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View Full Version : Playstation 3: Games to Get?

Lord Loss
2009-12-26, 07:35 AM
So I got a PS3 for Christmas, along with The Force Unleashed, and made my way to the before-last-mission. The day after I got it. So I'm wondering, what to get as a second game?

I'd like something along the lines of a quirky adventure/shooter game, like borderlands, Prototype, Deadspace, Fallout, etc. but I'm unsure which game to get. I intend on Getting Call of Duty 5: World At War, so maybe this affects your advice. On PS2, I'm a big fan of Socom, Destroy all humans and Star Wars Battlefront 3. I may be getting my new game 2 Day. Thanks in advance!

2009-12-26, 08:37 AM
Well my friends who have a PS3 like Demon's Souls, so I would recommend you look into that.

Out of the games you've listed I'd go with Borderlands.

2009-12-26, 03:09 PM
Check out Uncharted and Uncharted 2. Supposedly the most cinematic games ever made, if that's a quirky enough trait for you.

Hunter Noventa
2009-12-27, 11:38 AM
You don't seem to be a fan of the sort of games I am, but here's what I can sugest as wonderful games-

Valkyria Chronicles- Turn-based strategy meets third person shooter. beautiful graphics, looks like you're playing an anime.

Disgaea 3- Turn based strategy meets WTF. Everything goes Over 9000. EVERYTHING.

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2- There is very little more satisfying then marching around the battlefield in a giant robot mowing down waves of other, weaker giant robots.

Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga- Simple, fun, adorable, hilarious.

2009-12-27, 12:26 PM
Like Hunter_Noventa, i don't like the same style of game that you do. That being said, however, i have to recommend Valkyria Chronicles. It is the flat out most beautiful game ever thanks to superior style and design. If you have ever seen a movie by Hayao Miyazaki you know what sort of art style to expect. And the tactical gameplay flows remarkably well on both a tactical level and when you command individual units. In my opinion there is no PS3 game with better design regardless of questions of taste, everything works really well and is put together excellently.

2009-12-28, 10:14 PM

I've played both Prototype and Infamous, and I have to say that I think Infamous is a much better game, it's also more of a shooter.

Granted, I didn't play either game a lot, so as far as mileage is concerned, the tables may turn.

If I get a PStripple, the first game I'll get is Demon's Souls. I would probably get Little Big Planet, if my friends agreed they would play with me before I got it.

Inhuman Bot
2009-12-29, 12:53 AM
Your list needs moar Fallout 3. :smalltongue:

2009-12-29, 01:25 AM
It depends. By your standards, if you intend to play multiplayer then Borderlands is really the best game possible. It's truly a great game.

However, if you're more into the single player experience I'd recommend Fallout 3. It's a much more polished game than Borderlands, but lacks the multiplayer fun.

Either way, you can't really go wrong.

2009-12-29, 04:04 PM
Dead Space is lots of fun, though its very linear and predictable. Of course it doesn't even remotely reach the depth of a Silent Hill game, but if you want to slaughter hordes of monsters in an abandoned space ship, it's awsome.
But play it on hard, as the normal dificulty is very easy.

I also much like Metal Gear Solid 4, but I think it's only a game for people who played all the other games of the series and liked them a lot. It's brilliant, but I think you won't really appreciate it if you havn't played the other games.

Hida Reju
2009-12-29, 11:59 PM
Heavenly Sword - Best control setup for combat I have ever played worth a rent at least and you can get it new for 20$ now.
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots if you ever played any of the others this one is over the top cool
Bioshock - Just get it and turn the lights down its worth it.

Lord Blace
2009-12-30, 03:23 AM
Uncharted 2
Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition
Call of Duty 4 or Modern Warfare 2
Killzone 2
God of War collection, if you don't have God of War 1&2 already.