View Full Version : Yugioh PbP Exhibition: Shades of Gray vs Shadow Elf : Power Up!

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 11:47 AM
A man wearing red and white spandex enters the arena. His duel-disk looks plastic and slightly fake.

"I am Power Man Red! Ready to duel!"


V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Limiter Removal
Double Summon
Torrential Tribute
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Return from the Different Dimension
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

2009-12-31, 12:28 PM
A massive gate opens, symbols of The Forbidden One decorating its sides. Out of the gates steps an elf, his skin pale lavender, a blend of the moonfaced elves and ebony drow.

I am known as Shadow. I am the Tombkeeper of my master, the Forbidden One. I come to you today backed by the might of his Majesty's armory. Well met, Power Man Red.

The elf then takes out his dueldisk, a bow and quiver, and draws his initial hand from the quiver.

Initiative: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Rerolls, if necessary: [roll2]

Hand: 5
Maha Vailo
United We Stand
Grandmaster Sasuke
Sand Moth
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Nothing Yet

Graveyard: (Opponent Can View)
Nothing Yet

Out of Play: (Opponent Can View)
Nothing Yet

Deck: 39
01. Maha Vailo
02. Maha Vailo
XX. Maha Vailo
03. Mage Power
04. Mage Power
05. Mage Power
XX. United We Stand
06. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
07. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
XX. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
08. Axe of Despair
09. Axe of Despair
10. Axe of Despair
11. Horn of the Unicorn
12. Horn of the Unicorn
13. Horn of the Unicorn
14. Gene Warped Warwolf
15. Gene Warped Warwolf
16. Gene Warped Warwolf
17. Sand Moth
18. Sand Moth
XX. Sand Moth
19. Seven Tools of the Bandit
20. Seven Tools of the Bandit
21. Magic Jammer
22. Magic Jammer
23. Goblin Elite Attack Force
24. Goblin Elite Attack Force
25. Goblin Elite Attack Force
26. Slate Warrior
27. Slate Warrior
28. Slate Warrior
29. Giant Trunade
30. Hammer Shot
31. Hammer Shot
32. Marshmallon
33. Mirror Force
34. Metalmorph
35. Metalmorph
36. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
37. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
38. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
39. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
XX. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 12:32 PM
"Let's get ready to duel!"

He draws his starting hand and rolls initiative, seeming a bit too excited.


Hand (5)
W-Wing Catapult
Y-Dragon Head
Heavy Mech Support Platform
Limiter Removal
Torrential Tribute



V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Double Summon
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Return from the Different Dimension
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 12:34 PM
"Alright! I start!" [roll0]

"I play X-Head Cannon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/X-Head_Cannon) in attack mode and play two facedowns! Your move!"

X-Head Cannon: 1800/1500

Hand (3)
W-Wing Catapult
Y-Dragon Head
Heavy Mech Support Platform

Limiter Removal
Torrential Tribute



V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Double Summon
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Return from the Different Dimension
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

2009-12-31, 12:45 PM
That is a mighty monster! Let's see if I can't counter it. I begin by drawing, of course.

Draw: [roll0]

Truly, my master's good graces shine upon me today! I shall set one monster face down and end my turn, good sir.

Visible Field:
{table] -- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
FD = Facedown

Hand: 5
Maha Vailo
United We Stand
Grandmaster Sasuke
Mage Power
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Facedown: Sand Moth 1000/2000

Graveyard: (Opponent Can View)
Nothing Yet

Out of Play: (Opponent Can View)
Nothing Yet

Deck: 38
01. Maha Vailo
02. Maha Vailo
XX. Maha Vailo
03. Mage Power
04. Mage Power
XX. Mage Power
XX. United We Stand
05. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
06. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
XX. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
07. Axe of Despair
08. Axe of Despair
09. Axe of Despair
10. Horn of the Unicorn
11. Horn of the Unicorn
12. Horn of the Unicorn
13. Gene Warped Warwolf
14. Gene Warped Warwolf
15. Gene Warped Warwolf
16. Sand Moth
17. Sand Moth
XX. Sand Moth
18. Seven Tools of the Bandit
19. Seven Tools of the Bandit
20. Magic Jammer
21. Magic Jammer
22. Goblin Elite Attack Force
23. Goblin Elite Attack Force
24. Goblin Elite Attack Force
25. Slate Warrior
26. Slate Warrior
27. Slate Warrior
28. Giant Trunade
29. Hammer Shot
30. Hammer Shot
31. Marshmallon
32. Mirror Force
33. Metalmorph
34. Metalmorph
35. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
36. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
37. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
38. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
XX. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 12:52 PM
"You're going down!" He says, pointing at his opponent with a "woosh" noise. "Draw!"


"I play Y-Dragon Head. I use its ability to attach him to my X-Head Cannon!" He says dramatically, the robots attaching to each other. "Now! Attack his facedown my Dragon Cannon!"

Xy-Head Cannon w/Dragon Head attached: 2200/1900

Hand (3)

V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
Y-Dragon Head
Heavy Mech Support Platform

Limiter Removal
Torrential Tribute



V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Double Summon
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Return from the Different Dimension
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

2009-12-31, 12:56 PM
Your mighty machine destroys my poor Sand Moth, but my creature has served its purpose. May I take my turn now, good sir?

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 01:03 PM
The man nods, pointing at his opponent.

Xy-Head Cannon w/Dragon Head attached: 2200/1900

Hand (3)

V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
Y-Dragon Head
Heavy Mech Support Platform

Limiter Removal
Torrential Tribute



V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Double Summon
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Return from the Different Dimension
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

2009-12-31, 01:06 PM
I begin by drawing, of course.

Draw: [roll0]

My Master advises me to throw caution to the wind. I shall summon Maha Vailo, in attack mode! But that is not all! I equip her with Mage Power and Shooting Star Bow - Ceal! I then set one card face down, further augmenting the effect of Mage Power. Maha Vailo, attack his life points directly to deal 3050 damage! Whether her attack succeeds or fails, I end my turn.

Visible Field:
{table] -- | -- | MV | -- | --
SB | MP | FD | -- | --[/table]
MV = Maha Vailo 3050/2900
SB = Shooting Star Bow - Ceal (on Maha Vailo)
MP = Mage Power (on Maha Vailo)
FD = Facedown

Hand: 2

United We Stand
Grandmaster Sasuke


Maha Vailo
Mage Power
Shooting Stat Bow - Ceal
Facedown: Mirror Force

Graveyard: (Opponent Can View)
Sand Moth

Out of Play: (Opponent Can View)
Nothing Yet

Deck: 37
01. Maha Vailo
02. Maha Vailo
XX. Maha Vailo
03. Mage Power
04. Mage Power
XX. Mage Power
XX. United We Stand
05. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
06. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
XX. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
07. Axe of Despair
08. Axe of Despair
09. Axe of Despair
10. Horn of the Unicorn
11. Horn of the Unicorn
12. Horn of the Unicorn
13. Gene Warped Warwolf
14. Gene Warped Warwolf
15. Gene Warped Warwolf
16. Sand Moth
17. Sand Moth
XX. Sand Moth
18. Seven Tools of the Bandit
19. Seven Tools of the Bandit
20. Magic Jammer
21. Magic Jammer
22. Goblin Elite Attack Force
23. Goblin Elite Attack Force
24. Goblin Elite Attack Force
25. Slate Warrior
26. Slate Warrior
27. Slate Warrior
28. Giant Trunade
29. Hammer Shot
30. Hammer Shot
31. Marshmallon
XX. Mirror Force
32. Metalmorph
33. Metalmorph
34. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
35. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
36. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
37. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
XX. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 01:14 PM
The man activates torrential tribute (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Torrential_Tribute). It destroys Maha Vailo as soon as he is summoned. Y-Dragon Head goes to the graveyard.

