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View Full Version : Gestalt Psion//Factotum [3.5]

2010-01-09, 10:20 AM
Hi everyone, just thought I'd jump into a high-powered game with a Psion//Factotum type character, but I want to be able to keep up with the rest of the group (never tried high-level psionics before).

Game is 32 point buy and starts at 18th level with standard wealth, probably proceeding into epic levels. That's if all the PC's are alive by then: the DM is pretty hardcore and loves killing powerful PC's (i.e. most of them:smallcool:).

The party:
Goliath PsyWar//Fighter spiked-chain tripper
Half-Orc Barbarian/Bear Warrior//Fighter
Gray Elf Wu-Jen/Incantatrix/Archmage//Duskblade
Lesser Aasimar Sorcerer/Various PrC's//Favored Soul.
Whisper Gnome Artificer//Wizard/Incantatrix/Shadowcraft Mage
Probably with various critters of the Artificer and the Wu-Jen's clones.

The party strategy is pretty simple. The Goliath locks down an area while the Bear Warrior rips peoples faces off and the spellcasters blast everything to oblivion:smallbiggrin:

I'd probably be the int-based rogue fill-in or jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. I was thinking a level in Master of Masks (CS) for the gladiator mask for all exotic weapons and 2 or so levels in Chameleon for a floating feat. What are good PrC's for Psion's? I was thinking Illithid Slayer for a gish build or Anarchic Initiate for a blaster build.

This is a Forgotten Realms campaign, but just about any material is allowed (including Eberron material). The DM frowns upon 3.0 material, but is open to some things.

Just as a side note, the DM pretty much waves multi-classing penalties in gestalt as long as it doesn't get too ridiculous.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

2010-01-09, 11:57 AM
What kind of psion are you?

Psion//factotum is very potent, you should no trouble contributing or even dominating encounters.

PrC that I like as a psion are:
anarchic initiate: chaotic surge has a 50% chance of empowering you power, 25% chance of sound nothing and 25% chance of decreasing it's effectiviness. Pretty good odds. A psion with wild surge= godly.

Thrallherd: you get a thrall. Nuff said right?

Constructer (mind's eye): great for shapers or anyone who uses astral constructs a lot, utility construct is sweet too.

Crystal master (mind's eye): you can improve yourself in a vast amount of ways from boosting INT, to getting cool PLAs. Not as potent as the others but cool none the less.

2010-01-10, 08:45 AM
I'm probably a going to be a Nomad. I do so love teleport-by attacks. And escapist/skillmonkey shenanigans with factotum:smallbiggrin:.

The DM is allowing me 2 researched powers right off the top (in addition to whatever I get from EK), so I was thinking Energy Missile, Schism, Control Body (w/Solicit Psicrystal of course), or Metamorphosis. Research 2 and EK the rest. Any other good non-Nomad powers I should be aware of?

Anarchic Initiate looks good, aye?

I'm not a big fan of keeping more than one character sheet. Mine's already getting pretty huge because I keep track of everything. I do like the look of Crystal Master, though. Even if I don't play it in this game, I'm definately using it in a side project:smallsmile:.

2010-01-10, 10:15 AM
Go Human Ghost (LA 5) / Evolved Undead (x15) // Paladin of Tyranny 2 / Wilder 18

It's so unethical, it's fun.

Then again, with 2 incantatrixes, it's not too bad. +34 Charisma from racial/Template bonuses, add in +5 from Level gains, +2 Age, +5 Inherent, +6 enchancement, and an 18 base?

70 Cha, for a +30 DC to your abilities (including the ghost abilities), and a metric crapton of PP. Oh, and a +30 Deflection to AC and saves.

2010-01-11, 07:06 PM
CHA to everything AND Full Wilder casting (Prac Manifester of course)!
And all the Evolved & Ghost goodies too!

That is unfair!
Not quite what I had in mind (I like INT-based characters; I can't help but be attracted to smart characters:smallbiggrin:), but I'm gonna spring that one in another campaign. Maybe w/ 1-2 levels of Marshal for more charisma goodies!

Good powers anyone? No syncronicity shenanigans, mind!