View Full Version : Discussing Deranged Dexter

2009-12-18, 02:34 AM
Just keeping in with the whole "three words that begin with a D" thing, and while Dexter and Discussing were obvious, I may have gotten a little desperate when looking for a third D that wasn't used by Lindsay.
This is the Dexter discussion thread, and all spoilers, be they book or series, be unmarked.
So I'll start this thread with a casual mention of Rita's death and an explosive announcement that THREE GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATIONS are received by the show: BEST DRAMATIC SERIES, BEST ACTOR (Michael C Hall), BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR (John Lithgow).
However, I would like to make the prediction that it will lose all three of them, to, in order, MAD MEN, JON HAMM, and either MICHAEL EMERSON (because he won the Emmy) or JEREMY PIVEN (Because he always wins)

2009-12-18, 02:42 AM
I love this show...

Anyways, I'm not sure how I feel about Rita's death. It just... doesn't make any sense.

Dexter was following Arthur when Arthur got his car back. This was around/after noon. So any time after that just couldn't be possible.

Rita left in the morning. I'm guessing 7/8?

Arthur had no way of getting to Rita's house. He could take a cab, yeah, but what would that matter? He'd have to wait for it to pick him up, and he couldn't exactly have the cab wait on him. So he'd have to call on a new cab to leave.

Rita brought all her bags into the house. She would have had to, or else the Cab would have been waiting on her with her bags... Why? Was she going to for Dexter?

Arthur had no way of cleaning up after killing Rita. And it was so... messy compared to all of his other murders.

I'm guessing three things.

It was all just a dream: Would be a horrible thing to do unless pulled off perfectly. So I doubt it's this. Although it might just be Dexter's mind screwing with him. He seems to be becoming more and more.... insane.

Arthur did it: It seems to be this, but it leaves a giant freaking plot hole.

Someone else did it: The only thing left that doesn't seem to be a cop out or leave a huge plot hole. So yeah, I'm going with this.

Although, now that Rita is dead I can go back to shipping Debra/Dexter. You died for my ship, bitch!

2009-12-18, 03:10 AM
Um, it was Arthur who did it.

They talk about it in the interview after the show.

What's the huge gaping plot hole you're thinking of if Arthur did it?

2009-12-18, 03:16 AM
Hey fellow Dexter fans

Does anyone else have a major annoyance with Quinn? It seems like they're trying to replace Doakes with him, however while Doakes was made of pure awesome, Quinn just annoys me. Anyone else have this feeling?

2009-12-18, 03:21 AM
I feel like they were going to do something with Quinn and changed it; because the whole thing where Dexter sees him pocket money never really comes up or is addressed again, as things USUALLY are in Dexter. As for Quinn, I think he's supposed to be annoying. I actually like him more than Doakes - mostly because you at least see more dimension to Quinn's character.

2009-12-18, 03:24 AM
Um, it was Arthur who did it.

They talk about it in the interview after the show.

What's the huge gaping plot hole you're thinking of if Arthur did it?

No, the actors said that. In fact, I think it was the actor that played the the Trinity Killer that said it. Is there any evidence that he knows the plot for the fifth season? It's not like he was a writer/director/whatever.

What's the huge gaping plot hole you're thinking of if Arthur did it?

I sorta went over that.

I feel like they were going to do something with Quinn and changed it; because the whole thing where Dexter sees him pocket money never really comes up or is addressed again, as things USUALLY are in Dexter. As for Quinn, I think he's supposed to be annoying. I actually like him more than Doakes - mostly because you at least see more dimension to Quinn's character.

Doakes was awesome.

Quinn needs to die.



2009-12-18, 03:45 AM
Now I am obviously doing this from memory since I don't have a DVD to zip back and look at it on...

We have to keep in mind, that Arthur figured out who Dexter was. Granted the D. Morgan led him to Debra Morgan's house; but it's easy enough to believe that he found Dexter's new address either there, or else where.

