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View Full Version : Neverending Dungeon - Tomis

2010-01-08, 02:56 PM
The air surrounding you fairly hums with the residue of magic, an aftereffect of the spell that brought you to this place. A quick glance reveals that you are in a small room, devoid of any life save for yourself. The sound of dripping water can be heard faintly, and the stone walls are slick with moisture. In complete defiance of logic, a torch is already lit, resting in a sconce near the room's single door.

There is a door at C-4, south side.

DM notes:Sheet. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=176745)

2010-01-08, 06:08 PM
I kind of feel like Piglet- O ddddear. And I apologize for not putting my name on the sheet. I'll make sure to do that for the rest of my sheets if need be

Tomis takes a moment to activate spiderwalk (24 hr spider climb). He will then cautiously approach the door and search for any traps (taking 20 for the search, for a 27 result).

2010-01-08, 06:24 PM
You don't find anything out of the ordinary.

2010-01-08, 06:30 PM
Tomis will open the door and peer put into the unknown

2010-01-08, 06:33 PM
It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue.

You see an unlit hallway running to the east and south. Without a light source, it's impossible to determine more.

2010-01-08, 06:48 PM
Tomis will then take out one of his sunrods and activates it so he can see.

Afterwards tomis will venture forth, southward, continuing to search for traps along the way (again taking 20 for 27 result).

2010-01-09, 11:52 AM
Activating the sunrod reveals the following:

To the south, the hall runs for thirty feet before teeing to the east and west. After twenty feet, it splits east.

To the east, it runs beyond the range of your light. After ten feet, it splits to the north and south. After thirty feet, there is a door on the north side of the hall. After sixty feet, it splits to the north and south.

Note that all distances are relative to your current position, which is presumed to be in the doorway at the moment.


How far south do you want to search? Mind that taking 20 on each square will take at least 2 minutes (more if you intend to search the walls too) and that adds up pretty quick. I hope you brought refreshments.

2010-01-09, 12:57 PM
(ooc: damn, I knew I should've used skill focus search, oh well).

I'll just take my chances w/ a search roll then considering he didn't ([roll0]). Tomis will travel to the end of the hallway going south, barring any obstacles of course.

(ooc: does the tee mark the end of the hall way, or does the hallway just going east do that)

2010-01-09, 01:09 PM
The hallway continues south for another ten feet beyond the split to the east, ending in a T to the east and west.

Did you want to move to the split or the T with that in mind?

2010-01-09, 01:15 PM
He'll still move to the T.

2010-01-10, 06:56 PM
As you pass the split to the east, you see that it runs for ten feet before turning north.

At the T, you see that the hall continues west for ten feet before turning south, or east for forty feet before turning north. After thirty-five feet, there is a door on the north side of the hall. A large bullseye is painted on the floor outside the door.

2010-01-11, 03:24 PM
(ooc: curiosity killed the warlock).

The bullseye pique's the halfling's curiosity. He cautiously approaches, still searching for any traps along the way (let me know if I need another search check), stopping just short of the bullseye.

2010-01-12, 12:53 PM
You'll need a search check if you want to search the bullseye, yeah. Unless you want to take 10/20.

2010-01-12, 06:39 PM
another search rollthen : [roll0]

2010-01-13, 02:48 PM
You don't find anything fishy with the bullseye.

2010-01-13, 06:41 PM
Still suspcious of the bullseye, Tomis decides to try the wall next to the door, clinging to it as a spider would. From there he attempts to open the door next to the bull'seye.

2010-01-14, 07:19 PM
Opening the door reveals the following room:
There is a door at A-2, another at E-4, south side, which you are just outside of, and another at E-3. There is a human wearing a chain shirt and holding a longsword standing behind a beast with patchy dark fur that covers its unhealthy shrunken black skin in some places. Open sores dot its hide and a feral, catlike head glances with it's blank eyes at the wall in front of it.

Initiative: [roll0]

2010-01-14, 08:46 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2010-01-15, 03:32 PM
The beast disappears. The man 5-ft steps to the north and casts a spell in your direction. A wave of color washes over you. Will save.

2010-01-15, 06:44 PM
Will save: [roll0]

2010-01-15, 07:58 PM
You pass. text.

2010-01-15, 08:20 PM
If he can use his blast while on the ceiling he'll walk up there and attack the man from there. If not, I suppose he'll just take his chances and take aim at the man at his current position.


2010-01-15, 10:05 PM
The highest elevation you could reach him from is +10, and he would have cover from the attack there.

Did you want to climb the wall before firing?

2010-01-16, 12:06 PM
He'd like to go ahead and climb higher as he enters the room before blasting if he can. Otherwise, he'll climb as high as possible w/o losing sight of the man.

2010-01-19, 06:53 PM
ooc bump...

2010-01-20, 01:14 PM
He's right inside the doorway. You can't move past him to crawl up the inside. If you crawl up the hallway walls, you'll give him cover from your attack. Is that what you want to do, and if so, how high do you want to crawl?

2010-01-20, 03:07 PM
(ooc: I get it now, I guess I'm just slow).

In which case he will crawl up to the top of the wall where it meets the ceiling, but will not crawl onto the ceiling itself.