View Full Version : Balance of Power: Forum Edition

2009-12-28, 04:25 PM
Year: Early 1981 [Map updated when necessary]
Chance of Nuclear War: 30%
Namibian War of Independence
Iran-Iraq War
Soviet War in Afghanistan
-United States of America-
President: Player needed
Popularity: Moderate
Prestige: 70
Military Units: 8/12 [-40, 2 in W. Germany, 1 in Japan and South Korea, -80 maintenance]
Nuclear Level: 7 [-90 credits]
Economy: +170 credits
Debt: 0
Credit Income: +290 [+30 Panama canal control, +50 Saudi oil, +20 South African uranium, +20 Zairian diamonds, +10 Venezuelan oil, +10 Brazilian coffee, +10 Colombian coffee, +10 Liberian diamonds, +90 international trade, +100 allied trade]
Conflicts: None
Aryan Brotherhood
Sphere: Isolationist
Units: 0
Leftist Extremists (disorganized)
Sphere: Somewhat Pro-China
Units: 0
-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics-
General Secretary: Player needed
Popularity: Mediocre
Prestige: 80
Military Units: 13/15 [-20, one in Warsaw Pact nations and Afghanistan, -100 maintenance]
Nuclear Level: 8 [-130 credits]
COMECON Subsidies: -60 [Wanted: 120]
Economy: +140 credits [+20, Panama canal open to Soviets]
Debt: 0
Credit Income: +50 [+10 Mongolian copper, +10 Romanian oil, +10 Cuban sugar, +110 Warsaw Pact, +30 international trade, +40 allied trade]
Conflicts: Fighting Muajahidin in Afghanistan
-People's Republic of China-
Chairman: Player needed
Popularity: Somewhat High
Prestige: 20
Military Units: 21/21 [-60 maintenance]
Nuclear Level: 1/10 [-20 credits]
Economy: +110 credits
Debt: 500
Credit Income: +50 [+30 international trade, +20 allied trade, -30 debt]
Conflicts: None
Diplomatic/Domestic Actions
Push for government reforms in NPC nation (-50 credits, if succeeded gain 20 prestige and more support globally towards ideology plus increased relations with nation, if failed lose 10 prestige, name what reforms are requested)
Negotiate End of Conflict [-20 credits, can only be done for NPC-NPC conflicts (such as NPC nation vs. rebels), if succeeded gain 30 prestige, if failed lose 10, name what you are willing to do to help end conflict]
Send Aid to NPC Nation (costs 100-500 credits, do it in the manner of 100, 300, 500, may expand target economy and stability)
Build Economy (costs 100-500 credits, do it in the manner of 100, 300, 500, highly developed economies such as the United States will have a very low chance of success)

Covert Actions
(Note that if you do a covert action but don't get news of the results, but your treasury was effected, then assume it failed but wasn't caught)
Set up rebel movement in nation (-150 credits, if succeeded rebel movement appears in nation, if failed nation becomes enemy)
Influence rebels towards ideology (-30 credits, if succeeded gain prestige and rebels adopt your ideology, if failed lose prestige and drop in relations with nation with rebels)
Frame foreign nation (-30 credits, pick nation, then framed nation, will frame nation, causing loss of relations with other nation, if caught lose 30 prestige and both nations become enemies of yours)
Coup government (-200 credits, if succeeded gain 30 a new, loyal government in nation, if failed and cought lose prestige and make nation your enemy)
Assassinate leader of nation (-30 credits, lose prestige and international condemnation if found, if not then new leader rises with stability hit)
Fund political opposition in nation (-30, will help opposition win in selected nation when elections are held if successful, will possibly help rebels in said nation, but best to use action immediately below for that)
Aid Rebel movement (funnels arms to rebels, -50 credits, more chance of rebels succeeding)
Economic Sabotage (-30 credits, will hurt the economy of a nation, disrupt their bonuses, and possibly reduce stability)

