View Full Version : Dynasty IC: Nehh

2010-01-03, 03:54 AM
The Maphttp://www.mornproductions.com/Dynasty/sw56dhtgfd.png{table]Star|Capital
X|Unit Stack[/table]

You are in a small somewhat sandy valley surrounded by mountainous terrain. Mountains to north and east (movement penalty, longer line of sight when standing on top, blocks line of sight when not) and hills to south (no movement penalty).

If the map isn't updated as it should be, you may need to refresh the image itself, because it is hosted on a separate site.

Nation News and StatusCurrency - 100 (current money in purse)
Expected Income: 1 (how much your money is expected to increase next turn)
Expected Upkeep: 4 (how much your money is expected to decrease next turn)


Units/Max Units - 1/10 (1/1)
Leaders/Max - 1/1One time explanation: The max units is play is 10 per city. The first fraction represents how many units are under "general control." Here, 1 Warrior is being controlled by the general control of the nation, so 1/10

The parentheses next to this number represent units controlled by Leaders. The Leadership score of a Leader is exactly how many units he can control. Your leader has Leadership 1, and he is controlling 1 Warrior with it, thus the (1/1).

Leaders do not count against the normal unit limit. In general, you can control 1 leader for every city you control, giving the final 1/1.

No political agreements.

Technology Known:Bronze Working, Bowcraft, Writing

Unnamed Capital: Population - 3
Production - 2
Happiness - 1
Culture - 1
Corruption/Waste - 0

Order - Generate Wealth
Garrison - Stack 1

Stacks Location - In Capital 1 Leader (Level 1) (Level Up!)Hits - 3
Move - 2/2
Combat - 2
Defense - 2
Specials - Leadership 1
Upkeep - 2

Level Up!
Select one of the following: Basic Attack - Add +1 to Combat for other units in stack
Basic Defense - Add +1 to Defense for other units in stack
Basic Logistics - Add +1 to Move for other units in stack
Increase one of leader's ability scores by 1.
Increase Leadership ability by 1.

2 Warrior****s - 1
Move - 1/1
Combat - 1
Defense - 1
Upkeep - 1

Quick link to city and unit actions (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7617093#post7617093).

Note that you may choose to end your turn and use a bonus turn. If not, then no turn changes will happen until Wednesday. If using a bonus turn, you must declare that you are doing so.

2010-01-03, 04:23 AM
Name City Pyropus
Name Leader Count Bronze

Count Bronze level up - Basic Logistics

Count Bronze and 1 warrior move north as far as possible.

The other warrior stays where he is.

Pyropus researches Bronze Idols (lets you, for a small fee, make an idol that increases your city's culture.)

EDIT: Are trade routes only required for trading physical things, like currency and soldiers? Or do you need them for researched concepts, too?

2010-01-03, 04:50 AM
Trade Routes is only for physical objects.

Are you ending turn and using a bonus turn? If so, you need to declare it.

2010-01-03, 04:53 AM
Okay. End Turn, Use Bonus Turn.

2010-01-03, 05:09 AM
Start New Turn

The Maphttp://www.mornproductions.com/Dynasty/sw56dhtgfd.png{table]Star|Capital
X|Unit Stack[/table]

If the map isn't updated as it should be, you may need to refresh the image itself, because it is hosted on a separate site.

Nation News and StatusCurrency - 97
Expected Income: 1
Expected Upkeep: 4


Units/Max Units - 1/10 (1/1)
Leaders/Max - 1/1

No political agreements.

Technology Known:Bronze Working, Bowcraft, Writing

Pyropus (Capital): Population - 4
Production - 3
Happiness - 1
Culture - 2
Corruption/Waste - 1

Order - Research (Bronze Idols): 2/40 Production (13 Turns)
Garrison - Stack 2

Stacks Location - North of Capital 1 Count Bronze (Leader, Level 1)Hits - 3
Move - 2/2
Combat - 2
Defense - 2
Specials - Leadership 1, Basic Logistics
Upkeep - 2
1 Warrior1Hits - 1
Move - 1/1
Combat - 1
Defense - 1
Upkeep - 1
Location - In Capital 1 Warrior1Hits - 1
Move - 1/1
Combat - 1
Defense - 1
Upkeep - 1

Quick link to city and unit actions (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7617093#post7617093).

2010-01-03, 05:16 AM
Okay. Stack 1 moves north (again)
Stack 2 stays where it is.
Pyropus continues researching Bronze Idols.

How do the bonus turns work? Is the 3 bonus turns the entirety you get for the whole game? Or are there ways of getting more? Either way, End turn + use bonus turn.