Now you say Dexter was following him for quite some time; hiding in the trunk waiting for the oil to blow. Which is true. But you have to realize that Dexter had to go to Arthur's house and mess with Arthur's family; deal with the SWAT and Miami Metro arriving; talking with them. All this time, whose not to say that Arthur - who isn't home, and his family has NO idea where he went - isn't actually at Dexter's place where he finds Rita? Rita, not knowing any better (she is niave, if nothing else) opens the door to Arthur, who claims to know Dexter Morgan (because he's already learned his real name by this point). So naturally Rita lets him in, half distracted by the crying baby; and finds a fate of death. Or Arthur could have been waiting at the house, when Rita pulled up, said something happened to Dexter (she had already left the original voice mail to Dexter), and Arthur could have said something to the degree of something happened to Dexter; so she would take her luggage out of the taxi. Arthur, as you said, was in a rush. It wasn't a clean cleaning. I don't think he wanted it to be. I think he wanted it to be bloody. He then jumps in a taxi, goes back to the car shop (where Dexter is in the trunk), and takes a long drive. The car dies. The rest, as you know, happens. I think it's VERY easy to believe that Arthur did this - with GREAT ease. This would explain why he was smiling when he was driving his car at night. He knew - HE KNEW - he had one upped Dexter.

2009-12-18, 03:46 AM
I feel like they were going to do something with Quinn and changed it; because the whole thing where Dexter sees him pocket money never really comes up or is addressed again, as things USUALLY are in Dexter. As for Quinn, I think he's supposed to be annoying. I actually like him more than Doakes - mostly because you at least see more dimension to Quinn's character.

I'd have to disagree completely to this.

The pocketing money was actually addressed quite a bit. Starting with Quinn trying to buy off Dexter's loyalty with gifts, which led to the confrontation between the two over Dex not caring if Quinn was dirty. Which led to Quinn getting all pissed and instead of seeing fault in himself tries to prove that Dexter is just as dirty by following him around and catching him at the bar. It was not addressed in a direct way, though, since Quinn was generally smart enough not to get caught again if he continued stealing money.

That and I'd say that both Quinn and Doakes got a dimensions to them. Doakes got his family scene with Debra, his relationship with Laguerta, his Spec Ops bit that was the storyline of a full episode, his reaction to Dexter's drug problem, and his amazing portrayal and conversation with Dexter at the end of Season 2. Quinn has his whole Internal Affairs ex-girlfriend bit, and his tangled relationship with Hill.

2009-12-18, 03:51 AM
I'd have to disagree completely to this.

The pocketing money was actually addressed quite a bit. Starting with Quinn trying to buy off Dexter's loyalty with gifts, which led to the confrontation between the two over Dex not caring if Quinn was dirty. Which led to Quinn getting all pissed and instead of seeing fault in himself tries to prove that Dexter is just as dirty by following him around and catching him at the bar. It was not addressed in a direct way, though, since Quinn was generally smart enough not to get caught again if he continued stealing money.

That and I'd say that both Quinn and Doakes got a dimensions to them. Doakes got his family scene with Debra, his relationship with Laguerta, his Spec Ops bit that was the storyline of a full episode, his reaction to Dexter's drug problem, and his amazing portrayal and conversation with Dexter at the end of Season 2. Quinn has his whole Internal Affairs ex-girlfriend bit, and his tangled relationship with Hill.

Perhaps because I saw Quinn seemingly show more emotion. Like he went from being normal, to a prick (with the money thing, which yes, it was touched; but I was expecting something big to come of it; like Dexter would use it against him to pin him for something to get Quinn out of the way - something to that effect!), but then he also was very compassionate towards Deb, helped her out, took serious care of her, then we saw he was pretty much a regular guy (when he got involved with Arthur's daughter and such). Doakes to me was just pretty much ALWAYS angry. ALWAYS mistrusting Dexter. ALWAYS on his arse. ALWAYS. It. Got. Tiring. Quinn at least would leave Dexter alone from time to time. He wasn't on Dexter EVERY episode like Doakes was. I might have been more compassionate towards Doakes, if they hadn't had him on Dexter EVERY SINGLE EPISODE it felt like. I just got sick of him.

2009-12-18, 04:11 AM
Perhaps because I saw Quinn seemingly show more emotion. Like he went from being normal, to a prick (with the money thing, which yes, it was touched; but I was expecting something big to come of it; like Dexter would use it against him to pin him for something to get Quinn out of the way - something to that effect!), but then he also was very compassionate towards Deb, helped her out, took serious care of her, then we saw he was pretty much a regular guy (when he got involved with Arthur's daughter and such). Doakes to me was just pretty much ALWAYS angry. ALWAYS mistrusting Dexter. ALWAYS on his arse. ALWAYS. It. Got. Tiring. Quinn at least would leave Dexter alone from time to time. He wasn't on Dexter EVERY episode like Doakes was. I might have been more compassionate towards Doakes, if they hadn't had him on Dexter EVERY SINGLE EPISODE it felt like. I just got sick of him.

