View Full Version : The Good, the Bad, and the Hellbound

2010-01-08, 09:09 PM
The Message came in many forms and through many signs, but it came nonetheless. Across the globe, four individuals felt its call, manifest in different ways. From the barbarian leading his tribe, the stars aligning to light his path, to the dragon sorcerer, his potions fizzing in strange archaic symbols and patterns. To Fate's hand, the whispers and melodies found in the heart. And to the treasure, her prized possessions landing to form and draw maps where they landed.

For all of them, the Message lead them to a single place. A clearing in the woods, the moon lush and full beneath them. Four strangers and a dragon, paragons in their fields, brought together by a single calling. For in the center of the clearing was a table, and seated at that table where two figures, one dressed in white and the other in black. With a single movement, they gesture for you to join them, chairs appearing at the other end. The world is quiet, waiting for you to begin.

2010-01-09, 12:45 AM

The long figure walked through the woods, black hair falling down over a simple grey cloak. His leather boots crunched on the fallen leaves, a slight bulge on his back from the shield strapped there, under his cloak. He tilts his head up, looks at the sky.

You are kind, Lady, to show me this peaceful evening. I will remember it when fortune comes full circle.

Stepping into the clearing, he takes two steps and pauses. The wind dies down and the noises of the wood fall silent. The beating of his heart was a thundercrash, throbbing in the stillness. I suppose we shall see where you take us now Lady.

He steps forward and approaches the table. Standing next to a chair he nods his head toward the figures. "Peace. I am Aeris, and I have come to where she calls me."

2010-01-09, 01:35 AM

"Almost there," she whispers to herself, excitedly. Her treasures had drawn a most interesting map, right to the clearing that lay just a few steps away from her. She could see three figures, two seated on the same side of a table and the other standing across from them.

As she approaches the group, a thought zips through her mind. So it wasn't a treasure map...just a bit disappointing...oh well. Maybe this will lead to something interesting! She accepts the gesture, and seats herself at the table. "Greetings! I'm Zala. A particularly peculiar map drew me to this place..."

2010-01-09, 05:53 PM
As you guys start sitting down you see an extremely large man the same size as many trees walk into the clearing.
"'ello, stars guided me, i am big wolf Who be you?" he says sitting down on the ground or on the chair if there is one large enough to accomadate him.

2010-01-10, 12:00 AM

The grey cloak flutters as he stands when the halfling lady approaches. He bows and says. "My name is Aeris." He pauses, glancing over her. "A map? The Lady speaks to us in ways we may understand." He seats himself after she does and appraises the huge warrior that strides up. His eyes flash blue for a moment then return to grey. "Big Wolf. Appropriate. Call me Aeris."

Greater Arcane Sight - any spells or notable magical effects on the other characters or the two silent hosts?

Voice of Reason
2010-01-10, 03:59 AM
Immersa swoops down low some distance from the place where Kyyt has been shown in his alchemy. His works have shown strange reactions that are not natural, of this Kyyt is certain. The two of them had no idea what to expect when they approached the clearing in the moonlight. Their time of arrival was not by accident, for several others are already present, and seated at table.

Did you expect that there would be others? Immersa asks of her rider.

Kyyt answers as he dismounts.

I had no idea that anyone would be here tonight, but it was a powerful omen that brought us here.

And its not a coincidence that they're here at the same time as we are.

Let's see what all the trouble is about.

Although attempting to uphold a calm demeanor, Kyyt is on edge. It would take a being of immense power to alter his workings in such drastic ways, and to coordinate the signs so exactly. This didn't exactly stink of an ambush, but something powerful was clearly at work. At the invitation, Kyyt comes forward and takes a chair. Immersa follows right behind, and curls herself up behind Kyyt's chair. In ordinary circumstances, she may have adopted human form, and taken a seat as well, but she wanted to be able to act at a moments notice if something should go wrong. Terrible things can happen if you're unprepared, after all...

Greetings to you all. I have seen a great many signs in my alchemy that all point to this location. The coordinates have remained consistent throughout many very diverse experiments. Would it be too much to ask for somebody to please explain the situation?

Dangerprawn: you can look on Kyyt's character sheet to see the myriad of effects that affect him, either through equipment or persisted spells. Immersa is similarly enchanted with the equipment on her sheet and the spells Kyyt casts on her.

2010-01-10, 01:23 PM
As the four are seated, the one clad in white begins to speak, with a voice like the crescendo of music, a voice that speaks of light and life and art, of beauty and nature and progress.

"You have all been summoned for a purpose. For the Balance is fading."

Without warning, the forest clearing fades away, the night sky becoming red and the grass becoming red soil, stained with blood. The air smells of war and there are cries of battle in the distance. The one clad in black begins to speak; his voice is smooth like fine wine, a voice as fine as the edge of a knife, as desire, as seduction.

"Since the Beginning, the Blood War has raged. The forces of Good have been spared oblivion solely because of this clash of devil against demon. In time this conflict will end, and the winner shall emerge victorious, and sweep away the armies of Light. But not now, not today."

The white-clad continues. "The war is a perpetual stalemate, or at least close enough to one. But recently, a third faction has emerged; one charismatic enough to call for peace, and unification against light. This cannot be allowed, for the sake of Good."

"For the sake of my Lord."

"You have been chosen to reignite the Blood War."

"To destroy this young upstart."

The illusion vanishes; the forest returns. "Do this," the white-clad speaks softly, "and you will receive the Light of Heroism."

The black-clad stands. "Do we have a bargain?"

OOC: Light of Heroism == To Join the ranks of the great heroes: Merlin, Conan, Heracles, etc.

2010-01-10, 02:12 PM

"Oh, my...that's quite a grim revelation." She murmurs, turning inward to think. If the Balance is lost, if this war between the devils and demons ends...from what they're saying, it sounds like we'll all be killed, or worse. ...Dying at the hands of a devil or a demon because nothing was done...is not something I want to happen!

After glancing to the others at the table, she nods. "I accept the bargain. This new group must be stopped."

2010-01-10, 02:17 PM
"hmmm" A deep rumbling sound coming deep from within big wolf, "I have fought many foes...I have seen many moons" He waves his hand in the air slightly motioning towards the sky "I can beat even the mightiest foes in a test of strength" he chuckles to himself like he remembers something from long ago.

He then stands up to his full height "But, i have never done what i have been told without full relisation" He cracks his shoulders "I know not of what you speak. I know not of what many speak, and i ussually dont question!" He looks up at the stars "But today i ask, as no man i have ever seen no matter how smart or strong, has been able to influence the stars"

He sits back down and goes completly silent, as he sits down he takes the head band and puts it over his eyes.

Only DM Read
He puts on his blindfold of true darkness, giving him blindsight 30, he also activates his AMF

2010-01-10, 02:21 PM

He sits still in his chair, watching the transformation and destruction of the world unfold. "The Blood War is one of the greatest natural balances that exist in our world." He nods at Zala. "This affront to her ways must not be allowed to pass. I will join you."

Dear Lady...is this what you have prepared me for? Is this to be my final fate?

2010-01-10, 02:22 PM
ooc: the hell sequence was an illusion, you realize that?


Standing before you, their glamor uncloaked, are two entirely different beings. Where the man in white sat, there now stands a golden-skinned humanoid, as tall as yourself, with wings made of shining light. And where the dark-clad man stood, is an equally tall devil, red skinned and winged, poison dripping from fangs.

