View Full Version : [3.5 Base Class] Wanderer of the Abyss (WIP, PEACH)

2009-12-26, 10:54 PM
Note: This is a work in progress. I still need to Figure out and write out the rest of the tears. Also, I need to flesh out every ability for Entropic Majesty. If you have a suggestion for one, post it. Anything, seriously. My imagination-fu is getting lower every day. Anyway, this is what's done:

The ignorant imagine the creation of the universe as a strictly ordered and methodical process undertaken by the gods. The truth, told by the eldest mortal beings in existence, is drastically different. It is all but forgotten today. When the gods created the worlds and the various planes of existence, they did so by manipulating the essences of law and chaos, subtracting, combining and subdividing. Every world, every location, is a precise mixture of the two. However, the nature of having worlds in the universe means that, in the known world, law dominates chaos. Even on different planes, there are still rules, still laws, to determine what happens. In short, that leftover chaos must go somewhere. When worlds are created, there is leftover chaos flying through existence. Thus were formed the elder chaos-beings, creatures of pure chaos. The gods did their best to contain them, to ensure that they don’t destroy us all. Many were cast into eternal slumber, or sealed in prison demiplanes. However, as is the nature of chaos, it can never be contained. The “leftover” space in the universe is the greatest chaos-being of all: The Abysm. It can’t interact with the worlds at all, as it’s resting place is the opposite of the worlds. It is everywhere, and larger and more powerful than anything else in existence, but it is also nowhere, unable to breech the confines of the various worlds. Wizards, bah, they think that the only way to do anything is to follow rules. They ignore the greatest power of all, the power that I now wield against you. The power of Abysm.”
-Emald Sayos, epic Wanderer of the Abyss



Wizards and wu jen are thought of, by most, as some of the most scholarly beings. To a Wanderer of the Abyss, however, they are remarkably close-minded. The fundamentals of both classes include the philosophy of following certain rules, such as words and gestures, to produce effects. The sorcerer does not fall prey to this to as great an extent, but they still say and do certain things, even though it is not memorized or studies. Wanderers have the ability to tear through the fabric of reality to let some amount of chaos into the world, which can have a multitude of effects, as explained later.

On the Meaning of “Abyss”:

When you hear the word abyss you probably think about demons. However, this interpretation of Abyss is flawed. Demos are only a chaotically-natured being, they do not exemplify utter chaos, as is the meaning of the term “Abysm.” Even the Grand Abyss in Baator is governed by law to some extent, but it is one of the locations in the multiverse with a significant link the real Abyss. The Abyss is both a location and a creature. Put simply, it is everywhere that is not in a world. The great Wheel has gaps between planes, and this is where there are no rules, there is no law. There is only chaos, which is the nature of the term Abyss.


You may be thinking something along the lines of “What is this idiot talking about? Of course spellcasters already use chaos, there are spells with it in the players handbook. There’s an entire domain about it. Also, there are already classes that are all about chaos. Chaos monk, barbarian, anarch, avenger, etc.” Yep, those classes exist alright. However, if you’re thinking anything like that, you’re misinterpreting what law and chaos really mean. It’s not about following or breaking the law, or casting a spell with a certain word in the title. Law and chaos are the two most fundamental units of reality. Sure, good and evil often come into play more often in your average game, but they pale in comparison from a larger perspective. Good and evil don’t change how things function or are created, they are only moral codes that are utilized after a creature has been created ad functions. Anything that any creature currently relies on (swinging a sword, casting a spell, attacking someone in a vital area, etc) is governed by the laws of physics. (Physics in game terms, I’m not saying that it’s possible to cast a spell in real life). Chaos is, quite literally, the lack of any order. While I don’t suggest that the Wanderer is going to ignore every law of physics (he’s still going to walk, talk, and breathe), his power comes from pure chaos, the raw force in the multiverse that gives all things the ability to move, change, grow and happen. Chaos is the cause of all action in the universe, while law exists to make sure that actions have a location and a purpose for occurring.

