View Full Version : [4e] The Cabinet of Faces - The Right Hand

Aron Times
2009-12-21, 02:51 PM
One by one, the members of the Right Hand make their way to the border town of Irontown, by Lightning Rail, by airship, or by portal.

((Please describe how you arrive at the Oxidda Inn.))

2009-12-21, 05:05 PM
Zulmak enter the Oxxida Inn, appearing as a tall human mage with blond hair and blue eyes. He quickly scan the room. After gauging the place, he goes directly toward the innkeeper
Hello kind miss, could my friend and I here please get some good food, wine and a room for two.
Upon paying for the services and receiving the key of his room, Zulmak ask
You might be able to help us further, we are looking for Gilon and Rosamun.

2009-12-21, 05:16 PM
After exiting the Lightning Rail, Grok-Ae, now assuming the form of a tall Goliath, makes his way to the Oxidia Inn and, scanning the room, he takes notice of the human mage and stares at him, trying to recognize if he's one of his teammates or not.

2009-12-21, 05:21 PM
Seeing Grok'ae Goliath form enter the Inn, as described to the meeting night, Zulmak stand up. noding to him, and make a gesture to invite him to his and Finn table.
Good night my friend, happy to see you could make it and come join us.

2009-12-21, 06:11 PM
Anil arrives at the Inn in his favorite half-elven form, wearing brilliant red clothing with purple designs sewn into it. He wears a monocle on his left eye, and takes long, deliberate steps. As he enters the Inn, shoving the doors as wide open as he can, he very nearly dances to the Barkeeper, with a massive smile across his face.
Why hello dear barkeep! I, as you surely know, am Al-aroth Hasiin! I've come here looking for some friends of mine,
And here he takes his monocle, moving it to his right eye, using the motion to show off the bright golden band across his finger, a band in the shape of an ouroboris.
And I had hoped you could direct me to them! These illustrious friends of mine would be a Gilon, and a Rosamun, Dear Barkeep, and if you would be so kind as to point me in the right direction?

2009-12-21, 07:25 PM

Jain arrived in Irontown with little issue, coming in on the Lightning rail from Vulyar. Hmm, they're lucky I was on this side of Khorvair. He mused as he thought about the events that brought him to Karrnath in the first place, namely one more dead end in a string of dead ends. Still, it turned out to be for the best.

Entering Oxidda Inn, Jain surveyed the room as he walked toward the bar. As he said in the dreaming realm, he was in the form of dwarf with dark hair. His armor bore the red stripes of commander for his former unit, and a sword that looked like it might be just a touch too large for someone of his size was sheathed on his back. He might have been intimidating, if not for his pleasant attitude. When he located the innkeeper, Jain walked over to her, clearing his throat to get her attention, "Excuse me, I'm looking for a couple acquaintances of mine and I was told I could find out about them here. Their names are Gilon and Rosamun. There should be others looking for them as well, who probably beat me here."

2009-12-22, 05:41 AM
Greetings. the Goliath says with a deep voice. He takes a seat and, waving for the barkeeper, he orders some ale. He sees the other two enter the Inn and waves for them. Here friends, come join us!

Aron Times
2009-12-22, 10:45 AM
The innkeeper, a middle-aged dwarf woman, raises an eyebrow at the... colorful party that just arrived. It looks like this group will not be keeping a low profile. This group will be noticed, especially with the giant traveling with them. But she shouldn't complain. This part of Karrnath had been long neglected by the King, and she shouldn't look this gift horse in the mouth.

"I will have your horses ready by tomorrow morning", she says to the group. "And please tell His Majesty that I apologize for doubting him, and that I am grateful for getting the help that I had asked for. It's about time someone took care of the troubles in this region."

2009-12-22, 10:47 AM
Waiting for everyone to be seated, Zulmak say
"Well met, I am happy that we all could make it at the appointed time. Some of us were quite far, I am sorry for those who had to wait a long time for us to come around" Giving a small shurg toward Grok'ae.

