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View Full Version : Getting into the No-Game?

2010-01-11, 05:09 PM
As with anyone linked to the geek culture I've often come across D&D and on every occassion have had the urge to play it, with one fundamental flaw. No-one in my county of England plays this game. Honestly, no stores stock it and no clubs, groups or games stores play it.

I suppose my rather odd question would be, is there any way of getting involved with the game without actually playing out adventures? I've heard that people write modules or design aspects for public use, and honestly such matters of customisation are largely what make me interested in this game. I may be stepping into groundless waters here, but damn it, I want to get into the game.

On the plus side, I'm obviously here on a gamers forum, that's a start. Woo~

2010-01-11, 05:11 PM
Find an online game. Find a search system that looks for games in your area. Purchase materials online. Encourage people you know and work with to game.

Pretty much nobody plays it where I live, either. Probably more than you, because there are hobby shops that engage in it and sell it, but they're often out of my way. I was still capable of buying the books off of Amazon.com and gathering friends and coworkers for a game. And I've just started another game with some friends over the internet using Google Wave.

2010-01-11, 05:40 PM
Its possible to play on forums, known as play by post. It has a number of disadvantages compared to face to face gaming but works pretty well. If your interested in a game stick your head in over here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=51)and find a game that interests you.

2010-01-11, 05:55 PM
No-one in my county of England plays this game. Honestly, no stores stock it and no clubs, groups or games stores play it.


Where in England, precisely, as I am aware of several clubs in England that plays D&D? For example: http://www.eastmidlandsroleplayers.org.uk/

2010-01-11, 06:04 PM

Where in England, precisely, as I am aware of several clubs in England that plays D&D? For example: http://www.eastmidlandsroleplayers.org.uk/

Woah, this is based in Nottingham?
I live in Dorset actually which is pretty distant, but Nottingham is one of the Universities I applied to for next year. I will have to take the Law LNAT exam to go there, but this is just one more factor making it seem worthwhile...

Zeta Kai
2010-01-11, 06:09 PM
I googled "Dorset D&D club (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=dorset+D%26D+club&aq=f&oq=&aqi=)" & I got this (http://www.gameslore.com/acatalog/Clubs.html). There are a couple of groups in your area that you should look into.

Bournemouth Berserkers RPG Club
Have Dice Roleplaying Game Club (http://www.havedice.org.uk/)

I've said it before, & I'll say it again, Google is your friend.

Also, welcome to the forums.

2010-01-11, 06:25 PM
Well I suppose as always, the new forum member must be shot down before he becomes a part of ze' forums. I choose to consider this some form of passage, as opposed to just me failing to find the right sources~

I am so going to concentrate on writing and designing though, because I'm like a moth to the creative flame.

Zeta Kai
2010-01-11, 11:32 PM
Well I suppose as always, the new forum member must be shot down before he becomes a part of ze' forums. I choose to consider this some form of passage, as opposed to just me failing to find the right sources~

I am so going to concentrate on writing and designing though, because I'm like a moth to the creative flame.

I would've given you the same response if you were a veteran. In fact, I consider it rather rude that you would take umbrage at my assistance. You can choose to take my earlier comment as something at it obviously was not, but that doesn't make it so.

2010-01-12, 09:43 AM
To be fair, Zeta, "I said it before and I'll say it again" is generally used as a snide or otherwise abrasive term. Not that I think you intended it as such, but it's understandable that someone might take exception to it.

That having been said, indeed - welcome to the forums! Not that I'm much to welcome you, being primarily a lurker myself. :smallbiggrin: