View Full Version : BTS Succesion game 2: Team 1

2009-12-25, 05:17 PM
Organization post. Details as we sort them out.

2009-12-25, 05:18 PM
Now that is a rather tasty looking capital location. Lots and lots of food from the start means rapid fire growth. The downside is that the other team have the same start.

On the negative side it has bugger all production. 2 hills do not make a wonder factory.

From first glance I'd guess an archipelago map. The settings screen tells me that we are looking at an arid climate with a high sea level. The high sea level means this could actually be a normal map, but we'll see soon enough.

Zara is a pretty good leader with an interesting set of traits. Creative allows a very effective landgrab on a normal map and being on an archipelago makes that a lot less important. Organized allows you to manage the expenses associated with a huge landgrab.

Anyway, being organized and seeing all those clams I'm already thinking of Sid's Sushi corporation, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Any questions, ask away. I'm going to go play out the first 30 turns. Volunteers for the next set should step up.

2009-12-25, 05:29 PM
We should alternate vets and beginners, I think.

Edited to add general info:

Thanatos 51-50

Variant Rules:

These rules constitute the "Honorable" variant rule set.

1. Every civ has a right to defend itself. A just war is one in which you are not the aggressor. If any civ attacks you unprovoked, you are entitled to remain at war with them and to take retaliatory action upon their units and lands for as long as you wish, up to and including their unconditional surrender. (You may conquer that civ if you please. This is known as the "You Have Chosen Unwisely"™ rule!)

2. You are not allowed to become a Police State, a Vassalage, or a Theocracy. You must adopt Emancipation (and stay there) once you have the option.

3. You are allowed to refuse tribute demands. You are not allowed to issue demands of your own.

4. You are allowed to sign Defense Pacts.

5. If a friendly civ requests your aid in time of war, you are allowed to join them in the war.

6. If you joined an ally in a war, and they have made peace with the enemy, then you must also make peace with that enemy if the enemy requests peace (unless they are demanding compensation for peace -- you do not ever have to submit to tribute demands.)

7. You may not choose to raze a captured city that the game would allow you to keep. (This includes barbarian cities!)

8. Giving away captured cities is only honorable if they are given to an ally who owned them when the war began. (If you "liberate" an ally's city, you MUST offer to give it back!)

9. You must do all in your power (within reason) to feed the people under your care. No forced starvation!

10. Your Spies are only allowed to observe or conduct counter-espionage, not to sabotage or carry out other aggressive missions.

11. Pillaging land improvements in neutral territory, to deny them to a rival or enemy, is dastardly. No bandits on the highways, please.

12. You are not allowed to fire first with nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons may only be used honorably in retaliation vs a civ who has launched a "First Strike" nuclear attack, and then only with a "proportional response": you may honorably return fire with as many shots as were launched by the enemy, but no more.

2009-12-25, 05:53 PM
This is an incredibly crazy start. It's up to you guys whether we continue or ask for a new map.

Settle in place and find a nice second city site.


There are some gems just above the top of the screen making it even better.


But then completely blocking us from any further locations is the incredibly aggressive Shaka. This is insane, he is literally 3 turns walk from our capital!

The events of turn 3 shocked me enough that I didn't take a proper turn log, in the expectation we'd have to restart with a new map. I research fishing, bronze working and sailing and build a warrior, work boat and settler(Because we *need* to grab that second city site).

There are two rays of hope. The first is that Shaka is clinically insane and will almost definitely declare war on us. We can fight our way out in an honourable fashion.

The second is this:

Two little islands in boat range. Salvation from the seas.


2009-12-25, 06:03 PM
Murska's input:

[23:10] Murska: (play it out!)
[23:10] Murska: (it's gonna be hilarious)
[23:10] Shadowcaller: (hehe...)
[23:11] Murska: (then again, the team who first gets DoWd by Shaka wins)

2009-12-25, 06:12 PM
I'm fine with playing on and it will certainly be an experience. But I'm probably internetless from tomorrow until the 27th due to going to visit grandparents tomorrow. So you guys come to a decision and I'll be back then.

2009-12-25, 08:56 PM
Wait a minute, isn't Team 1 the other team (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7570261&postcount=338)?

2009-12-25, 09:12 PM
This will certainly be a challenging game, especially for the newbs, but having someone else to look over what you did and point out your mistakes will make you veterans in no time. But then again, it means having to learn a lot all at at once, and those Impis are scary fast. If we don't get some copper quickly to make axe guys, we're going to have a hard time of it.

I'm pretty much on the fence here as to start over or not.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-12-25, 10:44 PM
Let me know when it's my turn, I guess?
And how many turns I'm supposed to go.

2009-12-26, 06:56 AM
:lurker comment: (or, if you prefer, a dirty spy from the other succession game)

Aw, Selrahc, the teams should be A-Team and B-Team just so I could engage in (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIfuaUTH9Y4) some tomfoolery (http://www.every10mins.com/video/4302_benny_hill_s_the_b_team.html). :smalltongue:

I haven't peeked at the screenshots, but given from the look of the initial starting position, it looks... interesting.
However, I'm not sure if it warrants a restart. Too early to tell.

:runs back:

2009-12-26, 08:54 AM
an alternative to restarting might be to make an exception to the honorable rule for one DoW on the zulus

2009-12-26, 11:13 AM
I'm ambivalent about restarting- I don't know enough to be sure of how to specialize a city yet, so my advice is bad.

2009-12-26, 11:21 AM
I'd say play it out, except for all the beginners. Juggling an early war with having to learn to manage land and sea tiles might be a bit overwhelming.

2009-12-26, 03:33 PM
I'm in favor of restarting, to be honest. Being blocked into a tiny peninsula like this seems too rough a start in a game that includes people who haven't really played before.

2009-12-26, 06:38 PM
Hmmm. You know, I just realized (I'm fast, I know) that we still have those variant rules.

This... isn't exactly normal. There isn't really much of a way to do things except "pray that Shaka DOW's on you while you build up towards settling the seas", and I don't see anyone trying to whip Archers or Longbowmen in order to do that, off of one city + a few fishing villages.

It would be doable if we had someone like Sitting Bull or Pacal, but as things stand, I think it would be best within the spirit of the game if we had a different start.

2009-12-26, 06:49 PM
Agreed. I'm playing a peninsula start in a solo game, blocked off by Rameses. I thought of warring early, but I couldn't manage a fast enough build up. I had a bit more room than that, so ended up just spreading out seawards and am now working towards a culture win, probably by way of warring Toku, or whoever the xenophobic Japanese guy is. Managed to make Rameses my bestest friend. But it's a tough game, and I'm having to really think out every step.

2009-12-26, 06:54 PM
Yeah, it's a pity since I really think it'd be a very interesting game. I like playing against the odds and struggling every step of the way. But if the beginners don't want to try such a difficult variant, we should probably restart.

2009-12-26, 06:59 PM
You could play it yourself as a Let's Play. :smallwink:

2009-12-26, 07:05 PM
Or better yet, crank up the difficulty to Emperor or so (using the Worldbuilder), post it on CivFanatics and wait for TMIT or obsolete to come along. :smallbiggrin: :smallwink:

BTW, I'm retarded. 25th of December, and Winthur, being a nolife douche he is, spent this entire first day of Christmas playing Civilization 4, barely even talking to his family. As Suleiman. On Emperor. I played a perfect start, I conquered my entire continent and lost to Hannibal. All because I was too sheltered in thinking I'm going to win this easily. Well, darn it. I lost an opportunity to win at Emperor because I was too lazy to micromanage. (Hannibal sent his ship to space really early and when I tried to destroy his capital with a suicide stack of Modern Armors [and Cavalry, amazingly enough], he simply nuked it into oblivion as soon as it hit his shores. :smalleek: ) I had a much bigger landmass than Hannibal and I thought that even though Hannibal also had his entire continent (but less land area himself for he had the vassals), I simply had worse cities than him, and thus less production and commerce.

Nice lesson learned, though - Nationhood/Slavery is really fun, for drafting Musketmen and whipping Cuirassiers. I rolled over Montezuma in a matter of a few turns, then I made a mass upgrade of those Cuirassiers to Cavalry after Rifling, steamrolling the Babylonians. Seriously. If you're ever in a situation where you have a lot of flatlands and food, consider making as fast push as possible to Military Tradition and Gunpowder, and do this. Aztecs and Babylonians were so backwards I didn't even need siege weapons at that time, though (but that's what spy revolts are for). (Other nice thing I'm going to try out soon - build mass Catapults and upon Steel, upgrade to Cannons and build/draft a bunch of Muskets)

Still, I'm pretty much peeved I lost that. MY FOLKS WERE DYING OUT THERE! FOR NOTHING! FOR ******* NOTHING! GODDAMN IT! (I'm acting!)

2009-12-26, 09:13 PM
I'm in favor of a restart for all it's worth. That, or the removal of this weakness you call honor. :smalltongue:

But, seriously folks, restart or no, I'd like to be number three in the order of play, assuming we go by Ms. Happyturtle's suggestion of vet-noob-vet.

2009-12-28, 09:42 AM
I geuss restarting is a good idea, and I agree veteran-newbie-vet is a good idea.

2009-12-29, 06:51 AM
Personally, I'm indifferent about restarting.

2009-12-29, 07:43 PM
It appears to me that we have decide to remake with a less ridiculous start. In that case i think we should leave it to Selrahc or Winthur to have the honors again, who gets to carry it out to be decided between them.

2009-12-30, 04:57 AM

Suryavarman of the Khmer. Hopefully less ridiculous start.


2009-12-30, 05:55 AM
Turn 30 save. http://www.mediafire.com/?yyk0liidhqw

This game has the opposite problem to the last one. Last game we were immediately hemmed in by a brutal neighbour. This game we have a vast heavily resourced island completely bereft of any competition at all. I played 20 turns beyond the save and this is indeed an island with our civilization as its only inhabitants

If we play it out, the honourable variant isn't really going to come into play at all. It would hopefully be a good showcase for a peaceful victory to teach the new players that aspect of the game, since we focussed on warfare last time. But I can't say it would provide much of a challenge. Except as competition with the other team.

As far as the turn set itself, I wondered around a great deserted island with two scouts. Got some useful techs from Huts (Fishing, Masonry) and fought some wild animals.

As far as further planning:
Technology: I would have the next person tech to pottery and then try and land judaism. We want to ideally grab at least two religions since we can't rely on them spreading naturally, to later build cathedrals.

Empire management: After the worker build a settler then go and grab copper from the location near the southern scout.

Incidentally I was planning on doing a city naming scheme after Legendary/Lost cities since we plan on a culture victory, with the capital being called Shambhala. I seem to have implemented it after the 30 turns though. Shambhala, Mu, Lemuria, Atlantis, El Dorado, Camelot etc.

2009-12-30, 06:18 AM
Expansive and creative should give us a good start on the expansion phase. But I can't be the only one who thinks Surya looks like this guy:


2009-12-30, 08:39 AM
If we start naming the cities after lost and legendary ones, I demand the right to name a couple:

R'lyeh and Y'han'thlei

2009-12-30, 09:59 AM
Hehe... cities are named by whoever founded them. Enemy cities can be renamed by whoever captures them. And of course units get names as well, at least early when every warrior counts. By the end when you have countless hordes of riflemen, they don't get names.

I'm generally uncreative and give cities names like 'Clam Chowder' and 'Coppertown' :smalltongue:

2009-12-30, 11:33 AM
I named one of my cities, "City." I am unrepentant.

Although you can rename any particularly uncreative ones I make.

2009-12-30, 11:36 AM
Want to set the turn order for us then, Selrahc?

2009-12-30, 11:50 AM
Alright then, let's go:

Selrahc: Set 1 completed
Kzickas: Up now
Monzach: On Deck

2009-12-30, 12:13 PM
where does the save file go? I can't find a saved games folder anywhere in the bts file hierarchy

2009-12-30, 12:17 PM
When you download the file it should open up the game with that file loaded. If you need the copy in the Beyond the Sword save folder then just save the game upon opening the save.

2009-12-30, 01:02 PM
for me, it's My Documents > My Games > Beyond the Sword > Saves

2009-12-30, 01:20 PM
Second turnset, I:

Got both scouts eaten by bears in the first ten turns
Founded a city near the copper and another a bit up the coast
missed judaism by so far it wasn't even funny. it got founded before I finished mysticism
researched sailing because of our new coastal cities
the settler currently being built was started this turn, feel free to switch it out

save: http://www.mediafire.com/?jzmyxmoz15z

2009-12-30, 01:26 PM
Word of advice- Screenshots are very helpful.

Also, dibs on the second slot on team 2

2009-12-31, 05:00 AM
Ummm. So here I am, about to start the same succession game map with my team. So I download the supposedly "new" save for the Khmer game (that was posted in the post number #24) and...

http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/4784/storya.jpg (http://img709.imageshack.us/i/storya.jpg/)

...this happens.

2009-12-31, 05:04 AM
Wow... I'm pretty sure I never got that random event before. :smalleek:

2009-12-31, 05:48 AM
Oh. Um... if that isn't the save that I uploaded then I don't actually have the initial save any more. Ummm...

Sorry guys. I apparently fail hard at setting up Civilization games. :smallfrown:

2009-12-31, 06:06 AM
You no longer have it?

Even in Autosave section?

2009-12-31, 06:08 AM
No. Been playing other games of Civ over the last few days.

2009-12-31, 10:37 AM
>.> Umm...

2009-12-31, 01:02 PM
New game again?

Or different game for the other team? :smallconfused:

2009-12-31, 01:05 PM
I'm against a different game- It makes the competition a bit less of a level playing field (although which side would get the better map remains to be seen)

EDIT: I have a gripe about the AI. It does not seem to realize that my army is there to protect the catapults while they bombard the city, not the other way around.

2009-12-31, 07:53 PM
How about having Winthur set it up this time? That should work.

2009-12-31, 08:19 PM
I'm against a different game- It makes the competition a bit less of a level playing field (although which side would get the better map remains to be seen)

EDIT: I have a gripe about the AI. It does not seem to realize that my army is there to protect the catapults while they bombard the city, not the other way around.

Actually your catapults are there to suicide against the city, in order to protect your army from getting killed.

2010-01-01, 09:05 AM

2010-01-01, 09:39 AM
Actually your catapults are there to suicide against the city, in order to protect your army from getting killed.

Yes, but after the defenses are down. Or is bombarding really not worth it? :smallconfused:

2010-01-01, 09:53 AM
When you send a normal unit against a stack of defenders, it will attack the strongest defender on the tile. Catapults will attack the strongest defender (and usually die doing it) but they also do collateral damage to the other units on the tile. This makes it easier for for your army to take the city.

As for bombarding, sometimes it's worth it, sometimes not. It depends on whether you want to take the city fast (usually with more casualties) or spend more time taking it and give the enemy time to build / whip / move in more defenders.

2010-01-01, 07:53 PM
When you send a normal unit against a stack of defenders, it will attack the strongest defender on the tile. Catapults will attack the strongest defender (and usually die doing it) but they also do collateral damage to the other units on the tile. This makes it easier for for your army to take the city.

As for bombarding, sometimes it's worth it, sometimes not. It depends on whether you want to take the city fast (usually with more casualties) or spend more time taking it and give the enemy time to build / whip / move in more defenders.

Well, I finally got a Conquest victory (albiet one on a Duel sized Pangea map) at settler difficulty. I actually scored something like 18000, and it was some times in the 1800. I also finally figured out how to use the whip (Well, how to use it to keep cities at a managable size, w/o unhealthiness of anger).

2010-01-07, 03:44 PM
Okay... third try. If this doesn't work, we let the concept die. :smalltongue:

Game start position with Zara of Ethiopia.


Save (http://rapidshare.com/files/331869130/Honourable_Playground_BC-4000.CivBeyondSwordSave)

2010-01-07, 05:36 PM
Were any mods used?

2010-01-07, 05:47 PM
I'm running BAT.

2010-01-07, 05:54 PM
So is everyone here or should we just give up on playing as a competition between teams and instead have one going for as quick a win as possible?

2010-01-07, 06:30 PM
I'll PM everyone and we'll see who is still in.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-01-07, 06:35 PM
Totally still here.

2010-01-07, 06:37 PM
I'm not going anywhere

2010-01-07, 06:39 PM
I'm around. Somewhat busy with exams until the 14th. Should still be able to do a turnset at some point.

2010-01-07, 06:50 PM
Still here as well. Shouldn't be too busy with anything before February, either.

2010-01-07, 08:38 PM
Still here.

2010-01-08, 07:25 AM
I'm still here.

2010-01-08, 09:19 PM
I'm here. :smallsmile:

2010-01-09, 06:38 AM
Lieutenant Bonkers reporting.

2010-01-09, 08:39 AM
9 out of 10 players have checked in. Good enough, let's get this party started!

Selrahc, do you want me to start it for our team since you have exams?

2010-01-09, 11:52 AM
Yeah, that would be handy. Thanks.

2010-01-10, 07:31 PM
Okay... did the first 40 turns by accident instead of 30. I'll post the narration in the morning.

2010-01-11, 11:18 AM
At the dawn of time, Honourable Playground called his people together.


"For countless years, we have wandered aimlessly like a bunch of lost tourists, but now it is time for us to settle down, begin generating commerce, and build an empire that will stand the test of time."

One of the villagers raised his hand.

"Yes? You in the back?"

"Will we be crushing all the other empires beneath our military might?"

"No. We're honourable. Next?"

"Yeah, what's that you're wearing? It looks like a cross between a hoodie and a bathrobe."

"Shut up, that's what." :smallannoyed:


Turn 0: Settle in place and found Capital City. I start researching Fishing, and building a warrior while Green Goblin goes scouting.

Eww... tundra. We'll want to be moving south with our settlers.

Turn 1: Oooo... GOLD!... and near a river. Score! ^^ Our 2nd city will need to go somewhere around there.

Turn 2: Villagers give us gold. Not to be confused with GOLD!

Turn 5: Sigh... more gold. I thought scouts were supposed to get better results? Discover the western coastline.


Turn 13: Looks like we're alone on a mini-continent. There's another island to the southwest - hopefully another continent with some neighbors.


Turn 15: Christianity has been founded in a distant land? :smallconfused:

Oh crap... I had the 'choose religions' thing ticked when I made the save. this means we can't know yet whether this was Meditation or Polytheism that was discovered. It adds a bit of a wrinkle to the game.

Generally when AI civ's have the option to choose a religion, they will choose the one that is their civ's 'favorite'. If that is not available, or the civ doesn't have one, they'll go with whatever would have normally been founded at that tech. Or random if that's not available either.

Turn 18: We discover Animal Husbandry, and I move on to Bronze Working. We'll need to pick up Sailing soon, but getting Slavery and chopping is pretty important.

Turn 22: Capital City grows to size 3. I take it off the second work boat it was making and start cooking a worker.

Turn 25: Islam has been founded. Hmm... wonder if we've got Isabella and Saladin as competitors?

Turn 27: Green Goblin was killed by a Bear, just before I could get him to that little southern point to see if there's anything across the water. :smallannoyed:

And.... this is where I sort of got swept up in the game. Not only did I forget to stop at turn 30, but I forgot to make notes as I went. :smallredface:


Since we haven't heard from Monzach in a while, how about Thanatos takes the next turnset? Fifteen turns.

Save file (http://www.mediafire.com/file/gz1zwjjitry/Honourable%20Playground%20BC-2400.CivBeyondSwordSave)

Thanatos 51-50
2010-01-11, 11:30 AM
No problem!
Um... where do I download the save to? I'm running from STEAM.

2010-01-11, 12:08 PM
"Shut up, that's what."
Offhand comment:
I was sure when I saw Zara first that he was a rapper in a tracksuit. :smallbiggrin:

Gotta grab the save and start the second team...

2010-01-11, 12:58 PM
Continent all on our own-Very good thing for peaceful victory.

On the other hand a big portion of our continent is covered in desert or tundra. Not too many good sites.

Not very many resources, but not really too bad on that front.

Islam has been founded. Hmm... wonder if we've got Isabella and Saladin as competitors?

Saladin does normally go for polytheism as his first technology so it makes sense.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-01-11, 04:08 PM
Turns run, notes taken, screen grabs uploaded to photobucket.
Now all I have to do is string together a narrative and upload the save.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-01-11, 05:03 PM
Save is here. (http://www.mediafire.com/?mhtgmumwy3j)
Alternate URL, because I'm not sure I selected the right one. (http://www.mediafire.com/file/mhtgmumwy3j/Honourable Playground BC-1840.CivBeyondSwordSave)

And Lo, on the 30th turn, did one of the Honourable Playground's other personalities assert itself.
It's time for Thanatos the mildly incompetent.

