View Full Version : Yu-Gi-Oh PbP Exhibition: Raykura vs. Shadow_Elf

2010-01-03, 09:48 PM
A velociraptor wearing a tuxedo, top hat and monocle walks into the arena, carrying a standard-issue dueldisk.

Toppa' tha' mornin' to ya it says in a thick Irish brogue. Are ye up fer' a duel then? I'm ready an' waitin'!

2010-01-03, 09:53 PM
The velociraptor rolls a 20 sided die gently on the brim of his dueldisk, a porcelain affair. He then draws 5 cards to begin and waits for his opponent.

Initiative: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Rerolls: [roll2]

2010-01-03, 10:11 PM
Suddenly, a bright whiteish-purple yellow trail of light begins flying around the room. It goes past the velociraptor's face, and continues flying around, before a blackish-purple orb appears floating a couple of inches off the ground, crackling like lightning, & burning like fire.

The black orb starts acting like a miniature black hole, but only for the whiteish-yellow light, strangely enough.

Soon the two merge, the light flying around the orb, before they finally reshape into a grayish humanoid that occaisonally changes colour going through various mixes & shades of white, yellow, black, purple, & gray.

"Fairest greetings, PATHETIC MEATBAG."

The first half of the sentence is said in an angelic voice, the second half in an underworldly voice.

"Hey! Don't be so rude, the game hasn't even started yet! Ahem, I apologize for my comrade's behaviour. I am Benevolos. A pleasure to meet you." As this sentence is spoken, the humanoid becomes the whiteish-yellow colour that the light was before.


As the other personality takes over during this time, the humanoid becomes the blackish-purple that the orb was before, and it's bodily shape rages like fire and lightning as it speaks.

"Sigh. I'll roll the dice for us. Don't worry, good sir. I'm the fairer of us two." Benevolos says, a bit exasperated with her partner.

2010-01-03, 10:15 PM
A dice appears out of a small hole in the air, and is telekinetically shaken before being thrown to the ground.


2010-01-03, 10:19 PM
Looks like I'm goin' first, if'n ya don't mind! says the velociraptor, ignoring the insulting comments. I'm fer drawin' first.

Draw: [roll0]
Rerolls: [roll1]

I'll set a monster an' end my turn, it seems! Good show, your turn!

Lifepoints: 8000

Field: No Field Magic
{table] -- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
FD = Facedown

Hand: 5
Infinity Tyranno x2
Heavy Storm
Big Evolution Pill

Facedowns: 1
Giant Rat 1450/1500

Graveyard: 0

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 34
1. Tyranno Infinity
2. Tyranno Infinity
3. Tyranno Infinity
4. Superconductor Tyranno
5. Superconductor Tyranno
6. Dark Driceratops
7. Survival Instinct
8. Survival Instinct
9. Survival Instinct
10. Fossil Dig
11. Fossil Dig
12. Fossil Dig
13. Big Evolution Pill
14. Big Evolution Pill
15. Big Evolution Pill
16. Jurassic World
17. Jurassic World
18. Mad Sword Beast
19. Mad Sword Beast
20. Destroyerasaurus
21. Destroyerasaurus
22. Destroyerasaurus
23. Hyperhammerhead
24. Hyperhammerhead
25. Hyperhammerhead
26. Sabersaurus
27. Sabersaurus
28. Sabersaurus
29. Hydrogeddon
30. Hydrogeddon
31. Hydrogeddon
32. Giant Rat
33. Giant Rat
34. Heavy Storm
35. Seismic Shockwave
36. Seismic Shockwave
37. Seismic Shockwave
38. Mirror Force
39. Volcanic Eruption
40. Volcanic Eruption

2010-01-03, 10:38 PM
Malevolos takes over, and eagerly draws a card.

"Let's see what bringer of DESTRUCTION I can bring!!"


"Malevolos, there's no need to be so violent from the start!" Objects Benevolos.

Hand: 5
15.Kaiser Sea Horse
20.Bazoo the Soul Eater
35.D.D. Scout Plane
43.Chaos Greed
42.Chaos End
1.Arcana Force XXI - The World
2.Neo-Parsath the Sky Paladin
3.Soul of Purity and Light
4.Soul of Purity and Light
5.Helios Duo Megistus
6.Golden Homunculus
7.Airknight Parsath
8.Nova Summoner
9.Shining Angel
10.D.D. Warrior Lady
11.D.D. Warrior Lady
12.Asura Priest
14.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
15.Banisher of the Radiance
16.Banisher of the Light
17.Cyber Valley
18.Cyber Valley
19.Bazoo the Soul Eater
20.D.D. Assailant
21.Chaos Rider Gustaph
22.Gren Maju Da Eiza
23.Chaos Sorcerer
24.Chaos Sorcerer
25.Caius the Shadow Monarch
26.The End of Anubis
27.Darkknight Parsath
28.Kykoo the Ghost Destroyer
29.Breaker the Magical Warrior
30.D.D. Survivor
31.D.D. Survivor
32.D.D. Scout Plane
33.Strike Ninja
34.Strike Ninja
36.A Cat of Ill Omen
37.Dimension Jar
38.Dimension Jar
39.Chaos Greed
40.Chaos End
41.Soul Release
42.Different Dimension Capsule
43.D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
44.Dimensional Fissure
45.Swords of Revealing Light
46.Swords of Concealing Light
47.The Sanctuary in the Sky
48.Big Burn
49.Macro Cosmos
50.Dimensional Prison
51.Dimensional Prison
52.Mirror Force
53.Bottomless Trap Hole
54.Bottomless Trap Hole
55.D.D. Dynamite
Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - - - -

(Lol, I'm dueling you, despite already having an unfinished match with you in another thread. What happened to that, anyway? BTW, why did you do re-rolls for your draw phase? Either way, FYI, I never mean any offense, whether IC or OOC. IC, I'm just roleplaying, OOC, I genuinely never mean to offend anyone.)

2010-01-03, 10:43 PM
Hand: 5
20.Bazoo the Soul Eater
43.Chaos Greed
42.Chaos End
23.Chaos Sorcerer
15.Kaiser Sea Horse
Deck: 54 Cards
1.Arcana Force XXI - The World
2.Neo-Parsath the Sky Paladin
3.Soul of Purity and Light
4.Soul of Purity and Light
5.Helios Duo Megistus
6.Golden Homunculus
7.Airknight Parsath
8.Nova Summoner
9.Shining Angel
10.D.D. Warrior Lady
11.D.D. Warrior Lady
12.Asura Priest
14.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
15.Banisher of the Radiance
16.Banisher of the Light
17.Cyber Valley
18.Cyber Valley
19.Bazoo the Soul Eater
20.D.D. Assailant
21.Chaos Rider Gustaph
22.Gren Maju Da Eiza
23.Chaos Sorcerer
24.Caius the Shadow Monarch
25.The End of Anubis
26.Darkknight Parsath
27.Kykoo the Ghost Destroyer
28.Breaker the Magical Warrior
29.D.D. Survivor
30.D.D. Survivor
31.D.D. Scout Plane
32.Strike Ninja
33.Strike Ninja
35.A Cat of Ill Omen
36.Dimension Jar
37.Dimension Jar
38.Chaos Greed
39.Chaos End
40.Soul Release
41.Different Dimension Capsule
42.D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
43.Dimensional Fissure
44.Swords of Revealing Light
45.Swords of Concealing Light
46.The Sanctuary in the Sky
47.Big Burn
48.Macro Cosmos
49.Dimensional Prison
50.Dimensional Prison
51.Mirror Force
52.Bottomless Trap Hole
53.Bottomless Trap Hole
54.D.D. Dynamite
Extra Deck:
D.D. Scout Plane
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - - - -

Benevolos takes over. "I think we'll set this, and go on the defensive as well."


"And I'm sorry about Malevolos's earlier comments if they offended you, good sir." Benevolos continues, before presumably ending their turn.

2010-01-03, 10:46 PM
I'm all fer settin' cards 'til one o' us drops dead, but perhaps somethin' might come up 'afore then, eh? comments the velociraptor as it draws.

Draw: [roll0]
Rerolls: [roll1]

I'll discard me Destroyersaurus to me graveyard to take a Jurassic World outta me deck, which I'll then play. Then, I summon a Sabersaurus in attackin' mode an' flip summon me Giant Rat! I'll attack yer facedown card with Giant Rat, an' then attack with Sabersaurus, either to finish the monster or attack ye directly.

Lifepoints: 8000

Field: Jurassic World: +300 ATK/DEF for Dinosaurs
{table] -- | SS | GR | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
GR = Giant Rat 1400/1450
SS = Sabersaurus 2200/800

Hand: 4
Infinity Tyranno x2
Heavy Storm
Big Evolution Pill

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 1

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 32
1. Tyranno Infinity
2. Tyranno Infinity
3. Tyranno Infinity
4. Superconductor Tyranno
5. Superconductor Tyranno
6. Dark Driceratops
7. Survival Instinct
8. Survival Instinct
9. Survival Instinct
10. Fossil Dig
11. Fossil Dig
12. Fossil Dig
13. Big Evolution Pill
14. Big Evolution Pill
15. Big Evolution Pill
16. Jurassic World
17. Jurassic World
18. Mad Sword Beast
19. Mad Sword Beast
20. Destroyerasaurus
21. Destroyerasaurus
22. Destroyerasaurus
23. Hyperhammerhead
24. Hyperhammerhead
25. Hyperhammerhead
26. Sabersaurus
27. Sabersaurus
28. Sabersaurus
29. Hydrogeddon
30. Hydrogeddon
31. Hydrogeddon
32. Giant Rat
33. Giant Rat
34. Heavy Storm
35. Seismic Shockwave
36. Seismic Shockwave
37. Seismic Shockwave
38. Mirror Force
39. Volcanic Eruption
40. Volcanic Eruption

EDIT: I think we can finish our last duel if you want, or not if you don't. It was kind of sloughing, but its up to you, I'm happy to finish what we started there at the same time.

2010-01-03, 10:56 PM
"Well, it's okay, you only destroyed our D.D. Scout Plane."

""BUT WE TOOK 2200 DAMAGE, YOU IDIOT!!" Malevolos screams angrily, the body erupting in dark flames during this raising of voice.

"Oww, my ears.... Sorry, Malevolos." Benevolos says meekly.

"You SHOULD be." Malevolos says snarkily.

(I'm fine with doing both of these duels at once, FYI.)

2010-01-03, 11:08 PM
(Did you end your turn just there?)

2010-01-03, 11:09 PM
(Did you end your turn just there?)

((Yes, sorry))

2010-01-03, 11:19 PM
"Let's draw! This may be the perfect opportunity to save ourselves!"

"Yes, let's! Then after we draw, we shall DESTROY them!"