To the innkeeper greeting Zulmak bow slightly,
Thank you kind miss, these accomodations are really appreciated. We have been directed to seek for Gilon and Rosamun, maybe you can help us with this?

2009-12-22, 11:01 AM
It's ok. I took some time to commune with the land around Irontown. He takes a gulp of his ale. Then, after making shure he wasnt being listened and lowering his voice to a whisper only audible by his companions, he says So, phase one is done, as for phase 2, when should we depart for Lakeside?

2009-12-22, 01:27 PM

Finn makes her way to Irontown by way of the Lightning Rail. With little troubles she makes her way to the Oxidda Inn. Seeing her mates there she walks over and sits down with them and nods

What did I miss?

2009-12-22, 03:30 PM
Resisting the urge to face-palm himself, Zulmak realize : I hope Gilon and Rosamun isnt just a code to warn the Innkeeper and really some people... I must learn faster of this gig.

Using Finn arrival to scan discretly the room for people who might be paying to much attention to us, he greets her with a smile
You did not miss much Ms Finn, we were just getting some food and drinks. Have a seat.
Lowering slightly his tone like Grok'ae, but not too much so it doesnt look suspicious, Zulmak continues
The Innkeeper will provide horses for us tommorow morning, so unless any of you have a good reason to delay, I would say we leave early.

Aron Times
2009-12-22, 10:40 PM
After all that traveling, a good night's sleep refreshes you for the journey to come. It is an odd, seemingly instantaneous, dreamless sleep; you remember going to bed at night, and a moment later, you wake up and the sun is up.

Lakeside is a small town built on the northwestern banks of Lake Dark. Lakeside supplies the surrounding regions with food from the bountiful farms that form a ring around the town as well as the plentiful fish caught in Lake Dark. Being close to the border with the neutral Mror Holds and too far away from the front lines, Lakeside was spared the ravages of the Last War. However, this safety has its downsides in that the area has been long neglected since the beginning of War, having no strategic value whatsoever.

Approaching the town late in the afternoon, you are greeted by the sounds of work, the smells of cookfires, and the sights of the townfolk hustling and bustling around as they go about their day. A small group of riders exits the town's gates at the same time you arrive, and they greet you as fellow travelers on the road, quite a rare sight in this remote backwater town.

2009-12-22, 11:32 PM
Locals, adventurers or travelers? Let find out.,Zulmak return their greetings with a smile
Well met good sires, are you from this town or simply moving to the next? If the later, the road was quite safe on our way here, tough I dont know how it will be at night.

Aron Times
2009-12-24, 07:55 AM
The group of six is led by a short woman in blue. Beside her rides a tall swordsman who looks like he could kill you all singlehandedly without breaking a sweat. Following closely behind the odd couple are three young men and a young woman. One of the young men winks at Finn and smiles at her.

The woman in blue says, "Well met, friends. We are in for a long trip, all the way to Arcanix.". She turns to the smiling young man. "Matrim, leave her alone."

You learn from the travelers that the people of Lakeside are wary of strangers, not directly hostile, but they give the impresiion that outsiders are not welcome. This is odd behavior for town that serves as a trading post for the region. You also find out that one of the King's Inquisitives arrived a few hours before you, another oddity since this area has been long neglected by the crown.

The travelers bid you farewell, and you enter the gates of Lakeside.

2009-12-24, 10:34 AM
Ok, so the townsfolk are a little bit hostile, lets be carefull. I guess this can be understood since they have been neglected by the king.
Farewell travelers, may the road be safe for you.
Upon entering the town, while out of hearing of the townsfolk, he says to his companions
Ok friends, I think we should start at the the Inn. The Innkeeper should be at least relativly friendly to travelers, we are the sources of his earnings after all.

