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View Full Version : Aberrant Dragonmark customs (Eberron:Curse of Dust Applicants SHOO)

2010-01-12, 02:45 AM
Ok, I'll give those of you who have applications for Curse of Dust ample time to leave this page. :smalltongue:






Now, to the matter at hand.

For my Eberron Campaign, quite obviously, I am looking to make (or rather, already have made) a template that will pretty much make Aberrant Dragonmarked the (super? epic?) boss encounters. I have worked up something of a base, and would love to have constructive criticism and suggestions on the product.


This template can be added to any creature with an Aberrant Dragonmark.

Size and Type
The creature's type changes to Outsider(evil).

Hit Dice/Hit Points
Disciples of Khyber gain full HP for their Hit Dice. In addition, for every Aberrant Dragonmarked feat after least they possess, they gain a damage pool equal to their HP that must be consumed first to take HP damage.
Example: Laharl has 100hp, and the Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark feat. So, he must be dealt 100 damage before he can take direct HP damage. If he takes the Greater Aberrant Dragonmark Feat, he gains another 100hp damage pool that must be bypassed (total of 200) before he can take damage directly.

Armor Class
Disciples of Khyber receive a +2 profane bonus to armor class if they have the Aberrant Dragonmark feat. This bonus increases to +4 if they have the Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark feat, and +6 if they have the Greater Aberrant Dragonmark feat.

Disciples of Khyber recieve a +1 profane bonus to all attack rolls if they have the Aberrant Dragonmark feat. This bonus increases to +2 if they have the Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark feat, and +3 if they have the Greater Aberrant Dragonmark feat.

Disciples of Khyber recieve a +2 profane bonus to all damage rolls if they have the Aberrant Dragonmark feat. This bonus increases to +4 if they have the Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark feat, and +6 if they have the Greater Aberrant Dragonmark feat.

Special Attacks

Demonic Abilities (Ex, Su, and Sp)
A Disciple of Khyber has a certain few offensive abilities that are imbued into their very bodies. Depending on what Dragonmarked feats the creature has, they can pick any ability from these lists:

Aberrant Dragonmark: One ability from list A.
Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark: One ability from list A, One ability from list B.
Greater Aberrant Dragonmark: One ability from list A, One ability from list B, One Ability from list C.


Dragonmark Bolt (Su)
Once per encounter, the Disciple of Khyber can channel a small amount of malevolent energy through their Aberrant Dragonmark as a standard action ranged touch attack. A successful hit deals 1d8 unholy damage per HD (Max 15d8) they possess.
Creatures who possess a True Dragonmark instead take 1d10 unholy damage per HD (Max 20d10), and other Disciples of Khyber take a mere 1d6 damage per HD (Max 10d6).

Least Eldritch Power (Sp)
Choose one spell up to 3rd level. The Disciple of Khyber can cast this spell as a spell-like ability once per encounter, with a caster level equal to their HD. Save DCs are 10 + spell level + the Disciple's Charisma modifier, and to cast it they must have a sufficient Intelligence modifier (Arcane) or Wisdom modifier (Divine).
This ability can be chosen more than once, granting an additional use of their chosen spell-like ability, or use of a new spell-like ability.

Least Elemental Power (Su)
Choose one type of energy. The Disciple of Khyber deals 1d6 * (their HD/3) of that type of damage with every successful melee attack they make.
To choose this ability, the Disciple of Khyber must have the Energy Resistance or Immunity special quality (see below).

Martial Power (Ex, or Su)
Choose one martial maneuver or stance, with initiator level to determine max level equal to HD; prequisites for maneuvers or stances can be ignored. The Disciple of Khyber can use a chosen maneuver once per encounter (seperate from normal Martial Adept powers); it need not be readied.
A chosen stance can be used for 1 minute per encounter.
This ability can be chosen more than once, granting additional use of their chosen maneuver/stance, or use of a new maneuver/stance altogether.

Least Mental Power (Ps)
Choose one psionic power up to 3rd level. The Disciple of Khyber can manifest this power as a psi-like ability once per encounter, with a caster level equal to their HD. Save DCs are 10 + spell level + the Disciple's Charisma modifier, and to cast it they must have a sufficient Intelligence modifier.
This ability can be chosen more than once, granting an additional use of their chosen spell-like ability, or use of a new spell-like ability.

Smite Good (Ex)
Once per encounter the Disciple of Khyber can make a normal melee attack deal extra damage equal to its HD total against a good foe. This ability can be chosen more than once, granting extra uses per encounter.


Dragonmark Burn (Su)
Once per encounter, the Disciple of Khyber can channel a moderate amount of malevolent energy through their Aberrant Dragonmark as a standard action, dealing 1d6 unholy damage per HD (Max 10d6) they possess to every creature (excluding themselves) within a 30 foot burst.
Creatures who possess a True Dragonmark instead take 1d8 damage per HD (Max 15d8), and other Disciples of Khbyer take a mere 1d4 damage per HD (Max 5d4). Creatures can attempt a Will save (DC 10 + half the Disciple's HD + the Disciple's Charisma modifier) for half damage.
This ability can be chosen more than once, granting an additional use of it per encounter.

Lesser Eldritch Power (Sp)
Choose one spell up to 6th level. The Disciple of Khyber can cast this spell as a spell-like ability once per encounter, with a caster level equal to their HD. Save DCs are 10 + spell level + the Disciple's Charisma modifier, and to cast it they must have a sufficient Intelligence modifier (Arcane) or Wisdom modifier (Divine).
This ability can be chosen more than once, granting an additional use of their chosen spell-like ability, or use of a new spell-like ability.

Lesser Elemental Power (Su)
Choose one type of energy. The Disciple of Khyber deals 1d10 * (their HD/4) of that type of damage with every successful critical hit they make.
To choose this ability, the Disciple of Khyber must have Least Elemental Power of the same element as they chose for this special.

Lesser Mental Power (Ps)
Choose one psionic power up to 6th level. The Disciple of Khyber can manifest this power as a psi-like ability once per encounter, with a caster level equal to their HD. Save DCs are 10 + spell level + the Disciple's Charisma modifier, and to cast it they must have a sufficient Intelligence modifier.
This ability can be chosen more than once, granting an additional use of their chosen spell-like ability, or use of a new spell-like ability.

Summon Lesser Fiend (Su)
Once per encounter, the Disciple of Khyber can summon any Outsider with the (evil) descriptor with a CR up to half their HD (Max 10), with a 50% chance of success + 2% for every HD they possess (Max 100%).


Dragonmark Chaos (Su)
Once per encounter, the Disciple of Khyber can channel a large amount of malevolent energy through their Aberrant Dragonmark. They must possess the Dragonmark Burn and Dragonmark Bolt special abilities to take this special.
As a full-round action, the Disciple bathes the area around them (60 foot spread) in supernatural darkness, for a number of rounds equal to their HD. This ability is equivalent to a 9th level darkness spell for the purposes of light spells dispelling it; it is magical darkness that only creatures possessing Aberrant marks can see through.
Creatures that stay in this darkness take 1d4 unholy damage per HD (Max 5d4) for every round they stay in the darkness. Creatures with true dragonmarks instead take 1d6 damage per HD (Max 5d6), and cannot use their dragonmark-related abilities as long as they stay in the darkness. There is no Save to resist the effects.

Greater Eldritch Power (Sp)
Choose one spell up to 9th level. The Disciple of Khyber can cast this spell as a spell-like ability once per encounter, with a caster level equal to their HD. Save DCs are 10 + spell level + the Disciple's Charisma modifier, and to cast it they must have a sufficient Intelligence modifier (Arcane) or Wisdom modifier (Divine).
This ability can be chosen more than once, granting an additional use of their chosen spell-like ability, or use of a new spell-like ability.
The Disciple must have one least and one lesser eldritch power to choose greater eldritch power.

Greater Elemental Power (Su)
Choose one type of energy. The Disciple of Khyber deals 1d12 * (their HD/5) of that type of damage to all creatures within 10 feet of them at the beginning of their turn.
To choose this ability, the Disciple of Khyber must have Lesser Elemental Power of the same element as they chose for this special.

