://www.tangveje.dk/pbp/asod/sheets/grimnir.pdf)|Kallisti|Dwarf|Warlock (Star, Dark)|Dark Reckoner|Striker
Cáï (http://www.tangveje.dk/pbp/asod/sheets/cai.pdf)|Emlyn|Human|Ranger|Battlefield Archer|Striker
Ráslím (http://www.tangveje.dk/pbp/asod/sheets/raslim.pdf)|Reverent-One|Human|Wizard/Warlock|Arcane Wayfarer|Controller[/table]

"Hear the loud alarum bells -
Brazen bells!
What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells!
In the startled ear of night
How they scream out their affright!
Too much horrified to speak,
They can only shriek, shriek,
Out of tune,
In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire,
In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire,
Leaping higher, higher, higher,
With a desperate desire,
And a resolute endeavor
Now - now to sit, or never,
By the side of the pale - faced moon.
Oh, the bells, bells, bells!
What a tale their terror tells
Of Despair!
How they clang, and clash and roar!
What a horror they outpour
On the bosom of the palpitating air!"
-- Edgar Allan Poe, The Bells

Act 1 - Raven of the Slain

Snow fell softly in the early morning hours, covering the city in a fine gown of white. Undisturbed and peaceful, not a sound was heard. Not a single whisper, nor a lonely bird greeting the morning, or a soft breeze coming in from the sea. Everywhere, everyone woke to the silence, so quiet it seemed that perhaps they had not woken at all. The whole city, holding its breath, listened in utter, terrifying dead silence.

A chilling breeze rolled in from the sea, an omen riding ahead of the first wave. It struck without warning, like a tide from nowhere against the shore, an invisible wave of terror and blind madness sweeping through the streets and homes of the city. The first screams tore through the silence like a blade through hissings seas of rage, waking everyone as if from death itself.

Somewhere by the docks a fisherman's daughter threw herself at her father, laughing maniacally while digging his eye out with her fishing knife. Screams of horror and laughter arose and mixed everywhere while a pack of dogs, rabid with sudden madness, joined the fight and tore apart both father and daughter in a bloody carnage. The daughter couldn't stop laughing, her eyes swimming with insanity even as the dogs feasted on her flesh.

Near the market a gang of city guards attacked a passing dwarf and hanged his naked, mutilated corpse on a spear before joining a group of pirates and other scum on a mad killing spree through the streets, spouting vile curses and laughing like rabid hyenas. Everywhere the same kind of madness erupted into shows of mindless rages and killings. Everywhere people were fighting, slaughtering loved ones, setting fires to houses and barring the exits.... within seconds the city was overrun and the streets running red with blood. Those who weren't in the grip of madness or fleeing for their lives could only watch and try to fight back against the horde of insanity.

And just when everything seemed the darkest, another wave hit against the shore and swept through the city. As if nothing had happened, the corpses littering streets and homes rose again to pick up the fight once more. In clouds of noxious fumes and flies the sewers burst with corpses of rats and other vermin, vast swarms of rotting and skeletal disease bringers, joined by the long dead crawling out of the ground and waters all over and around the city. In moments the city was surrounded, overrun by the dead who far outnumbered the living. Everywhere people died like flies, only to rise again before they hit the ground. Within minutes only a few were left fighting, desperately trying to push back the endless hordes of the dead and the damned to no avail.


Cáï found herself in the middle of a mob of fighting madmen and guards apparently trying to bring them under control, and with a gang of insane pirates on her trail. How the pirates had found her so quickly and so far from Lyán was a mystery she cared very little about right now. She had fled the fight with the pirates seeking a better position from which to take them down, when a sudden silence had fallen over the city. She had stopped to listen when something struck her. Like a flash behind her eyes and a dark blanket over her mind. She struggled against something in her mind, a sudden presence both alien and familiar, like a choir of a thousand voices inside her head. She would not lose herself again, she would not let this happen again.

She must have fainted, because when she woke up it was at the kick of a heavy boot to her side. She barely evaded another kick to her head and jumped on her feet. Horror and confusion almost overwhelmed her at the sight that met her. People everywhere, madmen tearing each other apart in an orgy of blood and destruction. And she was caught in the middle of it. Someone shoved her from behind, an arrow whizzed by her ear and everywhere she stepped there was blood and severed body parts. When a heavy hand grabbed her shoulder she had almost shot the man in the eye, but realised in time that this one was not in the grip of madness yet. The lycanthrope, wearing what seemed like a guard uniform, led her out of the frey while others kept the horde at bay for them. There was no time for words, the moment she was out of immediate harm the man left her and disappeared back into battle. Cáï knew she had to find a position where she wouldn't get trampled by the masses and could shoot freely. Looking around she quickly spotted the high tower nearby, what she assumed was a guard tower. Swiftly scaling it she took up a position on the roof and fired at the hordes of insane people while trying desperately to suppress the memories this all brought up in her. But there seemed to be no end to the masses of people, and as the corpses began to rise everywhere a terrible cold spread in her body and mind. She knew not why she shivered, or why her fingers suddenly fumbled with the string on her bow, but the weakness became worse and as the cold spread she felt herself losing her grip. Slowly, as if in a dream, she saw herself falling. The last thing Cáï saw was the ground before she hit it, then nothing...


It was still early morning when Eitri stepped out onto the stone bridge, and the streets had yet to fill with people. But the sooner he could get to work the better. His steps on the rough stone sounded strangely hollow and faint, and it was this which made Eitri aware of the sudden silence. For a moment he stopped to glance down at the stone beneath him and listened. Something was wrong, terribly wrong, and it was not just the silence. Like a ripple through the very foundations around him. Eitri stood as if rooted in place, struck by a sudden feeling he could not explain, and there were precious few things the dwarf could not explain. The screams seemed distant as everything fell apart around him in a chorus of infernal madness. Eitri stumbled and summoned every last ounce of strength to bring his mind and body under control. Then it was gone, passed over him like a cloud. For a moment he stood, swaying slightly, when something bumped into him. Looking down he saw a child, a boy no more than five with terror painted across his face and shivering wildly. Looking in the direction the boy had come, Eitri only now noticed the carnage on the other end of the bridge, and the group of guards currently on their way towards him and the boy with maniacal grins from ear to ear and blood all over. One seemed to be dragging a dead woman along by the hair and another had taken off his armor and painted grotesque pictures on himself in blood. Pushing the boy behind him Eitri turned to face the grim mob, his hammer in hand and steel in his eyes. Whatever they were up to they should not get past him.

Eitri fought like never before, but it seemed like the fighting just drew more madmen out unto the bridge to him and the boy, like moths to a flame. Surrounded by corpses and seeing no end to the fighting, Eitri tried to force his way through the masses towards the end of the bridge, hoping to get out of the trap. It was then the second wave hit. To his horror Eitri felt his runes flicker and dim for a brief moment. How could this even be? The brief lapse in his focus meant he didn't see the cold, dead hands grabbing for his ankles in time. As he fell he saw the corpses of all those he had slain rise above him and more climbing out of the river and onto the bridge all around. Before he could react the horde was upon him. The last thing Eitri saw were the hordes of Dead and their cold, dark eyes....


The void loomed in front of Grimnir, a blackness unlike any he had ever experienced. He had been in Väsav for a while now, and had finally tracked down a group of humans he believed had had at least a few fingers involved in his mother's death. He had visited them in the early morning, intent on showing them humility, but things had gone terribly wrong somehow. He had them right where he wanted them, cornered in an alley, when everything fell silent. Even his own voice seemed hollow and powerless. It had completely taken him off guard, but the humans didn't look any less surprised. Then something had happened... as if struck by lightning he had fallen over. He remembered not what happened then, knew no longer where he was. And there were voices, so many voices screaming out in a crescendo of terror and death. Through flickers of vision he saw the alley and the humans, saw them tearing each other apart like beasts on a bloodrush, saw them loom over him on the floor, their dead hands reaching for him. The last thing Grimnir saw was the shrieking, black void reaching for him hungrily...


As Ngeri finally arrived in Väsav an early winter morning he had hoped to finally see his family and old friends again after so long. Getting off on the northern docks and making his way slowly through the old, familiar streets, Ngeri was suddenly struck by the silence. Immediately he stopped and listened, but there was nothing. The Song of the Nightingale, that he had known since a child and sung to ever since, had fallen quiet. All around everything was deathly silent. The first screams were terrifying, but the wave of death and madness that followed was worse than anything Ngeri had seen even at the hands of the werewolves attacking Vañ:a. Yet it was the horrifying voices in his mind which made him tremble. A chorus of voices, cold and maniacal, a mockery of the Song he knew.

Shivering and struggling to keep the grip on his own mind, he rushed through the streets towards the temple and his parents home. Near the guard tower he could get not further, the streets were packed full of people fighting like monstrous beasts driven by some inexplainable insanity. Overwhelmed he called upon all his knowledge, all his skill and power, trying to keep those not stricken by madness from succumbing, but it was hopeless. As the dead began to rise all around him, Ngeri struggled against the feeling of despair, but fought on til the very last. The last thing he saw were the dead all around, their cold faces staring at him and their hands dragging him down...


Ericr was well prepared as always, but the sight was still shocking. For weeks now he had tried to track the dealings and plots of some unknown group suspected of poisoning the high priestess, and no doubt other crimes as well. But every time he thought he had them, everything slipped out from between his fingers like water. Everywhere he looked there were webs of deception, leading him astray. Now he had gotten in contact with someone he hoped could help him, and they were to meet in a small house near the prison. It was unusually quiet when Ericr entered the home and it made him pause. He knew immediately that something was terribly wrong. Not with the house, but the silence. He could not hear the goddess, her song which had been strong in his mind ever since his change, it was gone so suddenly. As he stood in the dark entry of the house a terrible feeling washed over him. The silence was torn apart, but it was not the screams from the livingroom or outside which caught his attention, it was a song. Not the one he had heard just moments ago, not the Nightingale's song, this one was different, a dark and cold choir of many voices of the void. Trying to ignore the terrible voice and focus on the memory of the true Song of his goddess, Ericr grabbed his sword tightly and stepped into the livingroom. The sight that met him was gruesome.

On the floor near the fireplace was his contact, kneeling over a woman - his wife, Ericr assumed. The woman had had her chest torn open, and the lycanthrope kneeling over her was currently busy devouring her heart. The beast had all the seemings of a werewolf as it sniffed the air and turned to face Ericr. Whatever it was, it was not the man he had come to visit, it was something else, his eyes were not those of a living being and his maniacal grin was twisted and terrible. Ericr struck down the beast without a second thought, it was a man no longer and would receive no mercy.

Leaving the house, Ericr was stunned for a moment by the sheer madness all around. It was completely unbelievable. He didn't get to stand around for long, as a pack of escaped prisoners came storming at him like rabid dogs. With grim determination he moved to take down the madmen, carving a bloody path through their ranks as they stormed forth. The fight was terrible, and he was soon surrounded on all sides. Slowly the paladin fell into a defensive position, until finally overcome by the sheer masses.

As he lay dying on the ground the masses seemed to clear around him and a shadow fell over him. Through a blur he saw the gigantic figure looming over him. It was huge and muscular like an ancient bear of legend, much larger than any werewolf the paladin had seen, yet this was surely a werewolf. Ericr knew a werewolf when he saw one, even if others were fooled. It grinned at him, a vile smirk yet strangely devoid of the madness inflicting those around it. Slowly it reached out with its massive claw and grabbed Ericr around the throat, lifting him up effortlessly to stare into his eyes. He could feel its disgusting breath on his face, but did not want to grant it any kind of satisfaction.

Just then a voice called out over the din of the surrounding battle, hoarse and commanding “Vandal, you flea-ridden maggot! Leave the corpses alone, we don't have time for your morbid perversions now!” The voice came from a lycanthrope standing a bit away, tiny compared to the beast holding Ericr. He was wearing a pair of black leather pants with a simple belt, but his upper body was naked and covered in crude tattoos of an unusual nature. His body looked frail and emaciated, like a dog that hadn't been fed for months, and his dark hair was unkempt, but there was an unmistakable power behind his black eyes. His right hand was held up as if grasping an invisible leash.

The giant beast of a wolf growled something barely comprehensible “This one still lives, Lord Nemet.” The man's face took on a hopeless expression “Yes, quite obviously, since it hasn't risen yet. Stop wasting time on garbage like that, just throw it somewhere and get your sorry hide over here, we have other places to be, other things to accomplish.” He pulled the invisible leash and the beast growled angrily, but obligingly threw Ericr against a wall and followed as the man disappeared through the door to the nearby guard tower. All the while none of the undead or remaining madmen seemed to take notice of the two. The last thing Ericr saw as he lay on the ground was the horde of dead swarming around him...


Ráslím had hoped for stability, for a chance to relax and ease his mind. Yet it seemed wherever he went the horrors followed. The silence was the first sign, it reminded him of the vast, empty Mists. It seemed like ages he had spent sitting on that boat, watching the endless sea of Mists around him. Now he was standing in a sea of blood, feeling himself losing it again. The wild screams, the laughter, it was all distant. What held him was the sounds in his mind, the terrible choir from the depths which reminded him of the jungles... the jungles he thought he had escaped. He barely knew what he was doing anymore, throwing spells at the freaks and beasts all around. They were all beasts, they would come to take him away. But he would not let them. He would end this nightmare once and for all!

He felt himself slip, felt the darkness take him. As he fell to the hordes, the last thing he saw was a man, a lycanthrope standing nearby. He was wearing black leather pants and boots, but his upper body was naked and covered in crude tattoos. He was talking, to someone else, but Ráslim could not hear him for the voices screaming in his head. But he knew those tattoos... they were familiar, all too familiar. The jungles... he had seen such tattoos in the jungles... and now here! Feeling anger burn in his mind he tried to grab the man. He wanted him to burn. The man stepped calmly to the side and looked briefly at Ráslím. His eyes were black like the void itself, but there was a brief look of curiosity on his face as he looked at the wizard, then he turned and walked away, followed by some gigantic beast. The last thing Ráslím saw was the deep black void and the jungles he thought he had fled...


Darkness is all around, a black void where nothing exists. Slowly you become aware, of the darkness, and the screams all around. Like a storm of voices, distant and lost they scream out in the void. There are so many. Thousands? Millions? It makes you mad, tears at your mind relentlessly. But then, ever so slowly, you become aware of something else. A voice, but this one different. It is faint, distant, but it calls to you through the cacophony of shrieking souls. As you turn your attention towards it a brief flicker of a vision appears in the darkness. A raven, blacker than the blackest night all around you. It sits in the darkness, there is nothing else, its beady eyes seem intelligent almost like a person. Then it takes off on black wings into the darkness, as is startled by something unseen, and everything returns to darkness.


A wet, earthy scent reaches your nose. Slowly you feel your senses return. It is dark and silent, but you can feel your body again, and something else... long sticky threads of web all over, binding you and holding you. You have no idea where you are, or how you got here, or whether you are alone. All you remember since the terrible fight is the darkness and the vision of the raven.

Alright. You are all at your bloodied value currently, although you are otherwise alive and well (no healing surge loss, no loss of powers). You may have lost items, though.

Those with no prior Madness gain 5 points. Those with a Madness below 10 gain 2 points. Ráslím gains 1 point.

You are currently restrained, can't really see much of anything in your current positions, and none of you are currently aware that there are others around.

I'll give you all a chance to post reactions to everything from your characters. A lot has happened, after all.

2009-12-13, 05:41 PM
Even as Cáï's senses return, she couldn't open her eyes. This couldn't be happening again, not now. It had to be a dream, they were so similar. People rising despite recieving death blows, her arrows causing no harm? What else could it be? But those voices, she had heard them before when she had touched that stone. Why had they come back? What did it mean? For several minutes she lay there, shuddering as she tried to banish the images from her mind. Eventually, she mustered her fear and opened her eyes.

The first thing she noticed was the webbing that held her. As her vision returned in full she looked around as best she was able to figure out where she is. Then she tries to slip free of the webbing.

Assuming an escape from restraints check is feasible.

2009-12-13, 05:48 PM

"No!" Ráslím muttered as he came back to consicousness, his mind a wild swirl of feelings and images. Disappointment at the lack of calm to be found at home, fear at his current predicament, and anger at the tattooed man and what he represented. I will kill him, find him, and discover what he's doing on here. Or something like that, He thought to himself, not caring if his thoughts made sense or not. It is only after several moments of furious attempts to move that he could calm himself, his mind resting on the strange vision. Not the screams, Ráslím knew those well, the yells of those suffering torment and madness. But the sole voice that was calm, the one calling him, and the image of the raven, those he didn't know what to make of.

2009-12-13, 08:39 PM

Grimnir glances about, wildly, blindly. "No. No, good masters, not yet, I beg you, don't take me yet. There is so much more I must do, so many more I must punish, so much more glory I could bring to your names. Not...yet..." His words rose, growing more and more frantic as the void loomed closer. He couldn't go yet. He wasn't finished. The despairing calm of the soon-to-die washed over him. "Wait for me, mother. It seems I will join you soon."

He stared as his senses returned in a rushing cacophony of voices. "So. Is this Hell? I thought it would be warmer."

2009-12-13, 10:17 PM

"Wha...Where..." Struggling against his bonds for a moment, the simply dressed man finally gave up after it proved fruitless. He glanced about, or at least he thought he did; it was hard to tell when all you saw was blackness. Finally, with no possibility of escape apparent, the air seemed to go out of the man as he slumped down.

"Why mistress? Why have you abandoned us? Abandoned me? What went wrong? Please, sing for us." Tears slid down the man's cheeks as he closed his eyes, fervently praying. "Don't let this be the end. I'm not ready for the end of all things. Just tell me what you wish, and I will do it. Please mistress..." He begins humming quietly to himself, a song of praise to the Nightingale.

2009-12-13, 11:51 PM

Eitri Ragnhallr didn't like the term "dimly aware".

It wasn't that he had something specifically against the term or its syllabic components, and it wasn't how unaccustomed his thick Dwarven tongue was to letting well enough alone when it came to a word as soft and open-mouthed as "aware". It was the idea of picking up information and being unable to comprehend it fully and completely, that one's brain and perceptions could be weak, or even turned off completely. This didn't include the split-second, instinctive decision making of combat, of course; that was an entirely different mountain to climb. That was natural instinct, as clear-cut as a newly cut gemstone, the body acting on something more unconscious, innate, old. But being "dimly aware" meant that you couldn't completely act on your senses, that your command over your perceptions was loosening, and that every idea you made couldn't be concretely followed through with as a result; an intellectual gray area, so to speak.

It bothered Eitri, then, that he could still remember the voices, the voices and the Raven. It would usually bother him more that he couldn't seem to move, or see, and that his breath was as shallow as it tended to be, but his brain was still fogged, the voices had completely and utterly jarred him, and he figured that a little bit of mental athletics might be a good running test to make sure everything upstairs was in all good working order. The Raven was an old, old creature; steeped in mythology, omens, presence. An old creature, a Messenger if there ever was one. A well schooled Dwarf could respect such a thing, even one as endlessly pragmatic as he. Memories started flowing into his mind like a river in reverse, working backwards from the raven to the voices to the cold, gripping hands, and the boy...

The boy. A mental snapshot of the boy's face and the wretched madmen who had pursued him shook the cobwebs from the old Dwarf's mind and uncompromisingly hurled it into the present. It was dark. He could feel something binding him tightly, as if rope had grown like a fungus all over him as he lay unconscious on the floor... webbing? It was a guess, and a frightening one. The prospect of something large enough to bind him to the floor wasn't particularly heartening. In any case, he'd most likely been taken prisoner because he'd somehow remained unaffected by whatever mental plague had struck Vasav. If there were others, they would be nearby... worse, his captors could be in this very room. Before he tried to tear himself out and possibly draw unnecessary attention, Eitri closed his eyes, silenced his breath, and tried to listen to the world about him for any indication of his surroundings as he attempted to summon his Hammer to his hand.


2009-12-14, 02:45 PM
It didn't make much of a difference for Cáï to open her eyes. Wherever she is it is very dark and even after a while she can see almost nothing at all. While struggling against the webs wrapped around her tightly she can hear voices in the dark, the voices of other people, but she can't see any of them. Finally, after twisting and turning for a while she gets a hand free, then a leg. Slowly but surely she slips free of the strong, sticky webs binding her.

Ráslím can hear someone mutter something about hell nearby, as well as other voices, but otherwise he's as blind as Cáï in the darkness.

Grimnir can make out a few bundles in the webs nearby, people perhaps, but little else. He's in a cave of some sort, and judging by the voices nearby he's not alone.

Ngeri prays, but everything remains quiet aside from the voices of others nearby. Wherever he is, he's not alone.

Eitri can only make out little in the darkness, with the webs hampering his eyes which are otherwise accustumed to dim light. He appears to be in a cave, but it can't be very deep below the surface - judging by the normal pressure. There are voices in the darkness, behind him someone appears to be praying, but otherwise it is quite. His hammer returns swiftly, but the webs leave little room to grasp it properly, much less move.

2009-12-14, 03:23 PM
Cai does a quick check to see if anything is missing. Once she's assessed her inventory, she gives out a quiet call, "Hello? Whose there?"

2009-12-14, 03:29 PM
Waking brought pain. Pain was good, pain meant he wasn't dead. Ericr felt his way around, breathing, trying to get his bearings. Something clingy was all over him, holding him in place, keeping him from reacting. Alright, bound. He could deal with bindings, bindings were tangibles, and they usually couldn't do much to stop him once he got moving.

~Thank you, goddess.~ He completed the quiet prayer simply, and then began to test his bonds. He flexed and bent his legs, breathed in deeply to stretch his chest, then shoved air out to loosen his restraints. His arms tensed slowly, steadily to the count of ten, then relaxed. He repeated the motions, pulling at every single part of his body systematically, with the relentless precision of a man who knows escape is only a matter of time and effort.

Athletics roll in the DR thread is a total of 20

2009-12-14, 03:45 PM
Cáï finds that she's still grasping her bow... amazingly enough after such a fall and who knows what else transpired after that. Some arrows must have fallen out when she fell from the tower, but otherwise she appears to have everything.

Ericr works against the webs binding him, but even after a while they remain tight. He has no doubt he could get free on his own, if given enough time, but who knows how much time he has?

Cáï has lost some arrows, probably in the fall: For simplicity's sake, 5 of each kind.

2009-12-14, 03:54 PM
Not having much better to do, Ericr tried to take stock of his belongings as he lay there. He expected they'd have taken Rebuke, but his armour was disguised as his clothing, perhaps they'd left it and his other attire alone...of course, he continued testing at his bonds, refusing to stop just because the idea hadn't worked yet.

As for the voices, he listened for the time being. Speaking was for those who had something to say, listening was for the ones who had something to learn.

2009-12-14, 03:57 PM

Ráslím, hearing others nearby, tries to struggle free of the webbing entangling him. He plans to shine some light on his situation as soon as he breaks free.

Athletics check [roll0]
Will cast light if I break free.

2009-12-14, 04:07 PM
Ericr can find nothing missing as he lies there, listening. The werewolf didn't take anything, he remembers that much, but what happened after that is all black.

Ráslím really doesn't have a good day. His attempts at freeing himself proves entirely ineffective.

2009-12-14, 04:09 PM
Already, plans and paths of action were building in Eitri's head. They were in a cavern... and not too far down either, judging from the pressure against his ears. Either there was a way up to the surface rather quickly, or this was a staging point to a deeper, darker place. He couldn't move, or tell what he'd lost before passing out, but the solid weight of the hammer felt good against his hand, for what little it was actually worth until he could work himself free, or find an ally in the darkness that would cut him loose. Then he could cast the damn webs out of his eyes and get a better look around...

Voices. A few, at least. One was softer, slow, like praying... and not a Dwarven voice either. He couldn't tell just who the prayers were directed at, but there were only a few slim choices as far as he was concerned. Someone else was bound in the same room, and if something meant to kill them, they'd have heard the other voices and silenced them already. Wherever they were, they were alone.

Eitri tried to crane his neck in the direction of the praying, trying to discern who was praying and who else was possibly awake, and impulsively, hoarsely gasped as pain immediately shot up through his neck. Whatever kept him bound was tight, sticky, and as he tried to struggle it tugged at his wounds. He wasn't getting out on his own, he warranted, and there were probably other innocents in the cave. He had a duty to fulfill now.

He took a chance. "If there's anyone else in'ere who hasn't gone mad or dead yet," he voiced, with a cough and a grunt as the webbing pulled against his jaw, "would any of y'happen t'have a nice, long knife on yeh? There's an old dwarf in the corner who wouldn't mind stretching his legs, do yeh kennit, an' it's a bit painful t'do under the current circumstances." He listened to his voice echo against the ceiling, and hoped someone else had gotten free.

2009-12-14, 04:32 PM
Others were definitely here, that much was certain. Ericr continued to hold his peace, however. He'd been tricked before, and nothing could be gained by speaking early. Besides which, he'd neglected to replace his dirk before the previous night's events, and his massive sword just wouldn't be maneuverable enough in these tightly bound conditions.

~Stay calm.~ he thought, continuing to test at the limits of his bonds. The body could push much further than anyone expected, it was just a matter of knowing the limits and pushing at them. ~Soon enough things will come to light.~ He briefly debated trying to bite at the strands, but that would just snarl his teeth, he was sure of it. Instead he tried to get his feet against the wall so he could just push.

May I try another roll, or is it wait-and-see at this point?

2009-12-14, 04:40 PM
Thankful that she had almost everything, Cai debated what to do next. She was in some sort of cave, that much was obvious. She dropped to a crouch when a voice called out but then realized that whoever had spoke was restrained. In the hope that whoever it was had a better idea of what was going on, Cai made her way towards where she assumed the voice had come from.

2009-12-14, 04:56 PM
Cáï stumbles through the dark, fighting against the sticky webs in her way, but at least she can move around now. On her way in the direction of the voice she nearly falls over a large bundle in the webs.

Ericr feels something kick him in the side. Through the webs and darkness he can make out the silhouette of Cáï.

2009-12-14, 05:02 PM
Ericr didn't even grunt as he was kicked, though the still aching wounds definitely communicated their presence. "Thank you. I had wondered if I still had ribs," he commented. "Since you're here, could you see your way clear to cutting me out of this mess?"

2009-12-14, 05:15 PM
Eitri let out a hoarse chuckle, in spite of himself. Someone had a sense of humor. Furthermore, there were at least two others down here he could work with to get out of this mess. At least one of them sounded like a Shifter, "If y'wouldn't mind, I call seconds on th'whole 'Let me out' bit."

2009-12-14, 05:22 PM
Cai smiles at the comment and quickly proceeds to help extract the form beneath her. Lacking a dagger, she uses one of her arrows to cut through the webbing. It takes some time but eventually the person beneath her is free.

"Well, it seems your in one piece. Let's get that other person out."

Comment about dwarf delated as I read the wrong character entry. Opps :smallredface:

2009-12-14, 05:27 PM
Not a dwarf that one ;)

Judging by the voice, Cáï can tell that the other person is close, only a few steps away. Should be no problem getting to him and cutting him free as well.

2009-12-14, 05:31 PM
"I'll get him." He was a lyncanthrope. Tall, made up of long bundles of tight, thin muscles. Frankly, he looked like he barely understood the concept of food. The tall one stepped over toward the voice of the other prisoner. He reached into his left glove and produced, seemingly from nowhere, a blade as tall as he was.

"Be very still," he advised, perhaps unnecessarily. He placed the blade to one side of the captive dwarf and drew firmly downward, the blade biting through the stuff with a whisper. That side finished, he repeated the effort on the other.

2009-12-14, 05:49 PM
Eitri chuckled a little under his breath, biting back a smile. Staying still was one of the few things he could absolutely excel at, though he could tell many a tall tale about the flesh wounds he and his comrades had suffered after someone had uttered "Stay still".

As it turns out, he wasn't too far off the mark. Eitri was surprised by the sword swipe, and immediately rolled to the left after getting free, hopping up onto his feet and brandishing his hammer, flicking his protective shield into existence with a flick of his open fingers... to find a human with a bow and a Lycan with a very long sword. People, then. And sane.

Eitri smiled grimly for as many minutes as he'd been awake, wiping the stuff from his face with his free hand as he felt the Aegis fade, the hairs along his neck settling down. "Y'll have to excuse my 'readiness', sir an' miss. I figured you were safe, but I couldn't tell yeh friend from foe for sure. I owe y'my thanks." The old dwarf yawned, stretched with a grunt, hung the hammer at his belt, and twisted his neck with an audible crack, before clearing his throat. "Eitri Ragnhallr, at yer service."

2009-12-14, 05:54 PM
The lycanthrope with the massive sword simply nodded to the dwarf's thanks, but was already moving through the dimness to see if he could locate the others who were clearly bound in this place. "Whoever else is imprisoned, speak once so I can get to you."

2009-12-14, 06:01 PM
"Over here, if you would."

2009-12-14, 06:18 PM
"I'm over here as well."

2009-12-14, 06:24 PM
Cai heads over towards the second voice and proceeds to cut the person free. She's quiet relieved to find another human. While there's nothing wrong with the Lycan and she didn't have an opinion about dwarves, they just weren't human.

2009-12-14, 06:46 PM
Ericr moved quickly to the first voice that had answered. "Again, hold still." and moved his blade in two more quick strokes, freeing the person from their bonds. He moved the sword as if it weighed no more than a staff, yet from the sound it made moving through the air there was a substantial weight to the weapon.

2009-12-14, 06:50 PM
"Thank you."

Grimnir quickly went through his possessions, making sure everything was there.

(If my Torch of Misery is still in my possession, I'll get it out and light it.)

2009-12-14, 07:01 PM
Grimnir seems to have lost nothing, which may surprise him. For some reason the humans haven't stripped him of everything. Pulling out his torch a green light fills the cave. It is a large cave dug out of the sand and rock and covered in masses of thick web, particularly towards the back. A quick glance around reveals three more bodies, one apparently alive, but the other two look much less so and may have been here longer. Countless bones fragments litter the floor and webs but other than the webs and bodies, the cave appears empty. There is no sign of an exit aside from what could be a tunnel in the other end of the cave, several feet off the floor of the cave.

2009-12-14, 07:09 PM
"Excellent. Now, tell me. Do any of you know where we are or why we are here?"

The dwarf speaks as he raises an ornate brass wand tipped with an elaborately wrought clawed paw. Green fire blazes within the claw's clutches, coruscating about the rod's haft. He looks average enough, but there's something...wrong about him, something off. It might simply be the eerie illumination. Reaching into his pack, he draws out an iron rod carven to look like three snakes coiling together. Their ruby eyes gleam menacingly, glaring hungrily into the distance.

(The iron rod is the Bloodcurse Rod, Deadly. I'll have it out and ready.)

2009-12-14, 07:11 PM
As the others cut eachother free, Eitri spent time glancing through his Spellbook, looking over his Hammer, and checking his gear. Most everything checked out - his Spellbook was still in good condition, his hammer was stained with the blood of madmen and worse, and his armor was scratched and a little torn in places, but still functional - except for his Torch. The Dwarf groaned in frustration. It was just the thing to lose, of course. Hopefully, someone else would have one with them. Of course, he could simply cast a quick Evocation and call a few lights into being, but perhaps it was best to get everyone together first, and take stock of what everyone had.

Someone lit a torch; another Dwarf, it seemed. Eitri cocked an eye, "Hrmph"ing in mild surprise, before he caught sight of the bones and the bodies. The little party was to be something's meal, then. The webs had suggested as much... something was in the way, then, between the crew of survivors in front of him and the way out. Best to take stock in what everyone had, and what everyone could do.

"Well," he said, swinging his hammer arm in another stretch, answering the other Dwarf, "are we all from the same place here? Vasav? Did anyone else hear the..." He would have said "voices", but the thought made him shudder, reminding him that something was at work here.

2009-12-14, 07:14 PM
"I was in Vasav, yes. And then the void swallowed me and I woke here. Interrupted my during a very important task, too..."

2009-12-14, 07:28 PM
Eitri growled. There's a good lot more important than your bloody "task" that got ruined in the city, y'cold bastard. He kept the thought to himself though, and gruffly shouldered past him. "What about the rest of yeh? Same place, same 'void' that got all've us?"

2009-12-14, 07:45 PM

As he stands up, Ráslím looks around the room, eyes darting take in what he can see. A small, bright colored figure climbs out of one of his pockets, clambering up to his shoulder. Used to this unwanted intrusion, Ráslím simply ignores him. He's none of these. For shame.

"I was in Vasav. Just got there, then the madness hit." Ráslím shuddered. "It was like..." He stops, not wanting to think about it. Cocking his head at the dwarves, he asks, "What happened to you? Someone shrink you?"

2009-12-14, 07:57 PM
Eitri glanced at the speaker sardonically, cocking an eye. Yeh, that's exactly what happened! They also gave us th'same accent, stubby thick fingers, and huge beards! We're so confused righ' now, please help us! Under any other circumstance, the Dwarf would have laughed and blurted out something witty. As it were, he grinned and held in a chuckle. "Mmm, no lad. We're Dwarves, y'see. Don't worry about messin' up th'race, though, we're none too common 'round your parts. Y'can call me Eitri Ragnhallr. An' you?"

2009-12-14, 08:44 PM
Cai shrugs. "I was there, looking for something. Then the madness hit. The last thing I remember is suddenly feeling cold and numb. Then I feel from a tower and there were the..." She fades off into silence and shudders again. "My names Cai by the way."

2009-12-14, 08:50 PM

"Dwarves? Once saw some creatures like you. Then i didn't. Strange things..." Ráslím rambles, remembering slightly more cheerful times. "I'm Ráslím." Now frustrated at the small figure on his shoulder, he knocks it over on the ground behind him.

2009-12-14, 09:01 PM
Eitri nodded, sighing pensively. "Once more, I'm Eitri, pleased t'meet yeh both." Eitri nodded, bowing a little before popping open a pocket in his belt, taking a handkerchief and tearing it lengthwise, hammer hanging at his belt again as he started tieing it around his head like a headband, tight over a cut. "Looks like we're all a might cut up a' sorts... I'm assumin' that th'same things that got me're th'same that got yeh two?"

2009-12-14, 09:56 PM
"Presumably, since we're all here. My name is Grimnir, son of Aurun."

2009-12-14, 09:59 PM

Ngeri finally finishes his prayer, only to realize that there are others moving around and talking near him. He opens his eyes, glancing about quickly. Seeing the apparently-sane people free, he calls out to them. "Excuse me, might one of you free me as well?"

After being set free, Ngeri stands up and brushes himself off. He looks at the others and nods politely to each of them. "Thank you. I don't suppose anyone has seen a shield laying about, have you?" He frowns as he checks through his pockets and his backpack. Sighing in relief at finding his gear, he pulls out a mace in one hand and a holy symbol of the Nightingale in the other.

"Might I suggest we get out before whatever spun all this comes back?"

2009-12-14, 11:16 PM
"And which way do you posit is 'out' then?" The tall, as yet unnamed lycanthrope asked the question calmly. With the light actually on him now, he looked even worse than he had in the shadows. He seemed made of little more than sinew and bone, and his sword seemed far sturdier than he did. In the light, it was clear his clothing consisted of plain clothes, bordering on rags. Of the large sword he'd been swinging, there was no sign.

2009-12-15, 04:31 AM
There isn't much in the cave, admittedly. Only the two remaining corpses, of which one seems like it's been there forever while the other may be more recent although it doesn't move or call out so presumably is just as dead. A quick glance doesn't reveal much about them, not least of all because of the webs covering everything, but the recent one looks like a man, a lycanthrope wearing a golden tunic.

As for an exit, one could hope the apparent tunnel is really a tunnel and that it leads out, but it's hard to tell and either way it's not easily reached without a climb or the like.

2009-12-15, 08:07 AM

The apparent holy man seems very bedraggled: his plain clothes are ripped and covered in blood, some of which is apparently his own. His defeated posture makes him seem shorter than his average height. Walking over to the body in the golden tunic, he does a quick check on the body to see if he possibly still lives.

2009-12-15, 08:44 AM
Eitri sighed. "Don't bother checkin'em, fer a pulse, lad. They're deader'an we are, an'fer that we're either lucky'r blessed." It was a pity that those two had died so far in already... but something had killed them, and he had no idea how long it was before they came back. It was time to get down to business, take stock of what they all had, what they could do, and get their way out.

Eitri cleared his throat with a gruff cough. "Alrigh'... now, I can assume that we're all pretty bent on gettin' outta'ere b'fore whatever got those two unlucky gentleman gets us righ' back, do yeh kennit, so I figure we should at least start t'pool our supplies, our specialities, see what each've us can do. I'm a scholar of sorts m'self, though people tend to get the wrong idea when I tell'em what I do." He smiled grimly, swinging his hammer about by the wrist. "What about everyone else? An' can somebody check th'bodies fer anythin' useful? We need t'talk, but we ain't got time to palaver, far as I'm concerned." Already, Eitri had flicked a few Sunrods from his pack, handing one to the ragged Lycan, the other to the Human woman. His eyes worked well enough in the dark. "Names'd be nice as well, if none of yeh mind. We're gonna need t'stay organized, little hard to do when y'can't call someone out. We need to start movin' and get ourselves into an effective team immediately. I can fight, if need be, but I'm not in the best condition, and neither are any ah you by the looks of it, so let's be brisk, yeh?"

2009-12-15, 09:00 AM

Ngeri sighs as he goes through the corpse's things, looking for anything of use. He glances up at the dwarf at the mention of names. "My name is Ngeri, devoted priest of the Nightingale. I'm not much of one for combat, but I do have some small skill in healing. I can help a few of you do just that before we head out."

2009-12-15, 10:05 AM
The young man's golden tunic was once quite fine and no doubt exceedingly expensive but is now torn and worthless. He's wearing a dark cape of a similarly fine quality and much better condition, as well as a quiver with a few arrows in it. No sign of any bow, however. What catches the eye, though, is a notebook which he almost seems to be clinging to even in death. As Ngeri kneels down beside the man to get a better look, he could have sworn that the corpse was still breathing slowly. Before he can check it, the body almost erupts as a swarm of tiny, eight-legged creeps surge forth from the mouth, eyes and chest of the corpse with a sickening sound. As they surge forth the little creeps bite at the cleric, but fortunately Ngeri is quick to pull back from the sudden attack.

Initiative time.

Ngeri is slowed until the start of his next turn.

The white stuff on the map (sorry for the crude drawing, it was a little quick and I'm still trying to get used to Inkscapes antics) is web. That area is difficult terrain (each square costs 2 squares of movement). Anyone entering a square of web must make an Athletics or Acrobatics check DC 20 or become immobilized. It also provides conceilment.


C: Cáï - Init 31
W: Spider Swarm
Er: Ericr - Init 25
N: Ngeri - Init 24, slowed
G: Grimnir - Init 24
Ei: Eitri - Init 19
R: Ráslím - Init 9

2009-12-15, 11:40 AM

Cai's reflex's take ever as she quickly draws and looses an arrow into the swarm.

Designate Spiders as Quarry
Range Basic Attack, normal arrow

2009-12-15, 12:07 PM

Ngeri grasps his holy symbol and, with a quick prayer, causes the swarm to be outlined in silver light as he backs away from the creatures.

Using Astral Seal on the swarm. -2 to all defenses until end of my next turn. Next ally to hit the swarm gets 9 hp. Shifting one square straight back.

2009-12-15, 12:18 PM
deleted - needlessly confrontational.

edit - see initiative discussion in ooc board.

2009-12-15, 12:21 PM
Seconded. In the future, it's better to have the initiative order settled first. Makes things smoother.

2009-12-15, 05:59 PM
Grimnir hisses at the spiders "Mists take you all!" and raises his torch. The shadows near the spiders begin to whisper and reach towards them hungrily...

Minor action: Warlock's Curse on the spider swarm.

Standard action: Frigid Darkness [Arcane, Cold, Fear].
To hit: [roll0] vs. fort
Damage: [roll1] Warlock's Curse +[roll2] Cold +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rods
Effect: Victim grants Combat Advantage and takes a -4 penalty to initiative for 1 round.

2009-12-15, 06:10 PM
Cáï lets lose an arrow at the swarm. The arrow flies unhindered through the webs to pierce a few spiders in its path.

The spiders waste no time in assaulting Ngeri again, finding a hole in his defenses and sinking their fangs into his soft flesh. The tiny bites sting terribly and Ngeri can feel the vile poison in his blood.

14 damage to swarm from Cáï.

6 necrotic damage to Ngeri, who is immobilized and takes 5 ongoing necrotic and poison damage (save ends both).

Map hasn't changed. Ericr, Ngeri and Grimnir (if you want to change your actions) gets to act now, the rest should wait.

C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp
W: Swarm - Barely hurt, Cáï's quarry
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 51 hp
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 23 hp, slowed, immobilized + 5 ongoing necrotic and poison
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 39 hp
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp

2009-12-15, 06:13 PM
Immediate Reaction to Ngeri getting bitten:
Life Syphon: +2 to my next attack and I recover 4 hp

2009-12-15, 08:18 PM
Ericr moved with a purpose as combat was joined. His hand snapped out and his massive sword appeared. Then with a ripple, he was gone. In his place was Ngeri, while Ericr stood where the cleric had, his sword swinging down into the swarm.

Minor action to retrieve the fullblade, five foot step to move toward Ngeri, then standard action Benign Transposition to trade places with Ngeri and attack the spiders.

25 to hit vs AC, 13 damage.

2009-12-15, 09:41 PM
Edit: Went out of turn.

2009-12-15, 10:10 PM
Grimnir hisses at the spiders "Mists take you all!" and raises his torch. The shadows near the spiders begin to whisper and reach towards them hungrily...

Minor action: Warlock's Curse on the spider swarm.

Standard action: Frigid Darkness [Arcane, Cold, Fear].
To hit: [roll0] vs. fort
Damage: [roll1] Warlock's Curse +[roll2] Cold +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rods
Effect: Victim grants Combat Advantage and takes a -4 penalty to initiative for 1 round.

Grimnir will stick with this.

2009-12-16, 05:19 AM
Ericr resolutely brings Ngeri out of harms way and takes his place in the swarm of tiny spiders. Following up with a mighty swing from his blade, the paladin slices a few spiders in half.

Ngeri calls upon the light of the goddess on the enemy even as he is transported out of harms way. The poison in his wound fades.

Grimnir raises his torch in a dark assault upon the spiders.

Even before everyone have completely realised the situation, a sudden moaning heralds the rising of the two corpses draped in webs. The corpse of the young man from which the spiders emerged rises next to Ericr and lashes out at the paladin with a powerful fist. Without his armor to protect him the mummy delivers a sickening blow to the paladin, who feels the touch of its taint.

The other corpse shambles towards Ráslím.

