View Full Version : Nocturnal in the Playground

2009-12-20, 09:33 AM
During the school days the only thing keeping me awake was the obligation. But even then I would feel drowsy and often fall asleep at school (but to be fair the fact that my school is astoundingly boring helps). Now that school is over for the year my obligations have gone. And wanna know what happened?

I starting browsing the forums while watching DVDs at 2 in the morning.

This is the thread for all your sleeping pattern discussing needs, are there any other members of the night watch here? Are you a day guy? Night guy? What's the story? Whatever it is, post it here! I'll start a topic.

Good god, nighttime TV sucks! I don't know about you guys but I am getting a little sick of informercials and noname westerns from the 1950s.

2009-12-20, 10:55 AM
I'm usually a night person, but i pushed it to more normal hours for the holidays.

2009-12-20, 11:01 AM
I work nights, usually from about 11pm until around 7-8 am. Thus, by neccessity, I am more-or-less nocturnal.

When I get off work I generally stay up until about 1-2pm and then sleep until around 9-9:30pm. This way, I'm usually fairly well-rested when I begin work each night so I can avoid nodding off during my shift. Also, it means I can run various daytime errands by daylight in the morning.

2009-12-20, 02:04 PM
I'm on a pretty bad sleep schedule what with ADD and studying for exams. I'm at the point where going to sleep at 5 AM is "OK, could be worse," and I have gone to sleep at 7 AM a few times over the course of this year.

2009-12-20, 02:14 PM
Count me in For the nocturnal folks... I was a night security guard 7 years ago, and I've never been able to get my sleeping schedule back to the normal human range of operation. Even when I manage it, I always drift back to the nighttime for one reason or another. I've since given up trying and resigned myself to always being tired when I have something to do at 9 in the morning.

2009-12-20, 02:21 PM
Always. University was out on Friday. Yesterday I was still awake at 3:30am, reading comics. And I slept until nearly four in the afternoon.

The Vorpal Tribble
2009-12-20, 02:32 PM
I'm... not sure what I'd call myself. I'm awake half the night, but also half the day I nap several hours, up several hours, and then repeat. So I'm partially nocturnal.

2009-12-20, 03:13 PM
I'm nocturnal by nature, morning person by necessity.

When I am not bound to rise for work or for for getting the kids off to school or making them breakfast on Sundays I will sleep in. Though if my schedule is regularly getting up in the morning (usually is) I will sleep in usually until 10 a.m. give or take on days off as my internal clock won't let me sleep much longer. This all depends on how restful my sleep is and that has varied depending on who is sharing my bed and their schedules and rhythms and all that stuff. Also varies depending on my physical activity for the day. Same as anyone else I'd imagine.

Anyway, at night I tend to stay up until midnight or 1:00 a.m. even on days when I need to be up at 6:30 a.m. or so and function just fine like that for the week often crashing on the weekend to make up for lost sleep earlier in the week. But when I do not have to get up in the morning I tend to stay up (if on my own) until maybe 3-4 a.m. or so.

When I play DnD with my friends, though, I am usually up until 5 or 6 a.m. even if I got up at 6:30 a.m. the same day (Yes, I know that technically the day ends at midnight so I should be saying "even if I got up at 6:30 a.m. the day prior" but in my DnD group the common saying is "It's not tomorrow until you wake up!" :smallwink: ). Needless to say I sleep in the next day (if I can) though still getting up by noon or so at the most. At the very least I sleep in until 10 a.m. I can function for a day on 4 hours of sleep but by 10 p.m. I crash then. DnD is more important than sleep, anyway. :smallamused:

Mauve Shirt
2009-12-20, 03:19 PM
I like getting at least 8 hours, so when I have to get up at 7:30 I'll go to bed at 11:00. I usually end up getting sleepy around 11:30 but I don't reach the passing-out point until like 3:00. If I don't have to wake up the next morning I'll stay up til around 1:00.

2009-12-20, 04:30 PM
No matter when I wake up, I'm usually not good for much until 10 am, so partially nocturnal I guess. I usually go to sleep around 1h 30 am if I have nothing to do in the morning, and I can function until about 4 if I'm not too behind on my sleep.

Decoy Lockbox
2009-12-21, 01:33 AM
When left to my own devices, I tend to go to bed at 7am and wake up at around 7pm, like clockwork. Of course, this doesn't really jive with what I'm doing right now (college) or what I want to do in life (a job that isn't security guard/night shift). I've been through numerous sleep studies to determine the cause for this, and they were inconclusive.

So I'm completely screwed!

Zeb The Troll
2009-12-21, 03:12 AM
My sleep schedule is often up for discussion. During the week, I work nights so I'm obligated to be awake from about 10pm to about 8:30am, which includes getting ready for work and commuting.

When I sleep during the day depends on a lot of factors. When did I get up the night before? Do I need to do anything before I go to bed? Did I nod off at work when it got slow? Do I need to be awake to watch PuddingTroll when Alarra goes to work in the afternoon? Unfortunately, these things don't always work in conjuction to provide harmony. Sometimes I'll have slept right up until I have to go to work, had a slow night at work, and be wide awake when I get home making it hard to go to sleep right away, but then Alarra will have a long night of work scheduled so I have to be awake in the evening. What usually happens is that I sleep all kinds of terrible weird hours, sometimes getting too much, sometimes not enough, and have no kind of set schedule during the day.

Then the weekend comes around and Alarra would like for me to have a more normal'ish schedule and wants me to go to bed at something like 2am or 3am. I understand why this is, but my body sometimes just won't let me sleep then.

Left to my own devices, though, my inclination is to sleep through the mornings and stay up all evening/night.

2009-12-21, 03:45 AM
When unbound by school schedules, I tend to stay up till sunrise and sleep until around noon or later. It takes some effort to readjust for school, but it works.

2009-12-21, 04:46 AM
I'm usually a nocturnal person as well. I tend to not be able to go to bed and fall asleep before midnight, and often not until after 1am.
Weekends, I tend to stay up until about 3-4 since I don't need to be up in the morning, but even then, I don't sleep more than 5-6 hours.
Even if I go to bed at 3 or 4am, I almost always end up waking up at around 7:30, at least for a few minutes, as that's my usual waking up-time when going to work.
However, I have no problem falling back asleep againg, which helps when I've only had 2 or 3 hours of sleep.

2009-12-21, 05:48 AM
I vary wildly.

I usually get up somewhere between 12AM and 11:59PM.

In general I tend to shift about an hour a day forward (ie. Wake up at 6AM on Monday, 7AM on Tuesday). However sometimes I end up staying up an unusually long amount of time (Usually from a new game) and this messes me up further for about a week.

However in general, I tend to be more active at night.

2009-12-23, 10:02 PM
i run on 30 hour days, If i go to bed at 10pm i don't feel like going to bed untill 4am the next day cycle.

with a full time 7-3 job 5-6 days a week, this is a problem. I need to win the lottery or something so i can retire early.

2009-12-24, 12:32 AM
You know, it's the darnedest thing, but while I'm at school, it's all I can do to stay up 'til midnight most of the time. Then I come back to my parents' house for the holidays and all of a sudden I can't fall asleep before 2 in the morning.

I blame it on the fact that they heat the house far, far more than I could ever afford to heat my apartment, and so I'm expending less energy on shivering.

2009-12-24, 01:23 AM
im only nocturnal because my sleep hygene is so rediculously poor

2009-12-24, 01:26 AM
I sleep whenever I get a chance. Night, day, whatever.