View Full Version : The Law's The Thing

2010-01-11, 12:20 PM
The Aundair ship turns north on the captain's command. They move slowly at first, powered only by the ship's elemental. After three hours or so, the wind slowly picks up, and the soldiers, apparently doubling as crew, jump to handle the ship, albeit unsteadily, as one member of their party has died, and the other is being treated by a third.

As soon as they start moving, the captain approaches Bertrand. "I'd feel much more comfortable if you were unarmed, sir," she says. "I would also like permission to use the items confiscated from your friend to aid the recuperation of one of my soldiers. Naturally, you are nominally a guest, here, but for the moment, I would ask you not visit the brig outside of my supervision.

"I will inform you when your comrade has regained consciousness; you might find it productive to produce an account of the events today, so as to aid your attempt at a defense. You might also wish to think about if you know anyone with legal expertise. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make a report."

The captain walks some distance away, and begins speaking into a small chip of crystal pinned to her coat.

So, kemm, you've got a 'request' to turn over your weapons. Do with that what you will.

You can also PM me a summary of events from Lorsk's POV, to provide the substance of Darrshan's defense.

Finally, you can get names of lawyers with a Knowledge (local) check.

Actually finally, you can describe your general actions on the boat.

2010-01-11, 12:43 PM
Not an unexpected request, though I expect they will be returned to me when we reach the port. Also, feel free to use the healing potions, but I expect his other belongings to be treated appropriately.

Bertrand said removing the strap with the daggers and handing it over. Seeing her talking into that crystal, however, gave him an idea.

Also I have a request of my own and a few questions...miss?

I'm guessing knowledge (sharn won't help me) and I don't have any more general local knowledges so [roll0] (no rank check, but probably probably not untrained[?] adjust as you see fit). Also, I'd like to know if I can contact my "family" for some help in the matter.
spot check: [roll1] to see what that crystal is
listen check: [roll2] if I can hear what she said

2010-01-11, 12:56 PM
You know no specific lawyers that might help. Nobility often has lawyers or groups of lawyers on retainer, so it is possible you might be able to call on Bertrand's, if you either knew who they were or convinced his family the expenditure was worth it.

(This will almost involve speaking with someone in the family in person -- another round of Disguise/Spot -- and using Bertrand's relationship modifiers to make the request.)

Gather Information when you get into port probably will help in all of these cases.

Now, about the crystal: it is a strange clear crystal with swirls of crimson in it. There isn't even really a roll for this -- it's a dragonshard, and thus probably a magical item. Given the circumstances, it's either a recording device or a communications device. If the former, its records could probably be destroyed by breaking it. If the latter, she's likely currently reporting in to her superiors everything that's happened in the last hour.

You can't hear her, so you can't really tell what's going on.

The captain holds up her hand (a sign to 'wait') at Bertrand's words. After a minute, she taps the crystal and turns back to Bertrand.

"I'll listen to your request, but I won't be answering any questions, or acquiesce to your wish, if I'm so inclined, until I'm reasonably certain your little friend won't continue his little rampage upon waking. I'll give you no advantages if you've treachery planned, or if you're likely to get swept away in his...enthusiasm."

2010-01-11, 01:00 PM
I was going to ask if that is a communication device and whether or not you would be kind enough to allow me to contact my family, or someone in my family to request legal assistance for my friend. I would also like to know where you're taking us and who my host is...

2010-01-11, 01:02 PM
The captain taps her crystal and smiles. "I'll look into getting someone to contact them for you," she says. "This is Loeb. A friend of our captive wants to contact his family; probably his lawyers. What's the name?" she asks.

2010-01-11, 01:09 PM
The Rothryme family.

2010-01-11, 05:12 PM
"Rothryme," Captain Loeb says into the crystal, before tapping it again. "I hope they're understanding," she says. "Being dragged into a murder trial isn't fun for anybody. And, of course, they won't thank you at all if you're the one who ends up on the block. Just remember that if your friend gets any ideas."

2010-01-11, 05:22 PM
All I need from them is a recommendation for a good lawyer. If you've bound my friend well enough and allow me to speak with him and explain the situation when he wakes up should guarantee his co-operation. So where is he to be tried and do you have any books I can read in the meantime?

Bertrand looked at the nameless captain inquiringly. So it was a communication device, he thought to himself.

2010-01-11, 05:44 PM
"I doubt it will be anywhere other than Fairhaven. And I'm afraid we are not the reading type aboard this ship. Now, if you will excuse me..." Captain Loeb returns to the side of her pilot, conversing quietly.

The soldiers aren't inclined to Bertrand, ignoring him roundly if he attempts to speak to them, and delicate searching reveals that Loeb was telling the truth -- there aren't really any reading materials around, at least none outside of the captain's quarters.


