View Full Version : What the hell microsoft?

2009-12-22, 10:18 AM

This is a joke right?

Emperor Ing
2009-12-22, 10:21 AM
Don't worry, this isn't happening, everything's gonna be fine.

2009-12-22, 10:25 AM
Achievement unlocked! You are a fat loser!

2009-12-22, 10:26 AM
Sounds like a damn good idea.

Now if they can just figure out a way to see if you smell bad we would be doing awsome.

Man I hate telling people I'm a gamer, as they always picture a FAT smelly basement dweller, ala South park's WoW episode.

Green Bean
2009-12-22, 10:28 AM
*snerk* This is a hilarious idea. Of course, the big problem would be which indicators of physical fitness the Xbox can actually measure.

2009-12-22, 10:28 AM
"To incentivize people to improve their physical well-being, Microsoft's filing notes that gamers will be locked out of certain components of a game or a chat room until the proper health parameters are met."

"Alternatively or in addition, the degree of health can unlock additional playing time or can unlock certain aspects of a game, such as additional levels."

"Physical data that reflects a degree of health of the real person can be linked to rewards of capabilities of a gaming avatar, an amount of time budgeted to play, or a visible indication,"

"Microsoft's filing goes on to note that it wouldn't just be physical characteristics that could be refined. "The physical characteristics can be further extended to psychological traits associated with the physical person, including intelligence, religious beliefs, political affiliations, and hobbies that affect the rendering of an avatar," the application reads."

Saying that they are going to lock you out of parts of a game for your physical appearance is messed up, but then mentioning that they could also find out your religion and political affiliations is what is most worrying.

Green Bean
2009-12-22, 10:31 AM
Saying that they are going to lock you out of parts of a game for your physical appearance is messed up, but then mentioning that they could also find out your religion and political affiliations is what is most worrying.

Unless they added brain scanners to the next Live update, you're probably fine.

2009-12-22, 10:33 AM
This is a joke right?

It's Microsoft my friend. They're the living example that reality will always be more terrifying than any fiction.

Luckily, there are other good gaming systems on the markets(ps2), better systems (PC) or just plain awesome(Wii).

So let Microsoft burn money on their mad quest for software dominance. When people start deserting the system, they'll rethink this.

After all, if one is physicaly fit and good looking, why the hell are they wasting time in a chat in a mediocre system like the Xbox 360 in the first place?

The most funny thing of all, however, is that this will do nothing to make people exercise more, at best it'll make people hack more to get fake data of their physical condition, or just ditch the Xbox360 alltogheter when they can't play the games they paid money for because of physical requirements.

All of this assuming they can implement all of these promises.. But being Microsoft, well, no hurries.

2009-12-22, 10:34 AM
I'll agree that it doesnt sound like a perfect anwser.

But seriously, any little bit helps. Go into almost any Game Store/Con/Tabletop anything and you will see and smell why this is not that bad an idea.

The worst part of the whole idea is that it really is needed, thats just freakin sad.

2009-12-22, 10:34 AM
Yeah, um...I'm not much of a console gamer so this doesn't affect me anyway, but my primary reaction is, "...Bill Gates decided he had enough money and didn't want any more, I take it?"

2009-12-22, 10:37 AM
Unless they added brain scanners to the next Live update, you're probably fine.

"The filing also indicates ways in which Microsoft can facilitate determining an individual's mental health or mood. "For example, as a person utilizes Voice over IP to chat with a viewing person in the virtual environment, stress could be detected to gauge honesty," the application notes. "As another example, skin resistance, pulse, and breathing could be detected to gauge mood."

"The filing details a way in which Microsoft can introduce a heightened degree of reality into the appearance of gamers' avatars by utilizing a third-party health-care data repository"

Feasible or not, the fact that they are honestly trying and can't see anything wrong with it worries me.

2009-12-22, 10:37 AM
I'm pretty sure it is a joke.

I think this would actually be illegal in most countries. You certainly would not be allowed to offer such a "service" in Germany, and I assume it's similar for the rest of the EU.

