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2010-01-15, 01:45 PM
The Ones

In a world where no dragons roam free, the average adventurer falls before he gets a chance to retire with his life (or full set of limbs, for that matter), where magic is a mysterious force respected by some and feared by others, the four of you have managed to survive and to make a small fame for your adventuring group in Porto, and, of course, to make a few gold coins while doing it, a feat in and on itself.

However, wild rumors about strange beasts that used to roam the far southern lands (closing in and going above and under The Wall to raid and destroy whatever they find) are quite the subject of talk amongst people. Noble or peasant, street urchin or law-enforcer; everyone is talking about it, and, quite frankly, a bit scared.

If that wasn’t enough, there are some other rumors (these not as known as the previous ones) that talk about some kind of horde approaching the westernmost lands. And apparently, not even the mighty orcs that roam the vast lands after the Red Sands were able to deal with them.

But who knows, they might just be rumors spread by liars wanting to scare the people and their governments in order to enact a military coup. Or maybe they are just stupid rumors that a drunken man spread because he drank too much dwarven ale. But I wouldn’t bet my gold on the last one.

Aegis Sentinels
Player |
Name |
Race |
Alignment |
Koury | Corretha Caelara (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=33688) | Fire Elf | Chaotic Good | Wizard
Hack Writer | Urlandro Kalagros (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178818) | Human | Lawful Good | Paladin
Seth | Lafean Kaenndar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178588) | Human | Chaotic Good | Scout/Ranger
Goon | Mallias Sennin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178741) | Human | Lawful Neutral | Psion[/table]

Previous Adventures
Porto's Supply Problem
Assigned By: Porto City Watch
Mission: Discover and resolve the cause of the supply shortages!
By: KouryIt had been nearly a week since the caravans had began coming less and less often. For a busy merchant like Porto, this was unusual. As people began to realize something was wrong the city watch began to mobilize the local militia. They were put on patrols on the main roadways from the city walls to about 3 miles out.

Finally one of the caravans that came through had news to deliver about the situation. Bandits had been pillaging caravans at their leisure for some time. The city watch recruited 8 volunteers, split them into two groups and commissioned them to go and investigate.

Your group consisted of a skilled Scout, a noble Paladin, a crafty Wizard and a mysterious Psion. Your investigation revealed a large bandit camp hidden in Algaterra forests, discovered due to an ingenious tracking method devised by the Scout. After a little reconnaissance, the Paladin suggested sneaking around to attack the leaders of the group head on. The party managed to enter the large cabin undetected, but they didn't remain unnoticed for long.

Inside the cabin a fight broke out. Things were going well for the party at first, but tides turned when reinforcements arrived for the bandits in the cabin. The Wizard and Psion were causing as much mayhem as possible, but the Paladin found himself surrounded by three bandits.

"We need to pull back!" He shouted.

The Scout put an arrow into the bandit separating the Paladin from the rest of the group and the Paladin took advantage of the opening. Upon escaping the cabin, the group found nothing but more bandit awaiting outside.

With the Paladin valiantly defending the doorway, not letting a single thief out, the Psion, Scout and Mage began blasting a path out. The group managed to escape with the only injury coming to the Paladin. As the group arrived back in town they relayed the location of the camp to the city watch, who dispatched a unit to deal with the problem. The city payed for the Paladins recovery 100%

The Scar
Assigned By: Aegis Sentinels
Mission: Rescue the Scout!
By: SethThe party was just coming back from an assignment – tired and unsatisfied. Their mission proved to be futile. They were to retake the supplies stolen from one of the caravans. Unfortunately – the thieves moved their camp at least a few days earlier and so it was impossible to find their current hideout.

The party was about a day of march away from the city. The Scout was in the vanguard, searching for any hostile activity. It was getting late but The Scout decided to go a bit further, so they would know what to face the next day. He had found a good place for a camp – left a note for the party to stay here and wait for his return from the recon.

Rest of the party arrived to the camp-place. The Paladin was a bit concerned about The Scout, but The Psion reassured him about The Scout’s skills. They quickly set up a camp for the night.

Meanwhile The Scout found something of a great interest. He considered calling the party but in the end decided to inspect alone. Before him was an unmarked cemetery – a few nameless graves would be a more appropriate name. The tumuluses looked fresh. The Scout went a bit closer – he wanted to see if there are any writings on the tombstones – rocks and barks mostly.

The Scout kneeled before one of the tombstones to decipher the writing. At that exact moment something caught his leg! All of a sudden dead bodies rose from the graves! The Scout was took completely by surprise. Unable to move he was defenseless. He shot a few arrows but that only slowed down one of the zombies. Another zombie attacked! He hit The Scout right to the face with his clawed, dead arm. The Scout fell down to the ground. "That’s my end" came through his mind. Blood was all over his face. He closed his eyes, waiting for the final blow.

Instead he heard a loud crack, and then smelled burnt flesh. He opened his eyes to see one of the zombies being set upon with a splash of acid – The Wizard took care of that. The Paladin was charging towards another of the undead with his deity’s name on his lips. Even The Psion – afraid of the undead – was helping the party with his mysterious powers. The Paladin lifted the wounded Scout from the ground and run away from the undead.

The party managed to lose the zombies and taken care of the wounded companion. Unfortunately they were unable to cure his face – he had a big, red scar crossing his whole face – from his forehead, through the nose ending near the cheek. An inch to the left and the zombie would have struck his eye – and that’d be an even greater disaster. From that day on The Scout become grim and full of hatred to the undead.

Scourge of the Scarlet Shackle!
Assigned By: Aegis Sentinels
Mission: Survive the night!
By: Hack WriterThe Restful Traveler seemed a fitting title for the small coaching inn when the party, fresh from their adventures against the restless dead, arrived there late one night. The sumptuous way stop was extravagantly furbished and with prices to accommodate even their meager resources. The jovial landlord even cut them a deal: “two stay for the price of one! I’ll break your morning fast for no extra charge!”

It seemed too good to be true.

And it was. Late at night the party were assailed. Lurking bandits in sinister red hoods burst from hidden alcoves beneath the floorboards of the old inn, setting upon the party as they slept. The false allure of the Restful Traveler was revealed for what it truly was: an elaborate haven for bandits and slavers. The party fought off their attackers and rounded upon the innkeeper, who swiftly revealed all to the irate adventurers.

“I work for the Scarlet Shackles!” he told them, his podgy face blanched entirely white with fear. “We had an arrangement; if I allowed them to use my inn they’d split the proceedings with me – and I’d get to live a while longer! If I didn’t agree they’d have slapped the irons on me anyway, and I’d be toiling away in some musky copper mine ‘til the end of my days! What was an old man like me supposed to do?”

Further interrogation revealed the bandit’s lair to the party – an ancient cavern complex within the nearby hills – and at once they rounded upon it. The villains of the Scarlet Shackle fought doggedly against the brave band of adventurers; close, bloody and ferocious. Ultimately they were defeated, and their ringleader – an evil-spirited woman who referred to herself as ‘the Lady of the Lash’ was slain.

The party had won a great victory in the caverns beneath those hills. The power of the Scarlet Shackle had been broken, and scores of people freed from bondage. Of course, they had made an enemy too. The continent-spanning crime consortium of the Scarlet Shackle would not easily forget such a deed. Doubtless they are plotting their revenge now….

Ambush the Ambush!
Assigned By: Matrim Cauthon
Mission: Recover the Heirloom!
By: GoonIt was the middle of an unusually hot day when the adventuring company rode into town, all sweating from the heat and looking forward to the respite a cool inn would provide, except for the Fire Elf who seemed to be perfectly content with the sweltering heat and was not even showing the slightest sign of discomfort.

Bloody elves... Mallias muttered to himself as he paused to wipe the sweat off his forehead yet again. As he said it Corretha turned back to face him and said nothing but gave him a quick grin.
Bloody elves and their bloody long ears he muttered to himself in a voice soft enough that not even the elf could hear it.

As they entered the inn they elicited no response except a few quick glances until the fire elf finally decided to forgo the sun she was enjoying so much in favour of joining her comrades inside. Many of the inn's patrons were nursing their drinks pretending not to stare and a few were dropping all pretenses of subtlety and openly gawking at her. Noticing that all his mates weren't paying attention to his tales any more, a swarthy man of about 30 with a nose that looked like it had been broken at least once turned around from the bar to see what the trouble was.

As he caught sight of the elf he gave a double take and paused for a few seconds to decide what to do. Making up his mind, he approached the group and although he kept glancing at the elf he approached Urlandro.
"You look like a capable group" he said. "Can I trouble you with a proposition?"
At a nod from Urlandro he wrung his hands together where several gold rings were obviously displayed and began to talk. "You see, a few weeks ago when traveling back to this town on business I was waylaid by the bandits that operate from the cave a bit north of here. I got away with my life, but they took a necklace that has been in my family for generations! You lot seem like the kind of fellows capable of getting it back and I'm willing to pay a lot more than the necklace would be worth to you for its safe return..."

Bristling at the implication that he might keep another's property for himself, Urlandro turned to the group to ask them whether they wanted to do it. The response from the scout and the psion was immediate- They'd do it, but there was no way they were going out again in this heat. The elf had no such objections to heat, but she had no objections to waiting a day. Turning back to the man who had given them the quest Urlandro said "We'll go at first light tomorrow to put an end to those bandits and retrieve your necklace, my good man. The Aegis Sentinels will always help those in need. I don't believe I've asked, what is your name?"

For some reason the man hesitated for a second, but answered "I'm Matrim. Matrim Cauthon. I look forward to seeing you lads- and the lovely lady too, of course- here tomorrow with my necklace. I promise you, it will definitely be worth it."

At dawn the next day the group got up to find the scout was nowhere to be seen. His room was empty and his bed didn't look slept in, and they were getting rather worried.

They decided to split up and search for Lafean and as they walked out the inn door ready to begin their search the missing member literally bounced off Urlandro's chest. Getting up and rubbing his head Lafean put his finger over his lips to stop the rest of the company's questions and beckoned them to follow him into the the shadows of the ally behind the inn.

Although there were shadows under his eyes and his voice was slightly slurred with tiredness the excitement made him look even younger than he already was. As the rest of the group opened their mouths to ask what had happened he began to speak almost too fast to understand.
"All right, I know I probably should have told you I was going to do this, but I decided to scout out the cave Matrim told us about so we'd know where to go ahead of time and guess who was there? The man who told us to go there in the first place, Matrim!"
The others gasped as he paused for breath.
Are you sure it was him? Mallias asked. After all, it was night time...
"No, it was definitely him, he must have taken a different route from town but I saw him walk the last part of the way to the cave, he was carrying a torch and I got a good look at his face. He met a couple of bandits outside and talked to them. He let them know we were coming, it's a trap!"
"But why would someone who has never met us want to kill us?" asked Corretha.
"I don't know, but he obviously does. He said he'd meet us at this inn, I propose we do just that and ask him" Urlandro said.
"Except that since he obviously didn't expect us to come back, he'd have no reason to go to the inn..." replied Corretha. "I vote we go up there and find out why"
"Except", said Lefean, "they know we're coming and they're probably all hiding in the cave ready to ambush us, since they know it better than we do"
So they're all waiting inside the cave? I think I might have a solution...

"I don't like this. It's not honourable" said Urlandro as they walked towards the cave, dragging wood with them.
"I like it quite a lot" said Corretha, who was using her powers to carry more wood than the rest of them combined. "Going into the caves with them preparing to ambush us would be suicide, plus this way we get fire"
"We're nearly there, hush now" said Lefean. "This won't work if they hear us doing it"

As they got to the cave entrance they piled all the wood in a line across the cave's mouth and as the scout used his flint and steel to light the fire the wizard began casting caltrops on both sides of the line of wood. The paladin stood a few metres back from the fire, using his cloak to blow smoke into the cave, although that wasn't really necessary as the wind was already blowing towards the cave mouth anyway. The other three stood back, bows at the ready to attack any bandits that might try jumping the flames rather than choke to death on the smoke. As the smoke began to waft in at first nothing happened but then they began to hear shouts and coughing coming from inside the cave. As the smoke at the entrance grew too thick to see the scout noticed a plume of smoke rising above the cave.

"It must have another entrance!" he cried and ran towards the column of smoke. As he got there he saw it was only a small hole in the cave's roof, probably not big enough for a man to climb through. He took off his cloak and draped it over the entrance and ran back to the rest of his party.
When he got there he found a couple dead bandits in front of the fire, one with arrows through his chest and the other with his head several meters from his body and saw the rest of the party shooting randomly into the cave.

As Lefean readies his bow a mass of bandits try to jump the fire, but as they run up to it most scream and stumble, cutting their feet on the elf's caltrops. Tears streaming down their eyes from the smoke bandits with torn feet try to crawl over the burning wood, screaming as their flesh burnt and falling back into the cave, sobbing. Only a few manage to avoid all the caltrops and leap the wood, and several of those land on the caltrops on the other side. The few that get over and can still walk fall to the earth as the party releases their arrows and but one makes it to the paladin, half blind from smoke and waving his club around in front of him in a futile attempt to defend himself and with a look of pity Urlandro crushes his head with his morningstar.

Eventually the fire began to die down and well before that the screaming and coughing stopped.

Expedition to Kebrid
Assigned By: Porto City Watch Captian
Mission: Drive the bandits from the region!
By: Koury The Sentinels were returning to Porto for the first time in a while. The adventuring company they had formed since meeting here was prospering. Occasionally people even recognized them, though that was rarer then they'd have liked.

The group planned on heading to the pub before splitting up and enjoying the town for a while. They were stopped on the way there, however, by the watch.

"You guys are the Aegis Sentinels?"

The group exchanged glances. The paladin stepped forward. "Yes, we are, why do you ask?"

"Come with us. The captain has been waiting for you guys to come back."

The watch led the party to the watch headquarters. Once inside they were met by an imposing human. "I don't believe we've met. I am the officer who sent your group on your mission to investigate the attacks on the merchant caravans about six months ago. With your help, we were able to drive them away. Or so it seemed. Banditry is on the rise again, and we believe it to be the same group as before. We scoured the wood, but found no sign of them there. One of our scouts tracked them all the way back to the Kebrid Pass. Word is that they've been harassing Valeverd also.

Unfortunately, I've been unable to convince our king to fund an expedition to go and wipe them out. This is why I've summoned you here. I'm asking you to go and wipe them out, completely. The havoc they wreak will only continue to grow if we don't act soon."

Urlandro was again the first to speak up. "We'll go," he said, looking to the group for confirmation.

"Of course we'll go," Mallias said. "Since when did we turn down a mission?"

The captain seemed pleased. "I must make it clear that you are being hired by me personally, and not by the city. As such... Payment will be minimal. I am a personal friend of many of the merchants in town, however, and will put in a good word for you with them. Most will happily let the group who protected their caravans save some coin."

The group agreed and the captain gave all the details as to the location as he could. The party set out first thing next morning.

They traveled to the pass with little trouble. Within a day of arriving, the scout had located the enemy camp. He also brought back some bad news.

"It appears they are being led by a caster of some sort. I had to bypass more then one magical trap to find the camp. And once I got there the evidence only grew stronger."

Corretha perked up at this. "A mage, eh? Any idea of the spells he likes to cast?"

"Sadly, no. How do you guys want to approach this?"

Mallias had the plan this time. "We wait until the earliest part of morning and we catch them unaware. Lafean, how close can you get us safely?"

"I can get us inside their tents, if you'd like. I found a decent place to hide out a little ways from their camp, if that's what you're asking."

"Good, this will give me a chance to change my spells. Urlandro, I've got something I think you'll like."

The party set up a quick camp and waited until morning started to creep in.

"Lets move out," Urlandro suggested.

Lafean lead them to the camp. It was a large camp, big enough to support close to twenty people. It seemed like this could be trouble. They spotted two guards on watch.

"Lafean, you take the one one the right. Corretha, help me with the one on left"

They nodded.

"Three," Lafean whispered. Mallias loaded his crossbow. Corretha and Lafean notched their arrows.


They took aim at their targets.


They fired simultaneously. Lafeans arrow struck the bandit square between the eyes. Mallias' and Corretha's shots both hit center mass. They were dead before they knew what hit them.

"Perfect!" Corretha said a little excited. It seems she spoke too soon, however, as two more bandits turned the corner at that very moment.

"This is bad," Urlandro said, drawing his morningstar. "Whatever preparation's you have to make for this fight, make them now guys."

An alarm sounded and the camp started coming to life.

"Whats our plan, guys?"

"Wait for it."

"Wait for what?"

"Wait for it."

"What are you looking for?"

"There! That one is the mage! Take him out first." he said, pointing to a dwarf in the crowd of bandits around the bodies.

They shot another volley. The mage was hit but still up. The bandits finally spotted them and began charging.

"Hey, Urlandro, I got something for you," Corretha said, and began casting a spell. Upon completing a gesture, Urlandro doubled in size. Corretha smiled. "Perfect."

Urlandro charged out of their spot to meet the bandits head on. His now huge morningstar crushing bandit after bandit easily.

Lafean and Mallias attacked. Corretha, however, waited, watching the mage intently.

The enemy mage began casting a spell. Corretha instantly recognized it. "Grease? No you don't!" she said as she began counterspelling it.

Urlandro had killed four bandits, and had more piling up in front of him. Lafean was trying to get a clear shot on the mage and Mallias was helping Urlandro build up a body count.

The mage pulled out a scroll and began casting from it. Corretha couldn't tell what spell it was until it was too late, however, and took two Scorching Rays to the chest. "Wrong spell to use on me, mage," She said, picking herself back up. "Hail of Stone!"

As the rocks flew down from the sky, Lefean got the shot he was looking for. As his arrow flew straight into the mages chest, the mage went limp. Upon the mage dropping, about half of the remaining bandits turned tail and ran.