Among the fighting and moaning, Cáï notices something large trying to hide in the webs and darkness up near the supposed tunnel. She can't see what it is, but something large certainly moved.

5 damage to spider swarm from Ericr, and he and Ngeri trade places

Ngeri makes his save against immobilized and ongoing damage.

12 damage to spiders from Grimnir. Grimnir regains 9 hp from Ngeri's power.

8 necrotic damage to Ericr from mummy, and is diseased (although apparently that's not resolved until after the encounter :smallconfused:)

Eitri, Ráslím and Cáï gets to act now.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp
W: Swarm - Hurt, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, -2 defenses until end of Ngeri's next turn, grants combat advantage and -4 AC until end of Grimnir's turn
Something - Hiding in the dark, not on map
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 43 hp
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 23 hp
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 48 hp
1: Mummy - Unharmed
2: Mummy - Unharmed
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp

2009-12-16, 08:03 AM
Cai calls out a warning that somethings moving in the tunnel before moving to get a better angle on the mummy by Ráslím.

Free: Call out warning
Move: One square left, 23 acrobatics
Minor: Designate Second quarry
Standard: Range Basic attack against Mummy 1
26 vs. AC, 20 total damage

2009-12-16, 12:37 PM
Eitri growls at the appearance of more walking corpses and nods an acknowledgment at Cai's warning, tearing through the web to the edge of the cavern, pointing the hammer at the shambling corpse attacking Ericr, and muttering a keyword under his breath. A light blue sigil on the head of his hammer glows, and it crackles with sparks. With his free hand, he gets ready to extends his Aegis, and searches his head for anything he might know about these creatures. "Be careful, everyone! I suspect there might be more'v'em in the webs, an' the spiders 'r small enough t'hide innem!"

Move: Eitri moves one square up and one square diagonally up and to the right, ending in square 9-K. Athletics roll: 1d20+8=22.
Standard Action: Lightning Lure against Mummy 2. Int vs. Fort roll: 1d20+13=20. Damage: 1d6+5=9 The Corpse is pulled to nearest adjacent square, 8-K.
Minor: Aegis of Shielding is placed on Mummy 2. The Mummy is Marked, and takes a -2 to attack rolls against anyone other than myself. Also, Eitri may do his Immediate Interrupt against the target on its turn as long as it is subject to his Mark.
Free actions: Arcane Monster Knowledge checks against the Spiders and Corpses, respectively: 22, and 20. Dungeoneering Monster Knowledge checks against the Spiders and the Corpses, respectively: 17 and 19. Perception Check to see if Eitri can spot enemy creatures and corpses in the webbing: 24.

2009-12-16, 01:14 PM
The undead charging at him, Ráslím quickly speaks some strange arcane words. The creatures in the area are hit by a wave of energy, and those that cannot hold their ground disappear, only to blink back into existence somewhere nearby. To get away from the front line, Ráslím similarly blinks out and back into existence, reluctantly using his more alien powers.

Standard:Hammerfall step, a blast 5 directly in front of me, hitting both Mummy and Swarm, and possibly whatever is hiding.
Mummy 1:17 vs fort
Swarm:22 vs fort
Creature in the darkness (?):15 vs fort
Damage = 12
If the mummy is hit (Ha! Silly thought), teleport it to G8, if swarm is hit, teleport it to J6.
Move: Assuming mummy is not hit and teleported, use Etheral stride to teleport to H12 and +2 to all defenses until the end of my next turn.

If the mummy is somehow hit, I'll walk to F12.

2009-12-16, 02:31 PM
Eitri steps through the sticky webs to get into a better position from which to lasso the mummy. The corpses are clearly a variety of mummy, preserved corpses woken to life by dark magic. In this case they were a product not of magicians, but of the spiders - the offspring of a spider known for collecting bodies to lay its eggs in. Once the eggs hatch the young spiders live off the organs of the body until only an outer shell is left - a mummy, perfectly preserved and draped in webs. No doubt you were all going to have suffered the same fate as these two corpses, had you not woken up so timely. Fire may work well against the mummies, and anything affecting an area should do well against the swarm. Eitri also spots something moving in the tunnel, but can't make it out any better than Cáï at this time.

Ráslím transports the swarm in a most unfriendly way before teleporting to safety himself.

Round 2

Cáï steps to the side and fires an arrow at the corpse of the young man. The arrow tears into his dead flesh most effectively.

The spiders disappear into the shadows and webs all over the cave, only to surge forth a moment later near Cáï and Ráslím, shrouded in shadows.

At the entrance of the tunnel something large and hairy appears, chittering menacingly. A monstrously big spider. Barely has it appeared before Ericr is hit by a sticky net, and he can feel its threads sticking to him, binding him and making him vulnerable.

Near the swarm the webs almost seem to come alive and wrap around the feet and legs of those nearby.

9 damage to Mummy 2 from Eitri, and it is pulled and marked.

17 damage to swarm from Ráslím and the swarm is teleported. Ráslím teleports to H12 and gains +2 to defences.

20 damage to Mummy 2 from Cáï.

Swarm moves and gains +4 to all defences until start of its next turn.

Ericr is restrained and gains vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends both)

Cáï, Grimnir, Ngeri and Ráslím are immobilized (save ends)

Ericr, Ngeri and Grimnir's turn.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, immobilized
W: Swarm - Bloodied, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, -2 defenses until end of Ngeri's next turn, grants combat advantage and -4 AC until end of Grimnir's turn, +4 defences until start of next turn
S: Spider - Unwounded
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 43 hp, Restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 23 hp, immobilized
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, immobilized
1: Mummy - Unwounded
2: Mummy - Barely hurt, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, immobilized, +2 defences until end of next turn

2009-12-16, 03:36 PM
Grimnir smiles grimly at his new foes. "Going to make this interesting, are we? Good, good..." He raises his rods and a bolt of green flame leaps from his torch towards the spiders.

Deadly, did you give me the HP I recovered from using Life Syphon when Ngeri got bitten? I got 4 HP from that.

Save vs. immobilized: [roll0]

Eldritch blast (Standard Action):
Attack roll: [roll]1d20+16[roll] vs. AC

Damage: [roll1]+ [roll2] Warlock's Curse +4 rods +1 Empowering Shadows EDIT: +4 Cha. Forgot to include that.

Effect: It grants combat advantage on my next attack due to the Torch of Misery.

Also, since a creature under my curse was bloodied and I have a bloodcurse rod, I get my pact boon. My Darkspiral Aura is now at 1 point.

Also, minor action to curse Mummy 1.

2009-12-17, 10:53 AM
Ericr staggered with the force of the mummy's blow against him, feeling the sickening rot burn into his skin through the fur and clothing. He was still staggering as the newest creature to challenge them came forward and hurled its webbing across his body. He stood there a half moment, looking like some ridiculous fest-tree covered in dangling ice and snow.

Then he laughed, a dry and quiet sound. He snapped his muscles and stood upright, shaking the worst of the webbing aside as if it were nothing. His clothes had become solid steel, enamelled grey-black plate covering his body. Bloodied and battered, he still stood tall and upright, a Knight if there ever was one.

"By the song in my heart, I rebuke thy foul taint and meagre bonds! Dare you come against me, the justice of the Nightengale? To me comrades, let my blessing aid you!"

As he roared his challenge, a great pulse of light swelled from him, a circle of radiant energy that seemed to hum with the song of the Nightengale, that seemed to evoke the rustle of birds' wings within its reach. Within that circle was safety, strength, and resilience.

Succeeded on both saves, hit reflex 25 for the swarm and 23 for Mummy 2. If that succeeds I did 13 and 15 damage respectively. As mentioned in OOC, anyone within 3 squares of ericr from now to the end of the encounter gets +1 to all defences.

2009-12-17, 12:34 PM
Cai manages to see the spiders coming and quickly moves out of the way.

Immediate interrupt to Spiders moving adjacent:
Weave through the fray
Shift 3(one because of difficult terrain) squares back.

2009-12-17, 01:19 PM
Ericr's pulse of divine energy burns both mummy and swarm while protecting his close allies. His challenge does not go unheard, as the mummy's attention is drawn to him.

Ngeri likewise brings his holy symbol to bear and calls down divine wrath upon the two mummies. The corpse of the young man blatantly ignores the holy threat, while the other trembles and stumbles backwards several feet at the blast of radiant energy.

Grimnir curses the old mummy and fires a bolt of vile energy at the swarm, which by now looks ready to fall apart.

The old mummy still trembles from Ngeri's blast and remains where it is. The younger corpse cracks its broken bones back into place and its dry flesh almost seems to mend itself as it turns to Ericr and swings its webbed fist at him. This time the fist merely scrapes harmlessly against the plate armor.

18 damage to swarm and 15 damage to mummy 2 from Ericr.

29 damage to Mummy 1 from Ngeri, and it is pushed 5 squares and immobilized until end of Ngeri's next turn.

Ngeri saves against immobilized.

8 damage to swarm from Grimnir (also, the combat advantage from the Torch only applies if you afflict radiant or fire damage, and Eldritch Blast does unspecified damage)

Mummy 2 regains 10 hp.

Eitri, Ráslím and Cáï's turn.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, immobilized
W: Swarm - Near death, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, +4 defences until start of next turn
S: Spider - Unwounded
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 43 hp, +1 defences*
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 23 hp
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 1 pt
1: Mummy - Wounded, Cursed by Grimnir, immobilized until end of Ngeri's turn
2: Mummy - Wounded, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Challenged by Ericr
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, immobilized, +2 defences until end of next turn, +1 defences*

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-17, 01:33 PM
Since I moved away as the spiders entered adjacent wouldn't I not be immobilized? Just curious.

Cai strings another arrow and lets fly at the swarm. The massive spider doesn't unnerve her at all, after all it's at least something she's encoutnerd before. Mummy's, not so much.

17 vs. AC (natural 1)
Saving Throw:

2009-12-17, 04:29 PM
Eitri swings his hammer as the mummy moves to attack the Paladin before trying to move just out of the Mummy's reach before trying to leap into the fight, hoping to attack the Mummy from behind while it is distracted. All the while, the sigils on his hammer glow again, and the backswing of his hammer sounds like the roll of distant thunder.

Opp Attack roll: 1D20+17=29. Damage: 1d10+8=13.
Move Action: Eitri moves one square up, and then one square diagonally up and to the left. Athletics check: 1d20+8=25.
Booming Blade against the Mummy: Int vs. AC. 1d20+17+2=22. Damage roll: 1d10+8=11. If the target is adjacent to me at the start of its next turn, and it moves into another square, it takes 6 damage.

2009-12-17, 08:51 PM

That's strange. I thought I already jumped away from this one. Somewhat confused, Ráslím resolves to try again, once more disappearing, this time in a swirl of energy that twists the webbing around him, and the swarm as well...

Minor: Draw my rod.
Standard: Close burst, Otherwind stride, attack vs fort on the swarm = 16.
Damage: [roll0]. Swarm is also immoblized if I hit until the end of my next turn. Whether or not I hit, I teleport to K11.

2009-12-18, 05:14 AM
Eitri strikes swifly as the corpse moves, then follows it to deliver another solid blow.

Ráslím disappears in a burst of energy and reappears a few feet away. Sadly, all the small spiders evaded the burst, well protected by all the masses of web.

Round 3

Cáï fires an arrow at the swarm, but the arrow doesn't want to cooperate with her and whizzes by Ericr before getting stuck in the webs.

The swarm seems set in its pursuit of Ráslím, and skitters across the webs like it wasn't even there. Once they've caught up with the mage they quickly swarm him, biting and spinning their webs. Fortunately Ráslím has excellent reflexes and manages to evade the tiny creepers for now.

The big spider spits its sticky webs at Eitri, wrapping him tightly in the sticky nets, clinging to him and making him vulnerable. It then swiftly skitters across the cave to make a deadly lunge at Ericr, managing to sink its vile fangs into a soft spot.

13 damage to Mummy 2 from Eitri. 11 damage to Mummy 2 from Eitri.

Eitri is restrained and gains vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends both).

9 damage to Ericr from Spider, and he is dazed and takes ongoing 10 necrotic and poison (save ends both). In addition he can't use Second Wind until the end of the encounter. I've subtracted the ongoing damage already, since it is Ericr's turn.

Ericr, Ngeri and Grimnir's turn. If I were to give some advice, I'd say forget the mummies.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, immobilized
W: Swarm - Near death, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir
S: Spider - Unwounded
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 14 hp, +1 defences*, Dazed + ongoing 10 necrotic and poison, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 23 hp
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 1 pt
1: Mummy - Hurt, Cursed by Grimnir, immobilized until end of Ngeri's turn
2: Mummy - Bloodied, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Challenged by Ericr, if it moves on its next turn while adjacent to Eitri it takes 6 damage
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, immobilized, +1 defences*

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-18, 01:57 PM

Ngeri takes a step to the side to gain a better view of the giant spider. He calls out to the Nightingale to heal her child, Ericr.

Healing Word on Ericr. Spend a healing surge, gain an additional 18 hp and gain 2 to all your defenses vs the next attack made against you.

Also, I went ahead and roll the extra hp for my healing word. If you'd rather the recipient roll for themselves Deadly, that's fine. Just let me know either way so I'll know in the future.

2009-12-18, 03:55 PM
Feeling the power of the Nightengale's healing wash over him, Ericr gave a low, steady howl. His body rippled, stretching beneath the leather under his plate. His features grew more bestial, his muzzle lengthening as he shifted.

"Embrace the void and be gone!"

Then the sword flashed with a judgmental ferocity and slammed into the great spider with a crash. Whether it truly connected or was parried remained to be seen behind that flash of light, but it was truly a blow with all his power behind it.

Rolled 26 to hit, 22 to damage, and passed the save. Ericr's not giving ground just yet.

2009-12-18, 05:59 PM
Grimnir stares at the spider for a moment. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall, you humans say? I hope you're right."

Rods raised, he spits a curse and begins to chant.

Minor: Curse the spider
Standard: Cursebite. Area burst 20, targets all I have cursed within the burst, so it'll get Mummy 1, the swarm, and the spider.
Cha vs. Fort:
1d20+12] vs. Swarm
1d20+12] vs. Mummy 2
1d20+12] vs. Spider

[roll0] Necrotic +[roll1] Warlock's Curse +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows to Swarm
[roll2] Necrotic +[roll3] Warlock's Curse +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows to Mummy 2
[roll4] Necrotic +[roll5] Warlock's Curse +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows to Spider

2009-12-18, 06:47 PM
Ericr draws upon all his strengt, both physical and spiritual, to smite the spider in return for biting him. The blow just barely manages to pierce the creature's tough shell.

Ngeri steps to the side and offers a quick but effective prayer to aid Ericr, then raises his holy symbol to shine its holy light upon the vile spider. Sadly all the webbing gets in the way of the searing light.

Grimnir raises his rods and calls upon dark forces to take a bite out of his enemies. The swarm, what was left of it, is obliterated, while the spider gives Grimnir a mocking chitter in return as the shadowy teeth of his curse shatter against its supernatural hide. The old mummy doesn't fare quite as well, though it still stands strong.

Both mummies crack their bones and the webs around them tighten to hold together their torn flesh. The old mummy wades through the webs to get to Grimnir, while the other lashes out at Ericr. It's attack seemed rather feeble however, helped along by Eitri's warding and Ngeri's blessing.

22 damage to spider from Ericr. Everyone gains 8 temp hp. Ericr saves and regains 4 hp.

Ericr heals 46 hp and gains +2 to defences against next attack. Ngeri takes 5 damage.

27 damage to swarm from Grimnir, killing it. 23 damage to Mummy 1 from Grimnir.

Both mummies regain 10 hp.

Eitri, Ráslím and Cáï's turn.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, immobilized, 8 tmp hp
W: Swarm - Dead
S: Spider - Barely wounded, cursed by Grimnir
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 60 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, 8 tmp hp, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp
1: Mummy - Wounded, Cursed by Grimnir
2: Mummy - Wounded, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Challenged by Ericr
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, immobilized, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-18, 07:16 PM
Cai see's that her compainions are trying to hold the giant spider off. However the mummy is much closer to here and she looses an arrow at it. But all the webbing is throwing off her aim and she misses. (unless 18 vs. AC hits...)

2009-12-18, 07:25 PM
With the swarm in front of him gone, Ráslím turns his attention to the giant spider attacking his new allies. Focusing on what he knows well, Ráslím summons illusory mirrors, arrayed to impede the spider and mummy while allowing free reign to his allies.

Standard: Maze of Mirrors, centered on I-7
vs spider, 33-crit hit
vs mummy, 14-crit miss
No damage, but the spider is immobolized and takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn. And since it's an illusion power, the spider grants CA to the next ally to attack it before the start of my next turn, and also grants CA to me until the end of my next turn.

2009-12-18, 10:44 PM
Eitri struggles against the web, grunting with exertion, but cannot break free on his own. Instead, he extends his hand just to the right of the huge spider and makes a tight fist, watching his Aegis expand, catching the Spider in it's reach. He then pulls his hammer back again, watching it crackle with thunder as he brings it down upon the Mummy, searching his brain for information about the massive Spider.

Minor: Eitri uses his daily power Swordmage's Decree, blast 3 centered in square 6,I. Because he only hit one target, it acts as an Encounter Power and may be used again next encounter. The Spider is marked with his Aegis for the Encounter, which does not dispell his other Aegis mark.

Standard: Eitri uses Booming Blade against the Mummy. The attack roll is 26, damage is 15. If the Mummy moves next turn, it takes 6 lightning damage.

Knowledge Checks against the Spider: 25 Arcane, 20 History, 30 Dungeoneering.

2009-12-19, 05:09 AM
Eitri places a mark upon the spider, promising it a hard time should it continue to hurt his new allies. He then swings his hammer at the mummy, delivering a solid blow. Eitri remembers little about the spider that he hadn't already inferred from his knowledge of the swarm. Tomb spiders such as these lair near graveyards and other places where there are plenty of corpses for them to lay their eggs in, thus creating an animate mummy in which hundreds of tiny spiders live until they burst forth from the corpse. They are creatures of the dark and not of the natural world, some say possessed and twisted by terrible spirits.

Ráslím tampers with the senses and mind of the monstrous spider, placing it in a maze of mirrors.

Round 4
Cáï fires an arrow at the old corpse, but unfortunately her aim is completely off today and the arrow misses.

The giant spider hisses with annoyance at the mirrors and lashes out at what it believe to be Ericr, trying to bind him with its web before sinking its fangs into him. Both attempts fail entirely as the illusionary mirrors do their job. It is now completely open for Ericr to deliver a good blow against it.

Spider is marked by Eitri. 15 damage to Mummy 2 from Eitri.

Spider is immobilized and takes -5 to attacks until end of Ráslím's next turn. It also grants CA to the next attacker and to Ráslím until his next turn.

Cáï is no longer immobilized.

Ericr, Ngeri and Grimnir's turn.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, 8 tmp hp
S: Spider - Barely wounded, cursed by Grimnir, marked by Eitri, immobilized and -5 attacks until end of Ráslims turn, CA to next ally to attack, CA to Ráslím until end of his next turn
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 60 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, 8 tmp hp, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp
1: Mummy - Wounded, Cursed by Grimnir
2: Mummy - Bloodied, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Challenged by Ericr
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, immobilized, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-19, 01:55 PM
Ericr did lash out, his sword again thrumming with powerful radiant energy. In the same breath he struck with his spirit as well, sending a challenge at the second mummy across the way, putting all his spite behind the effort at the thing that would challenge those he'd chosen to protect. His will swelled freely, aiding allies as well as hindering his foes.

Granting Eitri a saving throw, making a Radiant Smite vs the spider at a base roll of 16 (hope I hit with the CA reducing its defences), and Divine Challenging Mummy 1 across the way. Since I'm still adjacent to Mummy 2, I think the challenge remains on both.

2009-12-19, 02:21 PM
Even with the Paladin's guidance, Eitri still cannot break free of the webbing that binds him.

Rolled a 6. :/ Ah well, I'll just make the roll come my turn.

2009-12-19, 03:15 PM
Grimnir looks at the monster before him. "Goodbye." He aims his rod, grinning.

Minor: Curse Mummy 2, since it's the only uncursed enemy left.

Move: Ethereal Stride to teleport to H11. I gain +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of my next turn.

Standard: Dire Radiance.

Attack roll: [roll0] vs. Fort.

Damage: [roll1] radiant +[roll2] Warlock's Curse +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows.

Effect: Damage again if it moves closer to me on its next turn.

Effect: Torch of Misery is triggered by the radiant damage. It grants Combat Advantage against my next attack.

2009-12-19, 09:13 PM

Ngeri frowns at the spider as he calls on the Nightingale to curse the monstrosity.

Zealous Sanction 23 vs. Will. 17 radiant damage if it hits. Next ally who hits the spider can spend a healing surge+5 hp.

2009-12-20, 04:43 AM
Even with the spider confused and in a most favorable position for Ericr to strike at it, the paladin still fails to even hit it. His efforts to aid his allies seemed to fail as well, aside from drawing the attention of the mummy across the room.

Ngeri curses the monstrous spider, naming it a enemy of the goddess and searing it with radiant power.

Grimnir curses the last mummy before blinking away from the one currently standing next to him, before blasting it with the cold, unrelenting radiance from a distant star.

The old mummy wades through the webs, seared once more by the radiant damage of Grimnir. The corpse moans at the onslaught but continues towards Ericr, intent on getting where the action is. Once there it smacks a fist at the paladin, but misses.

The other mummy regenerates once more, slowly recovering from its wounds, while turning its attention to Eitri. With a hateful moan it strikes at the dwarf, with about the same success as its friend.

You can not mark the other mummy without unmarking the first. The Divine Challenge specifically says "The target remains marked until you use this power against another target,..." I will assume you still decide to mark the other mummy, to give it a reason to come to you rather than pester the others.

20 damage to spider from Ngeri. Next one to hit it before Ngeri's next turn can spend a healing surge and gain +5 hp.

15 damage to mummy 1 from Grimnir. Grants CA to Grimnir on his next attack.

8 damage to mummy 1 from Grimnir.

Mummy 2 regenerates 10 hp.

Eitri, Ráslím and Cáï's turn. Don't forget to roll saving throws


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, 8 tmp hp
S: Spider - Wounded, cursed by Grimnir, marked by Eitri, immobilized and -5 attacks until end of Ráslims turn, CA to Ráslím until end of his next turn, next to hit before Ngeri's turn can spend surge+5.
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 60 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, 8 tmp hp, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp, +1 defences*, +2 to one d20 roll before end of next turn
1: Mummy - Bloodied, Cursed by Grimnir, Challenged by Ericr, CA to Grimnir on his next attack
2: Mummy - Wounded, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, immobilized, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-20, 10:18 AM
Seeing that the mummy is near the spider, Cai drew one of enchanted arrows and let fly at the mummy. With any luck the Spider will also be caught in the flames.

Use Firestorm Arrow +2
Range Basic: 24 vs AC (I forgot the +1 from missing the mummy last turn in the dice roller)
Damage: 16
Quarry: 15
Both Mummy and Spider: 11

2009-12-20, 10:51 AM
Eitri growled, swinging another thundering upswing blow at the mummy beside him, using the leverage of his swing to tear free from the binding webs that held him in place.

Eitri rolls a 32 for his Booming Cudgel attack roll, dealing 16 thunder damage. If the Mummy moves from his square before the start of my next turn, he takes 9 damage. Eitri also rolls a 17 for his saving throw, tossing off the Immobilized and Vulnerable-Necrotic conditions. And they said the die weren't favoring me. :smallamused:

2009-12-20, 01:39 PM
With a few words, phantom birds fly out of Ráslím's orb and circle the spider, harrying and distracting it.

Standard action:
illursory Ambush on the spider, vs will.
Attack - 17
Damage - [roll0]

2009-12-20, 02:27 PM
Eitri swings his hammer at the mummy, using the force of the blow to tear himself free of the web.

The illusory birds don't seem to bother the spider at all as it tears itself free from Ráslím's previous illusion and once again turns its attention to the real world.

Round 5
Cáï fires a most deadly aim at the old corpse. The arrow shatters against the corpse in a fiery burst which consumes the old, dry corpse entirely and causes flames to spread all around it, helped along by all the webbing. Fortunately the fires didn't spread even more.

The spider doesn't seem to like the situation. With a spiteful hiss it throws its webs at Ericr, entangling him before striking at him. Fortunately for the paladin the fangs meet his armor instead of his flesh. In annoyance the spider slips to the side to get out of reach of the restrained paladin.

16 damage to mummy 2 from Eitri, and if it moves before Eitri's next turn it takes 9 more damage. And Eitri is saved... I mean, Eitri saves! :smallbiggrin:

Ráslím saves as well.

47 damage to Mummy 1 from Cáï, destroying it. 11 fire damage to Spider and Ericr from the burst. If Cáï wishes she can spend a healing surge and gain an additional 5 hp.

Ericr is restrained and gains vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends both)

Ericr, Ngeri and Grimnir's turn.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, 8 tmp hp
S: Spider - Wounded, cursed by Grimnir, marked by Eitri
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 57 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp, +1 defences*, +2 to one d20 roll before end of next turn
1: Mummy - Dead
2: Mummy - Bloodied, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-20, 03:24 PM
Ericr's physicality didn't seem up to ripping free of the smoldering webs on his body this time. The lycanthrope hauled at them, but they remained, clinging around his form still. This didn't hinder him entirely, however. He twisted and swung his sword into the mummy beside him, the blade flashing with the nightengale's light.

2009-12-20, 03:35 PM
Grimnir begons to advance towards the corpse, but the webs stop him behind the paladin. "Accursed cobwebs. Fine, we can do this from here." He raises his torch for another spell.

See die rolling thread for wasted Fate of the Void on my Acrobatics check...

Ah, well. Standard action: Dire Radiance on the Mummy. It'll probably get partial cover from the paladin--I don't know the 4e cover rules--but it's worth a shot.

Attack roll: [roll0] vs. Fort.

Damage: [roll1] Radiant +[roll2] Warlock's Curse + 4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows

Effect: Damage is repeated if it gets any closer to me on its turn.

Effect: My next attack against it gains Combat Advantage due to the Torch.

2009-12-20, 09:21 PM

Ngeri moves up to stand by Ericr, then lets loose a burst of divine light on the spider and mummy.

Moves up to I 10. Cast Divine Glow on Mummy and Spider. 15 and 29 v. Reflex, respectively. 7 radiant damage to each. Everyone within 3 squares of Ngeri gain +2 to attack rolls until end of my next turn.

2009-12-21, 05:01 AM
Ericr's sword slashes through the mummy beside him as he gives up trying to get free from the webs.

Ngeri begins to move towards Ericr, but is foiled by the sticky webs. His plan ruined before it could even begin, the cleric instead settles on searing just the mummy. Unfortunately luck is really against him, and the light just barely misses the mummy by an inch.

Grimnir shines a dire light upon the mummy, searing it with the cold, radiant light.

The mummy, now looking ready to crumble and fall apart, spins around to swing its claws at Ericr. Apparently these things just can't hit a thing, however.

10 radiant damage to mummy from Ericr.

Don't forget Acrobatics checks when you move. Since Ngeri can't use Divine Glow from afar, I used Sacred Flame instead, using the first set of attack/damage rolls.

Allies never provide cover to your enemies. 16 damage to mummy from Grimnir. It grants CA on Grimnir's next attack.

Both Ngeri and Grimnir are immobilized by the webs. Same Acrobatics DC (20) to get free.

I swear the die don't favor these mummies, they must be hexed or something.

Eitri, Ráslím and Cáï's turn.

Map hasn't changed.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, 8 tmp hp
S: Spider - Wounded, cursed by Grimnir, marked by Eitri
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 57 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp, immobilized
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp, +1 defences*, immobilized
2: Mummy - Near Death, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, CA go Grimnir on his next attack
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-21, 08:15 AM
Cai let's a small grin touch her lips as the mummy burns up. She moves to get a better angle on the spider, trying not to get stuck on the webbing. Then she sets her sights on the spider and lets two arrows go in rapid succession.

Move E12
Minor: Mark Spider as Quarry
Biting Volley: 19 and 31 vs Ref
17 damage on first, 18 on second
Quarry: 9

2009-12-21, 03:54 PM
Grimnir struggles against the webs, to no avail. "Mists take it all! As the Ancestors are my witnesses, I am going to burn these all the moment we're done here!"

Sigh...Acrobatics fails me again.

Dire Radiance on the spider.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] Radiant +[roll2] Warlock's Curse +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rods.

Effects: Damage again if it comes any closer, and it grants my next attack Combat Advantage.

2009-12-21, 06:36 PM
Ráslím once again tries to attack the spider with his illusions, this time crafting a large shadow beast to chase it back.

Got a 19 vs Will for my Phantom bolt attack, which probably doesn't hit. If it does, it deals 6 damage and I will slide the spider directly away from me one square. It would also grant CA to the next ally to attack it before the start of my next turn, and to me until the end of my next turn.

2009-12-22, 10:12 AM
Eitri swings his hammer again, hoping to break the Mummy in front of him. Hopefully, this would allow the others to focus their attacks completely on the Spider.

: Agh, the dice roller hates me! 21 on the attack roll against the Mummy. 11 damage on it, 9 more if it moves.

2009-12-22, 01:21 PM
Eitri swings his hammer at the mummy to deliver a blow... just barely. The mummy sways and looks like a tree about to fall at the slightest breeze.

Ráslim fires an imaginary bolt at the spider, but the beast seems entirely unimpressed.

Round 6
Cáï moves into position before firing two shots at the spider. The first arrow goes way off, but the second strikes true against the beast.

The spider spews its webs at Cáï this time, wrapping her in sticky threads, then steps back in to snap at Ericr. The paladin almost manages to evade the bite, but the restraints get in the way and the spider manages to get past his armor.

11 damage to mummy from Eitri. 9 more if it moves.

18 and 9 damage to spider from Cáï.

Cáï is restrained and gains vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends both)

10 damage to Ericr plus 10 ongoing necrotic and poison (with the 5 from the vulnerability, thats 35 damage total this round), and he is dazed (save ends both dazed and ongoing damage). So Ericr needs to make two seperate saves at the end of his turn, one for dazed + ongoing and one for restrained + vulnerability.

Ericr, Ngeri and Grimnir's turn.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, 8 tmp hp, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic
S: Spider - Wounded, cursed by Grimnir, marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 22 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic, dazed + ongoing 10 necrotic and poison, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp, immobilized
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp, +1 defences*, immobilized
2: Mummy - Almost dead, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, CA to Grimnir on his next attack, 9 damage if it moves
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-22, 03:56 PM
Grimnir struggles against the webs, to no avail. "Mists take it all! As the Ancestors are my witnesses, I am going to burn these all the moment we're done here!"

Sigh...Acrobatics fails me again.

Dire Radiance on the spider.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] Radiant +[roll2] Warlock's Curse +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rods.

Effects: Damage again if it comes any closer, and it grants my next attack Combat Advantage.

I'll keep this.

2009-12-22, 10:23 PM
Eitri scowls grimly as the Spider makes its attack against the Paladin, one hand extending the Aegis as the other pulls his hammer back in preparation of an uppercut swing. Runes glow on the backs of both of his hands, on his hammer, and even on his forehead. "OH NO y'don't!
Immediately Interrupting the Spider's Attack on Ericr. Eitri uses Transposing Lunge. The spider is teleported to squares I,J-6,7, and Eitri rolls 26 for 15 damage, all before it can attack. If it attacks, and hits, he uses his Aegis of Shielding to reduce the damage by 20. Ericr takes no damage and has no effects thrown on him, the power having interrupted the Spider's attack, whether or not it hits or misses. Also, accidentally rolled in this thread first. Edited it and deleted it.

2009-12-22, 10:50 PM
Cai fires another arrow in conjunction with Grimnir's bolt.

Combined fire: 28 vs. AC
Damage: 30

2009-12-22, 10:52 PM

Ngeri holds forth his holy symbol, casting a burst of holy flame at the spider.

Sacred Flame 23 vs Reflex. 10 radiant vs the spider. Erirc can make a saving throw or gain 7 temp hp.

2009-12-23, 05:23 AM
Eitri steps in just in time to spoil all the spider's fun and save Ericr from a lot of pain and suffering. The spider looks most displeased, giving Eitri a look that plainly says he's in for a lot of hurt now.

Resolving Eitri's immediate reaction now, so that Ericr (and others) can know what to do or not to do

Everything that happened to Ericr is canceled. No damage, no dazed. Ah well.

Cáï is still affected by the webs, since they occured before the interrupt.

Alright, resuming regular order. I don't think anyone needs to change their actions, so just waiting for Ericr.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, 8 tmp hp, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic
S: Spider - Wounded, cursed by Grimnir, marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 57 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp, immobilized
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp, +1 defences*, immobilized
2: Mummy - Near Death, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, CA to Grimnir on his next attack, 9 damage if it moves
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-27, 04:15 AM
Ericr challenges the spider to fight him as he raises his holy symbol in a burst of just and radiant light. Sadly, the spider ignores the holy light, and the paladin is still as stuck in the webs as before.

Ngeri likewise holds up his holy symbol and burns the horrid spider with its radiant flames, granting Ericr a second chance. This time the paladin tears himself free from the webs, ready to smite his enemies once again.

Grimnir brings his own cold radiance to bear against the spider, searing it in dire starlight. As he does, Cáï fires an arrow which strikes true against the monster.

The mummy strikes desperately at the closest thing to it, but there's just no hope for the thing anymore and the webbed fist misses the target completely.

10 radiant damage to spider from Ngeri, and Ericr gains another saving throw.

11 damage to spider from Grimnir.

30 damage to spider from Cáï.

Eitri, Ráslím and Cáï's turn.

Map hasn't changed.


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, 8 tmp hp, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic
S: Spider - Bloodied, cursed by Grimnir, marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Challenged by Ericr, 4 damage if it moves, CA to grimnir's next attack
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 57 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp, immobilized
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp, +1 defences*, immobilized
2: Mummy - Bloodied, Marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, CA to Grimnir on his next attack
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 47 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-27, 01:46 PM
Cai continues her relentless barrage of arrows against the spider.

Range Basic: 19 vs Ac
Damage: 11 + 12 quarry = 23
Saved from restrained
Still vulnerable

2009-12-27, 02:39 PM
Eitri smiles grimly. The ragtag group has them now. That said, being cornered by a giant spider and a walking corpse wasn't exactly the best of circumstances... with a practiced sigh and effort of mental concentration, Eitri squeezes the haft of his hammer, as the runes on his forehead, hands, and hammer glow with an Eldritch energy before making a mighty swing.

Eitri uses Aegis Sigil against the Spider. The attack roll is 32, with 22 damage. Spider is Marked; does not dispell previous mark if someone else has marked it. Nobody has, so... eh. :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-28, 01:16 AM

Frustrated at his previous failed attempts, Ráslím gathers his focus for a larger spell, perhaps pulling in a bit of his other-worldly powers as well. Grasping appendages reach up from the ground near the spider, grabbing at anyone in the area.

Grasping shadows, centered on I7
Attack against the spider, 32 vs will.
Attack against the mummy, 19 vs will.
Anything it hit takes 14 damage and is slowed, anything that enters I7 or any adjacent squares is slowed and takes 5 damage.
As this is an illusion spell, anything hit grants CA to the first ally to attack before my next turn, and CA to me until the end of my next turn.

2009-12-28, 05:50 AM
Eitri smacks the furious spider well and good with his hammer. And if it was furious before...

Ráslím follows up with a patch of grasping shadows, groping and tearing at the mummy and spider. The mummy is torn apart and collapses in a heap, still grasping that little notebook in its one hand.

Round 7

Cáï fires another shot at the spider, but misses. She does manage to get free of the vile nets binding her, however.

The spider now looks quite desperate. Furiously it throws its webs at Eitri, entangling him and making him vulnerable to its attacks. Then, in a flurry of desperation it stabs at the dwarf not once, but twice before turning to flee.

22 damage to spider from Eitri.

14 damage to mummy and spider from Ráslím. Spider is slowed until end of Ráslím's next turn, and grants CA to the first attack against it and CA to Ráslím until end of his next turn.

Cáï saves. Only one save is needed to end both effects, so the second roll wasn't necessary.

Eitri is restrained and gains vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends both).

6 and 11 damage to Eitri from spider, plus 10 ongoing necrotic and poison, for a total of 42 damage this round. And Eitri is dazed (save ends both dazed and ongoing damage).

4 damage to spider because it moved. 9 damage to spider because its attack didn't include Ericr.

Since Eitri is dazed he gets no opportunity attack against the spider as it moves.

The yellow area on the map is Ráslím's zone of Grasping Shadows.

Since the mummy is now gone, everyone gets to act now, in this order: Ericr, Ngeri, Grimnir, Eitri, Ráslím, Cáï


C: Cáï - Init 31, 37 hp, 8 tmp hp
S: Spider - Badly wounded, cursed by Grimnir, marked by Eitri, Cáï's Quarry, Challenged by Ericr, CA to grimnir's next attack, slowed until end of Ráslím's turn, CA on next attack, CA to Ráslím until end of his turn
Er: Ericr - Init 25, 57 hp, +1 defences*, +2 damage, +4 regen while bloodied, can't use second wind
N: Ngeri - Init 24, 18 hp, 8 tmp hp, immobilized
G: Grimnir - Init 24, 52 hp, darkspiral aura 2 pts, 8 tmp hp, +1 defences*, immobilized
2: Mummy - Dead
Ei: Eitri - Init 19, 13 hp, +1 defences*, restrained + vulnerable 5 necrotic (save ends both), dazed + ongoing 10 necrotic and poison (save ends both)
R: Ráslím - Init 9, 32 hp, +1 defences*, 8 tmp hp

* Ericr and all within 3 sqaures of him gain +1 to all defences.

2009-12-28, 10:10 AM
Eitri raises his hand to block the incoming damage. It isn't quite perfect... but it'll do.

Eitri uses his Aegis to block 20 points of incoming damage from the spider, and only takes 22 damage.

2009-12-30, 10:55 AM

Though the spider escaped the shadow's reach, Ráslím tries to frighten it back.

Attack spider with Phantom bolt, vs will
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If I hit, slide the target back into the zone of grasping shadows.
As this is an illusion spell, anything hit grants CA to the first ally to attack before my next turn, and CA to me until the end of my next turn.

2009-12-30, 06:28 PM

Grimnir fires another blast of eerie green flame at the spider.

Eldritch Blast.

Attack: [roll0] vs AC

Damage: [roll1] +[roll2] Warlock's Curse +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows.

2010-01-01, 04:10 PM
Ericr grunted as he saw the spider trying to retreat, though the sound may well have been a growl coming from the helmed lycanthrope's shifted form.

"Not likely."

He crouched and shoved off through the webbing on the floor, the stuff tearing free of his legs as he sprinted at an angle, following the beast's movements parallel before darting back in. With another snarling grunt he stepped in and swung his sword. The strike was fast, precise, and hit true, but the angle was poor for making a solid hit, though the tip of the blade did trace a searing path through the monster's carapace.

2010-01-01, 07:10 PM
Cai looses another arrow at the spider. She realizes that she's almost used half of her quiver. Nothing she can worry about now however.

Attack: 26 vs AC
Damage: 18

2010-01-03, 05:55 AM
Ericr sprints free of the webs and in a small circle around the spider before darting back in to deliver a blow to the beast. The hit may not have been fatal, but the creature is already badly wounded.

Ngeri decides to stay put and watch the situation for now.

Meanwhile Grimnir throws a bolt of green flames at the fleeing monster. The flames engulf the beast, and with a hiss and desperate scuttle for the exit the thing collapses in a smoking heap of twitching legs.

Eerie silence falls upon the cave, as the beast finally stops moving.

12 damage to spider from Ericr. 20 damage from Grimnir, killing the spider.

Ngeri and Grimnir can pull free of the webs that bind them, eventually, no need to bother with a check now.

Eitri can't use his aegis to shield himself from damage, as it requires that the spider's attack did not include him which it did. However, since it is the end of the encounter I'm going to let you shrug off the ongoing damage (and other effects) without saves, possibly sparing you some damage there.


You earn 400 XP each, and here is the status at the end of the encounter (temp hp and other such effects are gone):

C: Cáï - 37 hp
Er: Ericr - 57 hp
N: Ngeri - 18 hp
G: Grimnir - 52 hp
Ei: Eitri - 13 hp
R: Ráslím - 32 hp

2010-01-03, 06:01 AM
"Let's get out of here. Quickly, please, so I can burn these accursed webs and we can go."

2010-01-03, 01:20 PM
Let's see, I think one of the corpses had a quiver on them. This would be a poor time to run out of arrows. Cai does a quick search to see if she can find any arrows and if any that she fired at the spider are salvageable.

2010-01-03, 02:24 PM
Cáï makes a quick search of the corpses and the surrounding webs. A few arrows can be salvaged from the webs, and on the corpse of the young man she finds a quiver with a few more, including three black arrows with white runes etched on them. The man also wears a short silken cape, and the small notebook which he seems to be clinging to. Getting it out of his grip proves a bit of a challenge, but eventually Cáï manages to wrest it free.

Cáï salvages 8 regular arrows, and 3 black arrows with runes on them, as well as the cloak and notebook of the young man.

2010-01-03, 04:26 PM

"As enjoyable as that was, I think it's time to go. Looks like that tunnel's our only way out." Ráslím slowly pulls himself out of the webbing entirely, catching his breath when he's free. While thoughts of the tattooed man still linger in his mind, what common sense he possesses has taken hold of him for now, and they tell him sticking with the group and finding out what happened is most important. With a few words he casts a minor spell to shed some light down the tunnel.

Spending 2 healing surges, bringing me to full.
Casting light 5 squares down the tunnel's length while standing at the entrance of it.

2010-01-03, 04:56 PM
The entrance to the tunnel is some 15 feet above the ground. The walls seem like they could prove difficult to climb and may not be entirely stable - being composed mostly of packed sand and bits of stone. There is little to see from the light, aside from the fact that the tunnel winds its way upwards and should be easy enough to crawl through if one could only reach it.

2010-01-03, 05:37 PM
Cai glances at the rune arrow for a second then adds it to her quiver. Something to look at later.

Heading towards the tunnel, Cai says, "Might as well get started." Cai scans the wall looking for the best way up then starts to climb.

Athletics: [roll0]

2010-01-03, 07:18 PM

Ngeri walks after Cai after managing to get himself free of the webs. He calls after her. "Cai! When you get the chance, I'd love to take a look at that notebook. It might have some useful information for us."

2010-01-04, 06:31 AM
With a little luck and some aid from the others, Cáï manages to scale the wall, although she almost lost her grip a few times.

