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View Full Version : Help with a Leaque inspired campaign (or at least adventure)

2009-12-16, 12:52 AM
On another site I proposed an adventure, if not campaign, inspired by Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Namely the idea of government backed league of heroes, with a sociopath or two thrown in for good measure, assambled by an at first mysterous employer. The problems are naming the adventure/campaign, deteriming the employer and recruiter and of course deciding on the objective the employer has for this league. Oh, I also need help thinking of a headquaters for them. This will take place in a more contemporary time and all PCs allowed, along with all enemies, exploits and in universe history are part of the same Earth. So, any help with my questions?

2009-12-17, 03:14 AM
What, no comments or suggestions? Not even to tell me I'm in over my head and should give up?

2009-12-17, 09:07 AM
Pick your 'one point of difference' from the real world (usually a compelling villain) first. Everything else will fall into place after that based on the period of history.

Ken Hite used to do these all the time in his "Suppressed Transmission" articles for Pyramid ezine. He'd take a single POD (point of divergence) and throw out half-a-dozen setting ideas based on exactly when in history the POD happened. Example: Six Flags over Roswell (http://www.sjgames.com/pyramid/sample.html?id=661)

2009-12-17, 09:06 PM
I'm taking your suggestion to heart bosssmiley. The only problem is figuring out which historical event to play around with. The World Wars, the Cold War, the American Revolution, the American Civil War, the English Civil War or the Neopoleanic [sic] Wars? Perhaps the lost Roanoke colony or the rivalry between Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison. Hopefully I'll figure that out soon.

2009-12-17, 09:25 PM
If you're doing something similar to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, England should probably be the 'home base' or sponsoring power of your players. The alteration that springs to mind would be in the American Revolutionary War, where William Pitt the Elder (political power maintained through an alliance with the Rockingham party) manages to arrange a sort of detached but still connected colonial relationship for America, similar to the one enjoyed by Canada from 1867 onwards. This would make Britain the pre-eminent power in the world, a Victorian colossus dedicated to maintaining the status quo against the supernatural and foreign.

The players would thus be a secret branch of the government devoted to dealing with the paranormal, similar to Torchwood. If you wanted to start at low levels, they could be one of a few pilot projects and they know little about the rest of the bureau (its implied that there are other teams that they never meet, allowing you as a DM to increase tension later by putting them up against an enemy who kills the other teams as an opening move).

In this scenario, their home base could start off as an isolated keep with access to the Victorian highway and quite a few locked rooms from which plot critical gear appears.

2010-01-06, 01:26 AM
I have some of the basic timeline for the history behind the adventure or campaign right here, I just don't think I'd do a very good job organizing it and fleshing it out. A good deal of it comes directly from established fiction universes.

Setting History

1640-1652 The First English Civil War occurred with Unseele fae and Urdgu Jahad interference. The Unseele fae were backing the Loyalists while the Urdgu Jahad were using Cromwell as an unwitting pawn. The war was ended when the Summer Court A.K.A. the Seele fae unleashed a devastating magical attack that caused massive loss of military and civilian life including the death of Oliver Cromwell. The attack was designed to push back the influence of both the Urdgu Jahad and Winter Court as well as a means to force an end to the war.
Both Necronomicons exist.
Hellboy was summoned to Earth in 1945 and taken from the Nazis by US soldiers and in 1956 granted honorary human status by the UN.
The Hellmouth in what is now called Sunnydale was discovered by the Spanish in the late 16th century.
Millennium, the secret Nazi program to create artificial vampires to establish and maintain the thousand year Reich, was thwarted by the Hellsing Institute.
Krakatoa erupted in 1883. Blame Ebenezer McCoy. To be fair he was trying to kill a particularly nasty warlock.

2010-01-13, 04:41 AM
Enemy organizations so far.

World of Darkness
This presents the most important and most intriguing agencies of evil in existence, as well as information on how to use them in your game. It explains their history, members, goals, and ways of operating. Perplex your players as they come against the manipulations of Wolfram and Hart, and have to try to find their way through the web.
No roleplaying game would be complete without enemies, and in this world, all you have to do to find one is throw a brick.
This has two parts, organizations and races, and three principle parts for each organization. First, the background, detailing what the organization is and where it came from, what it wants and why. We will sometimes provide contradictory information, giving you the option of deciding which, if any, is true (the game is only as dark as you choose, remember). Second, we will detail characters affiliated with these organizations, their goals and motivations, histories and way of operating.
Finally, we will detail stats and adventure hooks, as well as new items, technology and magic unique to that group.
Races will be detailed the same way.
Most of the organizations and characters are pure and unashamedly evil, totally and completely insane, or so deluded they can't be reasoned with. This, however, doesn't always have to be the case. Sometimes good people do bad things for good reasons. Some are simply indifferent, opportunistic or punch-clock villains who are quite normal outside their workplace (particularly in the case of Wolfram and Hart).
Something made members of these groups commit evil deeds. They've undoubtedly done despicable things, though they may have done them in the name of justice, love, or ignorance. Maybe they lashed out like injured animals and couldn't escape the consequences.
Within the organizations, individuals in the actual membership vary greatly. They have different motivations, philosophies and personalities. Their priorities undoubtedly differ.

The German Nationals Socialist Workers Party
Special order #666

Operation Ragnorak

Wolfram and Hart
Law firm Wolfram & Hart doesn't exactly cater to the stars of Los Angeles. It's more the law firm for the underworld -- specializing in representing evil at all levels. Wolfram and Hart as an organization as a piece of everything. Politicians. Musicians. Actors, law-enforcement, they have the influence to get you what you want. There is almost nothing they don't have a hand in, organized crime, to drug-dealing, to rituals to bring about the next apocalypse all have a neat, square lawyer with a briefcase and a ready smile. If you have the money, or anything else the firm wants, these lawyers have the time to help you murder, steal, sacrifice babies in black mass -- any activity your evil little heart desires.

This isn't your typical "practicing evil-to-get rich" law firm. Wolfram & Hart is not without direction or goals. At the core of the firm is a plan. Accepting only complete secrecy and devotion in its employees, the firm resorts to random mind readings to assure complete loyalty and deals quickly and swiftly with those who go wayward. With the promise of power and money, young executives are recruited to continue the firm’s mission, and, if nescesary, other 'stimulation' is resorted to. They need everything they can get to complete the goal at the core of all their plans, scheme's and machinations. The end of Established order, and the beginning of a new one. The firm will utilize any resource, practice any magic, strike any bargain towards this goal.

When The First arose, Order and harmony all but collapse as it's bloody rebellion filled the universe with blood. As the Host and the Fallen clashed, the other spirits began to know doubt. Of the courts of the Summer, Winter and Wyld, insanity began to flourish, as they became perverted away from their purpose.
It was in this time, that the Wolf, Ram and Hart came to the world, at this time minor nobles from their respective courts, dreaming a dream of power. It was the time of the ancient ones, and they had not the strength to move against them, so they didn't, simply adding forks to the road, and twisting, slightly at first, as they cultivate favors and influence, spreading power through compromise.
Eventually, they left, choosing hell rather then returning home to powerless, ruling through puppets and dupes rather then directly.
And Wolfram and Hart has continued to grow in size and power. In many ways, nothing has changed about the fir since it's beginning. While the firm is far more powerful then it ever has been, it is set in it's ways, and prefers to move through other organizations and groups rather then independently. However, the time may come soon when the Firm is ready to act on it's own, and call in the many favors and bargains it is owed...

The organization
Headquarters: Wolfram and Hart has an office in every major city. There is one in the Troll Market and most dimensions, although their influence is hardly constant and sometimes that office is little more then a single room. The central headquarters is a citadel on the first layer of hell, of black Ice where the senior partner themselves exist. All offices have some way of contacting the central building.
Members: Number of actual employee's fluctuates, but is in the millions. However, actual members, not simple employee's, cleaners, and the people who run the machines is well under twenty thousand. The firm also has a truly frightening number of mercenaries, Independent contractors, freelance workers and assassins on call.
Hierarchy: It is difficult to tell who truly has power, and the firm always has a huge amount of competition, backstabbing and infighting. It can be seen as strict on the upper levels and loose on the lower ones.
Leader: The Wolf, The Ram, The Hart. The Circle of Black Thorn enacts their will.
Secrecy: Heavy. Most members don't even know much about what's happening.
The firm is cellular in structure, with different cells keeping their goals secret from each other and even working against each other. By nature, they're about as co-operative as sharks.

Motivations and goals
The Firm is all about order, but it's own sort of order. Fundamentally, exoneration through ignorance. He sees the moral struggles that all creatures face, and preaches to them the most simple of solutions: shift the blame, and ignore evidence to the contrary.
Across the Cosmos, mortals and immortals alike constantly seek to achieve the greatest value for the least amount of effort. In many cases, this attitude is common sense and productive; however, there are those that seek not only to make the most with least amount of work, but those that seek to ensure that any and all work is done through the efforts of others. Some go as far as to pursue the most underhanded, offensive means to acquire their wants. This is how the Firm operates, and has become so powerful.