2010-01-03, 11:33 PM
Oh, and by the way, End Turn. And use bonus turn. I have worked out that the largest benefit can be derived by using them all at once.

2010-01-04, 02:07 AM
Err... I thought you had Death Rites. To have idols, you'll need to have Death Rites. It's a prerequisite for religious/mystic technologies. I'll credit your Bronze Idol research to Death Rites if you want, otherwise, give me another option, and I'll update accordingly. Sorry about that.

2010-01-04, 02:09 AM
Okay, I'll get Death Rites first then.

Just, I thought idol-making is the first step on the road to making human-shaped bronze stuff, like pretty statues.

2010-01-04, 04:38 AM
You should also look into leveling up your Leader...

2010-01-04, 04:42 AM
Start New Turn

The Map http://www.mornproductions.com/Dynasty/sw56dhtgfd.png {table]Star|Capital
X|Unit Stack[/table]

If the map isn't updated as it should be, you may need to refresh the image itself, because it is hosted on a separate site.

Nation News and Status Currency - 93
Expected Income: 0
Expected Upkeep: 4


Units/Max - 1/10 (1/1)
Leaders/Max - 1/1

No political agreements.

Technology Known: Bronze Working, Bowcraft, Writing

Pyropus (Capital): Population - 5 Production - 4 Happiness - 1 Culture - 3 Corruption/Waste - 1[br][br] Order - Research (Death Rites): 5/20 Production (4 Turns) Garrison - Stack 1

Location - North of Capital 1 Leader (Level 1)(Level Up!)Hits - 3/3[br]Move - 2/2[br]Combat - 2[br]Defense - 2[br]Specials - Leadership 1[br]Upkeep - 2[br][br]Level Up![br]Select one of the following: Basic Attack - Add +1 to Combat for other units in stack Basic Defense - Add +1 to Defense for other units in stack Basic Logistics - Add +1 to Move for other units in stack Increase one of leader's ability scores by 1. Increase Leadership ability by 1. 1 WarriorHits - 1/1[br]Move - 1/1[br]Combat - 1[br]Defense - 1[br]Upkeep - 1 Location - In Capital 1 WarriorHits - 1/1[br]Move - 1/1[br]Combat - 1[br]Defense - 1[br]Upkeep - 1

Quick link to city and unit actions (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7617093#post7617093).

2010-01-04, 09:28 AM
Oh, he leveled up? Right.

The Leader once more takes Basic Logistics.

The Warrior and leader both move up as far as possible. If this means the warrior leaving the leader's stack it's okay because the leader will catch up next turn.

If it is possible that the city could pause research this turn but continue it next turn, I will create a Warrior on it. The Warrior currently on it will move south as far as possible.

2010-01-07, 01:50 AM
Oops. I was editing the program just before I made your post, and it apparently reset your leader to 0. The leader didn't actually level up again, note that his name and stats are missing in that most recent post. Anyway, I'll get the next update posted shortly.

2010-01-07, 02:24 AM
Start New Turn

The Map http://www.mornproductions.com/Dynasty/sw56dhtgfd.png {table]Star|Capital
X|Unit Stack[/table]

If the map isn't updated as it should be, you may need to refresh the image itself, because it is hosted on a separate site.

Nation News and Status Currency - 89
Expected Income: 0
Expected Upkeep: 4


Units/Max - 1/10 (1/1)
Leaders/Max - 1/1

No political agreements.

Technology Known: Bronze Working, Bowcraft, Writing,

Pyropus (Capital): Population - 6 Production - 5 Happiness - 1 Culture - 4 Corruption/Waste - 1[br][br] Order - Research (Death Rites): 5/20 Production (4 Turns) Garrison - Stack 1

Location - North of Capital 1 Count Bronze Leader (Level 1)Hits - 3/3[br]Move - 2/2[br]Combat - 2[br]Defense - 2[br]Specials - Leadership 1, Basic Logistics[br]Upkeep - 2 1 WarriorHits - 1/1[br]Move - 2/2[br]Combat - 1[br]Defense - 1[br]Upkeep - 1 Location - South of Capital 1 WarriorHits - 1/1[br]Move - 1/1[br]Combat - 1[br]Defense - 1[br]Upkeep - 1 Location - In Capital 1 WarriorHits - 1/1[br]Move - 1/1[br]Combat - 1[br]Defense - 1[br]Upkeep - 1

Quick link to city and unit actions (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7617093#post7617093).

2010-01-07, 12:15 PM
Ok. Pyropus continues research. Stack 1 goes north. The stack on the city goes west.

Stack 2 goes south.