2010-01-10, 02:28 PM

A few blinks is the only reaction from Aeris as Big Wolf stands and draws on his blindfold. As the figures true form are shown his eyes blaze blue again. "Naturally. Those involved first hand would not seek to redress the balance in anothers favor."

industrious: Yep, I know it was an illusion. Just his reaction.

Also, Greater Arcane Sight is constantly active, so Aeris is automatically aware of any spells or magical effects on a creature or item.

However, I'm totally fine with DM fiat for deciding something doesn't register if you need it to. There is more powerful magic in the world that could foil that spell.

edit: ninja'd! was that supposed to be for Big Wolf's character only to see? It's spoilered now, but does the illusion drop for everyone or just him? Want me to delete this post?

2010-01-10, 02:35 PM
The angel nods. "For good to have a chance to prevail, we cannot allow evil to unite."

The devil smirks. "And the upstart is destroying the power base of my Lord Asmodeus."

"But for the celestial hosts to act on behalf of demons would bring about Armageddon too early."

"And my Lord knows that if he does nothing himself, someone else will do it for him to preserve the balance. The stakes are simply too high for anything else to be done."

2010-01-10, 03:26 PM
"Very well" Big wolf says "I do not doubt the stars" He put his hands in the air and 2 gigantic swords appear in them and a suit of chainmail drops over him "I am ready to aid you"

2010-01-11, 02:09 PM

The wanderer glances at the barbarians weapons for a moment, then turns back to the Angel and Devil. "What is the name of this upstart? What manner of creature is he or she? What forces are loyal to it?" He pauses a moment, reaches into a pouch on his belt and brings out a crystal. The perfect sphere emits a faint white glow and he pulls his unslings his ashwood bow from his back. He replaces the black crystal set in the guard with the white sphere and places the black one in his pouch. He rests the unstrung bow across his lap.

"Also, where may we find this upstart so that we may restore the balance?"

Replacing Life Drinking crystal with FiendSlayer crystal.

Voice of Reason
2010-01-11, 09:55 PM
Kyyt considered the matter very carefully. When he'd achieved his immortality, he'd hoped that he'd finally have some time to relax, and live life without danger or obligation. He'd hoped to find some place far away from the rest of the world, where he and Immersa could live peaceful, boring lives for at least a few centuries. Apparently, fate had it out for him. Ironic, having all the time in the multiverse and yet having none to spare. In made Kyyt want to sigh and throw his hands in the air with frustration.

Instead, he turns in his chair so that he could face his companion, and asks her what she thinks about the situation. The gravity of the situation does not escape her.

I have only a rudimentary understanding of this Blood War of which these two speak. I am aware, however, that a disturbance in the war would have dire consequences for the celestials and, given time, the material plane. If the order is to be maintained, then somebody must act. As much as I hate to be responsible for the bloodshed of hundreds of thousands of "people," it is necessary that something be done. We've been called, we're likely candidates; supposing nobody wants to take our place, then what? We could hide, like cowards, as the devils and demons rained hellfire upon the world, but what's the point? It will only delay the inevitable. You cannot escape it Kyyt.

She was right, of course. Kyyt had spent his entire life searching for the secret to eternal life. Now, the world's problems were his own; if he lives forever, he cannot pray that death will find him before the fiends do. Damn. One more thing he must do before he can return and live the "normal" life he missed out on. One more thing after one more thing...will there ever be "no more things...?" He hated to bring himself into this mess, and he hated even more the need to bring Immersa into it, but she was right: someone had to do something, and that someone was him. Kyyt gives in and sighs a heavy sigh.

I don't have much of a choice now do I? I shall aid you in destroying this upstart, who calls for peace. Tell us everything you know. Our lives are on the line the moment we enter the infernal planes, so I expect to be well-prepared before we go. Locations, numbers, allies, magic, enemies, anything at all that will help us?

2010-01-12, 09:14 PM
The duo nod as they hear Kyyt's reply.

"We cannot offer you any explicit aid." They say, in chorus. "All we can do is take you to the edge of the Adversary's compound, on the First Layer of the Infernal Gates."

The angel's eyes are mournful as he looks upon the immortal. "We are prohibited from interference. But if I were to tell you that you are not the first who has sought to redress the imbalance..." The being's mouth suddenly seizes up; you can tell that it is unable to speak anymore on the subject.

The devil smirks. "We cannot say it's name, or much other information, by the strictures of the Pact Primeval itself. Merely that many demons and devils have come into it's service." He stands up. "Shall we depart now?"

2010-01-12, 09:33 PM

He turns towards Kyyt and glances over the human with his blue eyes. "I assume that with the artifacts you wear you are a magician. Do you know if we require magical assistance to withstand the environment of the Infernal Gates? Can you provide such?" He asks as he stands.

He reaches behind his back and unclips the shield, holding it in front of him and softly speaking a word. He releases it and the shield hovers in the air.

2010-01-12, 10:03 PM
After seeing the others equip themselves big wolf takes out a glob of glue and lets it cover it engulf him so he is covered in a thin see threw goo, His eyes also change to pure white. He then speak a few words in a deep hoars language. Which if anyone speaks giant translates to "Fire, ice, lightning."

Then as if out of nowhere everyone heres "Lets go kill something i thirst for blood which has not stained my /lips/ for a very long time, to long of a time."

If someone try to listen its big wolfs sword talking.

2010-01-13, 12:03 AM

She hops off her chair, readjusting her sword and nods to the devil and angel. "I'm ready to depart. Those fiends will feel the full force of our combined fury!" She raises her hand enthusiastically, then looks off to the side, places a finger on her chin, and murmurs something about having just spoken many F's. She then pulls out a knife from a pocket in her jacket and grins. "I've got a little something special for those demons and devils."

The knife she pulls out is one enchanted with "Holy"

Voice of Reason
2010-01-13, 12:30 AM
Immersa watches Big Wolf get ready for battle. The man certainly has some strange rituals that he undergoes...She wonders at the single-mindedness of Big Wolf. With barely a thought given to the situation, he is not only ready, but eager to plunge himself into the very depths of the Abyss and Hell itself. Such confidence must be nice. Immersa is startled when a voice begins to appear seemly from nowhere, but she settles back down once she figures out where the sound is coming from. The fact that Big Wolf has an intelligent sword is not all that surprising, and it means that no actual person got past her without her knowing, which is relieving.

Kyyt pays barely any attention at all to the antics of Big Wolf as he thinks hard about Aeris' question. He has heard some talk about the underworld and its goings-on, but he really has no idea what to expect when they reach it. Kyyt shakes his head.

You are correct, I am indeed a magician of sorts. However, I do not know what to expect down there. I have only a rudimentary understanding of the outer planes; my expertise lies elsewhere. I am an Alchemist, although I am hardly even so active in my field anymore that I really deserve that title. My research has been highly rewarding for myself. Even the secret of eternal life has not eluded me, but it works only for me; for all my knowledge, I can do nothing to aid another...

The last is said with a definite note of bitterness and self-loathing. Some distance away, Immersa stirs and looks at Kyyt. Although one would have to be quick to notice it, something stirs behind her eyes for a brief moment before disappearing abruptly. Whether it was deep sadness or pity that lay there is hard to say.

Still, I can ward us against the most common dangers that ought to face us. It is the more subtle tricks that we will need to be on our guard about. If you will all please gather around, I will begin the spellweaving.

Kyyt asks Immersa to part with a ring that she wears upon her left foreleg for but a brief moment. It is clear that she understands the necessity of the situation, but the intensity of her stare as she follows the ring's movements make it clear that she wants it back soon, and in good condition.

