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View Full Version : [4e] Level 30 Paladin help

Guinea Anubis
2009-12-24, 08:18 AM
Are normal DM can not make it to the next game so we are running a one shot with someone in the group that wants to try there hand at DMing an epic level game. We are doing this on the 27th so I dont have much time to work on this with Christmas and a lot of family stuff going on, So I turn to you playgrounders for help.

He asked us to level the characters we have now up to level 30. We get the normal magic items and gold for a new character. So since I am running two characters I was asked to pick one, I picked my dragon born Paladin. For his PP I am sticking with Scion of Arkhosia and for his epic Demigod.

For powers I am thinking of taking

1 Enfeebling Strike (phb)
1 Bolstering Strike (phb)
1 Valorous Smite (dp)
1 On Pain of Death (phb)
2 Bless Weapon (dp)
3 Invigorating Smite
5 sign of vulnerability (phb)
6 Wrath of the Gods (phb)
7 Blade of Light (DP)
9 Shackles of Justice (dp)
10 Font of Healing (dp)
13 Compel Obedience (dp)
15 Flames of Devotion (dp)
16 Death Ward (phb)
17 Reassuring Strike (dp)
19 Righteous Resolve (phb)
22 Return to the living (dp)
23 Resurgent Wrath (dp)
25 Discipline the Unruly (dp)
27 Astral Thunder Bolt (dp)
29 Even Hand of Justice (phb)

As you can guess from this list of powers his best stat is Cha then Wis then Con.

For feats I am going to be taking all of the Dragonborn racial ones for flavor and background reasons. But I could really use some advice on other feats that would be good to take. We can only use the PHB 1 and 2 and all over the power books.

The next thing Is I could use some help with picking some good magic items. I am taking a +6 Holy executioner's axe for sure, but the rest of the stuff is up in the air. Anything from the phb 1 or 2, the power books and AV1 are fair game.

2009-12-24, 03:31 PM
I'm not so familiar with Paladins, but here's the feats and equipment I think I'd take, just skimming through it

Feats: Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Will, Armour Specialization, Devoted Paladin, Virtuous Recovery, Armoured by Faith, Honored Foe, Touch of Salvation, Untiring Virtue, Divine Health, Divine Mastery, Glorious channeler, Icon of Purity

I'm not sure how many radiant powers you're using, but you might consider picking up any feats that affect those and any of the axe or impliment proficiencies that would benefit you that you have the stats for. You may also want to look at Versatile channeler if you want access to a different channel divinty power.

Useful looking Armours (I'm assuming plate) - Bolstering (daily - when you second wind allies that can see you can spend a surge), fortification armour (may negate a crit against you), Meliorating Armour (gains extra AC each milestone), Verve Armour (+2 death saves, daily - turn failed save into a 20)

Boots: Dragonborn Greaves sound like they would suit your character very well, thematically.

Gloves: Holy Gauntlets, Gloves of the Healer, or Gloves of Camaraderie

Head: Clockwork Cowl, Coif of Focus, Coif of Mindiron, Crown of Eyes, Helm of Ghostly Defense

Neck: Clasp of Noble Sacrifice, Cloak of the Phoenix, Star of the Astral Sea, Wyrmtouched Amulet, Scarab of Invulnerablity

Rings: Bone Ring of Preservation, Luminary Ring, Nullifying Ring, Ring of Personal Gravity, Ring of the Dragonborn Emporer, Ring of Tenacious Will, Ring of the Phoenix, War Ring

Belt: Baldric of Valor, Belt of Vitality

Mando Knight
2009-12-24, 03:47 PM
If you're going Scion, then go Strength-paladin instead. It'll help a lot with your to-hit on the racial and Scion powers, especially compared to a Con-3rd build. You're shoring up both of your high stats on one NAD, which is bad in general. I'd go with Str/Wis, Cha/Con or Str/Cha, Wis/Con for your top four abilities (Constitution lagging Wisdom or Charisma slightly for your class features).

Mighty Challenge adds your Strength modifier to Divine Challenge, which eases up on the weakened Charisma.