Darrshan wakes 3+[roll0] hours laters, bound in heavy, well-crafted chains around his wrists and legs. He is in a small, dark area bounded by bars that open to a wooden hallway. His legs irons are bolted to the wall; he can just reach one point along the bars, the chamber pot left for him, and the hard tack and water left for him.

All of his belongings, save his clothes (and hat) have been taken from him.

A soldier is sitting on a barrel on the far side of the hallway; he glances up when Darrshan wakes, and hits a small bell hanging from the ceiling. The sound it makes is surprisingly loud for its size.

When a piercing ring cuts through the air, the captain climbs down from her perch above the forecastle, and waves Bertrand over. "Come," she says. "It falls to you to keep your friend from doing anything rash."

The bell summons the Aundair captain, and trailing behind her, Bertrand.

2010-01-11, 05:51 PM
Rise and shine kitty, how are you feeling?

He said kneeling outside the bars.

OOC: is darrshan dirty?

2010-01-11, 05:53 PM
As dirty as you'd be after being stabbed and unconscious for 4 hours or so.

2010-01-11, 06:08 PM
He then turned to the guard

Can I go inside with water and a towel? It's not like he can do anything bound like that and I can't unbind him. I only want to clean him...he is a cat after all and he can't do it himself...

2010-01-11, 06:51 PM
Stirring from his unconsciousness, Darrshan vaguely heard the question, but wasn't coherent enough for a sane answer. "Like some sick freak's dreamcat?" he answered, deliriously taking note that at least his shirt was replaced, he was heavily bound in a humiliating position, he had quite a few major injuries, and his own unique physiology. "Any of my drinks left? Preferably the ones that don't catch on fire when opened? I have a headache,"

Coherency shall return in a few moments.

I would have had him say, "Like a furry BDSM's dreamcat," but that would be too anachronistic even by my standards. I have yet to decide if he's capable of getting dirty, or if he has a Bishounen Sparkle that prevents such humiliation:smalltongue:

2010-01-11, 07:03 PM
"Whether we feel hastening your recovery is warranted depends entirely on how cooperative you choose to be," Captain Loeb says tautly. "Given the efforts required to render you unable or unwilling to continue to assault me and my crew, I refuse to render any but the barest assistance required until I am certain you will make no further attempts at escape or, Aureon forbid, eliminating all witnesses to your crime. You will keep in mind that you are lucky your friend was able to negotiate arrest; without my interference, I'm certain my men would have seen fit to eliminate the threat you post eternally."

2010-01-11, 07:18 PM
"What? Can you rephrase that? I can't hear big words right now..." Darrshan responded. "I lost you after mentioning my cooperation... Sure, why not? Not the dumbest thing I've ever done..." he elaborates, looking down at the chains.

2010-01-11, 07:20 PM
I appreciate your giving him a chance at a fair trial. Would you mind If I tend to my friend? I'm not even close to being a healer, I just want to make sure he is treated humanely and let him calm down so I can explain the situation to him and ensure his co operation. I'm sure that if he dies of an infected wound it won't look good on your report. However, I have every confidence that you will treat us kindly while we are your guests.

Bertrand smiled and looked the captain directly in the eyes.

2010-01-11, 07:24 PM
"I already told you," Loeb said harshly to Bertrand, "His treatment is contingent on his good behavior." She sighs at Darrshan's quip. "Promise not to get violent -- even if you get out of those chains -- and we won't kill you. I'll even return the healing potion you still have left."

2010-01-11, 07:24 PM
Darrshan glances at Bertrand's. "You may be a guest... I'm a prisoner of war," he growls, clearing up the confusion. "And I'm quite fine right here without straining the captains Hospitality..."

At the captain's response to Bertrand, he nodded his head. "I've already spectacularly failed my mission, so I have no need to attack you now... How much damage did I do?"

2010-01-11, 07:36 PM
Miss Loeb, he's probably annoyed and depressed at this point as you can see, an injury to the head might still be affecting him. I'm sure that after I tend to him he'll be well mannered and co operative...I just want to clean him and make him a bit more comfortable...Ignore that last question please. After I talk to him we can all discuss this without battle clouding our heads. Please remember he just woke up from a near fatal injury.

2010-01-11, 07:38 PM
"To be a prisoner of war, you must be in the employ of a nation in hostilities against mine, not a pirate's hired thug," Loeb snaps. "And you will face trial for one murder, and two attempted, and anything else the lawyers feel like throwing at you. Your time with this unrepentant creature is over, Mister Rothryme," she says, stepping aside. "Your friend will receive the healing you seem to think he deserves. I hope a more fitting fate awaits him."

The Fifth to Eighth Amendments (witnessing against yourself, doubly jeopardy, having access to a lawyer, trial by jury, and prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishment) are not regularized anywhere in Khorvaire, nor is anything approaching the Geneva Convention.

Just so you know: calls for things we consider common rights will not be met with the sort of compliance you might expect if this was America (this is actually a response to the "dying of an infected wound" jab -- without power, that's sort of an empty threat).

2010-01-11, 07:38 PM
Darrshan glares at Bertrand. "Can you just shut up and stop apologizing for me? I'm fine enough and in better condition now than all rights say I should be."

"One murder? ... can I get out of this mess by reversing that crime?" Darrshan asked. "I'm not in the employ of Captain Aki... I overreacted to a threat to my charge."

2010-01-11, 07:46 PM
Just one comment if you'll allow me and we can go. Darrshan, these people were not targeting our expedition as we thought, or the ship in general. Apparently Aki is some sort of criminal and these people were here to arrest him, which had nothing to do with us. Miss Loeb, as I was intending to say later, but since this is a nice oppurtunity, we were not hired by Aki...we hired him to transport us to Xen'drik for an expedition from Morgrave university. We were reacting to an unknown threat. So no he's not an unrepentant creature...he is a good friend of mine and a fervent protector doing his job, exactly as you are.

2010-01-11, 07:54 PM
"You'd better hope the judge believes that, as well," Loeb says. "Let's go."

2010-01-11, 08:02 PM
Darrshan I'll see you later. Be nice in the meantime...we're gonna get through this.

He said with a smile as he walked away. Once they were out on the deck he turned to the captain and said.

Miss Loeb, the truth is the truth, if allowed I can prove that we are an expedition from the university. But, could you tell me what exactly Aki has done? Is he really a criminal? If so, then I have a suspicion to convey to you. And before you ask. I have no problem turning in a fugitive from the law with possible still existing ties to crime. Also, if we do catch up to the ship again and I explain the situation i'm sure my fellows would be more than glad to aid in his capture, professor Rothcollor, the head of our expedition probably has paper proof that this is a university expedition and we could help in catching your man and possibly give you some extra material to use against him.

2010-01-11, 08:14 PM
"Oh, I doubt your friends would be in much of a position to assist if we were to catch up to Aki again. And I don't trust your friend enough to let him help. And that would leave us without the element of surprise, down a man who knows how to fight with us, against a foe who doesn't know whether or not he's complicit in murder, and therefore, may be far more likely to engage in lethal force.

"We retreated when your friend nearly killed me, Mister Rothryme, because I am interested in minimizing bloodshed. His pursuit alone puts him at far greater risk for a guilty verdict than any smart comment he may dream up between now and the trial. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a ship to maintain."

She guides Bertrand up the stairs to the main deck, but before abandoning him, pauses. "Your friend may be compelled to reveal his true intentions before the crown, Mister Rothryme, so you had better be certain that his intentions were as pure as you insist before you stake your reputation on him. Or find a lawyer with the luck of a demon."

2010-01-11, 08:27 PM
Once the others leave, Darrshan turns and glances at the guard. "Any chance you fought in the last war?" he asks somewhat nervously.

2010-01-11, 08:28 PM
Then again, you would have me, two spell casters and a healer on your side...If you see the need in keeping Darrshan locked up, I understand. You have no reason to trust us...on the contrary you have reason enough to distrust him. However, if you're implying that he's a criminal I can assure you he's not. On the other hand, you have a chance to catch the man you came after. I know his next port of call, I assume you can calculate when he will reach it and surprise him at night.

He paused for one second thinking.

From the fact that you called him by his first name, I can assume some kind of familiarity. If he does know you well then that will probably the last thing he expects. I have been co operative all this time and have given you no reason to mistrust me. You can question me to your heart's content to assay your doubts. If it will help Darrshan I will help you in catching this man.

OOC note: he's being perfectly honest.

2010-01-11, 08:32 PM
"I told you Aki's canny enough to make sure he's not fighting a battle with men at his back who are allies with his enemy. And there will be no leniency for Darrshan based on your actions -- even the Traveler can make friends of a paladin,"

I encourage you to make use of dumb little sayings like that if you feel like it -- the meaning of this one, if it's not clear enough, is that a criminal can find ways to befriend honorable people, but that is only a sign of his cunning, or the good nature of his friends, not of his own character.

2010-01-11, 08:44 PM
The guard glares at Darrshan.

"One thing you'll learn about Captain Loeb's people -- we'd follow her to Khyber if she ordered it. So you're alive because she told us we'll put you on trial. But I wouldn't hesitate to stick a knife in your ribs, if she'd allow it, and I won't sit here and chat like new friends."

2010-01-11, 08:52 PM
The traveller does not work in great deeds, but in whispers. When you face him for too long you will see him even where he's not.

2010-01-11, 08:55 PM
"If you insist on quoting proverbs at me, I will leave you with this before I go back to work: only a guilty heart fears a trial."

With that, Loeb stalks back up to the wheel.

2010-01-11, 09:17 PM
Justice is blind because she cannot bear to see the things done in her name.

Bertrand called back, and sat in his room amusing himself as best he could waiting for another visit.