He works his spells as quickly as he is able, and then he charges the ring up with a few spells as he passes it back and forth to Immersa. He then reloads the ring multiple times, and hands it to eveyone who will take it in turn.

Inside is a simple warding spell. By wearing the ring, you will instinctively come into the knowledge of how to activate the magic. By casting it on everyone else, you will create a series of magical links between yourself and those you cast it on. Together, we will make a web that will disperse the damage between us evenly; if one of us gets hurt, we will all share the pain. In this way, I shall be able to direct that magic's course, and alleviate some of the total damage dealt. It also helps to ensure that everybody will come back alive, because we will all be supporting each other.

either that Kyyt thinks pessimistically, or none of us are coming back at all.

Kyyt will be buffing everyone with the following spells:

Persist Wraithstrike: Immersa (8th level spell)
Persist Scintillating Scales: Self (7th level spell)
Persist Scintillating Scales: Immersa (7th level spell)
Chain, Reach, Persisted Protection from Evil: Everyone (to keep away the mind control). (7th and 5th level spells)
Chain, Reach, Persisted Blindsight: Everyone. (8th and 6th level spells)
Chain, Reach, Persisted Displacement: Everyone (9th and 7th level spells)
Persisted Haste: Everyone (9th level spell)
Chain, Reach, Persisted Spiderskin (9th and 7th level spells)
Chain, Reach Energy Immunity: All: everyone (5 8th level spells)
Chain Shield Other (6-10): everyone (6-10 4th level spells)

Total spells used

4th: 5 used
5th: 1 used
6th: 1 used
7th: 5 used
8th: 7 used (1 covered by 9th-level slot)
9th: 3 used

I understand that some people may be uneasy about the use of the chained Shield Others, but it's a smart move overall. If you really don't want to be a part of it, you can say so, and have your character deny the ring, although that will likely lead to you being excluded from the web altogether.

2010-01-13, 01:16 AM

Holding the bow in his left hand Aeris accepts the ring. Eternal life? Who is this mage? Those spells are powerful indeed. He activates the spell within the ring and passes it on.

He turns and regards the Angel and Devil. "Do not forget this: Even with the arcane might you possess you are powerless to even speak the name of your adversary. It has befallen mortals to do what needs be done." He stares at the Devil. "Remember that and think long on it, should our quest be successful, and you find yourself succumbing to the corruption of your blood...causing you to seek conquest here on our world."

He holds his head up and his eyes flash blue. "Remember that it was a mortal that slew your greatest enemy."

Senses Active:
Blindsight 60ft
Tremorsense 120ft
Greater Arcane Sight

Yeah...I just told the Epic Pit Fiend Sorcerer to watch his back. Aeris is that much of a bad ass.

Intimidate! (just for kicks) [roll0]
Man...what a crappy time to roll a 3.

2010-01-13, 01:24 AM
After the dragon and master anounce the buffing he closes his eyes for a second and the magic field around him dissapears. He sighs "why do i need to share pain?"

"we'll talk about it later" The sword says aloud.

2010-01-13, 10:00 AM

The devil merely smiles at Aeris's words. "Let us begin."

Pointing his hand at the five, the pit fiend speaks a Word, one that echoes and reverberates throughout the forest. It sounds wrong, almost physically painful to hear. Your eyes roll back in your heads, and for a brief moment, you glimpse a vast misty emptiness...before you realize that you are all now standing on a plateau overlooking an encampment. The air is hot and the sky and soil are red. The bleak, desolate landscape is reinforced by the massive pair of iron gates at the front of the compound, gruesomely decorated with the severed heads of angels. And from somewhere, you hear the sound of laughter. Welcome to Avernus. Welcome to Baator. Welcome to Hell.

Voice of Reason
2010-01-13, 10:44 AM
Kyyt looks around the landscape. It is exactly as one might imagine hell: hot and barren, incapable of production. Just to be here is unnerving enough without the far-off laughter, taunting him. Kyyt tries his best to get a good look at the encampment.

I wonder if they're sufficiently warded against teleportation within their camp. I would tend to think that if they weren't, we'd already be inside, but maybe the fiend was being courteous by giving us a choice...if fiends can be truely courteous.

So where do we go from here? Does anybody see any weak points? I could try to teleport us in and see if that works, or we could always fly over the barrier, although we'll alert every upstart in the camp to our presence that way; not a good start. Perhaps we should just knock on the front gates and hope they answer?

He finishes in a poor attempt at humor.

Let me do the knocking, and there'll be no need for them to answer.

Immersa chuckles softly; there'll be no laughter inside, she's sure.

Let me see if I can spot anything from up here.

Immersa's Spot Check to look for an innocuous way in: [roll0]

2010-01-13, 04:39 PM

"This is...Hell?" She looks around, feeling the heat and noting the barren landscape, and the encampment. "Reminds me of the volcano...though, this is quite a bit more bleak." She checks her vest, belt and cloak, making sure each of her knives is where it's supposed to be, and as the dragon next to her suggests looking for a weak point, she nods. "It'll probably be best to sneak in; we don't really have any idea what we're up against, besides demony-devil things. Stealth would give us a chance to study them a little."

2010-01-13, 05:07 PM

Gazing at he encampment down below he says "A frontal assault would most likely prove disastrous. We must also remember that we are not the first to attempt this quest, therefore whoever this upstart is...he or she is aware that there have been others that have tried to thwart it's plans." He turns back to the group.

"Our most dangerous foe right now is our lack of knowledge about our enemy. I propose we do not enter the camp now. We should seek out those who are unaligned with the upstart and find out what we need to know."

"I myself have no knowledge of this plane, and do not know where we may go to find a friendly, or at least neutral, source of information." He turns to the mage. "Kyyt. Do you have ways of finding another settlement nearby that we may turn to?"

How big is the encampment? How far away are we? Are there any magical effects upon the encampment that Aeris can discern?

Voice of Reason
2010-01-13, 10:32 PM
I do not have any spells left available to me today that will reveal the location of any other settlement within teleport distance. Divinations do not come to me easily, which is why I was so perplexed by the signs that drew us together as group.

I don't know how much good it will do anyways. The celestials cannot interfere, and the other infernal made it quite clear that nobody else down here was willing to lend a hand to the newcomer's destruction. Information would be nice, but they are tongue-tied on that issue. I just don't think there's much to gain, but there is a chance that this upstart lord will have spies or immigrants who will speak to him our presence and intentions.

Immersa continues to stare down at the fortress, looking for any way they might get in subtly.

A teleport would be best, but if they're warded, it could alert them to our presence. Of course, it is hard to summon reinforcements as well. A spell of invisibility could let me fly us in and find a safe spot to begin our infiltration, but it's likely that at least one of the guards will be able to see us regardless.

We could always try to sneak our way in as well, if we could find a way to disguise ourselves adequately. If the new lord truly seeks a peace, he will welcome demons and devils of all sorts.

If we were really lucky, he may even be looking for mortal servants, but I wouldn't bet my life on that one.

Kyyt doesn't actually have scry on his spell list, which is an oversight on my part, unfortunately. He can blow a wish the following morning if we are willing to wait (this will cause us to lose one of our buffs). A reach, chain, extended greater invisibility would last for 36-44 rounds, which may be enough to get inside, but it's not reliable overall.

Likewise, a teleport or greater teleport would do wonders if they're not warded, so I'll second the list of questions posed by Dangerprawn.

If we do choose to seek out assistance from someone else in the area, perhaps we could join up with a small group of devils/demons seeking to join the newcomer's cause. We'd have a chance beforehand then to ask if devil-worshiping mortals are welcome; if reception is not fond, then at least we will not have taken on a whole fortress to figure it out. An extended Glibness spell, via wish, could last for 440 minutes (7 hours, 20 minutes). Kyyt knows Abyssal and Infernal, and his adjusted bluff score of +66 may be enough to get us in the front door.

2010-01-14, 12:36 AM
"Big wolf not good at sneaking" he frowns as if remembering something bad, "however big wolf good at tricking" Big wolf then chuckles to himself.

He then reaches into his backback and pulls out a metal spike. "this is a boom boom spike, it makes fire"

"Its an explosive spike, after being planted in the ground it turns invisible soon after, if something comes close to it, it explodes."

"what sword said"

2010-01-15, 08:39 AM
As Aeris gazes upon the enclosed compound, almost half a mile away, he notices a group patrol of demons and devils exit the compound; they appear to be heading in their general direction.

Kyyt, through his alchemic training, notices that what he had assumed were the iron walls of the compound were actually the rare metallic admixture Virtele, which prevents teleportation past it's barrier. Teleportation once inside the compound was possible, but only within the confines of those walls.

Immersa notices that while there is only one visible entrance to the gate, there is a group of devils guarding what appears to be a otherwise unremarkable section of the wall.

2010-01-15, 01:44 PM

Watching the group of infernals heading towards them Aeris brings an arrow out of his quiver and holds it loosely against his bow. "It appears that we have been noticed. Would you prefer to hold an attack against them in hopes of parley, attack now before they reach us or try and disappear?"

What spells are active on them?

2010-01-15, 04:42 PM
"Big wolf has idea!" he said excittedly "I can climb wall over there, and find door from inside, then open" he smiles

"thats a terrible idea" his sword says directed at him and he hangs his head in sadness pouting.

"BIG WOLF HAS ANOTHER IDEA!" "I could give each of you boom boom stick and we could put them close together to make those people go boom boom" He grins to himself.

2010-01-15, 09:40 PM
The group of assorted fiends hadn't seemed to notice your presence; they apparently were merely a routine patrol. However, Big Wolf's outburst alerted them to your presence; they are now closing in on your position. As they advance, you can differentiate between them; two of them are blue-scaled, with sharp claws, an impressive array of horns, and a pair of enormous bat-like wings, while the other pair are apparently female, with the bodies of serpents beneath a human-like torso.

Everybody: make 2 Will Saves


the serpent-like ones both have unholy aura active on them

2010-01-15, 10:21 PM
Will saves:


2010-01-15, 10:23 PM
"Oh ****" Big wolf looks at the flowing bodys of the snake ladys.



As soon as big wolf get a chance for a swift action he activates his AMF...which he forgot to put up back there damn it.

2010-01-15, 11:07 PM
Will saves

Spellcraft check to identify the effect.

Aeris is immune to Fear & Compulsion effects. He also has Improved Mettle & Slippery Mind.

He's also got Spell Resistance 25, so if the effect is caused by a Spell or Spell Like Ability they need to beat his SR. Which they probably will, but they need to roll anyway.

2010-01-15, 11:13 PM
oh ya an im immune to nonlethal damage, death effects, stunning, critical hits, negative levels, and ability damage.

Voice of Reason
2010-01-16, 11:45 AM
Kyyt groans.

If he doesn't learn to keep his voice down, I'm going to have to do something about it.

At least a plan quickly forms in Kyyt's mind. He leaps onto Immersa's back with a speed one may not expect from a mage.

Kyyt takes a free action "fast mount" if at all possible before they reach us (auto succeed) With the F&K Mounted Combat feat, Kyyt can redirect any spells at him to his mount and vice versa. In this case, he'd like to divert the spells to himself, but I'm guessing that since it's probably an extraordinary ability, it's not subject to this ability. Regular wills saves as follows:

Will save (Kyyt) - [roll0]
Will save (Kyyt) - [roll1]
Will save (Immersa) - [roll2]
Will save (Immersa) - [roll3]

Taking a look at Kyyt's spells again, the recovery plan Kyyt suggested might not be the best idea. It's possible via Draconic Polymorph via a ring of spell storing to disguise four of us as them, but only for up to 18 minutes; not exactly ideal. It probably sounded like a much more brilliant idea to Kyyt at the time.

EDIT: Actually, the lack of a call for us to roll for initiative, and the fact that they haven't drawn weapons yet means they may not be immediately hostile. I'm removing Kyyt's previous statement which would have removed all possibility of negotiation. (previous plan was, if hostile, kill them and disguise us as them to get inside).

2010-01-16, 12:21 PM
You immediately notice something off about the two horned fiends. As you look closer, you realize that the forms were merely illusions, covering...absolutely nothing.

((Will Saves were against the illusion))

And then you hear a creaking behind you. The real fiends were behind you. 60 feet behind you. Aeris notices dispel good as well as dispel chaos effects on the two. The serpent-like fiends teleport closer to you as well, the same distance away.

One of the serpent creatures opens her mouth, and speaks in a sibilant language.

For those of you who speak Abyssal

"What business have you in this place?"

They have all drawn weapons, but they haven't initiated any hostile actions...yet.

Voice of Reason
2010-01-16, 02:01 PM
Kyyt and Immersa follow the movements of the fiends as they draw near, and contemplate how best to respond to the situation. Kyyt can feel Immersa's muscles tighten underneath him. He knows that she would love to tear the fiends apart limb from limb, and is preparing to do just that; for the time being though, she waits in silent deferral to Kyyt.

[abyssal]Oh, we don't have business down here. At least, not yet. You might call this an appraisal of sorts; there may be an opportunity for us to do business just yet.

Kyyt takes what he hopes appears to be an unconcerned look around and back down at the fortress again before facing the speaker again.

We've heard rumors of the Lord of this encampment. Funny rumors about peace among fiends and demons, and an end to the blood war. Such a Lord, if successful, would command an army the size of which the multiverse has never seen. We feel that we can provide certain high-end services on behalf of this new Lord that will help his cause, if he's willing to talk.

Kyyt figures this may be the best way to end things without the risk of exposure, but he is unsure if being dragged before the new lord would be a good thing. It may give them a chance to strike...or he may be so well-guarded, it would be foolhardy to do so...and Big Wolf is among them. First thing's first though: they had to be convinced.

Bluff Check - [roll0]

2010-01-16, 03:58 PM
They don't lower their weapons. The apparent leader seems to believe you, but her eyes flicker towards Immersa

"Is that a bronze dragon? A sacrifice for our Lord, I take it? Excellent; he enjoys such displays. Slay it for us; he is watching."

2010-01-16, 04:09 PM

As the fiends port themselves behind him Aeris turns slowly, bow and arrow held loosely in hand. Kyyt appears to be able to converse with these fiends. Good. Hopefully we may learn something.

Not understanding the words, Aeris focues his gaze on the fiends themselves, studying them under his blue gaze.

Using GAS to gaze each fiend, learning whether they have divine spellcaster, arcane spellcasting, or spell like abilities, and the level of the highest spell or spell like ability they each currently have to use. No save or noticeable effect from using ability, aside from blue eyes.

Blindsight 60ft
Tremorsense 120ft

2010-01-16, 04:44 PM
((ooc: the horned ones have a 7th level SLA, but no divine/arcane casting. The serpents likewise, but they have a 8th level SLA))

Voice of Reason
2010-01-16, 07:16 PM
Yes, your Lord can have her over my cold, dead body, you...