2010-01-04, 12:15 PM
Once she reaches the top Cai looks around for something to anchor a rope to so that the others can get up easier. Especially the dwarves. While she's looking, Cai replies, "Be my guest but may I suggest you wait till we're out of the spider tunnel?"

2010-01-04, 12:26 PM
There isn't much to find. A few rocks look like they could support a rope, and tying one should be no problem, although Cáï may have to hold on to the rope just to be safe. If one were careful it just might work.

Should be no trouble from here on. Just assume Cáï ties the rope and everyone can climb up, it's not like you're under any pressure to do it quickly.

2010-01-05, 12:44 AM
The big paladin's sword vanished with a gesture, and his armour once again became clothing. This time it was serviceable traveller's garb that barely made a sound as he hauled himself steadily up the rope. Once up top, his sword was back in his hand at a gesture, though he kept the plate off, judging it too noisy if they were going to be discreet in their exit. He took a few steps from the ledge, watching ahead and preparing to act as a speed bump to anything coming to attack while they climbed up.

2010-01-05, 04:42 PM
Eitri winces a little as he moves. His wounds were, well, dire, to say the least. He needed to rest when he could. Still, he found strength enough to haul himself up the rope with little more than a grunt or two of effort, though his arms felt ready to give by the time he'd made his way to the top.

"If yeh like, Cai, I might be able t'judge what yer new arrows do if y'gimme a minute. An' I suggest tha' we at least take a bit of a rest when we can, mm? Jus' a few minutes... ah'm a bit weary, an' these old bones ain't as thick as they use't'be... it'll give us a few minutes t'figure out where we are, what we're doin' next, give us inventory 'f what we've got b'tween us all, do yeh kennit, an' after a scrap like that, a bit'a palaver's prolly jus' what we be needin'." The old dwarf coughed up a bit, a wheezing hack, making him wince and clutch at his chest before he spat up a little bit of blood. "An' per'aps a little bit ah care from th' cleric, if y'please... if'n y'like, I can take a bit of a peek at tha' notebook as well, if'n none of yeh can read it."

2010-01-06, 03:23 AM

Ngeri nodded as he held his holy symbol tight and said a quick prayer to the Nightingale for Eitri. After he was done, he stood and looked over at Cai. "I believe I asked for the notebook as well. I hope there's something useful in it. At least tell us where we are or whats going on."

2010-01-06, 03:37 AM
"I am versed in a number of languages. If none of you are able to translate, perhaps I can be of service. It seems unlikely it would be printed in a tongue that obscure, however."

2010-01-06, 04:47 AM
As everyone finds their way up the rope, you can all see that the tunnel seems to go on for a bit but steadily upwards. There is no immediate sign of where it leads, aside from up.

Assuming what Ngeri used was a Healing Word, Eitri can use a surge and gain another 37 hp (max of 5d6+7). Should bring his hp to 73 by my count.

2010-01-06, 11:39 AM
Cia laughs and says, "It seems everyone except me cares to read it! Once again, I recommend we wait until we are out of danger. However, she takes the book out and holds it out to them, "whoever wishes to can take it. Personally, I'm a tad more concerned about the dwarf that's coughing blood. I assume that's not normal?"

2010-01-06, 03:22 PM
"Of course it's not normal, fool. We're dwarves, not vampires. I assumed somebody capable of healing him would do so, and in the meantime I could assist in translating the journal, if necessary. Unless, of course, you think it would be more productive if we all went and fawned over him and smothered him with maudlin concern, instead of attending to our work and letting the healer attend to his?"

2010-01-06, 04:54 PM
After the Priest's work was done, Eitri grinned. "Nah, no blood spitters, we. Though y'd be surprised wha' people dunno about us Dwarven folk, when yeh get right down to it. Though what's my distant kin sayin' about 'maudlin' concern', ah?" Eitri cocked an eye at the other dwarf with a scowl. "When yeh're stranded out in tha' middle ah nowhere, beset by all a manner've unsavory stuff t'deal with, everything is about numbers and resources. How much food we have, what each of us can do, how many times can we collectively fight off a threat before we can't withstand another hammer blow. An' righ' now, the most important resource is people. Because compared to how many our fair city had before, it's dwindled a little, now, hasn't it?"

Eitri set about re-tightening his armor, dealing with the head of his hammer, and flipping through his spellbook. "All've us are a resource to eachother. If I wasn't around, do yeh kennit, who knows if we'd've held off the spider, the Paladin and I. If one've us is near death, Mr. Dwarf, then everyone should be worried. That includes myself, it includes Ms. Cai over there, and it includes you. I'm watchin' yer hide nearly as much as you are, whether or not y'notice or care, and I respect yer power, though I may not like it. I advise you to respect yer fellow mates in kind." He turned to Cai, with a much nicer smile than he'd shown the Warlock. "Now then, missie, would it be too much trouble if I could take a gander at that notebook? Pass it here, if y'could? We Dwarves are astute scholars, and though I doubt yer own brains are any worse off, maybe we'd be able to figure out a bit'ah what's goin' on, mm?"

2010-01-06, 04:57 PM
"Well, forgive me if I'm just a bit cross about being torn from my very important work to kill vermin and suffer the foolishness of the young and the ignorant. Now, child, the notebook, as he says."

2010-01-06, 06:10 PM
"I may not be as old as you dwarf, but I am no child," Cai replies coldly. She hands the notebook to Eitri. "Keep that in mind." Turning to the others, Cai says, "If everyone is rested I think it would be best to move on. I doubt that spider was the only thing barring our exit."

2010-01-06, 08:25 PM
Eitri winced. He didn't mind scholarly pursuits, but he was really, really starting to get annoyed at the high-and-mighty personality of this Dwarf. "Well. I guess it falls to me, then, to put forwards a good thing abou' our race, eh Grimnir?" With that, he casually but carefully took the notebook from her hands, blew a little dust (or whatever it was) off of the cover, and gingerly, carefully turned the cover with a practiced hand.

Eitri definitely glances through the pages to see what language they're in, and at least determine a little bit about the contents. If he needs Grimnir's help, he will (reluctantly) ask for it.

2010-01-06, 08:28 PM
Grimnir will read over Eitri's shoulder.

Grimnir speaks Dahnmäl, Runic Form, Narumach, Arounmäl, Mólochan, and Ayñ:cäl, so he can probably read it. If Eitri needs help, Grimnir will help him. With no smirk or arrogance, even.

2010-01-07, 05:07 AM
The notebook looks quite ordinary, aside from being a quality book. It contains the journal and random notes of a bard and spy named Taín Imañes - the young man in the golden tunic, no doubt. From a quick glance through the journal it doesn't seem to contain anything unusual, though the last few pages have been torn out and seem to be missing.

As Eitri is about to close it again he notices that the thick cover has been torn - no doubt due to the fighting - and a small slip of parchment sticks out. Looking closer he finds that the cover contains a small hidden space in which lie two small notes.

The first of the notes is written on a simple slip of rough paper in a quick hand. At first it appears to Eitri as if it is simply filled with random strokes of ink, a meaningless patchwork of black on white. Slowly he realises that there is a system behind it, and recognises a similarity to texts he has seen before in the writings of the Mälacin. But this is not their writing and all he can get out of it is that whatever message is written on this slip seem to end with the initials, CM.

Grimnir, glancing over Eitri's shoulder at the slip doesn't get much more out of it either, though he thinks a name, Nemet and the city of Väsav is mentioned, but in what context is impossible to say.

Turning the slip, Eitri finds that a few words have been scribbled on it in the same hand as the journal itself, reading "Not Mólocan or Narumach. None of the usual codes. No ordinary assassins. Master Creíl may be able to help."

Master Creíl, if Eitri remembers correctly, is one of the high mages of the Väsav academy. He has never met the man, however.

The other note is a letter adressed to Lady Iályn Injera, high priestess of Väsav. It is written in a delicate and yet hasty hand, on fine paper folded as if to be carried with a bird. It reads:

“Your Grace
I shall pray that the goddess watch over and bring one of mine birds safely to thy hand, for these are dark times and ill news of which I write, and I should surely despair in the knowledge that you did not receive word.

It is with great pain that I must inform you that thy beloved cousin, revered sister Iméri has passed away most tragically, and her immortal spirit now so ardently needs your presence and comfort.

I truly regret that our correspondence must be so brief and that I can not write at more length of these dire news, but my time grows short now. I pray you receive this message in time.

My sincerest condolences on this most terrible loss of yours.

Your most humble bringer of ill news
– Ilés Car:íem”

Eitri recognises the name, Ilés Car:íem, vaguely as an wandering minstrel, no doubt one of the many obscure and lesser known ones.

Again, the owner of the journal has scribbled a note on the back, reading "Ill news, but nothing unusual. Something here I'm missing, something they don't want anyone to find. Hidden code? Why else assassins for a mere bird? More will surely come for me. Must bring to Iályn post haste."

Sadly it seems the poor guy never got to Iályn with the message.

2010-01-07, 01:43 PM
The as-yet unnamed Paladin simply kept watch while they inspected the book. He'd have a look at it later of course, anything else would be foolishness. However for now there was still the threat of discovery, and he intended to keep from being surprised. He prayed silently to the Nightengale and meditated on the teachings of his order as his eyes scanned the hallway.

~Death is a moment, and nothing more. The rest of your life is what matters. Live well and free in the light, and your death will be the most natural thing in the world.~

2010-01-07, 06:21 PM
"It looks like...some form of bastardized Molochan? It mentions Vasav, and another name--Nemet. I think it's a person, but I can't be certain. Does the name mean anything to you?"

2010-01-08, 08:18 AM

As Ngeri sits down to rest while the others study the notebook and the notes, he mutters a quick prayer to the Nightingale for his own wounds.

Healing Word on self. Gain healing surge +17 hp back.

2010-01-08, 07:36 PM

Ráslím climbs up the rope without too much trouble and waits impatiently for the others to finish examining the journal and the notes. He looks over them himself, though he merely turns away in frustration when he cannot read them either.

"Why don't you make yourself useful and scout ahead?" He asks his small and unfortunately long term follower, though it seems to be just as nervous as the rest of them, taking cover behind Ráslím.

2010-01-09, 12:28 PM
"Nemet is a Lycanthrope." The nameless knight said it calmly, his gaze never leaving its watchful post as the others read and as he spoke.

"I was in Väsav, as I wager you all were, when everything went mad. I was overwhelmed by numbers of the damned, and a werewolf sought to kill me." ~Or worse~ he thought to himself. "It was stopped by a lycanthrope, tattooed about the waist and chest. The werewolf, Vandal, called him 'lord' Nemet, and Nemet said they had more pressing matters before leaving me to the crowds and what I thought would be my death. Then I woke here."

2010-01-09, 01:02 PM
Eitri frowned, brows furrowed in concentration. His ill feelings towards Grimnir were dissipated, at least for the moment; he had only the focus and determination of a scholar at his work. However, he couldn't help a shudder at the memory of Vasav... and some surprise at the Paladin's remembrance. The old Dwarf spoke with a tad more excitement and determination than before.

"Tha's important, right there. The journal's connected then, and studyin' it could be more'an important enough to our survival... or whatever else we need t'deal with when we get outta this spider hole.

"Tha' said, there's more to this than jus' that name..." Already he was absorbed in the book again. This new nugget of information was just a piece of the framework, a new boundary, changing the outlines of the supposed puzzle to allow more to fit in. "Th' lad's a spy. That much is fer sure, otherwise heed'a spread info a' this threat long and wide. Creil is one'f th' bigwigs up at Vasav Academy, though I don't know th'man personally, an' he knows th' priestess by name as well, so this lad's connected high up too, which just fits the theory a little bit more. An' there's mention 'f assassins, an' twice... I think we can assume tha' they're the same ones. Lad said 'more' will come for'im, so we can say that they attacked him, he either fended'em off or escaped. Then there's mention'a this here second minstrel, the one who wrote the letter. Knew where t'send it, so he also had a connection t'the Lady. Per'aps another spy...?"

Eitri looked up. He'd grabbed onto an idea, one that tugged at the edge of his mind, that he couldn't quite bring into the light. Dim awareness again... his brows furrowed twicemore in frustration, before he ripped it into the light and the idea finally dawned. "They attacked'im. They attacked'im not because he was a spy, but because he had their book, their information? 'e copied it down, surely enough. Handwritin's the same. An' he's done it before, which is why he could see whether or not th'code was familiar, so we can trust 'is hand. So this is ridiculously important information. But if those things, those assassins, caught up to him, wouldn't they'a taken the book too? At least to keep it outta their 'ands? An' this lad would've made it to th' Priestess, or whatnot, with the book as well; they tried t'kill him for it, he's not gonna keep it. Whatever brought him 'ere weren't the assassins then. We can assume th'same fer us, depending on how long they were 'ere, an' he coulda resisted th' wave same as we did perhaps. But how did they find hi-"

Eitri's eyes darted upwards, hard and afraid. "Tracked'im. They musta tracked'im. An' they might know where he is. An' if they know that, they might come t'get it. Rock and rune! Eitri pulled Grimnir close, keeping his voice low, quick, direct, almost hushed. "Grimnir, check the book Check it, see if th'writing's got a mark on it, now. We might be tracked by somethin' nastier than th' spiders. Could pa-... bloody hell, whatever is your name? Paladin! Keep yer eyes out, and tell us who you are. Cai, you too. I can't tell, but they might know where we are."

Two Arcane Knowledge checks:
To detect any sort of spell, ritual, enchantment, etc. on the journal, it's contents, the notes, and the letter: 24
To determine how long it takes for those Corpse Spider things to lay eggs, mummify a corpse, how long it'll keep a dude wrapped up before making it undead, how long it takes to set up a lair, so on and so forth: 30

2010-01-09, 01:23 PM
"Me? Oh, Ericr." He said it idly, as if the name were something he had to live with instead of -his-.

"This does shed a little light on the murder of the priestess, at least." He'd need to bring that book to his superiors at some point.

2010-01-09, 01:34 PM
Eitri senses no magic about the journal or the note from the minstrel. Something about the note in the strange language catches his eyes however. There are traces of alchemical substances on it, perhaps used to reveal an otherwise hidden message... or restore one previously erased. Neither the paper nor the ink used is ordinary either. Eitri is not sure, but it looks like a kind of one-way communication, where a note written somewhere else appears on this slip of paper and erases itself after a while or through a particular process know to the receipient. Whatever was done to restore the message no doubt screwed up the original magic, so it is unlikely that new messages will appear.

Judging by his knowledge of the spiders, Eitri can tell that the young man must have been here for at least a week or so, but probably not much more. The lair could have been here for a long time, quite a while if the older corpse is an indication. The spider can't have been very active until recently, however, or there would no doubt be more corpses down here.

2010-01-09, 02:06 PM

Ráslím's head jerks towards the paladin as he mentions the lycanthropes. "I saw him as well, the man with the tattooed body and the black eyes, so dark..." Ráslím shudders, thinking of the far off jungles once more. Now Ráslím knows the name of the one he searches for.

2010-01-09, 02:17 PM
Cai raises an eyebrow at Eitri's comments. Apparently this was quiet important for them. Personally, she was far more concerned with getting out alive. Cai continues to watch down the tunnel and hopes that her new companions will cease their scholarly pursuits until a more suitable time. "It seems clear that someone brought him here and that someone could return at any time. I for one would rather not be here when that happens."

2010-01-09, 02:19 PM
Eitri's speculations went on, even as Eitri ran his hand over the paper, the words, trying to detect anything.

A week, about, I'd say. The Bard, it's been here about a week. Assuming we weren't drugged for that period of time and then put into th' Spider Hole, we can assume tha' whatever got him into th' webby mess we 'freed' 'im from wasn't th' same exact event tha' put us in our place. Given tha' whatever got him an' whatever got the city - an' us - are th' same thing, or at least connected, and seein' as we both ended up in th' same place, an' given how I can't remember seein' any Corpse Spiders walkin' about topside in Vasav... tha' means that we were put here. Or put somwhere th' Spiders coulda gotten t'us, whether or not th' dumpers realize tha' the spiders are where they are. If'n they were smarter, anyhow, they wouldn't have let us go right then and there. They'd have killed us, slit our throats, made sure. An' if these things were pets, we'd a' been caught by now fer killin'em.

Th' bloke. He was in Vasav, then, or close. Else they'd a put his body somewhere farther away. An' th' reason they didn't take th' note, assumin' it was treated, was b'cause it was the Bard's, an' they couldn't read it none. He knew they were comin', doused it? But if th' assassins are so smart, why was he put here... unless there's a reason? In any case, he was on his way to Vasav, likely based around it, an' carrier birds only fly so far...


Eitri looked up from the book, passing it off to Grimnir. His mind was still buzzing, but only on the details. There wasn't much more he could discover from what was going on. "There's a few things I can figure for certain, or damn near close enough. First, we're still near Vasav. Whether or not that's a good thing anymore, tha's your call, but it does bring up some stuff we need t'figure out, namely what happens if the exit t'this place is more dangerous than what's in it. Secondly, we were put here, on purpose, which means tha' they at least know our general location, or think they do. I don't know if they know about the spiders, but if they do, and learn they're dead, an' that we have this 'ere book, they'll try t'find us, and they could know these caverns better than we do. They might be watchin' th' exit, anyhow, an' they could come back with more people for th' pit. The good thing abou' that theory is tha' if we were t'be dumped, or our corpses used for somethin', then this place could be relatively unguarded... compared to the stuff we'd need to deal with if we all woke up in a room in Vasav. They don't know we're here. So we've got us a fightin' chance've gettin' out, in th' short term. Tha' said, you're right about movin', Cai. We've got ourselves a window, though sheer luck alone. We can't let it get t' waste."

2010-01-09, 03:14 PM
Grimnir accepts the book from Eitri and examines it for any unusual marks or runes, any parts where the handwriting or language shift suddenly, anything he can find.

Arcana: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]
Perception: [roll2]

2010-01-09, 03:27 PM
Grimnir confirms what Eitri found about the note being a one-way communication thing and the fact that someone alchemically treated the paper to restore a previously erased message... the one now written on the slip of paper in an unidentified language. Beyond that he finds nothing out of the ordinary.

Not much left to do for now, it seems, but to move on.

2010-01-10, 04:55 AM
The group begins the slow crawl through the spider tunnels. Despite having been dug out by the huge spider, the tunnels are not particularly roomy. Several times the tunnel splits off into side tunnels, but all of them turn out to be dead ends. After much crawling and fighting against bits of web scattered all over the tunnels, the tunnel comes to a sudden stop. A slight waft of eerily cold air comes from above, sending chills down your spine. Somewhere in the distance you can hear the bloodcurdling sounds of screams and howling of the dead or soon-to-be dead. Either you have not left Väsav, or you're in a place no better off.

Looking up, you see a narrow hole covered in bushes and roots.

2010-01-10, 11:05 AM
Ericr let whoever felt most confident scouting, likely the ranger, lead the way as he took second position. His tall form seemed rather restricted in the tight confines, as did his weapon of choice, but he voiced no complaint and simply kept on. He stopped beneath the hole and looked upward contemplatively.

"I'd volunteer to look, but I'm rather noticable. Someone more discrete want to volunteer?"

2010-01-10, 03:05 PM
Eitri sighed and winced at the cries. They served as a grim reminder of the cacophony of blood and madness that had sent the city into an insane murderlust... and recalled echoes of the strange, unnatural chorus that had accompanied it.

Almost unconsciously, the hammer was in his hand once more. "Righ'. Cai, y've got th' best eyes out've us. Someone else go with'er though, at least in case we need t'get somethin' off'er back. I'll edge up a little for yeh, missie, an' cover yeh best I can. Jus' don't expect these old eyes t'see what's goin' on."

2010-01-10, 03:29 PM
Cai nods in agreement. "Any one else able to move silently and want to come along? Everyone else let us get a ways ahead before you follow."

2010-01-11, 08:38 AM

The tall cleric had kept to himself, seemingly ignoring the others. Occasionally they can hear him muttering under his breath, although the words are unclear...

In fact, Ngeri spends the time constantly praying to the Nightingale, praying for insight, for answers, for a response. Anything. As the group reached the exit, he visibly cringed at the sounds of death and violence coming from above. He glances up at the exit, then at the others. Finally he speaks again.

"I'm not much of one for stealth. I...I think I'll stay with the main group, if that's okay..."

2010-01-12, 12:44 AM

The journey is not a pleasant one for Ráslím. Fighting their way through webbing tires him, and any movement in the shadows looks to have some sinister intent. The distant screams take him back to the jungles for a second, just long enough to recall the fate of those he had traveled with. But as quickly as those thoughts came, they left Ráslím as can how these are not the screams he is used to, they are screams of pain and agony, not the otherworldly torment he has faced before.

Taking control of himself once more, Ráslím declines to travel with Cai, "I'm not particularly good at sneaking myself, there's always a twig to snap underfoot or rock to skitter across the ground when I'm around."

2010-01-12, 04:46 AM
Cáï begins the short climb up through the hole. It's not a difficult climb, there are plenty of rocks and roots to grab unto. Soon she reaches the bushes and roots covering the hole and carefully pushes them aside so that she can slip through. Once past the thick growth covering the hole she finds herself out in the open, looking around at a dark and dreary place.

The hole she came through is hidden behind a large, dead bush growing against a tall, gray wall which surrounds what Cáï quickly recognises as a graveyard. The ground is barren and from the looks of it all the dead have left their graves, leaving the place full of holes but at first sight no walking dead. In the center of the graveyard stands a massive building, looming over Cáï darkly. The heavy wooden doors leading to the building have been torn off, and now lie on the ground. Cáï can just make out a few letters on the doors, reading "..sav Priso..". Inside there is nothing but eerie darkness.

