View Full Version : ToS: Exhibitionists: Phoenix and Claudius

2010-01-17, 02:11 AM

Arena is 30 feet tall, worked stone. Normal lighting.

Starting locations: I'll start somewhere in the top three rows, and you'll start somewhere in the bottom three.

Buff rounds: What ya looking to want for buff rounds?

Claudius Maximus
2010-01-17, 02:16 AM
All-days and at least 2. 3 sound good?

2010-01-17, 02:29 AM
3 is fine.

2010-01-17, 02:41 AM
All Day buffs:Mind Blank
Energy Immunity (Acid)
Energy Immunity (Fire)
Superior Resistance

3 Rounds:Round 1: Schism
Round 2(Schism): Activate Karma Bead
Round 2: Spell Resistance (SR 27)
Round 3: Veil of Undeath
Round 3(Schism): Still/Silent Divine Power
Free Action: Drop Haversack from my left hand, Triggering Contingent spells
Favor of the Martyr
Move: Pick up Haversack.

2010-01-17, 02:49 AM
Init: [roll0]

Claudius Maximus
2010-01-17, 02:58 AM

Scroll of Craft Magic Tattoo for +1 CL
Scroll of Superior Resistance
Inertial Armor augmented and overchanneled to a total of 15 for +1 AC. x5
Overchannel damage healed by Body Adjustment
Psionic Mind Blank x5
Share Pain on Psycrystal x5

Power Points recovered by Bestow Power shenaniganry.

Round Buffs:

Round 1: Activate Contingent Owl's Wisdom. Manifest Feat Leech on Psicrystal, gaining Twin power, Split Psionic Ray, and Practiced Manifester.

Round 2: Twinned Synchronicity. Drink Potion of Improvisation. Activate Bead of Karma. Regain Focus. Manifest Temporal Acceleration at 15 for 2 rounds' worth of actions.

TA Round 1: Drink Potion of Guidance of the Avatar.

TA Round 2: Twinned Synchronicity. Manifest Psionic Freedom of Movement. Manifest Channel Power. Regain Focus.

Round 2: Cast Scroll of Giant Size.

Round 3: Begin manifesting from Power Stone of Sardior's True Calling

Initiative: [roll0]

Starting Location:

2010-01-17, 03:03 AM
Starting location, that would be nice. A1-B2

you're up.

Claudius Maximus
2010-01-17, 03:17 AM
Finish manifesting Sardion's True Calling.

Manifest Anticipatory Strike, followed by Twinned Synchronicity. Regain focus. manifest Twinned Ego Whip, augmented and overchanneled to 45. PR is auto-defeated.



DCs are 38


Dragon has 20 charisma.

If it is unconscious, I regain psionic focus, then manifest Split Temporal Acceleration Ray on us both, augmented to 19 (23 total) for three rounds of actions.

Round 1: Eaten by Anticipatory strike.

Round 2: Start manifesting Power Stone of Fusion.

Round 3: Fusion goes off. Regain psionic focus. Twinned Synchronicity. Manifest Overload Psionic Tattoos. Manifest Crystal Body.
Turn over.

2010-01-17, 03:24 AM
Actions: Move: Remove Ring of Spell Battle from bag.
Move: Put on Ring of spell battle
Free: 5 Foot step to A2-B3
Schism: Ready Action: Anticipatory Strike if I gain LOS.


Claudius Maximus
2010-01-17, 03:29 AM
Regain Psionic Focus. Manifest Schism.

2010-01-17, 03:32 AM
My Action:Move: Draw Rod of Silent spell.
Move: to A8-B9.
Schism: Ready action - Still Silent Greater Dispel if LoS is established.

Ring of spell-battle grants me knowledge of any spellcasting within 60 feet.

EDIT: Done.

Claudius Maximus
2010-01-17, 03:39 AM
Schism manifests Dimension Door, bringing me to E3-H6.

2010-01-17, 03:47 AM
I do have a ready action, in response to LOS gain.

2010-01-17, 03:50 AM
Targeted Dispel on you. There are no indicators of any kind of this (still/Silent greater Dispel Magic), so barring Spellcaster's bane, or the like, there's no way of knowing that I'm casting until it resolves.

Will roll 20 checks, let me know if I need more.

