View Full Version : Mighty All Powerful Wizards!

2010-01-05, 10:06 PM
I had a lapse in judgement and thought that it might be fun to make a VS. thread. It didn't last long because, well, I only know one side that I'd want on it. And that would be Pug from Midkemia. There's 25 books in the series so far and there's still more to go.

Pug was basically tapped by the gods to be their instrument in restoring balance to the cosmos, which has, quite frankly, been all sorts of messed up for several millenia. He could easily go toe to toe with most any other magician in his universe (and others). The gods, or at least, the goddess of death, gave him a choice the first time he recieved a serious life threatening injury. He could either die right there, or, alternatively, he could live (basically) forever constantly battling the forces of evil all the while he gets to watch everyone and everything he loves die. Basically, ultimate sacrifice kind of stuff.

There's more I could mention that he's done but after 25 books, his list of accomplishments has gotten... extensive. (Though he didn't play a direct role in many of those books)

So anyway... I felt it would be interesting to start a thread dedicated to extolling the virtues or vices of your very favorite wizard.

2010-01-08, 06:56 PM
I like the deus ex machina of the Istari wizards in Tolkien's work - they're angleic being who are voluntarily restricted to using mere mortal magic.
Doesn't stop Radagast being rather... incompetent, though.
Of course Gandalf is the best example we have. He's great when he's the wandering wierdo, Gandalf the Grey, shabby and disshevled, and he can blow more ipressive smoke rings than anyone. He get's a little over pious when he comes back as Gandalf the White. Maybe his coolness is powered by alliteration.

2010-01-08, 10:57 PM
My favourite is the hypothetical, uber-optimized, ultra-paranoid, 3.5 D&D, Batman wizard.:smallsmile:

2010-01-08, 11:20 PM
Mustrum Ridcully. All the way.

Unkillability in a world where, prior to him, wizards were after each other at hypothetical DnD levels of paranoia.

Takes a lot.

2010-01-09, 01:27 PM
Personally my favorite wizard is Sarda.

Sarda the jackass wizard who did it.

Sarda: *Drops australia on you*

Sarda: *Traps you in a loop where you die horribly over and over as you slam into the ground at the maximum possible momentum over and over*

Yeah, THAT wizard.

2010-01-09, 01:47 PM
Mustrum Ridcully. All the way.

Unkillability in a world where, prior to him, wizards were after each other at hypothetical DnD levels of paranoia.

Takes a lot.
On the flipside, Rincewind could be considered a powerful wizard during the parts where he had one of the Octavo spells, but is awesome for completely different reasons. :smallbiggrin:

2010-01-09, 03:19 PM
A lot of wizardly heroes are about correcting cosmic imbalances. Or upsetting them, as the case might be.

Ged from the Earthsea series pulls a Prospero and sacrifices much of his power to correct a problem caused by a single man who upset the natural order of life and death by seeking immortality. The reasons for this power loss are unclear.

Raistlin (Dragonlance novels) literally manages overthrows the gods in order to usurp their place in the heavens. This goes badly for the world and for him for reasons that are also unclear. Time travelling shenanigans were also involved.

Pug restores the balance of whatever by sealing the Rift.

In all cases, manipulating the grand scheme of the universe doesn't make them all-powerful. And its not hard to let your character kill a god if you can just say, "magic."

Also, I'm noticing an irritating trend where they're all stories about man overreaching his bounds. Because you know, there's never a story about a Promethean endeavor involving magic that doesn't screw over its users.

Although I suppose Gandalf and Saruman were wizards who weren't about the foolishness of overreaching yourself so much as whether one abuses power or not.

2010-01-09, 04:50 PM
I would like to submit Magus Zeal (http://chrono.wikia.com/wiki/Magus) and Kishua Zelretch Schweinorg (http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Kishua_Zelretch_Schweinorg) for consideration. Magus's main advantages are his raw destructive power (both magically and physically) as well as his erm, zeal, while Zelretch has hax dimension-warping abilities.

2010-01-09, 10:10 PM
Raistlin. He beat up the Gods, took the world, and then gave it back. Using time travel and Kender.

2010-01-09, 11:18 PM
Raistlin. He beat up the Gods, took the world, and then gave it back. Using time travel and Kender.

...How did he make the kender give it back?! I never knew Kender were involved.

2010-01-09, 11:34 PM
Harry Dresden is fun. But I have to put a vote in for Turjan the original Vancian caster.

2010-01-10, 12:20 AM
I like Merlin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_(The_Chronicles_of_Amber)) from the Amber chronicles. He's a badass shape shifting sorcerer that has a degree in Computer Science. He's got the Pattern and the Logrus and built his own Major Artifact level AI.

2010-01-10, 02:05 AM
I like Merlin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin_(The_Chronicles_of_Amber)) from the Amber chronicles. He's a badass shape shifting sorcerer that has a degree in Computer Science. He's got the Pattern and the Logrus and built his own Major Artifact level AI.

Oh I just read Trumps of Doom, Merlin does look fun.

2010-01-10, 02:11 AM
Numair from Pierce's Tortall series. He's pretty hardcore when he gets going... <.< And he's dreamy o^_^o

2010-01-10, 07:55 AM
Might I suggest John Constantine? Maybe not what you're looking for as a large part of his appeal is that he's not 'mighty' or 'all-powerful', preferring to use magic only when strictly necessary, but, well, he certainly punches above his weight, thanks to wits, cunning and brutal pragmatism. Plus he once tricked the Devil into drinking holy water, and for that alone he is awesome.

2010-01-20, 11:44 AM
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme!

2010-01-22, 04:13 AM
Might I suggest John Constantine?


As for my favorite wizard, Crystal from the Wizard of the Grove duology by Tanya Huff. With near limitless power she takes a simple path, trying to just be a normal person until she's forced to confront the villain and except her legacy of power. Amazing novels that still can bring a tear or two to my eye. There are many others whom hold fond places in my heart but ultimately Crystal trumps.