Opposite the large building stand the gates in the wall, wide open and leading to the rest of the city. Cáï can hear both screams and a maniacal laughter and excited yelling coming from the other side of the gate as if a large group of people have gathered to slaughter each other in some sort of bloody festivity.

At first there is no sign of anything moving in the graveyard, then suddenly Cáï becomes aware of an unnerving sound and spots something moving near the back of the graveyard. In the darkness it is difficult to make out the details, but eventually Cáï realises that it appears to be a large canine figure, like a huge dog of some sort, gnawing on a small pile of bones. The sound is truly disquieting, but the beast doesn't appear to have noticed her.

2010-01-12, 11:43 AM
Cai hopes the others will be quiet during their climb as she can't safely warn them of the wolf. Instead she quietly makes her way towards the church to see if anything is there and if she can determine what else is going on around here.

2010-01-13, 06:02 AM
Cáï sneaks across the graveyard so that she can get a look inside the prison through the broken door. The place is dark and quiet, leaving the impression that everyone once locked up in there has left and no doubt now roam the streets, whether dead or alive. A chilling wind seems to come from within, however, like the breath of some terrible spirit.

Taking a peek around the corner of the gate to the rest of the city, Cáï spots the tower she remembers falling from, and at its base stands a group of people obviously in the grip of madness, although she can't see what exactly they're doing. Most of them have their backs to her and the gate, so it might be possible to sneak past them and get on the other side of the tower, however. Whether that would work for the whole group is a good question, though, and without them around and ready to aid it could go bad should she be spotted.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group may begin to wonder why they are still standing around down there in the spider tunnels.

If you leave the tunnels, remember to make Stealth checks - unless you intend to not make an effort to be stealthy of course.

2010-01-13, 08:16 AM
The chill wind awakens a fear in Cai that she had never thought to feel again. Images of the forest danced before her eyes. The sounds, it was almost like they were here again. It took all of Cai's will to banish them from her mind. Now was not the time to be thinking of the past.

Thankfully no one had followed here yet and she carefully made her way back to the tunnel. The werewolf was most disturbing, though the people wrapped in madness posed a significant threat as well.

Stealth Check:

Slipping down the tunnel, Cai explains what she saw. "Well were not alone out here. The tunnel exits into a graveyard and all the corpses have risen and left. Our more immediate concern is that there is a werewolf near the back of the graveyard munching on bones. If were careful we could get past him and get to the church that is in the middle of the graveyard. However, there is a large mob of crazzed people outside of the graveyard by the base of a tower. I could probably sneak past them but I'm not sure how you would all fare."

2010-01-13, 08:30 AM
Cáï slips past the beast easily and into the tunnels. It is obviously not paying attention to anything but the bones.

2010-01-13, 07:06 PM

After listening to Cai's description of the area, Ráslím's mind hits upon an idea to get them to safety, though at first he doesn't want to even try it. It comes from his newer powers, the ones he got during his journey, and he doesn't like using those powers when he doesn't have too. Thinking about fighting through a mass of corrupted..."things" doesn't appeal to him though, and so he speaks up. "I can get all of us past the mob. I can open up a hole, a portal, for us to walk through, with one end over here, and one end in safety. But for this to work, I need to be able to see where I'm opening both ends."

2010-01-14, 05:16 PM
Ericr's jaw tightened at the mention of a werewolf. So close, but might as well be out of reach.

He took a calming breath, then looked to the one called Raslim.

"How soon can you do this, then?"

2010-01-14, 09:08 PM

"I can sneak up and do it now, I guess. The question is where are we trying to get to?"

2010-01-15, 07:30 PM
"An' tha's a damn good question y've got there, too. Stayin' in th' city can't possibly be safe... I vote we get out've 'ere soon as we can. Break for the nearest exit that won't be guarded." Eitri's brow furrows at the mention of the werewolf. "Tha' sounds a bit risky there, the portal an' all... jus' what sorta magic do y'got there, Ráslím? I'll do it if it means gettin' by th' werewolf. Jus'.. be careful. Every time we sneak past an enemy, it means we've got somethin' behind us if we need t'run. I'm no soldier, but I recognize enough tha' gettin' pinned b'tween a mad mob an' a werewolf isn't th' most enjoyable experience. I almost vote tha' we either go back down for a lil' bit an' look fer other ways out, 'r we try to take out th' dog on its own some'ow. Give us a lil' wiggle room, yeh?"

2010-01-15, 08:34 PM
Well regardless of what we do, the longer we take deciding the better we'll be discovered. I could scout ahead and see if I can distract the mob."

2010-01-16, 05:09 PM

Ráslím considers what Eitri says, "Well, if do kill the werewolf first, that would give me more freedom in setting up the portals to get past the mob."

2010-01-18, 12:26 PM
"Aye. An' if we can lure it into th' tunnels without havin' t' attract anyone else, we can bottleneck it. Keep it from callin' out t'anyone else, yeh?"

2010-01-18, 12:39 PM
"Well, I'm one for action so I'll go shot the wolf. That ought to get it's attention. You get set up while I climb up again."

Cai will move to F11 and shot from there. But first turn will just be moving there, not attacking. (give everyone time to set up and I want my move action)

Stealth: [roll0]

2010-01-18, 02:20 PM
Cáï moves into position. As she leaves the hole the creature looks up briefly as if listening, but quickly returns to gnawing on the bones, allowing Cáï to move close enough to get a shot at it if she likes.

Seeing the beast again Cáï isn't sure the thing would be able to get into the hole. It also doesn't quite look like a werewolf. Far too big, and there is something disturbing about it, but distance and darkness make it hard for her to tell what it is if it's not a werewolf or regular wolf.

2010-01-20, 10:27 AM

"Let's get going then," Ráslím climbs out of the hole after Cai, taking position near her.

Move to F11 with Cai, ready an action to use Grasping shadows if/when the wolf thing ends it's turn within range (10).
Attack vs will-[roll0]
Also slows it till the end of my next turn.

Stealth check to get to Cai.

2010-01-20, 03:33 PM
"Wonderful. You've finally made up your minds."

Grimnir raises his rods, waiting.

Minor: Curse the wolf.
Standard: Readied action for as soon as the wolf gets in range (10 squares from the tunnel entrance).
Frigid Darkness [roll0] against Fort
[roll1] cold +4 rods +1 Empowering Shadows +[roll2] Warlock's Curse
Effect: Target takes -4 AC and grants combat advantage until the end of my next turn.

2010-01-22, 06:41 PM
Seeing here companions coming, Cai takes the first shot. Muttering under her breath, "This better work."

Mark as quarry
Singular Shot: 36 vs. AC
Damage: 29

2010-01-23, 05:23 AM
Cáï takes aim and fires a shot at the great beast. As the arrow strikes the large beast it lets go of the bones it were gnawing upon and turns its head to stare at Cáï. As it moves to get up she realises how wrong she had been in assuming this was a werewolf. Towering in the distance, it looks like broken, half rotten limbs and twisted faces forever contorted in pain and horror stick out from all over its body. It looks like someone stitched together a monstrous hound from the corpses of the graveyard and commanded it to walk.

While everyone gets up through the hole and prepares to face the monstrosity, the hound lets out a howl from the depths of its rotten throat and charges straight at Cáï with surprising speed for a big lumbering pile of corpses. As it gets within proper sight, those close enough to see its twisted features feel a touch of horror. While Ráslim's quickly delivered spell slows its charge down, Grimnir's spell appears to have done nothing to the beast at all.

As the dog howls and sets off towards Cáï, the pile of bones it had been gnawing upon moves and begins to rise and form into four child-sized skeletons with wicked grins. Following behind the great beast and using its massive body as cover, the skeletons move towards the group with sharpened daggers of bone raised. They almost seem to move as one, perfectly synchronized. Two of them even appear to be identical, as far as one can judge skeletons to be identical.

29 damage to dog from Cáï and 8 damage from Ráslim. The dog is slowed.

Everyone's turn.


The orange-y circle around the dog is an aura. When you start your turn within it you take -2 to attacks until end of your next turn.

Skel1: Unhurt
Skel2: Unhurt
Skel3: Unhurt
Skel4: Unhurt
Cáï: 25, 37/75 hp, -2 attacks (aura)
Ericr: 25, 57/102 hp
Grimnir: 23, 52/78 hp
Ngeri: 22, 62/78 hp
Eitri: 21, 53/95 hp
Ráslim: 16, 65/65 hp, -2 attacks (aura)
Dog: Barely hurt, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, slowed til end of Ráslim's turn

2010-01-23, 12:47 PM
Cai is shaken by the massive beast that's thundering towards her. The spider was of this world, but this? However, her years of training serve her well and she quickly let's fly two more arrows, one at the wolf and the other at the skeleton behind it.

Biting Volley wolf: 30
Damage: 21
Biting Volley (firestorm arrow)
Skeleton 1: 21
Damage: 29
Damage to adjacent creatures: 12

Move: M2

2010-01-23, 03:31 PM
(I believe that, sine in 4e diagonal squares don't have any extra cost, the dog is in range of my readied action).

2010-01-24, 03:35 PM
Once again Ericr's clothes hardened into black laquered plate armour as he rose from the hole. He rushed forward, hands gripping his sword as it glowed with a radiant light, dancing with shapes that hinted of a bird's wings.

"Abomination, learn the cost of blasphemy."

The massive blade swept forward as he dug his feet in, connecting with a crash and digging into the 'body' of the monster, searing and flashing with the distilled fury of the Nightengale's chosen knight.

Critical hit deals damage of 33. Rolled 10 for the high crit property, 12 for the 'versus evil' extra crit damage of the Righteous blade.

That comes to a grand total of 55 damage. I think that's my best one-round damage yet on a paladin! I feel shiny.

Also, people of course gain the 8 temp hp.

2010-01-24, 03:51 PM
Grimnir watches dispassionately as the wolf shakes off his spell. "Tough one, huh? Well, then...duck." A shard of blue-black light leaps off his rod and streaks towards the wolf, then shatters, hurling tiny biting bits of darkness through the air.

Minor: Curse Skeleton 2
Move: Move to M10
Standard: Deadly Judgement
[roll0] vs Reflex
[roll1] +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows +[roll2]Warlock's Curse to the Wolf
4+[roll3] Warlock's Curse to Skeleton 2
4 to skeletons 1 and 4

2010-01-25, 08:24 AM

Ngeri grips his holy symbol tightly and mutters a prayer to the Nightingale. Silver light outlines the creature, making him an easier target for all.

Move to L10, cast Astral Seal on the bg bad wolf. 23 vs Ref. -2 to all its defenses until end of my next turn. +9 hp to the next ally to hit him after this.

2010-01-27, 07:20 AM
Cáï fires two shots before moving back away from the beast. The first arrow strikes the dog and sinks deep into its writhing hide of undead flesh. The other arrow flies past the target and disappears in the darkness beyond.

Ericr storms forth and with earth-trembling force and holy fury strikes at the unholy abomination in front of him. The heavy blade cuts deeply into the undead creature, though the beast still stands strong. The mighty display of power proved quite inspiring to those nearby, however.

Grimnir follows up with a painful strike, and this time the dog fails to avoid the dread power. However, the necrotic energy seems less effective against the monstrousity. The skeletons likewise shrug off most of the necrotic power lashing out at them.

Ngeri steps up to surround the beast in holy light, but fails to strike true against the surprisingly mobile pile of corpses.

Eitri follows Ericr, moving into range of the monster and marking it before striking out with his hammer. Unfortunately the strike misses.

Ráslim moves against the southern wall and summons a column of golden flames around the skeletons and dog. The flames miss the dog just barely, but the three skeletons behind it are singed by the flames.

The dog does not appear amused at Ericr's strike and lashes out at him with both its claws. As if by some unholy retribution for his attack, both claws strike with power almost matching his own. As if to further spite the paladin, the dog makes a quick snap at him with its maw of razor sharp teeth, but fortunately misses. Yet despite Eitri's protective ward and quick intervention, the two strikes still hurt.

Round 2
Two of the skeletons slip around the dog to strike at Ericr, but both fail to get past his defences. The other two moves at Cáï instead. Thanks to the zone of antipathy around her only one skeleton gets a stab at her, giving her a painful couple of new wounds.

Going ahead, can't wait forever.

21 damage to dog from Cáï.

55! damage to dog from Ericr! 8 temp hp to Cáï and Ráslim.

8 damage to dog from Grimnir, 4 damage to skeleton 2 from Grimnir.

Eitri's actions: Move, Aegis of Shielding, Booming Cudgel. Ericr gains +2 to defences from being adjacent to Eitri. Dog is marked, but attack missed.

Ráslím's actions: Move, Scorching Burst on Skeleton 1. 13 damage to Skeleton 1, 2 and 4 from Ráslim.

48 damage to Ericr from Dog. Eitri intervenes and reduces the damage by 20, to 28 damage. I swear the dog rolled two critical hits... two twenties... :smalleek: fortunately its third attack was a 2 (and it doesn't carry an unholy fullblade). I may have to start rolling openly lest you think I'm punishing you or something :smallfrown:

15 damage to Cáï from skeleton 4 (reduced to 7 after temp hp are gone).

Everyone's turn.


The orange-y circle around the dog is an aura. When you start your turn within it you take -2 to attacks until end of your next turn.

Skel1: Barely hurt
Skel2: Barely hurt, Cursed by Grimnir
Skel3: Unhurt
Skel4: Barely hurt
Cáï: 25, 30/75 hp
Ericr: 25, 29/102 hp, +2 defences (adj. to Eitri), -2 attacks (aura)
Grimnir: 23, 52/78 hp
Ngeri: 22, 62/78 hp
Eitri: 21, 53/95 hp, -2 attacks (aura)
Ráslim: 16, 65/65 hp, 8 temp hp
Dog: Hurt, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, Aegis of Shielding

2010-01-27, 08:00 AM
Cai grits here teeth and forces down the pain. She nimbly backs away from the skeletons before firing a quick shot at one of them. Then she retreats farther back trying to get out of range.

Minor: Hunter's quarry skeleton 3
Attack: Nimble Strike, shift to N2 before attack. 19 vs AC (natural 1)
Damage: 25
Move: Q2

2010-01-27, 03:01 PM
Ericr snarled at the impacts, feeling bones creak and muscles burst. Still he remained in the line of battle, turning toward one of the skeletons beside him and taking a swing. The stroke was not as sure as the previous blow, but he still put his back into the effort, even as his muscles again rippled and the canine visage of his kith showed forth.

"A bit of healing...would not go amiss." He said through clenched teeth as he felt the blood running down his sides. The armour would be impossible to clean out properly, he considered.

Then with a burst of determination he turned and swung his sword again, striking the other skeleton moving up on him, exulting in a good fight as much as any knight ever had.

Rolled a 21 to hit skeleton #1, dealing 13 damage if it hits, which I believe it does.

Rolled a 26 to hit skeleton #2, dealing 10 damage.

Since I spent an action point, the skeletons and Dog adjacent to Ericr are Weakened until the end of their next turn.

2010-01-27, 03:39 PM
Grimnir glares at the largely-unaffected monsters, and, rods raised, strides towards the dog. "I'd rather you didn't consume my associate, you flea-ridden ragheap." A dazzling blast of shimmering light and flickering shadow leaps from him, cascading over the dog and one of its minions.

Immediate Reaction to Cai's new bruises: Life Syphon. I recover 4 HP and gain +2 on my next attack roll, which cancels out the aura.

Move to H9.

Minor: Curse Skeleton 1.

Standard: All the Sand, All the Stars

Cha v. Will: [roll0] on the dog, and [roll1] on the skeleton.

Damage: [roll2] +[roll3]+4+1 to the dog, [roll4] +[roll5]+4+1 to the skeleton.

Effect: Anything I hit is dazed until the end of my next turn.

2010-01-29, 06:12 AM

Ngeri turns towards Ericr and, after muttering a quick prayer to the Nightingale, bathes Ericr in healing light.

Erirc gets to spend a healing surge +16 hp. And he gets +2 to all his defenses until end of his next turn.

2010-01-30, 10:46 PM

Just outside the beast's aura, Ráslim tries to contain their foe within a series of mirrors, these illusions confusing and confounding them.

Maze of mirrors, centered on G6.
Attack vs Will, Wolf: 17
Attack vs will, S1: 25
Assuming it misses the wolf, I'll use the Orb of Deception encounter power to attack S2 instead, getting a +3 on the roll vs will:[roll0]
Anyone hit is immobilized and takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn. They also provide CA to me until the end of my next turn and to the next ally to attack them before the start of my next turn.

2010-01-31, 05:35 AM
Cáï leaps back and fires a shot at the skeleton, but once again her aim is off and the arrow flies off into the darkness while she moves further back away from the threat.

Ericr strikes out at the skeletons next to him in a burst of determination. Only the last hit strikes true, the first just barely missing. However, the beasts surrounding him feel the weakening power of his determination.

Grimnir steps closer to show the dog and skeleton what insignificant gnats they are. Both reel back from the overwhelming power.

Ngeri looks around and decides to delay for just a second.

Ráslím tries to contain the wolf and one of the skeletons in a maze of confounding mirrors. The wolf proves annoyingly stubborn, but the skeleton seems to have succumbed to the illusion. Making a quick alteration, he turns the spell from the wolf against the second skeleton instead, trapping it amongst illusory mirrors.

With Ráslím finished, Ngeri offers a quick prayer to Ericr, lending his aid to the paladin's continued health. With that done he then steps in between the combatants and raises his holy symbol high, searing all undead around him with radiant power.

Eitri steps around Ericr to strike at the remaining skeleton, this time delivering a solid hit.

Round 3

The dog and skeletons struggle against the overwhelming powers holding them at bay. Only the one next to Ericr and Eitri manages to get anything done this time, stabbing feebly at Eitri but failing to do any harm.

10 damage to skeleton 2 from Ericr. Ericr regenerates 4 hp.

Grimnir regains 4 hp. 20 damage to dog and 23 to skeleton 1 from Grimnir. Both are dazed.

Ráslím hits skeleton 1 and 2.

Ericr spends a surge and regains 41 hp. Ericr gains +2 to defences until end of his next turn.

Ngeri: Healing Word is only a minor action. I'm going to delay your action until after Ráslím's turn and then use Turn Undead for you.

Turn Undead: 25 damage to skeleton 1, 42 damage to skeleton 3, 23 damage to skeleton 4 and 42 damage to dog from Ngeri. All are pushed 5 squares and immobilized until end of Ngeri's next turn.

Notice that skeleton 3 and 4 are currently outside the map (despite being shown).

Eitri uses Booming Cudgel against skeleton 2: 19 damage.

Notice the new initiative order


The orange-y circle around the dog is an aura. When you start your turn within it you take -2 to attacks until end of your next turn.

Skel1: Near death, Cursed by Grimnir, dazed til end of Grimnirs turn, immobilized and -5 attacks and CA to Ráslim til end of Ráslím's turn, CA to first attacker
Skel2: Hurt, Cursed by Grimnir, immobilized and -5 attacks and CA to Ráslim til end of Ráslím's turn
Skel3: Bloodied, Cáï's Quarry, immobilized til end of Ngeris turn, 3 sqrs outside map
Skel4: Hurt, immobilized til end of Ngeris turn, 3 sqrs outside map
Cáï: 30/75 hp
Ericr: 74/102 hp, +2 defences (adj. to Eitri), +2 damage, regen 4 while bloodied, +2 defences til end of turn
Grimnir: 56/78 hp
Ráslim: 65/65 hp, 8 temp hp
Ngeri: 62/78 hp
Eitri: 53/95 hp
Dog: Bloodied, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, Aegis of Shielding, dazed til end of Grimnirs turn, immobilized til end of Ngeris turn

2010-01-31, 05:01 PM
Feeling wounds close and bones knit, Ericr howled a new challenge at the massive, canine abomination and charged. The force of the howl went ahead of him like a wave, again with that faint suggestion of the beating of a thousand tiny wings.

"Embrace the void, cur!"

His sword gleamed with the Nightengale's blessing once again, and he swung, crashing it into the shoulder of the shambling blasphemy.

2010-02-02, 02:44 PM
Minor: Curse Skel 3.

Move: Move to K10.

Standard: Eldritch Blast on the wolf.

[roll0] vs. Reflex

[roll1]+[roll2]+4+1 damage

2010-02-03, 10:19 PM
Cai is immensely thankful that Grimnir got the skeletons off of her. Seizing the opportunity she fires off a shot at the nearest skeleton.

Minor: Mark skeleton 4 as quarry
Range Basic Attack: 30 vs. AC
Damage: 26

2010-02-04, 11:04 PM

Molding several small creatures out of arcane energies, Ráslím's creations swarm the large beast.

Standard: Illusory Ambush on the dog
Attack vs Will: 32 (added the modifiers wrong on the roller)
Damage: 14
On hit, the dog takes a -2 to attack rolls till the end of it's next turn and provides CA to me until the end of my next turn and to the next ally to attack them before the start of my next turn.
Move: To N11.

2010-02-06, 06:05 AM
Cáï fires a shot at the nearest skeleton. This time she has more luck hitting the thing, but strangely the damage seems to be less than it should be, and the other skeleton nearby staggers slightly as if it too had been hit.

Ericr charges at the monstrous abomination and delivers a resounding hit, his blade tearing through the undead flesh with righteous fury. Yet still the beast remains standing defiantly.

Grimnir just barely manages to add a few more wounds to the lumbering corpse pile.

