View Full Version : Warhammer Online

2010-01-11, 02:13 AM
So, just thought I'd dust off the old game after a long absence from the game. Got to the patcher, found that I'd have to download 1.8GB of patch (the nice thing about WAR Patching is that it 'saves' your progress and you can grab a few hundred MBs each day or so) to keep playing. So, it'll be a few days before I can even think about playing again.

So...Questions...Does anyone on GiantITP play the game (with 1.8GB worth of patch I have to believe the game still has dev support at least), what server/s? Class? Level? Fun times all 'round?

Until proven otherwise, this thread will also serve as the WAR Thread.

2010-01-11, 05:37 AM
I played the beta and for a short while after release. Goblin Squig Hunter on Beta and a Dwarf Ironbreaker on release.

The game was pretty fun and lorewise very cool. However, due to the massive imbalance any pvp on my server was dominated by the Destruction side. The entire selling point of the game was moot because one side had cooler races...
Also, the fact that cities weren't finished or populated and the entire world felt more like game zones than a consistant world led to me leaving.

2010-01-11, 07:34 AM
I play on karak norn, which is probably the best euro server remaining. The game is by turns awesome and extremely frustrating. Fun is pretty much determined by the server and the quality of your guild. You really do need a good guild, and some semblance of server balance.

For classes, squiggies are fun, bright wizards/sorcs are very powerful, as are warrior priests and disciples of khaine.

2010-01-11, 09:52 AM
I played for about 6-8 months after release. It was pretty much decided that I'm done with MMOs at least for the foreseeable future. (I started with MUDs, played DAOC for years and quite a few other things in between). It isn't the games so much as it was the player base, in that I haven't seen any MMO since DAOC have the community that that game had and what makes MMOs worth playing.

I've heard they've made quite a few changes, but I stopped following it to know what most of them are. I loved a lot of the classes and a lot of the ideas are good, they just weren't ideas that actually work with a player base that is almost entirely just there for personal gain. (Even WoW with its millions of players needs to pull across dozens of servers to get some of the basic mechanics of the games to actually work)

It was basically a good core concept that was hurt from the start by trying to cater to a crowd that wasn't compatible with those core concepts.

Although now that the player base is settled and the attention is off them, they might be able to have refined it to be the game it should have been in the first place. (not so much a development time thing as a what direction to take the game design sort of thing)

2010-01-11, 01:40 PM
There was an interesting article on the Escapist from a person who worked at Mythic during the early success and the lay-offs as it calmed down. It was a sad read, but a good read nevertheless, worth a look if you can find it.

As for myself, I played as a Witch Hunter initially, and then switched to a Shadow Warrior. Despite really disliking High Elves, I enjoyed the class a lot more and slugged it out to Rank 30 (I'm a really slow player; I never understand how people ding 40 so fast). I played it on and off, but I could never really sort out a subscription, due to lack of money rolling into my account, and I slowly weaned myself off of it despite being so pumped for its release.

My last hope for the MMO lies in the Old Republic now. I'm not going to pick up a single MMO, no matter how tempting, until its release...

2010-01-11, 01:42 PM
I completely forget which server I played on... My guild had jumped servers a few times and I lost track...

My main character was a Witch Elf... Got her up to 34 I believe... Quite a fun class.

Last time I played was just after they had introduced Slayers and Choppa's... Which seems like forever ago. I've been very much contemplating reinstalling and reactivating my account, though :smalltongue:

2010-01-11, 02:18 PM
I played for a few months. The greenskin starting area was great. However it got really too samy like other MMOs. Plus there were few instanced dungeons and the few they had were pointless. So in the end it really wasn't that compelling.

2010-01-11, 02:21 PM
I played for a few months. The greenskin starting area was great. However it got really too samy like other MMOs. Plus there were few instanced dungeons and the few they had were pointless. So in the end it really wasn't that compelling.

So true. It just lost that element of reckless fun after a while. I remember how awesome it was when, in the first Public Quest for the Empire, we encountered a Giant. We were like "WHOA, WHOA, WHOA? A GIANT? SO SOON?" and we were genuinely scared. We got massacred. It lost that element of surprising you when you'd be in, say, Avelorn, and the PQ's were just:

Kill mooks.
Kill mooks + champions.
Kill hero (and maybe some champions too).

Sure, that Empire PQ was just that, but it felt like something more. It felt like a huge challenge to overcome. It's like they just ran out of interesting ideas...

