View Full Version : Samus Aran vs. Super Robot Wars

2010-01-05, 04:56 PM
Since Samus fares so well against "someone her own size", how about some guys several times larger? :smallwink:

Large armoured mechanoid. Construction is modular, with a number of components bound together by a powerful magnetic field generated by the cockpit in the head. Spider Ball is capable of interfacing with this field. Possesses high-level energy projection abilities.

Armour is weakest at joints, but these are protected by the magnetic field - repeated Wave Beam shots can create a local disruption in the field temporarily, allowing Morph Ball bombs to damage it. After the limbs are destroyed, the field protecting the head will weaken, making it vulnerable to missile shots.

These three aerial assault vehicles incorporate power sources and armour similar to those in your Power Suit. Scans reveal multiple redundant humanoid components and evidence of advanced nanotechnology. Conclusion: high probability that these vehicles are capable of combining in a number of formations for various tasks. Vehicles' combat abilities greatly increase while combined.

Or this can be done in a totally platonic way, like how Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo was about the pilots of Neo Getter piloting Shin Getter. :smalltongue:

2010-01-05, 05:11 PM
Erm, if you mean all of Super Robot Wars.

I wish the Samus team good luck against a Literal Diety (EVA Unit 01 at the End of the Series.)

A robot that took on THREE dieties at the same time.

The Erupting Shuffle Alliance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYLFI465NJ4&feature=related)

Not to mention Maizkaiser, or many others.

2010-01-05, 05:20 PM
As much as I like Samus, she's kinda horribly outgunned(and outnumbered) here.

At best, she could take down:
1- Some gespents/lions being piloted by mooks, perhaps even some einsts.
2-ONE gespent/lion being piloted by a low level named character.

What really screws things here is spirits. Strike means an auto hit, and when you combine it with the god-slaying weaponry the strongest robots get, well, Samus will probably try to run away as fast as possible.

Her best chance would be to infiltrate a battleship when the pilots are resting and activate the self-destruct mechanism, but then she would still need to deal with stuff like the Granzon, whose pilot seems to sleep inside his uber mecha. Any self repairing robots would be royal pain as well.

Now, if you give a mecha to Samus Aran...

Dies from awesome

2010-01-05, 05:21 PM
Ah, but how many weapons will she have assimilated by then? :smallamused:
This is not a serious post. I know even Samus has limits.

2010-01-05, 05:25 PM
Ah, but how many weapons will she have assimilated by then? :smallamused:

News spread of a bounty hunter that fuses with mechas, slowly geting bigger, stronger and shootier? Me like it! Altough indeed it's ridiculous that Samus can gain control of giant robots just by touching them.

Well, I guess she could override any safety measures to gain control of a mecha if she got on the cockpit and nobody else was inside. And the SRW dudes seem to just leave super prototypes lying everywhere for someone to take.:smallamused:

2010-01-05, 05:25 PM
There are no weapons to assimilate, as everything is Mecha sized, and A: Powered by Love. B: Powered by Pure Rage. or C: By Friendship.

Samus has none of these.

This is all assuming Samus's weaponry can even ATTEMPT to pierce a AT field, which a weapon capable of annhilating mountain ranges can only partially damage a early series Angel through.

Samus would be lucky to scratch the paint of a Evangelion with a hacked Super Missile Combo Hyper Beam barrage.

2010-01-05, 05:29 PM
Samus vs. robots

Ghor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gpi_uwOX0g)
Quadraxis (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQn7ImLSook)
B.O.X. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDUdTcu2DQU)

2010-01-05, 05:29 PM
There are no weapons to assimilate, as everything is Mecha sized, and A: Powered by Love. B: Powered by Pure Rage. or C: By Friendship.

Samus has none of these.

Russel(dedication), Kai(badass), Kyosuke(cold player), Excellen (fanservice), Rai (blonde handsome), Ibis(suicide tendencies), Tasuku(survival instinct), Ryo(ANGST!) and Sanger(warrior spirit) would all like to have a word with you. And that's just off the top of my head. SRW mechas are powered by their users best capacities.

2010-01-05, 05:31 PM
News spread of a bounty hunter that fuses with mechas, slowly geting bigger, stronger and shootier? Me like it!

There are no weapons to assimilate, as everything is Mecha sized, and A: Powered by Love. B: Powered by Pure Rage. or C: By Friendship.Samus's Power Suit is powered by Willpower and turns off if she get depressed. Seriously, that's canon. In Zero Mission she starts with one suit and after it's destroyed upgrades to another (her current suit) which requires so much willpower to use that no-one's been able to use it for centuries, or so it's implied (it's sealed inside an ancient temple).

2010-01-05, 05:32 PM
I wouldn't underestimate Samus - look at how powerful other human-sized units are in SRW, like Tekkaman Blade. While not the heaviest hitters around, they often are made of hax.

Since it's just her alone versus a whole army of mecha, however, most of which are the most powerful units in their respective universes, I don't think if she has much chance here.

2010-01-05, 05:32 PM
I wouldn't underestimate Samus - look at how powerful other human-sized units are in SRW, like Tekkaman Blade. While not the heaviest hitters around, they often are made of hax.

Since it's just her alone versus a whole army of mecha, however, most of which are the most powerful units in their respective universes, I don't think if she has much chance here.

Sounds about right.

2010-01-05, 05:33 PM
There are no weapons to assimilate, as everything is Mecha sized, and A: Powered by Love. B: Powered by Pure Rage. or C: By Friendship.

Samus has none of these.
Objection! Samus can use Shinespark, so she must be powered by Getter rays!
(Although I'm not saying she would win. It's a hell of a mismatch.)

2010-01-05, 05:33 PM
Samus vs. robots

Ghor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gpi_uwOX0g)
Quadraxis (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQn7ImLSook)
B.O.X. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDUdTcu2DQU)

None of those even BEGIN to compare to a Super Robot.

It's like comparing a Atom Bomb to The Sun.

Unit 01 would eat ALL of those for breakfast, and I mean literally tear them apart, eat them, and turn it's components into it's own.

It has been hit with a weapon that makes The Hyper Beam look like a candle in a search light, and laughed, it has had 12 of said weapon dropped on it, when it was at 0 power, and survived to tell the tale.

And Unit 01 isn't even the hardest hitter, or best defended unit in SRW.

Mystic Muse
2010-01-05, 05:38 PM
the only part of super robot wars I saw was super robot for a second.

I thought somebody was going to pit samus against "super robot monkey team hyperforce go.".........I'm glad I was wrong.

2010-01-05, 05:39 PM
Samus could probably take on a good dozen or SRW mecha but since there are more than double that serieses involved here the sheer numbers overwhelm her.

Maybe is she had some fellow power armoured protagonists like Iron Man and Master Chief they could probably together last until you reach the God tiers of Evangelion and the like.


It has been hit with a weapon that makes The Hyper Beam look like a candle in a search light, and laughed, it has had 12 of said weapon dropped on it, when it was at 0 power, and survived to tell the tale.

I'm an Evanerd to the core but even I have to call BS here. None of the Evangelions withstanded anything like what you are describing.

2010-01-05, 05:41 PM
Objection! Samus can use Shinespark, so she must be powered by Getter rays!Guess what the second logbook entry in the first post was. :smalltongue:

2010-01-05, 05:42 PM
And Unit 01 isn't even the hardest hitter, or best defended unit in SRW.

It's close to. Stuff like the gespents and lion series, wich are the brunt of the mechas in SRW, would get eaten alive by unit 01 as well, unless piloted by the finest pilots.

2010-01-05, 05:44 PM
It's close to.Close to? Don't you know, Oslecamo, that VICTORY GOES TO THOSE WITH COOOOURAAAAGE?!!!! (or five dozen pilots (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFNcue0RUdg))

2010-01-05, 05:48 PM
It's close to. Stuff like the gespents and lion series, wich are the brunt of the mechas in SRW, would get eaten alive by unit 01 as well, unless piloted by the finest pilots.

Yeah, things like God Gundam, and anything worth a damn be able to wipe the floor with her though.

2010-01-05, 05:50 PM
Yeah, things like God Gundam, and anything worth a damn be able to wipe the floor with her though.If God Gundam can hit her that is. Its armour might as well be made of paper. Plus somehow I think she'll see it coming. :smalltongue:

2010-01-05, 05:50 PM
Close to? Don't you know, Oslecamo, that VICTORY GOES TO THOSE WITH COOOOURAAAAGE?!!!! (or four pilots and a sword in its feet)

My team of homicidical raging fanatics with several mental disturbances who brainwash lolis to fight along them laughs at your "courage". The lifeless bodies of all the brave Divine Crusaders who tried to stand in my way will allow me to climb to glory.:smallcool:

2010-01-05, 05:53 PM
I wouldn't underestimate Samus - look at how powerful other human-sized units are in SRW, like Tekkaman Blade. While not the heaviest hitters around, they often are made of hax.YOU HAVE NO PROOF THIS BIKER IS NOT WHO I SAY IT IS. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQE1hjIf0KA)

2010-01-05, 05:55 PM
Not really. It's been hit by bigger things, like the building sized Sekiha Tenkyoken fired at it by Master Gundam.

Then there's the SHINING FINGER SWORD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phRzOPO3x5M)!


2010-01-05, 06:01 PM
Wasn't thinking of it at the time, but this also ties into this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136977).

...and the next step is Super Robot Wars vs. Warhammer 40,000. :smalltongue:

My team of homicidical raging fanatics with several mental disturbances who brainwash lolis to fight along them laughs at your "courage". The lifeless bodies of all the brave Divine Crusaders who tried to stand in my way will allow me to climb to glory.:smallcool:Pre-edit, my "exception" was Banpreios. He's one of your units, or he will be... in the fuuuuutuuuuure. *vanishes in Dis Astranagant*

2010-01-05, 06:08 PM
...and the next step is Super Robot Wars vs. Warhammer 40,000. :smalltongue:

Been there, done that, long ago in another thread, when Tengu wasn't Temp. Short answer, 40K verse has no real way of stoping the super agility robots, so all they need to do is strike at the heads of the imperium and watch it colapse. Super robots that don't rely in dodging will be killed by a trillion cuts however.

Hunter Noventa
2010-01-05, 09:33 PM
Been there, done that, long ago in another thread, when Tengu wasn't Temp. Short answer, 40K verse has no real way of stoping the super agility robots, so all they need to do is strike at the heads of the imperium and watch it colapse. Super robots that don't rely in dodging will be killed by a trillion cuts however.

So, they'd kill the Imperium like they killed the DC? Charge into Terra with the Hagane, miss firing the Tronium Cannon at the Golden Throne, then send in the PTs to blow it up while fighting off titans?


I'd play that game.

2010-01-05, 09:39 PM
Been there, done that, long ago in another thread, when Tengu wasn't Temp. Short answer, 40K verse has no real way of stoping the super agility robots, so all they need to do is strike at the heads of the imperium and watch it colapse. Super robots that don't rely in dodging will be killed by a trillion cuts however.

That was before I played non-OG games, though. The other ones have non-dodgy supers that can still take on the whole universe, WH40K or not. One word: Ideon.

2010-01-06, 02:00 AM
Objection! Samus can use Shinespark, so she must be powered by Getter rays!
(Although I'm not saying she would win. It's a hell of a mismatch.)

Samus' power suit DOES have mysterious green lights on, and it would certainly explain how she can incorporate foreign tech into the suit.

Lord of Rapture
2010-01-06, 06:56 AM
That was before I played non-OG games, though. The other ones have non-dodgy supers that can still take on the whole universe, WH40K or not. One word: Ideon.

One word: Chaos. A growth industry.

We're always hiring! New recruits always welcome! Even you don't really want to join.

2010-01-06, 07:07 AM
One word: Chaos. A growth industry.

We're always hiring! New recruits always welcome! Even you don't really want to join.

A tempting, corrupting force that slowly converts you to its side whether you want it or not? Most SRW folks encounter such things every other day, without any negative effects. We're talking about people who resisted the freakin' end of the world with willpower here.

As for Ideon, it's a god. Yes, literally. And not a nice one - at full power it has the ability to destroy all life in the universe in an instant. No, this is not something you can avoid - everything dies, goodbye. Of course, this ability has the side effect of killing the pilot as well, but I'd say it counts as a win for the Ideon, in a roundabout way.

2010-01-06, 08:41 AM
Okay, what about this? The SA-X has somehow been transported into an SRW game.

