View Full Version : [4e] Firearms...yes, another person doing it

2009-12-24, 12:11 AM
Quiet. Stop your complaining. I know there are a LOT of people doing this. Frankly, I've seen some good ideas, but nothing quite what I was looking for. Perhaps in other campaigns, but not mine.

My only concern is I do not know what level would be appropriate for these items.

Fourth Edition Firearms

New Keywords
All Firearms, both Small and Big, do not count toward your daily number of magic item power uses. They can only be used if loaded with the ammunition unique to each Firearm.

New Close Attack Effect
Cone Blast
A Cone Blast begins in an adjacent square and spreads out a number of squares as indicated.
See example below.
Cone Blast 3

New Feats
Small Firearms Proficiency
Prerequisite: Dexterity 14
Gain +3 Attack to Wondrous Item powers with Small Firearms as a Keyword
Big Firearms Proficiency
Prerequisite: Strength 14
Gain +3 Attack to Wondrous Item powers with Big Firearms as a Keyword
Speedy Reload
Prerequisite: Dexterity 16, Small Firearms Proficiency
Reloading a Wondrous Item with the Small Firearms keyword now costs 1 minor action rather than 2 minor actions.

2009-12-24, 12:12 AM
{table]Phoenix|Rifle|Wondrous Item
Power (At-Will * Small Firearms)|Standard Action. Ranged 20|Dexterity vs AC; 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage
Power (Recharge 6 * Small Firearms)|Standard Action, Ranged 20, Up to Three Targets|Primary Attack: Dexterity vs AC; 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage
|Secondary Attack: Dexterity -2 vs AC; 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage|
|Third Attack: Dexterity -5 vs AC; 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage|
Special:|Ammo Clip 30 Taur|Reload 2 Minor Actions[/table]

{table]Roc|Pistol|Wondrous Item
Power (At-Will * Small Firearms)|Standard Action, Ranged 10|Dexterity vs AC; 1d8 + Dexterity modifier damage
Special:|Ammo Clip 10 Basilisk|Reload 2 Minor Actions; offhand[/table]

{table]Siren|Shotgun|Wondrous Item
Power (At-Will * Small Firearms)|Standard Action, Cone blast 3|Dexterity vs AC; 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special:|Ammo Clip 2 Burst Shot|Reload 2 minor actions; Special Critical: 1 sq.= 17-20, 2 sq.= 18-20, 3 sq.= 19-20; Recoil: Small or smaller creatures using a Shotgun are pushed back 1 square and fall prone (save prevents).[/table]

2009-12-24, 12:17 AM
{table]Hydra|Gatling Gun|Wondrous Item
Power (At-Will * Big Firearms)|Standard Action, Ranged 15|Strength vs AC; 2d10 + Strength modifier damage.
Power (At-Will * Big Firearms)|Standard Action, Close blast 5, targets all creatures in blast|Strength vs AC; 1d10 + Strength modifier damage.
Special:|Ammo Clip 100 MagBolts|Reload standard action; fires 5 MagBolts per target[/table]

{table]Sphinx|Gatling Gun|Wondrous Item
Power (At-Will * Big Firearms)|Standard Action, Close blast 10, one target|Strength vs AC; 2d12 + Strength modifier damage.
Power (At-Will * Big Firearms)|Standard Action, Close blast 10, all creatures in blast|Strength -5 vs AC; 1d12 + Strength modifier damage.
Special:|Ammo Clip 200 MagBolts|Reload standard action, an adjacent creature can reload the Sphinx for you; fires 10 per target; Mounted[/table]

{table]Spitting Dragon|Launcher|Wondrous Item
Power (At-Will * Big Firearms)|Standard Action, Area 2 within 20|Strength vs Reflex; 4d8 + Strength modifier fire damage.
|Effect:|After attacking the primary target, make a secondary attack on all creatures within 2 squares.
|Secondary Attack:|Dexterity vs Reflex; 2d8 + Dexterity modifier fire damage.
Special:|Ammo Clip 1 Flame Missle|Reload standard[/table]

2009-12-24, 12:23 AM

Moradin's Anvil Corporation

Black Wyrm Inc.
Spitting Dragon|Flame Missle[/table]

Ammunition Augmentation
{table]White Flame...|change damage type to Fire and add 5 ongoing fire damage.
Frost...|change damage type to Cold
Rubber...|change damage type to Force and it is considered non-lethal unless it is a critical hit[/table]

2009-12-24, 02:15 AM
Nifty. I like this implementation, especially how you make these wondrous items instead of regular weapons. I like the heavy reload costs, basically necessitate that you'll have to cover for the guy who has one of these. But I can just imagine the whole party pulling back, to let the Gatling Gun guy do his thing.

2009-12-24, 03:50 AM
The Accuracy of these things is atrocious, since they don't have an enhancement bonus. Also, is there any actual reason to have a cone shape instead of using a blast?

Cone 1
x = square effected

Blast 1
x = square effected

Cone 2
x = square effected

Blast 2

Cone 3
x = square effected

Blast 3

All the Blast does is pretty much move the edges toward the origin to form a perfect square.

2009-12-24, 09:42 AM
As one who always appreciates a little firearm in his fantasy setting, I do like the way this take of yours is shaping up. (Though I do hope there is some clean up/clarification coming for those tables. Words everywhere!) And I fully understand the flavor reasons for making a cone blast effect, and not just using standard blast shapes. I can also see how using the standard template shapes wouldn't adversely effect the usefulness of these rules, so yay for flexibility.

But if there is one thing I do well, it's nitpick, and there is one nit of which I am utterly compelled to pick here.

For the love of all things explodey, please don't use clip all over the place. Especially for something that doesn't fit more than one round at a time. Bullets (or rounds) are held in a clip. Sometimes the bullets are removed from the clip and placed into the weapon's magazine, or on rare occasions, the entire clip is inserted into the magazine bullets and all.

Sorry, I couldn't hold it. :smallredface: