View Full Version : 3.5 Lords of Magic (IC)

2010-01-13, 03:03 PM
The elders were completely desperate... once again they where shouting over in the streets, speaking of the dire need to free Life's Great Temple... that right now was the greatest deathtrap most elves ever heard of.

[Male, old, spent voice]"We must take action! Shadows spreds over Urak and you people face it with apaty! Courage I say!"

[Female, old, eneregetic voice]"Only the Great Temple can give our will to live in pride again! come out heroes! Life calls! Glory calls!"

[male, old, almost unheard voice]"Lord of life! We need the... Lord of Life! Who will claim this.... *coughts* "

You are at the central plaza of Eldrea, capital of the Life kingless kingdom, silently taking a tea under the pierced shadows a large tree. You hear thoses shout as the elders move patrol over the plaza, with several children just behind them. Only a single Staffman seems to have joined the elders wake, following in silence and hoping for someone else to join. No one takes them seriously... A Lord of life... it has been over 300 years since the last one felt and no one was fit to replace him. Just a few elves stare back at the elders, taking them as crazy zelots...

2010-01-13, 08:26 PM
Kaeraliale OOC I call Magenta as My characters text speech

Swiping his long hair aside under the pleasant tree he was sitting under at he seemed at peace , however was truly not . An Echo of that great power , of Death and of Life tangled inside of him . Death was loose within the World ripping away life everywhere it was , and yet life persisted , and it was those two great titans battling each-other that create amost a burden within his soul . Working all his Life for the Magister , working , researching and studying the Arcane and Religious ways of Life was both testing and tedious .

Everything had to be double checked and cleansed , made sure it was up to par with what the other Mages were studying at the time . It seemed that the Mage tower of the Capital was a broken form of it'self and there was no hope to placing all the pieces back together . He once had a great teacher , who had come under a heavy illness and died of , who said that the prime of all life magic was when the energies from the temple were harmonized with the people . Meaning that the peoples of Life themselves had control of their Great Tree , of the Symbol of Life everywhere in Urak . Watching his Bodyguard he looked at the silent and often serious figure . Kaeraliale , was friends with the man , but it was hard since he had taken a vow of silence not soon after his entire family was killed by a rampaging user of Black magic .

They had been childhood friends and they would always be friends for as long as the two lived . Kaeraliale , brushing his Long , Layered robes off from the little greenery that had accumilated from underneath the tree , began to walk over to The Other Elven Elders , he began walking behind them in a way to respect their position . Kaeraliale , chose not to notice how people thought of these being , they were elders and deserved some respect .

With his Elven Bodyguard behind him , Kaeraliale posed the question " What do you Intent to do with the Temple if Someone Actually changes who has control over it , Has it occured to anyone to accumilate the magical energies required to form another font of our Great Heritage and Ancient Power ? Just because something is Ancient doesn't mean it will stand Eternal ."

2010-01-14, 08:16 PM
One of the elders turns at you, streaching his hands as if trying to hold your face, without actually touching you. his eyes shine and his teethless mouht shakes on every word "My son, we have to do nothing! to great magical power of the temple is not what has to be harnessed, no! Setting it free will not just name us a Lord of Life, but give the power of hope back to the elves! Only the simbolical power of the free temple can set us in the right path against the shadow of Death!"

the femele alder touches your shoulder "As for the temple... no, there's no way we can substitute it... as some legends say, it has never been built by us or anyone else - the Great Temple of life was Born. There's nothing like it.... and the only reason for fear for its, well, non-eternity, is if we let it die, as we have been in the alst 300 years..."

The staff that was following the elders gets close quickly just in time to hear the conversation. he's very young and quite agitaded. you're quite sure he has a lot of thing to say but completely lack any ability to share it with others.

2010-01-15, 02:00 PM
Acerador and his squire Aeros seem interested in the commotion created in the city square. As one of the few remaining Lesser Storm Giants, Acerador is nearly twice the size of the tallest elf in the city. He closes the distance in a few great strides, and bellows in a thundering voice "I and my companion would be willing to aid an aspiring leader in liberating the Great Temple and nearby countryside from the evil that has taken hold of it. Who is brave enough to take up the task in this dark hour?"

2010-01-15, 03:51 PM

"Aren't you some distance from your own lands , Giant ? " Kaeraliale was saying as he kept striding along with the Elven Elders . His questions soon continued as if his mind was attempting to analyze the situation with a plethora of Philosophies and Ideologies . " And Why would someone , such as yourself , even help an aspring Lord of Life ? Would you claim it for your own dwindling Kingdom or do you plan on aiding a Life Patron with this arduous task ."

2010-01-15, 04:27 PM
OOC: Cairid will be speaking in Dark Green

Cairid sat in the shadows of the tavern, bow slung over his back. Dressed in green and gray leather armor, his black hair in a pony tail, Cairid looked sharp and strict. An old scar ran down his exposed upper arm, but besides that he seemed incredibly healthy and tough looking. He watched the procession wandering by. The usual complainers, victims waiting for someone to save them. His eyes wandered to the magister who spoke up...and then, of all things, that cloud giant spook who had recently shown up started talking to him? It wasn't perfect as far as allies went, but it seemed like maybe a better chance than the usual deluded elven warriors or greedy thieves...yes. He thought for a long hard moment before grabbing his pack, walking up to them, and introducing himself.

"Magister. Cloud giant. I overheard you mention an expedition into the temple. It's a fool's errand, but I have been waiting for a chance to go to that place and offer my bow and considerable...expertise, if you are serious about this mission."

2010-01-17, 05:58 PM
[almost expent male old voice, dicerted to the other old man] "see! I told you it wasn't a fool's errand, those.... *cough*..........*cough*...... arg, those will make a fine warband for now!"

[old female] "it's a start, like..." - she speaks of an old elven child story, of a small leaf that turns to be a mighty Ent who saves the forest. this takes about 4 minutes. - "...and as the leaf, they will succed. but they will need help, all that can be mustered"

the third elder looks at the old elven lady as if accepting each word. his eyes shine a bit, as if he knew what to do next.

the young staffman, sweting and twisted in a mix of doubt and courage, shouts close to the ear to the pensative elder, which gets clearly disrupted "I WILL!!", and then shuts up tightly. his spech could be more elaborate, but seems to be pretty effective.

So, we have Kaeraliale (and silet bodyguard) questioning Acerador (and the squire aeros). Caidri just got in there. the three elders from the magistrate (sick old man, old man, and old lady) seems to be pretty happy, and the goffy staffman, who just decided to help make the world a better place, is still shaking. You're standing at the central plaza of the capital of life, at mid-morning.

2010-01-17, 07:41 PM

"Well then I will meet all of you 'heroes' at the City's Gates tonight , ready to go to the Great Tree , The Great Temple . I will now go and purchase some traveling supplies . " And with that note , Kaeraliale leaves the others and heads towards the Mage's Tower , where his living quarters are , he will be at the City Gates Tonight ready to start adventuring .

"Come my Friend , we have plans to make" was the last thing you heard him say as he walked away .

OOC : I spend 20 Gold Pieces on Food Supplies , Traveling Clothes , Heavy Robe and Cloak , Bedroll , 2 Sunrods , and 3 Canteens for Water .

2010-01-17, 08:11 PM
"Very well, magister. I will go and collect the rest of my belongings, and be ready to go. If I may, however, why will we be setting out at nightfall? I am not sure the cover of darkness will be much defense against whatever lives in that temple now...something to ponder, I suppose."

Cairid stalks off to the Thieve's guild hall to collect his pack and sword. He also attempts to look into whatever information he can gather as to the architecture, history, and current situation at the Great Temple.

"At last, sister. At last I am coming for you."

I'm gonna give some knowledge checks on the great temple a shot; if you feel that I don't gain any appropriate information given my rolls that's cool. I'm looking for traveling time, magical history, known relics, known defenses, and rumors of current inhabitants...

Know: Arcana [roll0]
Know: Dungeon [roll1]
Know: Geography [roll2]
Gather Info: [roll3]
After gathering his gear and whatever intel he can, Cairid will be waiting at the gates at sunset, bow ready, sword on his back alongside his backpack and quiver, and a satchel of thieves tools and scrolls fixed to his belt.

2010-01-17, 08:15 PM

Since Kaeraliale was walking away , Cairid's question fell upon deaf ears .

2010-01-17, 08:33 PM
the sick elder energeticly jumps as Kaeraliale say farewell "What?? like this??you're crazy! you will need - (leaves with the elf. PMed)..."

the elder woman looks back at you "Well, 'im afraid you so few can't really just go there. you need more man, more resources, and more confidance"

other male elder takes a step away from the youg staffman

"I can think of four possible allies for you.
Alifor, the former library janitor.
Liriar, the weponsmith.
Nihari, an aprendicce sorcerreres.
And Rivien, the hunter.

These four live just nearby, and have at least resources to share with you. I had plenty of talks about Life and The Great Temple with them, and they almost went for it. With someone to lead them, I think they can be of great help. they live in isolated hamlets close to Eldrea. by tomorrow you will have visited all of them"

the elder woman speaks again "For now we will try to rally more people to the cause. we will go to other parts of Eldrea, and also spread the news of this newfound warband, heading to The Great Temple in a few days"

the goffy staffman is still paralized, breathing heavily and unkindly staring at the massive body of the storm giant. the elders start to leave, just after giving the coordenates for the hamlets of those 4 would-be-aliies


the elders will leave now, unless you have questions. it takes about 3 hours of walk (moving at 30 feet/round) to visit any of the four elves. PMing Temple info to hawk.

2010-01-17, 09:23 PM
Kaeraliale - Talking and Walking with the Elder

Looking Around and walking towards the Temple , Kaeraliale keeps going towards his destination without much regard for the Elder . "I know you think what your doing is right , but I urge you to Leave me be , I am far too Intelligent to just go to the Temple I have plans , I mean to rally every smart , intelligent creature from here to there to come with us , and I understand that their are other wanderers that move throughout the World , I can plan to go one place , but I will not go without Heart and without proper resources ! Now leave me be !"

2010-01-17, 09:39 PM
(the elder stops following Kaeraliale, and is rendered speachless. in few seconds he walks back to the other elders, who were about to leave)

2010-01-18, 01:31 PM

Later that day Kaeraliale was in the Mage Tower and was gathering his supplies , and clothing himself in his finest robes , and was looking quite sharp or so he said . Looking over his books and hammering out some awnsers from his mentors Kaeraliale was learning The History of Death's Occupation of the Great Temple and Learning what is currently there throught some skimming study of what he already knew . He was also looking at what Magic would kill the Head Leader of the undead , who was surely keeping all the undead minons inside the great temple alive or atleast organizing them , he planned on leading those fools to the Temple so they could do what he -The Future Despot of the Life Faith - wanted , so that he Kaeraliale would instate true Good and Law within the Life Kingdom ! He would cast away the shadow of Oppressive Castes and high Taxes , and he would instate an Equal Law system and spread it all over Urak , so that the Whole world would know both Law and Order of the Light !

OOC : Knowledge : Arcana Roll : [roll0]
Knowledge : History Roll [roll1]

2010-01-19, 09:10 AM
Kaeraliale ravages throught the books, brainstorming to get every last bit of information he can beat out of every page. This takes most of your time in this day - the sunset caches you by surprise. you won't have time to go shoping before meeting the others.

You are aware of the limitations of the "animate dead" sepell, Death's most dangerous wepon. HD limitations, spell level, material costs etc. you are also aware there are other forms of undead raising, by more powerfull spells used by terrible casters.

most necromancers are living dark elves. you are very aware of it's spell resistence ability. There are many forms of achiving the necromancer status, so it's base and prestige classes varies a lot. For the good of life and Life, Liches are very, very rare.

you can't figure out the current inabitants of the temple which change from time to time. you're better off asking in the street for the latest news.

this is not the firts time the temple is taken away from you. Urak is incredibly old, and all kinds of conflict have taken place. Sometimes, a faiths get very close to extinction. All of the eight capitals have already been burned to the ground - and then rebuilt by the faith followers who lived elsewhere. No temple has ever been destroyed (as the task of destroying it seems impossible), and they stand into specially magical places.

from other invasions from The Great Temple by Death, you know the following: they normally have a few necromancers able to animate dead on their own, store large amounts of corpses ready to be risen, make use of traps that dosen't hurt zombies or skeletons, and keep good (and encripted) track of their activities (so those can be later writen in terrifying poems)

2010-01-19, 11:26 AM

After Rummaging through the books , Kaeraliale goes to the city gates at sundown along with his silent elven body guard .

2010-01-19, 08:10 PM
Cairid spent the day where he was most comfortable; slipping around the taverns, thieves guilds, inns, and shops around town to gather whatever information he could. Content with what he had learned, he went and sat by the gates as sundown, bags packed and weapons sharp and ready.

2010-01-19, 08:59 PM
Kaeraliale arives a few minutes after Cairid. You still have some minutes before the sun is completly down, so you couldn't say that the Storm Giant is late. It would be a good time to share the different information each of you gathered, and maybe start a plan.

2010-01-19, 09:20 PM
"Ah, I was unsure if you were ready to take up the task," Acerador shouts, closing the distance, "Did you look in to the other allies that the elders suggested? If you are serious about this, I suggest we begin by liberating some of the neighboring hamlets. They will give us important resources and we may be able to win some new allies. By the way, I and my friend Aeros have been working as guards for merchant caravans. Its really gone downhill recently."

Intelligence check to see what I know about the area [roll0]
Gather information check, ask around as to what people know about the monsters in the surrounding region [roll1]

Purchasing 20 days rations (10g), a pair of waterskins and sleeping bags (.4g), 2 backpacks (4g) and 20 torches (.2g), and 2 travelers' outfits (2g)

2010-01-19, 10:00 PM

" Well my platheoria of Sources tell me we are facing quite a challenge , we are to need some fire and lots of it , I think , if we are going to deal with these Dark Elf Necromancers . No , I'm not converting to the Fire Faith , but we are going to need to burn the Necromancer's Corpse Stocks if we are to face them with a good chance of winning . "

2010-01-19, 10:28 PM
inteligence check: you don't really know a lot about this lands. it's not the first time you're on Life's lands, but their are still a bit odd. you know some "elven manners" to avoid ankward situations, know the the terrains has several gentle slopes. some giant anciant trees hold small florest patches under them, scaterred all over the nation. A cold wind usually blows in the open hills, leaving you very confortable.

Ghater information: either it's because your a stranger on this land or because you're not really a charmer, you couldn't get many awnsers. Close to the capital there are few beast and several bandits (many bandits are from agressive humanoid races, like orcs, goblins and centaurs* while others are worshipers of other faiths who act on their own - independent warbands). The shadows of Death, however, brought several undead creatures all over the world.

Soon after the giant arives, you can see one elven child runing behind him, carring a scroll "Gramma wants me to give you this!"

it's a message from the elders. it says:
"We could't gather much more heroes, but some poeple got excited to know that someone is attemping to free the temple. Seek Alifor, the former library janitor; Liriar, the weponsmith; Nihari, an aprendicce sorcerreres; and Rivien, the hunter. Meanwhile we will push the merchants and the nobles, not to conscript them, but to make them share some whealth. This child is my grandaughter, and will allways be at the gates during sunset to exchange messages between us.

Have faith. Life is with us.

Elinofel, Elder Magistrate"

The child stares intensively at the storm giant, speacially at his huge sword.

2010-01-21, 11:22 AM

"Are all of us here ? If so maybe we should go and start our long journey , under the cover of the stars."

2010-01-21, 03:47 PM
OOCAre the janitor, weaponsmith, etc. in the town and we are supposed to meet them before we go or do we need to rescue them?

2010-01-21, 06:14 PM
Once the warband is finally gathered and debriefed, they set up to the start of their jorney - seeking allies in the vicinity of Eldrea, the capital of Life. The closest destination is for the hamlet* of Alifor, the former library janitor. Hopefully, he should have a few scrolls to spare

The path until then is prety clear and easy. The walk takes two hours, but the night is very clear due to poetic moonlight beans piercing the sparse clouds. This is actuallly quite usefull, since that's when the elves have the better use of their low light vision.

You reach the hamlet. It stands on the borders of a minor groove inside a gentle valley. A small lake holds an even smaller boat - completely useless unless its use is just to rock on the water on windy days. It has a high cealing and several large windows and porches, allowing a lot of fresh air in. There seems to be a low fence in the back of the house, which couldn't house something bigger then a pig. You are about 120 feet from the entrance.

Roll a spot check. If you beat DC 20, look on spoilers.
don't look if failed! or at least, avoid metagaming with this info
I mean it!
There is absolutly no torch or lamp outside or just inside the house. The front door is wide open, and a small stair that leads to it is pretty dirty, with mud.

make a new spot check at 20 feet from the entrance.

OCC: *hamlets varies in size. some may be just a hut, other might be a rich state. * I'm considering the neutral mosters from LOM Special Edition, therefore we will find centaurs, orcs, trolls... maybe a lich...

EDIT: I'll wait for the others spot check. Unless anyone had something special in their minds that is not walk normaly until 20 feet of the hamlet, the next piece of action is another spot check

2010-01-21, 08:03 PM

[roll0] here is my spot check

2010-01-21, 11:36 PM
[roll0] Acerador
[roll1] Aeros

2010-01-23, 10:45 PM
OOC: Sorry I've been MIA; crazy week at school :smallfrown:

Spot check: [roll0]

2010-01-23, 10:57 PM

"Well team, the place is cold. Dead cold. Looks abandoned from here, are you quite certain these are the correct coordinates? No light, door's wide open on a night like this, and it looks fairly filthy. Want me to scout ahead a bit before we go bumbling into a trap or waking up a raiding party?

2010-01-23, 11:10 PM

"Do you have any lightsource to bring with you ? Because I can cast some form of Light spell I am sure on something you could take with you . "

2010-01-24, 01:24 AM
The night is pretty clear. An elf has no trouble scouting around. Acerador, however, gets only a general shape of structure and creatures.

OCC: Who has low light vision can see outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day. Those who don't have low-light see everything as low-light area - that is, 20% concealment.

If Cairid goes scouting, roll for spot, listen, hide, move silent, and initiative

these maps take some time from me... so I'll only update when critical.
C, K, and A stand for your charaters. "a" stands for aeros ( who is he afterall?) and "b" for silent bodyguard. dark green is overgrown, difficult terrain and provides concealment. brown circles are large trees and provide cover. the low fence provides low cover.
http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/S1vrg9hxShI/AAAAAAAAFhU/ZJ685XrbsmQ/s512/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202412010%20044028.j pg

2010-01-24, 01:37 PM
"Back in a flash, friends. Be ready for trouble."

Cairid looks across the plains for a second, choosing his path, before he begins stalking through the overgrowth and to the house, darting behind trees until he gets to the tree in front of the stairs.

Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]
Initiative: [roll4]

2010-01-24, 05:19 PM
You move quickly throughout the night with great skill. you get at the tree in no time.

once you get there, you notice that there is actually a LOT of mud in the stairs. some of it is sprayed for about 6 feet high, including over the door. you are able to take a smlall peek inside - you can see a chair droped with it's back on the ground, wich is also covered with a path of mud...

As you focus your eyes and ears, you listen to something disturbing. The sound of a creature scraching something hard, like pice of wood... or bone! The sound is also moisty and somewhat bestial, so you could be almost sure it's using it's mouth. The noise is coming from the stairs, but you couldn't see anything over there. You could't notice any reaction from your presence as long as you were standing there.

OCC: Your initiative roll came to be unecessary. If you want to retry your spot check, you must roll for hide again. You can keep scouting around in other places if you want to, just make those rolls again. You don't have to take more scouting rolls to make your way back - just consider you took 10 and made it back to the others safely.

2010-01-24, 06:30 PM
Cairid takes a breath, then peers once more from out of cover, attempting to see what has turned the hamlet into it's den.

God save my poor thieving body; I'd be a lousy scout if all I knew was that something muddy was havin' himself some dinner :smalltongue:

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

EDIT: Well, at least I can see it I think :smalleek:

2010-01-24, 07:04 PM
You take you head quite far from your cover to see what there is to see...

it's a thin, rugged creature chewing a piece of skull plate, crawled under the stairs....


you've seen those before.. you stand in awe form a moment, thinking how you have not realized that before. As you stood paralized in there from that single second, the ghoul emerges it's head from the skull plate, as moonlight reflects on it's dead eyes. He looks straight at your direction, and then keeps eating. If he wasn't so concerned about his meal, he would surely notice you.

2010-01-24, 09:00 PM
OOC: Can't believe I neglected ranks in Religion despite undead being my favored enemy :smalltongue:

Cairid feels his hands involuntary reaching for an arrow and raising his bow. Filthy undead. He stops just short of firing and creeps back slowly to his comrades.

Not sure these rolls are needed if he clearly saw me and is just a'hungry, but better safe then sorry in case it has friends.
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1].

2010-01-24, 09:14 PM
Caidrid's way back is safe and silent. Unless he has a sick sense of humor, it's unlikely that he will pretend to be a ghoul and scare off his new friends.

OCC: You are back, but i'm sure the other's could not notice you with their lousy spot checks

2010-01-24, 10:31 PM
"Well, that was...bracing. We have a ghoul in there, having himself a spot of dinner. Probably our contact. Still, it is late and we need shelter, equipment, and answers. There might be survivors, and the fellow had scrolls, right? Ghouls don't eat those. I suggest we take out those undead monstrosities, and take a look around. I assume there are more and am willing to take advice on how to assault them. The one on the stairs saw me but wasn't hungry, so flushing them out may not be an option...but I am not in favor of close-quarter fighting.

2010-01-24, 11:29 PM
"Is there just one ghoul? If you want we could try to draw them out into an ambush. Who of us is the fastest runner?"

OOCI have a 40' move speed and am pretty good at climbing too. link to my character sheet for easy reference http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=7919

2010-01-25, 12:30 AM
"I only saw one, giant. I suspect more. Still, if you wish to provide a distraction, I am happy to provide covering fire. It is my...specialty." A small grin breaks across Cairid's usually somber face.

2010-01-26, 12:30 PM

" I Will cast Hide from Undead on us , so that we can go in there undedected ."

Casts Hide From Undead

Kaeraliale also ponders the question on whether or not if Ghouls are solidary , pack , or gregarious creatures by nature Intelligence check [roll0]

2010-01-26, 01:15 PM

" I Will cast Hide from Undead on us , so that we can go in there undedected ."

Casts Hide From Undead

Kaeraliale also ponders the question on whether or not if Ghouls are solidary , pack , or gregarious creatures by nature Intelligence check [roll0]

Does the spell affect all of us?

2010-01-26, 02:07 PM

" I have to Touch Someone and whoever is touched his hidden from the Undead ......who wants to be hidden ?

2010-01-26, 04:15 PM
Kaeraliale - knowledge: you recent brainstorm over The Great Temple take over aparently messed up evrything else. Unless you stop and reson on ghouls behaviour (a take 20 on religion) for some minutes, you just can't recall if they are social creatures or not.

you do know that ghouls can be risen either by the death of a specially perverse individual (a "natural" process) or throught powerfull necromantic magic. You also know they are inteligent (not mindless).

The spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/hideFromUndead.htm) is cast. everyone is somewhat protected for half an hour.

2010-01-27, 01:59 AM
"If your fancy magic only protects one of us, I suppose it ought to be you. Our giant looks tough enough, as do your guards. And I...well, I don't expect them to get too close, and I can run quite easily if they do. Are we ready to proceed?"

OOC:Trying my luck with an int check on ghouls, as they are my favored enemy.


2010-01-27, 06:13 AM
Cairid: you remind yourself although elves are imune to the paralizing thouch of the ghoul, storm giants are not.

As you discuss, a cold gust of wind blows at your back and towards the hamlet. Nothing to be spooky about - those gusts happens very often, and this was just a little strong one (no effects on you other then messing your hair for a second)

2010-01-27, 09:14 AM
"Are we going to do a frontal assault or should I commence the old plan to lure whatever may be lurking around?"

2010-01-27, 02:29 PM
"Actually, giant, it's risky for you to barge in there. Ghouls can paralyze with their claws, they have a nasty venom. Elves are highly resistant to those effects, but I am not sure you will hold up as well.

So here is the plan. I will stand off and start firing my bow through the door. When the ghouls emerge, you can charge in from the side and thump them. Hopefully I'll slow them up with a few shots, and you can pick them off before they know what hits them. Our friend the magister can offer magical support, and your respective guards can be ready to interpose themselves between us and them if my arrows and your steel do not destroy them outright.

If there is no further discussion..."

Cairid begins creeping back to the house, moving up to the first place in which he has a clear shot at the ghoul through the door while still being a safe distance away.

2010-01-27, 03:00 PM
Caidrid quietly advances to just beyond the range of the ghoul's dakrvision.

Although the stairs are not solid (each step is a large plank, nailed down to a inclined log) you realize you will be unable to shoot clearly. The creature has cover (+4AC) from you unless you shoot straight from the sideline of the house (just before the red squares, to the left or right of the stairs). Besides that, the creature is not standing tall, but ducked behind the stairs (-2 for ranged atacks, +2 for melle atacks).

Nice spot for a meal, bad spot for target pratice. The wind blows at your back towards the house again.

2010-01-27, 07:12 PM
"Lousy shot, but I just need him out of cover for a bit. At your word, giant, I shall open fire"

2010-01-27, 09:37 PM
"To Action!"

Aeros readies an action to take a shot with his bow if he has a clear shot. Acerador readies an action to move in the ghoul's way, intercept it, and make an aoo on it if it attempts to come within 20 feet of an ally

2010-01-28, 12:08 PM
as the storm giant soundly aproaches, you can notice the ghoul sliping past the stairs, losing his cover and bestialy standing tall (no penalities). he trows off his snak and lets go a shirek, which is soon followed by several moans from inside the house...

(who is aeros again? only our cleric was supose to have a bodyguard, but screw it for now)

Kaeraliale and his bodyguard are hidden from undead.Caidrid and aeros can atack form their redied actions. Then, everyone, roll initiative*!

ghoul**: [roll0]

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/S2HCEwJ-z2I/AAAAAAAAFjQ/bkr3dhiwJkw/s512/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202812010%20145657.j pg

EDIT: It's very likely that the ghoul will beat you in initiative, since he got a 20. of course he will rush in. Acerador can post his readied action atack roll in advance once he posts for aeros, should he survive the arrows.

here's how I do initiative in PbP: you guys all roll, and the mean initiative from your party must beat the mean initiative of the present enemies, so we don't have to wait for specific players to post in order

** enemies rolls
when you are facing normal or almost normal monsters, i'l post all their rolls so you get the straight result. when you are fighting a important boss-type or specially handcrafted foe, I roll stuff in my desk, so we don't spoil the surprises. is that good enoght for you?

2010-01-28, 12:17 PM
(Ghoul's will save vs hide from undead: [roll0] to see kaerdrid and [roll1] to see bodyguard. which is the DC?)

2010-01-28, 12:56 PM
DC for Hide from Undead would be 10 +1 +2 = 13

2010-01-28, 01:00 PM
My Character's Initiative = [roll0]

2010-01-28, 02:47 PM
As the ghoul stands up, Cairid grins. "There we are, ugly...how about one right between the eyes?"

Readied action attack roll
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

After letting fly with an arrow, Cairid steels himself for battle.

Initiative: [roll4]

2010-01-28, 08:56 PM
Aeros is my squire (follower). Goliaths have favored class: Barbarian so I believe I qualify

Acerador Initiative[roll0] (dex mod -2, aggressive trait)
Aeros Initiative [roll1] (dex mod +1)

Acerador's AoO [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

If Aeros gets a clear shot he fires [roll4]
[roll5] damage

2010-01-28, 09:22 PM
As soon as he leaves the stairs and starts runing at you (he wins initiative), Caidrid hits the ghoul in the chest. it nearly trips but keeps going, as Aeros arrow hits only the hut.

once he gets closer, beastly runing at you group, Acerador advances to intercept him. yet his huge blades strikes too soon, and misses the creature. The ghoul keeps it's momentum and strikes the giant

charge, bite: [roll0], damage [roll1]. fort 12 or paralizes

After the strike the ghoul turns his head to the mage, surprised to sudenly see him. he does not seem to have realized his bodyguard is there, or it's wildly ignoring him.

in the back of the hut you see another ghoul - he came from the spot you did not had line of sight. There is also the sound of many small objects crashing and being draged, coming form inside the hamlet.

first regular round. ghoul took 6 damage from caidrid's arrow. bodyguard is invisible to the ghoul. your turn, all players post in any order.

2010-01-29, 09:08 AM
[roll0] Fortitude
[roll1] against nausea

Acerador Enrages (healing 4 hp of damage from the constitution increase), 5 foot steps back and attacks with his fullblade

Aeros Repositions and attempts to shoot the ghoul that is farther away [roll3]

2010-01-29, 09:09 AM
Acerador should hit so [roll0] damage

2010-01-29, 01:53 PM
The ghoul is torn apart in two by the giant's giant blade.

by reasons unknown to the wisest archmages, once the ghould is dead-dead, it dosen't smell so bad anymore.

The noises inside the hamlet increses sightly. Brace yourselves. more will come.

(it's still your turn. ghoul is dead. ready your actions and then the mosnters will act)

2010-01-29, 02:42 PM
My Body Guard and I will rush into the Hamlet when the ghouls come out . Since we are protected and hidden from the Undead which are the ghouls , they won't see me ! hehehehe . :smallcool:

2010-01-29, 07:24 PM
Cairid takes a measured step forward, then fires a flurry of arrows.

5' step closer to the hamlet, then using Rapid Shot on the visible and not-hamburgered Ghoul.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2010-01-29, 08:13 PM
Altough Aero's arrow still only hit the hut again, Caidrid does the service of killing dead things. In an impossible shot, at the limits of accurate longbow range, two arrows fly thought the large porches of the hamlet and lay waste to the ghoul who emerged.

But before he hits the ground, more emerge from behind the hut. they should have been feasting on a domestic animal, since they are all within some fence and too much covered in blood.

out of the hamlet, skeletons come out, bashing and overruning small objects like some flower vases just outside the house. they are thin, medium-sized and humanoid. You would be surprised if there were not elves once.

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/S2OIaAR2QwI/AAAAAAAAFk4/JOyJvNbEwk0/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202912010%20231558.j pg

.................................................. .....
second round has started. your turn!

(Favored enemy bonus damage is not precision damage, so it aplies beyond 30 feet.)

(Eladrin, is there where you are supose to be? if i'm woring just let me know suposed to be?)

2010-01-30, 12:02 AM
"Well, that certainly is a large swarm of ravenous undead. Figures. We might be in a bit of trouble...

Cairid steps a few feet to the left, and fires off another flurry of arrows, this time aiming at the nearest skeleton.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2010-01-30, 09:44 AM
(one atack hits. nearest skeleton the one five squares East of the mage, took 3 damage)

2010-01-31, 09:17 AM
Is it my turn again?

