View Full Version : A Whole New World IC (Alpha Team)

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 12:02 AM
You had been traveling through this underground cavern for days now, and you could understand, by what the slavers were saying, that you were to be sold to the highest bidder at the largest slave market on the continent, and that this passage was just newly discovered and only this one route had been discovered, let alone cleared enough of monsters for travel. There were hundreds, maybe even thousands of you in cages holding a dozen creatures each, spread across dozens of carts. Those of you that need to eat are being kept alive on bread and water.

You were traveling over an immense bridge covering a chasm so large you couldn't see from one side to the other, even with darkvision, when the ground started shaking and huge boulders came falling from the roof of the cavern, one of them smashing directly into a cart full of slaves. You heard one shout of "Earthquake!" before it was silenced as another boulder fell on the person calling out. Before anyone could figure out what to do, a huge section of the ancient stone bridge collapsed. You were on it. As you were falling, you could suddenly hear the sound of rushing water below you, or what you thought was below you. Suddenly everything hit the water in a tremendous splash and those with the ability to see in the dark could see that you had fallen into a river running below the chasm. It was fairly obvious to those that were now blinded anyways. On impact all of the cages had been smashed and you were all struggling to keep above the rapidly moving waters. Eventually you all succumbed to the cold depths.

You all wake up at roughly the same time lying down in piles of hay, with the exception of Trager who can be seen being worked on by a lean girl in grease smeared overalls, with a bucket of tools next to her. A lovely woman in a dress dress comes through the large barn doors and closes them behind her.

Oh! I am so glad to see you are all alive. When we found you washed up on the banks of the river I thought you wouldn't make it.Your construct friend over there is in the good hands of my daughter, so don't you worry about him.

As she says this the girl working on Trager pops up from her work and introduces herself,

My name's Clarice, nice to meet you people. Your friend should be fine, but boy is he a work of art! I could hardly bring myself to try fixing him, because I was worried I would break him even more! Seemingly contradictory to this she gives him a swift kick in the head and he suddenly comes to life.
Now, let's begin introductions of you guys, shall we?
The other woman speaks,
I am sorry, my name is Mae. I guess I was just so excited that I forgot to introduce myself!

2010-01-02, 12:59 AM
Aria held her head. The pain was intense; she'd pushed too hard to stay afloat, and this light burned her eyes. Still, she examined the area around her as well as she could despite the blinding light. It seemed similar enough to a standard Barnhouse, but some elements were... foreign. The tools. The clothing. Something wasn't correct.

"Where are we?"

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 01:14 AM
the lady in the dress speaks,
This is Erised, unfortunately. Where did you come from?

Just make something up.

2010-01-02, 01:22 AM
"Slavery." She looks around, hoping to catch a wiff of moisture on the air. "Where did the cavern let out?" As she says this, she checks herself over, noting her clothing. "And where is the river? We should check for other survivors." Her left eye was burning, a bit. She blinked.

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 01:27 AM
The woman looks obviously confused.

Survivors? Caravan? Slavery? We just found you washed up on the riverbank just South of here! We looked around but there wasn't anyone else.

The younger girl pipes in,
Maybe they got captured by demons and sent through a dimensional rift and landed here, not remembering any of their former lives! Just like in that book I read!

The mother scolds the young girl,
Now now, don't you go around scaring these people and making them think absurd things like that!

She then turns back to you,
I'm sorry, my daughter has quite the imagination.

2010-01-02, 01:33 AM
"I know what you mean." Aria frowned. The details were adding up all wrong. " Now, I'm sorry, but- No debris? No- no. We were being escorted. Large slave caravan. At least 1000- Noone? Of course not..." She drifted off into mumbles for a moment. "Erised? Where is that?"

2010-01-02, 02:11 AM
"Uuuhhhh..." Wolf groans, holding his head as his eyes cross, trying to focus. Eventually his world comes to and he sits up, brushing some of the hay off of his clothes. He listens to one of the other survivors as she talked. He raises an eyebrow in confusion. Erised? He shakes his head, looking around more. Everything here seemed... strange. No matter. It was time for him to take charge of things, he thought.

"Erised, huh?" Wolf shrugs, looking the older woman in the eye, before glancing at the younger one. "Hm. Never heard of it. And you found us washed up on a river bank?" He hesitates, not sure how to continue. He grasps for words, obviously not used to being indebted to anyone. "Well... uh, I'm sure I would have come to my senses by myself eventually. But... uhh... Thanks. I guess. Anyway." He takes a couple steps towards the younger woman. "You can call me Wolf. I'm a cleric of death itself, from the city of Shillah," he says and grins, pausing for some kind of reaction.

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 02:15 AM
She smiles back, Death, huh? Well, we found you half-dead, so I guess that was half way to your heart's desire, huh? I can help you if you'd like.

Her mother barely suppresses a grin, Now, don't be mean to the man, Clarice. He is still a little woozy.

2010-01-02, 02:32 AM
Wolf's smile slips, turning into a bit of a frown. Damnit, where's a cat or something I can kill when I need one? He breathes in a bit deeply, trying to calm himself. He could still salvage this... battle of wits. It didn't have to be like talking with every one of those self-righteous little pricks from back home. Hah! He was glad he wouldn't be seeing that place again. He told himself.

"I'll have you know that as a cleric of death itself, I'm certainly not going to die until I'm good and ready, assistance from others or not. No, instead I'm the one who gets to choose when others die. It's a very... poweful position, one might say," Wolf chuckles, his smile coming back. "Oh, not like you have to worry about anything. Waking up in a warm pile of hay IS somewhat better than a cold riverbank. So I guess I have that to thank you for, even if I didn't really NEED saving..." Feeling like his manliness was once more asserted, he smiles confidently again for a moment before his face turns more serious.

"Seriously, though. I've never heard of your... Erised?... before. And you said that we were in Erised... unfortunately. I don't exactly like what that implies. Because if there's some kind of curse going on here that could kill us or something," Wolf stops for a moment, cutting himself off, quickly thinking of a different word to use, "It would be very... annoying to deal with. And I'm very busy and don't have much time to deal with those things, being a cleric of my standing, of course."

2010-01-02, 02:34 AM
Aria got to her feet. Her muscles were sore from the movement, but still flexible. And her face was just as good at scowling as before. She checked her arms, tested a fist for a moment... and launched a blow toward Wolf's stomach.


2010-01-02, 02:37 AM
Opening his eyes with a rueful groan, Rewon lay on his back, staring up into the sky. Everywhere, he hurt, the retreating chill of the water emphasizing the ache. A thought came to him and he surged to his feet, falling back on his knees as a wave of dizziness overwhelmed him. His sword. He was sure he'd seen the familiar blade floating in the river as they fell.
It wasn't until then that he realized he wasn't alone. He suddenly registered the conversation he'd been hearing, shaking his head as if to rid himself of the confusion.
Getting to his feet smoothly, he swept a bow towards the women engaged in conversation. He mostly ignored the boastful man; he remembered him from the slave caravan, as distinctly as he remembered disliking him.
"I.. thank you, good women; it heartens my spirit to know there are yet people in this land that possess kindness." As he spoke, he allowed himself to eye both appraisingly. True to his roots, he directed a soft yet audible murmur towards the one who he seemed to remember introduction herself as Mae: "And beauty to go with it."

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 02:54 AM
Seeing Aria's punch go wild, Clarice lends a hand.

Need some help there?

With that she picks up a wrench from her bucket and throws it at Wolf.


Attack roll:

Non-lethal damage:

The flying wrench hits Wolf right in the side of the head, and then bounces off back in Clarice's hand.

Ya wanna keep bragging?

2010-01-02, 03:05 AM
Aria nods. "And if you threaten anyone here again, I will make certain to punch you in the face." She pauses, rubbing her fist. "Without missing."

