View Full Version : Dynamic Battlegrounds

2010-01-05, 07:07 PM
Which is to say, fighting near a pit. It's a Star Wars classic, but does SAGA edition support dynamic battle locations like that? Is there a good mechanic for the risk of falling off of a platform while fighting when the platform isn't blatantly dangerous and unstable.

What I have in mind is an action scene moving from one end of a hydro-electric dam to the other, fighting battle droids all the way across. There's an overflow outlet in the middle of the dam, creating a sizable waterfall. If they fall off on the reservoir side, they have to make a Swim check to avoid getting swept up in the current and launched out over the fall. If they fall off on the other side, well... they're pretty nicely doomed.

But none of that matters if there's no risk of falling in the first place. The dam is too wide to mandate Acrobatics checks for balance, and there aren't any bad guy Force-users who would be throwing folks around.

Anyone have a system for this, or know of something I may have overlooked?

2010-01-05, 10:25 PM
Does saga edition have Bull-Rush?

2010-01-05, 10:46 PM
Sorta. It takes a feat, but on the plus side it works automatically every time you hit in melee.

Galaxy at War adds the Bantha Herder feat, which does almost the same thing for ranged weapons, except the attack roll also has to exceed the target's Will Defense.

B2 Battle Droids have synchronized fire circuits, meaning they can rack up pretty impressive bonuses to hit if they aid another. So, depending on the CL for the encounter, get a number four-droid fire teams, the lead droid having Bantha herder and the others having Coordinated attack, can rack up an attack bonus of +19, which is sure to knock an unsuspecting PC in the drink. Three such teams create a CL 8 encounter.

2010-01-05, 10:55 PM
Listen to the Order 66 podcast episode 37... "The List".