2010-01-03, 11:20 PM
Hand: 6
1.Arcana Force XXI - The World
20.Bazoo the Soul Eater
43.Chaos Greed
42.Chaos End
23.Chaos Sorcerer
15.Kaiser Sea Horse
Deck: 54 Cards
1.Neo-Parsath the Sky Paladin
2.Soul of Purity and Light
3.Soul of Purity and Light
4.Helios Duo Megistus
5.Golden Homunculus
6.Airknight Parsath
7.Nova Summoner
8.Shining Angel
9.D.D. Warrior Lady
10.D.D. Warrior Lady
11.Asura Priest
13.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
14.Banisher of the Radiance
15.Banisher of the Light
16.Cyber Valley
17.Cyber Valley
18.Bazoo the Soul Eater
19.D.D. Assailant
20.Chaos Rider Gustaph
21.Gren Maju Da Eiza
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Caius the Shadow Monarch
24.The End of Anubis
25.Darkknight Parsath
26.Kykoo the Ghost Destroyer
27.Breaker the Magical Warrior
28.D.D. Survivor
29.D.D. Survivor
30.D.D. Scout Plane
31.Strike Ninja
32.Strike Ninja
34.A Cat of Ill Omen
35.Dimension Jar
36.Dimension Jar
37.Chaos Greed
38.Chaos End
39.Soul Release
40.Different Dimension Capsule
41.D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
42.Dimensional Fissure
43.Swords of Revealing Light
44.Swords of Concealing Light
45.The Sanctuary in the Sky
46.Big Burn
47.Macro Cosmos
48.Dimensional Prison
49.Dimensional Prison
50.Mirror Force
51.Bottomless Trap Hole
52.Bottomless Trap Hole
53.D.D. Dynamite
Extra Deck:
D.D. Scout Plane
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 5800 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - - - -


2010-01-03, 11:40 PM
Hand: 6
1.Arcana Force XXI - The World
20.Bazoo the Soul Eater
43.Chaos Greed
42.Chaos End
23.Chaos Sorcerer
15.Kaiser Sea Horse
Deck: 54 Cards
1.Neo-Parsath the Sky Paladin
2.Soul of Purity and Light
3.Soul of Purity and Light
4.Helios Duo Megistus
5.Golden Homunculus
6.Airknight Parsath
7.Nova Summoner
8.Shining Angel
9.D.D. Warrior Lady
10.D.D. Warrior Lady
11.Asura Priest
13.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
14.Banisher of the Radiance
15.Banisher of the Light
16.Cyber Valley
17.Cyber Valley
18.Bazoo the Soul Eater
19.D.D. Assailant
20.Chaos Rider Gustaph
21.Gren Maju Da Eiza
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Caius the Shadow Monarch
24.The End of Anubis
25.Darkknight Parsath
26.Kykoo the Ghost Destroyer
27.Breaker the Magical Warrior
28.D.D. Survivor
29.D.D. Survivor
30.D.D. Scout Plane
31.Strike Ninja
32.Strike Ninja
34.A Cat of Ill Omen
35.Dimension Jar
36.Dimension Jar
37.Chaos Greed
38.Chaos End
39.Soul Release
40.Different Dimension Capsule
41.D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
42.Dimensional Fissure
43.Swords of Revealing Light
44.Swords of Concealing Light
45.The Sanctuary in the Sky
46.Big Burn
47.Macro Cosmos
48.Dimensional Prison
49.Dimensional Prison
50.Mirror Force
51.Bottomless Trap Hole
52.Bottomless Trap Hole
53.D.D. Dynamite
Extra Deck:
D.D. Scout Plane
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 5800 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - BtSE DDSP -
- - - - -

BtSE= Bazoo the Soul Eater. 1900 ATK/900 DEF
DDSP= D.D. Scout Plane. 900 ATK/1200 DEF
"Well, this is a rather disappointing draw." Malevolos says.

"But it will be useful later!"

"If we SURVIVE that long." He mutters.

Malevolos then proceeds to overtake the form he & Benevolos have taken.

"BAZOO THE SOUL EATER in Attack Position!" [/B]Malevolos declares. "Then, I'll Remove From Play our D.D. Scout Plane to give it an extra 300 attack till the end of YOUR next turn."


Bazoo leaps at Giant Rat, and begins viciously mauling it to death.

As this happens, Malevolos rants, watching Bazoo feast.

"Unfortunately, there IS a downside to this move. Since our D.D. Scout Plane was Removed From Play our D.D. Scout Plane is Special Summoned to the field in Attack Position during our End Phase, when we can't do anything about it!! GAH! I blame you, Benevolos."
He says, furiously angry.