Intimidation check: [roll0]

2010-01-02, 03:08 AM
Wolf laughs and steps to the side, shaking his head at the botched punch. "Hah, see? Can't even hit me, I'm -" Too busy in his gloating, he fails to see the wrench until after it had connected with his head, causing him to stagger back and hold a very painful lump. He gives a worried glance Aria's way, scooting a bit away from her. "Oww! Jeez, fine, fine," he mutters, before sitting back on the pile of hay. Why doesn't anybody every take me seriously? I don't get it! They should respect me. At least a little bit! He sighs to himself, rubbing his head. "Really, though. Do you want to actually tell us about this Erised, whatever kind of crappy place it is?"

2010-01-02, 03:10 AM
Rewon stared at the scene before him, flabbergasted. How... violent! The girls back in the village had certainly not been push-overs, but throwing a wrench at a man's head...!
He took a few steps away, intent on ignoring the fact that any of this had ever happened, looking around in an attempt to assess the surroundings carefully.

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 03:15 AM
Mae adopts a business-like attitude.
Wow. You really must have come from a different world if you don't know about Erised. We are the second largest nation in Arnare, and the number one most oppressive. I will have my husband talk to you about some more sensitive matter, though. We have a request for you.

2010-01-02, 03:16 AM
Aria took a couple steps back as well, content that answers would be supplied at that point. She stood beside the man who had groaned earlier. "You feeling fine? I'm hoping there were no serious injuries." She paused for a second. "Except for that 'Death' man. That would be fine." She interrupted herself to turn to Mae, her expression softening... and slightly afraid. "I... I've never heard of Arnare."

2010-01-02, 03:22 AM
Eying the woman with trepidation - She tried to punch the man! - he tried to think of a reply that would not spark violence. "Ah.. nothing more than muscle aches. Some bruises and scrapes, too, but no, nothing serious I'd say. I don't suppose you've seen a rapier around? It's really quite important. Not that it's valuable;" he didn't think she would try to steal it, but you couldn't be too careful. "Just to me, you see. Emotionally."
Hearing the bit about a request, Rewon barely stifled another groan. Too much of ask for to hope these people might have helped without any hope for repayment. Wait, what did she call this place? About to ask the same question aloud, he bit back his word as the puncher asked it before him. You never knew what people - women! - like that would do if you interrupted them.

2010-01-02, 03:28 AM
"A different... world?" Wolf didn't know if the world was spinning from that revelation, now that he was sitting down and could actually take it in, or if it was from that... tool that struck him in the head. Probably a bit of both. He would never see his stupid parents again? The worthless people in his hometown? "Well... uh, I never liked my home anyway," he says, lying to himself. He sighs, though, at the mention of a request. "A request? Well, what kind of 'request' did you have in mind?" He raises an eyebrow, a bit suspicious at what he might be getting into.

2010-01-02, 06:05 AM
After what seemed like forever, the blue clad warforged finally stirred: the kick to the head after getting fixed up actually knocked him out temporarily. His off-white stone body rose to it's feet, him dusting himself off and checking his kimono for rips or tears: he seemed alright, the white windowpane markings a little dirty from the accident. Removing a white bandanna from his belt pouch, he tied it over his head, eyes shining lightly. "And here I thought I knew about hard kicks to the head... usually I'm not on the recieving end, however."
"I overheard you, and for the repairs, I'll at least hear your request out. What is it you want?" he asked, crossing his arms, his tone impatient.

2010-01-02, 10:04 AM
Fraelyn clawed his way out of the deeps of sleep and awoke with a start. He shook his head several times and then groaned as jolts of pain shot through him. He tried to leap to his feet but his knees wouldn't hold him and he fell back down into the hay with a very undignified splat.

He sat back up. Held his head. Looked around. He didn't recognize anyone but Trager. He did, however, recognize the tell-tale signs of social hostility. Geat, he thought, first thing we do when we, apparently, escape from slavers is start fighting.

"Excuse me, young lady," he said, his tone low and soft, "Before we get into anything else, can you tell me how long we've been here?" As he spoke he looked around, trying to gauge how far they had come from the underground passage. He wanted to be sure they were far, far, far away from any chance of discovery before anyone started talking about requests.

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 10:15 AM
Well, you've been here for a couple of days. Now, you people just keep talking while I go fetch my husband! With that she leaves the Barn.

2010-01-02, 11:40 AM
Markus looks around at the others. A sorry bunch, but that's what happens to slaves. He was sure he wasn't a pretty picture himself.

"Well," he says carefully, "at least we have some room to move. That cage was pretty cramped." He cautiously tests his legs. Wincing in pain, he stands up.

2010-01-02, 12:01 PM
Javd had been awake for a while—sometime around a blurred yet wholly unnerving talk about demons and rifts. He was just listening now, not moving, trying to grasp the situation as well he could. “Eavesdropping,” he thought to himself disdainfully, “I thought I was better than that.” When in the slave caravan, he never spoke. Not one word. Half of him felt deeply betrayed, and the other just seemed angry. He wasn’t sure he was going to be able to trust anyone again for a while, even now that they were freed by an apparent chance of fate.

But when he heard the word “Arnare,” something chilled him. He knew the outlying area pretty well. At a given moment, his city had hundreds of visitors from distant lands, and they would share stories and maps. Anywhere they could have gone in a few days, he should have known about. But he didn’t. Considering how close he should still be to home, he should have known about Arnare if it was anything larger than a township. Somehow, he got the impression it was far bigger.

So…where was he, then?

He slowly stood up, and stretched his knees and back. He turned to the unfamiliar human who just spoke, and eyed him briefly, before asking, “Do you know where Arnare is?”

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 12:26 PM
Clarice responds, going to sit down next to the Warforged.Ya, Arnare is the continent you are now residing on. We humans haven't discovered anywhere else, but they say that the raptors came from across the Ocean on great ships.

2010-01-02, 12:45 PM
Aria, who had sat down and begun rubbing her temples, looked up. "Uh. Why, ah, would someone bring Raptors over... willingly?"

2010-01-02, 12:50 PM
Jvad now approached the woman in overalls and sat down across from her, before turning to a woman who he vaguely recognized from the slave caravan. “Somehow, I get the impression the raptors weren’t brought over.” He turned to his host and in a dry voice asked, “Please, tell me I’m just being paranoid.”

2010-01-02, 12:58 PM
Shaking his head clear of a heavy drowsiness that had left him barely awake through the prior exchange, Bolthus then leaned forward, eager to hear his benefactor's answer.

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 01:11 PM
Clarice smiles, No, they weren't brought over. They came over of their own free will. They brought all of this beatiful technology with them too! Sometime I want to visit Raptora, or even a major city in Alistar! Just the technology there would be amazing! You see, The government here doesn't trust technology, or Raptors, one bit. What we have here is waht some call a Magocracy. That's one of the reason's there's a resistance!

2010-01-02, 01:30 PM
Still leaning forward, Bolthos says, almost to himself "Surely that can't be all... what other reasons are there?"

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 01:33 PM
She becomes a little nervous, I think I'll let my dad talk about that. He knows more about it than I do.

2010-01-02, 01:53 PM
Javd scowls at the two of them. “That’s not the point at all! What you’re saying is patently impossible. There are no raptor cities anywhere I know of, and certainty not here. And a Magocracy called, what was it? Erserd? That’s ridiculous, and this woman is obviously deranged. I thank you for helping us, but I think we should leave and figure out where we really are.”

2010-01-02, 01:58 PM
Aria nods. "I'm not sure we can write off any possibilities at this point- and I would rather not be of the opinion that- Clarice, was it? Is deranged, but... something is definitely wrong about this place. We should leave. As soon as everyone is awake, prefferably."

