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View Full Version : DMing Rashemen...

2009-12-27, 02:06 AM
So I've volunteered to run a campaign for two of my buddies, since we love gaming together, but neither of them like running games much (and to be honest, their games I have played in aren't all that great :smallyuk:). I've a fairly solid base for a campaign, but I need an intro hook to expand on; hopefully the creativity present on these forums will manifest and inspire me a bit.

The game I've set up is a gestalt campaign, starting at level one. I have two players, and I specified at character creation that they had to use one half of their gestalt in a divine class. I also requested, and received, detailed backstories and philosophical leanings, for both of their characters, a Druid/Sorcerer, and a Shugenja/Warlock (fey background). The campaign will be set in Rashemen, Forgotten Realms. My overarching scheme is to tie them in with the events of the Unholy series and get them into Thay to do some reconnaissance and find a way to deal with the undead horrors that will start streaming into Rashemen with Szass Tam's coup. Basically zombie-apocalypse, and then-some once the necromancers, no longer preoccupied with civil war, start some border-control measures in case Rashemen and Aglarond start getting ideas.

But that's for the mid-high levels. For now, I want to give them a reason to want to save Rashemen in the future and have some light-hearted adventures in their homeland with the fey and nature spirits and some good RPing, make contacts, nemesi, that sort of thing...I'd like my first game to showcase the ethereal beauty and untamed wildness of the land, as well as the close community feel that the books suggest, however I can't come up with a decent series of "encounters" for these guys. They love their combat, but as I told them in char creation, they're not adventurers yet. They're playing teenagers with lofty aspirations. They haven't even killed a sentient creature, let alone a monster, and I don't think I want session 1 to showcase this. The game will start off lighthearted, but will lean decidedly towards horror (mmm Heroes of Horror...) once the undead start rolling in. I'm considering making use of taint, morale checks, etc, as I don't think I can get the PC's to RP appropriately but I'm unsure (if you see a zombie for the first time, do you unflinchingly cast a spell at it or have a WTF moment?).

But I'm rambling a bit. Throw some ideas my way; I've a week to mull this over, having wasted two weeks playing Dota and listening to music b/c I can't come up with anything on my own :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-27, 09:48 AM
Play up the cultural stuff and the spirit world aspects of Rasheman. Mention the little spirit altars people have in their houses, have your NPCs follow odd superstitions, introduce the idea of coming of age/Johnny's first kill rites.

Take the time to make the NPCs and the details of the milieu something the PCs care about. Reward them for acting in a properly Rashemani manner (respecting their elders and the spirits, fearing and obeying the word of the Hathrans, etc.) Then wreck it all with Thayan shenanigans.

2009-12-27, 11:41 AM
Thanks for the ideas, especially on encouraging proper behavior. Thay comes later, once they fall in love with Rashemen as we both said. I still need some ideas for the first session. I don't want session 1 to have any kills, if possible; that's special and for later. As you said, a coming of age, perhaps, on the battlefield. But I want the PCs to still feel drawn into it and be able to use their special abilities on day 1.

I'm thinking the Fey spirit that was present for the naming ceremony of the Warlock will start a one-session quest that will allow for the character's awakening of their divine potential...Maybe give them their priestly powers in the first session on a slight silly (being fey) game of sorts. Perhaps the fey is a familiar spirit of one of the wychlaran (or durthan?) who will be guiding the young PC's in secret towards greater knowledge and power....I'm favoring the durthan idea at the moment, since introducing their benefactor as benevolent at some point will create some interesting conflict once the aloof witches the PC's only really know as the (wo) Man declare this person they know so well as evil.

Thoughts? Any ideas on a fey game worth levels in priest lol? :smallbiggrin: