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View Full Version : Dm screen

2009-12-26, 01:01 AM
allright, first, I need to explain myself. Usually, when we play DnD, we are in my room (most players are sitting on the bed), with character sheets in hand. We have no battle map or fancy stuff and the dice are scattered about the room. There is no table in room, so I just pace while DMing ( i get really in to it) I only have a loose idea of what i want to happen and improve the rest. But I got 30 bucks and I'm gonna do it up right. Buy some Dew and Dorritos, A giant grid map thing, and We'll sit at the table.
Also, I want a DM screen and can't buy one online. So, how could I make a good one at home?

2009-12-26, 01:04 AM
Make it out of the Dew box?

That's what my friend did.

2009-12-26, 01:37 AM
Did you by chance get the 4e books in the boxed set? I did (it was a gift) and just turned the box they came in on its side and put sticky notes on it. Worked great.

Empty soda boxes are good, too. Do you want advice on the kind of stuff to put on a DM screen, or just construction materials?

2009-12-26, 12:19 PM
Well, I'm gonna use the Dew box, but what should I put on it (We are playing AD&D 2e)

2009-12-26, 01:02 PM
Well, you'll want:

Thac0 table
ST table
Treasure table
Random encounters table (if you use it)
Character summary for every character
Spell summary for your most used spells

2009-12-26, 05:47 PM
The DM Screen I use is a copy of that Star Wars Amazing Cross sections book. :P It's a bit too high for a DM screen, but it hides my rolls well enough. I don't post any notes on it, though.

2009-12-26, 05:54 PM
DM screens are for suckas and chumps. DM naked :smallamused:

2009-12-26, 06:30 PM
The 4e DMS is made of purified awesomesauce. But seeing as how you are playing 2e, that doesn't really help.

2009-12-26, 08:31 PM
DM screens are for suckas and chumps. DM naked :smallamused:

The only time I've DMed "naked," so to speak, is when I ran my group through the Tomb of Horrors, otherwise I use a screen.

2009-12-26, 09:11 PM
What people have posted so far looks good. Lists of your group's defenses, obviously, and how likely they are to spot secret doors without actively looking, plus any notable abilities - resistance to a certain kind of spell, that sort of thing. Post-its to remind you of stuff ("don't forget the beholder's extra attack" or that sort of thing).

For the outside of the screen, art that fits your campaign theme is always good. Or NPC portraits, maps of the area where the party is, etc.