Aeros repositions again for a clear shot, heading northwest. He fires off another arrow at the northwest skeleton. Acerador stoops low and takes off at a charge, smashing into the southern most skeleton

Aeros Arrow
[roll]1d8 damage

Initiating Charging Minotaur
Opposed bull rush (Str + size modifier + circumstance bonus) Acerador's strength is increased by 6 from mountain rage to a +8 mod, Large gives him +4 and charging gives +2

if that beats the skeleton's opposed strength roll
[roll2] damage, if skeleton survives it is prone

End turns

2010-01-31, 09:18 AM
botched that damage roll [roll0] for the arrow if it hits. Also, Charging Minotaur does not provoke AoOs if you are not familiar with it

2010-01-31, 09:41 AM
(Acerador smashes the skeleton Caidrid wounded. there's no chance he could beat that strenght check. keep giving info on the manuver's - I am unfamiliar with them. aeros hits the skeleton, but the damage was too low do hurt him)

2010-02-03, 09:47 AM
My Bodyguard and I , and running into the hovel , and away from the fighting as quickly as we can , run x4 . (30 ft x4) =120 ft.

2010-02-03, 09:58 AM
I get 3 maneuvers at my initiator level. One of them is what I just did (Charging minotaur, make a bull rush charge as a full round action, if I succeed I deal 2d6+1.5x str and knock them prone and backwards). The other is Steel wind which attacks 2 enemies within reach as a standard action, and the third is Moment of Perfect Mind which lets me make a concentration check in place of a will save. Once I use one it is spent, to get it back I need to take a regular attack or full attack action and spend a swift action to recover it.

2010-02-03, 04:39 PM
As Kaeraliale and the bodyguard rush into the hut, the swarm of skeletons gang upon the mighthy giant as the first of them aproach, he's atacked by the giant's lenghty armed arms (Acerador: roll AoO. you can put one AoO in advance in your next post - you will surely need it). still, there are to many to properly defend himself, and he is brutally atacked by the swarm. they are unarmed and unarmored, using their claws.

1º only atacks if he survives AoO)- [roll0], damage [roll1]
2º - [roll2], damage [roll3]
3º - [roll4], damage [roll5]
4º - [roll6], damage [roll7]
5º - [roll8], damage [roll9]

The ghouls have a little trouble to overpass the fence due to their rush, but they pass it and keep advancing towards the party

Kaeraliale is now inside the hut (you could not run. you was to close already. is that what you wanted?) he can see a part of a wooden wall, a large talbe with small objects sprayed over it and a stair to the second floor. you can hear moans from inside the hut, but you can't see anything (blocked line of sight). there's blood all over the place.

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/S2nviI3625I/AAAAAAAAFmI/2l0I-0Jm774/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20322010%20194938.jp g

it's your round again - you may post your next actions

2010-02-03, 04:58 PM

-Looks at the items on the table and what they are.

2010-02-03, 06:00 PM
a few cups, forks, ink and wirting pen. there are also some books - some old, some older. all those are tossed over the table, and several are dirty with blood. one of the books title (about 5 on total) calls your attention "How to organize your Spellbook by Lilian Darint". there are a few lose sheets of paper inside it.

2010-02-03, 06:19 PM

*Picks up all of the Books on the table , and the leaves*

2010-02-03, 06:24 PM
(that pretty much consumes your standard action. you still have a move action left)

2010-02-03, 07:16 PM
"Very effective, Giant! Now just stand there and keep getting torn to shreds around so I can polish them off!"

Cairid takes another step to the left, then fires another flurry of arrows.

Firing at skeletons 2 and 3; precise shot means I shouldn't have to sweat firing into melee
Attack 1:
Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2010-02-03, 07:42 PM
Caidrid's second arrow hits. the skeleton's damage reduction, however, avoids most damage. (he took a single point of damage)

2010-02-03, 10:20 PM
attack [roll0] and damage [roll1] against the first skeleton that approaches

I believe my AC for those attacks you made against me was

Aeros shoots a skellie and falls back to the building

Acerador initiates steel wind, sweeping his sword in a broad arc to hit two skeletons

[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

2010-02-03, 10:21 PM
that should kill two, I tumble 20 feet to the west [roll0] if i hit dc 15 no attack of opportunities

2010-02-04, 02:18 PM
The giant smahses two skeletons, sending fragments of their bones all over the place. He then tries to move away from them to avoid another hail of blows

(check tumble (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/tumble.htm) again. there are 3 oponents, you need 3 tumble checks. the first one you overcame already, the other two are DC 17 and 19)

2010-02-04, 09:03 PM
was not aware of that [roll0] [roll1]

2010-02-05, 12:24 PM
too many bones! one of the skeletons manage to strike at the tumbling giant - [roll0], damage [roll1].

(monsters turn now)

The skeletons follow the giants steps. they rush in for the charge (thus generationg another AoO due to reach) to tear him apart. (atacks agains Acerador)

Upper skeleton - generates the AoO: [roll2], damage [roll3]

middle skeleton: [roll4], damage [roll5]

lower skeleton, took 1 point of damage: [roll6], damage [roll7]

Kaeraliale - after picking to books, you bodyguard grabs you head an turn it to more inside the hut. two humanoids zombies slowly come out from a room. you can hear moans from upstairs as well.

The ghouls aproach. none of them is able to atack just yet, but they are now just in range to fight. one of them prepares to engage the giant while 3 others go for the archers (now they are at point blank shot range)

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/S2xWIwq0QQI/AAAAAAAAFmk/K4MzGeTBcus/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20522010%20153125.jp g

your turn!

2010-02-05, 12:30 PM

Runs as hastily as possible with my Bodyguard away from the fighting .

2010-02-05, 01:37 PM
Attack of opportunity on first skeleton [roll0] [roll1]

are there any healing spells comin my way or do we need to back up and regroup?

2010-02-05, 08:59 PM
"Well, this is going...poorly. ROOKIE! Cairid shouts, turning briefly to the giant's squire, "Ya might want to start running away about now".

Cairid fires an arrow straight at the head of the nearest ghoul then dashes further to the left and north, hoping to circle around and get the ghouls close to the giant.

Cairid will be firing an arrow at the ghoul closest to him, then moving twenty feet left and ten feet north.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-02-06, 11:12 AM
Aeros attack [roll0] [roll1] damage

how many enemies are currently adjacent to acerador?

2010-02-06, 11:36 AM
(The giant is surrounded by 4 undead creatures - 3 skeletons, one of them lightly wounded, and a ghoul. aeros strike was aimed at... the most wounded ghoul, right? that will bring him down, since it was (almost) devasted by caidrid's arrow.)

2010-02-07, 04:58 PM
(The giant is surrounded by 4 undead creatures - 3 skeletons, one of them lightly wounded, and a ghoul. aeros strike was aimed at... the most wounded ghoul, right? that will bring him down, since it was (almost) devasted by caidrid's arrow.)