2010-01-12, 12:53 PM
The next week and a half passes quickly. Despite the loss of a crewman, the others recover relatively quickly, and the ship moves with renewed vigor.

The sailors will not speak to either Bertrand or Darrshan, and Loeb seems annoyed enough with Bertrand that she speaks curtly to him, and only if spoken to first. On the few occasions she allows Bertrand to visit Darrshan, she says nothing to Darrshan, but watches him carefully, as if taking the measure of his character.

Darrshan heals faster once his remaining healing potion is delivered to him, and is fully healed XX days after the confrontation.


The ship seems faster than even a Lyrandar vessel should be expected to be, explaining, perhaps, the ease with which they had caught Aki, and the lack of further encounters north.

I'm planning to post about the transition to Aundair later tonight, unless you post about things you try to accomplish before then, or the conversations you have the three more times Loeb allows Betrand to see Darrshan.

2010-01-12, 03:11 PM
Darrshan tries to spend each visit to appeal to the captain rather than speak with Bertrand, each time taking a different tack that she's understand.

First, he tries to explain himself as a warrior from a place where there weren't set laws, trying to draw parallels between his attack on her ship to the confusion of attacks during the last war, and explaining that a failure to declare war does not mean that there wasn't an act of war. Particularly, he brings up his experience in the Talenta plains: there, the forces of Cyre and Karrnath never declared war on the Catfolk or halflings, but it didn't stop them from trampling over the indigenous people, sometimes allying with tribes, sometimes shooting on sight. This is his attempt to establish his identity to her, as well as explain his inability to feel remorse for his actions: Just as a soldier doesn't feel remorse on a personal level for causing bloody messes due to alliance confusion in war, he can't feel remorse for killing the soldier. He uses this tack to explain his action was one of an instant judgment, made as an act of war with himself being a one-man army. He also brings up that he was arrested in neutral waters, starting to touch on his defense that the only person with any right to dictate his fate was Captain Loeb, leader of the army that forced him to surrender. He concludes by asking who it was he killed.

This should be a lower-DC complex diplomacy check... I think Bertrand can assist, but since the situation is foreign to Lorsk, Kem cannot make the rolls, only reclarify points or dissuade from Insta-execution. Or, these can be assist rolls, with Darrshan feeding Lorsk/Bertrand the approach he's trying to take, with him/her translating him to "Legalese".
Diplomacy check: [roll0]
The rolls and vagueness of the arguments is to allow for his inability to express himself clearly and entirely civilly.

Hopefully, he can rely on Bertrand to keep them from killing him, frequently stating that his actions were based on the same reaction any soldier would have against a less attractive-looking threat, such as a Sahuagin assault. Actually, he'd take the Sahuagin parallel and run with it, trying to say that her clearly-noble intentions weren't evident, and in the face of a threat on one's life based on a quick reaction. Not all Devilsharks are hostile, but when they invade one's ship, asking politely is not the way to stay alive. He'd touch on the very hot subject that he feels he should have been killed at the time, with strong implications of eternal gratitude for being shown mercy.

Diplomacy check 2:[roll1]

The third visit, he outright comes out to say only the Captain has legal authority to determine his fate, as his acts were one of a personal, reactive war against her and her crew in lawless waters, and thus not up to the Courts of Aundair to decide. He also pleads to her that as she is a soldier/warrior like himself, what he has done would never be understood by the mostly-civilian courts. He explains that he acted in defense of the expedition and Dragonmarked heir he was sworn to protect - recursing back to his previous argument - not as an assault against Aundair or a desire to kill the soldier. He concludes with a plea of mercy, to either drop the charge against him, or at least testify on his behalf as a character witness to his honorable motives, even if she also testifies against him on his undeniably lethal actions.


2010-01-12, 03:48 PM
Loeb's answers are not helpful, nor even promising.

But, her replies reveal what will likely prove to be useful principles behind Aundair law.

First, an attack upon an agent of the Crown is a matter for the courts. Determining the difference between a truly accidental death, a death caused in the commission of a crime, and various shades of cold-blooded murder is a matter that Queen Aurala has decreed can only be decided by an impartial member of her judicial staff.

Second, the means of proving "self-defense" in an Aundair trial are tremendously stringent. It must be demonstrated that the level of force used made the difference between life and death for the accused.

Third, Aundair law recognizes the right of any agent of the Crown to disobey an order he or she believes to be unlawful; an agent cannot claim immunity from fault because of his superior's failings.

Given that Darrshan's first guard said Loeb's company would follow her "to Khyber", they either trust her judgment implicitly, or are so devoted to her they would violate their other oaths for her sake.

And that is sort of the core principle of Aundair law: responsibility.

"Every act is judged according to the law, and every violator so judged. You'll find ignorance a poor defense in Aurala's court."

