View Full Version : Earthbound Theory

2010-01-07, 02:44 PM
So I have a theory concerning one particular aspect of Earthbound.

Specifically, why is Jeff's father such a jerk to him? I mean, he doesn't recognize him when he comes home from school, and he blurts out that he wets the bed the second that Ness shows up. Is he TRYING to make Jeff look bad?

Yes. Actually, I think that's exactly what he's trying to do.

We know for a fact that Buzz Buzz came to contact Ness shortly after the meteor landed in his back yard, to let him know that he was a destined child. Paula also seems to know somehow that she is a destined child, and so does Poo.

Jeff, however, was not aware of his destiny until Paula called on him from afar.

My theory here is that whatever force was supposed to let Jeff in on his role in destiny made contact with Dr. Andonuts instead, and specifically told him that he would be the third child of destiny, and that he MUST be the third child of destiny.

He took this...a bit too literally.

Because he knew his son was a natural talent with mechanical things, and a brave boy at heart, he was worried that Jeff would be overconfident, and become the first child of destiny, thus dooming the world. So to make sure he never became too confident, Dr. Andonuts neglected his son, to assure that he would have self-confidence issues, and never surpass any of the other children of destiny. He also knows that there will be other children, because he apparently recognized Ness when they first met. (http://earthboundcentral.com/m2eb/winters-2/)

Inhuman Bot
2010-01-07, 05:14 PM
Well... as I have no idea what responses you want, makes sense to me.

2010-01-07, 05:44 PM
Dr. Andonuts has always struck me as the quintessential absent-minded professor. I don't think he's really got the wherewithal to try something like that. More likely, he gets lost in his work, which as a super-ultra-mega genius inventor probably puts him in contact with all of the very strangest denizens of the Mother universe. Which means he'd generally know a lot about what's going on without ever really knowing what's going on, if that makes any sense.

As for why he's a jerk to Jeff? He's admittedly shy and not good at dealing with that sort of thing.

For my money, the thing that's always intrigued me is why, after freaking out so hardcore over her being kidnapped, are Paula's parents suddenly so calm about sending her out to fight horrible alien menaces with some strange, kind of chubby kid with a bat. I guess that shows who really wears the pants in the family... :smalltongue: