View Full Version : Double-Crossing Sneaky Hippy Dogs! Lets Play Outpost 2

2010-01-07, 10:16 PM
This is a Lets Play of Outpost 2. The hardest part, for me, will be balancing taking pictures with actually playing the game. Muwahahahahahah!

Basic Explanation of the game.
For those unfamiliar with the game, Outpost 2 is a real time strategy game with one of the most complex resource systems I have ever seen. Not because it has some extraordinary surplus of resources, but because many of the resources are only indirectly controlled by the player.

In the way of back story, Outpost 2 starts after the earth is destroyed by an incoming meteor. After wandering through space for an indeterminate amount of time, the refugees found a harsh, barren world to live on. Almost as soon as they landed, they broke along ideological lines into 2 separate nations. The one, Eden desired to transform the world into a paradise. The other, Plymouth, wanted to adapt themselves to live on the harsh world. For the purposes of this lets play, that is all you need to know.

Explanation of what I am doing game wise.

There are two types of single player games in outpost 2, the campaign and various colony games. I have opted to play the Eden Starship colony game because it involves all the aspects of the game on a single map. I'm playing it on medium because I am fairly certain that I can win on medium, and easy doesn't include a couple parts of the game that I actually want, namely a real impetus to fight.

My goal in this scenario is to build a starship, put 10,000 of the various resources on it, and launched at least 200 people into space aboard it. If I live that long, it will be trivial.

Part 1: Evacuation Complete

"Supreme Councilor, sir? Here is the current state of the colony. Not much, I know, but we do have 4000 metal 52 people and a dozen unemployed workers and scientists. What are your orders?

This is the command Center, without it, we can't get anything done. Almost all buildings must be connected to it by tubes, the grey lines that cross the picture. It also provides enough power for a factory or smelter.

Here is our common ore smelter. Common metals are used to build everything, so we need a lot of them. At some point we will need a second smelter, but, for now, we can get by with just the one.

Next to it, you can see our 3 cargo trucks. The closest mine is about far enough away to allow 5 trucks on the route, but we will talk about that later.

Here is our power plant. Its not much to look at, but it is a fusion reactor, so we have plenty of power at the moment. We'll run out if we start building more factories, but we have enough for a small base right now.

Here is our Agridome. You probably can't see it, but it is a farm, complete with a grain silo. Right now it is producing 38 food, so we will need another.

Here is our structure factory, the source of all of our buildings. Also on this screen is our colony's current status. We have 52 people, of whom 13 scientist and 12 workers are free. We have 300 available power, of which we are using 120. We also have terrible morale, which means people die a lot, as is shown by the message at the bottom of the screen.

Morale is helped by having enough living space, medical centers, entertainment, and other stuff we might or might not actually research.

"Start with a standard lab. We need some basic science before things get too frazzled."

Here is that structure factory again. We're going to be seeing a lot of it since it is what builds the structure kits we use to build buildings. Here we see the build menu with a standard lab selected.

"Here is the final report on our old colony site. It seems that it glows in the dark now, but otherwise is harmless."

"Well, I'm glad that is over. Inform the people that the microbe has been taken care of. We can rebuild without fear now."

"Sir, there is one other thing..."


"Plymouth just shut down the communications satellite. Their last communique was an ultimatum. It seems we have settled too close to them, and they are now demanding that we leave. If we do not, they will take it as an act of war."

Here is the center of the enemy base. This is from a bit later on, though they haven't done much, yet. They have a few menacing vehicles about, so I had better be quick about getting some guns up.

Also, that splotch in the lower left corner of the map? That would be us.

"I won't ask these people to move again. We've uprooted them too much over the last few weeks. No, I have a better plan. We'll leave this dead rock behind and move out into the stars. Let Plymouth have it all, fat lot of good it will do them."

"Sir, we don't even have enough food. How do you expect to reach the stars like this?"

"I don't know. But we'll get there somehow. Who is the chief scientist, anyway?"

That seems enough for this first post, especially since I'm still not sure how well it reads:smallredface:

2010-01-08, 02:49 AM
Part 2: Build me a house!

"Stooge! Give me those reports!"

"Erm, yes, Grand Supreme Councilor. Firstly, we surveyed the mine closest to our colony. It is fairly average, but should suffice for the immediate future.

"Good, build a mine immediately."

"Already started sir. In fact, it should be done by now."


Mines are one of very few buildings that don't require convecs to build. Instead, they consume a robominer.


The cargo trucks are huddled around the mine because I set them on an automated hauling route while the mine was under construction. You can do that with both mines and smelters. Other buildings that have docks might work, though I haven't had cause to test it.

"Furthermore, we have, er, completed the standard lab kit you ordered. Where would you like us to build it?"

"Build it south of the factory. We need that research ASAP. Then build me a house."

"But sir! The people are camping out here in the command center! Surely we should build communal living space first!"

"Alright, but then we build me a house."



Not much to see here. Just building the aforementioned standard lab and a residence. The residence provides accommodations for 25 colonists, though I can get it a bit higher than that with research. While 25 beds isn't close to enough for my population of 52(which is probably lower at this point, I don't keep that close of tabs on it, and population goes down fairly steadily for the first chunk of the game), the residence should help my morale and keep people from dying. Also, note the agridome kit under construction. I can already smell fresh bacon.

Part 3: Why isn't there bacon

"Stooge! Get in here!"

"Erm, yes sir, most grand supreme councilor?"

"Would you look at my plate and tell me what is wrong with it?"

"Um, I cannot see anything wrong with your plate, sir. Nor, before you ask, can I see anything wrong with the contents of your plate, as those are, uh, the best rations we have."

"The best rations we have is it? This is gruel and some wilted lettuce! How can this possibly be the best rations we have?"


"Well, sir, we have some, erm, problems with the farms. Namely, there aren't enough of them. If you would sign here, we can build a new one."

"I'm not signing anywhere. Just have somebody take the free convec and build a new one north of the current one. Then, once it is done, I want bacon."

Ah, here we get to see me loading the agridome into the convec. By the end of the game, we will probably have a half dozen of these things, but for now, two should suffice. Or, at least, it should put bacon back on the menu.

"Okay, now that that is taken care of, lets head on down to the lab so we can open it up for business. Now, where did I leave those giant scissors?"

"Sir, I think they have already been taken to the lab. They should be waiting for us."


Hey, look! We have more text based options. In this case we have lots of research to choose from. Unfortunately, the tech tree is nigh incomprehensible, so flailing about is the order of the day for a bit. We'll start with the immediately necessary stuff, and move on to weapons from there.


Spoilered for longwinded rant.
Here is the screen that comes up when you either want to start research or change how many scientists are assigned to it. What is that you say? Why would we want to change how many scientists are assigned to a project after it starts? Well, scientists tend to die at the most annoying times. On the other hand, if we train new ones, it is nice to add them to research projects mid stream. Alternatively, if we want more buildings that take scientists, we can get them by gutting our research program. I hope to never need to do that, but it does get a bit close here at the beginning.

As for what we are researching, it looks like Offspring Enhancement. It should be called "Offspring production," but, somehow, it avoided that fate. More's the pity, since in the campaign, the hardest part is getting enough people to meet the mission requirements. I have found myself yelling "Have Babies already" at the computer many a time."

"Sir, we have also surveyed the mining beacon south east of the colony. I regret to report that it is just as mediocre as the closer site.

Furthermore our population has fallen to 47. We need to improve our education programs, lest we fall behind technologically."

"Lucky for you, stooge, that is up next at the lab."


"Stooge, are you hiding something?"

"Of course not, sir. I just happen to bring good news!"

"And that would be what?"

"The Cafeteria is serving bacon!"

Hey, look! We have TWO farms now. Now I will ignore them for a very long time. Population growth is an exponential growth curve, and, right now, we are down at the bottom of it. Once it picks up though, it will be all I can do to keep everybody employed.

"Stooge, what is this factory building?"

"Well, it should be the new nursery."

"So, the future of our colony depends on that lump of plastic and steel? Where are the rattles? The ribbons and bows? I want children, not automatons!"

"I'll get on it right away sir."


This marks about the halfway point in what I played through so far, which means it took me about 15 minutes to get to this point. It should pick up a bit once I stop caring about showcasing every little thing.

Any comments at all? Should I give up on the conversation and story making and just give a bare bones account? Should I lump the pictures together more? Have less pictures? I feel like I'm not doing enough stuff per update, seeing as it has taken me 2 updates to cover about 15 minutes of game time, possibly less.

Johnny Blade
2010-01-08, 02:59 AM
I actually can't open the first two spoiler tags, possibly due to the way you set the italics tag.

Also, you may want to move the screenshots out of the spoilers to make this a bit more fluid. They're small enough not to stretch the page, after all.

Also, is Irfanview working for you or are you still copy/pasting?

(More later, I've got to take care of my own LP now. :smallwink:)

2010-01-08, 03:13 AM
Yes, Irfanview is working wonderfully. I still have about as many pictures sitting on my hard drive as I have posted.

Also, I would love to post the pictures without spoilers, but the forum rules do stipulate a 500 pixel maximum width, and those are 640. I suppose I could break the posts up into sections and spoiler the sections whole sale. Then it could both be rules compliant AND have better flow. Would that work?

Johnny Blade
2010-01-08, 03:18 AM
Well, I hope it would work, seeing how I do the same thing.

By the way, that's an actual rule? I mean, not saying anything, but if it is, you certainly wouldn't notice without reading about it. :smallbiggrin:

Ka-ther Fangfoot
2010-01-08, 02:28 PM
Ah, yes getting children. I remember playing the campaign. "The blight is approaching." And the only objective left is one kid. :smallannoyed:

2010-01-08, 03:33 PM
Part 4: Even the planet is out to get us!


"Stooge, what exactly am I looking at? Did we have an accident at the smelter?"

"Er, no ultimate grand supreme councilor of righteousness. The mountain just north of the colony seems to have, er, erupted. I think the scientists are calling it a volcano, after some ancient demon from earth, or something like that."

"Is there any chance that it will hurt us?"

"We aren't sure, but it probably will stay down on that sunken plain. Some scientists want to go down there and study the lava..."

"NO! Nobody is to go down there. We have better things to do. How go things on the Plymouth front?"

"Well, sir, they have spread their forces across the plain to our north. Also, they seem to be sending some un-armed scouts in our direction."


"How goes my request for a death ray?"

"Well, the scientists are talking about designing 'Large Scale Optical Resonators,' but, they opted to get you a doctor first."

Here is the in game explanation of health maintainance. In essence, it lets me build medical centers. If I have enough medical centers for my people, they die less often. Hopefully. At least we can give them pain pills while they die.

"Well, I guess dying in the midst of my monologue would be pretty pathetic. What else do you have for me?"

"Well, we built that nursery, complete with sickening color scheme and obnoxiously noisy toys. I'm told the staff on hand can't wait for the medical center. Then the scientists decided to catalog all the metals we can get out of our mine. I'm told it will improve mine production by 30%."


"Lazy bums. I want that death ray!"

"Well, we did survey another mine. Absolutely mediocre. Sorry sir."


"Also, we built a university. They are going to name it after you."

"Really? Grand Supreme Ultimate Councilor of Righteousness University? You have got to be kidding me."

"I am sir. They named it 'University of Eden.' Also, we are building a new powerplant. Seems the current one is getting near the limit."

You might not be able to see it, but the University really does have "U of E" in big, blue letters on the side.

"Well then stooge, in honor of your new found sense of humor, you get to hunt down two unemployed workers and tell them to train as scientists. Can't be having our research programs hurt by a lack of inquiring minds, can we."


"Erm yes sir. Anything else."

"Yes, build me that medical center right across from the university. Can't be having the students die from binge-drinking. I've seen the latest population report, and I am not pleased."

Wow, we're down to 42 people. Well, that will only get worse before it gets better, though not much worse.

Part 5: Is this what you call a death ray?

"Sir, the lab sent this up. Apparently, your calls for death rays have not fallen on deaf ears."

"Is this supposed to be a death ray? It is the size of my fist, and just makes a buzzing sound when I press it."

"Well, they are still working on the range part. They say that if they make it the size of a house, it can probably shoot from one end of the command center to the other."

This is the first Eden weapon. Remember how I said the tech tree is convoluted? Well, this is the only weapon that is easy to find the research for. Everything else requires seemingly unrelated technology.

"And how good of range is that?"

"We don't really know sir. We think it can probably match the microwave tanks Plymouth has fielded, but I can't say about anything better."

"So we have a gun with unknown properties and viability? Have a testing range set up east of the colony. We should be able to test is safely there."

Here I am building a tube away from the colony. Guard posts don't NEED tube connections, but they are more effective if they have one. They have other oddities, but that is the main one.

"Okay, now, how goes the colony?"

"Well, sir, after we built the second tokamak, we did an inspection of the first. It seems that constant use has caused it to deteriorate."

Biggest problem with tokamaks: they fall apart unless you repair them regularly. Fortunately, convecs do that just fine.

"Then fix it! Seriously, what kind of idiots would be running this place if I weren't here? Never mind. What else is going on?"

"Well, the mine seems to have peaked. From now on its yield will only fall."


"Aside from that, not much to report. We did meet only yesterday..."

"Well, then come back when you have something useful to report. I don't want to hear about quakes on the far side of the world,"


"...or Plymouth building a fancy new lab...


"...or any volcanic eruptions that will only get in Plymouth's way..."

Yes, that is 3 volcanic eruptions. Not quite in a row, but, really, the game loves making giant lakes of lava. It is a mixed blessing, really. Lava makes defense much easier, but, it also makes it harder to conquer.

"...or how the sky is falling..."

In case you can't tell, that is the crater from a meteor. If they hit too close to a building, the building gets damaged. Eventually, we can research ways to predict them and defend against them, but that takes a while.

"...or even that we are going to be electrocuted in our beds."

Of the 5 or so disasters, this comes in a distant 2nd for most evil. If one pops up too close to home, it can carve a swath of damaged buildings and vehicles across a base. First place is death incarnate. We'll see one of those next update.

"I want to hear useful things. Like that we finished training the new scientists..."


"...or we finished researching our death rays and can get them built..."


"...or that we are figuring out how to add more beds to our housing complex..."


"...or that we built our death ray..."


"...or, especially, that we finally figured out how to get more vehicles built. Really, we need more trucks."

This is the single most important technology in the game. Why did I wait so long to get it you ask? Because vehicle factories take 3 people to run, and I want to be sure I don't have to turn half my scientist into mechanics.

Up next: We get a better lab. Then we blow something up.

Ka-ther Fangfoot
2010-01-08, 05:01 PM
Your death ray is weak. You need to harness the power of that storm cloud. :smalltongue:

2010-01-15, 02:29 PM
Okay, I am going to try updating this again, but first I need some advice. Do I need more stuff per update, or less? Also, is my narration doing a good job of explaining what is going on, or are people confused out of their minds?

2010-01-15, 03:02 PM
Wow I've missed this game. I may have to find the disks and try and reinstall it under dosbox.