2010-01-12, 04:15 PM
It's good then that we're not claiming ignorance. Your own statements from a few days ago support our position. You though we were "hired goons of a criminal". If that is a valid reason for you I see no reason why it shouldn't be a good enough reason for us. The fact that you doubt our identities doesn't matter...we can prove we are part of a university expedition to the court's satisfaction. I am sure you will agree, however, that mistakes can be made in the face of threats and in battle. Did you fight in the last war by any chance?

if she answers negatively, sense motive: [roll0]

2010-01-12, 04:17 PM
She doesn't answer.

2010-01-12, 04:21 PM
sense motice: [roll0] - why?
knowledge history about any captain Loeb: [roll1]

meh crappy rolls...

2010-01-12, 04:23 PM
Because she doesn't like you two. The information she's revealed has been in snippets and hints in her refusals, not a long lecture on Aundair law.

This isn't a famous general or police officer, so no luck.

2010-01-12, 04:30 PM
Well, that was interesting...your refusal tells me there's something you'd rather hide...

Bertrand paused for effect and then smiled before continuing

Assuming we do prove that we are in fact innocent parties in this...what would your responsibility be in all this? I'm guessing using excessive violence against innocents isn't something looked favorably upon...

2010-01-12, 04:31 PM
forgot to add:

the first part is a shameless fishing expedition:
bluff: [roll0]
sense motive: [roll1]

2010-01-12, 04:33 PM
Loeb has, by the time this conversation has gotten to this point, actually started actively ignoring Bertrand.

You get the feeling that she's annoyed.

2010-01-12, 04:36 PM
[If this is still in the hold]

Darrshan glares at Bertrand as he starts to speak. "Shut up Bertrand! Pissing off the person responsible for sparing my life is not doing anybody any favors!" he snarls, trying to cover up the inanity expressed afterward.

2010-01-12, 04:43 PM
Yes indeed...I am getting pissed off...you don't owe everything to miss Loeb. I stood over your body in order to protect you while she ordered an execution order. Stop being so ungrateful...If I remember correctly, you were unconscious, I was trying to make sure they wouldn't kill you and then miss Loeb offered to allow you to be taken to trial...

2010-01-12, 04:48 PM
Loeb's eyebrow raises at Bertrand's outburst, and she finally offers a reply. "And do you think my men would have spared him for any other reason than my command? As you say, sir, it was a chaotic moment. Your friend had just killed one, possibly two, of their comrades. Someone was throwing around magic like a first-year at Arcanix. There is no judge in Aundair that would have found my men guilty of murder had they killed your friend then. So kindly keep that in mind, when you are accusing Darrshan of showing me something approaching respect. Come. Your time is up."

2010-01-12, 04:58 PM
Trying to keep a level head in the situation, though his body language made it clear he was frustrated with Bertrand. "Thank you, Captain..." he manages to sigh.

A surge of anger at Bertrand reflexively inspires him to apply a bit too much force to the bonds restraining him.

Just for kicks: strength check to break bonds [roll0]

2010-01-12, 05:23 PM
The soldier standing guard behind Loeb draws his scimitar reflexively when Darrshan shatters his bonds, pointing the blade at the catfolk.

Loeb, who rarely goes anywhere without her oversized quarterstaff, only leans on it, something that leaves her subordinate with nearly a clear shot at the cell.

"If you don't want this to end messily," she says evenly to Darrshan, "You will return to the back of your cage, with your hands behind your head, until you are suitably restrained."

2010-01-12, 05:36 PM
I'm thinking that if I hadn't been there you would not have bothered to give the order. I'm also certain they would not have hesitated to kill me if instead of trying to clear the misunderstanding I had instead attacked... As to whether they would have been guilty if they did kill him...I'm sure that responding to a threat with appropriate force is a valid defence...wouldn't you say?

Bertrand was actually suprised at Darrshan. He had risked his life to try and take him back to the ship, he was doing all he could in order to help someone he thought of as a friend.

On the other hand Darrshan if you believe you owe me nothing and don't need me I don't see any reason following you all the way to Fairhaven to aid in the trial...If you see no reason for my being here I could get off at any port between here and there and go on with the business which I abandoned in order to provide what help I can...TO YOU!

Bertrand was clearly annoyed, it seems you never know people as well as you think she thought appreciating the irony. At least he was true to his feelings, despite his identity...

2010-01-12, 05:40 PM
Free of the restraining chains, Darrshan uses the opportunity to stretch and slowly burn off the excess bottled energy from the week of immobilized confinement. "Can I just have a moment?" he asks as respectfully as he can despite his overwhelming urge to move around. "Long-term immobilization is more harmful to me than other humanoids." He presses himself to the back of the cell, adding a slight dance routine as he warms his atrophied physique up. "Can you please at least trust me enough to let the bars hold me, without a need for chains?" he requests.

EDIT: Fix'd situation. And toned it down.