Ok, I can see where you're coming from (though I'd argue Doakes did show quite a lot of compassion toward Deb as well, in his own sorta socially uncomfortable way). I defend Doakes as a character simply because he added a dynamic to Dexter's life that would have been completely missed without him. He was cunning, ruthless, very direct, and about as insane as Dexter. I will say about one thing, they did screw up a bit with the way they had Doakes keep getting angry at Dexter. He could have been better if when he did get off Dexter's ass it was more than it was (what 1 episode?). Though his interaction with Dexter in the end of season 2 was the sole redeeming feature of that season (Wow did Lila annoy me. Not even the hatred/annoyance you're supposed to get from villains, I just wanted her to stop talking and get edited out of the show)

Emperor Ing
2009-12-18, 04:55 AM
spoiler'd for spoilers :P
I think the show will definitely benefit from Rita's death. Early on in the season I thought quite strongly that Miss. Needy McBreathyvoice would need to go away somehow.

2009-12-18, 11:21 AM
Arthur had no way of getting to Rita's house. He could take a cab, yeah, but what would that matter? He'd have to wait for it to pick him up, and he couldn't exactly have the cab wait on him. So he'd have to call on a new cab to leave.

Or walk to or from the metrorail station or any of a number of bus stops. Miami DOES in fact have mass transit, you know. Getting around town in Miami without a car is inconvenient but doable. I've done it plenty of times.

All he had to do was go to the house and wait inside. I'd bet that he was actually planning on ambushing Dexter... but when Rita + baby Harry showed up... well, that was just too good of an opportunity.

2009-12-18, 02:29 PM
It just... doesn't make any sense.

The above was about Arthur pulling off what he did... But we were discussing Dexter at work - and I mentioned what you said - then we got on this whole kick of the MANY things you have to suspend belief on.

For example, how did Dexter get in the trunk with NO ONE seeing him?
How did Dexter pop the trunk from inside the trunk?
How does Dexter usually carry like 50 pounds of plastic that he puts around the room when he kills someone?
The list goes on and on. Sometimes you have to suspend belief, and just go for the story. Most of it is not so out of reach that it seems impossible.

2009-12-18, 04:57 PM
I miss Doakes and what he added to the story, a clear and present danger to Dexter's activities. Plus, he had his own moments of funny as far in between as they were. I would have much preferred they went the same route as the book, but they probably would have had trouble convincing the actor to mangle himself up like that.

That said, I'll miss the Trinity Killer. I was almost certain he was going to end up taking out most of Dexter's family seeing how well it completes his kill cycle.

2009-12-18, 05:12 PM
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Season 4 has been out for so long and no one told me?

CURSE YOU! CURSE YOU ALL!:smallfurious:

Oh well. Off to watch it!

2009-12-18, 06:53 PM
Doh. Hopefully the big event of Season 4's ending wasn't spoiled for you. :smalleek:

2009-12-18, 07:38 PM
Nah, I was careful and didn't read past the first sentence or so.

2009-12-23, 08:54 AM
The above was about Arthur pulling off what he did... But we were discussing Dexter at work - and I mentioned what you said - then we got on this whole kick of the MANY things you have to suspend belief on.

For example, how did Dexter get in the trunk with NO ONE seeing him?
How did Dexter pop the trunk from inside the trunk?
How does Dexter usually carry like 50 pounds of plastic that he puts around the room when he kills someone?
The list goes on and on. Sometimes you have to suspend belief, and just go for the story. Most of it is not so out of reach that it seems impossible.

Dexter is wiley and resourceful, and has eluded the police for a long time. I think he knows how to get in a car trunk without anyone noticing him.

As for popping the trunk from inside - well, it's Dexter. It's not exactly a big obstacle. Also, don't many cars have a button to open the trunk from the inside?

Dexter doesn't carry 50 pounds of plastic around, he prepares the kill room beforehand.

I can't quite remember, but I think the scene where Dexter finds Rita have that same "glowy" effect we see when Dexter is seeing the ghost of Harry. (Not his actual ghost, but you know what I mean) So that may be a clue that it is indeed Dexter's imagination. But I think that would be a bit of a cop out.