View Full Version : Champion of the Gods, Round 1: Sarastra vs. Celia

2009-12-28, 08:38 AM
Mists rise in the cold morning air, over a carpet of fallen leaves, between the crippled birches and pine trees rooted here in the swampy round, the bogs overgrown with algae and plants, the ground and boulders half-hidden beneath moss and undergrowth.
The gods have brought you here, and across the swamp, you can see your enemy. Only one of you will leave alive.


Celia starts in the top left corner, Sarastra in the Bottom Right

Round 1 - FIGHT!

2009-12-28, 02:32 PM
Sarastra runs through the mist at lightning speed, dodging behind a boulder, out of his enemy's sight.

Round 1:
Sarastra enters the Lightning Skirmish stance, then moves to the cover of the largest boulder on the map. (The 3x3 square boulder. He is now standing on the boulder's right side, the middle of the three squares).

Lightning Skirmish:
Whilst in this stance you are able to move more freely. You may use two-weapon fighting whenever you strike a foe as a standard action. Additionally, whilst in this stance you gain a +10 enhancement bonus to speed (this enchantment bonus stacks with any other enhancement bonuses gained via Scarlet Rose).

2009-12-28, 02:41 PM
In the boulder's square or next to it? Also, can you be seen/see over the top of the boulder?

2009-12-28, 02:47 PM
Behind it, to the right. Also, the boulder is five feet high, so, technically, you should still be able to see my head. It just provides cover.

2009-12-28, 02:59 PM
Round 1:
Celia goes into the Child of Shadow stance, and moves just twenty-five feet to the east. (she's now two to the right and two up from the top-right corner of the 2x2 boulder that was in front of her)

Child of Shadow stance gives me concealment, for 20% miss chance.

2009-12-28, 08:48 PM
I really should have included coordinates in these maps. Oh well, hindsight, and all that.

Sarastra moves around the boulder, to the single square of bog just above it. Then he uses Rising Wind to strike Celia from where he is standing (35 ft. range). Since he moved more than ten feet, he also adds his skirmish damage.

You are able to strike at the air so quickly and precisely that you can disrupt air currents, causing a powerful backlash. You may use this maneuver to strike a foe at range. You may may only make a standard attack action against the target. You must have both line of sight and line of effect to the target. This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

2009-12-29, 12:23 AM
Can I ask how you moved 90 feet and still had a standard action? Unless I'm missing something, you have a 45 foot move speed, and a double-move is a full-round action.

Also, if you want, I have an Excel spread sheet that I'm using to keep track of where everyone is, with the map as a background and aligned to the grid. I could send that to you.

2009-12-29, 08:25 AM
I only moved 25 feet, unless I missed something. The sheet would be appreciated, however.

2009-12-29, 12:46 PM
I need an e-mail address to send it to.

At any rate, I had you at P10 on my sheet, and now you seem to be at H3. Assuming each square is five feet, that's 90 feet. There's only one 1x1 bog that I can see, and it's quite far from the 3x3 boulder...

2009-12-29, 02:33 PM
A misunderstanding, then. I meant the square of bog just above the boulder. I go there by walking two squares up and three to the left. Poor wording on my part.

And I'll PM you my email.

2010-01-01, 11:09 AM
I sent it to you. I don't think that spot is 35' from me.