Military Actions
Deploy/withdraw units (-10 credits from nation each deployed unit, good for preventing wars, increasing/safeguarding stability and fighting rebel groups, but possible decrease in relations for neighbors)
Deploy Military Advisors (-10, can be done multiple times, good for improving target government's efforts against insurgency)
Buy another unit (-200 credits per unit purchased)
Bomb nation/rebel group (-50 credits, nation becomes enemy and diplomatic relations with other nations decrease, will hurt stability, economy, and possibly military of bombed nation but with a 5 prestige increase)
Increase nuclear program (-100 credits for level 1, increases by 100 each level, gain prestige)
Decrease nuclear program (+100 credits for turn, lose prestige)
Deploy Nukes to Location (-50 credits, gain prestige, if opposing nation allows it to slide then they lose prestige, must announce it in thread, nuclear level must be 6 or higher)
If a nation has high enough relations it may join your alliance (NATO, Warsaw Pact). USSR gets COMECON subsidies spending, which can be adjusted at any time.


Starting in early 1981 and ending whenever, the goal of the game is to gain the most prestige. The game is played VIA PM. I send a credit report to each player for the turn and they select a list of actions they wish to do. This usually takes place every day or two days.

There is a system of nuclear war breaking out in the game. Any power attacking a nuclear opponent two levels or more below his own nuclear level is able to achieve nuclear primacy - effectively saturating and incapacitating the opponent's arsenal and avoiding MAD. A nuclear level of 1 represents functioning tactical nuclear devices, massively increasing defense against conventional attack. A nuclear level of 2 effectively precludes successful conventional invasion. A nuclear level of 3 represents a number of functioning long-range ICBMs, allowing offensive threat of nuclear attack. A nuclear level of 5 represents a massive arsenal of functioning long-range ICBMs, enabling the complete destruction of an opposing player. A nuclear level of 7 represents ICBMs equipped with MIRVs and deployed throughout the world on a sizable boomer fleet. At this level, it is impossible to fully saturate one's nuclear armament.

Deploying missiles to nations increases the chances of nuclear war occurring. At first it isn't too much, but mass deployment dramatically increases the chances. A chaotic world in general also increases chances, as does superpowers having troops firing on eachother in faraway conflicts or generally blaming eachother for things.

Nuclear war ends the game.

Soviet COMECON subsidies can be freely adjusted by the USSR player. Debts siphon credit income away the larger they get, and if left unattended can slowly grow over time. Nations with the exception of the USSR (with the exception of perestroika) are able to 'pay' for an action by putting it under debt.

Going to war costs 0 credits. If you invade a nation, you must announce it in the thread. Regardless of what the rest of the players think, you may continue with the invasion or not. You must also annunce the movement of troops in the thread. UN sanctions will probably be announced if the war is found to not be totally legit which will allow players (you cannot vote on a sanction that is related to you, e.g. if Ethopia invades Somalia then neither can vote on Ethiopian sanctions) to vote on them and thus hurt your economy if they pass. Wars will generally be long unless you have a clear advantage over your opponent. Finally, if going on too long, wars will have you lose some credits to keep up supplies and such. If going to war, specify how many troops you want deployed.

Rebels and separatists obviously both undermine governments. Rebels with 0 units indicate groups which do not openly fight the government in civil war or in a generally well-organized fashion, instead resorting to isolated attacks, usually on civilian targets. (Otherwise known as terrorists) To defeat rebels, you can either throw money at the problem (see actions list) or send in troops, which will cost you as much as deploying them in a foreign nation would.