2009-12-22, 10:42 AM
I'm pretty sure it is a joke.

I think this would actually be illegal in most countries. You certainly would not be allowed to offer such a "service" in Germany, and I assume it's similar for the rest of the EU.

The joke is that microsoft would never be able to implement this sytem in the first place, unless they've stolen bought it from someone else.

2009-12-22, 10:42 AM
I'm pretty sure it is a joke.

I think this would actually be illegal in most countries. You certainly would not be allowed to offer such a "service" in Germany, and I assume it's similar for the rest of the EU.

They link to the actual patent in the article, it seems to be genuine.

2009-12-22, 10:44 AM

I'm considerably underweight, and while not incredibly social IRL, I do a good amount of talking to people over Live.

What's it going to do to me then? Prevent me from stopping playing?

2009-12-22, 10:48 AM
Well, a few games make you pay to unlock DLC already in the game. I guess a company trying to make players get fit rather than just asking for more money is nice?

Still pretty what the hell though, yeah. :/

Kris Strife
2009-12-22, 10:49 AM
Yay for Sony leaving me the hell alone to be as (un)healthy and social (in)capable as I want! :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-22, 10:54 AM

I'm considerably underweight, and while not incredibly social IRL, I do a good amount of talking to people over Live.

What's it going to do to me then? Prevent me from stopping playing?

That's what I was thinking.

"Our data reports you're very skinny and incredibly handsome. We recommend a marathon Dragon Age session to fix both problems. Incidentally, have you ever eaten Mexican?"

2009-12-22, 11:06 AM
I find it offensive for a company to prohibit acces to certain game features based on appearance. And they say that they can add your race and religion or something like that into their database ? What next ? He wont let me get a certain weapon because of my religious beliefs ?

2009-12-22, 11:24 AM
... They actually want to "Prohibit" a certain gaming group from access, or at the very least alienating them?

They must've lobotimized their whole PR section, and got the other sections Really REALLY drunk.

Dark Faun
2009-12-22, 11:31 AM
The filing also indicates ways in which Microsoft can facilitate determining an individual's mental health or mood. "For example, as a person utilizes Voice over IP to chat with a viewing person in the virtual environment, stress could be detected to gauge honesty," the application notes. "As another example, skin resistance, pulse, and breathing could be detected to gauge mood."
Why am I getting 1984 vibes here?

And I guess they never heard of glandular problems.

Johnny Blade
2009-12-22, 11:51 AM
"Password accepted. To finish login process, stand up and perform 10 sit-ups."

"Huh? What the hell?"

"You did not perform the required sit-ups on time. Second try starts in 3, 2, 1..."

"What the...!? I'm paraplegic!"

"You did not perform the required sit-ups on time. Last try starts in 3, 2, 1..."


"You did not perform the required sit-ups on time. Login process failed."

"YOU...****ING...PIECE OF..."

"Heavy breathing detected after failed attempts at getting up and performing sit-ups. User obviously morbidly obese. Unit will self-destruct to protect user from own video game abuse. Best waddle for your life, fatso. Deadly explosion in 3, 2, 1..."


2009-12-22, 11:55 AM
This is the best, most lulzy idea Microsoft has had in a long time. I heartily approve, and look forward to the resulting drama.

2009-12-22, 12:17 PM
right... I can just imagine the look on the Microsoft CEO's faces when they see masses of people across the globe lining up to throw their Xbox consoles into a bonfires.

2009-12-22, 12:24 PM
well then i beleive microsoft made my descision for me..

ps3 it is.

2009-12-22, 12:33 PM
This is complete bullcrap, and I'm in shape.

They're doing this to make you want to blow money on their ***tty avatar store, nothing more.

2009-12-22, 12:36 PM

This is a joke right?

I sure hope so. :smallfrown:

Mercenary Pen
2009-12-22, 12:39 PM
Yeah, um...I'm not much of a console gamer so this doesn't affect me anyway, but my primary reaction is, "...Bill Gates decided he had enough money and didn't want any more, I take it?"

I believe that Bill Gates is no longer the man at the helm of Microsoft...

2009-12-22, 12:42 PM
This is complete bullcrap, and I'm in shape.

They're doing this to make you want to blow money on their ***tty avatar store, nothing more.

This may be terrifyingly truth. Either:

1-They'll give you the chance to pay extra if you're not "fit enough".
2-Microsoft is starting an exercise line.

But again, I must point out that I can't see microsoft developing such advanced technology out of nowhere. They're probably registering the patent to prevent others from doing so.

2009-12-22, 12:57 PM
But again, I must point out that I can't see microsoft developing such advanced technology out of nowhere. They're probably registering the patent to prevent others from doing so.

No need to get up and panicky about it. They're not slating anything for development, they haven't even cleared the patent. They haven't, as far as we know, done anything. And even if they did...yeah, there's no way they could technologically manage this, unless they're hiding some ultra-advanced hi-tech that not even the military has.

At best, any attempt to make this happen would be uber-clunky.

2009-12-22, 01:22 PM
I kinda like the idea. I don't think it's being implemented the best possible way, but at least it's a start. Here in America we have an epidemic of childhood and teenage obesity, something that will cost us insane amounts in the long run. Being in shape will improve your quality of life, give you more energy, not require thousands of dollars of medication for complications such as diabetes and the like, and can greatly increase your lifespan.
That being said, I wonder how exactly it would be implemented. Would these things apply only to bonus content that you would have to have purchased? If so, then I think that's fair enough. Or would it apply to sections that come with the game that you paid for? Because that wouldn't be as cool.
And how would the tests work? Will people have to perform some task that is suited to their existing condition, or would it be a flat, standard goal for everyone? The first would be much more appropriate. And I have to believe that Microsoft will have a way to make these things go away for the disabled or incapable. If they don't, after the huge ****storm I imagine they will make a way.
I don't think Microsoft will make these things too hard for people if this project is true. If they're smart, they should see that once people start exercising, they can usually continue of their free will. Maybe Microsoft intends to provide a starting impulse, which wouldn't have to be very big at all.

However, the political, psychological, and religious monitoring scares me immensely. I would ditch my XBox if they actually came through with that segment of the plan. And if I had an XBox.

2009-12-22, 01:45 PM
I look forward to my Halo WASP Gun. It's pretty much the hivehand from Halflife, but way better.

2009-12-22, 02:15 PM
Man I hate telling people I'm a gamer, as they always picture a FAT smelly basement dweller, ala South park's WoW episode.

I cackled at the thought of telling someone (in person) that I'm a gamer, and suddenly appearing at least 150 pounds heavier and 150 [units] smellier to them. That's not to say that I don't suddenly become 150 [units] more alien to them.

2009-12-22, 02:19 PM
I don't think they can or will do this, for several reasons:
1.I think the US Constitution does not allow stuff like this, and microsoft is based in the US IIRC. Next thing you know some bloke sues them and takes it to the supreme court.
2. It would kill their business.
3. The original software will no doubt be buggy and ruin their reputation, example:

12 year old kid: Let's game!
Xbox: You're too fat!
12 year old kid: What? I weigh only 100 pounds!

Course, I don't need to worry about this, I don't own a Xbox, and I'm underweight to begin with.

"The physical characteristics can be further extended to psychological traits associated with the physical person, including intelligence, religious beliefs, political affiliations, and hobbies that affect the rendering of an avatar,"
This CANNOT go well.

Mando Knight
2009-12-22, 02:44 PM
1.I think the US Constitution does not allow stuff like this, and microsoft is based in the US IIRC. Next thing you know some bloke sues them and takes it to the supreme court.

Point out where it's illegal.

As to changing a person's avatar in accordance with their physical form? Microsoft's behind the curve again.

Grey Paladin
2009-12-22, 02:48 PM
This is the most awesome idea microsoft ever had.