Claudius Maximus
2010-01-17, 02:40 PM
Dispel Resolution (OO):
CL 19: Giant Size [DISPELLED]
ML 19: Offensive Prescience
ML 19: Offensive Precognition
ML 18: Animal Empathy
ML 18: Schism
ML 18: Crystal Body [DISPELLED]
ML 18: Psionic Freedom of Movement
ML 17: Force Screen [DISPELLED]
CL 17: Bead of Karma
ML 15: Fusion [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Feat Leech
ML 14: Personal Mind Blank [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Personal Mind Blank [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Personal Mind Blank [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Personal Mind Blank
ML 14: Personal Mind Blank [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Inertial Armor
ML 14: Inertial Armor [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Inertial Armor
ML 14: Inertial Armor
ML 14: Inertial Armor [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Share Pain [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Share Pain [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Share Pain [DISPELLED]
ML 14: Share Pain
ML 14: Share Pain [DISPELLED]
CL 13: Magic Tattoo for +1 CL
CL 11: Superior Resistance [DISPELLED]
CL 7: Contingent Death Ward [DISPELLED]
ML 5: Greater Concealing Amorpha [DISPELLED]
ML 5: Touchsight [DISPELLED]
ML 5: Claws of the Vampire [DISPELLED]
CL 3: Owl's Wisdom [DISPELLED]
CL 1: Contingent True Strike [DISPELLED]

2010-01-18, 01:29 AM
Wave 2:[roll0]

Claudius Maximus
2010-01-18, 10:46 AM
Alright, it's all resolved.

You see the amorphic cloud disperse, revealing a medium sized humanoid in E6 wearing a heavy cloak, a headband, and an assortment of scrolls and potions.

On his shoulder is what is clearly a Psicrystal, which glows with a soft ruby light.

Also near him (E3-G5) is a huge creature with smooth orange-tan skin and large wings. It is unconscious/not moving, but it is breathing. Knowledge (Psionics) and Knowledge (Arcana) may help identify it.

The good news is that you've dispelled a lot of what I had up.

The mind-numbingly stupid news is that Fusion, which I was trying to get banned, is already banned. :smallsigh:

If you want, we could scrap the battle on account of my illegal actions, but for now I'll just continue my turn.


Manifest Twinned Dispel Psionics.

Rolls for the first hit:


Rolls for the second hit:


Each has 20 rolls. If I need more, just let me know.

Twinned Dispel Psioncs, augmented to 10 pp.
Turn is not over.

2010-01-18, 11:16 AM
{table=header]Spell | Dispel 1 | Dispel 2 | Dispelled?
Trollshape (CL 24) | 23 | 36 | Yes
Divine Power (CL 19) | 26 | 27 | No
Spell Resistance (CL 19) | 22 | 22 | No
Veil of Undeath (CL 19) | 22 | 28 | No
Schism (ML 17) | 24 | 27 | No
Energy Immunity (Acid) (CL 15) | 23 | 39 | Yes
Energy Immunity (Fire) (CL 15) | 27 |26 | Yes
Mind Blank (CL 15) | 38 | 27 | Yes
Superior Resistance (CL 15) | 26 | 24 | Yes
Favor of the Martyr (CL 12) | 29 | 40 | Yes[/table]

Yeah, I need to shift things around. You have me this time. Looks like we both need to take our characters and tweak some things.

Claudius Maximus
2010-01-18, 11:27 AM
What do you mean by that, exactly? Are we calling off the match?

If not, I'd like to know what visible changes I see, so I might continue.

But yeah, I put a lot of resources into figuring out how to call a creature and fuse with it during the match. I'll have to change quite a bit.

If we're done, may I see your sheet? I'd like to check out your trick I keep hearing about.

2010-01-18, 11:50 AM
I mean, I've lost both Trollshape and Favor of the Martyr, have an AC around 8, and 14hp. Stick a fork in me. It's a concession.


The sheet's had a couple minor modifications since my concession. Namely, I'm completely revamping the spell list. I've replaced a couple items. And I've changed 1 feat.

The early entry's still in there, as is the trollshape defense. I made a big play error, as well as a fairly critical design error with spell selection. I should have had a bit more oomph when I encountered you.

Claudius Maximus
2010-01-18, 03:13 PM
Looking at that method... I'd prefer not to have that sort of thing running about, really. What do you propose we do about this? I'd not mind a rule forbidding PrC's from qualifying for themselves, which is what you've got here.

Restoration might not be too much of a problem, any more that Psychic Reformation at least. Inspire Greatness is more problematic, if you allow it to increase skill caps. Perhaps a rule forbidding it to do that?

2010-01-18, 07:09 PM
Looking at that method... I'd prefer not to have that sort of thing running about, really. What do you propose we do about this? I'd not mind a rule forbidding PrC's from qualifying for themselves, which is what you've got here.

Restoration might not be too much of a problem, any more that Psychic Reformation at least. Inspire Greatness is more problematic, if you allow it to increase skill caps. Perhaps a rule forbidding it to do that?

That's why it's exhibition only. It doesn't work for qualifiers. The moment I told DR about this general method, it was given the "Exhibition only, with disclosure" stamp. Which is why I told you it was exhibition only, due to early entry shenanigans.

There are few things from a class that are not lost when you fail to qualify for them. Those things are feats, BAB, and skills. That's what makes it RAW legit, though I understand the balance issue making it exhibition only.