The Awakened Ones

The Vampire Elders





The Black Council

The Church of Satan

The Druids

The Wing Kong (Triads)
The Wing Kong is a fanatical organization preaching a dogma of murder and treachery. Most long term members are willing to give their life for the cause, and often do. The Wing Kong believe all forms of government to be intrinsically corrupt, and stifle the human spirit. To them, Freedom is all that is important, and they see their acts of terrorism, murder and violence as fighting for everyone's right to do what they want.
Their dogma does not differentiate, if someone wants to do evil, its his right, and if someone else wants to stop him, it's his right to do that too. Whoever is stronger, cleverer, more far sighted, makes the final decision. There is no morality, only conditioning to accept the social contract. Ultimately, they plan to overthrow all law and reestablish the era of warlords on a world wide scale, with the strong ruling the weak.
Despite their very "Law of the Jungle" dogma, the Wing Kong are very honorable in their way, governed by strict codes of conduct and an inflexible hierarchical system, based on a variety of factors. They have36 Oaths which basically amount to, "don't screw over your sworn brothers, or you will get chopped up with lots of blades."
The oaths are sealed with the drinking of blood mixed with wine, and the oath-takers enter into a sworn brotherhood with the rest of the members of their organization. They are free to pursue any affiliation or lifestyle outside the gang, but membership to the Wing Kong always comes first.
The Triads were created after the burning of the southern Shaolin temple, by the five survivors of the battle. After the fall of the Qing dyansty in the last century, the Triads now found themselves without a purpose and there was a split between the Mainland and overseas branches. The Mainland group is what we now commonly refer to as the Triads, but in truth, is a diverse group of gangs and warlords in a loose organization. After the Communist takeover, many of them moved to other parts of the world.
The traditional punishment for breaking their few laws is death by a hundred cuts, or getting ambushed and hacked up which is easier and quicker.
Many members are known to have a certain penchant for cleavers, given the difficulty of obtaining guns, but many possess automatic weapons or firearms as a secondary weapon and even explosives, though more traditional members find them dishonorable. A machete is fine too. Martial arts, especially some of the Southern Shaolin styles tend to have a reputation as being used by the Wing Kong in gang fights, especially due to their common origin myth in the Southern Shaolin temple.
They are famous for drug-running and use, arms trading, protection rackets and slave trading in the forms of prostitution. They are also known for demon possession, and brutal fighting with rival gangs on the streets.
The Wing Kong are ruled by demons and Spirits they have dealt with who share their insane dream. Their overall ruler is Lo-Pan, a mad sorcerer-king who opposed the first Emperor of China to his dying breath, becoming a fleshless ghost as a consequence for his defiance, bound in the form of an elderly cripple.

The organization
Headquarters: Remains in Beijing, but gang members can be found all over the world.
Members: Number of actual employee's fluctuates, but is in the hundred thousands. Most are angry young men given weapons and an opportunity to escape the perceived inadequacy of their lives. Some of the older members are figures of great influence or power, accomplished martial artists driven insane through lives of drug abuse, instant gratification and demonic possession. Some are intellectuals who believe the dogma and close their eyes to the brutality of the Wing-Kong's actions.
Many other street gangs are eventually absorbed, finding themselves as little more then errand boys.
Hierarchy: Strict. Everyone has their place, their status, and had best remember it, because otherwise you might be found a badly butchered slab of meat.
Leader: Lo-Pan. His lieutenants, the Three Storms.
Secrecy: Light. They are common knowledge. Even the supernatural elements are well known myths and legends, although whether or not you believe them is another manner.
Motivations and goals
Fundamentally the firm is about destabilizing governments and authorities, but in most cases it has turned into a gang that exists to make money. Lo-Pa himself simply tries to complete the highly specific rituals to allow him to once more become flesh.

(Needs some organization of assassins, something middle Eastern (Maybe those guys from the Mummy or something, which would mean we can include the Meji). Any suggestions?)

2010-01-13, 04:45 AM
The Wing Kong are included because some people might want to play a supernatural Eastern themed martial arts game, or animesqe equivalent, and here is a summary of an awesome set of adversities to make one.
They also make a good counterpoint to Wolfram and Hart, being basically opposites in every way, and can even work in a mafia style game as the Triads, which they were based on.
Here's a demonstration (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGLinT-Pdyo)

1760s - a society called the Tian Di Hui (天地會, "The Society of Heaven and Earth") was formed in China as a resistance to the Manchu Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. This was by five great sages, the only survivors of their burning shaolin temple.
1821 - To mystics discover Lo-Pan, the ghost of the scorceror king, who smothers their wills, and takes control, initially by making the leaders puppets.
1824 - Lo-Pan is ruling openly, and the majority of the leaders have been replaced with those loyal to him. It is around this time that the organization becomes far more effective and begins it's change from a patriotic society to a criminal organization.
1911 - Wuchang Uprising, and the subsequent overthrow of the Qing Dynasty China the following year, the Tian Di Hui have completed their purpose.
1912 - The organization divides into the Triads, a mafia like group, and the Wing-Kong. Both are almost indistinguishable, except the Wing-Kong tend to be superstitious and claim to have a noble cause.
1946 - General Yang and his second-in-command, Choi, successfully managed to awake Qin Shi Huang, who was confronted by Lo-Pan. Surprisingly, the scorceror knealt, and gave his old rival command of the Wing-Kong.
1949 - Comunist party takes power, and organized crime becomes difficult on mainland China. Many deport to America, Britain, France and Hong-Kong. Ironically, this made them far more powerful and influential then they'd ever been on mainland China.