Yeah he should target that ghoul

Acerador takes a five foot step to the south west and ends his turn

Aeros runs towards the house

2010-02-08, 09:15 AM
After his five foot step acerador slices another skeleton [roll0] [roll1]

aeros moves 40 feet west of his current position

and acerador takes a swift action to recover maneuvers
end turn

2010-02-08, 01:04 PM
The battle rages on.

On each of the giant's blow, shattered bones fly all over the place. one of the ghouls got impaled by the arrows and falls to the ground, miraculously supressing his stench.

the ghouls roar and bite. the first one takes a 5 foot step and atacks the giant.

bite: [roll0] for [roll1] damage. paralizes for [roll2]
2 claws: [roll3] for [roll4] damage, paralizes for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7] damage, paralizes for [roll8]. paralizes DC 12. stench DC 15 or be sickened for [roll9] minutes

the others charge at the archers. the one who atacks Caidrid provokes an AoO from the giant, should he be able to move... EDIT: Well, the giant WAS able to move. The ghoul is choped to pieces, and caidrid is safe form it's claws

bite: [roll10] for [roll11] damage.
stench DC 15 or be sickened for [roll12] minutes

..as the second strikes Aeros...

bite: [roll13] for [roll14] damage. paralizes for [roll15] (what race is Aeros?)
stench DC 15 or be sickened for [roll16] minutes

Finaly, the wounded skeleton atacks Acerador as well. he's too dumb to recognize a coup de grace possibility.

2 claws: [roll17] for [roll18] damage
[roll19] for [roll20] damage

Only Kaeraliale is aware of the zombies inside the hut.
.................................................. .........................
your turn again!

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/S3BUhJabBmI/AAAAAAAAFrA/IwxLL70PlFs/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20822010%20161258.jp g

2010-02-08, 01:25 PM
As near as I can tell, regular ghouls do not have stench only ghasts. One of those claws hit me so fort save [roll0] Ill only fail on a natural one.

2010-02-08, 01:36 PM
Aeros is a wood elf. As the ghoul charges he quickly realizes he forgot to ask his master to equip him with spiked gauntlets "We forgot to get me a melee weapon!" Thinking on his feet, he swings his longbow at the oncoming ghoul as an improvised club [roll0] damage [roll1] against the charging ghoul

Acerador is not paralyzed and he makes an aoo against the passing ghoul as it attempts to reach the thief [roll2] [roll3]

on his turn aeros withdraws to 10 feet northwest of acerador as a full round action

Acerador screams as he swings his sword in a broad arc against the nearby skeleton and ghoul. He shouts "Regroup! The day is almost won!" Initiate steel wind

[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

I still have actions to take I want to see the results of this roll.

2010-02-08, 01:38 PM
Acerador ends his turn by stepping five feet to the west

2010-02-08, 03:23 PM
Aeros could not make that AoO I misread the rules. Here is his fort save against paralysis [roll0]

2010-02-08, 05:33 PM
OOC: I'm way lost: everyone is still up on our side, right? But Acerador is like at 1 HP (and will slip to negatives once his rage wears off at the end of this fight without heals)? And after his steel wind only the ghoul is still standing? And there are a whole mess of zombies inside the hamlet but only our MIA caster and his staffman know that?

2010-02-08, 09:56 PM
There are a couple left, the one that just attacked and paralyzed Aeros, and a skeleton next to acerador. I don't think I actually lose the hp from my temp con points they just go away from my max health. I am going to tabulate my hp but I am going to need some healing for sure.

2010-02-09, 09:34 AM
OOC: By my calculation I have taken 29 damage total so far, and healed 4 when i enraged. so 25 damage puts me at 7 hp

2010-02-09, 10:53 AM

Goes over to Acerador and uses his Domain Spell Cure light Wounds .

" Oh By the Great Tree of Life ,you are totally in Bade Shape , HERE Take some Life Healing , the Best Kind too !"


2010-02-09, 08:39 PM
"Glad you decided to join the fight, magister. I was worried that first contact with these abominations had you high-tailing it back to the city."

Cairid strides forward and fires a flurry of arrows; this time splitting his attention between the skeleton threatening his comrades and the ghoul assaulting the young squire. He moves his bow with lightning quickness, firing one shot then another.

"Squire, get out of there! Get up to your master; we can protect you here."

Cairid 5' steps north, and uses Rapid Shot to nail the two undead within range. Attack 1 is skeleton, Attack 2 is ghoul.
Attack 1: [roll0], Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2], Damage 2: [roll3]

Please add 1 to everything if I am within point-blank range of my targets.

2010-02-10, 10:09 AM
Blow after blow, the undead creatures are slaughtered. Some of the re-animeted dismembered members still move, as the wind sprays the dust into the woods.

Acerador's bloe proved fatal again. he slays the ghoul but misses the skeleton. That is much like Caidrid: he strikes the ghoul that charged at Aeros but misses the skeleton as well (the ghoul took 6 points of damage)

Kaidrid runs for the backup. but he too far to heal him just yet. he get close, however, with his bodyguard between him and the danger.

The skeleton who is left keeps pushing the giant. he atacks with his claws.
The wounded ghoul leaps for the archer that just hit him.

skeleton atacks vs acerador [roll0], damage [roll1] for fisrt claw and [roll2], damage [roll3] for second claw

Ghoul's atack VS Caidrid [roll4], damage [roll5]. fortitude DC 12 or ghoul fever (which I had forgotten so far)

also, you all notice zombies coming out of the entrance of the hut. a laud moan from inside the hut calls your attention, and you can pick trought a window to see another pack of zombies coming down the stairs. it seems the day is not yet won!

-------------------------your turn

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/S3LOsRWeJdI/AAAAAAAAFt4/UHZ_5VwErXM/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201022010%20131952.j pg

Kaeraliale (planned action): Goes over to Acerador (Avoiding any AoO) and uses his Domain Spell Cure light Wounds. (I had forgotten how much you rolled for this ehaling, please roll again. I think our giant just got hit twice)

2010-02-10, 10:26 AM
[roll0] :smallcool:

2010-02-10, 11:58 AM
Cairid grunts in pain, then shakes his head. He steps back a few paces, then fires off two arrows right at the ghoul's throat.

First, a fortitude save against getting very sick

Then, sick or not, Cairid 5' steps north and Rapid Shot's the ghoul.

