View Full Version : Request to have the strips in bigger (image!) size.

2010-01-13, 08:58 AM
I bet many of us already have shiny HD monitors. Well, the thing is, the comics look awfully small on a resolution of 1920x1080. For me at least, some of the whispered text is even unreadable unless I zoom in closer in the browser, which in turn makes the quality bad.

However, the beginning strips are still readable since the font size is bigger (and there's much more space between speech bubbles and bigger panels overall), so couldn't we have a slightly bigger resolution on the new comics? I think it'd look a lot better since there's a lot more dialogue now than in the beginning anyway. I already started to notice the small text size on my previous computer with a 1280x1024 resolution, so I'm sure it's not just about the monitor.

2010-01-13, 09:16 AM
I have to agree.

Allan Surgite
2010-01-13, 10:09 AM
No, I do not agree. An artist decided upon the size of his medium: what you are looking for is either a) a pair of glasses, or b) larger text size.

The size of the comics is fine at present, and you have to keep in mind the print version of the comic.

pearl jam
2010-01-13, 10:32 AM
First of all, glasses won't have any effect if the blurriness of the text is an inherent part of the image.

Secondly, I don't see that the fact that you want to print it later should impact this decision at all. If you stick to the same ratio of width to height, it's still a simple matter to scale the image to the size desired for the printed book.

Shhalahr Windrider
2010-01-13, 10:37 AM
And some of us are still stuck on 1024x768, where the current image size is the absolute max it can be without creating Horizontal Scroll of Doom™. Hell, sometimes I get Horizontal Scroll of Doom™ anyway if a speech bubble extends too far from the frame.

Secondly, I don't see that the fact that you want to print it later should impact this decision at all. If you stick to the same ratio of width to height, it's still a simple matter to scale the image to the size desired for the printed book.
Hell, you needs a higher resolution to go to print anyway.

2010-01-13, 10:44 AM
The size of the comics is fine at present, and you have to keep in mind the print version of the comic.

The magic of webdesign makes it possible to have an image of a certain quality, and reduce its size in the design of your webpage. That is, the Giant could save his art at 1½ the size he currently uses, but he could set the picture size to be shown upon loading as the same size he currently uses. People who would have problems reading the smaller version could then make a zoom without loosing quality, which sometimes impede good reading.

All of this doesn't affect the print version at all. The Giant is known to be a good artist, and I am pretty sure he uses the right tools so that his comic can be printed at an even higher quality than it is shown on his website. That is, he probably have his comics printed at a much higher resolution than we view it on his website. (I use Inkscape for my fanart, and I certainly wouldn't have any issues with resolutions and can use various resolutions for my fanart. And I'm a crappy artist.)

2010-01-13, 10:52 AM
I bet many of us already have shiny HD monitors. Well, the thing is, the comics look awfully small on a resolution of 1920x1080. For me at least, some of the whispered text is even unreadable unless I zoom in closer in the browser, which in turn makes the quality bad..

I think that's done on purpose. The quality of the printed comics is significantly better than the one of the online strips. That means Rich has a better-quality-version somewhere but they are not released online (this might also be due to saving bandwidth).

You want awesomely clear and readable strips? Go pay money for it and get the dead-tree-version. Personally, I think that's a very good extra for the "bought" strips (in addition to the commentary and the bonus-strips).

2010-01-13, 11:06 AM
Aaaand... ninja'd!

Tthe Giant could save his art at 1½ the size he currently uses, but he could set the picture size to be shown upon loading as the same size he currently uses.

Don't forget another factor: bandwidth. If the Giant scales his art up by 50%, the image size increases by 125% [1.5 x 1.5 - 1 x 1 = 2.25 - 1 = 1.25]. That more than doubles the cost of transmitting each comic (ignoring image compression). Giant has to pay out of his pocket for that bandwidth. Unless a lot of people are clamoring for bigger comics, it may not be cost effective.

2010-01-13, 01:14 PM
First of all, glasses won't have any effect if the blurriness of the text is an inherent part of the image.

Which it clearly isn't, because most people have no problem reading the text in the strip as it stands.

2010-01-13, 02:10 PM
I agree with the OP in that font size and panel size have decreased observable over time. I also support the idea to a) increase font size and everything, which would mean that a whole page might have less content or b) increase page size, which is no problem since Rich is using vector drawing anyway.

Some very small font sizes are really barely readable as of late. For example on the map in 698. As cartographer and fan of maps I really like high-resolution maps. Bigger maps ftw! I want them huge! Pleas... ahem, sorry, never mind.

I'm also fine if nothing changes. As some people mentioned before: bandwidth, not everyone has huge screens, artist's decision, important reason to buy the books, etc. Those people that can't read will have to consult the forums for the small-font-translation.

2010-01-13, 02:31 PM
Two things.

1. As has already been mentioned, even just slightly-larger images will exponentially increase the Giant's bandwidth expenses. Given that the web site's likely to be the 'loss leader' which drives book/trinket sales, which are the Giant's real income from his art, it seems foolish to arbitrarily increase costs while failing to realise any offsetting benefit.

2. Some people (myself not included, but I'm wierd that way) don't buy the books just because it's the right thing to do, because they want to support the Giant directly, etc. These people - nowhere near all buyers but a subset, have no doubt - buy the books more for the extra content (bonus strips, commentary, etc) than for the sake of pure support. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but by offering higher-resolution images (as are in the books) or any of the other 'additional/enhanced content' items online the Giant would only be cutting his own throat.

2010-01-13, 02:57 PM
I have an HD screen and have no problem reading the whispered text. The strip size is just right, I think. Keep the status quo.

2010-01-13, 03:02 PM
The strip size was just right, about 200 strips ago. But the font size has been creeping incrementally down.

Please, Giant, just - less dialogue. You can do it, we've all seen you do it, you know wordy comics aren't any better, they just take longer to read.

(Chief grukgruk (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0558.html) is with me on this...)

2010-01-13, 03:20 PM
you know wordy comics aren't any better, they just take longer to read.I respectfully disagree. I like the wordy comics.

Mystic Muse
2010-01-13, 03:25 PM
I respectfully disagree. I like the wordy comics.

same here.

2010-01-13, 03:29 PM
I don't have a HD screen, I have a rather tiny screen.

On another note, I do not see ( pun intended) the need to increase the size.

Mystic Muse
2010-01-13, 03:33 PM
I don't exactly have a small screen but I have no problem seeing the strip.

I'm almost positive my screen isn't 1920 by whatever and I know for a fact it isn't HD

2010-01-13, 03:39 PM
i have nothing fancy, just a normal laptop. everything is fine for me, and i see no basis for the origional posters complaint whatsoever, just keep it like it is

2010-01-13, 04:03 PM
The problem with everyone saying "Just keep it like it is" is that it keeps changing. Always in the same direction, i.e. smaller. I wanted it to "just keep the way it was" about 200 strips (or, approximately, "one book") ago.

Seriously: you guys think it was too big then and it's only reached absolute, unimprovable perfection right now?

Mystic Muse
2010-01-13, 04:14 PM
no but I also don't think complaints are going to actually affect anything.

2010-01-13, 08:51 PM
The first and only time when I had problems reading the text in OoTS on my old laptop was #698 - the names of small countries on the map and I feel that this particular complaint is valid. If there's any text in the comic, it should be readable without zooming in and it looks like a lot of people had this problem. Apart from this, I understand the bandwidth issue and saving best quality for the printed version and am ok with the size of text and panels.

2010-01-13, 09:51 PM
The problem with everyone saying "Just keep it like it is" is that it keeps changing. Always in the same direction, i.e. smaller. I wanted it to "just keep the way it was" about 200 strips (or, approximately, "one book") ago.

Seriously: you guys think it was too big then and it's only reached absolute, unimprovable perfection right now?

*Looks at latest comic*

*looks at a random comic 300 strips ago*


now, i might be blind, and i probably cannot convince you about this, but i think your just making this **** up. the text, page and individual panels look the same to me. just put your resolution on 1200x800 or something if you want it bigger

2010-01-13, 11:43 PM
The Giant, from what I've read, uses a vector based drawing program, meaning he could easily render the images up 100x with a minimum of effort and no loss of quality.

Would it be so hard to offer the strips in different sizes? Or just have a random link to larger comics soemwhere? Most people wouldnt use the larger version, but I for one would like to see all of the names on that map. Bandwidth would probably be minimal. And if it isnt, perhaps Rich Burlew could find a hosting service which offers unlimited bandwidth.

I'm no expert though, and personally find it fine. It just seems like a really simple request that's easy to do to me.

Mystic Muse
2010-01-13, 11:46 PM
as far as I can tell there's no difference between comic 340 and comic 398 in terms of text size.

2010-01-13, 11:54 PM
The Giant, from what I've read, uses a vector based drawing program, meaning he could easily render the images up 100x with a minimum of effort and no loss of quality.

Would it be so hard to offer the strips in different sizes? Or just have a random link to larger comics soemwhere? Most people wouldnt use the larger version, but I for one would like to see all of the names on that map. Bandwidth would probably be minimal. And if it isnt, perhaps Rich Burlew could find a hosting service which offers unlimited bandwidth.

I'm no expert though, and personally find it fine. It just seems like a really simple request that's easy to do to me.

We will see that map again. In much better detail. In the book.
And look around, do you see any advertisments here? Rich is paying enough for this site, a minimal increase of bandwith can cost hundreds of dollars.

Here's a solution. He can post both the HD comic and the regular comic. And in exchange we can lose the forum and the archive. How does that sound?

Nimrod's Son
2010-01-14, 12:11 AM
*Looks at latest comic*

*looks at a random comic 300 strips ago*


now, i might be blind, and i probably cannot convince you about this, but i think your just making this **** up. the text, page and individual panels look the same to me. just put your resolution on 1200x800 or something if you want it bigger

For comparison:
The letter to the bottom-right is from strip #300. The ones adjacent to it are from #698. So there has been a reduction, but as you can see it's very slight. The very earliest strips had noticeably larger text, but there's been no real change for quite some time.