2010-01-11, 09:19 PM
So...The general consensus is that I shouldn't waste my time with this bunch of files worth 1.8GB? And not play the game at all?

...That's a shame. Since WAR is thus far the only MMO game I like.

2010-01-11, 09:36 PM
I would say if you already tried and liked the game and all it costs you now is a month and the time to download the patch you may as well give it a try.

I probably would have stayed with it longer if I had known anyone else that was playing. The game was great if you had the people to do the good stuff they had going.

2010-01-12, 12:42 AM
By all means, I absolutely loved WAR. If my post indicated otherwise, I should have made it clearer.

At the time I canceled my account, however, I was recently unemployed (along with every other Circuit City employee). I just haven't had the money available to reactivate it.

If I did, however, I would GLADLY do so. I love Warhammer, and I loved playing a character in the Warhammer universe. I quite miss the constant yelling of "WAAAAAAAAAGH", to be honest :smallfrown:

What I'm trying to say is, GO FOR IT! Have some fun, and kick some Order arse for me! :smalltongue:

2010-01-12, 02:00 AM
I loved WAR a lot too... but then, I'm a squeeling Druchii fangirl. I'd still be playing it, save that I can't really afford any extra expenses at the moment, so I've been limiting myself to free games like DDO.

I love warhammer though. Great game, great setting, great lore. The initial pvp imbalance didn't bother me so much. Then again, I was a dark elf sorceress. :smallamused:

Zeb The Troll
2010-01-12, 02:17 AM
Alarra and I really loved it too. The reason we ended up quitting had to do with external drama and had nothing to do with the game at all. We probably could have gone to another server and started over, but that seemed pretty daunting from where we were when [drama] happened. We may give it another go in the future, once PuddingTroll (our 5 month old son) requires less constant attention and the drama has faded a bit.

It's true that you need to be in a good guild on a reasonably well balanced server to get the most out of the game though, so do a bit of research before committing to a location. (Hopefully all the server move nonsense is over by now.)

2010-01-12, 02:44 AM
So...The general consensus is that I shouldn't waste my time with this bunch of files worth 1.8GB? And not play the game at all?

...That's a shame. Since WAR is thus far the only MMO game I like.

Oh no, not at all. I'd say my remarks of disappointment are more due to the fact I expected the game to be so phenomonally good it ruined my experience. But I sunk hours into WAR, experimenting with different characters and finding easter eggs, so delve into it!

2010-01-12, 07:47 AM
To be clear, if you're looking for awesome pve, this is the wrong game for you. There are two worthwhile instances dungeons, but they only become available when you hit the last level. The whole point of the game is to faceroll the other side in pvp.

The game has a rather sad dead spot from levels 11-39, where there aren't that many players and all the quests are rubbish, but you can now powerlevel yourself through most of that, especially if you find a helpful guild. The game changes completely once you hit 40 and can start doing the interesting pve, hold your own in pvp and wear decent gear.

2010-01-14, 01:07 PM
I used to play it for a while, but the initial decrease in population after the free month was over as well as the mass migration that ensued kinda left me guildless. It's not all the fun playing a multiplayer game all by yourself, but, nevertheless, I tried to stick it out until the constant verbal bashing of both factions ended up alienating me from the game altogether.

I might check it out again one day, I guess.
It is a pretty good game, but it's kinda built around guilds from what I've noticed, which is its strength as well as its downfall. The rest of the people treat you like crap.

2010-01-14, 06:56 PM
I play, Sorcerer and Chosen on Gorfang, and an IB on ironrock (i think).

2010-01-14, 07:42 PM
I played a Disciple of Khaine for a while, and found the game incredibly fun in PvP (the PvE is dreadfully boring, though). The World PvP, as expected, was determined a lot by who had more dudes on at a certain time, though I do have a few epic war stories involving a far smaller force mercilessly butchering the larger enemy forces.

The instanced PvP, though, didn't really have that problem for me. I always had an instance up to play, the sides were more or less balanced, and I rarely felt like I was getting steamrolled or trivially steamrolling the other guys.

Though that's mostly lower level experiences. I never got my Disciple higher than the late 20s before quitting. Which was a monetary/time decision. Not a 'fun' related decision.

2010-01-17, 10:05 PM
I actually just bought the limited edition (still in plastic wrap) for 15 US $ at a book store. When I booted the game I realized my computer could technically run it, but at about 5 fps. Dang graphics card, why you must die at such inopportune times?