Kyyt lets his train of thought trail away as he struggles to keep him demeanor calm and composed. An increase in heart rate, which Kyyt has begun to feel, and a small shiver down the spine tells Kyyt that Immersa is having difficulty as well. Kyyt's eyes cannot tell from her demeanor whether she's filled with fear or rage; he has a pretty good guess on the subject, however. After ensuring that his voice will not betray him, Kyyt answers.

[abyssal]I am honored that your Lord considers us worth his attention. However, I humbly apologize, but I cannot grant your request. Had I known that I would be conversing with any loyal subjects to the new Lord, I would have, naturally, brought an appropriate tribute, but such is not the case. We were here today only to watch and survey, to marvel in your Lord's power, until your graced us with your presence most unexpectedly.

The dragon, however, is non-negotiable as tribute, I'm afraid.

Kyyt decides that perhaps it's time to seed his lie with a few innocent truths; such things strengthen the lie by adding credibility to it.

[abyssal]You see, I raised her from an egg, and have spent several hundred years with her. It has taken a very long time to condition her to her tasks. She has been well-trained and well-equipped for her purposes, and she has proven worth the investment to me in varied ways over the long years; finding a replacement would be nigh impossible. Good help is always hard to find. I must therefore beg your Lord's pardon; I'm sure you understand.

I wish I could have posted soon; I feel terrible letting a death threat go unanswered for so long :smallwink:

EDIT: Bluff=38 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7706733&postcount=20)

2010-01-17, 02:38 PM
Big wolf looks at the creatures and pops a pill sized ball in his mouth [abyssal]"Hello, Im Big Wolf, Im Group Protecter" he smiles

2010-01-17, 03:44 PM
"Of course," the serpentine demon says, switching to Common. "It makes far more sense now." Her tone is polite, and respectful. Her swords are sharp as she blurs into action, charging Big Wolf in a fearsome display of violence. Her companion follows likewise, charging at Immersa.

Behind you, the horned devils charge in as well, gliding in on bat-like wings, spiked chains whirling around to ensnare the legs of Kyyt and Aeris.

That was an unbelievable bluff. Evil creature investing time in a metallic dragon? Nope. And your web of enchantments is suppressed due to Big Wolf's AMF.

Begin Advanced Combat.

Initiative: Serpentine: [roll0] Horned: [roll1]

Surprise Round Attacks:

Against Big Wolf:

Attack 1:[roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack 2:[roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack 3:[roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Attack 4:[roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Attack 5: [roll10]

Attack 6: [roll12]

Attack 7: [roll14]

Attack 8: [roll16]

Attack 9: [roll18]

Attack 10: [roll20]

Attack 11:[roll22]

Against Immersa:

Attack 1:[roll24]
Damage: [roll25]

Attack 2:[roll26]
Damage: [roll27]

Attack 3:[roll28]
Damage: [roll29]

Attack 4:[roll30]
Damage: [roll31]

Attack 5: [roll32]

Attack 6: [roll34]

Attack 7: [roll36]

Attack 8: [roll38]

Attack 9: [roll40]

Attack 10: [roll42]

Attack 11:[roll44]

Against Kyyt:

Touch Attack:[roll46]
Trip Attempt:[roll47] (DC against Kyyt is 10+ Kyyt'sSTR modifier or ranks in Balance)
Attack Roll: [roll48]
Damage: [roll49]

Against Aeris:

Touch Attack:[roll50]
Trip Attempt:[roll51] (DC against Aeris is 10+ Aeris's STR modifier or ranks in Balance)
Attack Roll: [roll52]
Damage: [roll53]

Voice of Reason
2010-01-17, 04:21 PM
Kyyt doesn't know how much farther he can carry the deception. Sooner or later, he's going to run out of excuses, or they're going to be dragged before the new lord, or the deception will be found out.

When the fiends strike, Kyyt is taken completely by surprise. A flash of whirling blades erupts beneath him, and he reacts quickly to steer Immersa out of harm's way. His lack of attention costs him, however, as he is pulled forcefully from his perch atop her back and a spiked chain slams into him, sending him reeling.

Well, what can I say? Killing her was rather out of the question, and a simply divination spell would have easily revealed that she's not under any kind of mind control; a "reformed" dragon was the only mundane explanation that made even an iota of sense to my mind (which ought to tell you that I was out of ideas in the first place :smallannoyed: Looks like we're doing this the hard way.

In the future, I'm open to ideas from all parties; just because I'm the only one who can speak the language does not mean I should be the only one thinking. Experience has proven that doesn't always work the best :smallwink:

Kyyt Initiative - [roll0]
Immersa Intiative - [roll1]

For ease of combat, the one with the higher initiative will delay to the initiative of the lower.

All attacks miss Immersa save one. Kyyt will attempt a ride check as per the mounted combat feat to negate it (he needs to hit 40 or above to negate):

Ride Check to negate hit - [roll2]

For Kyyt: As a no action, he will auto-succeed a ride check to use Immersa as cover for a +4 bonus to AC. He is still hit by the first attack, however, and must deal with a trip attack. As per the rules for tripping a mounted combatant, Kyyt must counter with a Ride check or be torn from his mount. I shall do so; if, because of some special ability or modifier, this is not the case, let me know and I will gladly change it.

Ride Check to resist Trip - [roll3]

Edit: Still unsure about your listed DCs, but by my calculations, that ride check will cost Kyyt his seat. If I may ask, where is he pulled to? The 10' radius from Big Wolf's AMF just barely reached Kyyt while he was in the saddle, assuming Big Wolf was right next to him. If he gets pulled out of the AMF, the second attack will still miss due to buffs.

As Kyyt has an AC of 31 (unbuffed from spells), the second attack will hit him if he is pulled from his mount. However, if he is not pulled from his mount, he will still gain the cover bonus from his ride check, and so the attack will miss him. Again, let me know if the devil ignores cover or some other exploit that allows him to hit.

IC reactions to be edited in as soon as possible, once rolls are calculated.

2010-01-17, 05:47 PM
Big wolf opens his eyes wide as the creature strikes at him hitting him 3 times(55 damage after DR).(so they charge threw 15 i can hit them, yet i cant because its a surprise round? GEH!)

ya everything that was cast on me before i activated my AMF still works.

FML Im have to go last :'(

2010-01-17, 05:57 PM
Well, it was a good try. Zala thinks as the fiends strike at her companions. She whispers a few words as she prepares for combat. "Freeze and burn." Four of the daggers in various pockets in her armor and cloak begin to glow blue, and four others glow yellow.


2010-01-17, 08:45 PM
Zala takes aim at the winged demon that snared Kyyt, pulls two of her knives out from a pocket in her sleeve and barely flicks her wrist, sending the two flying into the demon - or did she?

Sneaky Shot attempt, to deny it its dex to AC:
My sleight of hand roll: [roll0] vs. its Spot

After trying to make the demon flinch, she pulls out - in quite quick succession - two daggers in each hand, out of various hidden or obvious pockets and flings them into the winged demon.

((And now the attack...I really hope this is right.))

