View Full Version : .hack series and up comming final game

2009-12-30, 11:21 PM
As some know .hack is in process of making it's final game.. Sadly from what I saw my friend play the Japanese demo of.. It seems well good for the most part. For those of you who don't know .hack takes place in a fictional mmo called "The World." It was first an anime then a game then a manga then an anime then another anime then another game... and now a manga.. I think I got that about right off the top of my head. Anyways let's talk about favorite characters, symbolism, music and favorite parts of the series as it whole.. Also I made some .hack avatars and sigs when I used to be a member of a crap fansite called C.C. and if your a member of said site please don't bring it up T_T

Neko Toast
2009-12-30, 11:43 PM
I was a fan of SIGN and the Project .hack game series. SIGN was one of the first animes I ever watched, so it has a nostalgic value for me. The 4-part game series was quite entertaining, and I believe it is far superior to that of GU. I'll spare you the rant about why I hate that series of games. As for Roots, I wasn't really a fan. I watched a couple of episodes, and it didn't seem like anything special to me, so I just didn't watch it.

Now, what's this about the last game? Is there a link to this information?