"After our attack, we'll end our turn, won't we, Malevolos?" "Yes."

2010-01-04, 05:08 PM
As me Giant Rat is slain it summons a Hyper Hammerhead to the field, in attacking mode! Then, I draw.

Draw: [roll0]
Rerolls: [roll1]

I set one card face down and then I attack yer D.D. Plane with me Hyper Hammerhead! 900 Life points o' damage! Then, I attack Bazoo with me Sabersaurus! 300 Life Points o' damage! I end me turn there.

Lifepoints: 7500

Field: Jurassic World: +300 ATK/DEF for Dinosaurs
{table] -- | SS | HH | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
HH = Hyper Hammerhead (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Hyper_Hammerhead) 1800/1500
SS = Sabersaurus 2200/800
FD = Facedown

Hand: 4
Infinity Tyranno x2
Heavy Storm
Big Evolution Pill

Facedowns: 1
Spot 3: Seismic Shockwave

Graveyard: 2
Giant Rat

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 31
1. Tyranno Infinity
2. Tyranno Infinity
3. Tyranno Infinity
4. Superconductor Tyranno
5. Superconductor Tyranno
6. Dark Driceratops
7. Survival Instinct
8. Survival Instinct
9. Survival Instinct
10. Fossil Dig
11. Fossil Dig
12. Fossil Dig
13. Big Evolution Pill
14. Big Evolution Pill
15. Big Evolution Pill
16. Jurassic World
17. Jurassic World
18. Mad Sword Beast
19. Mad Sword Beast
20. Destroyerasaurus
21. Destroyerasaurus
22. Destroyerasaurus
23. Hyperhammerhead
24. Hyperhammerhead
25. Hyperhammerhead
26. Sabersaurus
27. Sabersaurus
28. Sabersaurus
29. Hydrogeddon
30. Hydrogeddon
31. Hydrogeddon
32. Giant Rat
33. Giant Rat
34. Heavy Storm
35. Seismic Shockwave
36. Seismic Shockwave
37. Seismic Shockwave
38. Mirror Force
39. Volcanic Eruption
40. Volcanic Eruption

2010-01-04, 07:20 PM
Hand: 6
1.Arcana Force XXI - The World
20.Bazoo the Soul Eater
43.Chaos Greed
42.Chaos End
23.Chaos Sorcerer
15.Kaiser Sea Horse
Deck: 54 Cards
1.Neo-Parsath the Sky Paladin
2.Soul of Purity and Light
3.Soul of Purity and Light
4.Helios Duo Megistus
5.Golden Homunculus
6.Airknight Parsath
7.Nova Summoner
8.Shining Angel
9.D.D. Warrior Lady
10.D.D. Warrior Lady
11.Asura Priest
13.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
14.Banisher of the Radiance
15.Banisher of the Light
16.Cyber Valley
17.Cyber Valley
18.Bazoo the Soul Eater
19.D.D. Assailant
20.Chaos Rider Gustaph
21.Gren Maju Da Eiza
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Caius the Shadow Monarch
24.The End of Anubis
25.Darkknight Parsath
26.Kykoo the Ghost Destroyer
27.Breaker the Magical Warrior
28.D.D. Survivor
29.D.D. Survivor
30.D.D. Scout Plane
31.Strike Ninja
32.Strike Ninja
35.Dimension Jar
36.Dimension Jar
37.Chaos Greed
38.Chaos End
39.Soul Release
40.Different Dimension Capsule
41.D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
42.Dimensional Fissure
43.Swords of Revealing Light
44.Swords of Concealing Light
45.The Sanctuary in the Sky
46.Big Burn
47.Macro Cosmos
48.Dimensional Prison
49.Dimensional Prison
50.Mirror Force
51.Bottomless Trap Hole
52.Bottomless Trap Hole
53.D.D. Dynamite
Extra Deck:
D.D. Scout Plane
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
A Cat of Ill Omen
Stats: 4600 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - - - -

At this point, Malevolos seems to be burning with rage.

"Now now.... 1200 damage isn't.... So bad, I mean it's a start. It's 1000 less than 2200.... How about we just draw?" Benevolos stammers, attempting to calm down the darker spirit.


"We set 1 monster in Face-Down Defense Position."


2010-01-04, 08:11 PM
Well, a defense monster? 'fraid that'll not last ye very long. He draws a card.

Draw: [roll0]
Rerolls: [roll1]

I'm fer summoning me Destroyersaurus, in attackin' mode! First, I attack yer face down with my Hyper Hammerhead. Even if the attack fails, that monster's goin' back ta yer hand, so I can direct attack with Destroyersaurus and Sabersaurus! That's 4300 damage, laddie and lassie!

Lifepoints: 7500

Field: Jurassic World: +300 ATK/DEF for Dinosaurs
{table] -- | SS | HH | DS | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
HH = Hyper Hammerhead (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Hyper_Hammerhead) 1800/1500
SS = Sabersaurus 2200/800
DS = Destroyersaurus 2100/1400
FD = Facedown

Hand: 4
Infinity Tyranno x2
Heavy Storm
Big Evolution Pill

Facedowns: 1
Spot 3: Seismic Shockwave

Graveyard: 2
Giant Rat

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 31
1. Tyranno Infinity
2. Tyranno Infinity
3. Tyranno Infinity
4. Superconductor Tyranno
5. Superconductor Tyranno
6. Dark Driceratops
7. Survival Instinct
8. Survival Instinct
9. Survival Instinct
10. Fossil Dig
11. Fossil Dig
12. Fossil Dig
13. Big Evolution Pill
14. Big Evolution Pill
15. Big Evolution Pill
16. Jurassic World
17. Jurassic World
18. Mad Sword Beast
19. Mad Sword Beast
20. Destroyersaurus
21. Destroyersaurus
22. Destroyersaurus
23. Hyperhammerhead
24. Hyperhammerhead
25. Hyperhammerhead
26. Sabersaurus
27. Sabersaurus
28. Sabersaurus
29. Hydrogeddon
30. Hydrogeddon
31. Hydrogeddon
32. Giant Rat
33. Giant Rat
34. Heavy Storm
35. Seismic Shockwave
36. Seismic Shockwave
37. Seismic Shockwave
38. Mirror Force
39. Volcanic Eruption
40. Volcanic Eruption

2010-01-04, 08:24 PM
Hand: 6
1.Arcana Force XXI - The World
20.Bazoo the Soul Eater
43.Chaos Greed
42.Chaos End
23.Chaos Sorcerer
15.Kaiser Sea Horse
Deck: 54 Cards
1.Neo-Parsath the Sky Paladin
2.Soul of Purity and Light
3.Soul of Purity and Light
4.Helios Duo Megistus
5.Golden Homunculus
6.Airknight Parsath
7.Nova Summoner
8.Shining Angel
9.D.D. Warrior Lady
10.D.D. Warrior Lady
11.Asura Priest
13.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
14.Banisher of the Radiance
15.Banisher of the Light
16.Cyber Valley
17.Cyber Valley
18.Bazoo the Soul Eater
19.D.D. Assailant
20.Chaos Rider Gustaph
21.Gren Maju Da Eiza
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Caius the Shadow Monarch
24.The End of Anubis
25.Darkknight Parsath
26.Kykoo the Ghost Destroyer
27.Breaker the Magical Warrior
28.D.D. Survivor
29.D.D. Survivor
30.D.D. Scout Plane
31.Strike Ninja
32.Strike Ninja
35.Dimension Jar
36.Dimension Jar
37.Chaos Greed
38.Chaos End
39.Soul Release
40.Different Dimension Capsule
41.D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
42.Dimensional Fissure
43.Swords of Revealing Light
44.Swords of Concealing Light
45.The Sanctuary in the Sky
46.Big Burn
47.Macro Cosmos
48.Dimensional Prison
49.Dimensional Prison
50.Bottomless Trap Hole
51.Bottomless Trap Hole
52.D.D. Dynamite
Extra Deck:
D.D. Scout Plane
A Cat of Ill Omen
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 300 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - FD - -

"Well, all you did was destroy our A Cat of Ill Omen. So now we can add a Trap Card to the top of our deck! Hooray!"