2009-12-24, 01:21 PM

Thanking the other travellers for their time, Jain agrees with Zulmak's plan when they have moved off. "Aye, the inn's always a good place to find local information. We're more likely to find that King's Inquisitive there as well. We should find out what brings him here."

2009-12-24, 01:56 PM
Noding to Jain
You are quite right sir Jain, finding that man and his purpose here should also be among our priorities. I think we should let Ms Finn deal with this,
Giving a quick smile at Finn.
I traveled with her and she is quite good when diplomacy is needed.

2009-12-24, 04:06 PM
Anil follows behind the group, taking in the scenery along the way. As the conversation comes to the inquisitive, he very nearly perks up, speaking in a quick, slightly aundarian accent
Will we be sending someone with her? We have no way to know if this inquisitive is actually a royal, and I can't imagine leaving our diplomat alone with what amounts to a spy will turn out in any kind of good.
He then takes off his monocle and begins wiping it off on his jacket.

Aron Times
2009-12-24, 05:25 PM
There is only one inn in Lakeside, a large building called the Nine Kings. It is run by an middle-aged shifter and his family, and it bears the Ghallanda seal. On the way to the Nine Kings, you encounter a large gathering in the middle of town.

Making your way to the front, you see a young woman with fiery-red hair dressed in the King's Inquisitives uniform surrounded by seven armed men, a group of unsavory types. The leader of the thugs speaks to the Inquisitive. "We took easily care of the last group of hounds, and now they send someone completely alone? Let's hope you can satisfy us, unlike the ones in the last group..."

2009-12-24, 07:08 PM
We need to keep the people on our side if possible.
Looking around the crowd, Zulmak tries to judge if the villagers are in agreement with the thugs or if they are letting this happens in fear of them.

If i need to roll for it :
Insight : [roll0]

2009-12-25, 12:24 AM

Anil sighs at the proceedings, before readying his short sword and waiting for his new-found allies to pick a side.
Which of them shall we strike at? The inquisitive? the thugs?

Aron Times
2009-12-25, 02:48 PM
Roll for Initiative, and post what you plan on doing.

2009-12-25, 07:01 PM
Anil hesitates, unsure of which group to target. He decides to stay at range regardless, and so pulls our a few shuriken, while shouting to Jain
Give me our target!

Alrighty then, [roll0], and I'm assuming we'll be targeting the thugs, but I'm not entirely sure. So I'm going to use that as a baseline, but if I'm wrong, it should work either way. Now then, Minor Action: Draw Shuriken, if one of the tougher allies goes before me and somehow isolates a thug to where I can flank it without being flanked, I'll move to do so, if not, I'll remain standing where I am, and toss some shuriken towards the thug nearest me using Standard Action: Sly flourish. [roll1] Vs AC, [roll2] Now, if I go before them, or achieve a flanking position otherwise, I'll have [roll3]. If I achieve the flank, I'll use the shortblade in my other hand, but the same attack, which adds 3 damage for Cha, I forgot to add it into the rolls.

2009-12-25, 07:03 PM
well, previewing posts cancels rolls. Neat. Attack:,Damage:[roll]1d6+7,sneak attack:[roll1]

Also, you have to combine modifiers into one. neat. Well, attack and sneak attack worked, I'll go ahead and leave the damage roll up to you.

2009-12-25, 09:14 PM

When it seems obvious that the thugs have ill intentions towards the Inquisitive, Jain sees no other options than to draw his blade and charge to her rescue.

Initiative: [roll0]
Assuming no one moves into my way, I'll head to G7. Attacking the thug with Viper's Strike and using ageis of assault on the leader.
attack:[roll1] vs AC
Damage: [roll2]
Whether or not I hit, if the thug shifts before the end of my next turn, it provokes an opportunity attack from an ally of my choice.

As a side note, Joseph, I'd suggest you roll initiative yourself for us. Doing this roll and give a hypothetical action we'll take is a bit more trouble than it's worth.

((All allies should remember they get a +2 on initiative rolls from me.))

2009-12-25, 09:18 PM

Are the villagers supporting the thugs? I'll assume they are not, my action (mainly what I'll say) might be different if they are supporting them.
Zulmak reply to the thug leader,
Seven against one, you sires show great courage in face of such a great treath! What does that lady do to deserve such a treatment?

Initiative : [roll0]

I plan on protecting the lady.

Add 2 to the initiative roll - Jain Bonus
Also, position is important for my actions, I plan on using an area effect to hit as much enemies as possible.

Aron Times
2009-12-25, 09:29 PM
Okay, that was a bit awkward, so let us start all over again. From this point forward, I'll handle the Initiative checks to save time.

Zulmak 7
Jain 4
Anil [roll0]
Grok'ae Wildfury [roll1]
Finn [roll2]
Thugs [roll3]

Edit: The Right Hand gets a surprise round, and combat turns are as follows:

Grok'ae Wildfury

The townsfolk are afraid of the thugs. They clearly do not like their presence, but since this area hasn't seen any law enforcement for a long time, these extortionists are basically their only protection against bandits, wild animals, and other dangers of lawless areas. They will not raise a hand against the bandits, but neither will they help you or the inquisitive.

2009-12-25, 09:52 PM
Anil hesitates, unsure of which group to target. He decides to stay at range regardless, and so pulls our a few shuriken, while shouting to Jain
Give me our target!
So I'm assuming we are starting all over again, and I'll respond along those lines. Minor:Draw Shuriken,Standard:Make a Sly Flourish attack against the thug nearest me,Move:Shift to I,3, and the rolls for all that are:Attack:+ 2 added for combat advantage,[roll0],Damage:[roll1],Sneak attack,granted by acting first,[roll2] I hope and pray that this works.

2009-12-25, 09:59 PM
I'm charging to H6 in the surprise round then, I'll let the previous attack and damage roll stand for the basic melee attack.

Aron Times
2009-12-25, 10:07 PM
Anil delivers a critical hit for 25 damage! Anil's shuriken strikes true, his target bleeding profusely and barely able to stand. Jain charges towards another thug and lands a clean blow for 10 damage!

2009-12-25, 11:59 PM
well, that was lucky, wasn't it?
Anil smiles widely as the foolish thug struggles, spinning a shuriken between his thumb and forefinger, before laughingly calling to his allies
And I wasn't even trying all that hard!

2009-12-26, 12:56 AM

Standard : Attack power Cloud of daggers (area burst 1) centered on F3
Attack on G4 VS reflex : [roll0]
Attack on E3 VS reflex : [roll1]
Damage : 1D6+4 force damage

After a quick gesture and a few arcane words, a lots of tiny force daggers appears within the zone and cut everything within it. Creatures who start their turn or enter the area takes 1 force damage. This last until the end of my next turn.

2009-12-26, 12:58 AM
Formula error (not that i think i got any hit)

Aron Times
2009-12-26, 11:45 AM
Cloud of Daggers is an Area 1 attack, which means it only affects one square (it's not a burst or a blast). Anyway, your attack misses, but the lingering daggers will graze the thug on his next turn.

2009-12-26, 01:31 PM
I never noticed it isnt a burst. I would have targeted the G4 Thug (to have a chance to finish it).

2009-12-26, 08:01 PM

Standard: Vicious Mockery on e7
Roll to hit vs will [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Aron Times
2009-12-27, 04:45 PM
The King's Inquisitive engages the leader of this band of thugs. His underlings charge towards the party. The thug that Anil injured runs away, despite threats of violence against cowardice by his leader.

I2 Thug Attack: [roll0] vs. Anil's AC, Hit: [roll1] damage and Anil is marked until the end of the thug's next turn.
I3 Thug Attack: [roll2] vs. Anil's AC, Hit: [roll3] damage.
G5 Thug Attack: [roll4] vs. Jain's AC, Hit: [roll5] damage and Jain is marked until the end of the thug's next turn.
G6 Thug Attack: [roll6] vs. Jain's AC, Hit: [roll7] damage.
G7 Thug Attack: [roll8] vs. Jain's AC, Hit: [roll9] damage.