Full attack rolls

[roll1] for [roll2] plus [roll3] plus [roll4] cold plus [roll5] sneak attack
[roll6] for [roll7] plus [roll8] plus [roll9] cold
[roll10] for [roll11] plus [roll12] plus [roll13] shock
[roll14] for [roll15] plus [roll16] plus [roll17] shock
[roll18] for [roll19] plus [roll20] plus [roll21] shock
[roll22] for [roll23] plus [roll24] plus [roll25] shock
[roll26] for [roll27] plus [roll28] (plus [roll29] if it's evil)
[roll30] for [roll31] plus [roll32] (plus [roll33] if it's evil)

Critical threats

[roll34] for [roll35] plus [roll36] cold
[roll37] for [roll38] plus [roll39] cold
[roll40] for [roll41] plus [roll42] shock
[roll43] for [roll44] plus [roll45] shock
[roll46] for [roll47] plus [roll48] shock
[roll49] for [roll50] plus [roll51] shock
[roll52] for [roll53]
[roll54] for [roll55]

2010-01-17, 08:49 PM
As the knives fly towards the devil, he uncannily reacts to the attempted sneak attack, although he is still hit by...well, every single shot. The demon ends up looking like a badly-worn pincushion, falling down to the red soil. The corpse is consumed by an odd flickering flame that leaves nothing but ashes.


2010-01-17, 09:04 PM
Hissing in anger at the death of one of its allies, one of the serpentine demons winds herself around Big Wolf.

Grab On-type grapple:
No AoO due to Improved Grapple feat.
Grapple Check to Climb On: [roll0] DC of 26.
Grapple Check to Constrict: [roll1] same DC
Make a DC 27 Fort save, or fall unconscious.

Immersa is still in the AMF, though her demon isn't. The demon attacks the dragon once more, expertly wielding six blades.

Attack 1:[roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Attack 2:[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Attack 3:[roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Attack 4:[roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Attack 5: [roll11]

Attack 6: [roll13]

Attack 7: [roll15]

Attack 8: [roll17]

Attack 9: [roll19]

Attack 10: [roll21]

Attack 11:[roll23]

Aeris's Turn

2010-01-17, 09:17 PM
What about displacement.

2010-01-17, 09:23 PM

Finding himself on the ground Aeris watches the fiend crumble from Zala's knives. Good. These fiends aren't that powerful. Speaking the command word Aeris cloak transforms into angelic wings that lift him off the ground. He floats in the air, bow ready.

Activate Wings of Flying, stand up. He's floating about an inch off the ground. If he provokes AoO for movement that's fine. I'm pretty sure you can't trip flying creatures.

AC 45 (ranged AC 50)
Touch 27 (ranged touch 32)
HP 180/180

Blindsight 60ft
Tremorsense 120ft

Spell Effects
Energy Immunity: All

2010-01-17, 09:59 PM
When Aeris attempt to pick himself up, the devil uses the opportunity to attack once more with his chain

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-01-17, 10:02 PM
Then, looking around, the horned devil realizes that the tide of the battle is turning. Flinging himself into the air, he moves out of the AMF, and immediately teleports back to the gates of the compound, obviously about to raise the alarm.

2010-01-17, 10:32 PM
That would be 2 AMFs, my reach is 15 feet. Plus extra from feats.

Taking 10 on all attacks. So 49 49 49 49 49.
[roll0] plus [roll1] plus [roll2] plus [roll3]
[roll4] plus [roll5] plus [roll6] plus [roll7]
[roll8] plus [roll9] plus [roll10] plus [roll11]
[roll12] plus [roll13] plus [roll14] plus [roll15]
[roll16] plus [roll17] plus [roll18] plus [roll19]
I provoke an AoO

The devil must make a fort save Dc 30 or be stunned.

He/she must also make five fort saves DC 36 or be dazed.

total damage

Voice of Reason
2010-01-17, 11:10 PM
Kyyt easily identifies what the horned devil is trying to do. A greater teleport will not be able to take it back inside the fortress, but it can fly through quite fine as soon as it's finished. If it succeeds, it will raise the alarm, and cause legions of demons and devils to bear down upon their location; that simply can't be allowed to happen.

Immersa, follow the horned one!

Is that really--

Trust me.

Kyyt points his finger at the horned devil who is attempting to escape.

Not today you don't... Kyyt grumbles.

He activates the power of his Ring of Spell Battle to seize control of the threads of magic being woven by the devil. Kyyt pulls on those threads. Hard. The devil disappears for an instant, and Immersa dissapears with it, riding along the same magic. An instant later, the devil appears where Immersa was, inside Big Wolf's antimagic field, and Immersa appears next to him just outside the field, so that she is now adjacent to both the serpent-devil and the horned devil.

Immersa is quick to take assessment of the situation, especially now that her Kyyt-granted blindsight has begun to kick in since she's left the antimagic field.

So much for "peace." Let's talk about sacrifices then, shall we?

Kyyt weaves a small spell of his own that will allow him to see a short distance into the future. His eyes glow yellow as the magic takes hold. He runs to Immersa's new position and very quickly climbs back onto her, at which point Immersa turns her fury loose on the devils closest to her, clawing, biting, and slamming into them with righteous draconic fury. Her ruthless assault leaves her open to attack, but a quick Wings of Cover protect her from harm.

Kyyt activates his Ring of Spell Battle on the Horned Devil, allowing him to change to target of the spell to any point within 60'. He chooses the spot where Immersa was. The teleport goes off, and Immersa chooses to travel with it via her Mage Slayer feat. She arrives off to the side next to the serpentine demon that attacked her, and the horned demon appears where she used to be, inside the AMF; both are now in range of all her melee attacks.

Kyyt's turn comes up, and he casts Eyes of the Oracle (6th level spell). It grants him a few minor insight bonuses, and allows him to ready an action each round as a free action; using the readied action ends the spell. For this round, he chooses to ready a dispel action. He then moves to Immersa's position and auto-succeeds on a fast mount (free action).

Immersa's turn then comes up. She uses a full attack action on the horned devil. If it dies in the process, any extra attacks are directed at the serpentine demon.

Bite Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Bite Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Bite Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Bite Attack 4: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Bite Attack 5: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Claw Attack 1: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Claw Attack 2: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

Claw Attack 3: (rapidstrike): [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]

Wing Attack 1: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]

Wing Attack 2: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]

Tail Slap Attack 1: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]

Attack rolls are all touch attacks, they bypass combat expertise bonuses, and ignore deflection bonuses. Each attack that hits also deals 1 constitution damage. All attacks bypass any and all resistances.

She provokes an AoO, but she will use her own spellcasting to cast Wings of Cover on herself, effectively negating the AoO.

2010-01-17, 11:22 PM
After the dragon's fierce attack, the two are little more than scraps of foul-tasting meat. The only member of the patrol remaining is the leader, currently coiled around Big Wolf.

Big Wolf's Turn

2010-01-17, 11:34 PM
My grapple mod is +44 so i dont need to roll for those, since its auto win.

Big wolf whips his arms up and starts swinging his swords with great prowess. More experience then youd expect from someone so...Mentally unstable.
My attack

Im taking 10 on all those

And i really hope your not gonna make me roll damage, because if you saw my last attack...well. Im gonna atleast double that damage. If you do want me to roll damage, tell me and ill roll it in the OOC thread

2010-01-18, 09:45 AM
The demon collapses into dust as well. Even better, nobody seems to have alerted the compound; the legions of Hell aren't charging you, at least not yet. Then the laughter comes, rich and mocking and out of nowhere. Then you remember the leader's comment that the Master of the compound was watching. Out of nowhere, an enormous ball of energy strikes Big Wolf, through his anti-magic field. And it hurts.

Another group of would-be adventurers, then. Sent by Above and the Current Administration to stop me? I say, isn't this...predictable. Come on in...the hellfire never runs out.

[roll0] damage. Reflex Save DC 40 for half.

2010-01-18, 06:55 PM
Well, if i dont make this save, or my reroll. Im dead.


2010-01-18, 06:56 PM
Reroll [roll0]

Im dead. With negative 15 HP.

