View Full Version : Temple of Elemental Evil...

2010-01-02, 02:15 PM
Anyone played it? I've heard some bad things about it, but I remember liking the demo.

I'm thinking about getting it.

...maybe there'll be a Let's Play to come.

2010-01-02, 02:24 PM
It's a neat game bogged down by bugs and a plot that seems only halfway written.

2010-01-02, 02:27 PM
Was kinda fun. You need to track down the patches. If I remember correctly the sucker didn't even save games correctly till you patched it the first time.

Some really harry nasty boss fights in the end too, I remember a lot of cursing, wile waiting for the computer to reload a save file. Good news is that it's an older game so if your computer is a new rig, the load screens should go faster.

2010-01-02, 02:35 PM
Was kinda fun. You need to track down the patches. If I remember correctly the sucker didn't even save games correctly till you patched it the first time.

Some really harry nasty boss fights in the end too, I remember a lot of cursing, wile waiting for the computer to reload a save file. Good news is that it's an older game so if your computer is a new rig, the load screens should go faster.

While my desktop is without a doubt capable of running the game, I'm hoping I can run it on this laptop which is probably a few years younger than the game.

Cynan Machae
2010-01-02, 04:05 PM
It's definitely a very good game in my opinion, but truffed with quite a lot of bugs and many unfinished stuff like most of Troika's game (i.e. Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines). There's quite a lot of unnofficial patches for it though, I used to play with the Circle of Eight's patch and it was much better IMO.

2010-01-02, 04:57 PM
It's definitely a very good game in my opinion, but truffed with quite a lot of bugs and many unfinished stuff like most of Troika's game (i.e. Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines). There's quite a lot of unnofficial patches for it though, I used to play with the Circle of Eight's patch and it was much better IMO.

I must agree. The bugs sucked, but the game was pretty fun.

70& of game is like D&D rules, but not all. I like the cohort rules, but wish there was a way for them to not steal everything (barring Elmo who wants nothing) other than loading them down with cantrip scrolls (my method).

2010-01-03, 08:13 AM
Thou shalt download Circle of Eight. Playing without just isn't fun.

2010-01-03, 11:31 AM
Well, I've played the tabletop, does that count? :-D

edit: Not to completion though. All the party went insane or something. At the very least, extremely paranoid, to the point of deciding that an entire town was full of cultists.

2010-01-03, 02:16 PM
Thou shalt download Circle of Eight. Playing without just isn't fun.

I played with Circle of Eight mod, and the game was so-so. The combat was excellent, but the plot was bland. There's LOTS of fighting, and relatively little plot. They had some interesting ideas (NPCs get their own share of the loot, and sell it automatically to buy more stuff) but that doesn't work (I'm sure I bought the lvl 2 druid ally a wand of cure light wounds, where did it go?).

Character generation is point-buy or random, and there's no limit on rerolls on the normal game, AND you can freely adjust the points after the roll. I spent lots of time rerolling so that all the five PCs had good stats, but sadly it was well worth it.

I played until a deus appeared ex machina, and then I wasn't sure if I had won the game or not. I think I didn't, but I had no idea what I was supposed to do and so I decided to retire the party for a while and take a break from the fighting.

If you want good D&D-based fighting, this is your game. The story is secondary.

Oh, and the game doesn't work on all CD drives because of SecuRom. :smallmad:

2010-01-03, 02:21 PM
The "lots of bugbears" encounters are a pain, but the boss fighters are all very very fun.

2010-01-03, 10:05 PM
I played the heck out of this game a few years ago and really liked it. It's different but if you like turn based combat, it's kinda cool. There's some epic long battles sometimes and lots of bugs but overall a pretty cool game.

Dacia Brabant
2010-01-03, 11:54 PM
Even with the bugs I'd still recommend it if you're into turn-based RPG combat, especially of the D&D 3.5 variety, because on that one note at least ToEE really delivers.

The other posters are correct though that some of the fights are absolutely ridiculous near the end (and some of the earlier ones can get annoying), and there are a few things like looting that you have to work around, but the combat system itself is very good.

2010-01-04, 12:58 AM
Thou shalt download Circle of Eight. Playing without just isn't fun.

I did, and I installed it, and I'm using it.

I've got the game up and running (on my desktop, unfortunately, my laptop refuses to run it). I'm considering doing a Let's Play.