Anil and Jain are bloodied.

2009-12-28, 01:39 AM
Not entirely sure how it's the thug's turn to attack, since after the surprise round, Anil,Grok'ae Wildfury, Finn should all have another full set of actions, but whatever, I can deal.


Though outnumbered, Jain fights on, mostly a delaying action while his friends deal with the other adversaries. "You think that's enough to bring me down?" he asks the thugs, "I'm just getting started". Even the foes in his face, he still binds his sword's power to the thug's leader, distracting him from the Inquisitive.

Minor: Inspiring word on myself, healing a surge + [roll0]
Standard: Second Wind, gaining another 6 hp and +2 to all defenses until the end of my next turn.
Minor: Mark the thug leader with Ageis of Assault. If we attacks the Inquisitive from the current position, teleport to F6 and attack.

EDIT: not bad on the healing, healed 18 hp, almost back to full, though the Ageis attack will fail.

2009-12-28, 05:46 AM
Grok'Ae circles around and launches vines at one thug, pulling him close, and then smashes him with his hammer. He then takes perception of where exactly his nearby enemies are and mentally marks them, promissing them that they will not escape.

i sometimes mess up with the rolls so i apologize in advance if they get screwed somehow

Move: J6>I7>I8>H9>G9>F8
Standard: Thorn Strike vs Thug on G6
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
On Hit: [roll1] and pull to F7
Brutal 2 Reroll 1 (if needed): [roll2]
Brutal 2 Reroll 2 (if needed): [roll3]
Brutal 2 Reroll 3 (if needed): [roll4]
Free Action: Nature's Wrath: Mark each adjacent enemy

Aron Times
2009-12-28, 09:52 AM
Ah crap. Forgot about the surprise round. It would be too inconvenient to redo everything, so I hope you don't mind me accidentally robbing you of your surprise round.

2009-12-28, 09:55 AM
Ah crap. Forgot about the surprise round. It would be too inconvenient to redo everything, so I hope you don't mind me accidentally robbing you of your surprise round.
for me it's ok :)

Aron Times
2009-12-28, 10:33 AM
Okay, I seriously messed up the turn order. Didn't notice that DnDrake didn't take his turn until now, and I forgot about the surprise round. So far, everyone has acted in round 1.

Round 2 begins. Jain's action will take place on his Initiative count.


Aron Times
2009-12-28, 10:36 AM
OOPS wrong thread! :smalleek:


Io [roll0]
Pax [roll1]
Cassidy [roll2]
Nit [roll3]
Dolores [roll4]
Ambushed Goblin Ambushed Party [roll5]

Initiative Count

Io 21
Pax 18
Cassidy 15
Ambushed Goblin Ambushed Party 13
Nit 8
Dolores 8

Begin Surprise Round


I assume you are dismounted. Which horse is the scepter with?

2009-12-28, 11:19 AM
OOC for everyone.

It is all cool JS, dont worry too much about it.
I guess we start round 2, so it is Anil turn now.
I suggest, to make it easy to follow, that when we end our turn, we should say who is up next in the initiative count : Exemple :when my turn will come up, I'll call my action, then add End of turn, it's Jain turn now. It would be easyer for everyone to follow.
I hope i am not oversteeping my place JS, just trying to make it easyer for everyone.
It's Anil Turn now

Aron Times
2009-12-28, 12:44 PM
OOC for everyone.
It is all cool JS, dont worry too much about it.
I guess we start round 2, so it is Anil turn now.
I suggest, to make it easy to follow, that when we end our turn, we should say who is up next in the initiative count : Exemple :when my turn will come up, I'll call my action, then add End of turn, it's Jain turn now. It would be easyer for everyone to follow.
I hope i am not oversteeping my place JS, just trying to make it easyer for everyone.
Not a problem at all. That's actually how we do it in online MapTool/Ventrilo games.

