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2009-12-28, 05:00 AM
I remember hearing somewhere that if you looked through two different gems or goggles at the same time you were instantly struck with Insanity.

Does anyone else remember this?

Also what were you favorite Cursed Items you used or had used against you in game? :smallbiggrin:

2009-12-28, 05:13 AM
I had a homebrewed gauntlet that made disable device and open lock checks next to impossible as once you put it on it stopped looking like a glove of dexterity +2 and became a gauntlet made of rock that was impossible to take off without remove curse and soften earth and stone.

I was a cleric. I had a ring of regeneration that restored 1HP/hour even after death. I made that gauntlet myself to protect that ring from being stolen. The fact that it looked like a glove of dexterity +2 was just a perverse joke on my Cleric's part as my DM has a habit of using things from old campaigns in his new ones and I wanted to screw over a rogue at some point.

mabriss lethe
2009-12-28, 06:29 AM
Oh man. I really got my players one time. they'd managed to get on the bad side of the local assassin's guild. The assassins sent a preliminary deathsquad to do the deed. They were all several levels lower than the party and loaded to the gills with cursed equipment. I made sure they were all disguised as things that specific members of the party would find too good to pass up. My players swallowed it hook, line and sinker. I gave them a week or so to forget about them, and then the *real* assassins made their move.

2009-12-28, 04:43 PM
It was only 2d4 turns of insanity, so you got better after a while. And it wasn't so much a curse as a consequence of doing something stupid, like mixing potions - I miss that old table.

I miss having cursed items in general, but I think my favourite was the ring or potion of delusion. Nothing better than chugging a healing potion to realize you're actually drinking poison or something. Or putting on a ring of feather falling only to fall off a big cliff to your doom. Ahhh, those were the good old days. :smallsmile:

2009-12-28, 04:44 PM
Thanks for a great idea... Time to gift BBEG'S with cursed items. :D