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 02:01 PM
Clarice looks at the accuser rather angrily. Hey, just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean I am stupid! I'm probably the smartest girl you've ever met, and I know what I am talking about!
She heft's an abnormally large screwdriver menacingly,
And maybe you're the one that is crazy!

2010-01-02, 02:09 PM
Getting himself into a defensive position, Jvad stares at the woman calmly. “Perhaps I’m crazy, but unless all of these people tell me that you didn’t just say something about super-intelligent raptors, I think I’m good.”

2010-01-02, 02:12 PM
Aria stands up again, glaring at Clarice now. "Hey! Put that down, right now!" She folds her arms up. "We don't need more violence, especially consider what we've just been through. So put down the Tool... Thing. Or I will hurt you."

Intimidation Check: [roll0]

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 02:16 PM
I wasn't gonna hurt him with it! Besides, when my dad gets back he will explain everything to you guys!

2010-01-02, 02:18 PM
Aria continues to glare for several seconds, then nods, sitting down in the Hay again and furrowing her brow. "Can we at least look outside? I want to see if the trees are purple here. Or something."

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 02:26 PM
She bites her lip, I'm not sure if I should let you... My dad doesn't even know you guys aren't from here.

2010-01-02, 02:26 PM
Javd smiles briefly at the comment, before agreeing. “Alright, we’ll speak with your father. That may prove your sanity, at least, if not your honesty. And I would also like to see if the trees in this place are purple. Perhaps I have become crazed from the abuse after all...”

2010-01-02, 04:05 PM
Trager gave what sounded like a sigh: this was all so much to have to take in. Away from his home, and not even sure who his captives were, he wasn't entirely sure what to do. "This is all so strange... if I ever find out who locked us away, I'll beat them into the earth." he said somewhat darkly.
He looked over to Fraelyn, lightening up considerably. "At least you're here, friend. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky we didn't get seperated, or killed for that matter. Are you alright?"

2010-01-02, 04:28 PM
Aric sat atop a pile of hay still seeming a little dazed. He'd been concious, and some small part of him had been witness to what happened in the last few minutes, but he was still mostly in his own world.

Aric is a young man, though unless you looked carefully, you could easily mistake him for a man 10 years older. He has long brown hair tied into a loose ponytail and piercing blue eyes set on either side of a large nose that's obviously been broken once or twice. When he stands, he is about 6' tall and of medium build.

Aric shook his head as if clearing it of cobwebs. He stands and begins desperately scanning the faces of the other people assembled here, but after a few moments a look of disappointment grows on it. He sighs heavily.

After a few moments of standing quietly, he approaches Clarice. "Excuse me miss. Are you certain that there wasn't a girl with us? She would be about 16 now, looks a little like me. Brown hair, big blue eyes? Round face, freckles? I had just assumed she'd been in one of the other wagons, but I had someone's word that I'd find her if I went into the custody of the slavers."

2010-01-02, 05:03 PM
"I've had enough of this crazy girl's babbling," Wolf scowls, but as he looks around, with all of these things that he could only assume to be tools... so many odd devices that he hadn't ever seen before... Something told him that all of this was true. He already knew it wasn't a dream, since that tool that had hit him really hurt! "What's taking your father so long to get here? If he doesn't show up soon and set things straight I'll just have to take a step out of this loony bin to see this place for myself." To Aric, Wolf snickers to himself, saying dryly "Heh. Your girl's dead. We were lucky enough to survive that fall barely alive. She probably got her skull crushed by a rock or something."

2010-01-02, 06:12 PM
Bolthos holds his hands in the air, and tries to intercede before things go further downhill.

Everyone please... we may be no longer slaves, but we seem to be a long way from safe at home yet. We're all a little overwrought, and might do something we'd later regret. Let's just... take stock a minute, all right?

He turns back to Clarice.

Thank you for your very kind help, lady, and apologies for being such poor guests. At some time, I hope to be able to repay your kindness, and beg your forebearance for our confusion.

Diplomacy [roll0]

So... (turning back to the rest) Have any of you ever heard of this land... Erised?

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 06:19 PM
I told you I am not crazy! Well, maybe a little. But htat doesn't matter!

Just then a man enters with the woman from before.

Hello, my name is Johnathan. I am here to talk to you about the situation here in Erised. Please hold all question for the end. Now, here in Erised the government not only hates technology, but also creatures they consider monsters. Creatures like goblins, giants, orcs, etc. The only thing they trust is magic, and anyone seen using technology or associating with "monsters" is immediately put to death. Now, there is a resistance called the E.T.R.F, Erised Technological Resistance Front. We aim to take down this regime and bring the miracles of technology to Erised. We seem to not be having as major an impact as we would like, however. I hope that you can help us with our resistance in any way possible. Now, what are your questions?

2010-01-02, 06:28 PM
For a moment, Wolf gives the man a blank stare. All of this talk of resistance, technology versus magic... Bah!

"Yeah, I've got one," he says, raising a hand. "Why do we care? Now me, I have no idea what your damned technology is. Apparently I'm from some different world, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around that nonsense, but now you're trying to get me involved with your little resistance? What do you have to offer me that would stop me from walking out of this building right now and finding my way back home? Or even joining this Magocracy? Because I'm sure as death more familiar with magic than any of your technowhatevers."

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 06:35 PM
I know this is a lot to take in, but you must understand! This government isn't just a magocracy, it is a dictatorship! The control everything! And do you really think that they would try to help you find a way back to your own world? They would take advantage of you and manipulate you to satisfy their own needs. you ask what is in this for you? The chance to return to your own time and take revenge on those slavers that captured you! That's what's in it for you!

2010-01-02, 06:42 PM
Still yet to digest the initial information fully, Bolthos turns to Wolf first.

You'd turn your back on your only benefactors in this land before we, any of us, understand anything? Then, turning back to Jonathan, he replies Thank you for your hospitality, and for trusting us enough to share this information. I think I'm coming to understand your position. But surely, you must be desperately in need of help to share so much so quickly with people you hardly know - are we in imminent danger here?

2010-01-02, 06:50 PM
Magocracy? Resistance movement? Raptors? Javd couldn’t really comprehend all of it. In fact, only one thing really sank through. “…Our world? What do you mean, ‘our own world?’ How many are there supposed to be, exactly?”

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 06:51 PM
That's just the thing. If the magocracy found out that I am here and that I found you guys and didn't report you to the authorities, we would ALL be killed. So you don't really have much of a choice in the matter. And I assume you came from another world somehow. How else could you have not heard of any of this?

2010-01-02, 06:57 PM
Fair point, I think. Bolthos stops at that and frowns, trying to make sense of all this, and to get a read on how trustworthy this Jonathan seems to be.

Sense motive: [roll0]

2010-01-02, 07:00 PM
But, at any rate, if we are not in immediate danger, let us at least get to know one another. I am Bolthos, formerly of the city watch of Sarthis - not that you'll of heard of that, I'm guessing.

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 07:00 PM
Bolthos only:

You get the feeling that he is telling the truth about the magocracy and the resistance. In fact you don't notice any real lies.

2010-01-02, 07:05 PM
Javd blinks twice in rapid succession, trying to forget that the previous sentence ever happened. He fails. “What, this kind of thing happens often? I wasn’t under the impression that it happens at all! Why am I even acknowledging the existence of such a thing in the first place?!” He groans angrily, and gives Jonathan another look over, as though he’s trying to perceive a lie.

Sense motive: [roll0]

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 07:08 PM
Javd only:

You sense that he is telling the truth about the magocracy and the resistance.

As far as I am aware, this type of thing has never happened! This is a new occurrence to me. Now, what do you people say? Will you help us?

2010-01-02, 07:49 PM
Wolf takes in the details, still frowning. "Hmph. I... guess you have a point there," he admits to Bolthos, as he folds his arms. He takes a moment to take in the details of what Jonathan said. A chance to return home. And... revenge? Wolf smiles, remembering how he was humiliated by the slavers on his capture. "Ahh, revenge... that does catch my interest. I have to ask, of course, how you think you could help us to get back home. Can your fancy technology do that?" Wolf eyes Jonathan a bit suspiciously, trying to see if he was telling the truth about all of this - specifically, if he really did think he could help them at all.

Seeeense motive! [roll0]

2010-01-02, 07:54 PM
A pause. The man didn’t seem to be lying.

But if he was telling the truth; that the only way, the most plausible way, for this stranger to make sense of Javd's words was to assume he was from a different world…if that was the most likely conclusion…then that would mean…that means…

How different would his world have to be for this to make sense?!

Enough. Distrusting this man was going nowhere. “I agree. I will enter the employ of your group. If nothing else, I shall be able to see the truth with my own eyes.”

2010-01-02, 07:55 PM
Aria looks down at those that have not yet woken up, surveying the room. "We can't help you." She looks up. "Some of the men here are the type that your government would kill, if you're telling the truth. We have to escape. I'll do what damage I can, but these men are in every bit as much danger as you. We have goblins, golems- god knows what that man is. I'm sorry, but we have to take care of our own."

2010-01-02, 08:02 PM
Turning to the woman, Javd puts his hand on her shoulder and shakes his head. “I agree we need to take care of our fellow former slaves, but we’ll likely need to help of the resistance in order to do that in the first place. We need to be practical for the moment, and help each other.”

2010-01-02, 08:06 PM
"The most practical thing right now is to get to a place where we're truly safe and take an assesment of what going on. The man said it himself: we are not safe here, and we're in even more danger if we try to change that." She nods to herself. "We have to go to Raptora."

2010-01-02, 08:12 PM
Javd strokes his beard, as he mulls over the idea. “I don’t like the fact that I’m accepting the existence of…Raptora…but say that this place exists. How do you propose we get across the sea to get there? I doubt it would be easy. We need to admit that we’re not exactly in a great position right now.”

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 08:25 PM
I am afraid you misunderstand. We do not know what the Raptora across the Ocean is called, but the one here is on the shore of the great Ocean. If you feel you really must leave for Raptora, though, you could travel to Alistar to the West and find your way from there. Alistar honors both magic and technology, as do we. Just because we are a technological revolution doesn't mean we don't use magic as well! Actually, As we speak our location is being concealed from scrying Wizards by spells.

Just then a small boy runs in,
Papa! I saw some soldiers coming! They're still a minute off, though.

2010-01-02, 08:46 PM
Javd cursed under his breath and looks straight ahead at the woman. “Do you still think we have the time to care for them?” He quickly reached down to grab something at his thigh, but only grasped the air. Of course, he hadn’t had a crossbow in days. “Well, so much for protection from scrying. Now what?

2010-01-02, 08:49 PM
A tall man with long brown hair had been laying silently on top of a bale until now, he sat up and brushed his hair over the left side of his face leaving a single bright green eye visible and spoke in a loud confident voice.

"An interesting story. Normally I wouldn't even think twice about these possibilities but I can't see why you would lie about this. Anyway, any civilisation that would kill it's citizens for the simple act of freedom deserves death. I will travel to Raptora if others would wish to join me."

2010-01-02, 08:55 PM
"Soldiers?" Wolf raises an eyebrow, trying not to betray his excitement. "Quick, boy, how many? And which direction are they coming from? Jonathan, is there any equipment you have for us to defend ourselves with? I doubt they will let any of us live, if your description of them is true. But of course... you're lucky I'm here. I'll show you what fearsome things death is capable of!" Wolf smiles, eager for this chance. He would show them how fearsome he could really be! A few soldiers dead, the family would be saved, and impressed, and then he would get the true respect he deserved. It was perfect! And they'd probably give him some nice gifts too...

tiny tim
2010-01-02, 09:24 PM
Johnathan is startled. looks like you people don't have much of a choice now! We will try to redirect them, then try making it the the border. It is about 2 days due West. Don't stay on the road, stay a bit off, but keep it in sight. It should help guide you. We found some weapons and armor washed up with you, it is in that pile of hay in the corner there's some money in there too. Clarice, get up in the hay loft. Don't come out until we say it is alright.
Once she is gone he continues,
Please, if anything happens protect my little girl. She is everything to me.
You can hear a cart rolling up outside the barn, and then the three of them, the man the woman and the little boy, walk out of the barn. There is barely enough time for everyone to get into armor and arm themselves (you have your starting gear), before you hear Johnathan giving a pleasant greeting to the soldiers, and then you hear an unidentified man respond. Don't play dumb, Johnathan. We know you have been hiding monsters here. You know the penalty or that.

You can't mean you'll kill all of us! I am the one you want, just kill me! They didn't do anything!

You knew the risks.

You hear the woman crying out at the sound a sword slicing into flesh, and then a body falling to the ground outside. Then,

No! He's just a boy!

You hear laughter as the woman cries out and you hear the sword once more falls upon it's victim.

Now it's your turn, kid.

You hear some frantic little footsteps and then a sickening crunch as another body hits the ground. You hear more laughter, as 7 soldiers walk through the barn door. The one in front speaks, his blood stained with blood.

There they are boys. Go get them!

OoC: Everyone roll initiative.

2010-01-02, 09:27 PM
"Oh Gods... This isn't good." he said, walking forwards and ready for action, weapon or not.

2010-01-02, 09:33 PM
Face grim, Wolf grips the dagger in his hands, knuckles white. This was suddenly becoming more serious than he had signed up for. "Come to meet your death, worms!"

Initiative! [roll0]

2010-01-02, 09:39 PM
Price leaps off of the bale and quickly draws an arrow ready to shoot. His eyes narrow and he tucks the hair hanging over his left eye behind his ear revealing the clouded over eye hiding underneath.



2010-01-02, 09:49 PM
Carlos Zyme had been listening to Jonathan's ramblings for a few minutes, trying to figure out if he arrived at the local asylum or 'another world' after all. Then the cries heralding the soldiers' arrival came, and any questions he was about to ask were rendered moot.

If there is one thing Carlos knew well, or at the very least thought he knew well, it was that people are naturally inclined to self-preservation. Those that tried to suppress it, perhaps out of shame, had a tendency to get stomped on by those who didn't. So as soon as he heard that a cache of weapons was hidden in the hay, Carlos darted towards it. Just in case a few got misplaced and there wouldn't be enough for everyone.

Reaching among the pile of weapons, Carlos soon found his shortbow and dagger. For a moment he considered taking a rapier that was laying there, but decided against it. From the look of things, he was going to need all the help he could get, especially if he wanted to get away from this crappy 'Erised'.

Initiative: [roll0]

2010-01-02, 09:53 PM
Having chosen to remain silent for the last minutes of conversation, Rewon still wasn't certain he believed half of what he'd heard. Regardless, as he searched through the bale of hay he did find his sword. Quickly grasping it before anyone else could, especially as he spotted a man looking all too closely at it, he held the slim rapier close, before doing his best to sheathe a few daggers on his person.
Drawing the sword, he felt somewhat confident, again. Trusting the people outside to take care of themselves, he stepped up beside the annoying man from before. "When the time comes that I possess such coin, I will bet ten pieces of gold that your precious Death will gain more souls from my blade tonight than that dagger of yours." He flashed the man a grin, standing at the ready.


2010-01-02, 10:19 PM
Javd fell back into silence now, as he quickly picked up a loaded crossbow, some bolts, and basic armaments. “Well, I’ve been in worse…I think,” he thought to himself, while scanning the room for good cover to shoot from.

Initiative:[roll0] Not sure if I'm allowed, but Spot as well: [roll1]

2010-01-02, 10:40 PM
Aria was pale. Her eyes were locked on the doorway from which she had just heard the sounds, barely breathing until the others had broken off to search from weaponry. All of a sudden she jolted, running towrds the weaponry and searching through it with feverish eyes. She grabbed a handaxe and shield, and ran to cover the ladder to the Hayloft. "Noone's getting through." She mumbled to herself.

Initiative: [roll0]

2010-01-02, 11:09 PM

If there is one thing that Coltuur knew, it was that when surrounded by strangers in a strange situation, the last thing you wanted to do was draw attention to yourself. It was hard though, laying there and pretending to be asleep, struggling not to laugh when the girl threw the whatever-it-was at the obnoxious death cleric.

When Johnathan explained about the dictatorial magocracy, it was difficult for a completely different reason. A dictatatorial magocracy is not so different from the dictatorship of the blues of Poduu. Still, helping these people is not, COULD not be priority number one. Priority one was, and always would be crushing the blues. On the other hand, Johnathan made it sound as if returning to the Poduu could only be accomplished by working with the resistance. On the OTHER other hand, he had every reason to lie. He wanted something from Coltuur and the other slaves-to-be, so why wouldn't he lie to them? Still, if he was telling the truth, it was a compelling reason to work with this resistance.

The best solution then, would be to work with the resistance until evidence of the lie had been found. Other options must be left open, however. It mught be worthwhile to act as a mole withing the resistance. After leaving this place there would be little to no reason NOT to reveal it's location to the magocracy. That would buy an in with the magocracy, which might be the most efficient way... "hiding monsters?"

Rolling off of the haystack he had been on, Coltuur dashes over to the pile of gear and quickly grabs a dagger. "Monsters? If they are looking for monsters, perhaps we should BE monstrous..."

Looking around at the all idiots around him, Coltuur decides not to take any chances. Stuffing the dagger into his belt, he grabs a shield and, for good measure, a club. No reason not to. Whoever had owned them previously was drowned and would have no need of them.

Ducking behind a haystack, he waits for the enemy to enter or one of the tall idiots to open the door.

2010-01-03, 01:23 AM
Aric had shot Wolf a glare when he'd said Mara was dead. His hand tingled and dark black sparks flickered off his fingers, making it obvious that the glare wasn't the only thing he was considering shooting at the priest. Mara wasn't dead, she couldn't be, he knew it. This jerk deserved to be though, send him to his god...

He sat fuming silently, barely listening as Johnathan described the resistance and the local political situation. The approaching guards did catch his attention however. Hearing the deaths outside made Aric wary for his own life. If these soldiers were willing to kill the family who'd saved him, they would probably be willing to kill him too. He was not about to let that happen.

His hand flared with inky black light and he took careful aim at the first guard entering the barn.


2010-01-03, 04:35 AM
Bolthos quickly gets equipped and runs to the entrance of the barn.

Initiative [roll0]

Edits removed due to being ninja'd by DM - but I should hvae got an AoO on that soldier, thanks to Combat Reflexes

2010-01-03, 09:29 AM

Coltuur tugs at the leather armor he snagged from the pile. It didn't fit quite right, obviously it was not intended for a goblin.
It probably belonged to a filthy halfling. Well, less filthy but more waterlogged now.

Yes, these tall idiots definitely need someone with my intellect to tell them what to do. This place is a strategic dream, but without direction they will make it into a nightmare. It's a shame we can't trap them inside, this place would burn like a torch. Unfortunately, we are the one's trapped.

"Hey, axe-woman." He says in a loud whisper, hoping that she can hear him and the soldiers can't. "Make us an exit back there."

Raising his voice to make sure all of his erstwhile allies can hear him, he shouts "Draw them back! Make them come to us. Don't fight them out there where they can gang up on you!"

I just hope the tall idiots listen. Not that I expect much, they are tall idiots after all. I'd best take precautions.

Focusing his mind, Coltuur pushes his consciousness into his body, making subtle changes that would help ameliorate any damage he sustained in the fight.

OOC: Italics stuff is all thoughts.
Manifesting Vigor.

tiny tim
2010-01-03, 01:15 PM
Soldier 4 charges at Bolthos and sweeps his sword two-handed at the paladin's abdomen.


attack roll:


I am saying you are not flat-footed this round, because you knew they were there. They are though because they didn't expect to see so many armed people.

Then soldier 6 moves to a more advantageous position and fires at the construct.


Attack roll:


2010-01-03, 01:21 PM
Bolthos lashes out with his glaive at the charging soldier (OOC: AoO for reach weapon).

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

tiny tim
2010-01-03, 01:22 PM
The attack is deflected off the soldiers armor and his sword swing slices into Bolthos' side.

2010-01-03, 01:57 PM
Bounding towards the soldier battling the strange construct - he wasn't exactly sure what that thing was - Rewon lashed out with the rapier, attempting to drive the point through the man's heart.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1] (My mistake here, should be +2 not +4, so detract 2 damage from that)

2010-01-03, 02:07 PM
A hiss of pain escaping his gritted teeth, Bolthos steps back to give himself room to spin and strike back against his attacker.

To hit: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2010-01-03, 02:35 PM
(dammit, messed up. ignore this post >.<)

2010-01-03, 02:40 PM
Just barely getting hit in the shoulder, Trager made a sound akin to a growl at the crossbowman who fired at him. He'd make sure to break his bones when he got the chance.
For now, he came around behind the soldier Bolthos was fighting, throwing a heavy punch at him. "Take this, scumbag!"

2010-01-03, 02:40 PM
Wolf smiles for a few seconds, deciding to bide his time until Rewon's sword sinks into the soldier that had charged up. To the man who had offered the wager of ten coins, Wolf laughs. "I'm sure your blade will kill more than mine. But a true artist of death needs no weapons! Watch, and I will show you how death really works!" He continues laughing to himself as he moves up besides Bolthos and Rewon, a dark grin on his face as he looks at the soldier that had attacked them.

Delay until after Rewon moved up. If soldier number 4 is still alive after being hit by Rewon, then Wolf will try his lousy death touch attack!

Touch attack: [roll0]
Super death awesomeness: [roll1] - if result is equal to or more than the soldier's current hit points, he dies, no save.

Or, if the attack from Rewon killed soldier 4, then Wolf will still move to stand beside Bolthos and Rewon and ready an action to cast cause fear on the first soldier that moves up and gets threatened by two or more people from our side. Which should give us AoOs aplenty :)

Will save DC: 14

"Hear this, you doomed worms! Look into my eyes and know that you look into death itself! Flee! Flee this place if you have any desire for you, or your children, to live!"

tiny tim
2010-01-03, 05:29 PM
I am guessing Vigor was his Coltuur's only move, so...

Soldier 7 props his crossbow on the low wall and fires a shot across the room at Javd, and then winches another bolt onto the crossbow.




Remember you have cover. +4 to AC.

The bolt goes wild and lands in the hay in front of the soldier.

2010-01-03, 06:44 PM
Cursing his luck, Javd realizes he lost his focus when he fell unconscious in the river. Without it, drawing on his psionic powers would be difficult. Luckily for him, he had other ways. After one of the soldiers takes a poor shot at him, Javd returns it and then loads another arrow while behind the cover of the barn.

Attack roll on Soldier 7:[roll0] Damage:[roll1] And reload on my Move.

tiny tim
2010-01-03, 06:47 PM
The bolt sinks itself into the board the soldier is taking cover behind.

2010-01-03, 08:40 PM
Aria steels herself, taking several steps back before pointing her shield at the wall and charging.

Strength Check: [roll0]

tiny tim
2010-01-03, 08:52 PM
Soldier 3 moves to the northwest of Trager and brings his sword down in a powerful swing towards the constructs shoulder.

Power Attack:


Aria bounces harmlessly off of the wall, not even putting a dent in it.

2010-01-03, 09:04 PM
Carlos draws his dagger and dashes forward, muttering a spell under his breath and gesturing subtly with his free hand. Moving past Wolf and Bolthos, he jumps into the fray, only to seemingly vanish in a brilliant explosion of infinite colour.

Move Action (25 feet) to the position indicated by the blue circle on the map.
Standard Action: cast Color Spray (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/colorSpray.htm) in the area indicated on the map by the red lines (originating from the lower left corner of my square).
(I believe this ought to hit soldiers 1, 6 and 3*)
* taking 3's actions (which happened before my turn in the initiative order) into account

Save DC: 10 +1 +4 +1 = 16


2010-01-03, 11:03 PM
Soldiers 3 and 6, having raised their weapons in defense at the sight of Carlos coming towards them, cry in surprise at the vivid spray, and fall to the floor. however, the soldier weilding a scimitar and sheild seems completely unaffected, as if he did not even notice the display.

Carlos only:

Now that you are closer, you notice that this soldier is acting...strangely. constant spasms seem to wrack his body; his head constantly twitches from side to side, his hands clench and unclench on his weapons. while he always keeps one eye on you at all times, both eyes seem to constantly be darting around, wildly taking in the enviranment.

2010-01-04, 12:04 AM
Soldier 5 runs 30 feet to the right, ending directly in front of Bolthos, and grins, gesturing with his sword.

"Come on, you wont last any longer than that bitch or her snotty kid."

Soldier 1 squares his shoulders, before swinging wildly with his scimitar and following up with a swing from his sheild, aiming to bring down Carlos quickly.

soldier 1:
attack1: [roll0]
attack2: [roll1]
damage1: [roll2]

2010-01-04, 12:06 AM
rolling for crit failure:
and damage:

2010-01-04, 12:11 AM
while attacking, soldier 1's heavy sheild arm throws him off balance and his scimitar goes extremely wide of its target, slicing into his leg. from the look of things, it cut more than a few blood vessels on the way in.

2010-01-04, 12:40 AM
Aric glances over his shoulder, briefly considering the hayloft, but decides against it. "It'd be too easy for them to get underneath me and then I'd be stuck up there," he thinks. Instead, he moves forward and releases a blast of crackling black energy from his hand.

Move: 5 North, 1 Northwest, should put him right next to Trager.
Standard: Fire eldritch blast at nearest conscious soldier. (If I'm not mistaken, that's #1. 1d20+5 (Includes +1 for point blank, and no penalty for in combat with foes due to precise shot.)

2010-01-04, 08:56 PM
Carlos staggers back as the soldier in front of him unexpectedly hits him with his shield. Spitting up blood, he curses under his breath, before squinting his eyes a little to inspect his opponent. Now that he was up close and personal, it was clear there was something off with this shield-bearing soldier.
For one, he seemed quite unaffected by that spell just now, despite catching the full brunt of it. Secondly, his movements were very erratic, his muscles seemed to spasm randomly and his eyes seemed to dart from left to right and back. Several possibilities sprang to Carlos' mind, but he felt more at ease holding on to such thoughts for less eventful times.

Getting whacked in the head with a shield had a tendency to affect him that way.

Duke of URL
2010-01-05, 05:54 AM

The kobold had kept silent until the soldiers had actually started attacking. These... humans... dared to resist against their rightful overlords? Death served them well. Still, one thing was perfectly clear: he himself would be clearly marked for death in this strange land. An no human was his rightful overlord.

Making sure to keep well enough away from the soldiers with the pointy sticks, he focuses his energies and uses an invocation on the nearest soldier.

Invokes earthen grasp, creating an arm that will last for 2 rounds with BAB +1, STR 14, AC 15, hardness 4, 3 hp.

The arm attempts a grapple.

1) The arm provokes an AoO
2) [roll0] to initiate grapple
3) [roll1], [roll2] (lethal)

tiny tim
2010-01-05, 07:01 PM
The soldier seems quiet alarmed at the arm reaching p out of the ground and takes a swing at it with his sword as it attempts to grab hold of him.




The arm crumbles before it can even make contact with the man.

tiny tim
2010-01-05, 07:14 PM
Soldier 2 advances forward and grins wickedly as he swings at the warlock before him.
"You ain't gonna try that black stuff again now, are ya'?

Attack on Aric:



2010-01-05, 07:19 PM
Jack walked in as the fight was getting good, there was already a man down and they were from the army. He was mad so far today so at lest he got to release some steam. He dropped his backpack behind him as he made a few hand signals and power started to surge in him.

"Wrath lend me your power, and burn this filth to the ground." Jack says with a deep voice. He was always covered in a brown travelers cloak but winds start to pick up, throwing the cloak up reveling armor and a strapped weapon. Jack's eyes start to glow red and his skin started to crack. "Its show time"

With that the man became some thing different, a blast of fire rose from his feet in a circle meeting with a pillar of fire crashing down from the sky seemly to consume him. He slowly rose out of the inferno as something new but very old. His white skin had turned brown, cracks and scars covered his body one after the other, and his eyes, hair, and gear were aflame for a few moments. The fire seemed to settle and etch itself into his entire. His cloak, now bright white, had flames at the bottom, his Scythe, normally straight, was now curved and jagged like flames.

Try not to go crazy ok?

"Shut up, and I told you its Golem now ok?" Wrath said out loud

What ever you say.

Wrath spun his Scythe quickly before striking a soldier with it and his body quickly flashed green before he followed up with a swift kick.

Using his Strength Devotion to gain a adamantine slam attack. Transforming is a free and Str Dev is a swift action. Slam attack is a natural weapon. Taking a full round attack if I drop the first guy with the Scythe I will 5foot to the next guy and slam him. IE: If I drop soldier number 3 with scythe I move to attack soldier number 2


Slam attack

2010-01-05, 08:14 PM
Price lined up his shot and silently strung up an arrow, there was a small woosh as he lets loose an arrow at the nearest soldier to him.


2010-01-05, 08:27 PM
The soldier's sword rips deeply into Aric's shoulder. The warlock topples sideways, against the stable wall next to him. He slides down it leaving a bloody smear on the wood and all is black for him.

2010-01-05, 11:07 PM
(Hehe, bringing more of my own taste to this battle. Hopefully Tim is cool with this, but hey. Its in keeping with my part of the plot.)

As the battle rages on, suddenly an electronic, slightly muted voice booms out. It seems to come from the strange sheild bearing soldier.

"Not so wild, my friends. So undisciplined. Focus on the newcomer with the scythe if you please. He intrigues me."

OOC stuff:

need a spot check from anyone who wants to delve into the mysteries of the voice. Couldnt really fluff this IC, but the voice basically sounds as if it is coming through a low quality radio, or a walky-talkie. but since your guys dont know that kind of tech yet, I figured I wouldnt mention that IC.

also, soldier 4 is dead and 6 out like a light. It's Coltuur's move.

2010-01-06, 09:45 AM

"Well, so much for strategy..."
Coltuur clutches his shield and dashes out of the haypile towards the fracas. He sets his eyes on the soldier's apparent leader and begins a certain, very special thought pattern. Feeling a small amount of his stored power diminish, he knows that the leaders body has started to get just a little bit warm...

Move directly north and target soldier 1 with Matter Agitation.
Causes 1hp damage this round... Coltuur is concentrating on it though, so it will do 1d4 next round and 1d6 each round thereafter.