WAit i just found the rules for epic level spells, they are surpressed by AMF's just not the normal way i need to make a Dispell check DC 10 + his caster level.

and i get a +20 on it.

2010-01-18, 07:18 PM
Then roll it.

2010-01-18, 07:19 PM
Well i need to know his level.

2010-01-18, 07:24 PM
I'll tell you if you made it.

2010-01-18, 07:38 PM
Oh holy dice gods, please let this roll beat the opposing DC even if by a marginally amount, oh great dice gods. I plead to you to not let my character die even though resurrection at this level is easy...Oh powerful dice gods unleash your power of luck upon these computer controlled dice. [roll0]

I hate you dice gods. >.>

Voice of Reason
2010-01-19, 01:15 PM
The bolt of hellfire stikes Big Wolf square in the chest with a force that by all rights ought to have killed him. Fortunately for the barbarian, he has four companions who were willing to split the force of the blow with him. Kyyt feels the force of the blast though his web of spells, and it HURTS, even when diluted. Kyyt groans under the pressure. He feels the wounds branching along his web at the speed and rate that make his head spin; where he can, he manipulates the web so save Immersa from as much damage as possible, trying to send most of it back to Big Wolf, who is the most resilient.

As the magic fades, Kyyt takes a deep, steadying breath, turns to Big Wolf and says

That is why you must "share the pain," Big Wolf.

Kyyt gives him a small smile.

2010-01-19, 06:33 PM
When the large ball of energy begins to materialize, Zala readies herself to dodge if necessary, but instead gasps as the sphere slams into Big Wolf, then clutches at her chest and falls to a knee, some of the pain from the spell that struck Big Wolf coursing through her body.

"D...d...OW!" She finally mutters, cursing as it feels like her blood has turned to fire. After a few seconds, the pain dissipates somewhat, still leaving her worn. Gah...that REALLY hurt...I don't want to know what that ball could do to one of us if it didn't split like that...regardless, whoever did that is going to pay.

After a bit of slow breathing, she stands back up, and sighs. "Well, we've weathered one storm...ball of lots of pain...thing. I'm not sure if infiltrating the fortress right now is a great idea, though if he knows we're here...there probably won't be much 'infiltrating', possibly more 'smash their faces in' instead."

2010-01-19, 11:31 PM

The intense flash of the spell causes spots to appear in Aeris vision for a moment. Blinking a few times, he tenses as Big Wolfs pain is transfered to his body. The pain comes over as in a single punch, rocking Aeris nearly off his feat.

Dear Goddess...is that what we've come to fight?

Shaking his head to stands up and regards the fallen fiends. He walks over and nudges the toe of his boot among the dust. "It looks as though we no longer have the element of surprise. Perhaps they had some item with them that could heal us."

2010-01-19, 11:39 PM
"Big wolf have this" Big wolf about to take something out of his backpack when

"NO, NO Big wolf NO!"

"But it could help a little"

"No big wolf, NO."

2010-01-20, 09:09 PM
The voice laughs at the group once more. "Most impressive. Just like the last hero who tried to stop me. Would you like to see him?"

2010-01-20, 11:33 PM

Floating higher above the ground Aeris distances himself from the group. "Don't bunch together in case he attacks again." Turning to face the fortress in the distance he responds to the voice. "I would prefer to see you instead. Come here and we may settle this." He says, keeping the arrow steady against the bow. "Your minions deaths mean nothing to me, as I'm sure they mean the same to you. But let us all save time and come out yourself." He pauses. "Unless you fear death, of course."

Fly up 35ft feet.

Intimidate [roll0]

2010-01-21, 02:03 PM
More laughter. "Why would I come out to you? You cannot stop me out there; all I require is time, and the Lower Planes will be united under my banner. But if you insist..."

2010-01-21, 08:34 PM
((industrious gave permission via pm.))

"-port!" an elf shouted as he appeared fifty feet behind Big Wolf. His hair was long and brown, and fangs protruded from his upper lip. His fingers ended in long, sickly claws, and his eyes burned with the arcane power of a sorcerer. His cloak was so black that it seemed to absorb all the light around it, except for the gold embroidery, which was shiny and deep. Out of his back spread two large, bronze, draconic wings.

He grinned as he saw someone flying in the sky. The elf flapped his draconic wings and took to the air, moving far faster than the wings appeared capable of doing. His hand glowed with arcane energy and two spells flew at his flying enemy: one fireball, and one lightning bolt.

As they flew towards the one in the air, he remained stationary, and called out to all of the enemies around him. "I am Feywyn of the Dragon Blood. Try to make this interesting, I haven't fought anyone in a long time."

Cast Chain lightning(DC 30) [reflex half damage] and Quickened Fireball(DC 28) [reflex half damage]

Chain lightning initial damage [roll0]

Fireball damage [roll1]


Voice of Reason
2010-01-21, 10:07 PM
The sorcerer appeared out of nowhere, and launched a two-fold spell attack before Kyyt could even blink. The bolt of lightning arcs between everyone and plays across Immersa's scales before dissipating harmlessly. Aeris is engulfed soon afterwards in an explosive ball of fire. Immersa roars out to this "Feywyn" in outrage

Your dragon's blood does you little credit, small one. You come here to fight us, but are ill-prepared to do so. Frankly, between your incompetency and your loyalties, I'm ashamed to share even a distant ancestor with you.

Welcome to the game, Kumosabe; I hope you enjoy yourself. I'm working on the assumption that you're here as a villain, because neither I nor my characters have any reason to believe otherwise. The fireball and chain lightning will both do no damage, because all members of the party are currently enchanted with Energy Immunity: Lightning and Fire respectively. Appropriate spellcraft checks or magic will reveal the whole host of enchantments that everyone's wearing (you can run them through Industrious, or you can post any modifiers here and I can check them for you, whichever you prefer).

Kyyt Initiative - [roll0]
Immersa Initiative - [roll1]

For ease of combat, Kyyt-Immersa will act on the initiative of the lowest of the two.

2010-01-21, 10:20 PM

The lightning and fire wash over Aeris, leaving him unsinged. He turns to regard the attacker. "Feywyn, is it? You do not appear to be a fiend, yet you serve one. Pity" His eyes blaze blue as he looks at the elf.

"His mind is shielded. Attack his body."

Aeris acts on Initiative count 24. That wasn't his action, just reaction while waiting for everyone to roll initiative.

2010-01-22, 12:39 PM
(Initiative roll)

(Reflex roll)

As the spell arcs towards Zala, she leaps straight up, just in time to avoid the spell. Seeing her allies not even flinch, though, she remembers the spells that were cast on her and feels a bit foolish.

"Another so soon? This one doesn't look quite like one of the other fiends, but...he's throwing spells at us. Not nice at all, and I JUST put my daggers back!" She grumbles, finding the knives at their usual spots.

2010-01-24, 09:11 PM
Your dragon's blood does you little credit, small one. You come here to fight us, but are ill-prepared to do so. Frankly, between your incompetency and your loyalties, I'm ashamed to share even a distant ancestor with you.

Feywyn laughed. "Ill-prepared is only an inconvience if you're expected to survive." He pointed out as energy flared into his hands again. He spread his hands wide and shut his eyes.

From his body, a large cloud of smoke through which small white embers flickered spread between the elf and his foes. It looked like it was about 20 feet high and 20 feet wide, and hovered between him and his enemies. He smirked as the smoke obscured them. It wouldn't kill them if they tried to pass through, most likely, but it would keep them back for a moment while he prepared his next spell.

