View Full Version : Wierd Druid's Game (IC)

2010-01-04, 03:57 PM
(OOC) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=137273)

After the incident with the wingless dragon, or "T-Rex" as some called it, you have spent the past few months quietly, meeting up occasionally. Today was meant to be another such meeting, out in Miyuki's forest. You gathered as usual, quietly, over the course of a couple of hours, just quietly chatting. None of you noticed anything amiss until the old oak, which you used as a landmark to help you gather, started creaking. And swaying in the absent breeze. Glancing up, you see that the entire forest is dancing, and as you watch, one sapling uproots itself and falls dangerously near your clearing. What is possibly scarier is that it then pulls itself up from the ground somehow and falls again, even closer to the clearing. As other trees begin to join in this mad dance, your eyes are drawn to the oak, which is swaying more terribly than ever...

2010-01-04, 06:51 PM
Tyst d'Skada backs away from the oak and looks around at the trees surrounding the group. "Blimey," he mutters quietly, pulling out his dwarven waraxe and shield, trying to remember if there is a spell he could cast to make a fight against trees easier.

2010-01-04, 07:04 PM
Aalzerith quickly draws his blade and readies for anything that could ensue

2010-01-05, 05:23 PM
Miyuki slowly raises as the trees seemly come to life on their own. Unclear as to what were the intention of the creatures Miyuki started to growl as she showed her teeth in a threatening matter as if hoping they would back away on their own.

Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]
Knowledge Nature [roll]1d20+16

2010-01-06, 12:04 AM
Curling herself on her tail and her wings fluttering a little, Li'Shara looks at the trees, wondering what is causing their distress. A little fearful, she asks, "Surely the trees wouldnt try to harm us with a druid in our presence. Would they?"

2010-01-06, 02:04 AM
The trees continue to move towards you. As they continue falling, and continue missing, you are forced to wonder why: almost a dozen trees have narrowly missed your clearing, and twice that number have narrowly missed you, in the past few seconds alone. As another tree falls, another possible purpose occurs to you: if this goes on much longer, you will be trapped...

2010-01-06, 04:13 PM
Tyst looks around and notices what most of the party probably has realized by now. Not wanting to become the slow one, he doesn't say anything about it. He does, however, give Miyuki a nudge to the oak, saying, "Maybe talk to that one?" in his normal quiet way.


After a few seconds of nobody doing anything, Tyst silently sighs and watches the trees behind the group, in case they do anything different. Tyst knows that nobody listens to him anyway.

2010-01-14, 05:12 PM
Four trees suddenly fall in a square around the clearing. The remainder of the trees stop moving, and you can all hear the wind now. It sounds like the strongest wind that you have ever heard, multiplied in intensity, and dropped in volume to little more than normal conversation in noise level. The fallen trees are starting to glow softly, as if illuminated by a sunset.

2010-01-15, 10:59 AM
Looking around,her sinuous body shifting easily as she nevously watches the trees. Not nervous for herself but for the others, for while she can fly they cannot and could be trapped here if something bad happens. Li'Shara suggests, "Perhaps we should leave ... i dont much like these trees ... this isnt natural, that wind! Isn't natural!"

2010-01-15, 04:04 PM
Tyst nods and walks to the nearest fallen tree cautiously, checking for any odd things it is doing besides glowing.

Spot check: [roll0]

2010-01-15, 07:45 PM
"Be careful Tyst!" Li'Shara says from the middle of the fallen trees, "Who knows what they might do again!" She carefully looks around, a bit nervous and ready to fly if they do something that seems ... hostile.


2010-01-17, 02:37 PM
Tyst looks back for a second and nods to Li'Shara, then looks at the tree again, and walks toward it and stops when he's about 10 feet away from it. Then, he says, quiet even in a time like this, "Maybe I should cast Detect Magic? It might help...I dunno."

2010-01-17, 03:38 PM
I may help to find a source.

Will save to disbelieve if needed

2010-01-18, 10:17 PM
If it doesn't bother anyone, I'm casting Detect Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectMagic.htm) in a cone including at least one of the tree blocking us, the old oak, and at least one tree that isn't doing anything right now. Sorry if this causes initiative or something.
"Alright, then." Tyst casts Detect Magic, strategically including the oak, one or more of the trees blocking the group, and one outside of the square.

"Aaghh!" Louder than he has ever spoken before, Tyst yells out at the sheer magnitude of the magical auras, and stumbles backwards. After gathering himself again, he reverts to his quiet ways and says, "That was really strong. Sorry, I'm not sure what school of magic that is right now. It was...overwhelming." Tyst's posture suggests embarrassment; his face is yet darkened by his helmet. He looks back at the oak.

2010-01-20, 03:24 AM
Miyuki releases a roar as she tried to disbelief the events before her. Should the images of the trees remain she readies pounce on a tree if it attack one of her party members.

2010-01-21, 08:48 PM
The oak begins to shift and creak. It grows thorns and begins to bend down towards you. Will saves please.

2010-01-22, 02:17 AM
Will Save: [19]

Tyst watches the trees-- trees-- start to attack. Then, calm little Tyst says to the group, "Umm...these are the trees attacking us. The trees! I mean, an entire forest of epically magic-powered trees. We really can't fight them, the magic is overpowering. We really need to run. We really, really do..."

Tyst, after saying his rather long (for him) speech, starts to back away from the oak and to the opposite, fallen tree.
Unless, of course, the Will Save he may or may not fail causes him to do otherwise.