I'm learning the ropes of the game, is anyone interested in a Let's Play? What party alignment would you like to see me use if you want to see a LP?

(The LP will happen at a much slower pace than I was aiming for, because I won't be able to work on it at work.)

Also, if I do a LP, what resolution would you like to see the screenshots in? More specifically, what percentage of a 1680x1050 picture would you like me to scale pictures down by before posting. I imagine I will be scaling things down by at least 50%.

2010-01-04, 06:44 AM
Hey, I don't play computer games for plot. I play them so the computer will take care of the masses of numbers combat requires. If I want plot I play tabletop.

A let's play would be awesome if it went: LG, TN, or NE.

A TN party with a group of Druids with animal companions is insane...ly easy.

2010-01-04, 08:29 AM
Hey, I don't play computer games for plot. I play them so the computer will take care of the masses of numbers combat requires. If I want plot I play tabletop.

A let's play would be awesome if it went: LG, TN, or NE.

A TN party with a group of Druids with animal companions is insane...ly easy.

This I like.

The Circle of Eight really is quite necessary for the enjoyment of the game.

I love ToEE for its adherence to 3.5 rules, but it does get a bit bogged down by combat. The plot is paper thin. But then, so was the original module...

2010-01-04, 09:55 AM
Another vote for NE here. I remember the opening scene as pretty healthy and fun slaughter. Or was that the CE opening scene?

2010-01-04, 10:17 AM
Tossing out some quick character ideas...

LE Human Rogue 1 / Conjurer X. Skillmonkey and utility caster. Arrogant. Imperious. Snooty. Worships Vecna.

NE Half-Orc Barbarian 1 / Druid X. Summoner and feral warrior. Brutish. Nasty. Erythnul all the way.

CE Halfling Sorcerer X. Evocation/Necromancy artillery. Psychotic. Pyromaniac. Obsessed with death and destruction. Probably worships Nerull.

CE Gnome Bard X. Enchantment/Illusion specialist. Charming. Seductive. Four foot Casanova. Probably an Olidammaran.

LE Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric X. Tank and divine buffer/healer. Wades into combat with a massive glaive. Strict and tyrannical. Hextorite.

2010-01-04, 03:40 PM
I prefer neutral good or a lawful good party. I REALLY like starting with just one Pal on Lawful good (to get the good xp from the intro), then adding a neutral good barbarian, cleric, wiz and then rouge/ranger/monk/fighter depending on your tastes.

The game has decent replayability choosing different options for party alignment, race, and classes (I did all halflings once). There are different items, options, and situations available depending on what type of party you play.

2010-01-04, 07:37 PM
I prefer neutral good or a lawful good party. I REALLY like starting with just one Pal on Lawful good (to get the good xp from the intro), then adding a neutral good barbarian, cleric, wiz and then rouge/ranger/monk/fighter depending on your tastes.

The game has decent replayability choosing different options for party alignment, race, and classes (I did all halflings once). There are different items, options, and situations available depending on what type of party you play.

But then you can't win the drinking contest...

Dacia Brabant
2010-01-04, 08:03 PM
Neutral Evil has by far the most amusing opening vignette so that seems like a good choice for a LP, at least if you're going evil. If good, I'd pick Chaotic Good simply for the quest reward late in the game.

2010-01-05, 06:49 AM
Actually you can get the good reward from either NG, CG, or CN, because of the way the alignments run.

Best part with the druids? They naturally get to channel spells into summons. So you can balloon the party from 10 to 15 in one turn. As far as I know there's not an upper limit on summons.

2010-01-05, 09:02 AM
As far as I know there's not an upper limit on summons.

Yes, there is: your processor speed.

2010-01-06, 05:57 AM
Oh, is that all? Then I'm good for a three hundred summon fight.

2010-01-06, 08:41 AM
Well, we can't just let the idea die, can we?

Perhaps I'll think about doing it myself.

2010-01-06, 09:51 AM
Well, I can't play the game on my laptop like I wanted. I bring my laptop with me to "work," and it's what I spend most of my time on. I would have plenty of time, in other words, to work on the LP at work and make posts at "regular" times of the day.

When I get home from work, I have a small amount of time to do what I want on a computer that can actually do what I want before I need to go to sleep and get back to my "job."

Unfortunately, Temple of Elemental Evil sits below many other things. I tried the game a few nights ago, and while it would be a nice (great) diversion at work, it doesn't compare to Civilization IV or Mass Effect.