2010-01-12, 05:44 PM
Your cell is barred; you can't just leave. Loeb hasn't been opening the door to have you talk.

2010-01-17, 09:42 AM
"I've no reason to trust you, especially as we'll be transferring through Sharn in a few hours. No, I think the chains are necessary for now," Loeb says. She glances sideways at Betrand. "And you should go. Tell the pilot to lend you her voice-bearer, and make arrangements to speak with anyone you need to in Sharn. We'll be there for several hours."

2010-01-17, 09:52 AM
Will you return me my daggers then for when I go ashore?

OOC: what time will we arrive?

2010-01-17, 09:54 AM
"Until you get back on our ship, you'll be Breland's problem, so yes," Loeb says. "Of course, if you plan on joining us to Fairhaven, you'll be giving them back."

Arrival is about 11:30

2010-01-17, 11:51 AM
Naturally...With your leave then...

Bertrand went to the pilot hoping to arrange a meeting with the Ir'Rothryme family.

2010-01-18, 08:23 AM
The pilot, a stout half-elf with a dragonmark that covers both hands and peeks out from under her collar, hands over one of the small crystals to Bertrand on request, but watches her suspiciously.

She explains that a tap to the bud (a free action) enables the user to communicate with the central linked crystal in Fairhaven.

You won't get to talk to the family directly, but find that Bertrand's parents are willing to meet him at the Gilded River, a Skyway restaurant that specializes in elven cuisine, at 2.

Soon, the cliffs of Sharn are rising around the ship, and the pilot brings them to dock at docks filled with half-elves. A soldier comes up from below with a pack that presumably holds Bertrand's daggers and stands with them at the gangplank.

Loeb steps down from the foredeck to see Bertrand off. "You can find us at the airship docks, the Twelvefold Glory. We will be leaving at six, with or without you." She pauses, before sighing. "If you are forced to reach Fairhaven on your own, seek the Hall of Justice, and tell the front desk you are the legal representation for prisoner Darrshan."

Down below, the soldiers carefully unlock the door to Darrshan's cell, and detach his leg irons from the floor. He can move, albeit slowly (for him). "Come along," the soldier says. "Just remember that we're ready if you try anything funny." His next words are barely a whisper. "And your friend is the one who gave us your surrender. He's responsible for your good behavior."

2010-01-18, 09:15 AM
Having arrived Bertrand burst forth into the familiar air of Sharn, the feel of the cobbles under his feet reassured him and went about other business until he had to meet "his" family. First, he went to his father, he summarised his situation and touched up the mannerisms of Bertrand asking him how to better address the family and changed into the male courtier's outfit he had left with his father after taking a refreshing bath to become more presentable(OOC note: as mentioned on the character sheet lorsk only took 2 traveller's outfits and 1 light clothing outfit, the rest was stashed at her father's house).

Satisfied he left his father's house and headed over to the restaurant aiming to be there at least 15 minutes earlier than the engagement was.

2010-01-18, 09:27 AM
"Act contrite and humble, girl, and don't argue. He's your father, so long as you wear that shape. These families are tied up in their responsibilities; there are things he owes you, but nothing he owes your friend. And asking them for help is worse than going to the Traveler. There'll be a cost, getting help from your face's blood.

"Whatever the temptation, don't pretend to know more about the politics than he does. The Brelish nobility have been playing at politics before our race was born, they say. He won't thank you for thinking you know better than him."

Make your Disguise check. Remember, since you're trying to pass as Bertrand, as well, you get the +2 bonus if you've got 5 ranks in Bluff.

2010-01-18, 09:39 AM
Bertrand went to the mirror, borrowed his father's disguise kit (hopefully I can have that? Just a normal one so I don't get a penalty) and started fixing his disguise using his ability to change shapes to enhance it as best as possible. Once done he asked his father whether he thought it was sufficient.

disguise: [roll0]
OOC: +10 from disguise skill +10 from change shape +2 from 5 ranks in bluff
*cross fingers*

2010-01-18, 09:40 AM
action point: [roll0]

total 32

2010-01-18, 11:44 AM
When they leave the ship, Loeb takes her place next to Darrshan, one hand on the manacles on his arms, and the other on her staff, ostensibly to help her walk. The soldiers spread out, walking in formation, but with none close enough for Darrshan to strike. Their heavy clubs are out, rather than their shortbows.

The half-elf pilot takes her leave, heading towards a large administration building surrounded by her people, while a crew of others swarms onto the boat.

"Aundair is not as barbaric a place as you seem to think it is," Loeb said conversationally as she leads Darrshan along the twisting roads to the higher districts, where the airships wait. "Its laws are strict, and certain harsh measures were necessary to ensure your return to Fairhaven. But there is equality in Aurala's courts that cannot be found in Breland. In Breland, a man accused of a crime may wait out their time in their own home so long as they can put up a king's ransom as collateral.