2009-12-28, 05:26 PM
NPC Nations

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 4
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 4
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Separatism
Polisario Front
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 1

Government: One Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 5
Economy: 2 [Has +20 diamonds bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: Rebellion
National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)
Sphere: South African (American)
Units: 3
National Liberation Front of Angola
Sphere: American
Units: 0
Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda
Sphere: French (Neutral)
Units: 0

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 3
Economy: 1 [Has +10 Batswana Diamonds bonus going to UK]
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 4
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Separatism
Tigrayan People's Liberation Front
Sphere: Albanian (Neutral)
Units: 1
Eritrean Liberation Front
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Eritrean People's Liberation Front
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 1
Western Somali Liberation Front
Sphere: Somali (Neutral)
Units: 1
Oromo Liberation Front
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Somali separatist sentiment

Government: One Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
Uganda Freedom Fighters
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
Popular Resistance Army
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
Uganda National Rescue Front
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Restive Hutus

Government: One Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [Has +10 Malian gold going to no one]
Conflicts: Student Dissidence
Malian Party of Labour
Sphere: Albanian (Neutral)
Units: 0

Government: One Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO)
Sphere: South African (American)
Units: 1

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: French (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [has +10 Gabonese oil going to France]
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 3
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
Somali National Movement
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 2
Somali Salvation Democratic Front
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 1

-South Africa-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 4
Economy: 3 [Has +30 uranium bonus going to USA and UK, +10 diamond bonus going to UK, +10 gold bonus going to UK]
Conflicts: Rebellion, helping South West Africa against its rebels
African National Congress
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Pan-Africanist Congress
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 0

Government: Multi Party, South African puppet
Stability: 4
Sphere: South African (Neutral)
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [has +10 diamond bonus going to South Africa]
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party, South African puppet
Stability: 4
Sphere: South African (Neutral)
Units: 0
Economy: 0
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party, South African puppet
Stability: 4
Sphere: South African (Neutral)
Units: 0
Economy: 0
Conflicts: None

Government: South African self-governing Bantustan
Stability: 4
Sphere: South African
Units: 0
Economy: 0
Conflicts: None

-South West Africa-
Government: Colonial
Stability: 3
Sphere: South African Colony
Units: 2
Economy: 1 [Has +30 uranium bonus going to SA]
Conflicts: Rebellion
South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO)
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 2
South West African National Union (SWANU)
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 0

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 5
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 3/4
Economy: 3 [Has +20 Libyan oil bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: Occupying Aouzou Strip in northern Chad

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: French [American]
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Civil War
Armed Forces of the North (FAN)
Sphere: Chadian [Neutral]
Units: 1
People's Armed Forces (FAP)
Sphere: Libyan [Soviet]
Units: 3

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 2
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Rebellion
Union of the Peoples of Cameroon
Allegiance: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Pro-US
Units: 2
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

-Central Africa-
Government: One Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: French (Neutral)
Units: 1
Economy: 2 [Has +10 uranium bonus going to France]
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 2
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 2
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 4
Economy: 1 [Has +20 Zairian diamond bonus going to USA]
Conflicts: Rebellion
People's Revolutionary Army
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 1

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 4
Economy: 2 [Has +10 diamond bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [+10 diamond income bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: French (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 3
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 4
Economy: 1 [Has +10 Agriculture bonus going to no one, +10 oil bonus going to Britain]
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-Equatorial Guinea-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: French (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-The Gambia-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-Sierra Leone-
Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [Has +10 diamond bonus going to America]
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: American
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-Upper Volta-
Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: French (American)
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-Ivory Coast-
Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: French (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None


Government: One Party, Soviet puppet
Stability: 2
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 2
Economy: 2 [+10 Afghani opiate too unstable to export]
Conflicts: Rebellion
Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen
Sphere: Pakistani (American)
Units: 1
Afghanistan Liberation Organization
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 0
Ethnic-based Mujahidin
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 5
Economy: 1 [+10 cotton bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: None

-Sri Lanka-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Separatism
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization
Sphere: Indian (Neutral)
Units: 0
People’s Liberation Front
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 10
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 2
Economy: 1 [Has +10 Malaysian tin bonus going to UK]
Conflicts: None

Government: Monarchy, British puppet
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party, Soviet puppet
Stability: 5
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [+10 Mongolian copper going to Soviets]
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 6
Conflicts: None

-South Korea-
Government: Military Rule
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 5
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Rebellion
Revolutionary Party for Reunification
Sphere: North Korean (Soviet)
Units: 0

-North Korea-
Government: One Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 6
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 4
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
New People's Army
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 0

Government: Multi-Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 7
Economy: 3 [has +10 textiles going to no one]
Conflicts: Separatist Rebellions
Kashmiri Rebels
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 2
Sikh Rebels
Sphere: Pakistani (Neutral)
Units: 1

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Neutral
Military Units: 1
Economy: 1 [+10 jute bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: Rebellion
Shanti Bahini
Sphere: Indian (Neutral)
Units: 0

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 4
Sphere: Indian (Neutral)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Fights with Maoists

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 5
Sphere: Indian (Neutral)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 3
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: American
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Isolationist
Units: 3
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion and Separatism
National Democratic Front
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Kachin Independence Army
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
Communist Party of Burma
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
New Mon State Party
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
Karen National Liberation Army
Sphere: Thai (American)
Units: 0

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 3
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Fighting rebels in Kampuchea

Government: One Party, Vietnamese puppet
Stability: 3
Sphere: Vietnamese (Soviet)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
Khmer Rouge
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 1
Khmer People's National Liberation Front
Sphere: American
Units: 1
National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful, and Cooperative Cambodia
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Vietnamese (Soviet)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None


Government: One Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: Isolationist
Units: 2
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Restive Greek separatists

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 6
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: NATO
Units: 4
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Turkish control over Northern Cyprus

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: NATO
Units: 4/5
Economy: 3
Conflicts: Separatism, defending Northern Cyprus
Kurdish Worker's Party
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 1

-East Germany-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Warsaw Pact
Units: 4
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

-West Germany-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: NATO
Units: 5
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 6
Sphere: West Germany (American)
Units: 0
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: NATO
Units: 3
Economy: 5
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: NATO
Units: 2
Economy: 5
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: NATO
Units: 6
Economy: 6
Conflicts: Separatism
National Front for the Liberation of Corsica
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 6
Sphere: French (American)
Units: 0
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Duchy
Stability: 6
Sphere: French (American)
Units: 0
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-United Kingdom-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: NATO
Units: 7
Economy: 6
Conflicts: Rebellion
Provisional Irish Republican Army
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
Official Irish Republican Army [Ceasefire]
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0
Irish National Liberation Army
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0
Ulster Volunteer Force
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
Ulster Defence Association
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 3
Economy: 3
Conflicts: Rebellion (see above)

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 3
Economy: 4
Conflicts: Separatism
Basque Homeland and Freedom (ETA)
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: French (American)
Units: 0
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 4
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: NATO
Units: 2
Economy: 4
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

-Vatican City-
Government: Theocracy
Stability: 6
Sphere: Italian (American)
Units: 0
Economy: 0
Conflicts: None

-San Marino-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: Italian (American)
Units: 0
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 3
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: NATO
Units: 9
Economy: 4
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: American
Units: 5
Economy: 4
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: NATO
Units: 4
Economy: 4
Conflicts: None

Government: Colonial
Stability: 5
Sphere: Danish Colony
Units: 0
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: NATO
Units: 1
Economy: 4
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 4
Economy: 4
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Warsaw Pact
Units: 3
Economy: 3
Conflicts: Solidarity

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Warsaw Pact
Units: 3
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Warsaw Pact
Units: 2
Economy: 2 [Has +10 Romanian oil bonus going to USSR]
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: Warsaw Pact
Units: 2
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Warsaw Pact
Units: 2
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

=Middle East=

Government: Single Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 4
Economy: 4 [Has +30 Suez canal bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: Rebellion
Muslim Brotherhood
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 3 [Has +30 Kuwait oil bonus going to UK]
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 6
Economy: 3
Conflicts: Separatism
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1