Watching these short videos in order should give you an idea of how dangerous it is:
Introduction to the story (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhatzH51d9c)
First appearance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39gX7GpYf0Q)
RUUUUUUNNNNNN! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I79s2MBC-_s)
Restricted Zone + death (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0r4P8JY2yU)
Oh F**K! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSq_vA0GdGk)

2010-01-06, 08:53 AM
That was before I played non-OG games, though. The other ones have non-dodgy supers that can still take on the whole universe, WH40K or not. One word: Ideon.

BTW, wich versions allow you to play with Ideon? I had heard he's a playable robot, but well, there seem to be more than a dozen SRW games out there.

(please let it be translated in english please please)

Also, I must point out that several other mechas can be considered gods. Cybuster, Kuryoh (and his improved versions), Granzon, just of the top of my head, and if they faced against the chaos gods, my money would be on the super spirited mechas, and not on the sissies that got defeated by a mortal near death.

2010-01-06, 08:57 AM
BTW, wich versions allow you to play with Ideon? I had heard he's a playable robot, but well, there seem to be more than a dozen SRW games out there.Only Alpha 3 as far as I know.
EDIT: Also F (which had the original Mazinkaiser (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9Ba47UjVGI) created by exposing Mazinger Z to massive amounts of Getter Rays, and Kaworu Nagisa as the final boss)
Attacks vid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWv8Qyop0oU)
Ideon Gun's range (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwmtze7EZ_E) (look closely at the attack list in the menu)
As it takes damage it goes through a number of levels of increasing power, but if it takes too much damage at max level it goes berserk and destroys the universe.

(please let it be translated in english please please)

Also, I must point out that several other mechas can be considered gods. Cybuster, Kuryoh (and his improved versions), Granzon, just of the top of my head, and if they faced against the chaos gods, my money would be on the super spirited mechas, and not on the sissies that got defeated by a mortal near death.Being "a god" means very little in Eastern media. Some characters are "gods" in their weakest forms.

2010-01-06, 09:04 AM
Being "a god" means very little in Eastern media. Some characters are "gods" in their weakest forms.

That's kinda true, since god on their language would be more correctly translated as spirit. Thanks to that we have exalted fans claiming their characters pwn "gods", when actually they're pwning the equivalent of a dryad or a lesser elemental.

BUT Granzon is stated as being able to fight with hundreds of thousands of enemies at the same time and blows up galaxies, and pissed off Cybuster can stand toe to toe with him, so I guess they still qualify as gods by western terms.

2010-01-06, 09:26 AM
BUT Granzon is stated as being able to fight with hundreds of thousands of enemies at the same time and blows up galaxies, and pissed off Cybuster can stand toe to toe with him, so I guess they still qualify as gods by western terms.I think you're confusing Granzon with Neo Granzon. As for Cybuster, it contains a "Laplace's Demon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace%27s_demon) computer".

2010-01-06, 09:38 AM
Cybuster also contains the elemental personification of wind, which is more or less a god in the polytheistic sense. It's a bit hax.

Anyway, Samus would fit in pretty well to a Super Robot Wars game - other power-armored heroes have done so to great success. I'd also like to point out a note on what passes for "game balance: in Super Robot Wars: if Samus fought against the main characters, she'd be a Boss. That means, in addition to her small size and stupidly powerful attacks, she'd have quintuple-digit HP despite just being a woman in a suit of armor. If she fought alongside the good guys, she'd have bare minimum HP but would have spirits that make her effectively immortal like everyone else in the game.

2010-01-06, 09:51 AM
Hmmm, maybe I should have made this Samus vs. Tekkaman Blade (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmX564UTabE)...

2010-01-06, 10:03 AM
Anyway, Samus would fit in pretty well to a Super Robot Wars game - other power-armored heroes have done so to great success. I'd also like to point out a note on what passes for "game balance: in Super Robot Wars: if Samus fought against the main characters, she'd be a Boss. That means, in addition to her small size and stupidly powerful attacks, she'd have quintuple-digit HP despite just being a woman in a suit of armor. If she fought alongside the good guys, she'd have bare minimum HP but would have spirits that make her effectively immortal like everyone else in the game.

I had entered the hread to say something but Nerdo said pretty much everything I wanted to, only better put, so I'll just nod and agree with him.

2010-01-06, 03:03 PM
Except, Samus is as she is represented in HER games in this, sans the Plot Armor.

Which means 2009 HP at best (No multiple game resource combining. Just NO. If you can show me a actual GAME where this happens, rather then in the hypothetical sense, then it will be recognized.).

Which means, even the weakest of pilots take her down in a single hit.

Oh, and we've yet to bring in Wing Gundam, or many others, and considering she has to fight ALL of them, likely at once. (And there are robots with more speed, and agility then Samus. 01 being one of them if Rebuild 2 is any indicator.)

So again, she doesn't have a chance in burning hell against even ONE of the higher end Super Robots.

Wing Gundam kills her from orbit, Unit 01 canniblizes her armor into it's own components, and Ideon blows her up with the rest of the Universe.

and that's not even the START of how most of these Robots moves can blow up mountain ranges, and their residual charge up decimates city sized areas entirely in the span of 5 seconds.

2010-01-06, 03:12 PM
Except, Samus is as she is represented in HER games in this, sans the Plot Armor.
Plot armor is an integral part of the SRWverse. Sanger's Grungust type O has 7k when he's in your side, but when he joins the DC he sudenly has 34k, and then when he returns to your side he's back to the regular 7K. Not to mention that most of the times when you blow up a boss, it ends up being "just a minor system damage", and they still run away laughing, leaving behind some nice piece of loot for you managing to scratch their plot armor.

Wing Gundam kills her from orbit, Unit 01 canniblizes her armor into it's own components, and Ideon blows her up with the rest of the Universe.

and that's not even the START of how most of these Robots moves can blow up mountain ranges, and their residual charge up decimates city sized areas entirely in the span of 5 seconds.

Hmmm, I'm pretty sure that Ideon blowing up the universe is the END of all Super Robot moves.:smalltongue:

2010-01-06, 03:25 PM
Yeah, that's not part of the METROID universe, and is yet another example of Super Robot Durability.

In Metroid, when you blow up say.... The Giant Plant thing in Fusion for the Game Cube, it stays dead regardless of the fact that it could come up later.