Ráslim sends a swarm of annoying little illusory critters at the dog, stinging and biting and distracting the great beast. Still it doesn't seem willing to give up yet.

Ngeri turns to the skeleton next to Eitri and raises his holy symbol to burn the undead corpse in holy flames.

Meanwhile Eitri moves in to aid Ericr. As he does the skeleton next to him makes a swift stab at him, just barely managing to get its blades past his armor. Eitri ignores the pain and continues onwards to deliver a blow to the skeleton next to Ericr. While the skeleton remains standing it looks like its a close call.

The pile of walking corpses turns its dead eyes on Eitri, annoyed at the dwarf's protection of Ericr. Apparently determined to take the dwarf out right here and now, the dog lashes out at Eitri in a veritable flurry of claws. But apparently whatever luck it had against Ericr a moment ago has completely disappeared, as every single attack fails miserably.

Round 4

The skeleton next to the dog makes a stab at Eitri as well, but has only marginally more luck, looking slightly less pathetic when it misses. The skeleton which got a lucky stab at Eitri when he moved follows the dwarf to flank him with its friend. Apparently this one has a bit more luck, as it manages to slip its daggers past Eitri's armor once more while he's distracted by the other skeleton.

The other two skeletons charge at Ngeri, blades raised. The first one sinks its daggers into the cleric's soft flesh, while the other misses.

26 damage to skeleton 4 from Cáï. It takes half that damage (13) and Skeleton 3 takes the other half (13).

42 damage to Dog from Ericr.

16 damage to Dog from Grimnir.

14 damage to Dog from Ráslim.

Ngeri's actions : Sacred Flame on Skeleton 2. 18 damage to Skeleton 2 from Ngeri, and Eitri gains 7 temporary hit points.

Eitri's actions : Booming Blade on Skeleton 1. 14 damage to Eitri from Skeleton 2 as he moves out of its reach. 14 damage to Skeleton 1 from Eitri.

I swear my dice are hexed :smallannoyed: first the dog rolls two 20s against Ericr and now it rolls two 1s a 2 and a 4 against Eitri. What the heck is up with that?

21 damage to Eitri from Skeleton 2.

17 damage to Ngeri from Skeleton 3.


The orange-y circle around the dog is an aura. When you start your turn within it you take -2 to attacks until end of your next turn.

Skel1: Near Death, Cursed by Grimnir
Skel2: Bloodied, Cursed by Grimnir
Skel3: Bloodied, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir
Skel4: Bloodied, Cáï's Quarry
Cáï: 30/75 hp
Ericr: 74/102 hp, +2 defences (adj. to Eitri), +2 damage, regen 4 while bloodied, -2 attacks (aura)
Grimnir: 56/78 hp
Ráslim: 65/65 hp, 8 temp hp
Ngeri: 45/78 hp
Eitri: 25/95 hp, -2 attacks (aura)
Dog: Bloodied, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, Aegis of Shielding, -2 attacks til end of next turn, CA to Ráslim and next ally to attack until end of Ráslim's next turn

2010-02-06, 01:03 PM
Grimnir grins at the assembled monsters and walks towards the dog. "Now die, worms."

Yay, cheesy lines!
Move: Move to I7.
Free: Skels 2 and 4 were bloodied last round, triggering my Pact Boon thanks to my Bloodcurse Rod. I'd been adding the boons to my Darkspiral Aura, but I'll take those ones as Fate of the Void, adding to my attack roll on the dog.
Minor: Second Wind. +2 Defenses, + 19 HP, and thanks to Rune-scribed Soul +1 attack and +4 damage. -1 healing surge.
Standard: Cursebite.
[roll0] vs Fort
[roll1] +[roll2] +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rune-scribed Soul.
Skel 1:
[roll3] vs Fort
[roll4] +[roll5] +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rune-scribed Soul.
Skel 2:
[roll6] vs Fort
[roll7] +[roll8] +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rune-scribed Soul.
Skel 3:
[roll9] vs Fort
[roll10] +[roll11] +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rune-scribed Soul.
Skel 4:
[roll12] vs Fort
[roll13] +[roll14] +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows +4 Rune-scribed Soul.

2010-02-07, 01:31 PM
Cai is not exactly sure what just happened but at least something got hurt. As the skeletons move away from her she fires an arrow at each of them.

Twin Strike: 30 vs. AC
Damage Skel3: 8

Twin Strike: 35 vs AC
Damage Skel4 (quarry): 28

As Grimnir launches a spell Cai let's loose another at the dog.

Combine Fire: 30 vs. AC
Damage: 21

2010-02-07, 02:05 PM
Cáï fires two quick shots at the two skeletons. Once again, one of the skeletons seem to take less damage than it should while the other looks more battered in return.

Ericr strikes out at the dog once more, but has about as much luck against it as it seems to have had against Eitri a moment ago.

Grimnir sees his chance to go all out on the undead. While the dog resists most of the necrotic onslaught, all three skeletons are blasted to cinders.

As Grimnir casts his spell, Cáï jumps in with an additional shot at the dog, delivering a solid strike. Still the dog remains standing, though it looks almost ready to collapse by now.

8 damage to Skeleton 3 from Cáï. 18 damage to Skeleton 4 and 10 to skeleton 3 from Cáï (total 28 between the two).

Grimnir regains 19 hp and gains a bunch of bonuses.

17 damage to dog, 26 damage to Skeleton 1, 24 damage to Skeleton 2 and 27 damage to Skeleton 3 from Grimnir. Skeleton 1,2 and 3 are destroyed. Cursebite only works against those you have cursed (and you spent both a minor and a move action this round) so Skeleton 4 is unaffected.

21 damage to Dog from Cáï.

Ráslim, Ngeri and Eitri's turn.


The orange-y circle around the dog is an aura. When you start your turn within it you take -2 to attacks until end of your next turn.

Skel4: Near Death, Cáï's Quarry
Cáï: 30/75 hp
Ericr: 74/102 hp, +2 defences (adj. to Eitri), +2 damage, regen 4 while bloodied, -2 attacks (aura)
Grimnir: 75/78 hp, +2 defenses +1 attacks +4 damage until end of next turn.
Ráslim: 65/65 hp, 8 temp hp
Ngeri: 45/78 hp
Eitri: 25/95 hp, -2 attacks (aura)
Dog: Near Death, Cáï's Quarry, Cursed by Grimnir, Aegis of Shielding, Challenged by Ericr, -2 attacks til end of next turn, CA to Ráslim until end of Ráslim's next turn

2010-02-07, 04:41 PM

Ráslim directs his creatures to continue the attack on the dog-beast, the illusions in his mind taking on a real form.

Standard:Illusory ambush on the Dog again.
Attack vs will: 30
Damage: 10
-2 to attack until the end of my next turn, provides CA to me until the end of my next turn and to the next ally to attack them before the start of my next turn.

2010-02-09, 02:53 PM
Ráslim continues his illusory onslaught to keep the dog distracted.

Ngeri directs a quick prayer Eitri's way while striking out at the last remaining skeleton, but misses by a couple inches.

Eitri strikes at the dog but misses as well. Making a snap turn he draws on his reserves to follow up with another swift strike. Thanks to Ráslim's illusion distracting the monster, Eitri manages just barely to deliver a resounding blow to the lumbering beast. With a mighty crash the monstrous abomination collapses in a heap of rotting flesh.

Round 5
The lone skeleton remaining makes a desperate strike at Ngeri, but despite managing another stab at the cleric the future doesn't look very bright for the undead thing.

10 damage to Dog from Ráslim.

Ngeri's actions: Healing Word on Eitri, who regains 44 hp. Sacred Flame on Skeleton 4. Miss.

Eitri's actions: Booming Cudgel, miss. Action Point (Aegis Sigil). 30 damage to Dog from Eitri, destroying it.

13 damage to Ngeri from Skeleton 4.

Cáï's turn. I imagine she'll likely end the encounter, so not much point having everyone post actions.


The orange-y circle around the dog is an aura. When you start your turn within it you take -2 to attacks until end of your next turn.

Skel4: Near Death, Cáï's Quarry
Cáï: 30/75 hp
Ericr: 74/102 hp, +2 defences (adj. to Eitri), +2 damage, regen 4 while bloodied, -2 attacks (aura)
Grimnir: 75/78 hp, +2 defenses +1 attacks +4 damage until end of next turn.
Ráslim: 65/65 hp, 8 temp hp
Ngeri: 32/78 hp
Eitri: 69/95 hp, -2 attacks (aura)
Dog: Dead

2010-02-09, 07:01 PM
Cai let's one final arrow fly at the skeleton.

Range Basic Attack: 24 vs. Ac
Damage: 24

2010-02-10, 04:51 AM
Cáï's arrow flies through the darkness and crushes the skull of the skeleton, which collapses in a pile of bones. As the graveyard falls silent once again, only the eerie sound of distant cries is heard.

2010-02-10, 05:11 AM
"Let's get inside and under cover."

It wasn't a suggestion, the way Ericr phrased it. The battered paladin's eyes were already sweeping the graveyard, making sure no further threats were going to try rising out to attack. His massive sword was gripped tightly in his right hand, the left holding one of his sides.

2010-02-10, 09:57 PM

Ráslim shivers in the silent graveyard, quickly agreeing with Ericr and takes cover in the doorway of the large building. Almost able to feel some remnant of the spirits of the dead here, Ráslim sees fleeting visions that he's not sure aren't real.

2010-02-11, 06:26 AM
The graveyard remains deathly quiet. Wherever all those corpses which must have once been in the graves are, it is not here. The four skeletons were clearly not among those who rose from the graves here, as the pieces of flesh still clinging to their bones are perfectly fresh. Maybe they sought to hide here in life, when all hell broke loose on the city, and were killed by the dog. From their size it seems they were children. Why four children would seek refuge in a graveyard is hard to tell, but with all the chaos and death elsewhere it may not have seemed the worst of places after all.

A slight glitter of gold on the finger of one of the skeletons catches the paladin's gaze.


Ráslim can see little through the broken door. The darkness inside is complete, but he swears that he can hear the cries of the damned howling within, like a distant and faint choir, and see flickers of ghostly lights moving about like tendrils in a sea of darkness. A cold breeze comes out at him from inside, sending chills down his spine. Even if his senses are merely playing tricks on him, the old prison is by no means a frienly looking place and who knows what the recent events have done to it.

2010-02-11, 12:42 PM
Cai does a quick search of the bodies to see if they carried anything.


Once that's done, Cai comes up to Ráslim and says, "I don't like the feel of this place. I think we should avoid it." She glances nervously inside then says, "I'll scout ahead again." She slips of towards the angry mob to see what's going on. (Ideally looking for a high place to observe from.)


2010-02-11, 06:28 PM
Grimnir stands where he had when he'd cast his last spell, staring off into the distance. He could wait. Better to let the girl do her scouting, to be careful. After all, if he died now, he'd never know what had become of his prey in the madness that hit the city.

2010-02-11, 07:48 PM
Ericr concentrated, and his armour again reverted to plain clothing. Less noise was ideal until they got into another scrum. He moved toward that glinting he'd seen and crouched down to examine it.

2010-02-12, 04:23 AM
Cáï finds little on the corpses. The skeletons were carrying daggers, but none of them seem to be worth much. Heading off to scout, she tries to get a sense of the situation outside the graveyard. The mob is gathered in front of the guard tower, in a crude half circle of wildly dancing and cheering people, most of them with their backs at her and blocking her from seeing properly what goes on. Their cheers are almost drowned out by equal screams of pain and horror. Perhaps if she moved close enough she could see better, or if she found a high spot.

The alleys and paths south around the tower seem clear as far as she can tell, but who knows what lurks in the darkness or further away. Aside from the tower, there aren't that many high places. From the tower she could no doubt get a good view of much of the district and even beyond, in particular she should be able to see exactly what goes on with the mob, but otherwise there are only the smaller houses and the wall that she could scale.

Here's the district map again. From the graveyard you can either go "north" through the mob, or "south" around the other side of the tower. Obviously if you go north you'll have to get past the mob somehow. If you go south it's not clear what you'll have to deal with yet. There's also the chance that one of you will be spotted by the mob before you get to the other side of the tower, of course.

Cáï is roughly in square I-10 presently



Ericr kneels down to take a better look at the skeleton and the glinting. It hasn't been fully stripped of flesh by the dog, and one of the fingers look mostly intact. On it, he finds a small golden ring covered in blood and gore but otherwise unscathed.

2010-02-12, 07:30 AM
The crazed screams unnerve Cai. It keeps bringing images of Ashmoor to mind and that is a place she never wanted to visit again. But standing still will get her killed and she presses on. Heading south of the mob she looks for a way to get up the guard tower so she can see what's going on.


2010-02-12, 08:20 AM

Ngeri holds his holy symbol tight as he stands slightly apart from the others, praying constantly in a low murmur under his breath. He occasionally looks up at the sky or around the area fearfully.

2010-02-12, 11:35 AM
Cáï moves silently past the mob with great skill, like a shadow in the dark. She is quickly out of sight of the mob behind the tower, finding the place much more deserted though no less disquieting. Within moments she finds herself almost exactly opposite of where she climbed the tower earlier.

The tower is made from rough stones, and there are plenty of places to get a good hold. Unless her luck is very much against her she should have no trouble scaling the tower again.


Meanwhile, Ngeri thinks he saw something move in the shadows on the other side of the graveyard. Turning to look he sees a ghostly woman, with long raven hair standing amidst the shadows. She looks towards him, as if to call out, but is gone from sight the very same moment, swallowed up by the darkness. Ngeri is not sure if he really saw her, of if everything that's happened merely is playing tricks on his mind.

2010-02-12, 12:03 PM
Right then, let's do this. She reaches for a handhold and starts up the side of the tower.

Not sure how many rolls I'll need so here's a few.

2010-02-12, 02:19 PM
Ericr picked up and pocketed the ring for the moment, having the mob to focus on in the meantime. He tried to get an idea who the more tortured screams were coming from, and if it was something he would have to intervene in...

What sort of roll should I make?

2010-02-12, 04:32 PM
Cáï scales the tower, once again without any great trouble. As she ascends the old structure the feeling of soul-chilling cold she felt before falling returns, but not as close or strong as before. As she reaches the top and looks over the roof of the tower at the city around it she is struck by a terrible sight indeed.

To the north, across the bridge, the sky has darkened, as if the very darkness is gathering there... feeding on the death and pain all around, growing and coalescing into something. Writhing shadows, like screaming souls, swirl around this black cloud of death, sometimes breaking free to descend upon the hordes below. Cáï can feel the cold emanating from this... thing, like a malignant presence covering the city like a blanket, draining warmth, life and leaving only despair.

The vast majority of the undead have concentrated in at least two groups that Cáï can see. One to the north under the great darkness, the other to the east swarming the southern gate out of the city where even greater hordes arrive from the countryside outside. The ones to the east don't seem to be doing much aside from blocking the nearest exit of the city. Cáï would almost swear that it looks completely deliberate.

The other group, to the north, is clearly swarming around the last bits of life in the city. Something is alive there and fighting back still. Cáï can see the flashes of radiant light and glints of armor and weapons among a veritable inferno of flames, yet it is all drowned out by the terrible darkness hanging above and draining all life and light around it. Whoever is still alive there, they won't hold out forever.

Turning her gaze away from whatever horror is going on on the other side of the bridge, Cáï looks down upon the mob below. Finally able to see it in its entirety, Cáï is faced with a sight of overwhelming, grotesque brutality. Several women and children have been stripped and strung up or nailed to poles or impaled upon long spears, and others lie on the ground helplessly overwhelmed by the savage and insane mob. Yet they are all alive, seemingly kept so by some dark magic despite mortal wounds and constant bleeding. Their endless screams rise up like a choir of unimaginable agony. Blood and guts are everywhere, covering the ground and everyone there, as the madmen flay themselves and their helpless victims alike with whips and daggers. One man, currently molesting a young woman strung to a pole, seems to be leading the mob.

The sight is absolutely horrifying. 3 points of Madness for Cáï.


It doesn't take any kind of effort for Ericr to tell with certainty that something most terrible and vile is going on within that mob, even if he can't see what exactly it is.

Perception, possibly insight, would make sense if you want a better idea of what goes on. But the basic gist of the situation should be abundantly clear either way.

2010-02-12, 05:09 PM
Cai stumbles away from the edge. Her mind shuts down, unable to cope with the horror that was before her. She falls to her knees then starts vomiting. Even once her stomach is empty, dry heaves continue for several minutes. Slowly her survival instincts, honed from Ashmoor and her experience in the woods, take over. She regains control of her body and is able to stand, though rather shakily.

Her mind begins to formulate plans for getting them out of the city alive. East is no good, too many. North would be better but there's the mob. Should we try to join the people fighting? Later, need to get past the mob now.

She takes another look at the scene around her, only processing what could help her survive. Her mind can't cope with processing those images again, so it doesn't. She continues to scan all the way around the tower giving specail attention to the area on the side of the tower opposite the mob. (The side she climbed).

Perception: [roll0]

2010-02-13, 05:14 AM
If they could all sneak past the mob when leaving the graveyard, and perhaps move through the alleys south and east of the tower, then they could sneak past the mob again and unto the bridge. It would require moving through the alleys, which may not be much safer but at the very least provides good cover and better chances of hiding than in the open. Cáï can't see anything moving down in the alleys, but there could easily be a lot hiding from her view.

Cáï also believes she sees a sewer entrance in one of the alleys below. Where the sewers might lead is impossible to tell, but it seems likely that they could lead to other parts of the city. One could even hope that all the undead and other critters have long since left the sewers to prowl the surface, thus leaving them empty. It's a feeble hope, but a hope nonetheless.

Other than that there aren't any obvious paths to take, or anything much that could help them.

2010-02-14, 12:45 AM
Satisfied that she has found the best routes, Cai climbs down from the tower and returns to the group.

Athletics: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

Walking up to the group, it's obvious something is different about her. Her walk has lost its smoothness. She is constantly scanning around her. But most telling is her eyes which betray not a single hint of emotion, not fear nor terror just empty calculating orbs. She explains that the going north of the tower is impractical, the mod is too large. There best bet is either to go south through the back allays or go into a swear she noticed in the allays. She mentions that there is still fighting in the northern most part of the city and that the east gate is overrun and more are coming. Nothing is said about the cloud or the horror she witnessed.

2010-02-14, 03:56 PM

Eitri watched as Cai snuck past the mob and scaled the tower. Lass'd better watch herself, he thought privately, Otherwise she'll break her neck.. He let free a breath he'd been unconsciously been holding as she reached the pinnacle of the climb, and pulled herself up onto the top.

He moved towards her, as she approached, and he listened intently as she explained the situation, although he didn't notice her distress at what she had seen. "You've done well, lass" he said to her, his hammer held gripped in his hand, as he realised just how far the town and its folk had fallen. "Much as tha Dwarf in me likes the idea of going into tha sewers, tha streets sound like they'd be safer. We dinnae ken what lies in the sewers, and we dinnae ken where they be going. But if ye want to be going into tha sewers, I willnae stop ye."

2010-02-14, 05:27 PM
"The Nightengale will account for these blasphemies later."

Ericr looked grim as he stood with the group. It was taking every degree of his personal control not to charge the mob and DO something.

"Let's head south."

2010-02-14, 07:41 PM
"The streets, without a doubt. We won't likely run into anything worse than the mob. And the mob are just people. People die easily enough."

2010-02-14, 09:55 PM
Meanwhile, Ngeri thinks he saw something move in the shadows on the other side of the graveyard. Turning to look he sees a ghostly woman, with long raven hair standing amidst the shadows. She looks towards him, as if to call out, but is gone from sight the very same moment, swallowed up by the darkness. Ngeri is not sure if he really saw her, of if everything that's happened merely is playing tricks on his mind.

Ngeri stares open-mouthed at where the apparition disappeared from sight. One hand is half-raised towards her, the other holding his holy symbol in a white-knuckled grip. He begins to shake slightly as he glances at the others as they debate.

"D-did any of you...I mean, just now..." He gestures vaguely in the direction of the 'ghost' he saw.

2010-02-15, 06:55 PM
"Did any of us just now do what? All I see are graves. Not even proper graves, either. A foolish thing, to bury your dead so shallowly."

2010-02-16, 08:06 AM

Th cleric shakes his head, but continues to scan the graveyard intently for a reappearance of the ghost. "Nothing, I suppose. So shall we head out? The longer we stand here, the better chance we'll be seen."

2010-02-16, 05:02 PM
Ignoring Ngei's strange comments Cai says, "I agree that sneaking past is for the best. I'd also rather stay above ground. If you are all ready I'll lead. Be silent and we should sneak past without incident."

2010-02-17, 05:02 AM
"Aye, lass, I'll do me best. Can't be said t'be tha quietest dwarf ever though." Eitri whispered to the group, as he follows Cai.

10 stealth check, in rolling thread.
Sorry... :smallredface:

2010-02-17, 08:08 AM
The group sets off quietly towards the cover of the alleys, but doesn't get far before something draws the attention of several eyes among the mob. Apparently Eitri managed to make himself less than perfectly quiet and invisible.

A small group of madmen leave the mob to approach the group, looking strangely eager... and insane, not surprisingly. They are all soaked in blood and carrying knives, but they don't seem to be attacking yet. One of them calls out, asking you to join them. Apparently they think you're out here to have "fun" too and would enjoy the "party". Perhaps you could fool them or something without drawing any more unwanted attention. Or strike first, while they least expect it, perhaps.

2010-02-17, 02:05 PM
"Oh, Shi-" Eitri exclaimed as he managed to knock over a nearby pile of rubbish.
"Wha', oh righ'. I'm alrigh' lads. Got me some fun of myself over this way. Rather you didn' join me. If you ken." Eitri called out to the madmen.

2010-02-17, 03:48 PM
"I certainly intend to have a little fun with some 'friends' of mine if I can find them. Tell me, do you know where I might find a certain sailor by the name of Red Jack, or Father Córen, the old priest? Good old Jack and I were recently interrupted while...playing a little game." As he mentions Red Jack, Grimnir runs a finger lovingly along the gruesome carven claw at the end of his rod, and greenish flame sputters and hisses as his finger passes over the runes. Soon now. Soon...

2010-02-17, 05:00 PM
Cai melts into the shadow of a nearby building as the group approaches. She cursed silently at Eitri's bumbling but she's hardly surprised. It's hardly his fault he never needed to silently stalk targets. She knocks an arrow but holds her fire when she see's that the group hasn't attacked yet. She weighs the option of leaving them behind and slipping away on her own but they still could get out of this. Possibly.

2010-02-18, 05:06 AM
One of the madmen chuckles at Grimnir "A priest, ey? We 'ave a priestess 'ere, dangles so nicely and screams even be'er than she used to sing. No old priest no thank ye, but if that's yer thing ye should try the temple across the bridge. They're 'aving a big party over there, I tell ya."

Another one, this one wearing a large and overly ostentatious hat, chimes in with a mad grin "I saw old Jack not long ago. I think he was having some fun of his own alright. Can't rightly say where he went with her, heh. But what business would a dwarf have with old Jack, eh? Old Jack eats dwarves, he doesn't play with them."

A third cackles maniacally, eyeing Eitri while licking the blood off the blade of his knife "Oh my... now my friend here has gone and made me hungry. Looks like your fun is right here, little roast."

A fourth calls out to the rest of the mob while the first three advance upon the two dwarves with a mad fire in their eyes.

The map here is pretty big, so it has a spoiler of its own, below.

The people in the mob are not "named" on the map, and are listed as one in the initiative below. Just refer to them by which square they are in. Only the madman leading them is named and acts on his own initiative.

Cáï has Combat Advantage against the mob until she makes her presence known (so on the first attack only).

Cáï, Ericr, Eitri and Ráslim get to act first.

Cáï: 25, 30/75 hp
Ericr: 25, 99/102 hp
Eitri: 24, 69/95 hp
Ráslim: 22, 65/65 hp
Ngeri: 19, 32/78 hp
Grimnir: 14, 75/78 hp


2010-02-18, 10:24 AM

Ericr strode forward as the mob made to menace his compatriots, fullblade in hand and black armour hard beneath his tabard.

"I will end you."

And with that he struck, his arms swinging the blade in an explosion of motion near the one he'd come against, not breaking stride once.

2010-02-18, 12:24 PM
Cai fires an arrow into the two closest brutes before nimbly climbing the building she had been hidden next to. Once on top she fires two more arrows at the other two brutes. "We can't stay here!" she calls out. A quick scan from the roof confirms her fears. The mob is large and she's already low on arrows. "Get into the back allays and let's head for the sewer."

Minor: Quarry nearest G9
Standard: Twin Strike
21 vs. G9 22 damage
36 vs. G7 10 damage
Move: Climb to G18 26
Move: I18
Minor: Quarry nearest J9
Standard: Twin Strike
23 vs. J9 13 damage
32 vs. L7 8 damage

2010-02-18, 03:43 PM

Eitri looked the mob member in the eyes, "I guess you mite be rite laddy." his hand raising his hammer, as he ran towards him, drawing another man towards him, inscribing a symbol of weakness in his direction, as he ran. His hammer covered in a shroud of force as he swung it about him before bringing it down upon the mobsman before him.

Move- to I10
Minor-Aegis of Shielding on the mob in G9
Standard- Booming Cudgel on the mob in J9
Attack-[roll0] v Reflex
Damage (On a hit)-[roll1]

Also, Initiative- [roll2]

2010-02-18, 07:15 PM

Ignoring Cai's warning to fall back, Ráslim strides forward, closer to the mass of mad flesh. Their bloodlust and crazed aggression covers them like a cloak to his eyes. "I will not suffer you beasts to live!" he shouts as he shapes the increasingly more familiar mirror shapes around the outlying mob members. Not stopping there, he begins chanting dark words to raise the shadows around their feet to grip and attack their masters. With that exertion, he blinks out of existence, appearing deeper into the alleyway.

Move: To H10
Standard: Maze of Mirrors centered on L2. Attacks vs will:
On hit, they are immobilized and take a -5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of my next turn, and grant CA to me and the first ally to attack as standard for an illusion power.
Action point:Grasping shadows, centered on P3, expanding it with extend Spell to an Area Burst 2 power. Attacks vs Will.
Damage - 10 and all hit targets are slowed until the end of my next turn. Zone of shadows persist, slowing and dealing 5 damage to any creature that enters the area until the end of it's next turn. All hit targets grant CA to me and the first ally to attack as standard for an illusion power.
Wayfarer's Action: Teleport to E15.

2010-02-19, 05:06 AM
Cáï fires at the two nearest mobsters. The first arrow misses by a bit, but the other strikes the man in the neck and fells him.

Ericr strides fowards and swings his mighty blade at the nearest mobster, cutting his wicked head from his body.

Eitri follows suit, bringing his hammer down upon the skull of another mobster. The man collapses in a heap from the blow.

Ráslim decides to go all out an decimate the mob, taking advantage of the fact that most of them are still bunched together nicely. With two mobsters firmly rooted in place by the mirrored trap, he conjures up a host of grasping and tearing shadows to rip the mobsters apart in a gory display of power.

Undeterred by their heavy losses, the remaining mobsters advance upon the group. Seeing what Ráslim just did they seem to decide to spread out a little more as they surround the group. Only two get close enough to attack immediately - and both miss.

10 damage to G7 from Cáï, killing it.

13 damage to G9 from Ericr, killing it.

16 damage to J9 from Eitri, killing it.

10 damage to N1, N4, O2, O4, P2, Q4 and R3 from Ráslim, killing them. L1 and M3 are affected by the Maze, while K2 goes free.

Ngeri's turn

Cáï: 30/75 hp
Ericr: 74/102 hp
Eitri: 69/95 hp
Ráslim: 65/65 hp
Ngeri: 32/78 hp
Grimnir: 75/78 hp


2010-02-19, 06:35 PM
Cai is stunned by the sheer destruction Ráslim has wrought on the enemies. Maybe we can win this. is all she thinks before she drops right back into the battle. She picks two more targets and fires at them.

move: k18
minor: Quarry k13
Standard: Twin Strike
29 vs. k13 18 damage
21 vs. H12 9 damage

2010-02-20, 11:04 AM

Ngeri points his finger at the man moving to flank Ericr and unleashes a blast of holy flame at the man.

Ericr gains 7 temp hp

2010-02-20, 12:30 PM
The mobster laughs mockingly at Ngeri's aim, as the blast of flame misses him.

With a short sprint the madman leading the hellish mob strides across the battlefield to get within reach of the fun. Laughing maniacally and brandishing a dark, blood-stained dagger in one hand and a pair of shackles dangling from the other, he raises his arms as if to call down a vile wrath upon Cáï and Ráslim. The dark power overwhelms them both, grasping them as if to bind and strangle their souls.

19 damage to Cáï and Ráslim from the madman. Both take ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends) and while they take this damage they can not use healing surges. You're going to take this damage at the beginning of your turn, so Cáï will be at 1 hp and Ráslim at 36 when your turn begins. And since you normally save at the end of your turn you can't use surges until after your turn (provided you save). You can still gain temporary hit points, though.

Grimnir, Cáï, Ericr, Eitri and Ráslim's turn. You probably should avoid targeting mobsters already targeted by those who act before you, if possible.

Cáï: 11/75 hp, ongoing 10 necrotic and can't use surges (save ends)
Ericr: 74/102 hp
Eitri: 69/95 hp
Ráslim: 46/65 hp, ongoing 10 necrotic and can't use surges (save ends)
Ngeri: 32/78 hp
Grimnir: 75/78 hp


2010-02-21, 12:27 PM
Grimnir sidles up next to Ericr, rods in hand. "Sorry about this. You're going to survive it just fine, which the girl with the bow won't if we don't finish off that bastard quickly."

Immediate reaction to the Madman's spell: Life syphon. Recover 4 HP and +2 to my next attack roll.
Move: Move to E9.
Minor: Curse the mobster in G8.
Standard: Your Glorious Sacrifice. 4 damage to Ericr. [roll0] against the Madman's Fort, which includes the bonus from Life syphon. [roll1] +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows, and ongoing 8.

2010-02-22, 05:27 AM

Seeing the damage caused by the madman's powers, Eitri resolved to get over there and take him down. Turning back to the matters at hand, he swung his hammer wildly at the mob member blocking his way. He then dodged past and ran at the madman, his weapon glowing with the sigils inscribed upon it as he brought it down upon the madman in front of him with all his strength.

Standard- Booming Cudgel v Mod Member adjacent.
(18 v AC)
Move-To M12 (Provoking from the mobmember he was adjacent to, providing he isn't dead. Via J11, K11, L11)
Minor-Aegies of shielding on Mob in K13
ACTION POINT-Hammer of Sigils on Madman
32 v AC, 34 damage if it hits, and it is marked by Eitri until the end of his next turn. If he attacks a foe that isn't Eitri he takes 5 force damage, and the attack deals 5 less damage.

2010-02-25, 04:56 AM
Grimnir stalks up behind Ericr to give the paladin a slight stab to fuel his dark power. While unfortunately the spell seemed less effective than Grimnir would have hoped, it was not completely wasteful.

Cáï staggers across the roof of the house as she tries to remain standing. Aiming her bow once again she brings down another one of the mobsters.

Ericr grumbles a bit at Grimnir's stab, particularly because it didn't seem to pay off that greatly. He stikes out swiftly and brings down the nearest mobster, before striding across the field to get closer to the madman. As he moves, one of the mobsters make a swift stab at him, but misses completely.

Eitri strikes out at the nearest mobster, but misses the creep. Ignoring that, the dwarf turns and moves towards the madman. As he does, the mobster strikes out at him but the knife scrapes harmlessly against Eitri's armor. Directing his attention at the madman, Eitri strikes out with great force, delivering a solid blow. The power of his runes spreads out as he delivers the blow, and bolsters Cáï just when she needed it the most.

Ráslim steps into the middle of the mob and raises his orb to spell doom upon the surrounding enemies. Space and time bends around him in a vortex, tearing at the mobsters and madman, and granting safe passage to his allies.

Two of the mobsters advance upon Grimnir, stabbing him. The two mobsters who were trapped in the maze of mirrors advance upon Eitri and Ericr.

Meanwhile, a strange wave passes through the area, like a sickening heartbeat of some great spirit. The mobsters who fell only moments ago stir and begin to rise with a collective moan.

Grimnir recovers 4 hp (though only 3 needed for full hp). 4 damage to Ericr and 9 damage to Madman from Grimnir.

10 damage to Cáï (ongoing). 18 damage to K13 from Cáï, killing it.

34 damage to madman from Eitri. Cáï saves against the ongoing damage.

10 damage to G8 from Ericr, killing it.

10 damage to Ráslim (ongoing). Critical Hit with Hammerfall Step for Ráslim. 20 damage to H12, J10, K8, N10 and the Madman. The mobsters die, while the madman is teleported 3 squares to O10. Eitri and Ericr are teleported so they flank the madman. Ráslim saves against the ongoing damage.

16 damage to Grimnir from the two mobsters.

The mobsters killed in the first round rises as undead. Marked with Z for zombie.

Ngeri's turn.

Cáï: 1/75 hp
Ericr: 70/102 hp
Eitri: 69/95 hp
Ráslim: 36/65 hp
Ngeri: 32/78 hp
Madman: Bloodied, marked by Eitri until end of next turn
Grimnir: 62/78 hp


2010-02-25, 06:03 PM
Wait! I have a response to being stabbed!

Grimnir's eyes flash as the mobsters' knives come flashing towards him, and mist rises from the ground at his feet, encompassing them for a moment, pallid tendrils writhing and coiling into half-formed faces and grotesque maws full of wicked teeth that leave long gashes in their flesh.

Against the first mobster to attack me, Darkspiral Aura from the death of G8.
[roll0] necrotic damage as an immediate interrupt. With an additional 4 if my bonuses from my rods apply, which I'm not sure about.

IF that attack deals 12 or more damage, them against the second mobster Darkspiral Aura for [roll1].

2010-02-26, 07:51 AM

The cleric grumbles a curse as his flame goes awry. He rushes forward to help engage the rising dead. With a quick prayer to the Nightingale, he sends forth a blast of light that engulfs those around him, both friend and foe. His allies feel bolstered by the effect, while their enemies are burned by the holy light. Glancing over at Cai, Ngeri mutters another quick prayer of healing for her.

2010-02-26, 11:01 AM
As he is attacked, Grimnir unleashes a preemptive burst of dark, flaying tentacles to destroy one of his attackers before the mobster can even get a good stab at the warlock.

Ngeri moves past Grimnir to destroy the mobster and two zombies there, his holy light blasting and burning their wicked flesh. He then directs a much needed prayer towards Cáï on the roof.

As Cáï struggles to stay alive she spots something in the shadows behind the newly risen corpses. Sitting on the ground near the macabre torture poles of the madmen, a raven blacker than the very night stares back at her with its deep, sad eyes. She remembers it vividly from the vision. With a flutter of wings it takes off and sails through the air towards her, but is gone from sight the very same moment as if swallowed up by the darkness. Cáï wonders if what she saw was real or just a figment of her imagination, as the soothing light of Ngeri washes over her and mends her wounds.

The madman sidesteps away from his two flankers and reaches out towards Eitri as if to crush his very heart, dark blood dripping from his innumerable cuts. He then pulls his hand back in a swift motion while laughing darkly. A sudden and overwhelming cold spreads in Eitri's very bones, while the madman's wounds close themselves. "You have no hope! Embrace the rising darkness!" he cackles

Grimnir: I can't find any mention of a second target for your Darkspiral Aura, only that you may also weaken the target if the damage is above 12. Also, did you have 2 points to spend? If not the damage should only be 1d8. Not that it matters against a minion, I was just wondering.

Grimnir retroactively kills D8, and thus took only 8 damage.

Ngeri: Since you didn't specify where you move or anything, I moved you to F10.

7 damage to F8, G7 and G9 from Ngeri, killing them. Grimnir gains +2 attacks until the end of Ngeri's next turn.

Cáï spends a healing surge and regains 34 hp.

28 necrotic damage to Eitri, and he is stunned until the end of the Madman's next turn. The madman heals 15 points.

Grimnir, Cáï, Ericr, Eitri and Ráslim's turn. Although Eitri probably can't do anything this round, being stunned.

Cáï: 35/75 hp
Ericr: 70/102 hp
Eitri: 41/95 hp, stunned til end of Madman's turn
Ráslim: 36/65 hp
Ngeri: 32/78 hp
Madman: Wounded
Grimnir: 70/78 hp, +2 attacks til end of Ngeri's turn


2010-02-26, 05:19 PM
"Embrace the void." Ericr's retort was full of cold contempt and a rock-bottom conviction. He swung his right wrist toward the demagogue, the blessed tassel of nightengale feathers swaying as he called upon his goddess. She might be held at bay in this accursed place, but he fought in her name and would be known thereby.

2010-02-26, 05:24 PM
Cai struggles to stay standing as darkness clouds her vision. Then that raven shows up again. Putting it aside for latter, she takes aim with renewed strength.

Minor: Quarry Madman

Standard: Biting Volley
19 vs. Madman 17 damage
34 vs. Madman 18+9+11=38

2010-02-26, 08:13 PM

Seeing the members of the mob he just defeated rise again startles Ráslim. "Just die!" He shouts shakily as he staggers back and sends a column of flame into their mist.

Move: To F13
Standard: Scorching burst, enlarged, centered on P3.
Attack rolls vs. Reflex:

2010-02-27, 04:44 AM
Grimnir takes a few steps away from the dead corpses and turns to the nearest zombie, raising his rods to blast it back to the void.

Cáï takes aim and with renewed vigor fires twice at the madman. While the first arrow strikes the ground, the second strikes perfectly and with great power.

Ericr's threat seems sadly powerless, as the madman ignores his radiant judgement.

Eitri is still stunned by the terrible cold.

Ráslim calls down scorching flames upon the mobsters he thought he had already killed moments ago. As the flames rage, all but one of the zombies crumble to ashes.

The two remaining mobsters lash out at Ericr and Eitri. Despite being stunned, Eitri manages to evade the incoming stab. Ericr is not so quick, however, and takes a painful stab from the mobster.

The one remaining zombie shambles forwards to lash out at Eitri. It proves to have more luck than its living friend, slipping its dagger past Eitri's defences and into his back.

Once again a disturbing wave passes over the battlefield, and once again the fallen mobsters rise with a loud moan.

Sorry to Grimnir for moving on a little quickly. I think I'll be trying to move on every day as far as possible, to speed up the game, which means I may end up taking your turns for you a little more often than I have so far.

Grimnir's Actions: Move to D12. Curse the madman. Eldritch Blast against J9, destroying it.

38 damage to madman from Cáï.

7 damage to N1, N4, O4, P2, Q4 and R3 from Ráslim, destroying them.

8 damage to Ericr from M10. 8 damage to Eitri from O8.

The dead mobsters rise as zombies.

Ngeri's turn.

Cáï: 35/75 hp
Ericr: 62/102 hp
Eitri: 33/95 hp, stunned til end of Madman's turn
Ráslim: 36/65 hp
Ngeri: 32/78 hp
Madman: Bloodied, challenged by Ericr, cursed by Grimnir
Grimnir: 70/78 hp, +2 attacks til end of Ngeri's turn


2010-02-27, 10:09 AM

Growling in anger as the dead rise once more, Ngeri strides purposefully into the middle of the battlefield. Looking up into the sky, Ngeri shouts, "Blessed Nightingale, put these poor souls to rest!" Looking at the zombie before him, the priest brandishes his holy symbol and emits a burst of holy energy over the battlefield.

Move to I-10, cast Turn Undead.

2010-02-27, 12:12 PM
As Ngeri raises his holy symbol, the zombie next to him lashes out swiftly and leaves a long, red gash. Ngeri continues regardless, and radiant light fills the area, leaving all but two of the zombies as dust.

The madman grins widely as he turns and moves towards the building where Cáï is. Halfway there he spins around and raises his hands. Shadows swirl around him and with a terrifying scream they burst forth like black flames in a wave before him. The black flames wash over Ericr and Eitri, searing them before fading away into the darkness that spawned them.

I may have previously made some mistakes regarding multiple targets. When a power affects multiple targets you roll attacks for each target individually. I may not have always remembered this, I think, and may not have catched it either if you guys have forgotten it before. I apologize for that. Anyway, long and short, always roll a seperate attack for each target. I've done the additional rolls for Ngeri this turn - only one missed.

So... all zombies except F8 (missed) and O8 (out of range) are destroyed by Ngeri.

8 damage to Ngeri from J10 (opportunity attack before it is destroyed)

22 necrotic damage to Ericr and 18 necrotic damage to Eitri from the madman, and both take 10 ongoing fire damage (save ends).

Eitri is no longer stunned.

Grimnir, Cáï, Ericr, Eitri and Ráslim's turn.

Cáï: 35/75 hp
Ericr: 40/102 hp, ongoing 10 fire (save ends)
Eitri: 15/95 hp, ongoing 10 fire (save ends)
Ráslim: 36/65 hp
Ngeri: 24/78 hp
Madman: Bloodied, challenged by Ericr, cursed by Grimnir, Cáï's Quarry
Grimnir: 70/78 hp


2010-02-27, 01:19 PM
Seeing the madman move towards her Cai calmly draws another arrow and takes aim. This time the arrow is imbued with the power of lighting. The resurrecting zombies are a concern but hopefully if they kill this man they will stay dead.

Standard: Hunt's End
37 vs. AC madman 44 damage
target is Dazed till end of it's next turn

Note: I quarried him last turn

2010-02-27, 01:20 PM
Ericr's teeth gritted as he felt the blasphemous energy ripping at him, but he did not yield. He brought the beast back to the fore, drawing on its strength as he lunged after the madman, swinging his blade in a bright arc.

He said no further words, putting all his focus into the strength of his attacks, and willing himself to keep on through the damage done his body.

2010-02-27, 11:41 PM

Ráslim once more sends a burst of flame to burn the undead creatures.

Scorching burst, centered on N9
Attacks vs reflex:

2010-02-28, 07:45 AM

Still reeling from the madman's curse, as the black flames washed over him. His heart beat slowly and heavily in his chest, and despair washed over him. Darned Thing he thought, as he lashed out at the nearest mobster, before stumbling over to stand next to Ericr

Booming Cudgel on adjacent mobster
Attack-[roll0] v AC

Move to O12

Saving Throw-[roll2]

2010-02-28, 10:57 AM
Grimnir ver Gondlirsson

Grimnir strides towards the madman, whispering a discordant and disturbing chant. Mist begins to rise around the madman, leaving screaming faces etched on the ground in frost.

Move to H11.

Curse the Zombie in F8.

Cast Frigid Darkness on the Madman.
[roll0] vs Fort. [roll1] +[roll2] +4 Rods +1 Empowering Shadows, and if it hits he grants combat advantage and loses 4 points of AC until my next turn.