Turn 1:
After surveying what Happy left me, I set Our workers to build a road to near a prominent site for our second city.
I also moved the Warriors to the same spot, as a kind of advanced scout/ready defender.
To make sure this was all not in vain, the settler that would be nessecary to found the city was ordered trained in Capital City.
Actually, the settler was already placed in the queue by Happy.
Shut up, brain!

Turn Two:
Nothing to report.

Turn Three:
More nothing.

Turn Four:
All actions still automated. Status Screenshot.

Turn Five:
What's this? We know how to make pots, now? That's fantastic!
Now let's learn how to make food grow, shall we? So we can put things in those pots other then photographs of our trips to Gold River.
(Sloppy Screen Grab, discovered pottery, set to discovering Agriculture.)
Also, sent Scout Ship toward unexplored island.
(There is another, as yet unexplored island to our south. I named that Strait the Strait of bananas to be misleading. There were no bananas found.)

Turn Six:
Our Nameless Warriors ('Cause I dunno how to name 'im) have found a BEAR! This must be the vile creature that slew Green Goblin!

Turn Seven:
The bear kinda ran, our Warriors kinda moved towards it.

Turn Eight:
Mortal Combat! The Bears shall fall! And fall they did!
Also, during the time known as "Not-our-turn", a work boat carrying an emissary representing Hatshpsut of the Egyptians appeared and spoke with us. Since we are good, Honourable Playgrounders, we declared that there shall be Peace in our time.
Especially sloppy Screenshot.
Cheating a bit and looking at the bar next to her name, it appears that she is Muslim.

Turn Nine:
All is Quiet in the Playgound.

Turn Ten:
More quietness.

Turn Eleven:
Our settlers have been trained, and filled with wanderlust from our propaganda! Onward they travel to the mountainside! Meanwhile, since we have discovered a potential new friend, we have also discovered a potential new enemy. Let's build a barracks in the capital!

Turn twelve:
The settler moves, the workers almost finish building their roads, the fortified warriors are fortified near the to-be citysite.
The Scoutship scouts.
We are, apparantly, the Wealthiest Civilization in the world, though.
That's nice to know.

Turn Thirteen:
Alas! We have discovered the murky secrets of agriculture! What Dark Arts will be revealed to us? What crude, Pagan rituals shall we perform? With this newfound knowledge, we have opened a gate to Evil!
Or, y'know, making farms. That too. Decreeing that we have met another, I determined that we shall now learn an Art I like to call "Archery"
Those Wanderlust-filled Settlers found a town on the windward side of our unnamed mountain we call Anti-Lee. Mostly because it's funny to me.
By sheer chance, rather then a timing masterstroke, like I would prefer, the road finishes, too, and Capital City is connected with Anti-Lee. I moved Our Nameless the Bear-slaying troupe to defend Anti-Lee against all threats Ursine.

Turn Fourteen:
Scoutship has discovered a notable caches of Gems ashore, but near the borders of Babylon.
We made nice with the ruler.
The workers have made their way north of Anti-Lee (which is building a granary) to the hills there. They'll start mining next turn.

Turn Fifteen:
The Workers are set to commence mining, and the scoutship is set to scout the nothern edge of the Babylonian continent.
Whispers of a strange religion called "Bhuddisim" reach my ears.

Status Screenshots for all!
Whoever manifests next, it's on you to fix my mistakes!

2010-01-11, 05:09 PM
Selrahc? Are you ready for a turnset, or should someone else go next?

2010-01-11, 09:08 PM
Yeah I'm okay for a turnset. I'll grab it tomorrow though.

2010-01-12, 08:39 AM
Turn 0-Alright things needed a bit of a shake up. Here were my thoughts.

Workers have more important things to do than building a big road to nowhere. Coastal cities will be connected when we research sailing without any roads.

We need to get some cottages and mines up. We also need more than 1 worker. I start one up in Capital.

When alone on an island we have no real need of archers. I switch the tech to sailing. No one will ever do a naval invasion in the age of archers.

Similarly there is no need for a barracks in capital city.

The new city site was pretty good. My initial instinct would have been to grab the corn as well, and that would have made a stronger city. Looking at the horrible land we have though it might be better to use that corn to claw out a marginal coastal city in that desert.