[roll0] Spell resistance (1d20 + caster level + 4 from feats)
[roll1] + [roll2] Energy bonus for damage if you enter it this round

Voice of Reason
2010-01-24, 09:36 PM
Spellcraft check to identify spell [roll0]

Is Feywyn actually in the cloud? Is it engulfing anyone right now? Also, Immersa is actually a bronze dragon, so unless your character is making an intentional slip, you may want to edit that :smallwink:

2010-01-24, 10:02 PM

"A cloud of fire. How quaint." Aeris says as he flies up and over the cloud, coming down to hover within 30 feet of Feywyn. "If you are so eager for death, let me assist you." He says as he looses an arrow.

Fly Speed 70ft (Fly + Haste), above the cloud.
Standard action attack
(Ignores Deflection bonus to AC, Miss Chances, & Damage Reduction)
[roll0] auto-threat / confirm roll [roll1]
Damage [roll2] if confirm [roll3]

2010-01-25, 10:55 PM
Zala looks to Kyyt and Immersa, up to Feywyn, and back to Kyyt. She's slightly worried about Aeris's safety, flying up to fight so soon after that hellish hellfire ball.

"Kyyt, and Immersa! Do either of you know a magic spell that could let me fly up there? I'm not sure I can reliably hit him from down here...and if I could, he could just fly higher. If you'd spare one for me, I'll attack at the same time you do."

2010-01-26, 07:10 PM
"big wolf can turn off No magic power, and if have one of you lift with magic i can attack him." he looks around anxiously with his swords drawn and ready.

Voice of Reason
2010-01-26, 11:46 PM
Turn it off then, and I'll work up a solution.

I'm taking us in.

Immersa beats her giant wings wings and leaps into the wind. Kyyt hurries to weave a spell that will allow the other two to engage Feywyn in his element. As Immersa passes between the two of them, Kyyt finishes his spell, arcing it back and forth between everyone, granting them magical flight. Immersa continues onward to collide with Feywyn, biting, slicing, and slamming with deadly intent.

Kyyt will ready and action to cast a reach, chain fly speed spell in an ideal location. Immersa will fly forward to engage Feywyn; her movespeed is more than adequate to reach Feywyn in a single move action. On the way, Kyyt will use his readied action to bounce the chained fly spell to Zala, to Immersa, to Big Wolf, back to Kyyt, and finally over to Aeris.

Immersa will fly up next to Feywyn and make a full attack, minus wing slams (provoking an AoO to add +18 damage to all attacks). Attacks ignore combat expertise, deflection bonuses, damage reduction.

Bite - Damage - [roll1]
Bite - [roll2] Damage - [roll3]
Bite - [roll4] Damage - [roll5]
Bite - [roll6] Damage - [roll7]
Bite - [roll8] Damage - [roll9]
Claw - [roll10] Damage - [roll11]
Claw - [roll12] Damage - [roll13]
Claw - [roll14] Damage - [roll15]
Tail Slap - [roll][1d20+38 Damage - [roll16]
Tail Slap Attack Roll Edit - 53 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7773162&postcount=129)
Bite Confirm - 41 Damage - 99 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7773127&postcount=128)

Each attack that hits also deals 1 point of con damage (wounding property).

2010-01-29, 01:18 PM
Zala pushes up from the ground, floating up and forward until she can get a better shot at Feywyn's body. Holding up a knife in one hand, she then whips her arm around and looses a flurry of steel and ...nothing? And then suddenly, there were actual blades flying towards Feywyn - some glowing blue, some crackling with yellow energy, and some enshrouded in a white blur.

(Sneaky shot attempt: My Sleight of Hand, vs. Feywyn's Spot)

(Full attack)

Full Attack

[roll1] for [roll2] plus [roll3] plus [roll4] cold plus [roll5] sneak attack
[roll6] for [roll7] plus [roll8] plus [roll9] cold
[roll10] for [roll11] plus [roll12] plus [roll13] shock
[roll14] for [roll15] plus [roll16] plus [roll17] shock
[roll18] for [roll19] plus [roll20] plus [roll21] shock
[roll22] for [roll23] plus [roll24] plus [roll25] shock
[roll26] for [roll27] plus [roll28] plus [roll29] if it's evil
[roll30] for [roll31] plus [roll32] plus [roll33] if it's evil

Critical threats

[roll34] for [roll35] plus [roll36] cold
[roll37] for [roll38] plus [roll39] cold
[roll40] for [roll41] plus [roll42] shock
[roll43] for [roll44] plus [roll45] shock
[roll46] for [roll47] plus [roll48] shock
[roll49] for [roll50] plus [roll51] shock
[roll52] for [roll53]
[roll54] for [roll55]

Each hit inflicts 1 Con damage and is considered ongoing damage.

2010-01-29, 09:35 PM
Big wolf turns fly up with them and starts swinging his swords at kumosabe with great prowess.

move action to get there standard action to attack. Attacks again taking ten on all those.
And if you want me to roll damage ill do it in the OOC but it will be around a thousand or more.

2010-01-29, 09:47 PM
Complete_Sin: it isn't your turn. Your turn was turning off your AMF. Sorry. Additionally, when you attack, I do want you to roll your attacks(you can only take ten on special techniques(disarm, trip, etc), and roll damage.

2010-01-29, 09:53 PM
@ Industrious ok but one thing #
# +11: You may take 10 on attack rolls while using your special techniques. The DC to disarm you of a school appropriate weapon is increased by 4.

Special techniques refers to my special style which the whole feat revolves around, and a normal attack is still using my special style. So according to the feat i can take 10 on my attacks.

2010-01-29, 10:03 PM
Special techniques refers to non-standard attacks while using said style.

I am trying to be reasonable. Having conceded, by virtue of proof of assertion, that your AMF is not actually an AMF, I am attempting to bring your character into something resembling balance. Like I said before, I could go for other methods, but I think that using DM fiat, though not the best tool, is better than several of the alternatives. We are playing this campaign to have an enjoyable experience. We are playing a dice-based game. Roll the dice, and take a chance; you aren't going to have less fun because of it. But if you use shaky logic and a broad interpretation of poor wording to blow past encounters, then I will do the same. And nobody, not me, not you, not any of the other players, is going to enjoy that at all.

tl;dr: You can't take 10 on attacks.

2010-01-29, 10:18 PM
Feywyn fell limp as the attacks hit. He fell to the ground, eyes unseeing. His blood spread into the cloak he was wearing, and his head lolled slightly to the side. As the last of the mental domination faded, his lips stretched just a tiny bit before his brain and heart finally died.

Feywyn met his end, and exhaled his last breath a free man.

He would have been happy had he time to realize that.

2010-01-29, 10:21 PM
Once Feywyn dies, the gates to the compound swing open. You'd expect the screech of metal, the sounds of the combined forces of fiends training and practicing and working together in preperation for Apocalypse itself. But there is silence. The gate opens without a whisper; no sounds come from inside. And within all your minds runs the same old phrase.

Come right in, said the spider to the fly.

2010-01-30, 01:34 AM
OOC: Okay i can live with that. 2 Kumosabe it wasnt my turn...

2010-02-03, 07:44 PM
"I don't think stealth is an option now..." Zala grumbles, grabbing her knives from the air before descending to the ground. "And if he can see us wherever we go, resting might not be a good idea. Let's just hope he doesn't have another one of those huge fireballs for us..." She sits down and collects her thoughts, thinking about what to do next. She wonders about how useful her pair of healing potions would be, compared to how hurt everyone is.

2010-02-03, 08:31 PM
big wolf looks around "Everyone ok?" Big wolf says smiling returning to the ground and activating his AMF "Magicy people stay back"