"All but the most dangerous criminals may request Aurala's bail in Aundair. She is not afraid to use magic to compel prisoners, but they are given the freedom to walk outside of her jails."

Elsewhere, Lorsk finds that her pack of daggers have been tampered with. Rather, there are two notes within. They are similar to Kundurak's letters of credit, but one bears the Tharashk's coat of arms, and the other bears the Medani's basilisk. She suspects them to be 'coupons' -- one to find facts, and another to find people. There is no note, however, and no sign of where they may have come from.

2010-01-18, 01:17 PM
Knowledge local: who in sharn could tell me exactly what the notes are exactly(to investigate later) [roll0]

2010-01-18, 01:23 PM
The House Tharashk and Medani enclaves in Dragon Towers seem the most likely places to go if you have questions. :smallwink:

2010-01-18, 02:23 PM
I'll think about it:smalltongue:

2010-01-25, 03:05 PM
The maitre'd didn't give Bertrand more than a second glance, but waved him in, where a waiter brought him to a well-appointed table. After about ten minutes, a short woman who bore a resemblance to Bertrand, and a tall, wide-shouldered man with a glower on his fact appeared, and were led to Bertrand's table.

The man looked him up and down appraisingly; the woman only watched Bertrand for a moment with wide eyes.

"Son," the man said darkly. "The Aundair police told us you wanted to speak with us." His scowl darkened. "Is that all we are anymore, a way to get out of trouble you've seen fit to get yourself into?"

2010-01-25, 04:47 PM
Father,I am glad to see you well. You need not fear,I am not in trouble. I have changed a lot since last we saw each other and i hope I will become worthy of praise in your eyes. I am here to request your aid in respect of a good friend of mine who in order to protect the expedition got mixed up with the aundarian police. My role is purely that of a friend and uninvolved witness. I only wish him to have a fair day in court. I believe in his innocence and believe such a pursuit to be honorable. I would not think of requesting your assistance if it were anything but that. Therefore I come to you to humbly request whatever assistance you may wish to provide in such a pursuit.

2010-01-25, 04:54 PM

2010-01-25, 07:57 PM

nice.....i hate the forum roller sometimes...it has no sense of dramatic requirement...:smallsigh:

2010-02-01, 03:43 PM
The elder Rothryme snorts. "So it's your friends who need our help. That changes things immensely -- if you yourself were looking at an Aundairian noose, it'd be my duty to see if there were a way out, although I'd find myself doubting the free hand we've given you, if you got yourself to such a point. But ignoring us for years, only to come crawling back for legal advice? Well, I hope your excuses sound better on a witness stand than shared with me, because I'm not convinced there's any point to this. Come along, Orine."

He nods to Bertrand's mother and pushes himself to his feet.

2010-02-01, 04:47 PM
Bertrand placed his hands on the table and looked his father in the eyes.

Your words are hurtful but true, were true. It has been some time since I've changed and realized what an idiot I was. For shame I would not dare contact you until I had more than words to prove that I have indeed changed from a worthless sandbag to the family. I wanted to make you believe that I am on the path to becoming someone worthy of your consideration. Even if you do not help with my friend's problem, will you please sit with me? It has been too long that we have been apart and it is my fault. Though these may not be the most appropriate circumstances, I have told you of the path I am trying to take so the cat is out of the bag so to speak. Will you give me the benefit of the doubt and sit with me as family?

He said standing up, his eyes pleading but his posture respectful and straight.

2010-02-01, 05:26 PM
"Spare me such sentimentality," Betrand's father snaps. "When you are ready to fulfill the responsibilities this family demands, you may sit with me. Until then, you may use my name, and nothing else."

He pushes away from the table and starts to stalk away. After a few moments, he pauses, glancing back at Orine. [color=darkred]"Are you coming?"

Orine glances between her husband and son, before setting her jaw. "I haven't seen him in years, Ross," she says quietly.

Ross rolls his eyes. "You know this won't end well, so don't expect sympathy when he breaks your heart again. I'll see you back at the estate." He turns to leave, and Orine glances back at Bertrand.

"I...don't know what to say to you, Betrand," she says, sitting.

2010-02-01, 05:49 PM
Thank you mother, give me one moment and I will sit with you and we can catch up.

Bertrand said sweetly looking at his mother before returning his gaze to his father.

I will not break mother's hear again father, tell me what it is you require of me and I will do it. I do not wish to shirk my responsibility, Boldrei knows how much I owe to you and how little I've given back.

OOC: doom if this is a sidequest plot hook you need time to fix up we can retcon the rest of the conversation with big roth via PM or in the OOC thread?

2010-02-01, 06:10 PM
Ross ignores Betrand's plea, leaving the restaurant without another word. Betrand's mother gives him a sad look, and shakes her head.

"You know perfectly well that the only thing that will please your father is settling down under his thumb," she says. "You've never shown interest in estate management or politics, and even after you stopped making trouble on campus, you've decided to do -- what?"