Attacks: [roll1], [roll2]
Damage: [roll3], [roll4]

2010-02-10, 12:19 PM
EDIT: Nevermind, he rolled

Acerador feels his strength fading, so he swings his sword at the skeleton [roll0] [roll1] damage.

Aeros fires an arrow at the ghoul and runs around acerador to 10 feet south of him to get away from the zombies. [roll2] [roll3]

2010-02-10, 12:21 PM
That is not high enough to hit a human warrior skeleton from the d20srd so i guess the skeleton is still alive. Acerador recovers his maneuvers as a swift action and tumbles 15 feet to the southeast [roll0] no aoo on a 15 or higher

and end turn

2010-02-10, 12:45 PM
Kaeraiale forgets to order his bodyguard to do anything, but he keeps protecting the mage. he takes a 5-foot step , stays between the mage and the skeleton, and then strikes (still on "Kae's" round)

[roll0], damage[roll1]
[roll2], damage[roll3]

2010-02-10, 12:54 PM
The last ghoul is impaled by caidrid's arorw. he is pretty dead.
The wounded giant is prey to the skeleton's oportunitic atack

atack [roll0], damage [roll1]

this lucky skeletons unleash his emotionless fury at the closest target - this time, the silent bodyguard

atack [roll2], damage [roll3]
atack [roll4], damage [roll5]

The other zombies slowly drag themselves out of the hamlet

-----------------------------------------your round!

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/S3L1T6pjFCI/AAAAAAAAFus/jvFMO9xKAgA/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201022010%20160421.j pg

2010-02-10, 01:14 PM
Cairid appraises the situation: the giant is near death, bleeding profusely. The squire and bodyguard are injured. He's hit but not badly. The magister hasn't burned too much power so far, but...More undead! Magister, cloud giant, finish that skeleton and fall back. Stick to the lake. I shall cover our retreat by running to the south. We shall retake the hamlet in the day time; we have dealt a strong blow to the undead presence here already."

Cairid fires a single arrow at the nearest zombie, then turns and jogs down south.

Cairid attacks, then moves 30' south and east, getting back towards where he started this encounter.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

I don't think I'm in point-blank range but if I am then please add 1 to each roll.

2010-02-10, 01:15 PM
Ate my dice rolls...stupid 60 second wait between posts:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-02-10, 01:32 PM
Acerador swings at the skeleton again [roll0] [roll1] and move 40 feet south (at 2 health i believe)

Aeros jogs 60 feet south

2010-02-18, 03:05 PM
In the Spirit of Intelligence ,Kaeraiale Urges his bodyguard ,and himself to retreat seeing as they most likely have the best resource available already ....the books which would contain knowledge , which would in turn give power !
"Fools! Run!"

2010-02-18, 07:02 PM
The group easily outrun the zombies. they keep following you as long as they can, but once you get out of their darkvision, they stop. they stand still as long as you keep looking at them.

Acerador's rage ends just in time for the scape. he falls to the ground due to the exastion (less constitution). It's up to Kaeraiale to define how to restore him.

once out of harms way, you're safely back to the hills. form here you can just camp in the open wilds (what??!) or go back to the city ro rest. the other places are nearby too (you walked 4 hours. either the capital or the other possible helpers are at 4 hours walking)

the books.. you took 4.
One of them is a book of fables and child stories.
The other is a biography of the last elven Lord.
One of them spekes of how to properly organize libraries, spellbooks and scroll sets.

any of these books takes about 2 hours to read, at least the most important parts. a full, concentrated reading requires 24h

the last one, the most simple and less used is a almost new spellbook. it hold all cantrips and the following spells:
Mage armor
Magic missile
Shoking grasp
Burning hands

as you shuffle it's pages, it seems that it drops a few page. you see it's 3 scrolls. casting detect magic or spellcraft (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/spellcraft.htm) DC 23 identifies them (one check or spell for each scroll)

2010-02-18, 09:58 PM
I think aeros was at 1 health

2010-02-19, 12:21 PM
Cairid glances at the giant, and rummages in his small satchel on his belt. He pulls out a weather yellow scroll, and lays his hand on the giant as he reads aloud in elven. His hands glow with white energy, and the giant is healed:

Using one of my scrolls of Cure Light Wounds on Acerador. I'll let our caster patch him up the rest of the way :smallbiggrin:.

Cairid then, without waiting, drops his bag to the ground and pulls out a sunrod. He immediately cracks it, flooding the makeshift campsite with pale white light, and gets to work looking for firewood to make a small fire.

Survival checks I suppose, for gathering wood and then laying a good fire that doesn't burn down the plains? I'll just take ten on the fire starting part actually...so here's my wood gathering:
Survival: [roll1]

Once that is taken care of, Cairid turns to his comrades.

"I can stand guard tonight while you research and rest, magister, and while you and your comrade lick your wounds, giant. If your staffman is willing to take a short shift as dawn approaches for me to rest, I will handle everything else. We shall discuss where we need to go after this in the morning."

Cairid gets up and moves toward the northern end of the camp, eyes scanning the horizon for threats from the hamlet, and then turning back to watch the other borders. He eats some rations and leans against a tree, and waits.

2010-02-19, 01:07 PM

"I shall look over the Biography with some Fervor !"

Looks over the Biography and Character is willing to take the research time to do so.

2010-02-19, 07:09 PM
The biography is quite... badly writen. there are notes all over the pages, possibly from the library janitor you were looking for, with heavy criticism against the author. from historical facts to people, palces and rimes, it seems it was delightfull for the janitor to criticize this book.

out of you can get straight: the last elven lord was a warrior, with no outstading features besides his commitment to the cause. He had good generals, vast magical suport and had most of the thives guild on his hand. All those came to follow him because they despery needed a leader, and that was just what being a lord of life was to him - take the responsability and guide the others.

(eveytime you read this book before sleeping, I will add more information)
the clumsy, wet wood caidrid ghatered took quite a while to set itself on fire. during your guard you had to several times re-fuel and manage the fire place. even so, it kept you warm. there was no sign of the zombies, or any other dangerous creature. An owl stood nearby by a long part of the night, and sometimes flew around you. for a moment, it got itself close enought for you to pet it. besides that, it's a completely ordinary owl.

the night is calm, and the day shines again in due time.

(healing: eveyrone heals it's HD in HP, in adition to any healing Kaelidraie uses before he sleeps. you can roll that healing now. XP in OOC)