After cleaning up the few who remained, they began to search the camp. They found little of value, except for Corretha, who found some enchanted gloves on the mages body. They did, however, find a tattoo on a few of the bandits that they had began to be VERY familiar with.

"Of COURSE the Scarlet Shackle is involved somehow..." Mallias exclaimed, upon seeing the tattoos.

They regrouped after the search and headed back to town, knowing that this would only serve to redouble the Shackles efforts against them.

They returned to town and relayed their success to the captain. The captain promised to see what he could find out about the Scarlet Shackle and told them the local merchants had agreed to pass on a discount for at least the next little while.

Urlandro looked at the group as they walked out of the headquarters. "So, how about we get that drink now?"

- It Begins -

Mission 01-A: The Map

During one night, a couple weeks since the last incident with the Scarlet Shackle, while they were going towards the Green Shark Inn, for a well deserved rest, the Aegis Sentinels were approached by a tall man, whom, by his rigid northerner accent, you can tell is from Ahtira. The man, wrapped around a black coat, neck to toe, connected by a beautiful silver chain about neck high, and boots that seemed to be worth more than a peasant’s yearly income, introduces himself as Iarov Lod.

Iarov, a very important merchant and explorer (as he mentions), offers you a job, which involves rescuing a very important chart that was stolen from him during his last stay in Cor.

Due to the nature of the chart, which he doesn’t mention, he was unable to contact the authorities, as it was possible that the info contained in the chart, or even Iarov’s intentions, could end up in the ears of his very influent merchant rivals, great friends of Porto’s nobility. However, Iarov heard of your last encounters with the Scarlet Shackle, one of his many rivals in the business, “They don’t just sell slaves, they are also in the spice and ore business. Needless to say that, as your encounters with them might have tipped you, they are ruthless cowards. They have been raiding every single merchant ship going through familiar routes for over a month. Now, I don’t know if they are behind my map’s theft, since it was dark and all that my men were able to see was a cloaked figure running towards the woods, beyond the Sobrerio, last night”.

As soon as he finishes briefing you, as far as he would (verbally dodging any attempts to get more information out of him), Iarov sets a reward: two thousand gold pieces, each. And maybe some more contracts in the future, as long as you act discreetly. He gives you until noon to decide. If you wish to accept the job, all you have to do is go to the last dock and wait for him. After that, he bids you a good night, and leaves.


Mission 01-B: Sudor
When you finally arrive in the Green Shark Inn, the owner, who sympathizes with the whole “adventurous” life-style (despite being an old halfling that seems to have enjoyed all the gastronomic pleasures life has to offer, and then some), Lars “Two-Copper” Cordel, greets you with a big smile just before you head for your usual table.

Inside the common room you notice that there is quite a ruckus. A group of twelve, maybe fifteen, people surround one of the small tables near the southern wall. Apparently, they were hearing the tale of two keepers of sheep, who retold their experiences with some nasty pirate raids just north of the first coastal hills before Kebrid Pass.

Apparently, from their tales, the pirates started attacking the small town of Sudor (about two days distance in a decent pace horse, one if you are in a hurry), from where the two men hailed, a bit less than a week ago. Since the first day the pirates had raided the town one more time, which was when the two men managed to flee, amidst the fighting and looting. They don’t know what happened afterwards, but they are not going back to see.


“A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom”.
A great bard of yore

There you go guys, the game is on! This is more or less how the entire game will be, I will present you with a couple hooks and you choose which one to bite, or if you want to do something else (in which case you will tell me what it is that you want to do, and a brief goal for that.

Any rolls are to be rolled inside a spoiler tag with the “[OOC]” tag above the spoiler (like this post). Aaaaaand have fun :D

Any questions?

2010-01-15, 02:05 PM
Suspicious of a trap since the mission in which they were sent into a trap by Matrim, Mallias scruitinises the two shopkeepers to try to find a trace of a lie in their tale.

[roll0] Sense Motive roll

Unable to find a hint of untruth, Mallias turns to his comrades. If their tale is true we could save many lives, I think that's more important than our payoff, however large.

2010-01-15, 02:05 PM
As the group takes their table Corretha asks the question on everyones mind.

"So guys, should we go meet that mysterious northerner or go see whats happening in Sudor? I must say, the prospect of 2000 pieces of gold intrigues me. Imagine the amount of research I could get done with that."

Corretha Caelara (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=33688) Female CG Fire Elf
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 10/10
AC 14 (+4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 10
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
Base Attack Bonus +1
Masterwork Longbow +6 Attack (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8 (x3)
No Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Senses Spot: +1; Listen: +1; Search: +6
Location Green Shark Inn

Spells Memorized
Level 0
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist

Level 1
Color Spray
Enlarge Person - Bonus
Grease - Specialist
Hail of Stone - Specialist
Mage Armor - Specialist

2010-01-15, 02:05 PM
Lafean sat with everyone by one of the tables - his back to the wall. He then ordered some water, doubing it will be fresh. The scout doesn't drink alkohol - it blurrs the vision and lowers perception - he couldn't allow such a disadvantage. The water indeed turned out to be a bit fusty - but he had worse.

Lafean was sipping the water when he felt sudden pain. The scar was reminding about itself. It was still fairly fresh - red and moist. Although it was disgusting the young man decided to leave it unhealed - as a mark of his failure and a reminder to never become overconfident.

He heard the man out with interesed - however not shown. The mission definitely was lucrative and seemed to be interesting.

Lafean then turned his attention toward the babling folks at the other table. Pirates? He didn't like what he was hearing.

We should learn more about the Sudor problem. He said and returned to his drink.

Lafean Kaenndar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178588) Male CG Human
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 20/20
AC 18 (+4 Armor; +4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Saves Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2
Base Attack Bonus +1
Composite Longbow (+2 Str) +7 (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8+2 (x3)
Masterwork Chain Shirt +4 Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 4
Condition/Effects None
Senses Spot: +7; Listen: +7; Search: +9
Location Green Shark inn

2010-01-15, 02:09 PM
I still think we should aid the villagers, their lives are worth more than gold. It's only two days away so if we hurry we can do both, but I would prefer to head to Sudor first.

2010-01-15, 02:14 PM
Corretha already knew thats what they'd end up doing.

"So shall we head out first thing tomorrow?"

Corretha Caelara (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=33688) Female CG Fire Elf
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 10/10
AC 14 (+4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 10
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
Base Attack Bonus +1
Masterwork Longbow +6 Attack (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8 (x3)
No Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Senses Spot: +1; Listen: +1; Search: +6
Location Green Shark Inn

Spells Memorized
Level 0
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist

Level 1
Color Spray
Enlarge Person - Bonus
Grease - Specialist
Hail of Stone - Specialist
Mage Armor - Specialist

2010-01-15, 02:16 PM
Lafean nodded slowly looking at the rest of the party for confirmation.
It's a good decision he thought to himself.

2010-01-15, 02:17 PM
Not sure, we could probably gain some time by heading out after a meal today though.

What time of day is it?

Hack Writer
2010-01-15, 02:17 PM
Sitting in the smoky taproom of the Inn, huddled – somewhat awkwardly – beside the lithe shapes of his companions, the paladin considered the party’s options.

The enigmatic man’s evasive nature chaffed at Urlandro’s sense of honesty. He didn’t like duplicity, especially when it came wrapped in such an obvious mantle of ostentation. Still, mention of the Scarlet Shackles had his interest piqued; thoughts of testing his blade against those villains once again stoked the fires of the paladin’s martial spirit.

But what of the villagers assailed by pirates? It was a paladin’s duty to mind the weak after all, and if he could do anything to help then, surely, it was right for him to act.

He scratched his chin thoughtfully as the others spoke. At last he said:

“Gildendorin’s scales! I’d give anything to battle the Shackles once more. But duty dictates we should help the innocents of that village. A time will come for us to meet those knaves again.”

I'm loving the intro, Xiao! The set up and the multiple choices really add a sense of freedom!

2010-01-15, 02:20 PM
Corretha nodded. Mallius was right, of course.

"I'm fine with that. I like traveling anyway. I'll second heading out after our meal."

2010-01-15, 02:22 PM
Lafean agreed on Mallias' proposition. The scout didn't mind lack of sleep now or then and this way they could achieve more in the same amount of time - which was called effectiveness in his book.

It's "night" according to the post

Hack Writer
2010-01-15, 02:30 PM
Urlandro was happy with the decision. Fortune had permitted the Scarlet Shackle a few more days' grace, that was all.

He withdrew his morning star from its place at his belt, depositing it at the table. "Food then travel. It will be good to be back on the road once more!"

sleep is a better idea, I think. Should we just leave in the morning?

2010-01-15, 02:31 PM
Mallias begins to finish his meal and announces that he's ready to go when the others are.
I really should have slept, I keep missing things. I'm gonna go have a shower.

2010-01-15, 02:35 PM
Lafean finished his meal and waited for the rest to end as well. He then stood up and went toward the exit. Standing at the door he turned to the still sitting party
Horses He said and left the inn.

2010-01-15, 02:38 PM
The group gathered their things and headed out for the town of Sudor.