Only take the Epic Reflexes, not Epic Will or Epic Fortitude. They're handy if you take a lot of Will or Fortitude hits, but not as useful when they're affecting your highest NADs.

Iron Armbands of Power are almost always more useful than a magic shield, and since you're going with an Executioner's Axe, you're stuck with not-shield arm items anyway.

Guinea Anubis
2009-12-25, 12:09 PM
thanks guys, Got a little free time and this is what I came up with real fast. What do you think?

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Donarr Lv30, level 30
Dragonborn, Paladin, Scion of Arkhosia, Demigod
Build: Ardent Paladin
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Charisma
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Constitution
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Constitution
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Acid

Str 16, Con 24, Dex 11, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 30.

Str 12, Con 14, Dex 9, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 18.

AC: 46 Fort: 37 Reflex: 36 Will: 40
HP: 228 Surges: 17 Surge Value: 64

Religion +22, Heal +24, Insight +24, Intimidate +32

Acrobatics +13, Arcana +17, Bluff +25, Diplomacy +25, Dungeoneering +19, Endurance +20, History +19, Nature +19, Perception +20, Stealth +13, Streetwise +25, Thievery +13, Athletics +16

Level 1: Enlarged Dragon Breath
Level 2: Toughness
Level 4: Weapon Proficiency (Execution axe)
Level 6: Draconic Challenge
Level 8: Improved Initiative
Level 10: Dragonborn Senses
Level 11: Empowered Dragon Breath
Level 12: Dragonborn Frenzy
Level 14: Armored by Faith
Level 16: Honored Foe
Level 18: Vexing Flanker
Level 20: Armor Specialization (Plate)
Level 21: Blind-Fight
Level 22: Epic Reflexes
Level 24: Paladin's Truth
Level 26: Virtuous Recovery
Level 28: Punishing Radiance
Level 30: Robust Defenses

Lay on Hands: Ardent Vow
Paladin at-will 1: Enfeebling Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Bolstering Strike
Paladin encounter 1: Valorous Smite
Paladin daily 1: On Pain of Death
Paladin utility 2: Bless Weapon
Paladin encounter 3: Invigorating Smite
Paladin daily 5: Sign of Vulnerability
Paladin utility 6: Wrath of the Gods
Paladin encounter 7: Blade of Light
Paladin daily 9: Shackles of Justice
Paladin utility 10: Font of Healing
Paladin encounter 13: Compel Obedience (replaces Valorous Smite)
Paladin daily 15: On Pain of Death (replaces On Pain of Death)
Paladin utility 16: Death Ward
Paladin encounter 17: Reassuring Strike (replaces Blade of Light)
Paladin daily 19: Righteous Resolve (replaces On Pain of Death)
Paladin utility 22: Return to the Living
Paladin encounter 23: Resurgent Wrath (replaces Compel Obedience)
Paladin daily 25: Discipline the Unruly (replaces Shackles of Justice)
Paladin encounter 27: Astral Thunderbolt (replaces Invigorating Smite)
Paladin daily 29: Even Hand of Justice (replaces Discipline the Unruly)

Adventurer's Kit, Holy Avenger Execution axe +6, Nullifying Ring (epic tier), Vengeance Sash (epic tier), Salubrious Godplate Armor +6, Goggles of Night (paragon tier), Sandals of Avandra (epic tier), Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier), Cloak of the Walking Wounded +2, Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor (paragon tier), Greatreach Gauntlets (paragon tier)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

2009-12-25, 01:35 PM
Looks pretty good. I like how your untrained skills are higher than your trained ones.

You do have On Pain of Death claiming it replaces itself, though. And you may want to grab some consumables and wondrous items if you have any money left over.

Guinea Anubis
2009-12-27, 08:46 AM
Ya the whole On Pain of Death replacing itself was just a test to see if you could do it, since I know I was leveling him up to 30 and could replace it again later.

Guinea Anubis
2009-12-28, 08:15 AM
Thanks for the help guys.

The whole thing ended up sucking, he tossed 2 of the dongeons at us from dungeon delve and tryed to make them christmas themed. It was still fun to run a level 30 guy but it would have been more fun if there had been more of a chalnge to it.