View Full Version : How Elan (or Haley's) temporary death could have an advantage.

The Pale King
2009-12-18, 07:47 PM
EDIT: Oops! I forgot that Girard might still be alive! That kinda makes the plan a lot less likely to succeed.

First, I don't think that most of these things will come into play, nor do I think this plan is actually going to appear in the comic. I just wanted to put up a thought.

OK. A few people have mentioned that they didn't see Elan or Haley make it out of the explosion. Now, I really don't think anything serious happened to them. But let's say hypothetically that Haley or Elan died. I think that there is a way that Roy could actually use this to his advantage for a plan.

It's simple. Haley and Elan are both Chaotic Good, and it looks likely that Girard is as well. So, Roy could give instructions to either one of them to go to their afterlife and go to Girard for coordinates, and the protections for the real gate. Girard would most likely trust them considering they would both be in the Chaotic Good afterlife. Meanwhile, Durkon could use a Speak With Dead spell to know when he/she has found out the information, and have Elan or Haley tell them it (considering how people forget the afterlife after being raised). After this, Durkon would simply raise them. This might be a problem, but there is a strong chance that Durkon would be making sure he could cast resurrection after what happened with Roy. He might have gotten diamonds from the Azurites before leaving. It might be slightly time consuming, but we don't know how exactly the Chaotic Good afterlife works so you never know. After this, they use the information to make a mad dash for the gate.

What do you think? Would this hypothetical plan be able to succeed?

2009-12-18, 07:56 PM
Girard looks more Chaotic Neutral to me than Chaotic Good.

2009-12-18, 08:31 PM
Well Chaotic A__ sounds about right as well. I would think after Kraagor's "death" he shifted to the Neutral alignment and his association with Soon convinced him that Lawful types are never to be trusted.

2009-12-18, 09:31 PM
I highly doubt Girard could be considered Chaotic Good from what we have seen from him thus far, almost certainly CN IMO.

Mando Knight
2009-12-18, 09:43 PM
I highly doubt Girard could be considered Chaotic Good from what we have seen from him thus far, almost certainly CN IMO.

Based solely on what we've seen of him, he appears to be CN. He might still be CG, depending on what else he's done.

2009-12-18, 09:48 PM
Haley's NG...

Mystic Muse
2009-12-18, 09:52 PM
I'm NG

Or I guess NE considering I'm a DM :smalltongue:

2009-12-18, 10:01 PM
Haley's NG...

No she isn't.

2009-12-18, 10:19 PM
well, aside from the inevitble nay-saying... i think its a good idea... the only problem i have with it is that elan will never die... he is too dumb-lucky to have to deal with that... and since this isn't DBZ, well... you get the picture... low INT and high CHA = the best AC vs storyline... ever

anywho, good idea.

The Pale King
2009-12-18, 10:35 PM
well, aside from the inevitble nay-saying... i think its a good idea... the only problem i have with it is that elan will never die... he is too dumb-lucky to have to deal with that... and since this isn't DBZ, well... you get the picture... low INT and high CHA = the best AC vs storyline... ever

anywho, good idea.
It's not even really death. He would only be in there for as long as it took for him to find the information. And since no mark of justice would be activated, Haley can just put his body in a bag of holding. Which she would without a doubt guard. Religiously.

Turkish Delight
2009-12-18, 10:40 PM
It won't happen. Aside from the very dubious idea that Girard...drop-a-tac-nuke-on-random-people-on-the-off-chance-they're-the-guy-I-don't-like Girard...is Chaotic Good, we've just gotten through a long arc with a PC dead and have received very, very little foreshadowing that Girard has kicked the bucket. It would be very sloppy writing.

2009-12-19, 07:58 PM
yaknow even if Girard had a different alignment than Haley and Elan, V was right by the explosion too.

2009-12-19, 08:04 PM
Haley's NG...
? Explain why you would think this.

2009-12-19, 08:24 PM
cant see haley as neutral on teh law-chaos scale. Possibly neutral on the good-evil scale but more likely good.

2009-12-19, 08:27 PM
If V's dead, one thing she might be able to do is use heavly powered scrying to search for Girard... that is unless the claws of hell don't grab her first...

2009-12-19, 08:33 PM
If V's dead, one thing she might be able to do is use heavly powered scrying to search for Girard... that is unless the claws of hell don't grab her first...

:vaarsuvius: This is.. inconvenient.

IFCC: You're telling us.

2009-12-19, 08:39 PM
:vaarsuvius: This is.. inconvenient.

IFCC: You're telling us.

After which I spend my entire break writing a crack pairing where everyone has a happy ending, because apparently my crack pairings are prophetic.

2009-12-19, 10:33 PM
Girard seems more Chaotic Neutral. Based on trying to blow up his old paladin associate, possibly even Chaotic Evil.

2009-12-19, 11:58 PM
Chaotic Evil is too far. He is not a demon eating the souls of babies.

CN or CG.

He seeeeeems too paranoic to be considered good, but then again, we don't have any information yet on how bad Soon's actions were.

2009-12-20, 01:04 AM
You can be good and hate someone's guts so much you leave a trap for them.

Just like you can be evil and have loved ones and friends.

We haven't seen enough of Girard to say what allignment he is yet. It's interesting that an unknown character is assumed good until proven evil. What good acts have we seen? He's spoken maybe three lines before his rant, and his rant was against someone he hates beyond reason.