Greater Mental Power (Ps)
Choose one psionic power up to 9th level. The Disciple of Khyber can manifest this power as a psi-like ability once per encounter, with a caster level equal to their HD. Save DCs are 10 + spell level + the Disciple's Charisma modifier, and to cast it they must have a sufficient Intelligence modifier.
This ability can be chosen more than once, granting an additional use of their chosen spell-like ability, or use of a new spell-like ability.
The Disciple must have one least and one lesser mental power to choose greater eldritch power.

Special Qualities

Demonic Qualities (Ex, Su, and Sp)
A Disciple of Khyber has many innate abilities that makes them more resilient and harder to kill. Depending on what Dragonmarked feats the creature has, they can pick any ability from these lists:

Aberrant Dragonmark: One ability from list A.
Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark: One ability from list A, One ability from list B.
Greater Aberrant Dragonmark: One ability from list A, One ability from list B, One Ability from list C.


Energy Resistance (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber gains resistance to two energy types equal to their HD. This ability can be taken multiple times, and each new time taken gives you equal resistance to another type of energy damage.

Enhanced Ability (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber gains a +2 bonus to any of their ability scores.

Least Dragonmark Focus (Ex)
The DC of all the Disciple of Khyber's Aberrant Dragonmarked abilities increases by 1, and the caster level increases by 1.

Mobility (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber's land speed increases by 10 feet. This ability can be chosen multiple times.

Resist Blows (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber gains damage reduction 10/good, or any existing damage reduction they possess increases by 5. This ability can be taken multiple times, the effects stack.

Toughened Skin (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber gains a +4 bonus to their natural armor. This ability can be taken multiple times, increasing existing natural armor by 2 for each additional gain of this ability.


Enhanced Ability II (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber gains a +4 bonus to any of their ability scores, and a +2 bonus to another. They must have taken Enhanced Ability to choose this quality.

Fast Healing (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber gains fast healing 5. This ability can be chosen multiple times.

Lesser Dragonmark Focus (Ex)
The DC of all the Disciple of Khyber's Aberrant Dragonmarked abilities increases by 2, and the caster level increases by 2. This overlaps the least dragonmark focus special.

Powerful Build (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber's size is treated as one size bigger when it would be beneficial to them.

Slight Build (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber's size is treated as one size smaller when it would be beneficial to them.

Spell Resistence (Su)
The Disciple of Khyber gains spell resistance equal to their HD + 5 (Max 25). This special can be taken multiple times, increasing existing spell resistance by 5.


Extra Limbs (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber is granted an extra pair of arms, with either two claw attacks (1d4 medium), or a slam attack (1d6). They can also hold weapons in each of these arms.

Enhanced Ability III (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber gains a +6, +4, and +2 bonus to any of their ability scores. They must have taken Enhanced Ability II to choose this quality.

Greater Dragonmark Focus (Ex)
The DC of all the Disciple of Khyber's Aberrant Dragonmarked abilities increases by 3, and the caster level increases by 3. This overlaps the lesser dragonmark focus special.
In addition, they can use each of their dragonmarked spell-like abilities once more per day.

Regeneration (Ex)
The Disciple of Khyber replaces their fast healing with an equal amount of regeneration which can be overcome by good-aligned weapons or spells with the good descriptor. This ability does not grant the ability to regrow lost limbs but holding severed limbs to the stump automatically reattaches it.

Unholy Aura (Su)
The Disciple of Khyber is draped under a constant Unholy Aura effect, as the spell.

The Disciple of Khyber gains a +2 profane bonus to all of their saves if they have the Aberrant Dragonmark feat. This bonus increases to +4 if they have the Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark feat, and +6 if they have the Greater Aberrant Dragonmark feat.

The Disciple of Khyber receives one bonus feat for every Aberrant Dragonmark feat they have.



Challenge Rating
Possesses Aberrant Dragonmark Feat: +?
Possesses Lesser Dragonmark Feat: +?
Possesses Greater Dragonmark Feat: +?

Help would be majorly appreciated on this topic, and while I'm planning to start the campaign on Friday, it is likely one of these won't come up until a bit later in the campaign.