View Full Version : Rome (TV series)

2009-12-20, 09:36 AM
Ok, am I not alone here if I dare to say that Rome has been the best TV series in history?

Amazing plot, 100% credible and human characters, surprisingly great actors (M. Antonius is incredible!), good sense of humor, good fighting scenes, cute girls (and guys of course), great production and direction, and a looong etcetera. What do you think?

2009-12-20, 10:25 AM
S'okay. But then HBO does a lot of fantastic series. I'd be really hard-pushed to pick my favourite from Deadwood, Rome, The Wire and Mad Men.

I had a few problems watching Rome on TV first time around; it's definitely one of those better on DVD (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BetterOnDVD) series that should be watched en bloc.

The acting in the first episode of series one (Pompey especially) is a bit selfconsciously 'toga saga' in delivery, and the guy they picked as the older Augustus for series two was a complete woodentop who couldn't act for toffee.

That said Vorenus and Pullo are a great double act (both in macho - "Flavio's not coming." - and comedy - "How do you know this of her?!"), the younger Octavian (Max wotsit) was fun until he was put on a chariot, Octavia had some hilarious lines ("My mother's screaming. Does it bother you as it does me, or do you find it tribute to your manliness?"), and Atia is the best evil matriarch since Servilia. Also, James Purefoy is teh sex on legs. :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-20, 10:56 AM
I liked the first series very much. Most actors were great and the plot was acceptable and had it's moments. I think though they should have shown us more of Cassius and earlier as his character and motivations just appeared all out of the blue. But that's just a minor issue, I really liked the series.

The second series I liked a lot less, the plot felt like it was going nowhere, at least the plot with Pullo and Vorenus. With Caesar & Niobe dead and Octavian replaced by another actor, I feel a lot of the good was "lost" as many of the newly introduced character felt less real.

2009-12-20, 12:33 PM
Ok, am I not alone here if I dare to say that Rome has been the best TV series in history?

Amazing plot, 100% credible and human characters, surprisingly great actors (M. Antonius is incredible!), good sense of humor, good fighting scenes, cute girls (and guys of course), great production and direction, and a looong etcetera. What do you think?

I would side with you. One of the most incredible shows. Ever.

I miss ROME very, very, very much.

2009-12-20, 12:52 PM
Favorite tv show ever? Hmm, that's tough. It's up there.

Favorite HBO series? Without a doubt, and they're generally pretty good.

I liked both seasons, though I liked the first more simply because Julius Caesar was the most awesome character portrayal ever. Season 2 was great as well with the entire mob scenes

2009-12-20, 12:55 PM
Ok, am I not alone here if I dare to say that Rome has been the best TV series in history?

Amazing plot, 100% credible and human characters, surprisingly great actors (M. Antonius is incredible!), good sense of humor, good fighting scenes, cute girls (and guys of course), great production and direction, and a looong etcetera. What do you think?

Maybe not the best but, yeah, it was wonderful.

Some of the characters were memorable.
And yes, I'm refering to Pullo and Marc Antonius !! :smallsmile:

The plot was masterfully written, never letting me feel bored like Heroes, Lost or even Battlestar Galactica at some point. While not always historically accurate, it showed us what roman life could have been.

Yep... Good serie...

2009-12-20, 02:43 PM
I loved it. Furthermore, I didn't think the second season Octavian was badly acted. I think the emotionlessness was very much part of the character.

Dacia Brabant
2009-12-20, 11:59 PM
I liked the first series very much. Most actors were great and the plot was acceptable and had it's moments. I think though they should have shown us more of Cassius and earlier as his character and motivations just appeared all out of the blue. But that's just a minor issue, I really liked the series.

I think that's because the writers had to speed everything up when they were told that Season 2 would be the last, which is unfortunate since there's so much more they could've done with it.

And yeah, Octavianus is supposed to be cold and emotionless, he's the flippin' Magnificent Bastard of an empire that was full of them. So that was good, though on the flip side I felt that Livia Drusilla was given short shrift--but then I'm used to her portrayals in Tacitus, or "I, Claudius" (a better series IMO) or the last book of the "Masters of Rome" series.