Acquiring a link to the Abyss

All beings are inherently chaotic in two ways. First, they can think independently; in a perfectly lawful society, free thought would not exist. Second, they promote change. All change is inherently based upon chaos. Every movement a person makes adds chaos to the universe by changing the status quo. However, this alone does not provide a link to Abysm, because these same actions are anchored by law. Movements and actions, chaotic as they are, are anchored to law. Actions are guided by unchanging statutes such as gravity, reactions and results. However, there is one way to escape the reality of the world and enter the abyss: to learn to completely detach you mind from your body and delink it from reality. Once this occurs, your thoughts exit the world and are pushed to the only other “location:” Abysm. This may happen to any creature, especially while asleep, because dreams are a beings strongest link to chaos. Any creature whose mind enters the Abyss is forever changed. They gain abilities at great costs. However, there are some who pursue some semblance of control of the excursions and the ability to harness the power of chaos. These are the Wanderers of the Abyss, their thoughts roam through pure chaos and this allows them to tear open a small rip to let the chaos into the world.

The Method to the Madness

All creatures with a link to the abyss are constituted by the same four components: Interference, Excursions, Disruptions and Tearing.


Interference represents the distractions in your mind that come from having chaos constantly affecting you. The residual chaos from tearing into the Abyss interferes with the normal functioning of your brain. Every time you create a tear, you must make a Will save (DC 10 + 3xTear level) or take one point of temporary Wisdom damage. This does not heal normally, but you regain all wisdom damage lost this way after you do not create a tear for one hour. If your Wisdom would become zero due to this effect, you go incurably insane, by anything short of direct deific intervention or a wish or miracle spell. If you are unable to take wisdom damage, you may not use Tears.

The way that a creature establishes a link to the Abyss is to go on a sort of “mental exploration,” most often by accident whilst asleep. This is called an excursion to Abysm. Wanderers, as they become more powerful, become more in tune to the abyss by purposely taking part in more excursions. An excursion is kind of like a school of wizardry, in that, depending on what excursions you have undergone, you have access to different Tears and you Disrupt the environment differently,

20 events that you witness. What you see and interact with on an excursion is what defines the excursion, because it is what part of chaos you explore and link to.
{table=header]Roll|Vision|Category of Excursion
1|A battle between two chaos entities|Entropic War
2|The evolution of chaos beings over the course of millennia|Perpetual Evolution
3|An elder chaos being that imparts to you lost secrets of the world|Distant Secrets
4|The nightmares of all beings in the multiverse|Nightmares Eternal
5|The links and spaces between planes|Planar Insight
6|The tides of the ocean of dreams|Waves of Dream
7|Your past tainted with chaos|Malformed Past
8|An endless road|The Endless Road
9|All the key elements performing an opposite function|Elemental Disjunction
10|A raging chaos being on a path of destruction|Destructive Anger
11|The dreams of an elder chaos things producing new creatures|Chaotic Dreams
12|A beautiful landscape that is quickly malformed into chaotic nonsense|Beauty Disfigured
13|A Wanderer that died long ago|Kinsmen of Ages Past
14|Your worst nightmare replayed again and again, getting more and more chaos-infused|Spiraling Fear
15|The distant past and distant future becoming chaotically coterminous, and yet still separate|The Unmeasured Time
16|A set of scales, never still, but with unchanging weights|Scales of Unbalance
17|You fly through the night sky, as stars live out their entire lives in a matter of minutes|Journey of the Night Sky
18|A creature pulling chaos from its own body and fashioning it into items|Tools from Chaos


Where Interference is the internal effect of travelling to the Abyss, a disruption is a change in all creatures in the vicinity. You Disrupt the environment differently based on what Excursions you’ve gone on. Excursions extend 20’ out from you I all directions. Disruptions are a constant, weak sign of your connection to the Abyss, and thus have no in-game effect.

