View Full Version : Policies and Punishment

2010-01-07, 10:11 PM
It is a chilly autumn day in the town of owl's Perch. Ice sickles melt lazily in the noon day sun as birds sing their final songs before heading to warmer lands. Dozens of tents are scattered about the town square filled with sarcastic nobles and sniveling bureaucrats cursing the mayor of this one horse town for tricking them to visit.


You wake to find yourself in the manor of Halden ir'Wynarn. An ancient villa along the Wynarn River. The scars of the last war are readily viable. It is obvious that this once decadent residence was refurbished by a more militarily inclined owner. Ancient windows have been bricked off or reduced to arrow slits and low walls widened to allow for patrols of guards. A small wooden barracks has been recently erected to house the twelve Aundarian soldiers garrisoned at Owl's Perch.
You have spent the last few nights listening to your host tell tales of his glorious fights against Eldeen separatists as he kept insisting you refill your glass with rare spirits from his personal stores.
While a guest, Haldren was a very enthusiastic host and prevented you from leaving his estate by always seeming to run into you as you were on your way out and starting another long story about the last war. Last night Haldren mentioned that he had some business in Fairhaven he had to attend to in person and make use of his manor in any way you deem fit." The Butler (Troy) is very efficient and has petty cash in case you run into any trouble." he said as he refilled your drink the night before.
As you roll out of bed you notice a slip of parchment on your bedside table. "My apologies for our late introductions I am Constable Darr and I have a proposition for you. Please meet me in the BlackRock Inn and I'll buy you a drink while we discuss business."


After a brief rest in Owl's Perch's Black Rock Inn you find your self fully recuperated from your last adventure. You have a simple room with a straw bed with rugged but warm linnins and a chest or drawers marred with the names of others who have spent their nights here. A metal bucket sits in the center of the room under a drippy portion of the ceiling.
It is unusually busy downstairs in the bar. The prices have all gone up ten times what they were last night and it seems everyone here is wearing cloaks and suits that cost more than what you make in a year. Larrs the half-orc bartender who is much friendlier than he appears and whom shared his plans of his glorious retirement last night, is literally running from table to table and person to person filling their orders. Sweat is pouring down his face but he is wearing a big tusky grin as he works.
Dar the constable and another half-orc waves at you to join him and take a seat in one of three only empty seats in the bar.


After hearing a roomer about a secret Academy of magic on the border of the Eldeen Reaches you booked passage on a house Orien Caravan. After seeing all of the noblemen and other distinguished individuals attached to the caravan you figure you are on the right track. After a few weeks of travel you find you self at the town of Owl's Perch. The throng of people file into the BlackRock Inn and it seems a good place to begin your search for new magics.
As you enter it seems like all of the seats have been taken except for three over in the corner.

2010-01-07, 11:08 PM
Keil yawns and rises from bed quickly dresses and settles down to meditate (taking 20 on becoming psionicly focused). He walks down into the bar, and looks around, taking in all the people there. He quickly spots Dar's hand and takes a seat next to him, laying his pack on the floor next to him and propping his staff to his side, where he keeps a hand on it. "How's your business going?" he asks.
[roll0] -in case a spot check is needed to catch something in the bar.

2010-01-12, 01:26 AM
I now deem this game officialy stillborn- it survived not it's startup procedure.