"What good, or should I say EVIL, is removing things from play going to do when we're at 300 Life Points?!?" Malevolos screams.

"Relax, I'm setting our new trap, and this monster will do the trick for us, even if it DOESN'T survive. Don't always take the offensive path, Mr. Evil."

"I may be evil, but at least I'm not crazy. If we lose, I blame you."

"Okay. By the way, Mr. Dinosaur, we end our turn." Benevolos responds cheerily.

(BTW, Draw was predetermined because of the monster you destroyed, so I didn't roll.)

2010-01-04, 08:28 PM
You're on yer last legs, mates. Regardless of that trap card, I'm thinking this is over. The velociraptor draws what he hopes will be his last card.

Draw: [roll0]
Rerolls: [roll1] Taking the 35. 16 & 37 have been drawn.

The velociraptor's eye glints, and his accent drops. First, I'll play Heavy Storm, which destroys both our trap cards! I'll set another card, and attack you with all my monsters, Hyper Hammerhead first. I believe that concludes our duel, no? You've played admirably, but you cannot stand up against the Infinite Dinosoul!.

Lifepoints: 7500

Field: Jurassic World: +300 ATK/DEF for Dinosaurs
{table] -- | SS | HH | DS | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
HH = Hyper Hammerhead (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Hyper_Hammerhead) 1800/1500
SS = Sabersaurus 2200/800
DS = Destroyersaurus 2100/1400
FD = Facedown

Hand: 3
Infinity Tyranno x2
Big Evolution Pill

Facedowns: 1
Spot 3: Seismic Shockwave

Graveyard: 2
Giant Rat

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 30
1. Tyranno Infinity
2. Tyranno Infinity
3. Tyranno Infinity
4. Superconductor Tyranno
5. Superconductor Tyranno
6. Dark Driceratops
7. Survival Instinct
8. Survival Instinct
9. Survival Instinct
10. Fossil Dig
11. Fossil Dig
12. Fossil Dig
13. Big Evolution Pill
14. Big Evolution Pill
15. Big Evolution Pill
16. Jurassic World
17. Jurassic World
18. Mad Sword Beast
19. Mad Sword Beast
20. Destroyersaurus
21. Destroyersaurus
22. Destroyersaurus
23. Hyperhammerhead
24. Hyperhammerhead
25. Hyperhammerhead
26. Sabersaurus
27. Sabersaurus
28. Sabersaurus
29. Hydrogeddon
30. Hydrogeddon
31. Hydrogeddon
32. Giant Rat
33. Giant Rat
34. Heavy Storm
35. Seismic Shockwave
36. Seismic Shockwave
37. Seismic Shockwave
38. Mirror Force
39. Volcanic Eruption
40. Volcanic Eruption

2010-01-04, 08:37 PM
(Yep. I lost. I was hoping you wouldn't consider a single trap enough of a threat. Truth be told, I probably could've started taking the lead had I just rammed the monster I set, but then I wouldn't be able to summon a certain other one.)

2010-01-04, 08:45 PM
(Yep. I lost. I was hoping you wouldn't consider a single trap enough of a threat. Truth be told, I probably could've started taking the lead had I just rammed the monster I set, but then I wouldn't be able to summon a certain other one.)

((What was the trap, by the way? Because if it sent my monsters out of play, it would only have powered up the two Infinity Tyrannos in my hand up to 3000 ATK. Yes, I had two copies of my trump card in my hand and I didn't get to use either of them! :smallannoyed:))