{table=header]Roll| Category of Excursion|Disruption
1| Entropic War|Creatures are more anxious for violence
2| Perpetual Evolution|Living creatures constantly change form in small ways
3| Distant Secrets|Creatures remember events faster and more vividly
4|Nightmares Eternal|All sleeping creatures experience nightmares
5| Planar Insight|Creatures have brief visions of other worlds
6| Waves of Dream|All creatures dream throughout their sleep, and always remember their dreams
7| Malformed Past |Creatures remember the past in a more somber fashion
8| The Endless Road|The end of a path always appears farther than it is
9| Elemental Disjunction|Elements are less extreme (Fire isn’t as hot, water not as wet, etc)
10| Destructive Anger| Creatures are angrier within the area
11|Chaotic Dreams|All beings think of ideas for new, strange creatures
12| Beauty Disfigured|Nothing appears to be as beautiful
13| Kinsmen of Ages Past|Creatures have thoughts of long-lost friends or allies
14| Spiraling Fear|Everything appears more frightening
15|The Unmeasured Time|Time never seems to go by at the correct rate
16|Scales of Unbalance|Scales and other measurements are indecisive
17| Journey of the Night Sky|Creatures constantly study the sky
18|Tools from Chaos|At first glance, all manufactured items seems slightly disfigured


A Tear is quite literally ripping the boundary between the world and the Abyss. This is a creature with a link to the abyss’ equivalent of spells, in that they are abilities that can be used a limited number of times per day, and perform a certain effect. As is the nature of chaos, it can’t be controlled, so very time a tear is created, there is a 1% chance per Tear level that more chaos will flow into the world. This causes the creator of the tear to take 1d6 subdual damage per level of the tear, a -4 penalty on the interference check, and the tear to become Empowered, as via the Empower Tear MetaTear Feat. Different excursions provide access to different Tears, as explained below. You must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + Tear Level to use a Tear.

Some people have already gone up to the section on interference, asking, “So when you use your main class ability, you harm the ability score associated with it? What?” In short, yes. As you use create more tears, more residual chaos floods your body, which means you can’t concentrate enough to tear anymore. From a crunch point of view, it acts as a limit, because it gets very risk to use higher level tears. Because Tears are at will abilities, they need some sort of limit. While I realize that this means that every player is just going to pump their wisdom through the roof, that’s the goal. Every class has one major weakness that the player strives to minimize via feats and resources. So, at the very least, this mechanic means that resources (gold and feats) are going to be put to the use of minimizing wisdom damage rather than other things.

2009-12-26, 10:55 PM
The Wanderer of the Abyss

”A select few journey to the abyss in their life and develop the power of chaos. They more often than not see it as a curse, and try to hide it. These people are cowards. They have not been cursed; they have been blessed. Blessed with the strength of the strongest power in existence. When I discovered this, I chose not to hide my gifts, but to study them, to learn to maintain some sort of control. Now I have succeeded. I control the uncontrollable, I have the power of chaos.”
-Emald Sayos, epic Wanderer of the Abyss

Those who discover the nature of their excursion and chose to study it, to further it, are called Wanderers of the Abyss. They seek to create a stronger connection to Abysm and able to call upon greater chaotic power.

Due to the progression of excursions, Wanderers become exponentially more adaptable over time. At first level, for example, they only know two Tears, making a Wanderer very specialized at low levels. At mid to high levels, however, Wanderers generally know more Tears than a spellcaster knows spells, and can cast them at will, making a Wanderer an excellent support character and able to imitate almost any type of Spellcasting.