2009-12-22, 02:51 PM
Point out where it's illegal.

As to changing a person's avatar in accordance with their physical form? Microsoft's behind the curve again.

I don't remember actually which specific part, I just remember it, sorta, I said "I THINK" remember that part, "THINK", I could be wrong.

Even if it isn't, some bloke will still sue them, that or stage a boycott.

2009-12-22, 02:57 PM
Wii fit is 1 game, with an isolated avatar that doesn't appear elsewhere, that you choose to get on its own. This isn't, this is yet another form of data collection, which it sounds like they plan to use to determine whether or not you can play a game. Because certain levels of "fitness" are desired.

Allow me to rephrase that. Microsoft wants the ability to restrict its products in such a way as to force cooperation with its values. They decide physical fitness is important, and punish those who don't cooperate. Plus, they also want information on race, religion, political affiliation, etc, so they can shove their values down the throats of every customer.

They can keep their values. If that is the way it is going to be, then fine, there are alternatives. Macintosh, Wii, PS2, Open Office, even virtual windows on a Mac or Linux, which at least minimizes profit. If they want to shove their values down peoples throats, then they need to realize that there are consequences that will come from people that disagree with them.

2009-12-22, 02:58 PM
I think it is for the Xbox only, too hard to get that sort of info on a PC.

2009-12-22, 03:00 PM
Point out where it's illegal.

As to changing a person's avatar in accordance with their physical form? Microsoft's behind the curve again.

For some reason that reminded me of something I saw in rite-aid.

2009-12-22, 03:01 PM
For some reason that reminded me of something I saw in rite-aid.

Screen stretch hurts. Please spoiler. Nevermind.

2009-12-22, 03:10 PM
Encouraging people to exercise is good. Forcing people to exercise is bad. Forcing people to join the Cult of Gates makes me happy I own a Wii.

2009-12-22, 03:10 PM
The physical bit? Meh, not actually that bad.

Lose everything about political/religious affiliations though. Not cool Microsoft, not cool at all.

2009-12-22, 03:20 PM
As long as they make it optional and allow customization, I'd be all for it.

2009-12-22, 03:24 PM
Wii fit is 1 game, with an isolated avatar that doesn't appear elsewhere, that you choose to get on its own. This isn't, this is yet another form of data collection, which it sounds like they plan to use to determine whether or not you can play a game. Because certain levels of "fitness" are desired.

Allow me to rephrase that. Microsoft wants the ability to restrict its products in such a way as to force cooperation with its values. They decide physical fitness is important, and punish those who don't cooperate. Plus, they also want information on race, religion, political affiliation, etc, so they can shove their values down the throats of every customer.

They can keep their values. If that is the way it is going to be, then fine, there are alternatives. Macintosh, Wii, PS2, Open Office, even virtual windows on a Mac or Linux, which at least minimizes profit. If they want to shove their values down peoples throats, then they need to realize that there are consequences that will come from people that disagree with them.
Agreed. This whole concept just disgusts me. Forcing people to be more "fit" entails forcing them to exercise more, alter how they eat, alter how they spend their time - in other words, it entails trying to control how they live their personal, private lives. That's flat-out unacceptable. It's one thing to try to encourage healthy behavior, but prohibiting people from engaging in or restricting to what degree they can engage in a pastime like video gaming isn't encouragement, it's punishment. It's something a parent might do to a child, not something a company should be doing to its customers.

And yeah, the religious/political/etc information aspect is even more unnerving.

If something like this goes into effect, I'll be sure that my 360 is never again hooked up to the internet, so I'll never receive the update for it, and I'll be sure to avoid buying any games that include it among their "features."

Edit: This all assuming that the function is automatic, not optional, of course. Optional is a completely different matter, as it makes it voluntary only, at which point it is weird, but AOK.


2009-12-22, 03:25 PM
I'm fine with it being optional. And maybe you can turn it on "Help Me Get Fit" mode, where it does lock you out of your games until you get some exercising done. (Or the same for your kids.) That could help people's willpower I suppose.