He draws. [roll0]

He plays another Y-Dragon Head, attaches it to his X-Head Cannon, and attacks directly for 2200 damage.

Xy-Head Cannon w/Dragon Head attached: 2200/1900

LP: 8000

Hand (4)

V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
Heavy Mech Support Platform

Limiter Removal

Graveyard (2)
Y-Dragon Head
Torrential Tribute


V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Double Summon
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Return from the Different Dimension
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

2009-12-31, 01:22 PM
((Therefore, I retain my Mage Power and Bow, correct?))

You've activated my TRAP CARD! Mirror Force destroys your Y-Dragon Head attachment, unfortunately leaving the base cannon unscathed.

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 01:23 PM
((Correct. It is as if you never played them.))

X-Head Cannon: 1800/1500

LP: 8000

Hand (4)

V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
Heavy Mech Support Platform

Limiter Removal

Graveyard (2)
Y-Dragon Head
Torrential Tribute


V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Double Summon
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Return from the Different Dimension
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

2009-12-31, 01:27 PM
I begin once more by drawing, of course. If only you hadn't had that torrential tribute ready...

Draw: [roll0]

I summon Grandmaster Sasuke in attack mode and attach to him my Horn of the Unicorn, United We Stand and Mage Power, and I attack your X-Cannon for 3000 points of damage!

Visible Field:
{table] -- | -- | GS | -- | --
MP | HU | US | -- | --[/table]
GS = Grandmaster Sasuke 4800/4000
MP = Mage Power
HU = Horn of the Unicorn
US = United We Stand

Hand: 4

Shooting Star Bow - Ceal


Grandmaster Sasuke 4800/4000
Mage Power
Horn of the Unicorn
United We Stand

Graveyard: (Opponent Can View)
Sand Moth
Maha Vailo
Mirror Force

Out of Play: (Opponent Can View)
Nothing Yet

Deck: 36
01. Maha Vailo
02. Maha Vailo
XX. Maha Vailo
03. Mage Power
04. Mage Power
XX. Mage Power
XX. United We Stand
05. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
06. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
XX. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
07. Axe of Despair
08. Axe of Despair
09. Axe of Despair
10. Horn of the Unicorn
11. Horn of the Unicorn
XX. Horn of the Unicorn
12. Gene Warped Warwolf
13. Gene Warped Warwolf
14. Gene Warped Warwolf
15. Sand Moth
16. Sand Moth
XX. Sand Moth
17. Seven Tools of the Bandit
18. Seven Tools of the Bandit
19. Magic Jammer
20. Magic Jammer
21. Goblin Elite Attack Force
22. Goblin Elite Attack Force
23. Goblin Elite Attack Force
24. Slate Warrior
25. Slate Warrior
26. Slate Warrior
27. Giant Trunade
28. Hammer Shot
29. Hammer Shot
30. Marshmallon
XX. Mirror Force
31. Metalmorph
32. Metalmorph
33. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
34. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
35. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
36. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
XX. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 01:37 PM
"Hold it! I activate Limiter Removal (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Limiter_Removal), double his attack power. He is still destroyed, but I only take 1200 damage now."

The attack still goes through. Random explosions and sparks happen, and the man flails about as he is exploded, yet his costume isn't damaged.

I draw! [roll0]


"I set a facedown monster."

LP: 6800

Hand (5)

V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
Heavy Mech Support Platform

V-Tiger Jet

Graveyard (2)
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
X-Cannon Head
Torrential Tribute
Limiter Removal


V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Double Summon
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Return from the Different Dimension
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

2009-12-31, 01:40 PM
Draw first, and then your world ends.

Draw: [roll0]

I set a facedown monster, increasing the Grandmaster's Attack to 5600. I then attach Shooting Star Bow - Ceal to the Grandmaster, lowering his attack to 5100 but increase his defense to 5300. I then attack your life points directly for 5100 damage and end my turn.