Making a Wanderer of the Abyss
Adventures: Wanderers of the Abyss may adventure for a multitude of reasons. This can be anything from using their unique power to stop atrocities from occurring to greed to scholarly pursuits in attempting to study their powers. However, most Wanderers adventure just for the sake of furthering their own power
Characteristics: Wanderers can fill in for any character in a party, depending on what Excursions they go on. The most common place for a Wanderer in the party is as a support character, a back-up for the spellcasters.
Religion: Wanderers are primarily non-religious because they either believe that it would be absurd to worship the power of a god when the source of their own power is infinitely more powerful, or because many gods would forsake Wanderers for accessing the powers which the gods tried to permanently seal away. But some Wanderers of the Abyss are religious, particularly among the lawful and neutral ranks.
Other Classes: The more law following a class is, the less likely they are to get along with a Wanderer. Not to say that the Wanderer won’t like the individual, but rather sees them as remarkable close-minded. To a Wanderer, “Lawful” doesn’t mean the alignment, but rather how much they follow the rules of the universe. This means that some of most looked down upon classes are the Wizard, Wu Jen and Sorcerer. Wanderers of the Abyss also generally don’t get along to well with divine spellcasters, as the source of the divine power is inferior to and is proved a failure by the Abyss.
Abilities: Wanderers are very dependent on their Wisdom score, as it powers the DC of their Tears, their will save, and their ability to access certain levels of Tears. However, Constitution is also an important ability for a Wanderer, due to their relatively low hit dice. Also, most Wanderers will want to have a reasonably high Dexterity or Strength, to be able to fight in combat without tears.
Races: Any race can become a Wanderer, because members of all races can partake in an excursion to the Abyss. However, humans are the most ambitious and power-driven race, making them the most likely to pursue the Power of Chaos. However, elves and gnomes are also all common because they naturally seek to finds new forms of magic and power.
Alignment: A wanderer may be of any alignment, though many are chaotic by nature. A Lawful Wanderer seeks to control and to rein in the power of chaos, to use chaos in manners controlled by law. Neutral Wanderers recognize that the world is inherently lawful and seek to at least partially equalize the balance by letting chaos flow into the world. Chaotically inclined Wanderers harness the power of raw, otherworldly chaos to enhance their own lawless ends. As for good and evil, this is completely dependent on the individual.
Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10 gp (100 gp)
Starting Age: As Sorcerer

Class Skills
The Wanderer of the Abyss’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All) (Int), Listen (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis)
Skills Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int Mod) x 4
Skills Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int Mod

Hit Dice: d6

{table=header]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|Maximum Tear Level Known
1|+0|+0|+0|+2|Excursion, Tears, Lesser Entropic Majesty |1
2|+1|+0|+0|+3| Excursion |1
3|+2|+1|+1|+3|Lesser Entropic Majesty|1
4|+3|+1|+1|+4| Excursion |2
5|+3|+1|+1|+4|Lesser Entropic Majesty|2
6|+4|+2|+2|+5| Excursion |2
7|+5|+2|+2|+5|Entropic Majesty|3
8|+6/+1|+2|+2|+6| Excursion |3
9|+6/+1|+3|+3|+6|Entropic Majesty|3
10|+7/+2|+3|+3|+7| Excursion |4
11|+8/+3|+3|+3|+7|Entropic Majesty|4
12|+9/+4|+4|+4|+8| Excursion |4
13|+9/+4|+4|+4|+8|Entropic Majesty|5
14|+10/+5|+4|+4|+9| Excursion |5
15|+11/+6/+1|+5|+5|+9|Greater Entropic Majesty|5
16|+12/+7/+2|+5|+5|+10| Excursion |6
17|+12/+7/+2|+5|+5|+10| Greater Entropic Majesty|6
18|+13/+8/+3|+6|+6|+11| Excursion |6
19|+14/+9/+4|+6|+6|+11|Greater Entropic Majesty|6
20|+15/+10/+5|+6|+6|+12| Excursion|6[/table]

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: As a Wanderer of the Abyss, you are proficient with simple and martial weapons and with light armor, but not with shields.

Excursion: At first level and every even level thereafter, a Wanderer of the Abyss gains goes on an excursion. The options for excursions are given below. What excursions you choose affect what Tears you can use and how you Disrupt the environment. Excursions can either be rolled or chosen by the DM.