But any attempt by my Natal to monitor and block access to my collection automatically will be met with swift consumer action.

2009-12-22, 03:53 PM
Lose everything about political/religious affiliations though. Not cool Microsoft, not cool at all.


Remember that huge fiasco when some blokes didn't like supposedly religious music in LBG? Let's say in future you enter your religion as "Y", which automatically replaces the songs that might offend you with random music.

Yo have to kill expy of something in a real world? Your preferences can automatically change lines of said expy to something opposite of your values, to not "offend" you.

Globalization, people. Either we will lose that ridiculous "this offends me religious beliefs!" statements and courtroom attacks, or we will do something to ensure no one sees potentially offensive statements, such as this technique. Random graffiti #5436563 on the wall offends group XYZ? No problem, new patch will castrate the game only for those that affiliate themselves with such group, not for everyone else.

I approve, for once, though I'd approve doing something else to the root of the problem more. :smallannoyed:

2009-12-22, 04:00 PM

Remember that huge fiasco when some blokes didn't like supposedly religious music in LBG? Let's say in future you enter your religion as "Y", which automatically replaces the songs that might offend you with random music.

Yo have to kill expy of something in a real world? Your preferences can automatically change lines of said expy to something opposite of your values, to not "offend" you.

Globalization, people. Either we will lose that ridiculous "this offends me religious beliefs!" statements and courtroom attacks, or we will do something to ensure no one sees potentially offensive statements, such as this technique. Random graffiti #5436563 on the wall offends group XYZ? No problem, new patch will castrate the game only for those that affiliate themselves with such group, not for everyone else.

I approve, for once, though I'd approve doing something else to the root of the problem more. :smallannoyed:

It is still giving too much power to a relatively small group of people. they could have the power to make your avatar look derogatory if you type in political organization you are a member of XYZ, we know nothing about these people, they aren't elected, it is too much power!

2009-12-22, 04:28 PM

Remember that huge fiasco when some blokes didn't like supposedly religious music in LBG? Let's say in future you enter your religion as "Y", which automatically replaces the songs that might offend you with random music.

If the designers want to put religious music in, they put religious music in. No need to enter in your religion to get rid of it, and certainly no need to have some big database the games look at for this. I would rather people got offended more often than have something trying to get into my personal life all over the place. But as they are a corporation, we can just use other peoples products. If that hits their bottom line, well, we call those consequences. I agree with you, people need to stop with the "it offends my religious beliefs" stuff for purchased content, but this is hardly a viable alternative.

2009-12-22, 05:01 PM
Actually, the concept behind this product would be illegal in most countries as it would be discrimination against someone due to their physical appearance. Unless Microsoft made it a voluntary process, I can see this leading to a great many lawsuits regarding breach of personal rights, illegal access and retention of personal information, and discrimination. Not allowing full access to features to an overweight person that a person of a healthier disposition would have that has no medical ramifications, and worse, some form of punishment for their obesity, is constitutionally illegal in the US from what I remember (falling under the Ninth Amendment), and I'm pretty sure this is simply a case, as others have said, of them patenting something so noone else (ie Nintendo), can use it.

Also, regarding the Wii Fit argument, when you purchase Wii Fit you are doing it for fitness reasons. Your whole purpose of owning the product is in order to have some form of physical movement and/or exercise. I don't know about y'all, but when I sit down to play Star Ocean or Saint's Row 2, I'm not looking to get healthy. I have my wife's treadmill and a puppy to wallk when I want to get a workout.

2009-12-22, 05:21 PM
I'd like to think this is a patent that they want to just sit on so noone can produce it.

But I worry that it isn't.

2009-12-22, 05:38 PM
Raging activists hating Microsoft over faint possibilities and patents make me lol.

I don't really have much to add to the thread, but you're getting really worked up over what is technically nothing.

Roland St. Jude
2009-12-22, 05:59 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: Religion and politics are out-of-bounds for this Forum.