Visible Field:
{table] -- | -- | GS | BK | --
MP | HU | US | SB | --[/table]
GS = Grandmaster Sasuke 5600/4800
MP = Mage Power (GS)
HU = Horn of the Unicorn (GS)
US = United We Stand (GS)
SB = Shooting Star Bow - Ceal (GS)
BK = Armed Samurai - Ben Kei 500/800
(Though I wish it stood for "The Black Knight")

Hand: 0



Grandmaster Sasuke 4800/4000
Facedown: Armed Samurai - Ben Kei 500/800
Mage Power
Horn of the Unicorn
United We Stand
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Graveyard: (Opponent Can View)
Sand Moth
Maha Vailo
Mirror Force

Out of Play: (Opponent Can View)
Nothing Yet

Deck: 36
01. Maha Vailo
02. Maha Vailo
XX. Maha Vailo
03. Mage Power
04. Mage Power
XX. Mage Power
XX. United We Stand
05. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
06. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
XX. Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
07. Axe of Despair
08. Axe of Despair
09. Axe of Despair
10. Horn of the Unicorn
11. Horn of the Unicorn
XX. Horn of the Unicorn
12. Gene Warped Warwolf
13. Gene Warped Warwolf
14. Gene Warped Warwolf
15. Sand Moth
16. Sand Moth
XX. Sand Moth
17. Seven Tools of the Bandit
18. Seven Tools of the Bandit
19. Magic Jammer
20. Magic Jammer
21. Goblin Elite Attack Force
22. Goblin Elite Attack Force
23. Goblin Elite Attack Force
24. Slate Warrior
25. Slate Warrior
26. Slate Warrior
27. Giant Trunade
28. Hammer Shot
29. Hammer Shot
30. Marshmallon
XX. Mirror Force
31. Metalmorph
32. Metalmorph
33. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
34. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
XX. Armed Samurai Ben Kei
36. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
XX. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 01:45 PM
((United we stand only works for every face-up monster you control. His attack doesn't increase))

2009-12-31, 01:51 PM
((Sorry, then may I summon the monster face-up instead?))

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 01:51 PM
((sure thing.))

2009-12-31, 01:54 PM
((Edited in. Everything else is the same. Your turn!))

Shades of Gray
2009-12-31, 01:57 PM
Agh! I need something good this turn, or I'm through! [roll0]

LP: 0

"I summon my W-Wing Catapult! I send both my Tiger Jet and Catapult out of play to summon VW-Tiger Jet (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/VW-Tiger_Catapult)! I play Return from the Different Dimension, paying half of my lifepoints to summon V-Tiger Jet and W-Wing Catapult to the field! I then use them to summon another VW-Tiger Catapult! One attacks your Ben Kei, dealing 1500 Life Point damage and reducing your Grandmaster's attack to 4800."

The Power Man salutes. "It was a pleasure dueling you good sir. But this is the end!"

Power Man jumps into the cockpit of the Tiger Catapult, and launches himself into the Grandmaster, destroying himself and losing the duel.

Hand (3)

V-Tiger Jet
Heavy Mech Support Platform

Graveyard (2)
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
X-Cannon Head
Torrential Tribute
Limiter Removal


V-Tiger Jet
V-Tiger Jet
W-Wing Catapult
W-Wing Catapult
X-Head Cannon
X-Head Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
Y-Dragon Head
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Z-Metal Tank
Heavy Mech Support Platform
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Cyber Eltanin
Frontline Base
Dimension Explosion
Double Summon
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Light of Redemption
Combination Attack
Mirror Force
Threatening Roar
Roll Out!
Rare Metalmorph
Formation Union
Forced Requisition

Extra Deck
XY-Dragon Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
YZ-Tank Dragon
YZ-Tank Dragon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
VW-Tiger Catapult
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon

2009-12-31, 02:05 PM
Looking somewhat perplexed, the elf gawks for a second at the Power Man's suicidal move. Good game, I suppose, mate. mutters the elf in disbelief. Ah he steps back through the gate into The Forbidden One's Tomb, he mutters something under his breath. Duelists these days just get crazier and crazier... its a card game, for Exodia's sake!