View Full Version : Nanoha A's; What Else is Like it? possible Spoliers

2009-12-29, 12:12 AM

I've been watching Anime again for teh first time in a long time, and I'd frogotton how much I like Nanoha A's.

I'm curious about OTHER magical girl shows, its not a setting I've cared about much in the past, so if anyone can point me towards more like this, I'd be thankful.

Most Important Element.

The Characters.

All of the characters, Nanoha and Fate, the other Mages, the Knights, the Muggles. The're all well written and have clear modiations, personality's and drives. they do what they do for different reasions, but there all consistent.

Second Element:

The Violence; Or really Action in this case.

None of the major characters have died yet, and im not sure if they do, so far its all "Action" type violence, but there's the "feeling" that some one could die, and not come back. I like the idea of Magical girls where the violence is a real issue, not just fun, but has an aspect or feel of danger to it.

Third: Damn it i just like the idea of some one gathering up magical girls, training them to kill, and building an army out of them.

Fourth: Damn it, I also just really like the Magical Girls them selves.
You get bonus points for it actually having Magical Girls in it. Its not a setting i've really watched before this, and Tv Troops dosn't have a very long list.

Well given the importance of Magical Girls in the way people preceve anime, I assume that its missing several series (There don't appear to be many since 2000, although that may just be the way it is.)

Anyways if some one can suggest a series or a dozen that have the things im looking for, I'll send you warm thoughts.

2009-12-29, 12:24 AM
Zeta Gundam, loooool.

But seriously, there are very few shows in any medium, I think, that do characterization quite as well as Nanoha A's does. There's the first season of Nanoha, although I'm guessing you already watched it, and it lacks the tight pacing and has a much smaller selection of the awesome, serious action scenes you seem to love. There's also StrikerS (the third season of Nanoha), but that, while a very good show, is much much different from A's in feel, setting, and pacing - as in it has none of the latter.

I haven't watched many other magical girl shows; I believe My-Hime has similarly good characterization and tone, although most of what I hear about the anime is complaints about the ending. You could also try certain action and mecha shows that have good characterization and that "anyone can die" feel, although I'd be hard-pressed to recommend something with as good an overall packages as A's. Maybe Cowboy Bebop, although it's as different in setting and characters from Nanoha as you can be.

Also, finish A's. The finale is phenomenal.

2009-12-29, 12:27 AM
Magic Knight Rayearth comes to mind, although the second season generally wasn't as good. Luckily, the first season ends with a full resolution, so you can just watch that.

Another magical girl anime that I really liked was Figure 17. It's a fair bit different than what you're asking for, but the 60 minute episodes allowed far better story and characters than the traditional, 30 minute, monster-of-the-day shows.

I haven't watched many magical girls shows, though, so I'm sure there are others. I'm actually watching the first few episodes of Nanoha right now, so it's good to hear positive things about the show.

2009-12-29, 12:43 AM
Out of the three seasons of the show, you are basically watching the weakest part at the moment, Erikun. At least that is the opinion of the people i know who has watched the entire show, though a lot of people seem to really dislike StrikerS for the lack of pacing that Nerdo was talking about.

As for the original topic, i cannot really help. I have never watched any other magical girl show, but Nanoha is great and A's is at its best. Even if it lacks Subaru and Tea.

Lord of Rapture
2009-12-29, 01:14 AM
Nanoha A's is so far, the only Magical Girl show I have enjoyed. The other seasons were bleh, but this season was good. Watch it, if you have the time.

2009-12-29, 01:16 AM
Are you searious about Zeta Gundam?
Ill check out the rest of the suggestions, but it seems like you may be pulling my leg on that one.

The original Nanoha had some interesting moments, like Fate's relationship with her mother, but the "bad guys" in A's are amazing. I got a 90min primer on the original series of "Things you HAVE to know before watching A's" Other than that It seemed fairly generic.

If in a situation like theres I honestly dont know if I would be able to do anything other than what there doing.

And I love that.
It seems like "I'm a villian, because I'm a sociopath, because sociopaths make good villians" are comming back in to vogue these days, and I hate that.

I blame The Dark Knight (although i shouldn't)

The ONLY thing that bothers me about the show is when Raising Heart speaks in English, its translated in to Japanese, and the "correct" Japanese translation is given again, But thats a VERY minor issue.

Oh, and I'm fairly sure Raising Heart is evil. Every time it talks, I waite to hear it say "My Master, we will drink from there lifes blood, and gain power" or something to that effect.