However, I doubt it's possible to argue, with any modicum of anything resembling a understanding of Metroid Prime, and SRW (Not to say you can't... I just don't understand how one could.) that Samus could survive anything like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgtgTqromYY&feature=related), this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kZwU3MCsXQ), this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYLFI465NJ4&feature=related), this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2JggFoUA6I&feature=related), and most undoubtably of ALL this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAkwBKlVXcc&feature=related)

I mean seriously. Those attacks make anything seen in Metroid Prime seem like a flicker of candle light in a lit room.

2010-01-06, 03:32 PM
Except, Samus is as she is represented in HER games in this, sans the Plot Armor.

Which means 2009 HP at best (No multiple game resource combining. Just NO. If you can show me a actual GAME where this happens, rather then in the hypothetical sense, then it will be recognized.).

Which means, even the weakest of pilots take her down in a single hit.Oh God, please don't try to compare hp totals from different systems. In Paper Mario a supernova deals 10 damage and this is considered godly (a basic jump deals 1 damage). There are DBZ games with lower hp totals than WW2 games.

Not that those attacks wouldn't deal a lot of damage to Samus, but that logic just doesn't make sense.

2010-01-06, 03:33 PM
However, I doubt it's possible to argue, with any modicum of anything resembling a understanding of Metroid Prime, and SRW (Not to say you can't... I just don't understand how one could.) that Samus could survive anything like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgtgTqromYY&feature=related), this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kZwU3MCsXQ), this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYLFI465NJ4&feature=related), this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2JggFoUA6I&feature=related), and most undoubtably of ALL this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAkwBKlVXcc&feature=related)

I mean seriously. Those attacks make anything seen in Metroid Prime seem like a flicker of candle light in a lit room.

In case you didn't notice, everybody already agreed indeed that Metroid Samus would be smoked by that kind of stuff.

What we were discussing, is what would happen to Samus if she became an integral part of the SRWverse.

2010-01-06, 03:35 PM
Then I think she would be like many other power armored figures.

Teaches me for not reading back, and resuming where I left off last night....:smallredface:

2010-01-06, 03:37 PM
Can anyone suggest the kind of stats Samus would have if she was an SRW character? Attack damage/range, Spirits, etc.?

2010-01-06, 03:50 PM
Echoes Samus:

Cannon 2-4 1000 energy +20 hit +0 crit, unlimited, ranged
Bomb 1 1000 pshysical +40 hit, +0 crit, unlimited, melee
Lightbeam 2-7 3500 beam, +50hit, +20 crit, drains 5 energy, ranged, 110 will
Dark beam 2-3, 4000 beam +30 hit, +40 crit, drains 5 energy, ranged, 110 will
Missile 2-6, 3000 missile, +60 hit, +50 crit, 6 ammo, ranged
Sonic beam 2-4, supreme, 5000 , +40 hit, +40 crit, drains 50 energy, 120 will.

Abilities: Fortune, gunfight +6, prevail +3, offensive support +2.

Will increases:(+1 hit, +1 dodge, -1 being hit, 0 missing)
Spirits: Alert, Focus, Valor, Accel, strike, Lucky.

2010-01-06, 04:02 PM
What, no Scan seishin? :smalltongue: (or Search for that matter) Super Metroid's Samus would also have Guts to represent Crystal Flash. Valor might be replaced with Fury, to represent striking weak points.

What about part slots? You gotta have part slots, that's her thing.

I also see a distinct lack of Power Bomb (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Power_Bomb)/Charge Combo (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Charge_Combos) MAP attacks. :smalltongue: (the former being a 1-ammo Supreme move similar to Gan-Duro's Giga Burst)

Plasma Beam and Shinespark seem like Chain Attack candidates.

2010-01-06, 05:04 PM
Cannon and Bomb attacks are pretty pitiful. I'd give them something like ~2300 for the cannon and ~2500 for the bomb. That's still weak enough, and actually gives Samus post-movement attacks (missiles are not post movement I assume) that 1. she can use from the first turn and 2. will deal more than 10 damage to most enemies. You can limit their ammo, just because she has supposedly infinite rounds for both doesn't mean it has to be that way in SRW too.

On the other hand, her other attacks are way too powerful. Weapon power doesn't go that high except for OG2/Gaiden and Alpha 3. For real types, at least.

EDIT: For other stats. Size SS, obviously. I'd give Samus ~700 armor and ~125-130 mobility. 3000 HP, maybe. This means she's in the "almost everything kills me in one hit, but good luck hitting me first!" category. Alert is kinda a waste on her this way, I suggest Invincible instead. As for modules, she can change them quickly in battle so rather than a frame system, I suggest giving Samus alternate shapes. I didn't play the newer Metroid titles so can't help you here though. Maybe a ball mode for even more "can't touch me" factor and the ability to lay bombs? Kinda silly though.

2010-01-06, 05:16 PM
Cannon and Bomb attacks are pretty pitiful. I'd give them something like ~2300 for the cannon and ~2500 for the bomb. That's still weak enough, and actually gives Samus post-movement attacks (missiles are not post movement I assume) that 1. she can use from the first turn and 2. will deal more than 10 damage to most enemies. You can limit their ammo, just because she has supposedly infinite rounds for both doesn't mean it has to be that way in SRW too.Samus's Missiles have ammo, just a large amount (can be upgraded to 255, would obviously be toned down). Power Bombs also have ammo, in much smaller quantities (her maximum capacity is about six). This is Metroid Prime 2's Samus, whose secondary weapons are the Light Beam (Plasma equivalent) and Dark Beam (Ice equivalent), which have their own (similarly large, but expended more quickly due to rapid fire) ammo supplies. Complicating things is the Annihilator Beam, which uses Light and Dark ammo at the same time (as much as one attack with each) - this makes it easier to have the elemental Beams use Energy instead.

Then there are the Beam Combos, which use up 5-10 missiles (more if they're continuous-fire attacks), along with 30 elemental ammo in the case of the MP2 beams. I have no idea how to implement those.

On the other hand, her other attacks are way too powerful. Weapon power doesn't go that high except for OG2/Gaiden and Alpha 3. For real types, at least.Samus is a Real type? :smallconfused: I must have been confused by the one-of-a-kind suit created by an ancient civilisation to protect the galaxy and sealed inside a temple, which changes shape, is powered by willpower and can use freaking Shine Spark (the suit, not the temple).

EDIT: For other stats. Size SS, obviously. I'd give Samus ~700 armor and ~125-130 mobility. 3000 HP, maybe. This means she's in the "almost everything kills me in one hit, but good luck hitting me first!" category. Alert is kinda a waste on her this way, I suggest Invincible instead. As for modules, she can change them quickly in battle so rather than a frame system, I suggest giving Samus alternate shapes. I didn't play the newer Metroid titles so can't help you here though. Maybe a ball mode for even more "can't touch me" factor and the ability to lay bombs? Kinda silly though.Morphball mode seems kind of unnecessary given its limited number of attacks (two, one of which has a tiny ammo supply), and Samus can't change shape other than that - stuff like improved aquatic movement is a permanent upgrade. I'd suggest giving her a large number of Part slots to represent the tech assimilation. While she has been shown to assimilate weapons, they become modes of her Arm Cannon so equipping weapons is right out.

Invincible doesn't really seem to fit any of Samus's abilities. Now Dark Samus on the other hand... *shakes fist*

You could give her lower movement speed than, say, Tekkaman Blade, and Hit & Away to make up for it. That also frees up a Seishin slot.

2010-01-06, 05:35 PM
Samus is a Real type? :smallconfused: I must have been confused by the one-of-a-kind suit created by an ancient civilisation to protect the galaxy and sealed inside a temple, which changes shape, is powered by willpower and can use freaking Shine Spark (the suit, not the temple).

Stat-wise. Cybuster or Overmen are supers in fluff, but their stats are very real-type. Same deal with every henshin hero ever featured in SRW.

2010-01-06, 05:36 PM
Stat-wise. Cybuster or Overmen are supers in fluff, but their stats are very real-type. Same deal with every henshin hero ever featured in SRW.Cybuster has high attack power though - it just trades defence (and accuracy) for evasion.

2010-01-06, 05:39 PM
Cybuster, high attack? Nope. Its damage seems super only in comparison to mass-produced Gespies and other redshirts - compare it to various super prototypes like Alteisen. The fact that it doesn't get its upgrade in OG doesn't help.

2010-01-06, 05:40 PM
If Samus megamans a lot (and she does, I mean it's Metroid), then it's best portrayed as her getting a lot of upgrades during the course of the gameplay. New weapons, abilities, better terrain adaptation, etc. Sorta like Turn A Gundam - starts as total crap, but ends the game (SRW Z at least) as a powerhouse.

Super and real types in SRW are differentiated on whether they soak or dodge attacks. If we go by "one of a kind or has supernatural abilities = super" definition, then almost everything is a Super. Maybe FMP units aren't... oh wait, Lambda Driver.

2010-01-06, 05:43 PM
Super and real types in SRW are differentiated on whether they soak or dodge attacks. If we go by "one of a kind or has supernatural abilities = super" definition, then almost everything is a Super. Maybe FMP units aren't... oh wait, Lambda Driver.I was under the impression that movement speed, hit points, energy points/efficiency and ability to equip weapons also factored into it.

...stop looking at me with that face. Why does your mech even have a face?

2010-01-06, 05:43 PM
Cannon and Bomb attacks are pretty pitiful. I'd give them something like ~2300 for the cannon and ~2500 for the bomb. That's still weak enough, and actually gives Samus post-movement attacks (missiles are not post movement I assume) that 1. she can use from the first turn and 2. will deal more than 10 damage to most enemies. You can limit their ammo, just because she has supposedly infinite rounds for both doesn't mean it has to be that way in SRW too.

On the other hand, her other attacks are way too powerful. Weapon power doesn't go that high except for OG2/Gaiden and Alpha 3. For real types, at least.

Sue me, I pretty much only played OG, altough I'm slowly advancing towards Alpha Gaiden, and have to admit there the unit stats are much lower.

And as Prime pointed out, she isn't much real, more of a Cybuster/Valsione super legendary unit with all kind of special toys.

Oh, and Alteisen is pretty lacking for a super robot. Best attack is around 5k, 1 shot, and can't be used after movement.

Cosmo nova on the other hand has crazy range and deals more than 6k.

EDIT: For other stats. Size SS, obviously. I'd give Samus ~700 armor and ~125-130 mobility. 3000 HP, maybe. This means she's in the "almost everything kills me in one hit, but good luck hitting me first!" category. A

And I would consider 3000 too much, perhaps around 1500-2000(fighter level) but definetely give her better armor, since her force field is pretty tough. Or perhaps a Wall of some kind, balanced with the fact that her best attacks cost energy.

Alert is kinda a waste on her this way, I suggest Invincible instead.

Hmm, what? Samus is the kind of character who waits and then dodges, not the kind that sits there taking shots. And most bosses have insane hit bonus, so alert is pretty important for dodgy pilots.

As for modules, she can change them quickly in battle so rather than a frame system, I suggest giving Samus alternate shapes. I didn't play the newer Metroid titles so can't help you here though. Maybe a ball mode for even more "can't touch me" factor and the ability to lay bombs? Kinda silly though.

Not ball mode, but rather her diferent suits:
-Normal orange suit, high movement
-Dark echoes suit, comes with dark beam, lower movement, best weapons cost will.
-Light echoes suit, comes with light beam and sonic cannon, higher will needs.
-Phazon form, very powerfull energy consuming abilities, but consumes energy like crazy and demands high will for everything, can't do anything whitout energy.

2010-01-06, 05:47 PM
Not ball mode, but rather her diferent suits:
-Normal orange suit.
-Dark echoes suit, comes with dark beam.
-Light echoes suit, comes with light beam and sonic cannon.
-Phazon form, very powerfull energy consuming abilities, but consumes energy like crazy, can't do anything whitout energy.Except that the Light Suit was more an improvement on the Dark Suit than anything, and was unconnected to her weapons. Hyper mode could work as an alternate form, but the PED suit doesn't show up in the same game as those.

For those who haven't played it, in MP3 you can enter Hyper Mode at any time, making you practically invincible and replacing your beam with a much more powerful one, but rapidly draining your health. There was also the risk of Phazon overload, which would kill Samus and allow Dark Samus to take over her body. One of the complaints about the game was that it was too easy while using Hyper Mode and too hard without it (another being that you were required to enter Hyper Mode, and thus drain your health, to destroy certain barriers or creatures).

2010-01-06, 05:50 PM
Somewhat off topic, but how many and what getter members are there exactly(needed to combine at least)? Because I'm playing Alpha Gaiden as we speack, and all I see is some puny fighters screaming they're getter members and have the combine ability, but seem to be lacking members.

