View Full Version : Systems for various games/shows/movies

2010-01-09, 12:28 AM
Basically I have started watching dollhouse and I still can't help but think how fun a game based around being a doll would be. However I still can't think of a good one, as it would have to be a system where it is quick to change characters.

Relatively around the same time I played psychonauts. Amazing game. Very similar thoughts.

I haven't a clue what system would really support a game that feels like the source material. So I figured I would ask the collective that is GiantITP. I also figured the aforementioned collective would have similar questions or just want to muse about difficult ones. So I have my two asked, feel free to ask or suggest some for me.

2010-01-09, 03:31 AM
You know, you could probably do worse than using Gurps. But that's so much of a given fact, it shouldn't need to be mentioned at all.

For Dollhouse, I would probably take a look at the Gumshoe systems, like Trail of Cthulhu. I haven't played it yet, but it is a game very much focused on collecting clues, investigation, and the like, which might be a good idea in a game focused on searchin the own identity or something like that.

For Psychonaus I can't think of a better alternative than Gurps - it's probably the best way to emulate all the powers, and often very different worlds in the minds of all those people.

2010-01-09, 04:42 AM
Sounds like GURPS or M&M, really. I haven't seen Dollhouse or played Psychonauts, but in general when the question is "Which system for this crazy show/game?" the answer is almost always GURPS or M&M.

2010-01-09, 05:15 AM
I knew GURPs was going to show up ;)

I only question the speed of changing the characters for dollhouse. Not too surprised for psychonauts.

2010-01-09, 06:47 AM
In a game of Gurps for Dollhouse, you wouldn't change the characters. You just takes loads of modular abilities to create a free slot for the different personas, and alsways use the same rump, and only exchange the personas, but not the character core. Remaining traces of former are basically the same as a passive racial memory and flashbacks, and the coloquial mindwipes are basically a series of partial amnesia. Regularly meeting people from previous personalities and being not able to remember them can be a form of weirdness magnet. You could probably also use split personality as a base, but I think that would work better for a Jeckyl/Hyde character concept. I would avoid reprogammable and slave mentality though, because those will make your PC's passive and kill off any form of individual initiative. The basics for this are very simple. You will probably have to create many small personality lenses, but the physical suff shouldn't differ that much.

2010-01-09, 10:12 AM
A refluffed version of Unknown Armies, or a generic system-lite game like Savage Worlds, or FUDGE, might work well for a Joe 90/Dollhouse setting.