View Full Version : Captain Hook?

2010-01-08, 10:53 PM
How would you stat the hook? I want make it a dagger that essentially gives a +2 bonus on grapple checks, and I would give Mr. Hook improved grapple, and then once he grapples you, does automatic damage every round (the hook is stuck in you) until you either beat his grapple check or succeed on escape artist. He also has the option of attacking as normal for a grapple, doing extra damage.

I want to put this guy up against first level PCs, at least for a first encounter, but he may become a recurring villain. He doesn't appear until his thugs will be down for the count, so it will be reasonable for him to run away, but I want the characters to fear the hook.

Anyone else ever used a similar villain or mechanic? Suggestions?

2010-01-09, 12:47 AM
I would use the "Hook" from dragon 318 pg53. Just saying :smallsmile:

Dire Moose
2010-01-09, 12:50 AM
In one of the earliest sessions of my campaign (party was level 1 at the time), I had a group of pirates led by a guy with a hook show up as a combat encounter. The hook was basically the same as a kukri in terms of damage, except that it couldn't be disarmed and the wielder could only use one-handed weapons.

2010-01-09, 03:43 AM
Sword And First (3.0) had a stump knife. Basically a tiny dagger (dmg 1d3 or something) that you tied to the hand. Just replace it with a druid's scythe, only smaller.

2010-01-09, 03:49 AM
Same stats as a punching dagger, with a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks (maybe). Cannot be disarmed unless the arm is actually taken off. Incapable of being thrown.

Later, add in magical effects like keen, defending, and possibly wounding.

The character would have at least a decent Charisma (Intimidate, leading), a fair Strength (damage and attack), and Dexterity (swashbuckler, attack with Weapon Finesse). Constitution helps, but isn't strictly necessary. Intelligence could help with skills if you plan on making the character capable of swinging off ropes and jumping and tumbling.

Intelligence could also help if you took the swashbuckler class for three levels. That would get you Weapon Finesse, a bonus to Reflex saves, and insightful strike. In fact, you don't need Strength at all if you take that route. It would give more damage, but Intelligence and Dexterity can take over.

You could also take a level of factotum for inspiration points that can be used to get a bunch of extra bonuses to rolls. Plus trapfinding (ooooohhhhh :smallsigh:).

Just some thoughts.

2010-01-09, 05:52 PM
You're going DreadPirate with this guy, right?

2010-01-09, 07:01 PM
Treat it as an exotic sickle that allows trip attempts and gives a +2 bonus on disarms.

2010-01-09, 07:03 PM
Whatever you do, don't make it too good, or you will end up having a whole group of characters taking turns chopping off eachother's left hand. ;)

...or on the other hand, do make it too good, lol.

2010-01-09, 07:52 PM
Whatever you do, don't make it too good, or you will end up having a whole group of characters taking turns chopping off eachother's left hand. ;)

...or on the other hand, do make it too good, lol.And beware the dreaded Captain Peghead.

2010-01-09, 08:22 PM
I guess a sickle would make more sense than a dagger. And the disarming is a good idea. I figured that someone who could grab you and shred your intestines would be pretty terrifying, but there are other ways to do that. I don't have dragon magazine, anyone care to elaborate on what they did?

2010-01-09, 09:14 PM
Same as spiked gauntlet, but x4 crit and 8gp.