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View Full Version : A new idea for a Rogue Build (4e)

2010-01-04, 03:57 AM
Hey there guys. Me again.

This time I had an idea for a rogue build. See, I'm playing an Artificer with a Githyanki Fullblade right now, and I'm abusing Psychic Lock pretty effectively.

So that got me thinking, a Cloaked Sniper with a Mindiron Crossbow spamming Disheartening Striker and other Rattling powers, probably using Executioner's Mien, could potentially be giving a -4 to hit every turn.

Is this worth it? Or are the resources necessary taking away from the Rogue's damage potential?

Oh, and is there anything else I should be considering for an all-around "thorn in the DM's side" Rogue build?

Sir Homeslice
2010-01-04, 08:14 AM
You need Underhanded Tactics and a way to reliably get CA for SA damage.

Also, is the Crossbow in question a Mindiron Superior Crossbow?

2010-01-05, 04:19 AM
Well that would be the most optimized, yes. Unless you wanna pick up Dual Fisted Shooter.

Sir Homeslice
2010-01-05, 05:08 AM
I wouldn't bother with Dual Fisted Shooter.

Mando Knight
2010-01-05, 01:50 PM
You need Underhanded Tactics and a way to reliably get CA for SA damage.

Distant Advantage. Heroic feat. Done. Your buddies do like to play intelligently, right?

Important to remember: the Ruthless Ruffian feature is a trap. Brutal Scoundrel is thousands of times better.