2010-01-15, 02:42 PM
As they rode along Mallias used his psionic powers in a way fitting of such terrible mastery over mind and matter by flicking Urlandro in the back of the head from a distance to keep himself amused.

Hack Writer
2010-01-15, 02:43 PM
Lafean finished his meal and waited for the rest to end as well. He then stood up and went toward the exit. Standing at the door he turned to the still sitting party
Horses He said and left the inn.

Urlandro pondered the young ranger's curt demeanour silently. The boy was a haunted youth, he thought; so sullen and withdrawn. Their few short adventures together had done little to bridge to gulf that separated him from the rest of the party. Urlandro vowed to acquaint himself better with the boy.

But first: he must eat!

2010-01-15, 02:50 PM
As they rode along Mallias used his psionic powers in a way fitting of such terrible mastery over mind and matter by flicking Urlandro in the back of the head from a distance to keep himself amused.

Lafean observed the prank. He understood why it could be amusing but he just couldn't smile looking at this. The thought worried him. He decided to leave it and refocused on observing the road ahead. And probably something to eat.

I rolled for survival in the OOC thread.

Hack Writer
2010-01-15, 02:51 PM
Gildendorin’s gullet! Urlandro thought. The psychic cuff rung inside the paladin’s skull like a tonsel clanging against a bell; an echo of a laugh sounded faintly in his ear.

Urlandro whirled towards the psion, his mailed finger raised pointedly in the blanch-faced scholar’s direction. “Once,” he declared, “is sport enough! Twice is a jape gone too far! But three times, Mallias; three times is testing the limits of courtesy!”

He turned back around and continued onwards, the sound of the psion’s laughter still echoing in his ears.

Hack Writer
2010-01-15, 03:01 PM
er, do we even have horses? I didn't actually buy one - did the rest of you? I'm assuming we're travelling by foot until Xiao says otherwise. Also, did we leave at night or the next morning? I'll wait for the GM before posting

2010-01-15, 03:05 PM
Well I assumed that there are some horses we can rent.:smallbiggrin:
I hope that they won't poof all of a sudden:smallwink:

2010-01-15, 03:07 PM
They're plot horses...

A wizard made them.

2010-01-15, 03:42 PM
Upon leaving the Inn, still during nighttime, the Sentinels, led by Corretha, headed towards the City Guard, where Corretha managed to borrow four horses to aid them in their journey towards Sudor, on the condition that they were to return the horses, as those were the scout’s and messenger’s fastest horses.

And so, they rode southward as fast as the horses were able to, and if anyone were near the road that night they wouldn’t have seen more than four shadows galloping as fast as some of the horses bred westward by the Redcurrent.

During their journey, Lafean rode ahead, piercing what little he could of the darkness with his green eyes. He wasn’t able to see much as it wasn’t the brightest of the nights. Nevertheless, he managed to lead them without getting lost, and soon (thanks to the horses’ speed) they had reached the foothills of the Kebrid Pass when the first lights of dawn broke the darkness to the east. There, Lafean quickly was able gather some rather tasty fruit for the group, and they ate quickly

Heading east soon took the Sentinels to the outskirts of Sudor, a small town surrounded by a rather damaged (only on the south side, which is barely visible for those approaching from the west) wooden palisade, with one entrance pointing northward, the town partially entered into the sea, supported by wooden and metallic pillars that gave it the necessary stability to stay afloat.

The northern gate was open, and, even from afar, you could see that the town’s buildings were somewhat damaged, and not a single soul was to be seen.

2010-01-15, 03:50 PM
I head into the town holding the elf out in front of me like a divining rod because she can see at night.

Deciding that hanging around outside won't fix anything, Mallias spurs his horse onwards towards the town.

2010-01-15, 03:53 PM
It looks... deserted.
Lafean went a bit closer - searching for a sign of life. It was impossible that everyone just disappeared. He had a feeling in the guts that something is out of the picture. He just couldn't say what.

Hack Writer
2010-01-15, 04:01 PM
It looks... deserted.
Lafean went a bit closer - searching for a sign of life. It was impossible that everyone just disappeared. He had a feeling in the guts that something is out of the picture. He just couldn't say what.

Urlandro nodded in agreement, his eyes trained on the small huddle of houses before them. "Were they taken, you think? But surely they would be some sort of struggle!" His green eyes sought to discern some sign of life in the village.

2010-01-15, 04:02 PM
Mallias looks around town, trying to find anyone still alive.

[roll0]Spot [roll1]Listen

2010-01-15, 04:04 PM
Lafean decided to investigate the abondoned houses - maybe there'll be some clue of the villigers whereabouts?


2010-01-15, 04:12 PM
[OOC: @Characters looking around/searching]
Are you going INSIDE the town?

2010-01-15, 04:16 PM
Hmmm I believe we do. We won't do anything good outside:smallsmile:. We approach the town via the gate. But we are on our guard:smallamused: Unless anyone have a different idea?
What time is it?

2010-01-15, 04:17 PM
I have been inside for two posts now. I use two power points to cast vigor on myself and shout Hello, anybody home?

2010-01-15, 06:35 PM
Corretha casts Mage Armor on herself as she passes through the gate.

Stat Block:Corretha Caelara (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=33688) Female CG Fire Elf
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 10/10
AC 14 (+4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 10
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
Base Attack Bonus +1
Masterwork Longbow +6 Attack (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8 (x3)
No Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Senses Spot: +1; Listen: +1; Search: +6
Location Sudor

Spells Memorized
Level 0
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist

Level 1
Color Spray
Enlarge Person - Bonus
Grease - Specialist
Hail of Stone - Specialist
Mage Armor - Specialist

2010-01-15, 08:30 PM
Armed with 10 temporary hit points Mallias heads towards the part of the town that is built on the water.
Mallias Sennin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178741)
Male L Human Psion, Level 2, Init +2, HP 22/22, DR --, Speed 30'
AC 12, Touch 12, Flat-footed 10, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7, Base Attack Bonus 1 /4
Masterwork Light Crossbow (20 bolts) 4 (1d6, 19-20/x2)
(+2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition None

2010-01-15, 08:45 PM
Seeing Mallias heading off, Corretha follows.

Stat Block:Corretha Caelara (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=33688) Female CG Fire Elf
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 10/10
AC 18 (+4 Dex; +4 Armor), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
Base Attack Bonus +1
Masterwork Longbow +6 Attack (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8 (x3)
No Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition/Effects Mage Armor (2 hrs)
Senses Spot: +1; Listen: +1; Search: +6
Location Sudor

Spells Memorized
Level 0
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist

Level 1
Color Spray
Enlarge Person - Bonus
Grease - Specialist
Hail of Stone - Specialist
Mage Armor - Specialist

2010-01-15, 09:25 PM
As you enter the town proper, you notice that it is rather empty, not a single soul was seen from the gates to the quarter above the sea level. As you walk by several scorched spots are to be seen everywhere; from rooftops, to windows, to doors, walls and even the ground bares a faint trail of ash which ends ways before you even reach the floating quarter.

However, the trail, sort of speak, is literally cold by now. No pirates, no bandits; nothing.

The docks, much like the rest of the town, are as empty as a goblin’s head, as the old Ellinakan saying goes.

Checks results sent through PMs. And keep OOC to the [OOC] spoilered tags or the OOC thread.

2010-01-15, 09:38 PM
Corretha, getting frustrated at finding nothing at all in the town, heads to the center of town and casts Silent Image, creating the brightest light she possibly can and sending it straight up in the air to the very limit of the spells range (480 ft).

She maintains this light for a minute or two and then changes it into words 30 ft wide. The words read in common as "You are safe now. Come to the center of town."

She cycles the message for another few minutes before letting the spell end.

[OOC]To be more clear, after I am done with the bright light I create the words one by one, each 30 ft wide (the max width I can do at this level).

2010-01-15, 11:49 PM
Mallias heads back to the town center and bums around.

2010-01-16, 01:46 AM
The scorchings aren't random. Said Lafean to the party after he returned to the town centre.

Indeed it turned out that the scorchings all end up on a small hole near the southern gate. It looked like a track and it was enough for the scout to lead the party to that point. The bandits didn't clean up after themselfs properly - and that should work in party's favor.

Lafean carefully came closer to the hole, knelt before it and started the examination.



Lafean Kaenndar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178588) Male CG Human
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 20/20
AC 18 (+4 Armor; +4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Saves Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2
Base Attack Bonus +1
Composite Longbow (+2 Str) +7 (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8+2 (x3)
Masterwork Chain Shirt +4 Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 4
Condition/Effects None
Senses Spot: +7; Listen: +7; Search: +9
Location Sudor

2010-01-16, 01:37 PM
The message left by Corretha doesn’t seem to attract anyone except for Mallias, who returns to the town square area after inspecting the tracks. There he meets Corretha and Urlandro, while Lafean heads towards the southern gate to inspect the scorching marks.

Nothing changes, so far. The houses, now clearly empty, had most of the furniture taken away, as well as any food supply. Not a single person or body is to be seen around the town.

2010-01-16, 01:45 PM
Lafean called the rest of the party to the hole in the southern part of town. He then pointed at the few teeth laying on the ground nearby. Lafean suspected what creature could have left these teeth but he had to be sure. He lifted one of them and examined it.

Careful, the hole is deep. He warned the rest when they came to him.

Lafean smelled the tooth - he was almost sure that it smelled like sulfur.


2010-01-16, 01:48 PM
We could be getting a mountain of gold right now, Corretha thought to herself.

Corretha, frustrated by the lack of... anything, follows Lefean. Maybe he'd find something finally. Hes pretty good at that, after all.

2010-01-16, 02:18 PM
"Whats that you got there, Lefean?"

Corretha waits for Lefean to hand the tooth to her and then examines it herself. She then focuses her attention on the hole.

"What is this from, you think?"

I'll roll all applicable Knowledges. (Yes, I have ranks in all of them :smallbiggrin:)


2010-01-16, 02:25 PM
I'm not sure...The size of the hole and teeth matches an adult hound though...

Lafean didn't want to make any statement before he was 100% sure.

The animal is not natural - that's for sure
Lafean looked at the wizard silently asking if he learnt anything more.

2010-01-16, 05:21 PM
After examining the tooth, Corretha said "Well, Lefean, you're right about it not being natural. I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it's from though."

Corretha pockets the tooth and points to the hole. "I say we send Mallias in first," she said, trying to get a rise out of their too-solemn scout.

2010-01-16, 08:53 PM
Not sure how much time has passed, so vigor may have run out. If its still on Mallias agrees to go down the hole.

Anyone got a rope?

2010-01-17, 01:52 AM
Lafean took his rope and tied up himself around his waist. This way Mallias will be secured and the party will be able to pull him up easily.

Lafean stepped at the edge of the hole grabbed the rope and nodded to Mallias. He was ready.

First of all - Goon keep the OOC banter in the OOC (or at least around spoilers)

@Xiao: I'm not sure if you'll require it but in any case - [roll0]

2010-01-17, 07:15 AM
Mallias holds on to the rope and begins to go down

If this rope doesn't hold, someone smack Lafean for me

Hack Writer
2010-01-17, 07:27 AM
Urlandro stayed the young ranger's advance with a gentle touch on his shoulder. "No. I should go, I think." He discarded his heavy flail and dropped his shield. Rummaging in his backpack for a moment, he withdrew an arm-length piece of withered wood, etched in enigmatic runes of a mildly magical nature - an ever burning torch. "There, that should be enough."

He waited for the others in interject.

I'll leave all my gear except the following: Ever burning Torch, Thunderstones [2], half plate, morning star because of the potential limitations of the hole. That is, of course, if I even fit!

2010-01-17, 07:38 AM
Lafean nodded slowly - Urlando will turn out to be a bigger weight but the scout should hold him either way.
Anyway the hole wasn't vertical per se so the paladin should be able to crawl in it on his own strength.
Lafean changed the ties and they were ready to go.

2010-01-18, 04:23 AM
Slowly, but surely, Urlando was able to crawl through the tunnel. Fortunately, whatever made that hole made it big enough so that even on his full set of half-plate Urlando was able to crawl through without much difficulty other than crawling through a sandy hole littered with scorched earth and even some scorched roots at some points.

For a good while the paladin crawled, and crawled, and crawled, until, eventually, the rope tightened and the crawling stopped.

Your character's Vigor has been gone for a while now, Goon.

A little pause during the weeked because I needed me sum rest to do sum stuff.

Game on

2010-01-18, 07:00 AM
Mallias begins to go down after Urlandro

I said 4 posts ago that I was going down the rope, not sure why Urlando is, but oh well
I guess losing vigor's not a big deal, Urlandro is the only person in the party with more health than me.

2010-01-18, 07:40 AM
Corretha waited for a second after Mallias headed in then followed.

A mysterious hole in the ground, seemingly made by some sort of fire creature large enough that I can crawl through the hole myself with relative ease. Nope, nothing could go wrong by going in here, Corretha thought to herself. Nothing at all.

[OOC]Goon, we let Urlandro go in because of his mantle requirement. We talked about it a little in the OOC thread.Corretha Caelara (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=33688) Female CG Fire Elf
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 10/10
AC 18 (+4 Dex; +4 Armor), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
Base Attack Bonus +1
Masterwork Longbow +6 Attack (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8 (x3)
No Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Condition/Effects Mage Armor (2 hrs)
Senses Spot: +1; Listen: +1; Search: +6
Location In a hole, trying to ignore Mallias' large rear end in front of her.

Spells Memorized
Level 0
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist

Level 1
Color Spray
Enlarge Person - Bonus
Grease - Specialist
Hail of Stone - Specialist
[S]Mage Armor - Specialist

Hack Writer
2010-01-18, 07:43 AM
@Goon: sorry about that mate, the frenetic nature of the posting sort of overtook things. With Urlandro being the better armoured - and his mantle requiring him to always put himself in danger's way first - it seemed the natural choice,. Sorry for the mix up mate, I guess we're both in a hole now!

With a minor word of power, Urlandro roused the magic of the everburning torch into life. the darkness fled before the wan glow of the torch.

Urlandro toyed with the idea of removing the rope entirely and continuing on down the dank tunnel alone, but erred against it. Wisdom suggested that he should turn back. He silently chided himself for not bringing the spare rope; with both ropes to hand he could lash the tow together and continue on.

He took a moment out to survey his surroundings, pondering his next move.

Spot check, Xiao. Urlandro is looking for the following specific things: scorch marks, claw marks or any signs of how the tunnel was constructed, blood or trails of clothing.

Spot: [roll0]

2010-01-18, 09:04 AM
As Urlandro tries to return, after quickly inspecting the area, he meets with Mallias who is followed closely by Corretha, since both Sentinels made their way downwards into the hole after a while.

Now, the scorch-mark filled hole has three of the sentinels lined up just before the turn the tunnel takes towards the southwest (when it stops going diagonally downwards and instead becomes an almost perfect horizontal tunnel), while Lafean, above the hole, holds onto the rope that ties the paladin.

Check results sent.

2010-01-18, 10:06 AM
Corretha sees the rope go taut for a second. Before too long, she sees Urlandro coming back, despite Mallias' large rear end in front of her.

"You run out of rope, Urlandro? We may as well go get Lefean and press on. That town is empty and this is our only lead."

2010-01-18, 10:22 AM
Is the hole on enough of an angle that I won't fall without a rope?

2010-01-18, 10:23 AM
Seeing as rest of the Sentinels wen down the hole Lafean decided to go as well. There were nothing to be done here either way.
He took a second to tie the horses to one of the buildings - they were to be returned to the city watch after all.
Next he took the belongings of Urlando and went down to the rest of the party.
Soon he noticed the light - Urlando's torch.

Your equipment. The Scout said passing it to the paladin.

Lafean rejoined the party and took a look around the tunnel.

Damn I'll roll for spot in the OOC


Lafean Kaenndar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178588) Male CG Human
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 20/20
AC 18 (+4 Armor; +4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Saves Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2
Base Attack Bonus +1
Composite Longbow (+2 Str) +7 (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8+2 (x3)
Masterwork Chain Shirt +4 Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 4
Condition/Effects None
Senses Spot: +7; Listen: +7; Search: +9
Location Tunnel under Sudor

Hack Writer
2010-01-18, 10:59 AM
With Urlandro at the fore, the party were now all assembled in the tunnel. It seemed an odd situation to be in - the four of them huddled so tightly together like this. But there was nothing else for it; the tenebrous hole beckoned them onwards.
"Perhaps we should trail the rope behind us as we go? If the tunnel branches further ahead, it might help to mark our path."

2010-01-18, 11:05 AM
Don't you worry about that, Urlandro. I've got a bunch of chalk in my pack for just such an occurrence. Let's press on for now.

2010-01-18, 11:11 AM
The rope was only 50 feet long either way so it woudn't be of any use in the long run.

2010-01-19, 05:01 AM
The Sentinels continued on their journey through the tunnel, which ended up going for a bit under one mile when it finally started heading upwards diagonally.

Urlandro, Mallias, Corretha and Lafean. One by one the Sentinels crawled out of the hole, now with a good dose of dirt on their hairs, clothes and armor.

After crawling out, you can see that the town view is now shielded by some of the smaller foothills of the Kebrid Pass, while one hill shields you from the east, another one does the same from the south, another one from the north, and, to the west, you see in the distance the Kebrid Pass itself.

On the surface, the hole seems to end in a small grassy area with no trees. The area immediately surrounding the hole’s mouth has its grass burned out.

2010-01-19, 05:19 AM
Corretha takes a second to enjoy the fresh air for a moment before beginning to look for some clue as to how to proceed.


2010-01-19, 06:13 AM
Lafean took a deep breath. He conteplated the view in silence - it was far better then dark tunnel and rears of the Sentinels.

Then the ranger took a second to look around. The grass was burned and there were no trees. Whole place felt unnatural somehow.

Lafean knelt to touch the wierd substance on the ground. Unfortunately he couldn't identify it.

When he looked up something cought his attention. Shallow, almost unnoticable lines, as if something was dragged, started from the hole and went west.

This way.
Lafean stood up and pointed the direction. They were closer with every step. Unfortunately the nature of the mysterious creatures was still a secret.


Lafean Kaenndar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178588) Male CG Human
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 20/20
AC 18 (+4 Armor; +4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Saves Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2
Base Attack Bonus +1
Composite Longbow (+2 Str) +7 (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8+2 (x3)
Masterwork Chain Shirt +4 Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 4
Condition/Effects None
Senses Spot: +7; Listen: +7; Search: +9
Location Near Sudor

Hack Writer
2010-01-19, 06:16 AM
Hauling his armoured frame out of the low hole, Urlandro smothered the energy of the everburning torch with a small brass cap, before placing the torch back into his backpack.

The cool air of the open sky was a merciful relief after the ardours of the musky tunnel. He took a moment to ready his equipment again; the familiar weight of his heavy flail and steel shield was comforting.

looking for any signs of where the trail leads from here.

2010-01-19, 06:26 AM
Corretha was puzzled by the scorching of the earth. As far as she knew, there were no animals capable of doing this who lived in Kebrid Pass. Corretha couldn't think of a creature in all of Ellinak who could do this.

There were old legends, of course, speaking of mythic creatures that had bodies covered in bright red permanent fire. Corretha put that thought to rest quickly, however. Surely she was just being nonsensical.

Corretha followed the scout, bow in hand, silently trying figure out what they were following.

Hack Writer
2010-01-19, 06:32 AM
Urlandro was at his companions' side, matching their stride as the party proceeded to following the enigmatic trail left by their elusive adversary. His felt a thrill of expectancy ripple through his body; his muscles tightened by degrees, he gripped his shield firmly.

2010-01-19, 10:13 AM
Slightly annoyed that they had been ready for an attack so long and still the only things moving were his group, Mallias sighed and followed after his friends.

2010-01-19, 11:25 AM
Led by their expert tracker, the Sentinels followed the trail left behind by the enigmatic creature that dug the hole that led the group from the empty Sudor towards Kebrid Pass.

The trail climbed, westward, the hills of Kebrid Pass. Eventually, you reached a point where the grassy landscape had its majesty taken away by trees, which grew taller and taller as you moved westward. The trees were far from each other, allowing the cool hilly wind that blew from the sea to reach the Sentinels. And with the breeze, the sight of Sudor, far to the east and below, came to them, showing just how far up they were.

After a couple miles the Sentinels reached a point where this hill revealed to be, in fact, one of the small mountains located a few days away from the tall Kebrid Pass itself.

While the tracks continued climbing towards this mountain peak (further to the north) the cliff to the west revealed a strange sight:

Deep below (a direct drop of nearly three thousand feet) in a chasm, you can see a hill, covered by small wooden figures, surrounded by small constructions (seemingly made out of stone, judging by the gray color). Further to the north of the hill you can see a few crop fields, where creatures (exactly what kind is unknown, given the distance) are constantly moving.

2010-01-19, 11:37 AM
Lafean was breathing deeply, enjoying the fresh air.
He was leading the party in silence but stopped when he noticed the commotion far down. He got closer to the edge.
Lafean was looking for any details about the creatures or the wierd constructions. Something that could help the Sentinels interprate who exactly is living down there.



Lafean Kaenndar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178588) Male CG Human
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 20/20
AC 18 (+4 Armor; +4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Saves Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2
Base Attack Bonus +1
Composite Longbow (+2 Str) +7 (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8+2 (x3)
Masterwork Chain Shirt +4 Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 4
Condition/Effects None
Senses Spot: +7; Listen: +7; Search: +9
Location Near Sudor

2010-01-19, 12:00 PM
While Lefean is busy trying to identify the creatures, Corretha begins looking at the landscape around the encampment. Specifically, she is trying to figure out how the creatures get in and out of their home and how they party can get down.

A couple of rolls because I don't know what will be relevant.


2010-01-19, 03:14 PM
Lafean turned back with a shrug of shoulders.
Unfortunately it was too far to identify anything relevant. Maybe besides the fact that there were humanoids down the chasm, nothing more.

The Scout stepped back to the tracks, ready to return to their main goal as soon as the party decides so.


Lafean Kaenndar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178588) Male CG Human
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 20/20
AC 18 (+4 Armor; +4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Saves Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2
Base Attack Bonus +1
Composite Longbow (+2 Str) +7 (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8+2 (x3)
Masterwork Chain Shirt +4 Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 4
Condition/Effects None
Senses Spot: +7; Listen: +7; Search: +9
Location Near Sudor

2010-01-19, 03:46 PM
Corretha studies the landscape carefully. Not far from where they are she notices a way they could climb down that would be easier then most.

"If you guys are up for it, we can climb down right there relatively easily." she says, pointing out the path.

2010-01-19, 08:59 PM
I'll follow your lead Mallias said to Lafean.

2010-01-20, 01:27 AM
I could sprint up the mountain for a reconnaissance.
Lafean proposed it because he could climb the mountain way faster than with the rest of the party walking after him.

What do you think?

Hack Writer
2010-01-20, 06:41 AM
Urlandro nodded at the ranger's suggestion. "A good plan, Lafean. Forewarned is forearmed, after all."

Urlandro was keen to test his steel against the mysterious horror that plagued the populace of the small port town. But he was shrewd enough to know the value of information; the ranger was adept as any at winnowing it out.

He turned to Corretha and the pale psion Mallias.

2010-01-20, 08:36 AM
Indeed. Learn what you can, Lefean. But lets not waste all our daylight.

2010-01-20, 08:49 AM
Lafean nods with agreement and move up the hill.
He moves as fast as he can without loosing the track. He's also aware that there can be hostile activity nearby. His keen senses focused on the road ahead.


If I encounter anything unusual:


2010-01-20, 09:49 AM
I say we keep moving up the track after him as quickly as we can, I don't want a repeat of the incident at the graves, but if such a situation does occur I'd like to repeat the part where our timely arrival keeps him alive

Hack Writer
2010-01-20, 10:43 AM
Urlandro let out a short, jovial bark of laughter at Mallias’s cautious words, clasping the scholar’s slender shoulder firmly with one gloved hand. “Oh, don’t worry, Mallias. Really, what’re the chances of that happening again?”

He continued to smile as the cynical scholar’s stony stare bore into him...

2010-01-20, 04:22 PM
The leaves rustled; a cold breeze moved gently between the Sentinels as they waited for Lafean’s return from his reconnaissance mission that took him to the mountain’s summit.

2010-01-21, 08:12 AM
Not much time had past since Lafean went to the summit. Soon the Sentinels could see him walking down the road. They gathered around the scout to hear what he had learnt.

I encountered the creature. He started. As a proof he had shown the burnt fragment of his cloak.
reptile, size of an overgrown dog, slender and covered with scales. Lafean was listing the creature's characteristics methodically, one by one.
It had four legs and two orange tendrils on its back. Unfortunatelly I wasn't able to identify it.

Lafean then knelt and took a small stick. He started to draw a scheme of how the creature was fighting. It started by a surprise attack, appearing out of the ground.
We must be careful, it is very quiet.
Then it charged towards the scout trying to bite him, it's teeth covered in fire.

Lafean then mimicked the creature's shriek, hoping that someone from the party will be able to identify it.

There's another hole at the summit, probably leading to an underground maze.

Lafean finished his report and sat on one of the rocks waiting for party's reactions and thoughts.

2010-01-21, 09:19 AM
Corretha listens to Lefean talk about the details of the creature carefully, trying to figure out what it is.

This is whatever knowledge matters. Nature, the planes, whatever. If the knowledge that matters is Arcana, add +4.

2010-01-21, 10:05 AM
The results were sent. IC updated

2010-01-21, 10:21 AM
Corretha was stumped. The creature seemed similar to the creature of legend she had thought of before, but there were differences too. This creature was black, snakelike, dwells underground and had an extra pair of limbs.

"Well, let's press on, I guess. Whos ready to climb into another hole?"

Hack Writer
2010-01-21, 03:07 PM
Urlandro, pensive and silent, listened to the Ranger's description of the beast. He smashed his clenched right fist into the open palm of his left hand, conviction evident in his broad face.

The brash, reckless aspect of his character warred against his conscious prudent self; the half that liked to think things through, to approach a challenge methodically and cautiously.

"Aye," He said after Corretha spoke, "I'll climb down a hundred holes if it means an end to this mystery and the safe return of the villagers. Let's go."

For the moment at least, rashness seemed to prevail.

2010-01-21, 03:26 PM
Lafean stood up from the rock and took the lead. He was determined to discover the mystery of the creature as well as the disappearance of the villigers. He was surprised that even Corretha's wide knowledge didn't suffice to learn the creature's origin.

The ranger knew the way... at least above ground.

2010-01-22, 03:12 PM
Upon reaching the summit, the cold breeze blew once more, as there were fewer trees up in the peak than there were during the previous areas. From there, you could get a clear view of small houses and part of a town advancing into the sea; Sudor, a bit more to the south, and then to the west, very close to the smaller hills that sat at the foot of this mountain.