-Saudi Arabia-
Government: Monarchy
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 2 [Has +50 oil bonus going to America]
Conflicts: None

-United Arab Emirates-
Government: Monarchy
Stability: 4
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [Has +10 Qatari oil bonus going to UK]
Conflicts: None

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 4
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [Has +10 Bahraini oil bonus going to UK]
Conflicts: None

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-South Yemen-
Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-North Yemen-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: American
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Monarchy
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 3
Economy: 3
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 5
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 4
Economy: 3
Conflicts: Occupying Lebanon

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 6
Economy: 3 [Has +30 Iraq oil bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: At war with Iran, Rebellion and Separatism
Islamic Dawa Party
Sphere: Iranian (Neutral)
Units: 1
Kurdistan Democratic Party
Sphere: Iranian (Neutral)
Units: 1
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: Theocracy
Stability: 5
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 6
Economy: 3 [Has +30 oil bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: At war with Iraq, Rebellion
People's Mujahidin of Iran
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0

Government: Anarchy
Stability: 0
Sphere: Syrian [Neutral]
Units: 1
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Various groups including Syrians in attempt to restore order
(Lebanese) Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 2
Lebanese National Movement
Sphere: Syrian (Neutral)
Units: 2
South Lebanon Army
Sphere: Israel
Units: 1
Lebanese Forces
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Amal Movement
Sphere: Syrian (Neutral)
Units: 1
Popular Guard
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0
Progressive Socialist Party
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

=The Americas=

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 6
Sphere: NATO
Units: 5
Economy: 5
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 2
Economy: 2 [Has +20 oil bonus going to no one]
Conflicts: None

Government: Single Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 4
Economy: 2 [+10 Cuban sugar going to USSR]
Conflicts: Troops defending the Angolan government

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: British (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: Colonial
Stability: 5
Sphere: British Colony
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-El Salvador-
Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: American
Units: 3
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN)
Units: 1
Sphere: Soviet

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 2
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Rebellion
Popular Liberation Movement
Sphere: Cuban (Soviet)
Units: 0
Revolutionary Popular Forces Lorenzo Zelaya
Sphere: Cuban (Soviet)
Units: 0

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
Guatemalan Party of Labour
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 3
Sphere: Cuban (Soviet)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
Nicaraguan Democratic Force
Sphere: American
Units: 0
Democratic Revolutionary Alliance
Sphere: Costa Rican (Neutral)
Units: 0
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 0

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 1 [Has +30 Panama canal control bonus going to America]
Conflicts: None

-Costa Rica-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 0
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 3
Economy: 2
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 2
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 4
Economy: 2 [Has +10 Brazilian coffee bonus going to America]
Conflicts: None

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 4
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Rebellion
Revolutionary Left Movement
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 3
Economy: 2 [Has +10 coffee bonus going to USA]
Conflicts: Rebellion
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 1
National Liberation Army
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0
Popular Liberation Army
Sphere: Albanian (Neutral)
Units: 0

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 3
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Rebels
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
Sphere: Albanian (Neutral)
Units: 0

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 2
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: One Party
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

-Dominican Republic-
Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 3
Sphere: American
Units: 5
Economy: 2
Conflicts: Rebellion
Shining Path
Sphere: Chinese
Units: 1
Revolutionary Left Movement
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 4
Sphere: American
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: Rebellion
National Liberation Movement
Sphere: Soviet
Units: 0

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 5
Sphere: American
Units: 3
Economy: 2 [Has +10 oil bonus going to America]
Conflicts: Rebellion
Red Flag Party
Sphere: Albanian (Neutral)
Units: 0

Government: Military Rule
Stability: 5
Sphere: Dutch (American)
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None

Government: Multi Party
Stability: 2
Sphere: Neutral
Units: 1
Economy: 1
Conflicts: None[/spoiler]

2009-12-28, 07:44 PM
Submitted some potential actions a a slew of questions via PM. May need to revise those actions pending the answers though.