Also good work on building a scout boat.

Cold climate. Cold climate probably gives the worst terrain.

Turn 1- Nuttin’.

Turn 2- Worker whipped.

Turn 3- Get to work on cottages

Turn 4-Nothing

Turn 5- Someone builds Stonehenge. Somewhere.

Turn 6-Nothing

Turn 7- Nothing


Turn 8- Sailing completes. Get to work on writing. Finish a bronze mine as well.


Turn 9-Find Hatsheputs core.

Turn 10- Get to work on a warrior escort and queue up the next settler. Slave the settler in when you can.

2010-01-12, 09:54 AM
who's turn is it after selrahc?

2010-01-12, 10:19 AM
Your next, I think. But Selrahc didn't link the save file.

2010-01-12, 11:04 AM
Your next, I think. But Selrahc didn't link the save file.

And he's only at turn ten. I was just wondering when I was up

2010-01-12, 11:08 AM

Ten is all I'm supposed to do. Only the first two players have extended turnsets.

Yeah, I just forgot. Went and uploaded it, forgot to put it in the post.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-01-12, 11:21 AM
Workers have more important things to do than building a big road to nowhere. Coastal cities will be connected when we research sailing without any roads.

I'm pretty sure I had them building a mine. Didn't know about the sailing thing, though.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-01-12, 11:27 AM

Ten is all I'm supposed to do. Only the first two players have extended turnsets.

Yeah, I just forgot. Went and uploaded it, forgot to put it in the post.

Wrong file. That's the one I set up for you.

2010-01-12, 11:50 AM
I'm pretty sure I had them building a mine. Didn't know about the sailing thing, though.

Yeah they were, just a note for the future because there have clearly been quite a few turns going into building a big useless road. :smallamused:

Wrong file. That's the one I set up for you.


Sorry gang. This one should be right.


2010-01-14, 12:51 PM
pretty quiet turnset:

since capital city was one turn from being at happy cap when I took over I sent the bottom worker to mine the gold. The other worker I sent to mine the hill south east of capital city.

Sent the spearman down to the planned city site when he finished. writing finished and I went mysticism next and meditation after that. confusianism seems our best bet for founding a religion

After Anti-Lee finished the granary I built a fishing boat and then lighthouse because of the lack of food. made some cottages around Capital city after the workers finished the mines.

pictures are comming after I reinstall photoshop to change them from jpgs
Edit: make that when I can make photoshop not crash when opened


2010-01-14, 01:05 PM
Monzach is up next, but he hasn't logged on since Jan 6. Is there anyone out there who wants to join up?

No, Murska, you can't play for both teams. :smalltongue:

Zar Peter
2010-01-14, 03:45 PM
If I may I would give it a shot. I already downloaded the file and rereading the thread to see what's up. Ten turns shouldn't be much of a problem (means I can't destroy too many things :smallbiggrin:)

Sorry, forget it. Doesn't work with the German version, I guess.

2010-01-15, 09:17 AM
so who's gonna play?

2010-01-15, 10:24 AM
Since we have no volunteers to be the fifth player, I guess we cycle back to me. I'll try to get it up sometime tonight or tomorrow.

2010-01-16, 10:29 AM
Turn 74 - Open borders with Egypt and Babylon. This will improve our commerce and allow religion to flow in. For a culture win, the more religions the better. Slave in the Settler in CC.

Turn 75 - Our settler heads off to the West Coast. Start building a library in CC. Slave in the lighthouse in Anti-Lee.

Turn 76 - Vermin got into the granary in capital City. Losing growth at this stage in the game is a real hardship. I elect to pay the 20gp to replace the lost grains.


Turn 77 - Confucianism is discovered in a distant land.

The island to our south is small, but worth settling to farm all that sugar.

The city of Harmony is founded.


Turn 78 - Buddhism spreads in Harmony. Since our neighbors are Muslim, and we don't have any happiness issues yet, I don't convert to Buddhism. It's not worth the anarchy and the diplomacy penalties. I manage the citizens in CC manually to work a scientist.

Turn 79 - Priesthood discovered. I decide to fire the scientist for now and try for the Oracle.