EDIT: The phazon overload can and should be used to your advantage, since spending energy lessens the corruption, you can keep hyper mode for a long time if you shoot as fast as the corruption spreads over the suit, very usefull for tough situations, whereas trying to get rid of the corruption right away will result in just some seconds of God-mode.

2010-01-06, 05:51 PM
Somewhat off topic, but how many and what getter members are there exactly(needed to combine at least)? Because I'm playing Alpha Gaiden as we speack, and all I see is some puny fighters screaming they're getter members and have the combine ability, but seem to be lacking members.
Those are the guys from Getter Robo G (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7-7ffgPAko). There's three of them. The third shows up in the next mission (maybe earlier if you choose to stay and fight, I can't remember).

It also has this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1fdanPrNKM).

Incidentally, I am currently watching New Getter. It's kind of jarring how over the course of one episode Hayato turns from something resembling the Joker into the One Sane Man.

2010-01-06, 06:15 PM
Getter Robo has 3 pilots in most of its incarnations: Ryouma, Hayato and Musashi, the last of whom dies (spoilers!) and gets replaced by Benkei.

Now, back to Samus. Invincible isn't for people who stand there and take hits. That's what lots of armor is for. Invincible means that the character is so determined that even after taking a hit, they can... still... fight!
Which is why Tekkaman Blade has it too. He's got 4000 HP as well, so I'd give Samus 3000. 2000 might be kinda too low, that's how much Bonta-kun has. And as badass Bonta-kun is, you have to admit Samus Aran is more powerful/uses better tech.

2010-01-06, 06:21 PM
And as badass Bonta-kun is, you have to admit Samus Aran is more powerful/uses better tech.

Ever reached zero shields with Samus in any of the Prime versions?

Not pretty how she screams, the screen turns off, and then we see her vital organs colapse and explode, unlike the "honorable" deaths SRW pilots have.

So, altough Samus is indeed quite powerfull and well equiped, I really don't see her as the "Not...Dead...Yet..." This is, she's THE character renowed for running away from huge explosions at the last moment, not catching the explosion and then coming out of it alive.

2010-01-06, 06:32 PM
So, should Samus get any melee attacks? She's apparently pretty good at martial arts, though the games don't tend to show it off outside a cutscene or two (Metroid: Other M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrodfchKEgM) looks like it will though, and she has decent melee in Smash Bros.). Finishing off with a point-blank Charge Beam, of course.

Then there's the special qualities of her beams to take into account - the Plasma beam either pierces armour while passing through multiple enemies (Chain Attack) or sets things on fire, the Wave Beam passes through walls and can scramble electrical equipment (in some cases even nervous systems, causing enemies to twitch and screwing up their aim), and the Ice Beam freezes things. (MP2 Samus has the Light Beam playing the role of the Plasma Beam, the Dark Beam in place of the Ice Beam, and the Annihilator Beam is just a much more powerful version of her basic weapon)

2010-01-06, 06:40 PM
Except that in SRW those kind of extra effects are normally ignored, or represented by range/crit/bonus to hit.

And who really cares about special effects, when the mooks are going down in two hits, and the bosses have a buttload of immunities? Nope, I say pure damage all the way.

2010-01-06, 07:38 PM
Ever reached zero shields with Samus in any of the Prime versions?

Not pretty how she screams, the screen turns off, and then we see her vital organs colapse and explode, unlike the "honorable" deaths SRW pilots have.

So, altough Samus is indeed quite powerfull and well equiped, I really don't see her as the "Not...Dead...Yet..." This is, she's THE character renowed for running away from huge explosions at the last moment, not catching the explosion and then coming out of it alive.

I'd say Cubey's inner powergamer was talking there. In 95% of cases, Invincible is better than Alert, especially for units with naturally high evade.

And who really cares about special effects, when the mooks are going down in two hits, and the bosses have a buttload of immunities? Nope, I say pure damage all the way.

Oh ho ho. There's a lot of way to land Weapon/Armor Break on a boss, you know. Usually only the final boss/es are completely immune, and that's not even always the case.

2010-01-06, 07:46 PM
Thanks for missing my point Oslecamo. Of course Samus dies when she's killed. This isn't Bleach.

I hate chain attacks, and they were only in OG2 anyway (and apparently the designers hated them too, seeing as they're gone in the PS2 reedition and, hell, every SRW title other than OG2). If an attack hits multiple enemies, make it a MAP attack or an ALL one, for games with squads.

Special effects are always worthwhile and pretty powerful if used correctly. Should Samus have the "Fury" spirit skill? And please do not tell me she's not a furious woman. Everyone here knows that this skill is horribly mistranslated.

2010-01-06, 07:49 PM
I'd say Cubey's inner powergamer was talking there. In 95% of cases, Invincible is better than Alert, especially for units with naturally high evade.

I suspected that. I would even say invicible is simply bah-roken, and good riddance of it in OG.

Oh ho ho. There's a lot of way to land Weapon/Armor Break on a boss, you know. Usually only the final boss/es are completely immune, and that's not even always the case.
I don't bother with weapon breaker as I'm normally using alert/guard to keep my dudes alive, so I would say armor breaker is the only one worth it, as increasing raw damage in SRW is the hardest thing to do.

And even then, I have the impression that the "breaker" weapons are quite rare, and always have low(if any) damage, so it wouldn't make much sense for Samus to have half a dozen of special weapons, as we would end with her having a dozen attacks. But giving her fury snipe (the piercing one, not the range increasing one) would indeed fit very well with her.

2010-01-06, 07:55 PM
It is only in the OG games they are weak. In @3 Raideen's strongest attack has a high level armor break effect and Raideen is one of the strongest supers in that game.

2010-01-06, 07:57 PM
Thanks for missing my point Oslecamo. Of course Samus dies when she's killed. This isn't Bleach.Except that Samus just doesn't have the ability to negate damage like that. The closest thing would be surviving Mother Brain's Hyper Beam with a sliver of health rather than dying instantly, and that was event damage anyway.

I'd say Cubey's inner powergamer was talking there. In 95% of cases, Invincible is better than Alert, especially for units with naturally high evade.Eh, if all this stuff were logical Excellen wouldn't have Defensive Support. Besides, poor Seishins can be made up for with better stats in other areas.

Should Samus have the "Fury" spirit skill? And please do not tell me she's not a furious woman. Everyone here knows that this skill is horribly mistranslated.It bypasses defences. Samus is very good at Attacking Weak Points for Massive Damage.

It is only in the OG games they are weak. In @3 Raideen's strongest attack has a high level armor break effect and Raideen is one of the strongest supers in that game.Really? How does that work? I thought Raideen was around since the first Alpha game, and @3 has Banpreios, Ideon, Shin RyuKoOh, Shin Getter, Genesic GaoGaiGar...

2010-01-06, 08:12 PM
God Voice is just that good. Don't mess around with Akira Kamiya.

Invincible vs Alert: I'll have you know that there were situations where I really wished some of my guys who had Invincible had Alert instead. OGs are exception to this rather than a rule.
OGs in general play somewhat differently balance-wise and strategy-wise than other SRW titles (which have differences between themselves too, compare the devilishly hard Alpha Gaiden with "solvable with my eyes closed" Alpha 3 and W). We could make Samus Aran balanced for OG games, but she won't be ever appearing in one, will she?:smalltongue:

2010-01-06, 08:16 PM
We could make Samus Aran balanced for OG games, but she won't be ever appearing in one, will she?:smalltongue:
Well... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2jWVN6UElg) :smallamused:

2010-01-06, 08:21 PM
Well... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2jWVN6UElg) :smallamused:

I'll have to watch Machine Robo one day.

2010-01-06, 08:25 PM
I imagine Bombs would have terrible accuracy unless that secret attack from Super Metroid is used (enter morphball mode while charging beam to drop five bombs which follow normal gravity, bounce slightly, and explode on contact with enemies - useful against bosses since they're large enough for all the bombs to hit).

2010-01-07, 01:52 AM
Before we talk about balancing things, game balance is all out of whack across the SRW gameverse. Some games are actually challenging (Alpha Gaiden, maybe Z), some are piles of annoyance they try to pass off as difficulty (OG2), and some are just "here's some overpowered characters, go out and break the damn universe" (Alpha 3, W). This is without getting things into Metroidverse, whose mechanics I'm less familiar with.

Also, real and super are a spectrum, and differentiating between them on the basis of stats in Super Robot Wars is a silly definition. Anyway, Tekkaman Blade doesn't care if he's "real" or "super", and neither should Samus. All that said, Invincible doesn't really fit her. She does have a barrier, I believe, which can let her survive some minor hits even with crap armor.

2010-01-07, 02:27 AM
I don't remember a barrier...unless that's what the Energy Tanks do? I can't really see her having a shield, though, so it'd probably just be her HP Bar, since the suit stops functioning/is breached the moment she runs out of energy.

So how would Space Pirates do against the SRW regulars? Seeing as they're pretty much the only constant antagonist she has (outside Dark Samus), their performance would seem to be an important factor whenever anything Samus-centric popped up.

2010-01-07, 02:50 AM
I don't remember a barrier...unless that's what the Energy Tanks do? I can't really see her having a shield, though, so it'd probably just be her HP Bar, since the suit stops functioning/is breached the moment she runs out of energy.

So how would Space Pirates do against the SRW regulars? Seeing as they're pretty much the only constant antagonist she has (outside Dark Samus), their performance would seem to be an important factor whenever anything Samus-centric popped up.

They would drop off like flies by my reasoning.

They take all of 3 non powered shots from a arm cannon a 150th of the size of anything else in the game, and with less power.

Now a Omega Metroid would be a decent frequent enemy. Those things have the size, and durability to compete on super robot level.

2010-01-07, 08:00 AM
They would drop off like flies by my reasoning.

They take all of 3 non powered shots from a arm cannon a 150th of the size of anything else in the game, and with less power.They do, however, come in (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Pirate_Commander) stronger (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Berserker_Lord) varieties (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Omega_Pirate), and it's conceivable that they could pilot mecha.

Now a Omega Metroid would be a decent frequent enemy. Those things have the size, and durability to compete on super robot level.Well, what about Ridley (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Ridley)? (durable as hell) Or Kraid (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Kraid)? (who is about 65ft tall and whose skin is an "anti-optical shield" impervious to Samus's weapons)

EDIT: Side note - the Metroid series features a robot-piloting cyborg warrior from the Wotan system (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Ghor).

2010-01-07, 12:50 PM
They do, however, come in (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Pirate_Commander) stronger (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Berserker_Lord) varieties (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Omega_Pirate), and it's conceivable that they could pilot mecha.

Well, what about Ridley (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Ridley)? (durable as hell) Or Kraid (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Kraid)? (who is about 65ft tall and whose skin is an "anti-optical shield" impervious to Samus's weapons)

EDIT: Side note - the Metroid series features a robot-piloting cyborg warrior from the Wotan system (http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Ghor).

You know, it would be nice to see Ghor more. The guy got kind of a bum deal.

And SRW, from what I've heard, has a knack for fixing that kind of thing.

2010-01-07, 01:18 PM
You know, it would be nice to see Ghor more. The guy got kind of a bum deal.

And SRW, from what I've heard, has a knack for fixing that kind of thing.Well, Sylux will probably show up again, given that a ship resembling his one appears at the end of MP3, and he introduced the Command Visor mechanic in Hunters.

Bear in mind that Ghor's ability is to merge with technology. Nope, I'm sure that wouldn't be overpowered in a Super Robot Wars game. :smallwink:

Ghor seemed to retain at least some of his sanity at times (see the article, and how his voice softens when he says "unless you destroy the Aurora unit"), but it's implied that Rundas had to be actively possessed by Dark Samus. Gandrayda may possibly have been the Hunter who Samus most wanted to save though - it's implied that they were lesbian lovers friends. FRIENDS! Stop jumping on every little hint just so you can write bad yuri fanfic!

2010-01-07, 03:14 PM
Bear in mind that Ghor's ability is to merge with technology. Nope, I'm sure that wouldn't be overpowered in a Super Robot Wars game. :smallwink:


2010-01-07, 03:18 PM
Stop jumping on every little hint just so you can write yuri fanfic!

Why not? The more yuri fanfic the world has the better, so you absolutely should jump on every little hint of it.