Oh, and [roll0]

2010-01-06, 10:28 AM

Although trying to maintain self-control as well as any young man might amid the strange powers being displayed, the screams of the fallen, bodiless voices, or the dawning realisation that he'd just killed a man for the first time, one remark cut through all of this, and Bol turned a first shocked, then vengeful gaze on the soldier taunting him.

"You ... murderer!" he spat, and ran at him.

Charge Soldier 5, attack with glaive, power-attacking for -2. (Bad tactics, but it seems appropriate).
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-01-06, 04:02 PM
Spotting a soldier in the corner of a room with a crossbow, and with no other protection, Wolf smiles sadistically. He runs past the lead soldier and his allies to get to the man, his hand glowing with some kind of black, negative energy. When Wolf finally gets up to the man, he laughs. "BOO!" he yells, as his glowing black hand makes a grab at the soldier's neck, aiming to drain him of his life in just a few seconds.

Assuming soldiers 6, 3 and 2 are down and I can move over them, and that I can move through allied squares, I run to soldier 7. I'd get an attack of opportunity from soldier one on the way there though. Once in front of the soldier, I'll use my 1/day death touch attack.

Touch attack: [roll0]
[roll1] if it's equal to his health or more, soldier dies with no save. Hopefully I'll roll good. ;P Poor wolf needs some pride restored.

tiny tim
2010-01-06, 05:48 PM
Golem slices into the side of the first soldier with his scythe and then slams into the next one with his enormous fist, both fall to the ground.

Price's crossbow bolt misses it's mark by a foot.

Bolthos' aggressive thrust with his glaive is easily dodged by the soldier.

AoO from Soldier 1:

attack roll:


tiny tim
2010-01-06, 05:51 PM
Accidentally rolled damage for a longsword, not scimitar


The soldier's sword slices deep into Wolf's flank as he passes by. And then, as if to make matters worse, the crossbowman swiftly ducks Wolf's attempted touch.

2010-01-06, 06:51 PM
Fendrin, Carlos and Kaol:

You realize that, although the voice came from the direction of the sheild-bearing soldier, he was not the one who spoke. instead, you notice a small blackish box buckled to the soldiers belt. The voice seems to be eminating from it.


You notice, desipte where the sound seemed to come from, the the sheild bearing soldier was not the one to speak; in fact, it didnt seem to hear the command at all.


you have no idea is to where the voice came from: your best guess is that the soldier simply barked out the command.

also, Wolf, you can look at the earlier spoiler I posted for Carlos.

tiny tim
2010-01-07, 06:45 PM
Hearing the command, the next soldier turns his attention away from Javd and fires his next bolt at the newcomer, before reloading it again.



tiny tim
2010-01-07, 06:48 PM
real damage now:

2010-01-07, 07:06 PM
Figuring that any mental tricks won't affect this rather peculiar foe, Carlos instead takes a step aside, pitting his opponent in between himself and Scytheboy or whatever he wanted to call himself. Gripping his dagger firmly in his hand, he attacks the creature before him in an almost ferocious lunge.

Five-Foot step northwards (to flank soldier 1 with Jack/Golem)

Attack roll: [roll0] (+2 to hit from flanking included)
Massive damage (!): [roll1]

Current HP: 7/9

2010-01-07, 08:42 PM
Blood spurts from the gash Carlos makes in soldier 1. However, instead of falling with a cry as expected, the strange soldier makes not a sound. Instead, it instantly begins convulsing violently, crashing to the ground. it continues writhing on the floor, repeatedly smashing its head and limbs into the wooden floor. Blood trickling from its mouth indicates that it has bit off its tounge.

Oddly, the voice speaks up again, still coming from the general direction of the twitching soldier.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. It appears I have underestimated you all; your talents are quite...above what I was expecting from a group of nameless squatters. Quite intriguing, actually. Oh, and a message for my men: At this point, victory seems like an unreasonably opitmistic thing to request, but I will say this. If any of you incompetent lowlifes leaves this shack alive without the bodies of these strangers, I will personally see to it that you well end up like Madeus here."

Duke of URL
2010-01-08, 09:59 AM

Okay, so much for that idea... let's see if raw eldritch energy works better. He targets the nearest soldier not directly engaged in melee (if any, otherwise, just the nearest soldier) with an eldritch blast: [roll0], [roll1] (includes +1/+1 for point blank shot)

2010-01-08, 01:05 PM

Javd finds himself lacking good options. Either fire off into the mess of swordsmen in the entrance and hope he gets lucky, or keep shooting at the man behind cover? Remembering his training, Javd tries making an opening. Dashing ahead, he runs out of his cover, past the hey loft in front of him and into the next, where he fires a shot at the other bowman and ducks again.

Move two haylofts forward as a move action, and attack soldier 7. Attack:[roll0] DMG: [roll1]

2010-01-09, 03:11 AM

Aria turned from her assault on the wooden wall at the sound of sword ripping through flesh- she turned to see a man's body falling on the ground. She started towards the combat, when she heard another noise from up above. Instantly she launched herself onto the ladder, climbing upward at a speed most would consider foolish, fire in her eyes. Looking accross the Hayloft, she shouts, "Get OFF her!"

Climbing up the ladder at doublespeed, using two movements (Or charging... depends on the layout of the upstairs.) In any case, DC 5 climb check: [roll0]

tiny tim
2010-01-09, 11:37 PM
The soldier facing Bolthos looks terrified at the prospect of what the voice was saying. He steps forward and unleashes a might blow at the paladin.




The extra power behind the swing puts the soldier off balance and his swing goes wide.

OoC: No one post actions for the next round. Clarice now gets a turn in the initiative order.

tiny tim
2010-01-13, 05:24 PM
Ok, their turns are skipped.

Aria's appearance distracts the soldier just long enough for Clarice to plunge a screwdriver through his eye up to the handle. The soldier let's out a scream as he topples over the edge and lands face down on the hard ground next to Javd, the force of the impact pushing the point of the screwdriver through the back of his head.

You killed my family you -expletives deleted-!

OoC: Ok, next round!

2010-01-14, 07:33 AM

Got to take him down so I can get to the wounded... Stepping back again to have room to swing, Bolthos, remembering his training, attacks with more control this time.

HP 6/12

Step 5' diagonally back and right, attack Soldier 5
To hit: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2010-01-14, 09:16 AM

Still a bit unsettled by the condescending voice emanating from the box on the downed soldier's belt, as well as said soldier's death throes, Carlos turns and helps Bolthos in mopping up the remaining crossbowmen.

5-foot step to the north-east (this is the square to the south-west of soldier 5)

Color Spray on soldier 5. DC 16.
(assuming he still has his crossbow out and thus doesn't threaten nearby squares)

2010-01-14, 09:49 AM

We need that body intact for examination.
With slightly less than a thought, he releases the energy gathering within the fallen soldier's body.

"You obviously fear that voice, whatever it is, but that is no reason to fight." he says, addressing the soldiers. "Lay down your arms and I will guarantee you safe passage out of this barn. You can come with us, or you can go on your own. Or if you prefer, we can give you a swift, painless death and a thorough destruction of your corpse to prevent any monstrosity that could be inflicted upon you. If you continue to fight, however, I cannot guarantee that you will be killed. You might be left alive, and bound. Then whatever happened to this... Madeus... would be a certain consequence."

I hope these tall fools are at least somewhat rational. We could use the information they have.

2010-01-14, 03:08 PM
Listen, this needs to end soon or you might strain out again.

"You think they will give their master up for their lives? There are worse fates then death my friend and his master likely knows them" Wrath says to Coltuur.

"He might be right though"

"Shut up"

He walks over to a standing soldier brings his fist down in a jackhammer.