2009-12-28, 07:26 PM
Anil winces in pain as the thugs prove slightly more accurate than he had wished. Not willing to die quite yet, he digs into a deep reserve of malice, while bringing his short-sword up to face the thug currently waving a sword in his face. He then shouts to him
You wish to fight Al-aroth! Then face me like a
before making good on the distraction to leap away and toss a Shuriken the thugs way.
Alright then, Action point~for standard into a second wind, so I'm no longer bloodied, and then take a move action to shift to K4, and making a sly flourish attack against Thug I2. Attack:[roll0],Damage:[roll1]. Don't have combat advantage at the moment, so go me.

Aron Times
2009-12-28, 07:49 PM
((Aren't you going to use Changeling Trick to gain combat advantage? There's still time to redo.))

2009-12-28, 08:24 PM
Well, I had assumed I shouldn't, due to the "don't show what you are." clause, but if you'll let it pass, I'm for it, yeah, so assuming that changeling trick wont reveal what I am, I'll toss that in before I toss the shuriken, which adds 2 to my attack, and [roll0] damage for being sneaky.

2009-12-28, 08:30 PM
Ah, should prolly make my bluff roll for the move, huh? actually, I"m going to do two, to try and make this work, if the first defaults out, I'll leave the second one in as a replacement thingy. [roll0]. And [roll1]

2009-12-29, 03:24 AM
Still face to face with the thugs, Grok'Ae slams one of them hard with his harmmer to try to finish him. Then, he studies the battlefield again and mentaly mark the enemies close to him

Standard Action: Earth Shield Strike vs Thug on F7
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1] and I gain 1 power bonus to AC UENT
Brutal 2 Reroll 1: [roll2]
Brutal 2 Reroll 2: [roll3]
Brutal 2 Reroll 3: [roll4]
Free Action: Nature's Wrath: Mark each adjacent enemy

Also, for the immediate reactions...should i post the rolls now or wait until they try to do something and then roll?

2009-12-30, 12:24 PM
Finn looks at the madness ensuing and smiles. she points her implement at one of the thugs and calls his mother a whore.

Standard: Vicious Mockery on Thug on G5
Attack: [roll0] vs will
Damage: [roll1] and takes a -2 on attack rolls

Aron Times
2010-01-11, 05:41 PM

Several thugs are wounded and run away. The rest of them, who are uninjured, flee as well. The leader turns toward them, making grave threats against them and their families and their friends and their little dogs, too, to no avail. He tries to run away, but is tripped by the King's Inquisitive.

The battle is over before it even began.

2010-01-11, 11:25 PM
Seing that the thugs are fleeing , Zulmak decide not to press the advantage on them. He move in position to stop the leader if need be and smile to him,
It would appear that there is six of us agaisnt you alone now. You would be well advised to drop your weapons and surrender.
Zulmak ready himself in just in case the leader is foolish enough to try to fight on or run. He then leave the questionning to more competent hands.

Actions :
Move Action: Move I4->H3->G3->F3
Minor :Draw tome implement
Standard : Ready Ray of frorst on Thug leader if he doesnt surrender (fight on or run)
Ray of frost on Thug leader if Triggered :
Attack roll VS fortitude : [roll0]
Hit : [roll1]cold damage and the target is slowed UENT.

End of Zulmak turn, Jain is next.

Zulmak Status
HP : 24/24
AC:14 FORT:12 REF:14 WILL:16
Main Hand : Nothing
Off Hand : Tome implement
Powers :
Cloud of Daggers
Ray of Frost
Changeling Trick
Grasping Shadows (Tome of readiness)
Force Orb
Majestic Word
Horrid Whispers

Effects :
Cloud of daggers (G4) UENT Ended
Readied action : Ray of frost if the thug dont surrender (fight or run).