2010-01-07, 04:15 PM
Zooo-nuuu-daaa...The subs I watched actually rendered that as "Zonder". http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/Smileys/default/duh.gif (They also subbed "Sanmitai" as "San-ki Gattai")

And here's another impression of MP1 Samus's possible attacks, assuming you want a lot of them.

Power Beam (Ranged Physical, basic "vulcan", range 1~X rather than 2~X)

Animation: Samus fires a barrage of rapid shots, then grips her Arm Cannon and fires a charged shot.

Missile (Ranged Missile, short range, high critical, uses ammo)

Animation: Samus stands in a duelist's stance, holds her Arm in front of her, and fires a missile with powerful recoil which explodes on impact.

Wave Beam (Ranged EnergyBeam, similar to Power Beam, but with slightly better power and accuracy and worse range, weak Accuracy debuff, uses a small amount of energy)

Animation: Samus runs at enemy firing a few shots, then somersaults over them and fires a point-blank charged shot from behind.

Plasma Beam (Ranged EnergyBeam, improved damage and critical on Power Beam, worse range, uses energy)

Animation: Samus fires a few large red shots from her Arm Cannon, followed by a larger charged shot.
Dynamic Kill: Enemy is enveloped by charge shot and disintegrates

Ice Beam (Ranged EnergyBeam, poor accuracy, short range, Power Beam damage, potent Armour Break, uses energy)

Animation: Samus charges her Arm Cannon and fires a single shot which freezes the enemy.
Dynamic Kill: Cut to visor view of Samus locking on to enemy, then Samus firing a single missile at enemy, causing them to shatter.

Super Missile (Ranged Missile, short range, high damage and critical, uses more limited ammo than Missile, ALL)

Animation: Samus holds her arm cannon in front of her, and her visor flashes. Cut to view of Samus locking on to target, then close-up of Arm Cannon expanding and firing missile. Follow missile as it impacts amidst enemies and explodes.

Flamethrower (Melee EnergyBeam, range 1, high damage and critical, uses energy)

Animation: Samus runs at opponent, charging HER LAZOR. She somersaults over them and emits a red blowtorch-flame from her Arm Cannon as she brings it down through them.

Wavebuster (Ranged EnergyBeam, uses energy, Line MAP)

Animation: Samus grips her Arm Cannon with her other hand, charges up and releases a stream of pale purple lightning which arc between enemies.

Ice Missile (Ranged Missile, uses energy and ammo, takes effect as Ice Beam with slightly-improved Missile damage, Remote MAP)

Animation: Samus charges her beam with blue energy, then fires a missile which detonates in a continuous freezing wave. Enemies are encased in ice, which then shatters.
Dynamic Kill: Freezing waves continue, and screen starts to fade to white as the ice cracks, then loudly shatters.

Power Bomb (Melee Physical, Supreme, high damage, 1 or 2 ammo, Radius MAP affects allies)

Animation: Samus somersaults into the air above the enemy and enters Morphball mode. She drops a small sphere, which floats down slowly. A glow steadily builds up inside it, and just before it hits the ground it detonates into a slow-moving wave of brilliant light which encompasses enemies.
Dynamic Kill: Enemies are caught by light and fade to nothing. Cut to Samus watching the explosion.

Yeah, the stacking beams are starting not to look like such a bad idea... I didn't even include Screw Attack or Shinespark.

2010-01-07, 04:16 PM
Why not? The more yuri fanfic the world has the better, so you absolutely should jump on every little hint of it.

Agreed 100%. Altough it doesn't need to be love. Samus is way too tough to be the romantic type, and she spends too much time alone to actualy be bounded with anyone. But a bounty hunter needs some relaxation now and then, and the other's a master shapeshifter...

2010-01-07, 04:17 PM
Why not? The more yuri fanfic the world has the better, so you absolutely should jump on every little hint of it.Fixed. Happy now? :smalltongue:

So I figure Samus should have the following attacks to be recognisable without being overly complex:

Basic Beam (Ranged, gets upgraded at various points, but remains costless)
Kung-fu acrobatics + Point-blank beam (Melee)
Missile, and possibly Super Missile with a separate ammo supply (Ranged, ammo-based, only Super Missile is ALL if both exist, otherwise Missile is ALL)
Ice Beam or Ice Missile (Ranged, Armour Break/Slow)
Screw Attack (EnergyBlade, Melee)
Shinespark (Physical, Melee Line MAP, high energy usage)
Power Bomb (Physical, Radius MAP, hurts allies, 1 or 2 ammo)

Low movement speed, high number of Part slots
Abilities: Gunfight, Hit & Away, Offensive Support
Seishin: Fury (there's this giant enemy crab...), Scan (Scan Visor), Alert (Radar), Valor (Charge Beam), Accel (Speed Booster), Strike (special Visors)

2010-01-07, 04:19 PM
The subs I watched actually rendered that as "Zonder"."Zonuda" is actually a specific thing from the end of the show. "Zonder" is a perfectly reasonable transliteration of the week-to-week monsters from the first half.

The More You Know.

2010-01-07, 04:19 PM
The subs I watched actually rendered that as "Zonder". http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/Smileys/default/duh.gif (They also subbed "Sanmitai" as "San-ki Gattai")

You do realize that's the correct pronounciation, right? Well, somewhere in the middle they retconned San-ki Gattai to San-mi Gattai, for reasons I don't remember, but that happens in the actual series, not just in the translation.

2010-01-07, 04:24 PM
"Zonuda" is actually a specific thing from the end of the show. "Zonder" is a perfectly reasonable transliteration of the week-to-week monsters from the first half.

The More You Know.I know that. They didn't make a distinction for Zonuda, and kept calling it "Zonder". (even though the "u" is heavily dragged out)

You do realize that's the correct pronounciation, right? Well, somewhere in the middle they retconned San-ki Gattai to San-mi Gattai, for reasons I don't remember, but that happens in the actual series, not just in the translation.I specifically remember a translator's note in FINAL saying "oops, turns out we've been subbing it wrong the whole time".

2010-01-07, 05:51 PM
I'm going to go back to admitting I haven't actually watched this show.

Also there was an official NA version, so you could try that.

2010-01-07, 06:30 PM
Also there was an official NA version, so you could try that....not for very long there wasn't. While it lasted though, "FINAL FUSION, APPROVED AUTHORISED!" was shouted by Dan Green.

2010-01-07, 06:52 PM
They did release all of it subbed, at least, even if the dub only went halfway.