2009-12-29, 08:02 AM
Are you searious about Zeta Gundam?
Ill check out the rest of the suggestions, but it seems like you may be pulling my leg on that one.Nanoha is basically a Gundam series with frilly dresses instead of giant robots. And then there's the ludicrous number of Super Robot Wars references - does anything in the series remind you of Lamia Loveless (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKr64eEiOWw), for instance?

The original Nanoha had some interesting moments, like Fate's relationship with her mother, but the "bad guys" in A's are amazing. I got a 90min primer on the original series of "Things you HAVE to know before watching A's" Other than that It seemed fairly generic. It's introduced as pretty generic, with a cute animal telling Nanoha to collect the "Jewel Seeds"... and then this is completely dropped after an episode or two.

Try Mahou Sensei Negima. The manga, I mean. There's a few anime adaptations (and even a live-action one) but they veer very far from the source material.

Like Nanoha, it takes a while for the kind of series it really is to become apparent - it's definitely not a harem comedy as it first appears.

2009-12-29, 11:26 AM
Honestly, the plot comparisons between Nanoha and any given Gundam series are pretty flimsy and exaggerated by the fandom. Now, there are definite design homages - Nanoha's spells and outfit are some kind of unholy fusion of Original Gundam and the Wing Gundam series, for example.

And actually Negima seems like a very good bet from what I hear. It's a manga, it's long, and it takes a long time to properly get going, though.

2009-12-29, 12:01 PM
It's introduced as pretty generic, with a cute animal telling Nanoha to collect the "Jewel Seeds"... and then this is completely dropped after an episode or two.

No love for Yuuno - he's so plot unimportant that everyone forgets he's a shapeshifting human and not an animal. Don't worry, even the characters themselves forgot at one time.

2009-12-29, 12:13 PM
No love for Yuuno - he's so plot unimportant that everyone forgets he's a shapeshifting human and not an animal. Don't worry, even the characters themselves forgot at one time.I didn't forget. :smallconfused: It's just that the cute mascot is a magical girl cliche.

Speaking of which, Cardcaptor Sakura (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CardcaptorSakura). It's similar to early Nanoha, though unlike Nanoha (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Seinen) it is aimed squarely at girls.

2009-12-29, 12:20 PM
I know. That was a humorous joke, Prime32-ninja.

/Aigis from Persona 3

Soras Teva Gee
2009-12-29, 08:26 PM
I'd add to the voices touting Mahou Sensei Negima since it is definitely the spiritual sibling of Nanoha.

Wild Mass Guess: Nanoha was actually adopted and her real parents are Nagi Springfeld and Negi's mother. Thus explaining her immense magical power and concentrated awesome at a young age much like her brother Negi, and aunt but that's another matter. It also explain Negi and Nanoha's mutual appreciation of ferrets. Gods throw in somebody being a Time Lord and it explains everything....

2009-12-29, 08:46 PM
Here's my guess: Kamo/Chamo is Yuuno's father. And his real identity is that of Soujirou Izumi, making Konata (Lucky Star) Yuuno's sister. Thus, all three series take place in one, crazy universe.

2009-12-29, 08:56 PM
Cubey stole my WMG.

I can at least take credit for the "Alicia (and therefore Fate) Testarossa is the daughter of Elzam von Branstein" theory I put on TVTropes.

Although it's wound up on the SRW page and under the Sanger theory, somehow...

2009-12-30, 04:46 AM
Cubey stole my WMG.

I can at least take credit for the "Alicia (and therefore Fate) Testarossa is the daughter of Elzam von Branstein" theory I put on TVTropes.

Although it's wound up on the SRW page and under the Sanger theory, somehow...

Elzam and Precia? That is not a nice mental image.

2009-12-30, 06:37 AM
I just think that Elzam and Sanger simply *censored for your sanity* to the clone tank where Fate was growing, which is why she has the combination of their abilities.

2009-12-30, 11:00 AM
I believe the theory goes that Precia added some of Sanger's DNA to the clone tank, but that Elzam was the father of Alicia back before Precia went nuts.

2009-12-30, 11:02 AM
Elzam and Precia? That is not a nice mental image.

Hey, Precia used to be a nice person, right? And Elzam used to be straight, so it works out.

2009-12-30, 12:56 PM
Elzam and Precia? That is not a nice mental image.

Everyone knows Max Jenius and Precia is canon.