Turn 80 - An event gives us a free Pasture, which will help Harmony a lot.
The Great Wall is built in a faraway land.



Capital city: Settler, Library, Oracle, Worker

Anti-Lee: Lighthouse, Worker, Axe-guy, Library

Harmony: Granary

1. Should the next city go one tile east of Lake Wallow, or two tiles? I don't know who flagged the potential city site.

2. Great Lighthouse, yay or nay? I don't want to focus so much on wonders that we lose out on important infrastructure, but we look to be forming a coastal empire, and Great Lighthouse is great for that.

3. What free tech to get with Oracle? Metalcasting and go for the Colossus? Or Code of Laws for cheap courthouses?

4. Once Harmony is up and running, we should build a monastery for the research.

5. Steles in all cities will be useful for the cheap culture bonus and the fact that their culture doubles in 1000 years.

Save game (http://www.mediafire.com/file/iyzimjz0kjm/Honourable%20Playground%20BC-0750.CivBeyondSwordSave)

Thanatos 51-50
2010-01-17, 01:15 PM
Downloading the savegame now. I'll blow through my ten turns after work t'day.

2010-01-22, 03:00 PM
so how's this coming allong?

2010-01-26, 06:02 AM
We'll give Than another 24 hours, before skipping him and moving on to the next person in turn.

2010-01-29, 04:49 PM
Lets get this going then.

Turn 0- Not much need to mine a tundra hill. Aside from that things look good.

Turn 1- Nothing


Turn 2-Islam spreads to Capital City so I make the conversion.

Turn 3-Slave in a library in Anti Lee.

Turn 4-Get to work on a Settler.


Turn 5-I hate this event so much. Way too common considering how irritating it is.

Turn 6-Nothing

Turn 7-Start on Aesthetics for the wonders since we are trying for culture. Will lightbulb monarchy.


Turn 8-Oracle completes. Revolt to hereditary rule.

Turn 9- Nothing

Turn 10- Settler completes. Start work on the lighthouse.

Ultimately we’re in a pretty good position to lock down and tech up. We have one city site to grab quickly before Hammurabi, and we’ll deal with the happiness with a massive garrison of troops. Ultimately we need nine cities to base cathedrals from.


The choice of which tile to settle I’ll leave to my successor but I’d say the spot with the axeman is ultimately better. By settling one to the west we’d add a row of desert and cut a row of coast. I don’t think the plantation incense is worth losing out on 3 food providing tiles in the long run.

Our three current cities should work well as our legendary sites. Try and get as many wonders in them as possible, but don’t neglect growth. Harmony will be our great artist pump I think.

Technology wise get currency and maybe code of laws(the religion is gone already) after aesthetics followed by calendar then drama then music. Sistine is a powerful wonder in a culture game. Take literature after we’ve grabbed the Parthenon if the Great Library hasn’t been built, but don’t make it in Harmony as that will pollute the great artist pool. We don’t need to trade for polytheism or archery but watch out for anything more interesting that the AI have to trade.

2010-01-29, 04:55 PM
Save file? Kzickas, you're up next.

2010-01-29, 05:09 PM
Blah. Keep forgetting that.

Here you go. http://www.mediafire.com/?mou10h1ju5h

Thanatos 51-50
2010-01-31, 07:19 AM
Sorry, guys, Life and Work in turn have been dealing some rather lethal Sneak Attacks recently. Sorry I didn't get my turn through. >.>

2010-02-09, 03:44 PM
Not a very interesting turnset as most cities were carrying out orders already given before I took over.


Islam spread in capital city after a few turns and since the city was at happycap I converted


When the oracle finished I used it to get code of laws, in hind sight I should have gotten currency instead since that's slightly more expensive.


Here's the end of my turn. I think the best place to send the next settler is on the peninsula to the west, there's a spot there with 2 seafood resources and there's only one square that connects it to the rest of that landmass. but we'll need to grab it fast before the AI does

2010-02-09, 06:20 PM
I think you played from the wrong save. The current one is at post 94.

2010-02-11, 03:42 AM
I'm pretty sure that's the one you posted, but I'll check when I get home

Edit: that's the only save I've got and I'm still convinced it's the one you posted, but I can't check since you've since removed it. if there is another save file I'm going to need it

2010-02-17, 03:12 PM

ten chars