View Full Version : Tears of blood world?

Mystic Muse
2009-12-16, 12:13 AM
whatever happened to this? Is it downloadable in a PDF form now or what? Or would I have to find every single page and learn what the setting is about from there?

2009-12-16, 12:48 AM
No, unfortunately we don't have a completed version of the world yet. You can get a good idea of where things are from the 'current draft' thread, but then, yes, you'll have to look through the more recent threads to see what is currently being worked on. We should really finish that sometime.

Mystic Muse
2009-12-16, 01:01 AM
I don't want to rush you but do you have any idea of when it will be done? If not could I help in some way?

Innis Cabal
2009-12-16, 01:31 AM
Its been not done for more then a year if memory serves. At least as long ago as the Backup...so...its been a while regardless.

2009-12-16, 01:35 AM
If not could I help in some way?

Yes, you can. That's why it's a -community- world building project.*

*Disclaimer: I've not been involved in Tears of Blood in a while, however unlikely, things might've changed.

Mystic Muse
2009-12-16, 02:11 AM
So what do I need to read before I start helping? the entire tears of blood thread and such?

2009-12-16, 01:00 PM
I thought it was pretty much definite that the sub board was gonna be deleted.

Anyway, to Kyuubi, your best bet for getting a general view of the world is to check out either wunderhund's .pdf starter file, or my quick-and-dirty guide. In my opinion, wunderhund's is the better of the two.

Wunderhund pdf (http://tob.505films.com/tob.pdf)
Quick-and-Dirty Guide to Ursoule (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91134)

The main problem with Tears of Blood is a one that lies in all community projects; it's difficult to tie everything up. In the beginning, brainstorms come in like sumer rain, and everyone makes a bunch of contributions. Eventually, however, finalizing the world becomes more and more difficult, and disagreements arise in some of the material. Regardless, wunderhund's guide is a darn good resource if you want to run a game yourself.

Mystic Muse
2009-12-16, 05:01 PM
running it in a game is precisely why I want to help finish teh thing.

I'll start helping if I can after Christmas.

2009-12-17, 02:50 AM
Much as your help would be appreciated, you will have to find somewhere else to do it as the giant had the board closed back in april or may, I think. There is a thread about it somewhere in there...

At any rate, if you do manage to finish it, the community would be muchly grateful.

and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5694674&postcount=1) is a link to the Giant's post on the matter.

Zeta Kai
2009-12-17, 08:46 AM
The main problem with Tears of Blood is a one that lies in all community projects; it's difficult to tie everything up. In the beginning, brainstorms come in like sumer rain, and everyone makes a bunch of contributions. Eventually, however, finalizing the world becomes more and more difficult, and disagreements arise in some of the material. Regardless, wunderhund's guide is a darn good resource if you want to run a game yourself.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. The VoteUpACampaignSetting project has faced some difficulties, & the main thing that keeps the momentum going on it is the fact that the Build Team is very small (there's just three of us). We have requested & received help & contributions from other forumites, but the core team keeps things manageable. I shudder to think what things would've been like with more chefs in the kitchen.

2009-12-19, 06:21 PM
How done did this get, anyway? I was under the impression it was kind of in a half-finished state.

Zeb The Troll
2009-12-19, 06:59 PM
From what I've heard from Alarra, it's been "nearing completion" for some time. People just needed to stop adding/changing stuff and do real write ups on what they already have. I believe what exists is fairly comprehensive if not for being in a constant state of flux.

2009-12-19, 09:45 PM
It was about 90% done. Unfortunately, the 10% that wasn't done was stuff that would have spanned the world even if it wasn't very important. Or it was write-ups of individual areas.