View Full Version : Entertaining phrases in 3.5

2010-01-09, 06:23 PM
I just stumbled over the following in Complete Mage, in the table that describes the PrCs (Page 49)

"Abjurant Champion - Warrior who dabbles in Abjuration magic"

It almost made me cough up my beverage.

I mean, really? One of the hardest caster-PrCs in the entire game is referred to as a "warrior who dabbles in Abjuration magic". Dabbles? Really? :)

The times I see the Abjurant Champion in a build, I know we will be talking about an 9th level caster, with no lost caster levels (or, if failing that, possibly paired with the Swiftblade PrC for the fastest gish you've seen.

"Dabbles"? :smallsmile:

Any other phrases you've come across in the literature that struck you as entertaining? :) Please share.

2010-01-09, 06:54 PM
Complete Psionic pg 17: Ectopic Adept- Astral Construct extraordinaire.

Seeing as it isn't that great at them (well, I guess since CP nerfed them and the Prc removes that nerf).

The Constructor is better at Astral Constructs.

2010-01-09, 07:42 PM
Go to Complete Arcane p. 136 and read the Word Of Changing invocation.
That had to be a Holy Grail reference.

2010-01-09, 07:47 PM
I believe in the trap section of the 3.0 DMG it mentions that a good trap would be to drop your PC's into a tank full of sharks... or at least some mutant sea bass.
I've always thought it was funny that they referenced Austin Powers, of all things.

2010-01-09, 07:50 PM
Go to Complete Arcane p. 136 and read the Word Of Changing invocation.
That had to be a Holy Grail reference.

She turned me into a newt!... I got better.

I don't know about being a deliberate reference, since a witch is not a warlock, and also it seems like a mildly clever way to weaken the power of a spell, but...

2010-01-09, 08:03 PM
She turned me into a newt!... I got better.

I don't know about being a deliberate reference, since a witch is not a warlock, and also it seems like a mildly clever way to weaken the power of a spell, but...I've always been a fan of "you can turn him into a newt, but if he's high-level then it's one kickass newt". (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyZPMla0Zi0)

See also Frog from Chrono Trigger.

2010-01-10, 11:24 AM
Read...basically any of the WotC entries in CMage on what specialized wizards should ban. It's 3.0 'value of schools', with added flavor text.
AFB, unfortunately, so I can't get any quotes. :smallannoyed:

2010-01-10, 11:41 AM
"The striking fist or flashing sword pales beside a psion's focused stare."
-- XPH

"What are you waiting for? Kill the crystal-fondler!"
"Aaaaaaagh! I can't! He just won't stop staring!"

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-01-10, 12:37 PM
Read...basically any of the WotC entries in CMage on what specialized wizards should ban. It's 3.0 'value of schools', with added flavor text.
AFB, unfortunately, so I can't get any quotes. :smallannoyed:

What, like this?

As an evoker, you usually divest yourself of the conjuration school, since summoned creatures would only get in the way of your favorite spells.

Or this?

As an illusionist, transmutation is a likely choice as one of your prohibited schools because a well-crafted illusion can serve the same purpose as an actual transformation. [...] Conjuration might also be chosen, although illusionists sometimes like to combine real objects and creatures with projected ones for maximum confusion.

Or how 'bout this?

As a transmuter, [...] Conjuration can also be sacrificed comparatively painlessly, since transmuters choose to replicate the abilities of objects and creatures instead of summoning creatures with those abilities. Evocation, despite being philosophically opposed to transmutation, is considered an asset, shoring up the transmuter's effectiveness.

2010-01-10, 01:12 PM
I think those paragraphs were written with the concepts of the 8 schools in mind, but without actually thinking about any of the spells each school contains.