The map in the latest strip is the first time I've ever had difficulty making anything out, at any rate. But I don't see that we have any right to request a better resolution; after all, this strip being online at all is essentially a (very generous) free sample of a product that Rich is selling.

Mystic Muse
2010-01-14, 12:15 AM
Here's a solution. He can post both the HD comic and the regular comic. And in exchange we can lose the forum and the archive. How does that sound?

OHBADNO! "Goblins" reference.

2010-01-14, 02:21 AM
The changes over time have been very slight. I think the strip has been a fine size throughout its whole run. Its a free strip, most people don't have problems reading it, so I really don't see much of a reason to complain. I really don't see this as a big deal.

2010-01-14, 02:50 AM
Smaller moniters would have trouble reading larger comics. Slower internet connects would too. It would take more bandwitdh.

You have a browser-based zoom feature. Use it? ^_^ .. at least I know the old bad IE does. I'm guessing every other web-browser has one too.

2010-01-14, 06:16 AM
*Looks at latest comic*

*looks at a random comic 300 strips ago*


and you're right, I just looked for myself by downloading and comparing font sizes. The big change we're talking about here took place in comic 71 to 72. An eternity ago.

I hereby retract my former consent with the OP, I didn't look for evidence of the development that I also meant to have observed.

..., perhaps Rich Burlew could find a hosting service which offers unlimited bandwidth.

Unlimited bandwidth? Dream on.

For comparison:
The letter to the bottom-right is from strip #300. The ones adjacent to it are from #698. So there has been a reduction, but as you can see it's very slight. The very earliest strips had noticeably larger text, but there's been no real change for quite some time.

In fact, I see no change in your samples (or in my samples, I did the same thing). I only see the giant is now using more space in the balloons now, whereas the balloons in the earlier comics were not filled up that much. And even this change is barely recognizable.

...; after all, this strip being online at all is essentially a (very generous) free sample of a product that Rich is selling.

right. Thank you Nimrod, for reminding me. And thanks, Rich!

I like the wordy comics.
Yes, the comics are very wordy as of late. I read them carefully and so can enjoy them for much longer time. :smallsmile: Thanks again, Rich.

2010-01-14, 01:09 PM
I'm not complaining, just...well, requesting. :smalltongue: I've been thinking of buying the books as well (if I can find them anywhere around here that is), but I'd see the lack of HD comics only hurting the popularity of the comic with newcomers.

I mean the books already have bonus content, it's just pixels we're talking about here, I don't think it'd be a that big deal to have. I doubt the bandwith would suffer so much either if the HD versions only came with later comics.

And more wordy comics like we've seen lately naturally benefit from increased text size.

In fact, I see no change in your samples (or in my samples, I did the same thing). I only see the giant is now using more space in the balloons now, whereas the balloons in the earlier comics were not filled up that much. And even this change is barely recognizable.

I can see the change fine. The one in the lower right corner is significantly more bold than the one on top, and bolder than the one on the left.

Mystic Muse
2010-01-14, 01:21 PM
I mean the books already have bonus content, it's just pixels we're talking about here, I don't think it'd be a that big deal to have. I doubt the bandwith would suffer so much either if the HD versions only came with later comics.

Key word here. Unless you know for a fact that it wouldn't end up being a problem in terms of bandwidth or money you shouldn't complain.

2010-01-14, 03:51 PM
Here are two panels, from strip 698 (left) and 498:

And here's just snatches of dialogue from each panel. (Use your browser to zoom, if you want to):

Yes, it's a small difference. If you can't see it at all, fine, good for you, I hope you're immune to aging and your eyesight remains as good as it is today until you're 93. But I can see a difference.

To those saying "buy the books" - I've done that. I've even bought more copies as gifts for others, to introduce them to his work. The Giant has made more money out of me than out of most people, okay?

But - that was my decision. I bought those books for my own amusement, to learn more about the Giant's thinking, and to support a great storyteller. I didn't buy them to save my own eyesight. And now I'm not asking for higher-res images, just fewer words.

Finally, to the "no reason to complain" argument: if we don't say anything, then how the hell is the Giant supposed to know how we feel? If I didn't complain, and the text kept getting harder to read, I'd have no-one to blame but myself.

2010-01-14, 06:04 PM
And look around, do you see any advertisments here? Rich is paying enough for this site, a minimal increase of bandwith can cost hundreds of dollars.

Would you mind posting your source for those numbers? Do you have financial information on Rich Burlew? Traffic records for this site with th emoney required to send each page?

I highly, highly doubt that it would be a ridiculous amount like that to simply post ~20 characters on the main page. Very few people would use a larger version, and given an unobstrusive link, I see no bandwidth problems. At all.

2010-01-14, 06:42 PM
The link itself wouldn't cause the increase in bandwidth. The higher resolution image is what would cause the increase.

Roland St. Jude
2010-01-14, 07:50 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: This type of thing doesn't get decided by referendum and The Giant does not want to entertain discussions of forum management or his personal finances. Thread locked.