{table=header]Roll|Vision|Category of Excursion
1|A battle between two chaos entities|Entropic War
2|The evolution of chaos beings over the course of millennia|Perpetual Evolution
3|An elder chaos being that imparts to you lost secrets of the world|Distant Secrets
4|The nightmares of all beings in the multiverse|Nightmares Eternal
5|The links and spaces between planes|Planar Insight
6|The tides of the ocean of dreams|Waves of Dream
7|Your past tainted with chaos|Malformed Past
8|An endless road|The Endless Road
9|All the key elements performing an opposite function|Elemental Disjunction
10|A raging chaos being on a path of destruction|Destructive Anger
11|The dreams of an elder chaos things producing new creatures|Chaotic Dreams
12|A beautiful landscape that is quickly malformed into chaotic nonsense|Beauty Disfigured
13|A Wanderer that died long ago|Kinsmen of Ages Past
14|Your worst nightmare replayed again and again, getting more and more chaos-infused|Spiraling Fear
15|The distant past and distant future becoming chaotically coterminous, and yet still separate|The Unmeasured Time
16|A set of scales, never still, but with unchanging weights|Scales of Unbalance
17|You fly through the night sky, as stars live out their entire lives in a matter of minutes|Journey of the Night Sky
18|A creature pulling chaos from its own body and fashioning it into items|Tools from Chaos

Interference (Su): The residual chaos from tearing into the Abyss interferes with the normal functioning of your brain. Every time you create a tear, you must make a Will save (DC 10 + 3xTear level) or take one point of temporary Wisdom damage. This does not heal normally, but you regain all wisdom damage lost this way after you do not create a tear for one hour. If your Wisdom would become zero due to this effect, you go incurably insane, by anything short of direct deific intervention or a wish or miracle spell. If you are unable to take wisdom damage, you may not use Tears.

Disruption (Su): Excursions extend 20’ out from you I all directions. Disruptions are a constant, weak sign of your connection to the Abyss, and thus have no in-game effect. What Disruptions you cause are based on what excursions you’ve gone on, as given on the table below.

{table=header]Roll| Category of Excursion|Disruption
1| Entropic War|Creatures are more anxious for violence
2| Perpetual Evolution|Living creatures constantly change form in small ways
3| Distant Secrets|Creatures remember events faster and more vividly
4|Nightmares Eternal|All sleeping creatures experience nightmares
5| Planar Insight|Creatures have brief visions of other worlds
6| Waves of Dream|All creatures dream throughout their sleep, and always remember their dreams
7| Malformed Past |Creatures remember the past in a more somber fashion
8| The Endless Road|The end of a path always appears farther than it is
9| Elemental Disjunction|Elements are less extreme (Fire isn’t as hot, water not as wet, etc)
10| Destructive Anger| Creatures are angrier within the area
11|Chaotic Dreams|All beings think of ideas for new, strange creatures
12| Beauty Disfigured|Nothing appears to be as beautiful
13| Kinsmen of Ages Past|Creatures have thoughts of long-lost friends or allies
14| Spiraling Fear|Everything appears more frightening
15|The Unmeasured Time|Time never seems to go by at the correct rate
16|Scales of Unbalance|Scales and other measurements are indecisive
17| Journey of the Night Sky|Creatures constantly study the sky
18|Tools from Chaos|At first glance, all manufactured items seems slightly disfigured

Tears (Su): You automatically know all Tears of a level that you can use and below for each excursion you have gone one. You must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + Tear Level to use a Tear.