Nonlethal attack with slam


2010-01-17, 10:51 PM
Bolthos' touch is enough to stop the blood flowing from Aric's deep wound. However, it isn't enough to bring him back to conciousness.

2010-01-18, 05:54 AM
After hurrying over to the injured Aric and stopping his blood, Bol glances at Wolf, and seeing that he's basically OK (OOC: I don't have to make a heal check for that, right?), he turns to the others.

What's going on out there? he asks, gesturing to the door.

2010-01-18, 09:20 AM

Just then a shadow falls across the door and Fraelyn stumbles in, wearing a notched and travel-stained suit of armour a carrying crossbow that has seen better days. He has several scratches on his face and arms and looks as though he's been wrestling in the mud.

Seeing that all of the assailants seem to have been dealt with, he immediately goes over the Trager and examines him, looking for signs of damage or injury. "My friend, are you hurt? Damaged? Another one of them came around the opposite side of the barn. I was able to fend him off and luckily he was about my size."

He looks up at everyone in the barn, all of the ragged and sweat-stained from combat.

"Forgive me if this comes out wrong, but I've not the time for Diplomacy. We should split up and go in different directions. There are almost certainly more of these coming and if they have to split their forces to chase us that makes it all the more likely that some of us will survive."

OOC: I hope no one minds the improvisation, I thought that an extra soldier might explain Fraelyn's absence during the combat and explains where he got his equipment.

2010-01-18, 01:57 PM
Trager looked over to his friend, adjusting his kimono and his white bandanna. "I'm fine, thank you. Took a crossbow bolt, but it didn't hit too hard. Are you alright?" he nodded, looking over the ammount of people inside the barn. "Anyone who'd like to come with us, now is the time. If you need help carrying the injured, let me help you."

2010-01-18, 02:27 PM
"Well then lets go, more people are sure to come looking. Grab the wounded and split up as two groups are harder then one to catch." Wrath says moving over to Trager, he stares at the man for a moment before waiting for some others to join. What strange clothing these people had.

2010-01-18, 09:09 PM
"I don't mind who I'm going with, as long as we get moving," Carlos says while rifling through the guard's pockets. When he's done, he takes one of their jackets, preferably one that's still in good condition.

"More of these soldiers are almost certainly on their way, what with this lot being directed by someone through that black talking box. In fact, since this soldier leader seemed keenly aware of what was going on while we fought," he says while picking up the device, "I wouldn't be surprised if he's still listening in on us as we speak."

With that, Carlos throws the black box at the wall, where it shatters to pieces.

Duke of URL
2010-01-19, 10:17 AM

"You humans may be under the authority of... whatever that voice was, but I'll not just stand idly here to be slaughtered as some enemy of a state I don't recognize. I'm going to find the fastest way out of this territory and search for someplace where I won't be killed on sight until I can find a way home. If you're of like mind, come with me."

2010-01-19, 10:34 AM
I agree we should leave - but we should check on our hosts first; if they yet breath, I'll do what I can for them. Also, we need to ask that girl - Clarice - which way we should run, and where we can get supplies; it's no use just running off unequipped in any direction. After making this suggestion, Bol goes to check what he can see and hear out the front door.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
(Looking first for other soldiers then for folk in need of help).

Duke of URL
2010-01-19, 11:29 AM

The kobold snorts in disgust. The wounded and dying peasants and soldiers brought it upon themselves. Let them die.

Testily, he says, "yes, of course we should take what supplies we need. Do you think me a fool?"

tiny tim
2010-01-21, 06:50 PM

Walking outside the first thing you see is the family. None of them are breathing and all have suffered from severe cuts, except for the small boy whose face is caved in. They are obviously quite dead. Looking around you see a small farm house and... purple trees. Yes, purple.


You notice nothing on the soldier's bodies except for their weapons and armor.

2010-01-22, 05:16 AM

Bol starts to move to cover the faces of the dead before Clarice can see them, but then reconsiders. Have to do what we can for the living first...

He returns to the barn and quietly tells the others. "Our hosts are all dead. I didn't see anyone else, but that doesn't mean they aren't there, so stay alert. Let me break the news to Clarice... and someone had better go and look for whatever supplies can be found, quickly." He then moves towards the back of the barn, mulling over how to break the news.

2010-01-22, 03:25 PM
The warforged thought aloud for a moment. "If we're going to split up, we should devide the wounded between two groups. It'd be better then one group getting stuck with too many to look after..." he said, grabbing the unconcious Wolf, putting his arms around his shoulders, and holding under his legs with his two fingered hands. He nodded to Fraelyn, "Why don't you lead the way?"

2010-01-22, 06:18 PM
"Here let me help" Jack says returning to his normal form, truing into Wrath was a show but turning back would lead to people wanting their money back. He puts wolf over his shoulder and gets ready to move at a moments notice.

tiny tim
2010-01-23, 02:52 AM
Clarice walks up to Trager, tears still streaming down her face, her eyes still red from crying. I want to go with you. I want to find out who was responsible for this and kill them. I want revenge. Will you help me?

2010-01-23, 04:36 AM
The warforged looked down to the girl, his harshly constructed features stoic, as is his feeling for her, but he did understand she was upset and wanted to help. He gave a nod to her, hoisting up Wolf properly onto his back. "Of course. Take anything from your home that you might need... do you have any ideas where we could go?"

2010-01-23, 05:00 AM
Bolthos gingerly picks up Aric, while waiting for Clarice's response.

OOC: Which one of you is carrying Wolf, again? :smallwink:

2010-01-23, 08:37 AM

"I think we need to wake one of these soldiers up and get some answers."

He walks over to the guy that the strange transforming man knocked into unconsciousness and starts shaking him and shouting at him.


tiny tim
2010-01-24, 01:21 AM
Despite your shaking and yelling, the unconscious soldier does not wake up.

Clarice looks up to Trager's face, Thank you so much.

Then, to everyone else, There is food and some supplies in the house. Take what you need. I just need some spare clothes and my tools. Just follow the road and you will see a town eventually. You can go into it if you want, and you can probably fidn your way to the border from there.

2010-01-25, 01:01 PM
Wincing at Coltuur's action, Bolthos blurts out: "Let them be for now! At least until you've taken their weapons away, anyway." Then, moderating his tone, to Clarice: "Thank you, once again, for your generosity. I'm sorry that I could not protect your family." Finally, he turns to the rest, still carrying Aric: "Right... what I think needs doing is that we strip these men of their weapons before they come round, keep an eye on them and move both weapons and wounded out of their sight. And, of course, stock up on provisions from the house. I can take charge of the wounded, if someone will bring me back a few days' basic trail rations. Sound good?"

2010-01-25, 02:25 PM

What fools tall folk be.

"Leave them be? Idiocy. They obviously fear their master, and we need to know why. We also need to know what happened to that Madeus fellow that they are willing to die rather than have happen to them. You cannot fight what you do not understand, and you cannot run from what you can't see coming. Ignorance is a sure death, or worse."

He pauses, taking a breath. When he continues, there is far less agitation in his voice.

"If we wake one up, I believe we can get all the information we need without any more bloodshed. If we don't... we will not be able prevent this same event from occurring wherever we go. Do you really want to be responsible for more slaughter?"

2010-01-26, 04:50 AM
Reluctantly, Bol concedes: "...Ask him what you have to, then, but make sure he's unarmed first, and don't injure him further if you can avoid it. There's been enough bloodshed here already, and these men are merely pawns." Unwilling to carry a helpless comrade outside alone, unwilling to leave him in there with enemies who still might pose a threat, and unhappy to watch, Bol goes as far as the door and stops uneasily, still carrying Aric.

2010-01-28, 01:09 AM
anyone paying attention notices one of the crossbowmen beginning to stir, and groaning slightly.