2010-01-12, 12:54 AM

Stepping up to the currently grounded leader himself, Jain levels his blade at the thug. "Aye, I'd take my friend's advice if I were you." While keeping an eye on the foe, he queries the woman they rescued, "Are you all right ma'am? We thought it was quite unfair of them to attack you 7 on 1, hope you don't mind that we came in to even the odds a bit." He gives her a wink at this last comment.

Aron Times
2010-01-14, 08:38 PM
The leader of the thugs opens his mouth as if to curse at his captors, but decides not to. The Inquisitive greets you.

"I am Mierin Skyfield of the King's Inquisitives. I would thank you for your help, but first, who are you and what are you doing here?"

2010-01-14, 09:19 PM

"I'm Jain Bladeguide, formerly of Breland. My companions and I are adventurers, we came after hearing this area needed some assistance. Though if the Inquisitives have turned their attention here, perhaps our talents won't be needed." Jain says as he introduced himself.

2010-01-14, 11:35 PM
Anil sheathes his weapons, and walks slowly towards the inquisitive, taking out a small cloth and wiping off his monocle. As he reaches a more comfortable point, he says in a quiet tone.
I, my fair lady, am Al-aroth Hasiin, merchant adventurer.

2010-01-16, 05:27 AM
I'm Grok'Ae, from the Wildfury Clan. Well met.

2010-01-19, 02:10 PM
Bowing slightly to her, Zulmak introduce himself,
Well met miss Skyfield, I am Zulmak. As sir Bladeguide told you, we came here because of some rumors about this area needing some help. These rumors werent very detailed, but I guess they werent false if we consider these thugs trouble. We just came into town, so we didnt had time yet to gather informations and learn more of the problems around these parts.
Raising an eyebrow at the inquisitive, Zulmak add,
Perhaps you can tell us more?

Aron Times
2010-01-22, 08:26 PM
Inquisitive Skyfield handcuffs the leader of the thugs to keep him from trying something stupid. He is now completely docile, the hostility completely gone from him. His face is completely devoid of emotion.

"I have been sent here to investigate reports of an large and well-organized group of thugs preying on travelers. They attack brazenly in broad daylight, but when they meet opposition, they try to flee as quickly as possible. Those who are captured end up like this..." She points to the emotionless prisoner.

"Those in our custody seem like dead men walking. They do not talk, they do not react to anything, and they barely eat anything. It feels quite eerie, to be honest with you."

"This small town doesn't have a Watch building, so I am staying at a local inn, which doubles as the Inquisitives' headquarters. We need all the help we can get."

2010-01-23, 12:22 AM
Noding to Miss Skyfield, Zulmak answer,
So that is what have been happening. We did come here to help the town with their problems, so I am sure we can join forces.
Zulmak takes a closer look at the man trying to judge if he fake the emotionless part or not.
Miss Skyfeild, you say they all become 'zombielike' like this man when they get captured? Do they still react to pain? Maybe Grok'Ae can test it if it havent been done before...
Says Zulmak in a really calm voice, searching the man for some reaction..
After seeing that, he resume speaking with the inquisitive.
This may also come from a spell put on them. With your aprobation, I can try to check for traces of enchantments on him.

Taking a look at the townfolks around them, he continue to address the inquisitive.
The townfolks seem afraid of them, did you had time to check with them? I am quite curious if they know these mens or if they are complete strangers.

I try to judge the man reaction, more so when i offer Grok'ae torture.
Insight : [roll0]
If the inquisitive allow it, I'll try to detect magic on the thug. (might do it at the Inn if whe wants to morve there first)
Arcana :[roll1]

2010-01-25, 04:44 AM
Hearing Zulmak's offer of torture, Grok-Ae moves a step in the direction of the thug, showing off his broad muscles and clenching his right fist on his left hand, while doing the most wicked smile he can.

Intimidate Check: [roll0]