Wing Kong Leaders
Lo-Pan (Alias David Lo-Pan)
Centuries ago, Lo Pan, a great warrior, Mad Sorcerer king who ruled an empire of shadows and demons, was defeated in battle by the First Sovereign Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The Emperor could not destroy the immortal king, and so placed a terrible curse upon Lo Pan, the curse of No Flesh. Lo Pan's spirit is trapped in the decrepit body of an aging cripple, incapable of so much as walking. In order to permanently break the curse and regain his human form, he must marry a specific women with green eyes, who he truly loves, to appease the spirits then sacrifice her to appease the Emperor. Marrying her is enough to regain his body, but he must also kill her to regain his immortality and the lions share of his powers.
Lo-Pan is in may ways responsible for the anti government beliefs of the Wing-Kong, he himself opposing the re-unification of China until his dying breath. He believes only the strong have the right to power, and so does not resent the Emperor, now his leader. If anything, he resents only the spirits he worships for there curse. He is content to be number two at this time, but once he regains his body, who knows?
He is actually a highly skilled politician and businessman, and is believed to run the vast majority of the Wing-Kong's legitimate holdings personally, leaving the Emperor to capitalize their influence and co-ordinate their efforts. It is this reason, that many have suggested, Lo-Pan has no further ambition because he already rules.
Lo-Pan rarely finds it necessary to allow matters to degenerate into fisticuffs, preferring to trick other beings into doing his bidding or to smother their wills. He does not personally engage in combat unless it becomes absolutely necessary, first allowing his personal army of fanatical followers to enter battle in his name. If combat occurs in his direct presence, he may aid favored minions (such as the Three Storms) by countering particularly dangerous spells, disarming foes via telekinesis, or dominating the weaker-minded opponents and ordering them to attack their comrades. If someone appears who he has a personal vendetta with or in a challenge from one he see's as an actual threat (such as another magician) He will simply match their spells until they are forced to give up, then pay them no further mind.
He rarely gets angry, but when he does he tends to tear his opponents apart in fury, and even without magic few can match his mastery of conventional martial arts.

Emperor Qin Shi Huang
It is an incredible irony that the founder of the dynasty the Wing-Kong rose up to depose became their leader, but life is full of such ironies. More then two thousand yearss ago, China was torn by civil war. A ruthless warlord and king named rose to make himself emperor of the provinces and unite China. He conquers his enemies and becomes the first emperor of China, The Dragon Emperor, winning wars in such a way they don’t have to be fought twice, or ever again. As his first act as Emperor, he ordered the construction of the Great Wall Of China, burying his former enemies beneath it and cursing their souls to hold it up for all eternity. Using secrets looted from his deposed enemies, he gained a supernatural mastery over the Five Elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Wood and life). Years passed, and Emperor Han begins to grow fearful that all he has accomplished will be lost upon his death.
He became immortal, but with it came a terrible curse, gruesomely burned alive and imprisoned within a shell of terracotta, as is every last one of his men, transforming them into the Terracotta Army
General Yang and his second-in-command, Choi, successfully managed to awake him during the Maoist takeover, seeing the Emperor as the only one who can bring order and greatness back to China, and he awoke in a different world. Lo-pan sensed his awaking, and brought an army of his loyal followers, seemingly with the intention of continuing their feud. Instead, he knelt, and gave the Emperor mastery over the Wing-Kong. If his intention was for Qin Shi Huang to remove the curse, at this show of fealty, he was disappointed, for the Emperor made Lo-Pan his major-domo and took command himself, redirecting the Wing-Kong’s efforts towards amassing power. He is arguably amongst the most powerful men in China, and in time, may even regain his kingdom.
Combat, warfare, fighting are meat and drink to Emperor Han, despite his illusion of sophistication he's little more then a savage. He is incredible at Martial arts, but does not hesitate to use his other powers, such as his ability to transform to more dangerous shapes (such as dragon or ogre). As his knowledge of magic is so specialized, he fears other magic users and attempts to deal with them first using excessive force, then take out other opponents at his leisure.
If he suspects he is overmatched, he does not hesitate to retreat and call reinforcements, but he never forgets a grudge.

((So have you decided on a medium yet? Or is this enough information? I'll work on Nazi's next))