The summit also reveals two holes. One of those holes, far smaller than the other, is as large as the one that led you from Sudor; it went straight downwards, and had a broken arrow shaft near the entrance. The second hole, on the other hand, was far wider (wide enough so that man could open his arms to touch both sides of the corridor), tall (so an average human could walk standing up without much difficulty), and had been dug diagonally down and northwards.

The trails, which had led the scout previously to the summit, continued towards the larger hole, whence a putrid smell exhaled.

[If the Sentinels decide to explore the larger tunnel]
Should the Sentinels choose to explore the tunnel, they will realize that, after about sixty feet, the tunnel turns to the west, and quickly turns after about ten feet, once more, downwards, in another “natural staircase” for a bit over one hundred feet.

At this point the air gets hotter, perhaps it is just the fact that you are about a hundred feet below the earth, and the cold breeze is far gone, or perhaps it is something else.

The putrid smell is always there, growing more and more intense as you go down, until it reaches a point where if it got any stronger, it could probably knock you out. It is at this time that you reach a tainted chamber (about 50x50). On the opposite side of the room another doorway seems to continue leading downwards. Littering the ground, several dead bodies. Some half maimed, some half eaten. But all had reached the status of rotten.

Sorry about the wall of text. If it is confusing, let me know and I'll clear anything up

2010-01-22, 03:27 PM
Lafean picked up the part of the arrow. Unfortunately loss of ammunition is inevitable. He tossed the shaft - it won't be useful anyway.

Ranger went into the tunnel, confident that the Sentinels will be able to defeat those mystic creatures. After all he alone was able to scare of one of them.

The tunnel proved to be tiring; it was getting hotter, the air was dry. Soon the smell was getting into the scout as well. The wound on his face re-opened, probably becouse of the temperature. It started to hurt, fortunately the pain wasn't severe.

When the party arrived to the body-filled chamber, Lafean made a quick search.


2010-01-22, 03:27 PM
"Boccob help us, what happened here?" Corretha says upon seeing the carnage.

"This is bad news."

Corretha tries to deduce what has eaten the bodies, examining the bite patterns and teeth marks.


Hack Writer
2010-01-23, 11:17 AM
The wanton slaughter gnawed at the paladin’s sense of propriety as much as the miasma of rot gnawed at his sense of smell. “This place is an abattoir.”

He stalked into the gore-splattered grotto, defiant and heedless, biding the culprits of such indiscriminate carnage make themselves know.

“Whatever these creatures are, their crimes demand remuneration. By Goldendorin, I swear –“ The paladin broke off mid-sentence, his eyes focusing on a spot amidst the mound of mouldering corpses in the corner of the room.

Something…shifted, listless and sluggishly; an arm reached out from a pile of broken bodies in the northern corner of the room and clawed the empty air pitifully. At once Urlandro was upon it, stalking forward without thought to the danger. A second mound of bodies in the south corner similarly stirred.

“I think are are people still alive in here. Don’t worry, you’re safe; we’re friends!”

2010-01-23, 11:22 AM
Lafean was far less reckless than the noble Paladin. Ranger wanted to aid those poor people as much as Urlando did but he knew that such action could prove to be fatal.

Instead he decided to cover Urlando in case anything dangerous appeared.

ready action - shoot at any hostile activity near Urlando.

2010-01-23, 11:27 AM
Corretha noticed the very same movement.

Upon Urlandro moving forward Corretha cried out "Urlandro! Be on your guard!"

With these words her hand moved to her bow, ready to react the moment there was trouble of any sort.

[OOC]Ready action to fire an arrow if there is any hostile action

Hack Writer
2010-01-23, 11:49 AM
Urlandro acknowledged his companions’ cautious words with a raise of his hands. He stalked towards the pile of bodies against the north wall, eyes intent on the vague rustle of limbs.

Spot check, Xiao. Urlandro has his heavy flail and spiked shield ready – just in case! He’ll walk towards the corpse on the northern wall and start to pull the bodies aside – unless he finds something suspicious!

2010-01-23, 04:51 PM
As Urlandro starts pulling one of the bodies, the others start sinking into the very ground. Once a few of them have disappeared, a hole, just next to the rotting corpses that shifted, is revealed. It is very similar, in size and direction, to the one you left behind atop the mountain.

On the other side of the room, eventually, the same thing happens, and a few dead bodies sink into the ground; another hole.

2010-01-23, 05:02 PM
Watch out. Probably there are creatures under those bodies.
Lafean stood still aiming at the disappearing bodies. He was seeing Urlando off as he was getting closer to the bodies and holes.

ready action - shoot at hostiles


Lafean Kaenndar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=178588) Male CG Human
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 20/20
AC 18 (+4 Armor; +4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 14
Saves Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +2
Base Attack Bonus +1
Composite Longbow (+2 Str) +7 (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8+2 (x3)
Masterwork Chain Shirt +4 Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 4
Condition/Effects None
Senses Spot: +7; Listen: +7; Search: +9
Location Underground maze

Hack Writer
2010-01-24, 07:12 AM
Urlandro peered into the crepuscular darkness of the newly revealed hole. A hot, stagnant odour of putrefied flesh rose from its shadowy depths, causing the knight to wrinkle his nose in displeasure.

“Another hole!” He declared, obviously exasperated. He was hoping for an opportunity to at last confront the heinous culprits of this terrible crime. Instead, he was forced to stay his righteous impulses a while longer.“ Gildendorin’s bones! These tunnels coil like the bowels of a thunder giant!”

How deep does the hole go, Xiao? Is it dark in there?

2010-01-24, 08:53 AM
How deep does the hole go, Xiao? Is it dark in there?
Quite dark in there, and if you poke the hole with your sword (arm fully inside the hole) you won't reach the end of it.

2010-01-24, 09:41 AM
Mallias edges closer to the hole, peering in but carefully staying away from any corpses, eyes darting around the room in worry. Something had moved near those corpses, and just because a body had moved didn't necessarily mean it was alive...

Hack Writer
2010-01-25, 05:21 PM
Ulrlandro reached into his backpack and withdrew his Everburning Torch once more, removing the brass cap suppressing its magical flame. A plume of light blossomed into existence, and Urlandro cast the torch into the hole in order to gain a better idea of what lurked within.

2010-01-26, 04:42 AM
Ulrlandro reached into his backpack and withdrew his Everburning Torch once more, removing the brass cap suppressing its magical flame. A plume of light blossomed into existence, and Urlandro cast the torch into the hole in order to gain a better idea of what lurked within.

Hum, you are throwing the everburning torch into the hole?

The corpses stood as dead as they were; and not of the "un" variant.

It took a few minutes, but as Urlandro was inspecting the holes, considering how to proceed next, the very floor beneath you rocked; an echo of a foul and bestial roar reached you, first through the small holes, and then from the large doorway on the other side of the room. This was no ordinary beast.

The ground started to tremble once more. Except that this time, there was no roar.

2010-01-26, 05:53 AM
Lafean lossened the bow string. The creature was lurking deeper in the ground. There was no time to waste. Scout led the party futher down carefully looking for any movement.


2010-01-26, 10:03 AM
The tunnels go deep into the mountain, twisting and turning every few hundred feet, with only another small room like the first one (also filled with dead bodies) about fifty feet after leaving the first room.

You can hear the roar growing louder and louder further below. The creature's roar seems so strong that you can swear that the ground and walls seem to be shaking.

2010-01-26, 10:30 AM
Mallias hastily follows the scout, weaving and slowing himself down to avoid touching any bodies.

2010-01-26, 02:08 PM
Corretha follows, bow in hand, trying to identify the roar they heard.



Fine, fine, its Knowledge: Nature :smallannoyed:

Hack Writer
2010-01-27, 06:51 AM
With the earth trembling beneath his feet, Urlandro abandoned his search of the corpse-clogged hole, heavy flail ready, a righteous glimmer in his eye..
"so the beast stirs does he? Good, we'll teach him a lesson he won't soon forget!"

Urlandro raced off after his companions.

2010-01-27, 07:02 AM
The roar of the beast sounded familiar - Lafean has heard it before. The creature he had encountered on the surface shrieked similarly. This sound however was more... potent, powerful.
The team adanced, their grips on the weapons.

2010-01-27, 04:11 PM
Step after step taken towards the roots of the mountain, made you feel as if the creature’s roar lingered, even though it had stopped for a while, and there was no sign of any creature. At least not until then.

After a few more turns you reached a hall larger than both previous rooms. It was carved into the very stone by crude means; it was a little more than a natural cavern.
You entered it from the east, and the hall extended south and westward. The ground, much like the rest of this place, was made out of light-gray stones and dirt. It was fairly tall, and on the northern corner a disgusting view. Three reptilian creatures were feasting on dead bodies, and judging by the lack of putrid odor, they were not dead for as long as the other bodies in the cave. The disturbing noise of strong maws feasting on human flesh endured, as the creatures did not seem to notice you.