2009-12-26, 10:56 PM
Tears by Excursion

Entropic War
Level One Tears
Weapon of Chaos, least: Your weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus
Chaotic Fighting: You gain a bonus to attack rolls and AC
Level Two Tears
Volley of Blows: You may make melee attacks at a distance
Speed of Entropy: You gain one extra standard action per round that can only be used to make an attack
Level Three Tears
Weapon of Chaos, Lesser: Your weapon gains a +3 enhancement bonus
Impervious to : All critical threats are automatically confirmed
Level Four Tears
Weapon of Chaos: Your weapon gains a +5 enhancement bonus
Strikes of Finality: All critical threats are automatically confirmed
Level Five Tears
Weapon of Chaos, Greater: Your weapon gains a +7 enhancement bonus
Swirling Blade: All attacks are touch attacks
Level Six Tears
Battle Form: You take the form of a minor chaos being
Fury of the Abyss: You move at 5 times normal speed for a short duration

Perpetual Evolution
Level One Tears
Weapons of Deformation: You gain natural Weapons
Lesser Devolution: Target creatures loses natural weapons
Level Two Tears
Physical Advancement: You gain a +4 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution
Deform Other: Create multiple harmful effects on target
Level Three Tears
Shapechange: You can take the form of another with certain restrictions
Mental Advancement: You gain +6 to any two mental abilities
Level Four Tears
Warp Figure: Impose painful change on target’s body
Horrendous Form: You take the form of a horrific chaos being that frightens opponents
Level Five Tears
Hardened Flesh: You gain DR and a bonus to AC
Focused Advancement: You gain a +10 bonus to any one ability score
Level Six Tears
Sever Devolution: Target becomes a helpless, but still living organism with no form of attack
Evolution of One Million Years: You completely change your form in multiple ways

Distant Secrets
Level One Tears
Know Function: You learn the abilities of an item
Eternal Knowledge: +10 on all knowledge checks
Level Two Tears
Vision Through Walls: Instantly know where a nearby object is
Recall Lore: Gain knowledge on obscure happenings of the past
Level Three Tears
Hiders Found: Locate a nearby creature
Foretelling: See one event in the near future
Level Four Tears
Perfect Memory: Automatically succeed on one Knowledge check
Secrets of the Living: Learn everything about a single creature’s past
Level Five Tears
Know the Way: You know the best route to any location
Continuous Prescience: You gain a bonus to AC, checks, attack and damage
Level Six Tears
Faultless Knowledge: You know the answer to one yes/no question
Impart Devastating Knowledge: Affected creatures become frightened, paralyzed or insane

Nightmares Eternal
Level One Tears
Intimidating Glare: Gain a bonus on intimidate checks
Incite Phobia: Target foe becomes shaken
Level Two Tears
Curse of Insomnia: Target creature can’t sleep
Incite Fear: Targets take a penalty on all rolls
Level Three Tears
Tormented Slumber: Put target creatures to sleep
Restless Night: Target sleeping creatures takes penalties and can’t prepare spells
Level Four Tears
Living Nightmare: Target creature is killed in fright
Insane Horror: Affected creatures are insane
Level Five Tears
Being of Terror: All creatures nearby are shaken, frightened or panicked
All are Fearful at Heart: Any creature (even those immune to fear effects) is panicked
Level Six Tears
Living Nightmare, Mass: As Living Nightmare, but it affects multiple enemies
Eternal Unrest: Target sleeping creature experiences nightmares and can’t be woken up

Planar Insight
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Waves of Dream
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Malformed Past
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

The Endless Road
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Elemental Disjunction
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Destructive Anger
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Chaotic Dreams
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Beauty Disfigured
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Kinsmen of Ages Past
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Spiraling Fear
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

The Unmeasured Time
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Scales of Unbalance
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Journey of the Night Sky
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

Tools from Chaos
Level One Tears

Level Two Tears

Level Three Tears

Level Four Tears

Level Five Tears

Level Six Tears

2009-12-26, 10:57 PM
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2009-12-26, 10:59 PM
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The Tygre
2009-12-27, 01:08 AM
I don't have any mechanical advice to offer you, so just let me say; you friend. You are where it's at. What's 'It'? You know what 'It' is, because you've got so much of 'It', it's pouring out of your ears. This is awesome. This is the kind of fresh, exciting new concept I love to see. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

2009-12-27, 01:15 AM
Thanks :smallsmile: The goal is to get it finish it this decade, but it might take a bit longer than that.

