View Full Version : War Weaver Advice

2010-01-08, 09:48 PM
In a game I'm playing in I'm playing wizard 5/war weaver 2 who just got his spellbook stolen. His ONLY spellbook. Fortunately the guild he was part of had a spare spellbook to give him. Unfortunately it was an incomplete one with a bunch of random spells (as in rolled randomly on core scroll table). So I'm looking for some advice on new spells to learn. I'm going for a Booster/Battlefield control -type kinda guy. Any advice would be appreciated.

P.S. I know there are plenty of arcane guides out there but they don't specifically address spells that can buff others and spells that control the battlefield (specifically).

FYI: War weaver (HoB) effectively (and when I say effectively I mean it affects himself plus Int modifier allies after going through a 10 minute ceremony whose benefits last for 24 hours or until he makes a new one + a few other abilities from the prestige class) gives him the mass version of various buff spells at original spell level it was (Ex. Mass Mage Armor 1st level spell) including spells that don't have mass versions (Such as mass Displacement as 3 lvl, Mass Create Magic Tattoo as 2 lvl, etc). This ability only works on the allies who went through the ceremony+self and only works on spells that can be cast on others and only usable on spells whose level is no greater than your levels in war weaver.

2010-01-08, 09:58 PM
You're a war weaver. Single-target buff spells are a must.


For 'inspiration'.

Thrice Dead Cat
2010-01-08, 09:58 PM
First: can you get your old spellbook back? If not, that may make things more annoying. However, if you're part of a guild, you should be able to get everything you need.

Second, I have a list of spells that may prove handy for you, but it'll take a bit to get them organized.

EDIT: Oooh, forgot about that War Weaving guide. Yeah, that's should be all you need.

EDIT2: See if your DM will let you take levels in Spellguard of Silverymoon (Player's Guide to Faerun), which will let you use personal buff spells on the party.

2010-01-08, 10:12 PM
Step 1: Get your hands on as many divination and evocation spells as you can

Step 2: Track down every last family member of the persons that stole your book. This includes pets

Step 3: Cause them as much pain and death as you can. Fireballing their fields is also recommended. Cast wall of salt and spread it in their lands so nothing will ever grow their again is also a good idea.

Step 4: Go get your class feature spell book back.

Step 5: Make a Spell to Power Erudite as a back up in case this happens again.

2010-01-08, 10:20 PM
First: can you get your old spellbook back? If not, that may make things more annoying. However, if you're part of a guild, you should be able to get everything you need.

Second, I have a list of spells that may prove handy for you, but it'll take a bit to get them organized.

1. Working on it. It wasn't quite really stolen as I was cornered and had to give it or I'd be dead.

2. If your list has parts not found in the guide I'd still appreciate it.

2010-01-08, 10:27 PM
Step 2: Track down every last family member of the persons that stole your book. This includes pets

Step 3: Cause them as much pain and death as you can. Fireballing their fields is also recommended. Cast wall of salt and spread it in their lands so nothing will ever grow their again is also a good idea.

2. The leader of the thugs that stole my book seemed to be a blackgaurd or demon or something in disguise. As not only did she "cast" a lightning bolt without any components and could use a greatsword bigger than she was one handed, she was also talking to an imp.

3. Her cronies are probably fair game.

2010-01-08, 10:28 PM
Pay a higher level wizard to cast gemjump for you (6th level spell), so the next time this happens you have an escape.

Thrice Dead Cat
2010-01-08, 10:43 PM
1. Working on it. It wasn't quite really stolen as I was cornered and had to give it or I'd be dead.

2. If your list has parts not found in the guide I'd still appreciate it.

I'll go ahead and cross-reference the two lists, posting only those that I either love due to their inherent awesomeness or those that exist only on my list.

Nothing to see here. Although, Detect Magic my prove useful.

Enlarge/Reduce Person - Depends on your party set-up. I prefer Reduce, to make the Rogue love you more, but, if you have more beatsticks/DMM clerics than guys who don't like getting hit, Enlarge is fine too.
Nerveskitter (SpC) - Because going first counts hard.
Burning Rage (PHB2) - Small little damage boost, and the side-effect is easy to negate.
Shield - Now, on it's own, it doesn't count, but I was using it with Abjurant Champion levels and Magic of the Land. Even else and the party loved me for it.

Cloud of Knives (SpC) - More attacks per round for everyone! Not really that great, unless you've got a ton of people with sneak attack. If you can swing a few levels in Unseen Seer, couple it with Hunter's Eye (PHB2).
Wraithstrike (SpC) - Because touch attacks fail 5% of the time!
Bladeweave (SpC) - Normally, dudes who eat your sword must save vs. daze. Now they must save (at your DC) vs daze from everyone in the party. Tee-hee.
Create Magic Tattoo (SpC) - Because everyone loves more CL!
Heroics (SpC) - Everyone gains the core Fighter's class features.
Heart of Air (CM) - Near worthless on its own (and doesn't count sans Magic of the Land), but it does eventually net immunity to precision damage and crits with the rest of the Heart of X spells.

Haste - You know why this is good. Admittedly, doesn't really mesh well with WW. Eh.
Displacement - Because Miss chances > AC.
Heart of Water (CM) - Free freedom of movement is nice (though it does end the spell early). See Heart of Air for the secondary benefits.
Evard's Menacing Tentacles (PHB2) - More attacks are more better.
Girallon's Blessing/Arm's of Plenty - See above. These two can also be used with Fuse Arms to increase everyone's strength, as well.

Greater Luminous Armor (BoED) - Nice little AC boost that costs a spell slot rather than money. Works well with Abjurant Champion.
Greater Mirror Image (PHB2) - See Displacement.
Heart of Earth (CM) - Free Stoneskin is nice. Plus, it's as a swift action to activate it. Same issues with Heart of Water, though.
Bite of the Werewolf (SpC) - Boosts strength. The rest of the Bite of the WereX spells are great, too, although, some of them work better for certain people than others.
Flame Whips (SpC) - Yeah, it's fire damage, but giving the guys with sneak attack better weapons does wonders. Works well with Girallon's Blessing/Arm's of Plenty.
Ray Deflection (SpC) - Because rays not originating from your party generally mean bad things are about to happen.
Invisibility, improved - Now you see me, now you're shanked.

Heart of Fire (CM) - Mostly here to get Fortification
Bite of the Wereboar (SpC) - See Bite of the Werewolf.
Overland Flight - Sure, the maneuverability could be better, but giving flight to everyone all day long is wonderful.
Unfettered Heroism - If action points are in play, why not use them without fear of running out?

6th (Under the assumption that Sanctum Spell is in use)
Superior Resistance - Better than any nonepic cloak of the same.
Bite of the Weretiger - RAWR. Imma monster with moar +12 enhancement to strength. Now everyone's a frenzied bezerker without the overwhelming desire to kill each other (maybe).
Heroism, Greater - Just more silly numbers, really.
Contingency - Stop. Hammertime!
Anticipate Teleportation, Greater - Prevents Scry and Die. A little overlap with other fields is good, too.

Honorable Mention: Divine Power. Yes, you need a feat to use it, but, damn, does it do wonders. To be fair, my group consisted of a loooooot of 3/4 BAB people. The only person who had Good BAB went War Hulk.

The left the game at level 13, due to college. The stuff I kept in the weave is as follows: Store Bite of the Wertiger, Heroism, Evard's Menacing Tentacles, and Bladeweave.

Another note: We were playing Pathfinder Beta, so I was able to persist Divine Power with ease.

Doc Roc
2010-01-09, 01:18 AM
There's a more updated version of my guide on BG, in my sig.

How much cheese are you willing to apply?

2010-01-09, 01:31 AM
There's a more updated version of my guide on BG, in my sig.

How much cheese are you willing to apply?

Enough to get away with my DM.

2010-01-09, 07:06 PM
You may want to look at the "Master a captured spellbook" rules in CArc (p 140)...it's a lot more straight forward than rolling to learn each spell in a new book.

2010-01-09, 08:32 PM
2. The leader of the thugs that stole my book seemed to be a blackgaurd or demon or something in disguise. As not only did she "cast" a lightning bolt without any components and could use a greatsword bigger than she was one handed, she was also talking to an imp.

The leader is probably the Big Bad Evil Guy in your game. This is your character's hook to hate him, find him, expose him as the BBEG, retrieve your spellbook, etc.

As for spell choices, it all depends on your chosen role the party. Pre-buffer is the easiest role and depends on Extending long-duration buff spells like Haste. Countercaster and dispeller is another good choice - buff from your Quiescent Tapestry and then immediately Dispel or Break Enchantment on any problems that the enemy has given you. If your party works well with Polymorph, RUN WITH IT.

Get spells from alternative spell lists - you can only cast arcane spells through the weave, so you can use Arcane Disciple ( good choices are Healing and Protection ) or Advanced Learning class ability from various prestige classes.

Some of these suggestions are higher level than you can have yet, but I use them regularly :
Spell Resistance ( through Arcane Disciple : Protection )
Mage Armor, Greater ( or an awesome expensive spell called Mailed Might of the Magelords from "Lost Empires of Faerun" )
Contingent Energy Resistance ( daylong
Blink, Greater
Freedom of Movement ( through Arcane Disciple or Advanced Learning INDISPENABLE )
Favor of the Martyr ( SpellCompendium for unique immunity to many disabling effect - you can only get these through Advanced Learning )
Sakkratar's Triple Strike ( two extra full-bonus hits in a full-round attack, weapon becomes keen and flaming burst from "Lost Empires of Faerun" )
Ironguard and Greater Ironguard ( ignore nonmagical metal from "Magic of Faerun" )