Soon, the reason why the smaller, hound-sized, reptilian creatures did not bother with your presence made itself known. After a small vibration, and dirt falling from the ceiling in the middle of the room (around thirty feet from you), you noticed a fairly large hole up there, large enough that a cow could go through with ease, if cows flew.


And soon, a larger version of the reptilian creatures dropped down from the ceiling with its feral jaws opened.


Reference Map

{table=head]Initiative Order

A crude map just for reference.

Strange gray-outlined-thing: A small (thigh high) dirt mount; Difficult terrain.
Orange spot: Larger reptilian;
Smaller dots: Reptilian;
Green zone: Sentinels’ starting area.

Rock on!

2010-01-27, 04:30 PM
As soon as the creature appeared, Lafean was ready. He knelt on one knee - this way his aim was steadier, and hopefully deadly. Seconds later the scout released an air-cutting arrow towards the bigger creature.

Attack on the bigger reptile - I'm pretty sure that I'm 30' from the creature - if not take one from attack and damage.

2010-01-27, 04:48 PM
Corretha casts Hail of Stone, using her gloves power to strengthen the effect.

Gloves have one charge remaining.

Stats: Corretha Caelara (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=33688) Female CG Fire Elf
Level 2, Init +4, Speed 30ft
HP 10/10
AC 14 (+4 Dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 10
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
Base Attack Bonus +1
Masterwork Longbow +6 Attack (+4 Dex; +1 BAB; +1 MW) 1d8 (x3)
No Armor
No Shield
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Senses Spot: +1; Listen: +1; Search: +6
Location Sudor

Spells Memorized

Level 0
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Acid Splash
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist
Caltrops - Specialist

Level 1
Color Spray
Enlarge Person - Bonus
Grease - Specialist
Hail of Stone - Specialist
Mage Armor - Specialist

Hack Writer
2010-01-28, 01:31 AM
Bahamut’s blood!” Urlandro intoned, momentarily taken aback by the revelation of the reptilian menace. “Wh-what is it?”

Urlandro, more than most, was familiar with the tales of dragons in the land. He had never see one of course – few people really had. But he had been weaned on the tales of such creatures since he was a child; stories of proud, majestic beasts many meters high, resplendent in shinning scales and mantled in nobility. This things here fell well short of those stories. Its meagre wings were vestigial, its umber coloured skin lustreless and grimy. Urlandro knew they must stop it.

Shield and flail to hand, the paladin hurled himself at the beast, a warcray on his lips.


Move to try and engage the monster, Xiao. Urlandro will perform a charge attack directly at the large monster.
charge attack [roll0]

it dawned on him then; the childhood tales of the old dragons flooded back to him. “Be weary of a breath attack! Spread out if you can!

speech as a free action

Hack Writer
2010-01-28, 01:34 AM
[spoiler] oops, forgot to roll for damage! [roll0]

2010-01-28, 07:14 AM
Mallias moves to g18 and decides to try to overload the dragon's mind in an attempt to bring the biggest foe down quickly.

Mallias manifests Mind Thrust spending two power points, will save of 15 negates.
[roll0] damage if the dragon fails the throw.

2010-01-28, 03:55 PM
As the creature dropped down, with the speed of a lightning the Sentinels acted. If the general of the mightiest army in the land were to witness their action, he would be awed.

As the paladin advanced, the scout dropped down to take the best shot possible, and let loose an arrow, which struck true on the reptile's neck, making it more vulnerable for the rain of stones that the wizard conjured.

While that happened, the psion calmly walked down a few steps, opening his hands towards the reptile's head, and quickly closing it as if he was crushing it, which lead the reptile to roar in pain once more.

As it roared, the paladin finally reached, and with a short leap crushed the roaring reptile's skull, as the psion had done with its mind.

The smaller ones were so surprised, that the Sentinels were able to slay them without an effort, leaving them alone inside the cave, with four dead strange reptilian creatures, a doorway that led to where they came, and another exit near the southwestern corner of the room, which led through another series of tunnels.

Whouw, that was quick and awesome! I fast-forwarded it a bit to avoid the slugfest against the smaller ones

2010-01-28, 04:11 PM
The creature proved to be less of an enemy than he thought it will be. Unless of course that reptile wasn't the most powerful creature in these tunnels. Ranger started to doubt that the creature that they just slain was the same that roared so powerfully before. But who knows?

Lafean stowed his bow and stepped a bit further into the chamber. He decided to leave the corpse be - he didn't expect to learn anything more about the reptile - even from an autopshy.

Instead he searched the chamber - looking for anything that could give them some further clues. If he found nothing than he'd go near the southwestern exit inspecting it and waiting for the party's decision.

standard set of rolls (listen and spot for the southwestern tunnel - I'm at the entrance I'm not going any further yet)

2010-01-29, 05:05 AM
Lafean's keen eyes spotted something sparkling by one of the corpses. It turned out to be a handful (3) of red gemstones. They looked as if they were worth something - but the scout was no expert. He showed his discovery to the rest of the party, waiting for any expertise.

When the ranger went to inspect the other tunnel, he felt a delicate, cool breeze coming out from the tunnel. It was a nice distinction from the dry, fusty air of the underground complex.

I think an exit is nearby. Lafean encouraged the party to come closer and see for themselves.

2010-01-29, 06:16 AM
Mallias walked over and sampled the breeze on his hands.Are we at the right height for an exit do you think?

Hack Writer
2010-01-29, 07:48 AM
The dark blood of the slain reptiles was beginning to pool on the cavern floor. Urlandro wiped a smear of the nigrous ichor from his armoured shoulder with a distasteful expression. He signed, contented.
"We've done good work here, these beast'll not bother anyone else again. But was that all of them? What of the pirates?"

Are we at the right height for an exit do you think?

Urlandro walked over to where the Psion stood; felt the same delicate exhalation of cool air on his face. "I think so, we shouldn't be too far off now. Let's go; I doubt very much this adventure's finished with us yet."

2010-01-31, 06:17 AM
As the Sentinels[b/] continue through the tunnel, they realize that this one is a much wider tunnel, where two [b]Sentinels (or, at some points, three) are able to walk side by side.

For a while, the tunnel leads down, and you make your way still felling a cool breeze, which gets colder as you continue to move downwards. After only a few minutes, the paladin’s everburning torch reveals that there is a small puddle of water at the end of the tunnel, which ends still inside the mountain, with a second set of tunnel seemingly going upwards just after the puddle.

Water runs down on this tunnel’s ground, as it goes upwards. When you look up to the end of the tunnel, which is not far, it is clear that the sky is dark, and that the water is just a normal rain that is hitting this side of the mountain. As you finally exit the mountain, you see yourself under a cloudy sky, with an average rain dropping down from above, cleaning some of the dirt that had gotten into your hairs and armor.

This side of the mountain doesn’t face the inner part of the valley, but another of the surrounding hills, even though you can tell that the valley is to your left/west. The tunnel’s mouth is open wide a couple feet above the ground, surrounded by a light overgrowth. On the ground, just outside the tunnel, there is a trail leading northward, through some trees, and then westward.

2010-01-31, 06:54 AM
The cold rain was soothing, the air replenished Lafean's energy. Open sky was far more to the scout's liking. Even though they were walking for quite some time now, Lafean felt no fatigue - the mission was driving him on.

Lafean got to work as soon as he spotted the trail nearby. Whatever happened to the villigers, it was no simple pirate capturing. It was high time to uncover this mystery.


2010-01-31, 08:44 AM
Corretha was eager to see this through, but kept pace with the other two as the Scout searched ahead. She knew he knew what he was doing and didn't want to risk getting in the way this close to potential danger.

2010-01-31, 11:03 AM
Uneasy about what might be lurking ahead, Mallias sends his psicrystal towards Lafean.

2010-02-03, 06:41 AM
The scout slowly makes his way over the trail, stopping every now and then to check a different pattern on the soil, or maybe a branch knocked over the trail on a strange way as it follows into the small forest. The psicrystal sent by the psion eagerly follows the scout, as the wizard, the paladin and the psion wait for them back in the entrance of the cave, where they can only listen to the rain, softly hitting against the leaves and the ground, as well as the water that flows into the cave through the entrance.

2010-02-03, 07:03 AM
Our scout has found some more bodies, we'd best follow him in case whatever killed them is still there

2010-02-03, 08:01 AM
Lafean returns to the party, trying to come up with an appropriate report. When he is about to start, the scout resigns and instead tells the party to follow him so they can see for themselves.

Walk through the wet forest isn't a pleasant one. Leafes stick to skin and from time to time someone's foot get stuck in the mud. Finally they arrive - the Sentinels stand at the foot of a hill that they have spotted earlier - the one with wooden figures. Except those weren't figures.

Wooden spikes, thrice a human’s height, going through the entire body of dead humans, whose blood stain both the spikes and the soil. The party can count, from this side of the hill, at least four of those. The hill itself blocks the view of the rest of the valley.

Any thoughts? Lafean stands motionless waiting for any respond. Dead bodies did not bring any new emotions. He just wanted to strike down anyone who was responsible for the slaughter.