2009-12-27, 01:43 AM
Well now, this is impressive! I'm a big fan of alternative magic systems; I'd love to help in some way, when it isn't 2:00 AM.

2009-12-27, 01:49 AM
Any help is greatly appreciated. Seriously.

2009-12-27, 10:37 PM

This is... Eerily similar to Realms of Chaos' Xenotheurgy project. Or at the very least there are numerous similarities, nomenclatures, organization...

Your Tears are his Breaches, your Excursions are his Murmurs, your Disruptions are his Disturbances.

Your powers (tears) are organized in 20 (18 right now) groups of twelve different powers, two of each level for six levels. In this point they are identical.

The names of the Excursions also have direct matches to that of his Murmurs.

Not implying anything, far from me to do so. But... Yeah. Too many similarities so far.

2009-12-27, 11:33 PM
I did indeed read that thread, and thought it was an interesting class, but I last read through it when RoC first published it. If there are any similarities, it's probably because I remembered them subconciously. However, looking at the True Xenotheurgist again makes me see several key differences.

1. The number of tears is basically because I wrote out as many excursions as I could think of (18). I also figured the fewest number I would be able to get away with while still scaling adequately was 6 levels. (I actually got this from the truenamer). I wouldn't be able to think of 3 for each level and 1 seemed really minimalist, so two seemed about right. I would assume that RoC had a similar thought process. It's a lot harder to homebrew 216 brand new "spell" things than you'd think, so i consider my relative minimalism justified.

2. For the excursions, I literally was just like "What could you see if you were in a place of pure chaos?" and then categorized them. I would assume that this similarity come a lot from both a) subconcious memories of the Kenotheurge and b) the fact that "chaos" is somewhat similar to a plane of "wordless insanity." Looking back at the Xenotheurgist, I would agree that there are slightly fluffy similarities, however, his is based off of insanity and mine is based off of chaos. Quite different, in my eyes.

3. Disruptions vs. Disturbances: Yes, these are indeed remarkably similar. However a) Overflow (with no in-game effect) of whatever isn't unique to either of these things. Consider the ELH and spells, where there is even a sidebar that says that you should have some description (There's one for hellball, i think, that is about the caster's eyes bleeding?) b) Method of implementation is drastically different. I go based on excursions, RoC is just random. c) The Xenotheurge can suppress his

4. Murmurs vs. Excursions: This is the one that I disagree with strongest. there are many huge differences. a) Flavor. Little explanation needed. b) the leveling system of murmurs, which is not present in excursions. c) the fact that a xenotheurge can trade out murmurs d) Murmurs have actual effects on you when you activate them, whereas Excursions are basically just domains. e) Excursions are one time things, while murmurs are activated abilities.

5. Tears vs. Breaches. Invocations, powers, spells, infusions, utterances, etc. It's different terminology for what is the base function of each class: "spellscasting"

6. The Xenotheurge has Incursions, whereas the Wanderer does not.

7. Straight up mechanics. The Wanderer loses wisdom, etc, to control his powers. The Xenotheurge is governed by Murmur level to dictate the number of times he uses a Breach.

This was not me being affronted or angry or anything, I'm just showing you why they're different. I can see why you would see the similarities, however I, at least, believe that they are remarkably different. If, somehow, I subconciously copied something of RoC's, it isn't because I was trying to take credit for his work. I think that the Xenotheurgy system is great, and that he is a great homebrewer. However, I believe that in both mechanics and fluff, the True Xenothurgist and the Wanderer of the Abyss are vastly different.

RoC: If you are looking at this thread for whatever reason, and you believe that I've stolen your ideas to any degree, please tell me and I will immediately take everything down.

2010-04-06, 02:01 PM
Some pretty wholesome awesome you have here.

Might I suggest a psionic variant in the future?

I was considering giving my interpretation of zeratul (dark protoss from SC, y'know?) a few levels of this considering the fluff sort of reflects his nature and also considering wisdom is one of, if not, his highest attributes.

In either case I'd love to bring it over for my starcraft D&D project.