She waves over a waiter and orders tea, and has him wait long enough to take Betrand's order. "If you don't have it in you to please your father, Betrand, there's no use in trying, especially if your goal is merely winning back the influence and wealth your name should afford."

She pauses, pursing her lips. "There are people more willing to forgive, and more eager to see you again. Abel and Ruth, for instance."

Abel is Bertrand's younger brother, and Ruth his elder sister.

2010-02-01, 07:28 PM
Bertrand sat next to Orine and took her hands in his, looking into her eyes.

Mother, I've missed you. I have disappointed you one too many times. I can only hope that in time you will forgive me.

Once the waiter came he ordered some tea too and continued as soon as the waiter left.

I am not sure what the future holds for me. I graduated and I joined an expedition. I want to make a name for myself before returning so I could return with my head held high. I've done too much to just show up. How have you been mother?

2010-02-16, 07:45 AM
Bertrand's mother sighs. "If you are looking for a profession that brings you happiness, or...pride, I wish you the best. But your father will not see any honor in this; you can't have this and his respect. And as for me...well, things have been the same as they ever were."

After a moment, she closes her eyes, and sighs. "I can't go behind your father's back, Bertrand. He won't let our lawyers help your friend, but there are resources for people without anything else. Reyn, Cirris, and Suvari make a habit of helping those without access to barristers. Frankly, I suspect they're the only people who will touch your friend's case. Aundair doesn't go out of its way to undermine the Crown's prosecution."

2010-02-16, 05:33 PM
Thank you for your advice mother. I think you should go, however, I don't want to cause problems between you and father. I will make sure to visit you when all this business is done with. Shall we have dinner with Abel and Ruth when I return? I've missed them.

Bertrand said, a smile passing over his face at the mention of his supposed siblings. His emotions he found unexpectedly were not false. Lorsk grew up alone, without siblings or friends, afraid to go out most of the time until she was confident that she wouldn't be found out and even then never making any real friends until she assumed the personality of Bertrand. The siblingless (is that even a word...hopefully) Lorsk was happy to hope that she might be able to feel what that love of a sibling might feel like. She found herself growing attached to Bertrand and surprisingly not to the money and power that position carried.

knowledge local about each barrister and their location(if they are in sharn)
Also how long would it take to go to one or all of them and house medani and tharashk. Also, I can't find the mention but if I remember correctly there should be representatives of each dragonmarked house in each city, would I be able to find a house Medani and Tharashk in Aundair?

2010-02-16, 06:01 PM
Reyn, Cirris, and Suvari is a law firm, one of the oldest institutions in Sharn. Their barristers are on retainer for some of the more influential people in Breland.

Now that it's been mentioned, you know you've heard of several accused criminals who were defended by Reyn, Cirris, and Suvari. One of their side projects is pushing to ensure that all accused have legal defense.

The names are those of the senior partners of the firm, each of whom work out of the home offices in Atur (Karrnath), Regalport (Lhazaar) and Varna (Eldeen Reaches). Cirris is the head of the Varna office, which is closest to Fairhaven. He is a renowned zoologist.

However, you suspect contacting the central office in Sharn would be easier.

Visiting them and the Dragonmarked houses before leaving would be close, but you don't doubt you could pull it off.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away
Loeb seems to take Darrshan's silence as a cue to remain silent on her own, as she leads the way to the airship docks. There, she meets a slender half-elf man who looks just barely into adulthood. She nods at him and takes him aside as the soldiers lead Darrshan up the deck and into the hold below.

2010-02-17, 10:55 AM
Assuming mommy agrees, Bertrand bids her farewell, hugs, kisses and leaves. I'll Head over to the head offices of the law firm first and then the houses.

2010-02-19, 06:22 PM
A secretary asks for Bertrand's trouble, and, assuming he agrees, takes careful notes and asks him to wait for a moment.

After about five minutes, a female half-elf appears in the secretary's company; she pauses at the sight of Bertrand. Bertrand?" she asks cautiously. "I hadn't expected--" She glances at one of the papers she holds, brows furrowing. "Come on. Let's see what we can do for you."

2010-02-20, 02:42 AM
Bertrand, or rather Lorsk, blinks slightly surprised at meeting someone who knew Bertrand and followed as he tried to figure out who that was.

knowledge sharn if appropriate: [roll0]

2010-02-20, 09:09 AM
Osyl, one of the women who distinguished themselves at Winslow's party, is a Karrnathi noble and, obviously, barrister.

2010-02-20, 01:27 PM
Once in the room with Osyl Bertrand waits till she asks him to sit before speaking.

Miss Osyl Ir'Selavash, how unexpectedly delightful to see you. I did not have the time to properly wish you farewell last we met due to that scuffle and some business I had to take care of. But fate has found it fit that we should meet again.

He said with a smile.

I trust I find you well?